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What’s New in Java. Leveraging Java in
Hybrid Cloud
Val Chibisov, Senior Product Manager
1.  What’s new in Java? Java 8 – Memory Model
2.  JVM-based Languages
3.  Hybrid Cloud
4.  Microservice Refactoring
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
Java 7 – Recap – Java Memory Model
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 4
Eden Survivor Survivor
Old Gen
Perm Gen

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AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...
AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...
AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) provides health insurance to over 105 million Americans through its network of 36 separate health insurance companies. It has been operating for over 80 years and is accepted by over 90% of doctors in the US. BCBSA has been mining its large healthcare data warehouse to ensure a great consumer experience while addressing an exponential increase in demand for its web services. It implemented AppDynamics to help address issues with system performance, slow response times, and increased time to resolve issues that were impacting customer satisfaction. AppDynamics helped identify inefficiencies in code and queries that were improved to enhance performance and scale capabilities to support growing demand.

How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycleHow The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle

The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle to gain visibility into their test environments and applications, set performance expectations before production deployments, and decrease performance test result reporting times. Some benefits included being able to identify testing requirements and gaps, fine tune alert policies prior to production, and getting results in 20 minutes instead of 5 hours. The presentation provided best practices around continuous monitoring, testing, and collaboration between development, operations, and business teams.

development lifecycleapplication performanceappdynamics
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...

This session will describe in detail why the World Bank chose AppDynamics for its Application Performance Management (APM) solution to align with its revamped enterprise monitoring strategy. The World Bank historically had many monitoring tools that were implemented in silos. Hear straight from this customer about the benefits of a consistent enterprise monitoring strategy in the wake of a tools consolidation. Key takeaways: o Benefits that the World Bank achieved by consolidating monitoring tools o Overall monitoring strategy and the value proposition AppDynamics allowed the World Bank to realize o Using AppDynamics every day for faster problem resolution and rapid service restoration For more information go to:

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Java 8 – Recap – Java Memory Model
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 5
Eden Survivor Survivor
Old Gen
Java 8 – PermGen Issues
•  PermGen necessary size is hard to predict
–  Results in either under-provisioning or over-provisioning
•  GC performance improvements
•  Support for advanced optimizations
–  G1 concurrent class unloading
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6
Java 8 – Metaspace Changes
•  PermGen
–  Memory space is gone
•  Metaspace memory allocation model
–  Most class metadata is now allocated out of native memory
–  No more classes which are used to describe class metadata
•  Metaspace capacity
–  Out of the box available allocation space is limited by the amount of available native
–  Dynamically resizes depending on the allocation demand at runtime
–  Possible to use a flag (-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=Y) in order to limit the amount of
native memory used for class metadata
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 7
Java 8 – Metaspace Changes Ctd
•  Metaspace garbage collection
–  Garbage collection is triggered once the class metadata usage reaches the MaxMetaspaceSize
–  Excessive Metaspace GCs may point to:
•  Memory leaks of classes
•  Memory leaks of classloaders
•  Improper allocation sizing
–  Metaspace tuning and monitoring is highly important to limit the frequency/delay of these GCs
•  Java heap space impact
–  There may be some increase of Java heap due to various data being moved to Java heap space
•  Metaspace monitoring
–  Hotspot 1.8 GC logs provide Metaspace usage
–  AppDynamics!
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 8

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1) IoT devices are becoming more common in enterprises and can impact business services and applications. 2) AppDynamics' vision is to provide an end-to-end solution to monitor all types of applications, devices, and connections from edge to cloud. 3) Problems with IoT devices and their data can originate from issues with the devices themselves or from the large volumes of data aggregated from many devices, as two customers discovered.

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2015 Automic Automation Heroes
2015 Automic Automation Heroes2015 Automic Automation Heroes
2015 Automic Automation Heroes

The document summarizes the 2015 Automation Hero Awards held by Automic World in Scottsdale, AZ. 24 candidates from around the world submitted examples of how they used Automic in innovative ways to accomplish automation feats across various industries. Community members voted on the submissions. The top 3 winners were: 3rd place went to Nir Cohen for automating Windows agent installation; 2nd place went to Rick Chen for unified scheduling of over 3,000 jobs; and 1st place went to Joel Polster for enabling self-service provisioning of full environments on-demand for testing within 20 minutes.

aw2015_usautomicautomic world 2015
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamicsComplete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics

This document discusses AppDynamics' capabilities for monitoring Docker containers: - AppDynamics provides unified monitoring of applications running in Docker containers, allowing visibility into both application and Docker metrics from a single interface. - An extension is available that collects Docker metrics using the Docker Remote API and displays them alongside application data in AppDynamics' dashboards. - A demo environment on GitHub contains an example of an application deployed in Docker containers that can be monitored end-to-end using AppDynamics.

Java 8 – Metaspace – Magic Bullet?
•  Magic Bullet?
–  Not quite
–  Memory caveats still remain
•  Requires proper monitoring and proactive remediation
–  Class metadata memory footprint
–  Class memory leaks
–  Class loader memory leaks
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 9
AppDynamics – Passive Metaspace Monitoring
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 10
AppDynamics – Proactive Metaspace Monitoring
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 11

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This deck outlines what needs to be built in terms of data extraction, analytics, and other open source technologies. Finally, we’ll also discuss commercial alternatives and what features and functions are critical when monitoring micro-services based applications. Attendees of this session will walk away with a clear understanding of: -What is changing with software, and why? -What challenges are faced with these changes? -How to overcome these challenges. This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

How Linkedin uses Automic for Big Data Processes
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How Linkedin uses Automic for Big Data Processes

This document provides an overview of LinkedIn's use of big data. It discusses how data is important for LinkedIn's products and services. It describes LinkedIn's big data ecosystem, including tools used for data ingestion (Camus, Gobblin) and scheduling workflows (Azkaban). It provides details on the types and volumes of data handled, including over 900 Kafka topics ingesting 10TB of data daily, 300+ online database tables in Hadoop totaling 8TB, and a 186TB Teradata data warehouse. Automic tools help schedule external, Hadoop, and Teradata ETL jobs.

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How Q2 eBanking Maximizes Customer Experience for a Hyper-Growth SaaS Platfor...

Q2 eBanking partners with financial institutions that want to leverage the power of virtual banking to grow accounts, increase market share, and become more influential within the communities they serve. This session will explore the challenges and importance of innovating operationally to better manage user experience in a hyper-growth SaaS platform. Review a proven decision process and goals in rolling out AppDynamics at Q2, hear experiences in automating deployments across a large and complex environment spanning hundreds of unique customers and thousands of servers, and gain insight into key wins and experiences Q2 has had since deploying AppDynamics. Key takeaways: o Automation strategies for deploying AppDynamics rapidly across a large, multi-tenant SaaS platform o Best practices for leveraging AppDynamics to increase collaboration between development and operations o Success stories and practical lessons learned in the first nine months implementing a large AppDynamics deployment For more information, go to:

as16 - technical case studiesas16 - all slidesas16 - customer presentation
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13
•  JVM-based flexible programming language
•  Rising in popularity due to its extremely flexible functional-object-
oriented approach and Java interoperability
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 14
•  Dynamic JVM-based object-oriented programming language
•  Best trait: simplicity, dynamic language
•  Superset of Java – easier to adopt
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 15
•  JVM-based programming language
•  Full access to Java toolchain
•  Real system threads
JVM-based Language Stack Monitoring
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16
•  AppDynamics enables deep monitoring and troubleshooting of JVM-
based languages!
•  Proactive alerts
•  Distributed cross-stack environment monitoring!

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PayU is a leading payment services provider with presence in 16 growth markets across the world. Its mantra within IT is "fail early, fail often and never roll back," but this is a challenge in a global environment, with cross-located development and operations teams, multiple time zones, cultures, languages, and skill sets. To solve this challenge and provide transparency to development and production teams, PayU chose the AppDynamics Application Intelligence platform. Today AppDynamics gives PayU the ability to get immediate feedback of code changes regardless of the environment or the origin of change. The solution fits perfectly with the microservice architecture and has helped with DevOps adoption in all locations. Key takeaways: o Challenges faced in monitoring microservice-based applications in a globally dispersed operation o How AppDynamics provides a single pane of glass to monitor application changes o Best practices for utilizing AppDynamics in a DevOps culture For more information, go to:

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Under the Hood: Monitoring Azure and .NET - AppSphere16
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Under the Hood: Monitoring Azure and .NET - AppSphere16

Cloud and microservices! With applications moving into these spaces, how do you monitor the platforms with performance in mind? The session will give you an under-the-hood view into the AppDynamics story for the new .NET landscape, and an end-to-end view of the Azure technologies and how we tie into it. Hear an architectural breakdown of the AppDynamics agent for Azure; the user experience design with continuous integration in mind; and the move to decouple dependency to support the Open Web Interface for .NET. Key takeaways: o How AppDynamics monitors the cloud o How to use AppDynamics to monitor the cloud o Designing for microservices o How the .NET agent is changing to decouple dependency on IIS For more information go to:

as16 - appdynamics presentationas16 - all slidesas16 - product deep dives
Public Cloud
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18
•  Mutlitenant environment
•  You own a slice of a server in a cloud environment shared by other
•  Generally used for web servers or dev systems
Public Cloud – Trade-Offs
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 19
•  Hardware Sharing
–  Meeting compliance requirements is near to impossible in a public cloud
•  Scalability
–  On-demand resource availability
•  Location independence
–  Use computing resources local to clients/users Public
Private Cloud
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 20
•  “Single-tenant” environment dedicated to a single entity such as a
client or company
•  Expanding on traditional enterprise datacenters

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AppDynamics VS New Relic – The Complete Guide

This document compares the application performance monitoring (APM) tools AppDynamics and New Relic. It discusses their supported languages and environments, key features for backend, frontend, and mobile monitoring, how each tool helps users solve errors, pricing differences, and concludes that AppDynamics is better for on-premise use while New Relic caters more to startups and smaller businesses.

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SpringOne 2021 Session Title: Preparing the Gap Inc. Ecommerce Platform for Traffic Surge During the Holiday Season Speakers: Anand Rao, Advisory Platform Architect at VMware; Ram Kesavan, Senior Director, SRE/PaaS/API Platform at Gap, Inc

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Building a System That Never Stops New Relic at Scale
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Building a System That Never Stops New Relic at Scale

In a typical day, New Relic receives half a trillion data points from our customers. All of these need to be processed, stored and made available for charts, queries and alerts as soon as possible. Getting from humble roots to querying more than a billion events a second has meant radically reinventing and re-architecting the whole platform multiple times. In this session, Matthew Flaming and Nic Benders from New Relic will take you on a deep dive into some of the lessons we've learned along the way and where we go from here. They'll touch on designing scalable services, optimizing for predictability, creating software architecture through team structure, and what it takes to (continuously) rebuild a system that can never stop.

new relicfuturestack15
Private Cloud – Trade-Offs
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 21
•  Security
–  Cloud is scoped for a single entity
–  Only such entity has access to the information in the private cloud
–  Achieving compliance is much easier
•  Resource Management
–  Manual management of computing resources
including: purchasing, housing, updating and
•  Direct Control
Hybrid Cloud
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 22
•  Combination of a Public Cloud Provider & Private Cloud Platform
•  Huge surge in the adoption in the recent years
Private Public
Hybrid Cloud
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 23
•  Allows storage and processing of privileged data and applications in
private cloud
•  Enables the use of vast computational resources of the public cloud
that relies on the sensitive data from private cloud
•  Unique benefits of “Cloud Bursting”
Private Public
Monitoring Hybrid Cloud
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 24
•  Monitoring of complex Hybrid Cloud set-ups is far from straightforward
•  Requires a solution that can trace distributed execution from private to
public cloud and vice versa
•  Identification of the root-cause becomes extremely problematic
Private Public

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The document discusses how a cloud native platform can help remove barriers between development and operations teams. It outlines key elements of such a platform including rapid provisioning, deployment, scaling, monitoring, and upgrading applications without downtime. The platform aims to enable continuous delivery and deployment through shared tools and an integrated culture between Dev and Ops.

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The document outlines the core values and principles of the Lifion development platform. It emphasizes team autonomy but alignment of goals with customers. It aims to develop production-ready services that are secure, maintainable, performant and cost-efficient. This includes designing services for simplicity, using common patterns, preventing overengineering, ensuring security and compliance, optimizing performance and monitoring costs.

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Java 8 Launch - MetaSpaces
Java 8 Launch - MetaSpacesJava 8 Launch - MetaSpaces
Java 8 Launch - MetaSpaces

This document discusses Java memory monitoring and tuning. It begins by describing the major memory regions in Java including heap, non-heap, code cache and permanent generation. It then discusses monitoring tools like JConsole and JStat. A significant portion discusses changes in Java 8 where the permanent generation was removed and replaced with metaspaces, which are more efficient and no longer cause full garbage collection pauses. The document concludes with examples of metaspace configuration options and monitoring commands.

java permgen metaspaces jdk8
AppDynamics & Hybrid Cloud
•  Distributed tracing from private cloud infrastructures all the way to the
public cloud services
•  Identify which services are causing issues down to the line number
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 25
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27
•  Big shift in modern enterprise
•  Move from monolithic architectures to groups of independently
deployable services
•  Huge surge in the adoption in recent years
Microservices vs Monolithic
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 28

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Travelport, a B2B Travel Commerce platform enterprise company, has many custom-built enterprise applications. Monitoring and the concept of Application Performance Management (APM) as a whole was not part of the company DNA. Late delivery and poor performing applications prompted Travelport to look more closely at the maturity of its development and monitoring practices and of existing solutions. The company took an ambitious effort to adopt a “new” unifying tool strategy combining APM and analytics, and overcome cultural barrier to bring development and monitoring teams close together. If you are an ecommerce enterprise with customer-facing and custom-built applications, join this session to get insights into: -Why we chose the road towards unified application monitoring strategy and overcoming common challenges most organizations wrestle with -Why log analytics weren't enough -Turning to AppDynamics Application Analytics to get real-time insights into business and performance data This deck was originally shared at AppSphere 2015.

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Five Steps to DevOps Success - Avoiding the High Cost of Downtime

Five steps to DevOps success are: 1) have complete business transaction visibility to expedite fixing app performance issues; 2) ensure readiness for exceptional customer experience in pre-production; 3) effectively collaborate across Dev, Ops, and Business teams; 4) reduce costs and risks through automated change management; and 5) unlock actionable business insights with application analytics. The document discusses each of these steps in more detail and emphasizes using application intelligence to enable collaboration and speed while maintaining quality and customer experience.

Monolithic Architecture
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29
•  Encapsulates all of the functionality in a single application
•  Traditional “Layered” approach to building systems
•  Drawbacks:
–  Agility is hindered
–  Technology stack is hard to change
–  Changes to the system requires complete rebuilding of entire
Microservices Architecture
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 30
•  Transforms a single application into a number of smaller “services”
•  Typical service exhibits the following characteristics
–  Independently deployable/upgradable
–  Encapsulates a single “smaller” functionality
–  Clear module boundary
•  Drawbacks:
–  Remote API calls can and will quickly become expensive
–  Requires re-aligning of different teams
–  Data consistency potentially needs to be actively managed
Monitoring Microservices
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 31
•  Microservices are highly distributed by nature
•  Monitoring health and performance becomes crucially important
–  API calls need to be streamlined
–  More individually moving parts = more ambiguity
–  Hard to nail down the root of the problem
Microservices & AppDynamics
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 32

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Infographic - An App is Not Enough: Capturing the Missed Opportunity

The document summarizes survey results about consumers' perceptions of retail mobile apps. 73% of respondents said a mobile app's performance would impact their view of the retailer. 68% would be discouraged from future purchases if an app or website had negative experiences. 75% would be encouraged to return to a retailer if a prompt personal apology and offer was given for technical issues preventing purchase completion via an app/website. 57% said their shopping experience would improve with an app providing store assistants details of past purchases to enable tailored in-store assistance. 53% would be encouraged to download a retail app if it promised exclusive offers, rewards and content.

How To Deliver a 5-Star Experience for IoT-Enabled Services
How To Deliver a 5-Star Experience for IoT-Enabled ServicesHow To Deliver a 5-Star Experience for IoT-Enabled Services
How To Deliver a 5-Star Experience for IoT-Enabled Services

The document discusses delivering a 5-star experience for IoT-enabled services. It provides an overview of IoT, breaks down the components of an IoT service, and discusses the challenges of understanding issues that impact customer experience when multiple third parties are involved. It argues that application intelligence solutions are needed to gain end-to-end visibility across business transactions, infrastructure, applications, databases and third parties to quickly identify and resolve issues affecting customer experience.

Infographic - The Cost of Performance Issues
Infographic - The Cost of Performance Issues Infographic - The Cost of Performance Issues
Infographic - The Cost of Performance Issues

Data center downtime costs companies significant amounts of money. On average, Fortune 500 companies experience 1.6+ hours of downtime per week, costing $896,000 just in labor costs. The total annual cost of data center downtime for the average company is over $7.9 million per year in labor costs alone. Downtime costs have increased 41% from $5,600 per minute in 2010. With average uptime of 99.9%, companies still experience almost an hour of downtime per week.

Thank You

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AppSphere 15 - What's New in Java: Leveraging Java in Hybrid Cloud

  • 1. What’s New in Java. Leveraging Java in Hybrid Cloud Val Chibisov, Senior Product Manager
  • 2. Agenda 1.  What’s new in Java? Java 8 – Memory Model 2.  JVM-based Languages 3.  Hybrid Cloud 4.  Microservice Refactoring Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
  • 4. Java 7 – Recap – Java Memory Model Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 4 Eden Survivor Survivor Old Gen Perm Gen Heap -Xmx Native Memory
  • 5. Java 8 – Recap – Java Memory Model Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 5 Eden Survivor Survivor Old Gen Heap -Xmx Native Memory Metaspace
  • 6. Java 8 – PermGen Issues •  PermGen necessary size is hard to predict –  Results in either under-provisioning or over-provisioning •  GC performance improvements •  Support for advanced optimizations –  G1 concurrent class unloading Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. Java 8 – Metaspace Changes •  PermGen –  Memory space is gone •  Metaspace memory allocation model –  Most class metadata is now allocated out of native memory –  No more classes which are used to describe class metadata •  Metaspace capacity –  Out of the box available allocation space is limited by the amount of available native memory –  Dynamically resizes depending on the allocation demand at runtime –  Possible to use a flag (-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=Y) in order to limit the amount of native memory used for class metadata Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. Java 8 – Metaspace Changes Ctd •  Metaspace garbage collection –  Garbage collection is triggered once the class metadata usage reaches the MaxMetaspaceSize –  Excessive Metaspace GCs may point to: •  Memory leaks of classes •  Memory leaks of classloaders •  Improper allocation sizing –  Metaspace tuning and monitoring is highly important to limit the frequency/delay of these GCs •  Java heap space impact –  There may be some increase of Java heap due to various data being moved to Java heap space •  Metaspace monitoring –  Hotspot 1.8 GC logs provide Metaspace usage –  AppDynamics! Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. Java 8 – Metaspace – Magic Bullet? •  Magic Bullet? –  Not quite –  Memory caveats still remain •  Requires proper monitoring and proactive remediation –  Class metadata memory footprint –  Class memory leaks –  Class loader memory leaks Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. AppDynamics – Passive Metaspace Monitoring Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. AppDynamics – Proactive Metaspace Monitoring Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 11
  • 13. Scala Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13 •  JVM-based flexible programming language •  Rising in popularity due to its extremely flexible functional-object- oriented approach and Java interoperability
  • 14. Groovy Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 14 •  Dynamic JVM-based object-oriented programming language •  Best trait: simplicity, dynamic language •  Superset of Java – easier to adopt
  • 15. JRuby Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 15 •  JVM-based programming language •  Full access to Java toolchain •  Real system threads
  • 16. JVM-based Language Stack Monitoring Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16 •  AppDynamics enables deep monitoring and troubleshooting of JVM- based languages! •  Proactive alerts •  Distributed cross-stack environment monitoring!
  • 18. Public Cloud Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18 •  Mutlitenant environment •  You own a slice of a server in a cloud environment shared by other clients •  Generally used for web servers or dev systems Public
  • 19. Public Cloud – Trade-Offs Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 19 •  Hardware Sharing –  Meeting compliance requirements is near to impossible in a public cloud •  Scalability –  On-demand resource availability •  Location independence –  Use computing resources local to clients/users Public
  • 20. Private Cloud Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 20 •  “Single-tenant” environment dedicated to a single entity such as a client or company •  Expanding on traditional enterprise datacenters Private
  • 21. Private Cloud – Trade-Offs Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 21 •  Security –  Cloud is scoped for a single entity –  Only such entity has access to the information in the private cloud –  Achieving compliance is much easier Private •  Resource Management –  Manual management of computing resources including: purchasing, housing, updating and maintaining •  Direct Control
  • 22. Hybrid Cloud Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 22 •  Combination of a Public Cloud Provider & Private Cloud Platform •  Huge surge in the adoption in the recent years Hybrid Private Public
  • 23. Hybrid Cloud Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 23 •  Allows storage and processing of privileged data and applications in private cloud •  Enables the use of vast computational resources of the public cloud that relies on the sensitive data from private cloud •  Unique benefits of “Cloud Bursting” Hybrid Private Public
  • 24. Monitoring Hybrid Cloud Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 24 •  Monitoring of complex Hybrid Cloud set-ups is far from straightforward •  Requires a solution that can trace distributed execution from private to public cloud and vice versa •  Identification of the root-cause becomes extremely problematic Hybrid Private Public
  • 25. AppDynamics & Hybrid Cloud •  Distributed tracing from private cloud infrastructures all the way to the public cloud services •  Identify which services are causing issues down to the line number Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 25
  • 27. Microservices Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27 •  Big shift in modern enterprise •  Move from monolithic architectures to groups of independently deployable services •  Huge surge in the adoption in recent years Microservices
  • 28. Microservices vs Monolithic Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 28 Microservices Monolithic
  • 29. Monolithic Architecture Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29 •  Encapsulates all of the functionality in a single application •  Traditional “Layered” approach to building systems •  Drawbacks: –  Agility is hindered –  Technology stack is hard to change –  Changes to the system requires complete rebuilding of entire application Monolithic
  • 30. Microservices Architecture Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 30 •  Transforms a single application into a number of smaller “services” •  Typical service exhibits the following characteristics –  Independently deployable/upgradable –  Encapsulates a single “smaller” functionality –  Clear module boundary •  Drawbacks: –  Remote API calls can and will quickly become expensive –  Requires re-aligning of different teams –  Data consistency potentially needs to be actively managed Microservices
  • 31. Monitoring Microservices Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 31 •  Microservices are highly distributed by nature •  Monitoring health and performance becomes crucially important –  API calls need to be streamlined –  More individually moving parts = more ambiguity –  Hard to nail down the root of the problem Microservices
  • 32. Microservices & AppDynamics Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 32