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What SQL should
actually be...
Rafael Ördög, PhD.
What SQL should actually be...
What SQL should actually be...
Would you ever do this?
function initializeAutoSave() {
setTimeOut(2000, function() {

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lebaranpilkadadian purba
The Case for Continual Realignment of the IT Function
The Case for Continual Realignment of the IT FunctionThe Case for Continual Realignment of the IT Function
The Case for Continual Realignment of the IT Function

The document discusses the need for continual realignment of the IT function. It argues that the context within which IT organizations operate is constantly changing, which can lead to misalignment across three domains: the IT value proposition, operating model, and operating state. The first step to realignment is to assess critical areas of misalignment, identify root causes, prioritize areas for realignment, and define actions to close gaps. Developing alignment as an organizational capability requires conscious effort and accountability from IT leadership.

transformationoperating modeltechnology
How about doing this?
function createThumbnail($sourceImage) {
$size = Config::get('thumb-size');
$targetImage =
system("convert {$sourceImage}
--resize {$size}x{$size}
And yet we somehow accept this...
$dbh->exec("SELECT field FROM table");
And if we loathe this:
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php foreach($buttons as $button):?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Why aren't we horrified by this?
function doSomeImportantAndComplexStuffInTheDatabase() {
$dbh->exec("UPDTATE {$this->generateComplexJoins()}" .
"SET {$this->generateFieldsAndValueSubQueries()}" .
"WHERE {$this->generateWhere()}");
function generateWhere() {
$result = "TRUE";
foreach($this->importantStuffs as $stuff) {
$result += " AND ".$stuff->subWhere();

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How to be Creative
How to be CreativeHow to be Creative
How to be Creative

This document provides tips for being creative from various notable figures. It suggests imagining freely without limits, trusting your instincts, connecting unrelated ideas, having discipline despite believing everyone is creative, not fearing failure, generating many ideas, having confidence without self-doubt, and learning from other sources.

how to be creative
Organizational fitness2013
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Organizational fitness2013

This document discusses fostering an innovative culture within organizations. It notes that the modern economy requires constant innovation due to digital natives, collaborative workers, and high expectations of feedback. To compete, organizations must embed innovation into their DNA. This can be done by tapping into intrinsic motivation, thinking ambitiously, achieving escape velocity to break free from traditional thinking, opening up to new talent, speeding up feedback, collaborating internally and externally, cross-pollinating ideas, embracing agility, mastering rapid prototyping, and preparing IT systems to react quickly to change. The goal is to constantly reinvent businesses.

What SQL should actually be...
Donald D. Chamberlin
the father of SQL
Origin of SQL
by Donald D. Chamberlin
Origin of SQL
by Donald D. Chamberlin
"However, there is also a large class of users
who, while they are not computer specialists,
would be willing to learn to interact with a
computer in a reasonably high-level, non-
procedural query language."

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Homage to sri aurobindo, part 2
Homage to sri aurobindo, part 2Homage to sri aurobindo, part 2
Homage to sri aurobindo, part 2

The exhibition put up by Disciple Kittu Reddy in August 1972 in Pondicherry highlighted Sri Aurobindo's spiritual teachings. The Mother herself chose the theme of paying homage to Sri Aurobindo for the exhibition held during his centenary year. She selected the color light blue, which represented Sri Aurobindo, as the theme's visual representation.

sri aurobindo
Power point presentations
Power point presentationsPower point presentations
Power point presentations

The document provides simple rules for creating effective presentations in 3 sentences or less: Keep presentations simple by focusing on the purpose, using no more than 1-2 font families, 1 image per slide, and 5 lines per slide. Maintain consistency across slides with the same backgrounds, fonts, colors, and style. Presentations should complement their content and purpose without overloading the audience with unnecessary animations, transitions, or reading directly from slides.

Biomedical engineering
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Biomedical engineering

Biomedical engineering applies engineering principles and technologies to medicine. It focuses on designing medical equipment, prosthetics, devices for diagnosis and therapy. The discipline uses electrical and electronic engineering to build biomedical devices and designs prosthetics and orthotics. Biomedical engineering has provided many advances in medicine over the years, from improving hospital equipment to creating prosthetics that allow people who have lost body parts to be mobile again. The document discusses changing the curriculum for biomedical engineering students to include more elective courses in rehabilitation engineering and clinical engineering to provide a better education and allow graduates to implement new technologies to help disabled people.

SQL is User Interface
● It's not an API
○ So that's why we need an ORM tool...
● It's not a protocol
● It's not even designed for programmers
● It was however derived from another
database CLI called SQUARE, that looks a
bit more like a protocol:
The command line user interface is
not an API
● Leaking logic to other languages
● Dynamically generated code is hard to debug
● Security issues
○ Escaping is a horror scene
● Large overhead
○ Process launch overheads
○ Parse overhead
○ Command generation overhead
● Fragility
○ It's more prominent with a GUI, but CLIs are not much better
○ Have you ever tried to maintain a moderately sized
Greasemonkey script? It's a nightmare!
SQL is a bad UI by todays standards,
but it's even worse as an API
● Fails to separate concerns
○ Changing a query to improve performance may involve
breaking business logic
○ Requesting a little more data can have a large
performance hit
○ You could not optimize SQL queries with AOP
● Leaking concepts
○ We leak our entire datastructure to the DB
■ That is why a good ORM should generate DDL from
source code and not the way around
○ To solve performance issues we may even leak some of
our business logic. (Aggregating data.)
■ To the one thing that is hard to scale
Origin of SQL
by Donald D. Chamberlin
"SEQUEL identifies a set of simple operations
on tabular structures, which can be shown to
be of equivalent power to the first order
predicate calculus."

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Afs presentation from SHFCA, March 2013
Afs presentation from SHFCA, March 2013Afs presentation from SHFCA, March 2013
Afs presentation from SHFCA, March 2013

AFS made an excellent case to Scottish government officials and others as to how their energy strategy can be strengthened and enhanced with AFS. The Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA) promotes and develops Scottish expertise in fuel cells and hydrogen technologies.

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Best Residential Interior Designer In Pune
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Best Residential Interior Designer In Pune

Do you want to designing the interiors for the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, study room etc. As a residential interior designer Sudhir pawar and associates have successfully designed many interiors. SP&A design projects for both for small and big residential.

residential interior designerbungalow interior designerinterior designers in pune
Non tabular structures
● Connections between people
● Ownership relations
● Documents (like articles, or presentations)
● Data that belongs to a video on YouTube:
○ Video
○ Comments
○ Likes
○ etc.
● Or more abstractly
○ hierarchies
○ graphs
So we have non tabular data
Order id
Order item
Order item
Order item
Payment details
And tables to store that in
Order id
Order item
Order item
Order item
Payment details
And tables to store that in
Order id
Order item
Order item
Order item
Payment details

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Inorme 2 trimestre 2014 biblioteca del pio x
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Inorme 2 trimestre 2014 biblioteca del pio x

El informe del segundo trimestre de 2014 sobre el uso de la biblioteca muestra que los estudiantes de secundaria tuvieron la mayor asistencia y consulta, mientras que los docentes tuvieron el mayor número de préstamos. Los servicios más utilizados fueron la asistencia, consulta y préstamos de materiales de sala y domicilio. El número total de usuarios ha aumentado constantemente en los últimos 10 años. Los libros más consultados fueron sobre temas de ciencias sociales, literatura y ciencia.

Teoria si metodologia_instruirii_autor_conf_univ_dr_irina_maciuc (1)
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Razvoj i prezentacija na proekt
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Prezentacija za razvoj i pretstavuvanje na filmski proekt od Ognen Antov i Vladimir Stojcevski. Prezentacijata bese napravena za celite na rabotilnicata za jaknenje na kapacitetite na mladinskite filmski umetnici na nastanot "Evropski mladinski filmovi"

networkingmladinskifilm education
Data normalization
Order id
Order item
Order item
Order item
Payment details
So we normalize our structures
● Strongly related data will be scattered all around
the hard drive
● Performance issues
● DBA requests a denormalization
○ Again: changing code for performance reason in a way
that potentially breaks business logic
● Denormalized data is not indexed by the SQL
○ So we create index tables...
● The code using the denormalized tables will be
a lot harder to maintain and understand
SQL tries too hard, and we abuse it
● SQL databases are more than just tabular data
○ They enforce a data transfer mechanism
■ Why do I need to use TCP/IP to reach a local DB?
■ And I even need to authenticate!
○ They are indexing services but with very limited
● Why do we use SQL database for
○ Storing temporary data locally (maybe files or memory?)
○ Storing documents (maybe document stores?)
○ Message queues (it's terrible for that!)
○ Inter process communication (I mean... REALLY?!)
● It enforces a data transfer mechanism so it is really
slow to run tests using the database
○ Even if the data is in an in-memory table
○ So we don't test the DB... or only if we must...
● On the other hand since it's a complicated and
frequently used API, one would be tempted to write a
complete fake
○ One that stores stuff in memory, and won't use TCP/IP to
○ It's almost impossible to do that well, so we don't...
● But SQL queries may change in case of performance
optimization in ways that it breaks logic...
It makes testing hard

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This talk covers a number of important topics for making scalable Apache Spark programs - from RDD re-use to considerations for working with Key/Value data, why avoiding groupByKey is important and more. We also include Python specific considerations, like the difference between DataFrames/Datasets and traditional RDDs with Python. We also explore some tricks to intermix Python and JVM code for cases where the performance overhead is too high.

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This document summarizes three stories from a MongoDB presentation about lessons learned from real-world deployments. The first story describes how a system using random updates across many entities was improved by vertically scaling the database instead of horizontally scaling. The second story explains how insufficient testing of backup processes under load led to an outage for a game launch. The third story outlines how changing a product catalog schema from embedded documents to normalized collections improved performance and resource usage.

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This document provides tips for optimizing MySQL performance for applications. It discusses good practices for the MySQL configuration file such as enabling the slow query log and performance schema. It also covers using indexes appropriately, avoiding N+1 queries, performing operations like counting and deleting in SQL rather than application code, and properly using transactions.

What SQL should actually be...
So what would be better?
● A native API instead of string commands. I
should be able to independently specify:
○ what data to collect or save
○ how that should be done
○ what to index
○ the way these commands are sent to the db
● The API should be as simple as possible
● Schema less data structure
○ And if you like static typing, then you can define your
schema as data structures or classes
In an SQL database the data
structure is leaked to the DB
That is the primary reason we
introduced the DB Layer

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The magic of (data parallel) distributed systems and where it all breaks - Re...
The magic of (data parallel) distributed systems and where it all breaks - Re...The magic of (data parallel) distributed systems and where it all breaks - Re...
The magic of (data parallel) distributed systems and where it all breaks - Re...

Distributed systems can seem magical, and sometimes all of the magic works and our job succeeds. However, if you've worked with them for a long enough time you've found a few places where the magic starts to break down and the fact that it's actually a collection of several hundred garden gnomes* rather than a single large garden gnome. This talk will use Apache Spark, Beam, Flink, Kafka, and Map Reduce to explore the world of data parallel distributed systems. We'll start with some happy pieces of magic, like how we can combine different transformations into a single pass over the data, working between different languages, data partitioning, and lambda serialization. After each new piece of magic is introduced we'll look at how it breaks in one (or two) of the systems. Come to be told it's not your fault everything is broken, or if your distributed software still works an exciting preview of everything that's going to go wrong. Don't work with distributed systems? Come to be reassured you've made good life choices.

apache sparkapache flinkapache beam
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Keeping the fun in functional w/ Apache Spark @ Scala Days NYC

Apache Spark has been a great driver of not only Scala adoption, but introducing a new generation of developers to functional programming concepts. As Spark places more emphasis on its newer DataFrame & Dataset APIs, it’s important to ask ourselves how we can benefit from this while still keeping our fun functional roots. We will explore the cases where the Dataset APIs empower us to do cool things we couldn’t before, what the different approaches to serialization mean, and how to figure out when the shiny new API is actually just trying to steal your lunch money (aka CPU cycles).

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This document provides a summary of a presentation on scaling Apache Spark. It discusses techniques for reusing RDDs through caching, persistence levels and checkpointing. It also covers best practices for working with key-value data to avoid problems from groupByKey, and using Spark SQL and accumulators. Finally, it previews bringing code generation to Spark ML to improve performance.

apache sparkbig data
A schema less database puts the schema to
the right side of the DB layer boundary
DBLayer Dependence
And by the way we are hiring:

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What SQL should actually be...

  • 1. What SQL should actually be... Rafael Ördög, PhD.
  • 4. Would you ever do this? function initializeAutoSave() { setTimeOut(2000, function() { $('input#save').click(); initializeAutoSave(); }); }
  • 5. How about doing this? function createThumbnail($sourceImage) { $size = Config::get('thumb-size'); $targetImage = $this->getTargetName($sourceImage); system("convert {$sourceImage} --resize {$size}x{$size} {$thumbImage}"); }
  • 6. And yet we somehow accept this... $dbh->exec("SELECT field FROM table");
  • 7. And if we loathe this: <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach($buttons as $button):?> initButton(<?=$button["id"]?>, <?=$button["usefulVar"]?>); <?php endforeach; ?> </script>
  • 8. Why aren't we horrified by this? function doSomeImportantAndComplexStuffInTheDatabase() { $dbh->exec("UPDTATE {$this->generateComplexJoins()}" . "SET {$this->generateFieldsAndValueSubQueries()}" . "WHERE {$this->generateWhere()}"); } function generateWhere() { $result = "TRUE"; foreach($this->importantStuffs as $stuff) { $result += " AND ".$stuff->subWhere(); } }
  • 10. Donald D. Chamberlin the father of SQL
  • 11. Origin of SQL SEQUEL: A STRUCTURED ENGLISH QUERY LANGUAGE (1974) by Donald D. Chamberlin
  • 12. Origin of SQL SEQUEL: A STRUCTURED ENGLISH QUERY LANGUAGE (1974) by Donald D. Chamberlin "However, there is also a large class of users who, while they are not computer specialists, would be willing to learn to interact with a computer in a reasonably high-level, non- procedural query language."
  • 13. SQL is User Interface ● It's not an API ○ So that's why we need an ORM tool... ● It's not a protocol ● It's not even designed for programmers ● It was however derived from another database CLI called SQUARE, that looks a bit more like a protocol: ○ NAME, SAL EMP DEPT, MGR ('TOY', 'ANDERSON') VS ○ SELECT NAME, SAL FROM EMP WHERE DEPT = 'TOY' AND MGR = 'ANDERSON'
  • 14. The command line user interface is not an API ● Leaking logic to other languages ● Dynamically generated code is hard to debug ● Security issues ○ Escaping is a horror scene ● Large overhead ○ Process launch overheads ○ Parse overhead ○ Command generation overhead ● Fragility ○ It's more prominent with a GUI, but CLIs are not much better ○ Have you ever tried to maintain a moderately sized Greasemonkey script? It's a nightmare!
  • 15. SQL is a bad UI by todays standards, but it's even worse as an API ● Fails to separate concerns ○ Changing a query to improve performance may involve breaking business logic ○ Requesting a little more data can have a large performance hit ○ You could not optimize SQL queries with AOP ● Leaking concepts ○ We leak our entire datastructure to the DB ■ That is why a good ORM should generate DDL from source code and not the way around ○ To solve performance issues we may even leak some of our business logic. (Aggregating data.) ■ To the one thing that is hard to scale
  • 16. Origin of SQL SEQUEL: A STRUCTURED ENGLISH QUERY LANGUAGE (1974) by Donald D. Chamberlin "SEQUEL identifies a set of simple operations on tabular structures, which can be shown to be of equivalent power to the first order predicate calculus."
  • 17. Non tabular structures ● Connections between people ● Ownership relations ● Documents (like articles, or presentations) ● Data that belongs to a video on YouTube: ○ Video ○ Comments ○ Likes ○ etc. ● Or more abstractly ○ hierarchies ○ graphs
  • 18. So we have non tabular data Customer Order id Order item Order item Order item Payment details
  • 19. And tables to store that in Customer Order id Order item Order item Order item Payment details OrdersCustomersItemsPayments
  • 20. And tables to store that in Customer Order id Order item Order item Order item Payment details OrdersCustomersItemsPayments Impedancemismatch
  • 21. Data normalization Customer Order id Order item Order item Order item Payment details OrdersCustomersItemsPayments
  • 22. So we normalize our structures ● Strongly related data will be scattered all around the hard drive ● Performance issues ● DBA requests a denormalization ○ Again: changing code for performance reason in a way that potentially breaks business logic ● Denormalized data is not indexed by the SQL database ○ So we create index tables... ● The code using the denormalized tables will be a lot harder to maintain and understand
  • 23. SQL tries too hard, and we abuse it ● SQL databases are more than just tabular data stores ○ They enforce a data transfer mechanism ■ Why do I need to use TCP/IP to reach a local DB? ■ And I even need to authenticate! ○ They are indexing services but with very limited capabilities. ● Why do we use SQL database for ○ Storing temporary data locally (maybe files or memory?) ○ Storing documents (maybe document stores?) ○ Message queues (it's terrible for that!) ○ Inter process communication (I mean... REALLY?!)
  • 24. ● It enforces a data transfer mechanism so it is really slow to run tests using the database ○ Even if the data is in an in-memory table ○ So we don't test the DB... or only if we must... ● On the other hand since it's a complicated and frequently used API, one would be tempted to write a complete fake ○ One that stores stuff in memory, and won't use TCP/IP to communicate ○ It's almost impossible to do that well, so we don't... ● But SQL queries may change in case of performance optimization in ways that it breaks logic... It makes testing hard
  • 26. So what would be better? ● A native API instead of string commands. I should be able to independently specify: ○ what data to collect or save ○ how that should be done ○ what to index ○ the way these commands are sent to the db ● The API should be as simple as possible ● Schema less data structure ○ And if you like static typing, then you can define your schema as data structures or classes
  • 27. In an SQL database the data structure is leaked to the DB SQL DB Leaked structure APP Dependence
  • 28. That is the primary reason we introduced the DB Layer SQL DB Leaked structure APP Dependence DBLayer Dependence
  • 29. A schema less database puts the schema to the right side of the DB layer boundary NoSQL DB Data Structure APP Dependence DBLayer Dependence
  • 30. And by the way we are hiring: @devillsroom