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Milan Petrásek
What is botnet?
• Introduction
• Star and multiserver topology botnets
• Hierarchical topology botnets
• Random topology botnets
• Types of attacks
• Famous botnets through history
• Summary
Intro - terms
BOT or „zombie“. Short for roBOT.
NET short for interNET
Botnet a lot of infected computers
Bot Herder or „bot master“ can control
the botnet remotely
C&C Server command-and-control centre
for botnet managing

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Botnets In Cyber Security
Botnets In Cyber SecurityBotnets In Cyber Security
Botnets In Cyber Security

Botnets are networks of compromised computers called zombies or bots that are controlled remotely by an attacker known as a bot herder. Originally bots were useful tools but now are used for malicious purposes. A botnet has four main components: the bot herder who installs bot software on vulnerable systems, the bots or zombies, an IRC server for communication, and a command and control server to issue instructions. The bot herder builds their botnet army by infecting home and small business computers. Once installed, bots communicate secretly with the C&C server to receive tasks like DDoS attacks, spamming, phishing and stealing information.

botnetsbotnets attackddos
Chapter 15 Presentation
Chapter 15 PresentationChapter 15 Presentation
Chapter 15 Presentation

The document discusses vulnerability assessment and tools used in the assessment process. It defines vulnerability assessment as a systematic evaluation of asset exposure to threats, and describes the key aspects of identification, threat evaluation, vulnerability appraisal, risk assessment, and risk mitigation. It then outlines various tools that can be used in assessment, including port scanners, protocol analyzers, vulnerability scanners, and software development assessment techniques.

Dos n d dos
Dos n d dosDos n d dos
Dos n d dos

This document discusses denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines DoS as an attack that seeks to oversaturate a targeted machine's capacity to disrupt authorized use, while a DDoS uses multiple compromised systems to flood the target. The document describes how DDoS attacks work by flooding the victim from many sources, making it hard to block. It lists common DoS attacks like buffer overflow and ICMP floods, and DDoS attack types like traffic floods and application attacks. The document also covers typical attacker motivations and recommendations to prevent attacks like buying more bandwidth and building redundancy.

Star and multiserver
Hierarchical topology
Random topology
Types of attacks
• Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
• Adware advertises
• Spyware
• E-mail
• Click fraud
• Fast flux
• Brute-forcing remote machines services
• Worms
• Scareware
• Exploiting systems

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introduction to Botnet
introduction to Botnetintroduction to Botnet
introduction to Botnet

This document outlines a presentation on botnets. It begins with introducing key botnet terminology like bot herder, bot, and command and control channel. It then covers the botnet lifecycle before discussing how botnets pose a threat to network security. The document outlines how botnets are used for DDoS attacks, spam, and other crimes. It discusses approaches for botnet detection including using honeynets and traffic monitoring. The document concludes by emphasizing the growing threat of botnets to cybersecurity.

introduction to botnetbotnet
Destributed denial of service attack ppt
Destributed denial of service attack pptDestributed denial of service attack ppt
Destributed denial of service attack ppt

This document provides an overview of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It discusses the components and architecture of DDoS attacks and classifies them into four categories: flood attacks, amplification attacks, TCP SYN attacks, and malformed packet attacks. Specific attack types like UDP floods, ICMP floods, Smurf attacks and Fraggle attacks are described. The document also covers DDoS defense problems and classifications such as intrusion prevention, detection, tolerance and response. It concludes that DDoS attacks are difficult to prevent due to readily available tools and the ability to target any internet host, and that the best defense involves vigilant system administration.

Denial of service
Denial of serviceDenial of service
Denial of service

This document discusses denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines DoS attacks as attempts to render a system unusable or slow it down for legitimate users by overloading its resources. DDoS attacks multiply the effectiveness of DoS by using multiple compromised computers to launch attacks simultaneously. Common DoS attack types like SYN floods, Smurf attacks, and ping of death are described. The rise of botnets, which are networks of compromised computers controlled remotely, enabled more powerful DDoS attacks. Mitigation strategies include load balancing, throttling traffic, and using honeypots to gather attacker information.

Famous botnets through history
• 2001 – First Botnet
• 2005 Torpig
• 2006 Virut
• 2007 Zeus – one of the biggest (compromised U.S. computers: 3.6
• 2007 Storm
• 2008 Conficker
• 2008 Grum
• 2008 Lethic
• 2008 Mariposa
• 2009 SpyEye
• 2010 Waledac
• 2011 ZeroAccess
• 2012 FlashFake (Mac OS X)
• 2012 Jeef
• 2012 Smoke
• Botnets are serious problem today
– Malware as a Service
• Bleak future awaiting us
– Mobile botnets on the rise
– Internet of Things botnets
IoT BotnetInternet of Things botnets
In December 2013 a researcher at Proofpoint noticed that hundreds of thousands of malicious
emails logged through a security gateway had originated from botnet that included not only
computers, but also other devices – including SmartTV, a refrigerator and other household
IoT worm used to mine cryptocurrency – worm Linux.Darlloz
Infecting DVRs with Bitcoin-mining malware even easier than you

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Port Scanning
Port ScanningPort Scanning
Port Scanning

Port scanning involves sending packets to ports on a target system to discover which ports are open and may be exploited. There are several common port scanning techniques like TCP connect scanning, SYN scanning, FIN scanning, and UDP scanning. Port scanners try to avoid detection by scanning slowly, spoofing packets, or fragmenting packets. Systems can detect port scans through signatures like many connections to different ports from the same source in a short time.


This presentation is about Ransomware. It tells you about how ransomware creates problem and how it can be removed. It also describes different types of Ransomware.

Ddos and mitigation methods.pptx (1)
Ddos and mitigation methods.pptx (1)Ddos and mitigation methods.pptx (1)
Ddos and mitigation methods.pptx (1)

The presentation covers information about basic and advanced ddos attacks; the tools, techniques and methods to perform them and how to prevent them using the methods present in TCP/IP. Given the different network and application protocols for tcp/ip; we tried to describe where ddos attacks are made possible in the communication process . Each attack is seperately analyzed and described and defense technique is described using the same analogy. Our motto: If there is a ddos case, there was a way to defend it.

• Fortinet – White Paper: „Anatomy of a Botnet“
• Fortinet – 2013 Cybercrime Report
• Gunter Ollmann, VP of Research, Damballa Inc. – Botnet Communication

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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides

What is botnet?

  • 1. WHAT IS BOTNET? Milan Petrásek 21/5/2014
  • 3. Content • Introduction • Star and multiserver topology botnets • Hierarchical topology botnets • Random topology botnets • Types of attacks • Famous botnets through history • Summary
  • 4. Intro - terms BOT or „zombie“. Short for roBOT. NET short for interNET Botnet a lot of infected computers Bot Herder or „bot master“ can control the botnet remotely C&C Server command-and-control centre for botnet managing
  • 8. Types of attacks • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) • Adware advertises • Spyware • E-mail • Click fraud • Fast flux • Brute-forcing remote machines services • Worms • Scareware • Exploiting systems
  • 9. Famous botnets through history • 2001 – First Botnet ( age=all) • 2005 Torpig • 2006 Virut • 2007 Zeus – one of the biggest (compromised U.S. computers: 3.6 million) • 2007 Storm • 2008 Conficker • 2008 Grum • 2008 Lethic • 2008 Mariposa • 2009 SpyEye • 2010 Waledac • 2011 ZeroAccess • 2012 FlashFake (Mac OS X) • 2012 Jeef • 2012 Smoke
  • 10. Summary • Botnets are serious problem today – Malware as a Service • Bleak future awaiting us – Mobile botnets on the rise – Internet of Things botnets
  • 11. IoT BotnetInternet of Things botnets In December 2013 a researcher at Proofpoint noticed that hundreds of thousands of malicious emails logged through a security gateway had originated from botnet that included not only computers, but also other devices – including SmartTV, a refrigerator and other household appliances. IoT worm used to mine cryptocurrency – worm Linux.Darlloz cryptocurrency Infecting DVRs with Bitcoin-mining malware even easier than you suspected bitcoin-mining-malware-even-easier-you-suspected/
  • 13. Resources • • • • ashfake_Part_1 • • Fortinet – White Paper: „Anatomy of a Botnet“ • Fortinet – 2013 Cybercrime Report • Gunter Ollmann, VP of Research, Damballa Inc. – Botnet Communication Topologies