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Dyn + DataStax: Helping Companies Deliver
Exceptional End-User Experience
May 17, 2016
Tim Chadwick, Principal Engineer, Infrastructure, Dyn
Rick Bross, Principal Engineer, Scalability, Dyn
The Story at Dyn
The Road to Production
Lessons and Direction
Journey to DataStax Enterprise
The Story at Dyn
Dyn is a cloud-based
Internet Performance Management (IPM)
company that provides unrivaled visibility and
control into cloud and public Internet resources.
Dyn’s platform monitors, controls and optimizes
applications and infrastructure through Data,
Analytics, and Traffic Steering, ensuring traffic
gets delivered faster, safer, and more reliably
than ever.
DNS Overview

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Webinar: DataStax Training - Everything you need to become a Cassandra Rockstar
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Webinar: DataStax Training - Everything you need to become a Cassandra Rockstar

The document outlines a training program from DataStax on Apache Cassandra, including an introduction to various courses that cover topics such as core concepts, operations and performance tuning, building scalable Java applications, and data modeling. It provides details on the objectives, length, audience, prerequisites, and agenda for each course. The document also includes a schedule of public course dates and locations for attendees to sign up for training.

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Workshop - How to benchmark your database
Workshop - How to benchmark your databaseWorkshop - How to benchmark your database
Workshop - How to benchmark your database

Why you need benchmarks Finding the right database solution for your use case can be an arduous journey. The database deployment touches aspects of throughput performance, latency control, high availability and data resilience. You will need to decide on the infrastructure to use: Cloud, on-premise or a hybrid solution. Data models also have an impact on finding the right fit for the use case. Once you establish a requirements set, the next step is to test your use case against the databases of choice. In this workshop, we will discuss the different data points you need to collect in order to get the most realistic testing environment. We will cover: Data model impact on performance and latency Client behavior related to database capabilities Failover and high availability testing Hardware selection and cluster configuration impact We will show 2 benchmarking tools you can use to test and benchmark your clusters to identify the optimal deployment scenario for your use case. Attend this virtual workshop if you are: Looking to minimize the cost of your database deployment Making a database decision based on performance and scale data Planning to emulate your workload on a pre-production system where you can test, fail fast and learn.

mParticle's Journey to Scylla from Cassandra
mParticle's Journey to Scylla from CassandramParticle's Journey to Scylla from Cassandra
mParticle's Journey to Scylla from Cassandra

mParticle processes 50 billion monthly messages and needed a data store that provides full availability and performance. They previously used Cassandra but faced issues with high latency, complicated tuning, and backlogs of up to 20 hours. They tested Scylla and found it provided significantly lower latency and compaction backlogs with minimal tuning needed. Scylla also offered knowledgeable support. mParticle migrated their data from Cassandra to Scylla, which immediately kept up with their data loads with little to no backlog.

nosql database
Dyn Global: 20+ Data Centers
tchadwick@piedmont:~$ dig SOA | grep -A 1 "ANSWER SECT"
SOA 2016042900 3600 600 604800 1800Build a sustainable system that
can track usage by customer
and zone (domain).
The consumers are our
customers, our billing department,
and Chris Baker.
Who Needs These Data?
For each five minute interval of an
invoice period, determine the Queries
per Second (QPS) and sort in
descending order.
Discard the top 5%, and it is the
maximum value remaining which is a
customer’s 95th Percentile, or
monthly bill rate.
Traffic Telemetry
1. Operations
-Flexible Topology
-Resilient Clusters
-Visibility and Administration
2. Data Model
-Idempotent Writes
-Low Concurrency
-Application Redundancy
Oh, and it must perform well.
Benchmarking Cassandra
Scalability on AWS
Over a million writes per second
Priorities that Led to DataStax Enterprise

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We recently launched DataStax Enterprise 4.5 - the fastest, most scalable distributed database technology with blazing performance, 100x faster analytics and automated diagnostics. Join DataStax’s product gurus Martin Van Ryswyk, EVP of Engineering, and Robin Schumacher, VP of Products, in an open dialog as they discuss the importance of - - Selecting the right database technology for today’s digital world - Integrated analytics for lightning fast customer interactions - Merging operational and historical data for the most accurate insights, possible

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Introducing DataStax Enterprise 4.7
Introducing DataStax Enterprise 4.7Introducing DataStax Enterprise 4.7
Introducing DataStax Enterprise 4.7

DataStax recently announced the general availability of DataStax Enterprise 4.7 (DSE 4.7), the leading database platform purpose-built for the performance and availability demands of web, mobile, and IOT applications. In this product launch webinar, Robin Schumacher, VP of Products, explores the wide range of enhancements in DSE 4.7 including enterprise class search, analytics, and in-memory.

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Webinar: ROI on Big Data - RDBMS, NoSQL or Both? A Simple Guide for Knowing H...
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Big data doesn't mean big money. In fact, choosing a NoSQL solution will almost certainly save your business money, in terms of hardware, licensing, and total cost of ownership. What's more, choosing the correct technology for your use case will almost certainly increase your top line as well. Big words, right? We'll back them up with customer case studies and lots of details. This webinar will give you the basics for growing your business in a profitable way. What's the use of growing your top line but outspending any gains on cumbersome, ineffective, outdated IT? We'll take you through the specific use cases and business models that are the best fit for NoSQL solutions. By the way, no prior knowledge is required. If you don't even know what RDBMS or NoSQL stand for, you are in the right place. Get your questions answered, and get your business on the right track to meeting your customers' needs in today's data environment.

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Consult the Experts
Oh Baby!
One sec, new priority...
Enterprise Requirement Ahead!

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Disney+ Hotstar is the fastest growing branch of Disney+. Join Disney+ Hotstar Architect Vamsi Subhash and senior data engineer Balakrishnan Kaliyamoorthy to learn… How Disney+ Hotstar architected their systems to handle massive data loads Why they chose to replace both Redis and Elasticsearch Their requirements for massively scalable data infrastructure and evolving data models How they migrated their data to Scylla Cloud, ScyllaDB’s fully managed NoSQL database-as-a-service, without suffering downtime

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We will present our O365 use case scenarios, why we chose Cassandra + Spark, and walk through the architecture we chose for running DataStax Enterprise on azure.

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Don’t Get Caught in a PCI Pickle: Meet Compliance and Protect Payment Card Da...
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Data security is an absolute requirement for any organization – large or small – that handles debit, credit and pre-paid cards. But navigating, understanding and complying with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards) regulations can be tough. In this webinar, we’ll examine the guidelines for securing payment card data and show you how a combined solution from DataStax and Gazzang can put you on course for compliance.

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North Bergen
replication = {
USE qld;
CREATE TABLE qld_logs (
key text,
row_seq bigint,
logline text,
PRIMARY KEY ((key), row_seq)
Detailed DNS Query Log - DSE Cluster
Back to our original goal....
• Customers
• Zones (Domains)
• Zone Record Types
• Fully Qualified Domain Names
• Regions (ANYCAST)
• Data Centers
• Nameservers
• “Top 10s”
Many, many more customers.
Many, many more dimensions.
I Want More From You....

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AdTech requires high speed at massive scale. Sizmek serves millions of requests every second. Requests need to be processed in tens of milliseconds, while involving 10 simultaneous lookups into a database that contains tens of billions of profiles. In this presentation, you will discover how Scylla enables Sizmek’s real-time bidders to query a gigantic user profile store quickly and reliably with only a few nodes. We’ll discuss data modeling, server and driver configuration, techniques to minimize disk access, as well as considerations for leveraging Spark while migrating from HBase.

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C* Summit 2013: Cassandra at eBay Scale by Feng Qu and Anurag Jambhekar
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We have seen rapid adoption of C* at eBay in past two years. We have made tremendous efforts to integrate C* into existing database platforms, including Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, XMP etc.. We also scale C* to meet business requirement and encountered technical challenges you only see at eBay scale, 100TB data on hundreds of nodes. We will share our experience of deployment automation, managing, monitoring, reporting for both Apache Cassandra and DataStax enterprise.

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Datastax Enterprise Provided the Tools
North BergenSunnyvale
CREATE TABLE "QueryCountSummaryCF”
CREATE TABLE “QueryCountSummaryRollupsCF"
CREATE TABLE "QueryZoneCountRollupsCF"
CREATE TABLE "QueryHostCountRollupsCF"
CREATE TABLE "QueryPlatformCountCF"
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' :
'replication' : 2 };
The Working Solution
○ > 12k w / s
○ 99th percentile < 5ms
○ Avg read latency < 10ms
○ 200GB -> 1.2TB, steady
○ ~ 12B data points
How DataStax Enterprise Provided Value
● Support in Every Phase
○ Proof of Concept
○ Design
○ Operations
○ Optimization
● Integrated Toolkit
○ OpsCenter
We get the value of many, many
people at the cost of about 1/2

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This session will address Cassandra's tunable consistency model and cover how developers and companies should adopt a more Optimistic Software Design model.

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Keeping your application’s latency SLAs no matter what
Keeping your application’s latency SLAs no matter whatKeeping your application’s latency SLAs no matter what
Keeping your application’s latency SLAs no matter what

Businesses that once measured performance in seconds now measure it down to the millisecond and even the microsecond in order to provide optimal user experience. For a NoSQL database few things are more important than keeping latencies low and bounded. Yet some databases suffer latency spikes from such regular occurrences as Java Virtual Machine (JVM) “garbage collection,” context switches, database repair, cache flushes and so on. This makes long-tail latency very tricky to diagnose and fix, as it’s often a “whack-a-mole” exercise. In this session, we will cover: The systemic causes of latency spikes How to keep latencies bounded and predictable How to manage latency-inducing events How Scylla helps optimize for 99% latency of <1msec

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DataStax Training – Everything you need to become a Cassandra Rockstar
DataStax Training – Everything you need to become a Cassandra RockstarDataStax Training – Everything you need to become a Cassandra Rockstar
DataStax Training – Everything you need to become a Cassandra Rockstar

Looking to strengthen your expertise of Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise? This DataStax Training Webinar provides an overview of what you need to get the most out of Cassandra and your DataStax Enterprise environment. Whether you’re a developer or administrator, novice or a Cassandra expert, there is a class that will meet your experience level and needs.

apache cassandrabig datanosql
Lessons Learned
Top Lessons Learned
1. Include all teams in planning, deployment and implementation.
2. Consult knowledgeable people before making decisions and “optimizations”.
3. Understand compaction strategies to immediately eliminate those that are not a fit.
4. Ensure that client load balancing policies and consistency levels match DC
topology and schema replication factors.
5. Model and understand all failure scenarios.
6. Use Spark to aggregate data in order to save storage and improve performance.
#1: Include all teams
● Product management
● Application engineering
● DBAs
● Operations
● Network engineering
● System engineering
● Finance and Management
#2: Consult knowledgeable people . . .
● Schema
● Cluster topology and tuning
● Tuning
● Compaction algorithms
● Client interaction
Talk to Datastax! They’ve probably seen it before!

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Data Pipelines with Spark & DataStax Enterprise
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Data Pipelines with Spark & DataStax Enterprise

This document discusses building data pipelines for both static and streaming data using Apache Spark and DataStax Enterprise (DSE). For static data, it recommends using optimized data storage formats, distributed and scalable technologies like Spark, interactive analysis tools like notebooks, and DSE for persistent storage. For streaming data, it recommends using scalable distributed technologies, Kafka to decouple producers and consumers, and DSE for real-time analytics and persistent storage across datacenters.

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From PoCs to Production
From PoCs to ProductionFrom PoCs to Production
From PoCs to Production

The document discusses best practices for moving Cassandra pilots and proofs of concept (PoCs) to production. It recommends starting with defining queries, building out 5-8 pilots, and designing REST APIs first. When moving to production, considerations include infrastructure, testing, coding practices like using asynchronous execution, data modeling for queries and analytics, and application optimization techniques.

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Webinar: Don't Leave Your Data in the Dark
Webinar: Don't Leave Your Data in the DarkWebinar: Don't Leave Your Data in the Dark
Webinar: Don't Leave Your Data in the Dark

As new types of data sources emerge from cloud, mobile devices, social media and machine sensor devices, traditional databases hit the ceiling due to today’s dynamic, data-volume driven business culture. Join us in this online webinar and learn how you can incorporate a modern, NoSQL platform into daily operations to optimize and simplify data performance. DataStax recently announced DataStax Enterprise 4.0, a production-certified version of Apache Cassandra with an in-memory option, enterprise search, advanced security features and visual management tools. Give your developers a simple and powerful way to deliver the information your customers care about most—unconstrained by the complexities and high costs of traditional database systems. Learn how to: - Easily assign data based on its performance needs on traditional spinning disk, SSD or in-memory. All in the same database instance - Leverage DataStax’s built-in enhancements for broader information search and analysis even with many thousands of concurrent requests - Visually monitor, manage, and fine-tune your environment to get the most of your online data

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#3: Understand Compaction Strategies!
DTCS was our first choice. It didn’t work . . . .
Tim Goodaire September 02, 2015 17:10
We have changed the compaction strategy,
concurrent_compactors, compaction_throughput, and
heap size. It took a while for the cluster to complete
the compactions, but it's done now. The cluster is up
and appears to be healthy.
Today, we've been adding a few more nodes and
resetting the heap size back to 8 GB.
#4: Ensure client and cluster settings match
Load balancing policies, read and write consistency, schema replication
factor, cluster topology . . .
#5: Model Failure Scenarios
What happens when a node fails? Two? The DC?
Will the client fail? How will queries be satisfied?
700 rows for a single 5 minute interval
Daily billing went from 14 hours, to 2 hours on DSE/C*, and 12 minutes with DSE/SPARK
#6: Use DSE Spark to aggregate
20 rows for an hour interval

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How much money do you lose every time your ecommerce site goes down?

In today’s environment, you must serve your customers with uptime (all the time) availability, plus hidden benefits like state-of-the-art fraud detection and game-changing recommendation engines. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to: -Get uptime, all the time, so you can serve your customers without outages -Ingest huge velocities of data from anywhere -Maximize mobile, online and cloud applications with the security your customers expect -Identify patterns between formerly silo’d data, even text and call logs -Get the search & insight you need without performance hits

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Cassandra is a distributed, massively scalable, fault tolerant, columnar data store, and if you need the ability to make fast writes, the only thing faster than Cassandra is /dev/null! In this fast-paced presentation, we'll briefly describe big data, and the area of big data that Cassandra is designed to fill. We will cover Cassandra's unique, every-node-the-same architecture. We will reveal Cassandra's internal data structure and explain just why Cassandra is so darned fast. Finally, we'll wrap up with a discussion of data modeling using the new standard protocol: CQL (Cassandra Query Language).

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What’s Next?
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 29
● Rely on best practices to support more analytical use cases across products.
● Complete development of generic C* solution, for quicker time to market, and
greater scale in our hybrid cloud.
● Consider new opportunities for relying on DSE for products delivering
Contacts and Thanks!
Tim Chadwick
Principal Engineer, Infrastructure
Rick Bross
Principal Engineer, Data Analytics
Dyn, Inc.
150 Dow St – Tower Two
Manchester, NH 03101
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 30
Coming Soon!
● June 8: How to Half Hour - Building Data Pipelines with SMACK: Storage
Strategy using Cassandra and DSE
● July 6: How to Half Hour - Building Data Pipelines with SMACK: Analyzing
Data with Spark
● For the latest schedule of webinars, check out our Webinars page:

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Cassandra Community Webinar | In Case of Emergency Break Glass
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Cassandra Community Webinar | In Case of Emergency Break Glass

The design of Apache Cassandra allows applications to provide constant uptime. Peer-to-Peer technology ensures there are no single points of failure, and the Consistency guarantees allow applications to function correctly while some nodes are down. There is also a wealth of information provided by the JMX API and the system log. All of this means that when things go wrong you have the time, information and platform to resolve them without downtime. This presentation will cover some of the common, and not so common, performance issues, failures and management tasks observed in running clusters. Aaron will discuss how to gather information and how to act on it. Operators, Developers and Managers will all benefit from this exposition of Cassandra in the wild.

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Webinar | How Clear Capital Delivers Always-on Appraisals on 122 Million Prop...
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In online residential and commercial real estate, even fractions of seconds in response times affect customer satisfaction and conversion to revenue. The need for continuous availability is paramount to deliver the levels of service customers demand from modern online applications. Join David Prinzing, Enterprise Architect at Clear Capital to discover why Clear Capital, a premium provider of real estate asset valuation and collateral risk assessment, chose DataStax as the database-backbone for their ClearCollateral Platform. David will discuss how DataStax Enterprise, the world’s fastest, most scalable distributed database technology built on Apache Cassandra ensures 100% uptime for over 122 million properties (90% of all the properties in the United States) and supports reporting on over 1 Billion total valuations while never going down. - The challenges in building real-time applications using relational technologies is forcing financial services firms to migrate to distributed database technologies - How Clear Capital delivers 100% availability and real-time decision support across multiple data centers in the Amazon Cloud using DataStax Enterprise - Why Apache Cassandra’s architecture delivers always-on, customer engaging applications that capture new business opportunities

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Webinar: 2 Billion Data Points Each Day
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This webinar follows the process of evaluating different big data platforms based on varying use cases and business requirements, and explains how big data professionals can choose the right technology to transform their business. During this session, Ooyala CTO, Sean Knapp will discuss why Ooyala selected DataStax as the big data platform powering their business, and how they provide real-time video analytics that help media companies create deeply personalized viewing experiences for more than 1/4 of all Internet video viewers each month.

apache cassandracassandranosql
● Client cluster and session object configuration
○ Cluster seeds (DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy
○ Other load balancing policies to wrap
○ Read and write consistency setting
○ # connections per host
○ # requests per connection
○ Pool timeout
● Client query settings
○ Read and write consistency (may override default
for specific query)
○ Batches (rarely if ever should be used)
○ Stored procedures (usually best practice for groups
of queries - ex. we use for high velocity inserts)
○ Sync or Async? Depends on the specific query, but
usually best practice with stored procedures.
○ Write with a consistent TTL per table.
○ How many threads should share the client session
object? We’ve found that balancing the DC
capabilities, client latency, and a (native) thread
pool turbocharges inserts.
Cassandra Cluster
● Network topology
○ Colocated latency? Inter DC latency?
○ Replication factor per DC per schema
● Schema
○ Don’t mix schemas with different use cases!
○ Dyn’s usage pattern
■ Optimize INSERTs.
■ Ensure READs succeed.
■ Avoid UPDATEs (“out of order” TTLs)
■ Ban DELETEs (turn off the repair service)
○ Attempt to have all (voluminous) tables use the
same compaction strategy.
○ Use consistent TTLs for writes. If you override
the default, always override with the same value.
● Compaction algorithms
○ With ✓ time series data, ✓ no deletes, ✓ no
updates and ✓ consistent TTLs: you can use
DTCS, which will simply drop old sstables.
Client/Cluster Settings - Must Work Together!

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Webinar: Dyn + DataStax - helping companies deliver exceptional end-user experience

  • 1. Dyn + DataStax: Helping Companies Deliver Exceptional End-User Experience May 17, 2016 Tim Chadwick, Principal Engineer, Infrastructure, Dyn Rick Bross, Principal Engineer, Scalability, Dyn
  • 2. The Story at Dyn The Road to Production Lessons and Direction Journey to DataStax Enterprise
  • 3. The Story at Dyn Dyn is a cloud-based Internet Performance Management (IPM) company that provides unrivaled visibility and control into cloud and public Internet resources. Dyn’s platform monitors, controls and optimizes applications and infrastructure through Data, Analytics, and Traffic Steering, ensuring traffic gets delivered faster, safer, and more reliably than ever.
  • 5. Dyn Global: 20+ Data Centers
  • 6. tchadwick@piedmont:~$ dig SOA | grep -A 1 "ANSWER SECT" ;; ANSWER SECTION: 7175 IN SOA 2016042900 3600 600 604800 1800Build a sustainable system that can track usage by customer and zone (domain). The consumers are our customers, our billing department, and Chris Baker. Who Needs These Data?
  • 7. For each five minute interval of an invoice period, determine the Queries per Second (QPS) and sort in descending order. Discard the top 5%, and it is the maximum value remaining which is a customer’s 95th Percentile, or monthly bill rate. Traffic Telemetry
  • 8. 1. Operations -Flexible Topology -Resilient Clusters -Visibility and Administration 2. Data Model -Idempotent Writes -Low Concurrency -Application Redundancy Oh, and it must perform well. Benchmarking Cassandra Scalability on AWS Over a million writes per second Priorities that Led to DataStax Enterprise
  • 11. One sec, new priority...
  • 13. Sunnyvale (USSNN1) North Bergen (USNBN1) CREATE KEYSPACE qld WITH replication = { 'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', ... }; USE qld; CREATE TABLE qld_logs ( key text, row_seq bigint, logline text, PRIMARY KEY ((key), row_seq) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND ... compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND ... Detailed DNS Query Log - DSE Cluster
  • 15. Back to our original goal....
  • 16. • Customers • Zones (Domains) • Zone Record Types • Fully Qualified Domain Names (qnames) • Regions (ANYCAST) • Data Centers • Nameservers • “Top 10s” Many, many more customers. Many, many more dimensions. I Want More From You....
  • 18. North BergenSunnyvale CREATE TABLE "QueryCountSummaryCF” CREATE TABLE "QueryZoneCountCF" CREATE TABLE "QueryHostCountCF" CREATE TABLE “QueryCountSummaryRollupsCF" CREATE TABLE "QueryZoneCountRollupsCF" CREATE TABLE "QueryHostCountRollupsCF" CREATE TABLE "QueryPlatformCountCF" WITH DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE = 31536000; WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication' : 2 }; The Working Solution
  • 19. Factoids Throughput: ○ > 12k w / s ○ 99th percentile < 5ms ○ Avg read latency < 10ms Size: ○ 200GB -> 1.2TB, steady ○ ~ 12B data points
  • 20. How DataStax Enterprise Provided Value ● Support in Every Phase ○ Proof of Concept ○ Design ○ Operations ○ Optimization ● Integrated Toolkit ○ OpsCenter ○ SPARK We get the value of many, many people at the cost of about 1/2 FTE.
  • 22. Top Lessons Learned 1. Include all teams in planning, deployment and implementation. 2. Consult knowledgeable people before making decisions and “optimizations”. 3. Understand compaction strategies to immediately eliminate those that are not a fit. 4. Ensure that client load balancing policies and consistency levels match DC topology and schema replication factors. 5. Model and understand all failure scenarios. 6. Use Spark to aggregate data in order to save storage and improve performance.
  • 23. #1: Include all teams ● Product management ● Application engineering ● DBAs ● Operations ● Network engineering ● System engineering ● Finance and Management
  • 24. #2: Consult knowledgeable people . . . ● Schema ● Cluster topology and tuning ● Tuning ● Compaction algorithms ● Client interaction Talk to Datastax! They’ve probably seen it before!
  • 25. #3: Understand Compaction Strategies! DTCS was our first choice. It didn’t work . . . . Tim Goodaire September 02, 2015 17:10 We have changed the compaction strategy, concurrent_compactors, compaction_throughput, and heap size. It took a while for the cluster to complete the compactions, but it's done now. The cluster is up and appears to be healthy. Today, we've been adding a few more nodes and resetting the heap size back to 8 GB.
  • 26. #4: Ensure client and cluster settings match Load balancing policies, read and write consistency, schema replication factor, cluster topology . . .
  • 27. #5: Model Failure Scenarios What happens when a node fails? Two? The DC? Will the client fail? How will queries be satisfied?
  • 28. 700 rows for a single 5 minute interval Daily billing went from 14 hours, to 2 hours on DSE/C*, and 12 minutes with DSE/SPARK #6: Use DSE Spark to aggregate 20 rows for an hour interval
  • 29. What’s Next? © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 29 ● Rely on best practices to support more analytical use cases across products. ● Complete development of generic C* solution, for quicker time to market, and greater scale in our hybrid cloud. ● Consider new opportunities for relying on DSE for products delivering services.
  • 30. Contacts and Thanks! Tim Chadwick Principal Engineer, Infrastructure @DynData Rick Bross Principal Engineer, Data Analytics Dyn, Inc. 150 Dow St – Tower Two Manchester, NH 03101 603-668-4998 © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 30
  • 31. Coming Soon! ● June 8: How to Half Hour - Building Data Pipelines with SMACK: Storage Strategy using Cassandra and DSE ● July 6: How to Half Hour - Building Data Pipelines with SMACK: Analyzing Data with Spark ● For the latest schedule of webinars, check out our Webinars page:
  • 33. Client ● Client cluster and session object configuration ○ Cluster seeds (DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy implications) ○ Other load balancing policies to wrap ○ Read and write consistency setting ○ # connections per host ○ # requests per connection ○ Pool timeout ● Client query settings ○ Read and write consistency (may override default for specific query) ○ Batches (rarely if ever should be used) ○ Stored procedures (usually best practice for groups of queries - ex. we use for high velocity inserts) ○ Sync or Async? Depends on the specific query, but usually best practice with stored procedures. ○ Write with a consistent TTL per table. ○ How many threads should share the client session object? We’ve found that balancing the DC capabilities, client latency, and a (native) thread pool turbocharges inserts. Cassandra Cluster ● Network topology ○ Colocated latency? Inter DC latency? ○ Replication factor per DC per schema ● Schema ○ Don’t mix schemas with different use cases! ○ Dyn’s usage pattern ■ Optimize INSERTs. ■ Ensure READs succeed. ■ Avoid UPDATEs (“out of order” TTLs) ■ Ban DELETEs (turn off the repair service) ○ Attempt to have all (voluminous) tables use the same compaction strategy. ○ Use consistent TTLs for writes. If you override the default, always override with the same value. ● Compaction algorithms ○ With ✓ time series data, ✓ no deletes, ✓ no updates and ✓ consistent TTLs: you can use DTCS, which will simply drop old sstables. Client/Cluster Settings - Must Work Together!