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Getting Started with
Optimizely for Mobile
Suneet Shah
Senior Product Manager,
Suneet Shah
In The Next 45 Minutes
1. Customer Stories
2. Demos
3. Test Ideas
4. Best Practices for getting started
5. Q & A
• iOS Developer Preview
• A/B testing a new concept for
mobile apps
Last Year
• iOS and Android
• New Visual Editor
• Tons of customer feedback
• Hundreds of apps on iOS and
Time spent per adult user per day (USA)
Source: Mary Meeker internet trends report 2015
2012 2013 2014 2015 (YTD)
Desktop/Laptop Mobile Other Connected Devices
} 51%
} 42%
Another 1b people will come online through mobile
1995 2000 2014 2020
People Online Smartphones
Source: a16z Benedict Evans “Mobile is eating the world”
Cost Per Install (CPI) rising
April 2014 April 2015
Cost Per Install (iOS) $1.38 $2.13
Cost Per Install
$1.31 $2.08
Source: FiKSU mobile marketing index
On average, apps lose 80% of their new users
Source: Andrew Chen’s blog,
The top apps follow the same pattern
Source: Andrew Chen’s blog,
If you’re not testing your
app yet, you should be!
Customer Stories
Option 2015- Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile
French Girls Optimizes Activation
• Activation is the difference
between 1-2 days of use and 7+
days of use
• Activation rate of 25%
Baseline activation rate of 25%
Baseline activation rate of 25%
Winning variation doubled activation to 50%
Copy changes
“Optimization is no longer an
afterthought, but a necessary
part of every feature”
- Jeff Farkas, French Girls
French Girls
• Used code blocks to increase activation
from 25% to 50%
• Subsequent visual changes found an
additional 16.5% improvement
• Total improvement: from 25% to 66.5%
Option 2015- Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile
Secret Escapes Optimizes Acquisition
• To force sign up, or not to force
sign up
• Looking to optimize LTV, sign up
rates, and justify mobile ad spend
Experiment Setup
Version 1 Version 2
Sign up gate with
mandatory sign in on first
user experience
Sign up not required,
added a “skip” button to
close the sign up form
• Defying all expectations, a mandatory
signup gate was by far the optimal
• Sign up rates doubled, LTV average
increased, and LTV:CAC ratio was
“If the skip button was part of
the onboarding flow, we
would not be able to do paid
marketing on mobile.”
– Sebastian Fallert, Secret
Optimizely for iOS and Android
• Visual Editor
• Live Variables
• Code Blocks
SDK Installation
• Optimizely SDK needs
to be integrated and
• 1 line integration
Option 2015- Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile
Visual Changes
• Copy changes, calls to
action, images and layout
• Create tests without
releasing a new app
• No code required
Live Variables & Code Blocks
• Have to be built into the
app before release
• Easy setup for developers
• Allow you to test anything
Body text goes here.
Live Variables
Regular Variable
private static final String ratingsPromptText = "Do you love our app?”;
Optimizely Live Variable
private static LiveVariable<String> ratingsPromptText =
Optimizely.stringVariable("RatingsPrompt1","Do you love our app?”);
Body text goes here.
Live Variables
Regular Variable
private static final String ratingsPromptText = "Do you love our app?”;
Optimizely Live Variable
private static LiveVariable<String> ratingsPromptText =
Optimizely.stringVariable("RatingsPrompt1","Do you love our app?”);
@"Default Checkout”,
@"One Stage Checkout”,
@"Paypal Checkout”);
Code Blocks
[Optimizely codeBlocksWithKey:CheckoutFunnel
[self showOneStageCheckout];
[self showPaypalCheckout];
[self showDefaultCheckout];
Mobile Testing Ideas
Framework for Mobile Apps
Acquisition Engagement
Retention Monetization
Framework for Mobile Apps
Acquisition Engagement
Retention Monetization
Framework for Mobile Apps
Acquisition Engagement
Retention Monetization
• Layouts and navigation
• Discoverability and
placement of key features
• Test every new feature
Facebook layout test
Source: LukeW’s Design blog,
LukeW’s Polar App
Source: LukeW’s Design blog,
Test every new feature
Phased Rollouts
Test key feature placements
1. Date selector

2. Repeat map CTA as floating button

3. Narrower focus + information

Framework for Mobile Apps
Acquisition Engagement
Retention Monetization
• Checkout flows and purchase
• Ad networks
• Virality flows and sharing
Calls to action in your purchase flow
Payment Options
Payment Options
Ad Placements
Framework for Mobile Apps
Acquisition Engagement
Retention Monetization
• Permissions - Push
Notifications, Location,
• Reviews
Only one chance
Asking for push notification permissions
When and how you ask
Source: Circa’s blog article,
Optimizing Reviews
3 Things They Optimized:
Threshold (Timing)
of Request Location of Request Flow
of Request
10 Sessions
3x in 1
Retention for top apps
Option 2015- Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile
The best way to improve
retention is to improve
onboarding and
Framework for Mobile Apps
Acquisition Engagement
Retention Monetization
Best Practices
5 Key Steps To Get Started
Integrate the SDK
Start using in development
Plan Testing Roadmap
What metrics are you improving?
Implement First 3 Tests
Before going to the app store
QA Experiments
Verify metrics
Submit to the App Store
And start your experiments
Plan Ahead
• Make testing part of your release cycle
• Plan tests upfront
• Keep an experiment backlog
Start With 3 Tests
• Get familiar with Optimizely
• Visual Change
• Code Blocks
• Live Variables
• QA your experiments the way your users will see them
• Verify conversions and visitors
• Use SDKs’ developer features in QA process
• Use Preview feature
Experiment QA
Suneet Shah
Senior Product Manager,
Thank you!
10 Secrets to Building an Amazing Mobile Testing Roadmap
Thurs 2:30 - 3:15 | Coit Tower Room
Optimizely Product Feedback Roundtable Discussions
Thurs 11:25 - 12:10 | Expo Hall
Roundtable - Optimizing for Mobile Retention
Thurs 2:35 – 3:12 | Expo Hall

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Option 2015- Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile

  • 1. Getting Started with Optimizely for Mobile Apps Suneet Shah Senior Product Manager, Optimizely @suneets #opticon2015
  • 3. In The Next 45 Minutes 1. Customer Stories 2. Demos 3. Test Ideas 4. Best Practices for getting started 5. Q & A
  • 4. • iOS Developer Preview Launched • A/B testing a new concept for mobile apps Last Year
  • 5. Today • iOS and Android • New Visual Editor • Tons of customer feedback • Hundreds of apps on iOS and Android
  • 6. Time spent per adult user per day (USA) Source: Mary Meeker internet trends report 2015 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 2012 2013 2014 2015 (YTD) 0.40.3 0.3 0.3 2.82.6 2.3 1.6 Desktop/Laptop Mobile Other Connected Devices } 51% } 42% HoursPerDay
  • 7. Another 1b people will come online through mobile 0 1 2 3 4 1995 2000 2014 2020 People Online Smartphones Source: a16z Benedict Evans “Mobile is eating the world” BillionPeopleOnline
  • 8. Cost Per Install (CPI) rising April 2014 April 2015 Cost Per Install (iOS) $1.38 $2.13 Cost Per Install (Android) $1.31 $2.08 Source: FiKSU mobile marketing index +54%
  • 9. On average, apps lose 80% of their new users Source: Andrew Chen’s blog,
  • 10. The top apps follow the same pattern Source: Andrew Chen’s blog,
  • 11. If you’re not testing your app yet, you should be!
  • 14. French Girls Optimizes Activation • Activation is the difference between 1-2 days of use and 7+ days of use • Activation rate of 25%
  • 17. Winning variation doubled activation to 50% Activation 50% Copy changes +16%
  • 18. “Optimization is no longer an afterthought, but a necessary part of every feature” - Jeff Farkas, French Girls
  • 19. French Girls • Used code blocks to increase activation from 25% to 50% • Subsequent visual changes found an additional 16.5% improvement • Total improvement: from 25% to 66.5%
  • 21. Secret Escapes Optimizes Acquisition • To force sign up, or not to force sign up • Looking to optimize LTV, sign up rates, and justify mobile ad spend
  • 22. Experiment Setup Version 1 Version 2 Sign up gate with mandatory sign in on first user experience Sign up not required, added a “skip” button to close the sign up form
  • 23. Results • Defying all expectations, a mandatory signup gate was by far the optimal experience • Sign up rates doubled, LTV average increased, and LTV:CAC ratio was positive
  • 24. “If the skip button was part of the onboarding flow, we would not be able to do paid marketing on mobile.” – Sebastian Fallert, Secret Escapes
  • 25. Optimizely for iOS and Android Demo
  • 26. Demo • SDK • Visual Editor • Live Variables • Code Blocks
  • 27. SDK Installation • Optimizely SDK needs to be integrated and deployed • 1 line integration
  • 29. Visual Changes • Copy changes, calls to action, images and layout changes • Create tests without releasing a new app • No code required
  • 30. Live Variables & Code Blocks • Have to be built into the app before release • Easy setup for developers • Allow you to test anything
  • 31. Body text goes here. Live Variables Regular Variable private static final String ratingsPromptText = "Do you love our app?”; alertDialog.setText(ratingsPromptText); Optimizely Live Variable private static LiveVariable<String> ratingsPromptText = Optimizely.stringVariable("RatingsPrompt1","Do you love our app?”); alertDialog.setText(ratingsPromptText.get())
  • 32. Body text goes here. Live Variables Regular Variable private static final String ratingsPromptText = "Do you love our app?”; alertDialog.setText(ratingsPromptText); Optimizely Live Variable private static LiveVariable<String> ratingsPromptText = Optimizely.stringVariable("RatingsPrompt1","Do you love our app?”); alertDialog.setText(ratingsPromptText.get())
  • 33. OptimizelyCodeBlocksKeyWithBlockNames(CheckoutFunnel, @"Default Checkout”, @"One Stage Checkout”, @"Paypal Checkout”); Code Blocks [Optimizely codeBlocksWithKey:CheckoutFunnel blockOne:^{ [self showOneStageCheckout]; } blockTwo:^{ [self showPaypalCheckout]; } defaultBlock:^{ [self showDefaultCheckout]; }];
  • 35. Framework for Mobile Apps Acquisition Engagement Retention Monetization
  • 36. Framework for Mobile Apps Acquisition Engagement Retention Monetization
  • 37. Framework for Mobile Apps Acquisition Engagement Retention Monetization
  • 38. Engagement • Layouts and navigation patterns • Discoverability and placement of key features • Test every new feature
  • 39. Facebook layout test Source: LukeW’s Design blog,
  • 40. LukeW’s Polar App Source: LukeW’s Design blog,
  • 41. Test every new feature Phased Rollouts
  • 42. Test key feature placements 1. Date selector
 2. Repeat map CTA as floating button
 3. Narrower focus + information hierarchy
 2 3 1
  • 43. Framework for Mobile Apps Acquisition Engagement Retention Monetization
  • 44. Monetization • Checkout flows and purchase funnels • Ad networks • Virality flows and sharing features
  • 45. Calls to action in your purchase flow
  • 50. Framework for Mobile Apps Acquisition Engagement Retention Monetization
  • 51. Retention • Permissions - Push Notifications, Location, Camera • Reviews
  • 54. Asking for push notification permissions
  • 55. When and how you ask
  • 56. Reviews Source: Circa’s blog article,
  • 57. Optimizing Reviews 3 Things They Optimized: Threshold (Timing) of Request Location of Request Flow of Request 10 Sessions 3x in 1 Week
  • 60. The best way to improve retention is to improve onboarding and activation
  • 61. Framework for Mobile Apps Acquisition Engagement Retention Monetization
  • 63. 5 Key Steps To Get Started Integrate the SDK Start using in development Plan Testing Roadmap What metrics are you improving? Implement First 3 Tests Before going to the app store QA Experiments Verify metrics Submit to the App Store And start your experiments 1 2 3 4 5
  • 64. Plan Ahead • Make testing part of your release cycle • Plan tests upfront • Keep an experiment backlog
  • 65. Start With 3 Tests • Get familiar with Optimizely • Visual Change • Code Blocks • Live Variables
  • 66. • QA your experiments the way your users will see them • Verify conversions and visitors • Use SDKs’ developer features in QA process • Use Preview feature Experiment QA
  • 67. #opticon2015 Suneet Shah Senior Product Manager, Optimizely @suneets Thank you!
  • 68. #opticon2015 10 Secrets to Building an Amazing Mobile Testing Roadmap Thurs 2:30 - 3:15 | Coit Tower Room Optimizely Product Feedback Roundtable Discussions Thurs 11:25 - 12:10 | Expo Hall Roundtable - Optimizing for Mobile Retention Thurs 2:35 – 3:12 | Expo Hall