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We are a creative design and engineering agency.
We create elegant products to solve complex problems.
Why have a mobile strategy?1
Environmental Factor
Responsive First Mentality
Understanding the role of mobile
Shake & Bake: Deploying on both platforms
3 How to get started
Building your plan
Engaging a Shop
Post-Launch momentum
Why Develop a Mobile Strategy?
Smartphones are the
primary device for media
and search
Number of Global Users (Millions)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Source: comscore, Morgan Stanley Research
Its Already The Standard
Your Audience

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"The Web - You're Doing it Wrong" for Forum Oxford May 2014
"The Web - You're Doing it Wrong" for Forum Oxford May 2014"The Web - You're Doing it Wrong" for Forum Oxford May 2014
"The Web - You're Doing it Wrong" for Forum Oxford May 2014

Some mobile web antipatterns to avoid, an update on some exciting new mobile webapo technologies and some latest info on Firefox OS. Presented at Forum Oxford in Oxford UK on 2 May 2014.

Streicher's police equipt
Streicher's police equiptStreicher's police equipt
Streicher's police equipt

This document outlines an agenda and presentation for a Mobify meeting. Mobify helps businesses create responsive websites that optimize the user experience on mobile devices. The presentation covers Mobify's services, how it works, customer success stories showing increased sales and speeds, design patterns for mobile interfaces, metrics on expected gains in revenue and traffic, and the process for getting started.

Mobile App Design @ ITU 2012
Mobile App Design @ ITU 2012Mobile App Design @ ITU 2012
Mobile App Design @ ITU 2012

ITU - Mobile App Design Presented at Designit, March 2012 In relation to a guest lecture at the IT University in Copenhagen

The Future of Mobile
Emerging mobile devices
like Smartwatches.
Environmental Factors
Pipe Issue
• Phones are limited by their connection speed
• Users are impatient, they will not put up with loading
• You have 10 second before you lose their attention
• Google recommends a mobile loading time of 2
Environmental Factors
Device Issue
• There is not a standard screen size, chipset or
• You need to build solutions that is adaptable on
both UI and Content
Importance of the API Layer

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Conversion Conference - Schuh's journey to RWD
Conversion Conference - Schuh's journey to RWDConversion Conference - Schuh's journey to RWD
Conversion Conference - Schuh's journey to RWD

Presentation I did at Conversion Conference London 2013, discussing schuh's move from desktop, mobile & tablet optimised sites to one single responsive site

conversion rateresponsive web designe-commerce
How Magento’s Mobile Friendly Themes Increase Conversion Rates
How Magento’s Mobile Friendly Themes Increase Conversion RatesHow Magento’s Mobile Friendly Themes Increase Conversion Rates
How Magento’s Mobile Friendly Themes Increase Conversion Rates

The best way of optimizing the Magento site for diverse hosts is by deploying responsive themes, which streamlines the experience over different mobile screens, even while consuming lesser resources. Responsive themes usually use similar HTML files along with different CSS files. Here is a rundown on the most popular extensions, which contribute towards delivering a fabulous UX, and boosting conversions in the process: Reach us

magentomobile marketingwebsite design
Native Vs HTML5 Apps
Native Vs HTML5 AppsNative Vs HTML5 Apps
Native Vs HTML5 Apps

This document discusses the differences between native mobile apps and mobile web applications. It argues that the question is more about whether to use the web or apps, not HTML5 vs native. There are many factors to consider in this decision including device diversity, level of user interaction needed, cost, and whether it will provide business value. For apps specifically, it recommends using a native approach for app-focused companies but considering hybrid or cross-platform frameworks if both web and apps are part of the strategy depending on performance needs and cost efficiency.

mobile apps appacademy html5 finn
Strategy: What are your
business goals?
Understanding Mobile
Most smartphone
users download
zero apps per month
The Uncomfortable Truth
Apps represent
50%+ of time spent
on digital media
• Poor discovery features
• On store cost per user/
download: $2.80-$3.00
• Majority of time is on the
user’s single most
used app (Facebook,
Mobile Website vs Mobile App
Mobile Website = Reach
You’re doing this to hit the largest audience
Mobile Website vs Mobile App
• Content sharing nowadays shouldn’t require
an app, fastest path is mobile website.
• Your website has to be responsive now to
rank higher on Google.
• Cost of doing business, no longer optional.

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"We want an APP!"
"We want an APP!""We want an APP!"
"We want an APP!"

This document discusses how to make websites mobile friendly. It outlines three types of mobile apps and two approaches for developing mobile versions of existing websites. Wrapping the existing website in a mobile skin allows for shorter development time but can result in bad user experience, while tailoring the content for mobile provides a better experience but takes longer. The document demonstrates a mobile-optimized website and discusses testing, libraries, statistics, and approaches like starting mobile-first and using PhoneGap. The key messages are that content and context are important for mobile, and not all websites need native apps to go mobile.

How To Make An App | Bizness Apps Webinar 11-28-12
How To Make An App | Bizness Apps Webinar 11-28-12How To Make An App | Bizness Apps Webinar 11-28-12
How To Make An App | Bizness Apps Webinar 11-28-12

The webinar overview included a company overview of Bizness Apps, a new features update, an industry statistics overview, and demonstrations of the Bizness CRM and Bizness Apps platforms. The presenters were Andrew Gazdecki, CEO of Bizness Apps, and Carlos Carranza from the Reseller Success Team. Contact information was provided for asking additional questions.

how to make an app | bizness apps webinar 11-28-12
Project 4: Mobile and Tablet Design for Collins Catering & Events
Project 4: Mobile and Tablet Design for Collins Catering & EventsProject 4: Mobile and Tablet Design for Collins Catering & Events
Project 4: Mobile and Tablet Design for Collins Catering & Events

This is a Powerpoint presentation that I have created for Collins Catering & Events on the subject or mobile and tablet design. It is an attempt to convince them of the necessity of thinking about re-design for the mobile and tablet platforms.

Mobile Website vs Mobile App
Mobile App = Rich Experience
You know your audience (user & device) and the
goal of the app is a stand alone product or
augment existing services.
Mobile Website Vs Mobile App
• You need to invest in
marketing and pushing the
download to succeed.
• Users have decisions to make
and your app is easier to lose:
‣ “Storage full” is a reality for
many people, the heyday of
“all the apps” isn’t feasible
Shake & Bate
Deploying on both platforms
• Pinterest as an example
• Allows app-free content
consumption & offer
personalized app as well
Mobile Strategy Examples
Goal: Reach
Goal: Rich Experience
Goal: Vocational

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Mobile Project Management
Mobile Project ManagementMobile Project Management
Mobile Project Management

The document discusses best practices for mobile application development and management. It covers the project life cycle, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project. It also discusses managing enterprise mobility through a holistic approach, common challenges such as scheduling concerns, and best practices for use scenarios, prototypes, user interfaces, store submission, and testing. The overall focus is on effective strategies for developing and managing successful mobile applications and projects.

Bus 356 show and tell
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Bus 356 show and tell

Apple was slowing down older iPhones without informing customers in order to prevent sudden shutdowns from aging batteries. This was discovered by users and led to lawsuits against Apple. Apple acknowledged slowing phones but claimed it was for performance and not to force upgrades. They apologized and lowered battery prices but did not admit to misleading users about the processor throttling. The document discusses Apple's response and ethics of not properly disclosing the issue initially.

Appsbar app software
Appsbar app softwareAppsbar app software
Appsbar app software

Appsbar Free app software makes it easier than ever to develop your own personal applications and share them with the world.

app softwareapp makersfree applications
Mobomo Examples
• Audience = US Tax Payers
• News structured content
• 508 Compliant
• Work with existing web presence
• Social
Mobile Needs
• Push Notifications
• Camera
• Storage
• Authentication
Didn’t Need
Mobomo Examples
• Double Traffic on mobile
• Video is primary consumed on the phone
• User satisfaction went up
• Drupal Based
• Content can be used by other agencies,
media outlets and social media
• Content is optimized for in-app browsers
like Facebook and Twitter app
Responsive Results
Reach Goals
Copyright © 2015 Mobomo Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential.
Copyright © 2015 Mobomo Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential.
Mobile Needs
• Gyroscope ( Balance )
• User Authentication
• Offline storage
• Audio output / Audio Recording
• Camera
• Push Notifications
• Parental Tools
• A Unique Experience - Game Time Pressure
Didn’t Need
• Blog / News Content
• Website Experience

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Ariel Michaeli, Co-Founder and CEO of appFigures talks about strategies for monetization on the app store and the importance of identifying the best one before starting to build an app.

applemarketingrelease notes
Different dimensions of android development
Different dimensions of android development baabtra.comDifferent dimensions of android development
Different dimensions of android development

Different dimensions of Android Application development. This ppt explains the business possibilities of Android application development and the dimensions a developer should consider while developing an android application.

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Monetizing Windows Phone Apps
Monetizing Windows Phone AppsMonetizing Windows Phone Apps
Monetizing Windows Phone Apps

The document provides an overview of monetizing Windows Phone apps. It discusses several business models including paid apps, in-app purchases, and mobile ads. It provides best practices for implementing these models and demonstrates how to add mobile ads and trial experiences to apps. The document also offers tips for developing apps, such as creating a good user experience, optimizing app details, adding feedback mechanisms, and promoting the app.

windows phonewindows phone 8
• Reduce Double Entry and Paper Reliance
• Security
• User Authentication
• Camera
• Image Annotation / Editing
• Mapping Tools
• Push Notifications
Mobile Needs
• Real time audit information
from the field
• Fleet management solution
• No paperwork
• Define your MVP ( Minimal Viable Product)
• Content = Consumable ( RSS2, XML Feeds)
• In-house development or Engage a Dev Shop
• Define Your Budget
• Marketing / Launch Strategy
• Feedback / Continuous Improvement
How To Get Started:
Build Your Plan
Building Internally
Technology Stacks
• Swift / iOS
• JAVA / Android SDK
• Ionic ( Angular/Node)
• PhoneGap / Cordova
• Employee Cost
• Does it provide the cost savings or revenue
to justify an internal team

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Business Advantage of Responsive Design
Business Advantage of Responsive DesignBusiness Advantage of Responsive Design
Business Advantage of Responsive Design

Responsive design is a web design and development technique that creates a site or system that reacts to the size of a user’s screen. It will optimise a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page, optimized for the device that is accessing it. You'll find in the slides tips and tricks on why responsive design is important to a business. The templates shown in this presentation are all in the Squeezemobillionaire platform. The mobile app and site builder in this platform has the feature to add news feeds to the sites/apps. Get to know more about what is included in the platform here:

Software Product Development
Software Product DevelopmentSoftware Product Development
Software Product Development

Q3 is a highly responsive and adaptive development partner. We bring more value to the project by asking “what more can be done”. We are always figuring out better and efficient ways to implement projects. We help businesses see the value of each improvement and innovation quantitatively, and substantively. This is achieved by the use and effectiveness of Lean, Agile and DevOps development techniques.

application design

workshop kind en internet dalton lyceum

Engaging a Dev Shop
Keep in Mind
• Does the shop offer
strategic planning?
• Does the shop offer
• What kind of software
development is used?
• Scope of work
• Timeline
• Maintenance
• Costs
• Services
• Optimize Visibility
• Market It
• Push Social Engagement
• Stores have very poor
discovery features
• Track Analytics and Feedback
• KissMetrics, MixPanel,
Google Analytics
Post-Launch Momentum:
Prepare to Spend Money
Resources and Dev Shops
• Directories / Reviews
• Bid Based
• Upwork
• Crew
• Shops
• Yeti
• Fueled
• Y Media Labs
• Mobomo
Thank You!
Brian Lacey Malena Lopez
CEO Project Manager

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Thank You Gracias Merci Danke

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Option 2015- Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile
Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App
How to Manage Digital User Experience for Web Applications
How to Manage Digital User Experience for Web ApplicationsHow to Manage Digital User Experience for Web Applications
How to Manage Digital User Experience for Web Applications

What is your mobile strategy?

  • 1. We are a creative design and engineering agency. We create elegant products to solve complex problems.
  • 2. @mobomoapps Agenda Why have a mobile strategy?1 Audience Environmental Factor Responsive First Mentality Understanding the role of mobile Websites Apps Shake & Bake: Deploying on both platforms 2 3 How to get started Building your plan Engaging a Shop Post-Launch momentum
  • 3. @mobomoapps Why Develop a Mobile Strategy? Smartphones are the primary device for media and search Number of Global Users (Millions) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Mobile Desktop Source: comscore, Morgan Stanley Research Its Already The Standard
  • 5. @mobomoapps The Future of Mobile Emerging mobile devices like Smartwatches.
  • 6. @mobomoapps Environmental Factors Pipe Issue • Phones are limited by their connection speed • Users are impatient, they will not put up with loading times • You have 10 second before you lose their attention • Google recommends a mobile loading time of 2 seconds
  • 7. @mobomoapps Environmental Factors Device Issue • There is not a standard screen size, chipset or processor • You need to build solutions that is adaptable on both UI and Content
  • 9. @mobomoapps Strategy: What are your business goals?
  • 10. @mobomoapps Understanding Mobile Most smartphone users download zero apps per month The Uncomfortable Truth Apps represent 50%+ of time spent on digital media • Poor discovery features • On store cost per user/ download: $2.80-$3.00 • Majority of time is on the user’s single most used app (Facebook, etc)
  • 11. @mobomoapps Mobile Website vs Mobile App Mobile Website = Reach You’re doing this to hit the largest audience
  • 12. @mobomoapps Mobile Website vs Mobile App • Content sharing nowadays shouldn’t require an app, fastest path is mobile website. • Your website has to be responsive now to rank higher on Google. • Cost of doing business, no longer optional.
  • 13. @mobomoapps Mobile Website vs Mobile App Mobile App = Rich Experience You know your audience (user & device) and the goal of the app is a stand alone product or augment existing services.
  • 14. @mobomoapps Mobile Website Vs Mobile App • You need to invest in marketing and pushing the download to succeed. • Users have decisions to make and your app is easier to lose: ‣ “Storage full” is a reality for many people, the heyday of “all the apps” isn’t feasible anymore.
  • 15. @mobomoapps Shake & Bate Deploying on both platforms • Pinterest as an example • Allows app-free content consumption & offer personalized app as well
  • 16. @mobomoapps Mobile Strategy Examples Goal: Reach Goal: Rich Experience Goal: Vocational
  • 17. @mobomoapps Mobomo Examples • Audience = US Tax Payers • News structured content • 508 Compliant • Work with existing web presence • Social Mobile Needs • Push Notifications • Camera • Storage • Authentication Didn’t Need
  • 18. @mobomoapps Mobomo Examples • Double Traffic on mobile • Video is primary consumed on the phone • User satisfaction went up • Drupal Based • Content can be used by other agencies, media outlets and social media • Content is optimized for in-app browsers like Facebook and Twitter app Responsive Results Reach Goals
  • 19. Copyright © 2015 Mobomo Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential. fuzzydragon/index.html
  • 20. Copyright © 2015 Mobomo Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential. Mobile Needs • Gyroscope ( Balance ) • User Authentication • Offline storage • Audio output / Audio Recording • Camera • Push Notifications • Parental Tools • A Unique Experience - Game Time Pressure Didn’t Need • Blog / News Content • Website Experience
  • 21. @mobomoapps • Reduce Double Entry and Paper Reliance • Security • User Authentication • Camera • Image Annotation / Editing • GPS • Mapping Tools • Push Notifications Mobile Needs
  • 22. @mobomoapps • Real time audit information from the field • Fleet management solution • No paperwork Results
  • 23. @mobomoapps • Define your MVP ( Minimal Viable Product) • Content = Consumable ( RSS2, XML Feeds) • In-house development or Engage a Dev Shop • Define Your Budget • Marketing / Launch Strategy • Feedback / Continuous Improvement How To Get Started: Build Your Plan
  • 24. @mobomoapps Building Internally Technology Stacks • Swift / iOS • JAVA / Android SDK • Ionic ( Angular/Node) • PhoneGap / Cordova Cost • Employee Cost • Does it provide the cost savings or revenue to justify an internal team
  • 25. @mobomoapps Engaging a Dev Shop Keep in Mind • Does the shop offer strategic planning? • Does the shop offer design? • What kind of software development is used? Details • Scope of work • Timeline • Maintenance • Costs • Services
  • 26. @mobomoapps • Optimize Visibility • Market It • Push Social Engagement • Stores have very poor discovery features • Track Analytics and Feedback • KissMetrics, MixPanel, Google Analytics Post-Launch Momentum: Prepare to Spend Money
  • 27. @mobomoapps Resources and Dev Shops • Directories / Reviews • • Bid Based • Upwork • Crew • Shops • Yeti • Fueled • Y Media Labs • Mobomo
  • 28. @mobomoapps Thank You! Brian Lacey Malena Lopez CEO Project Manager
  • 29. Thank You Gracias Merci Danke