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Module Structure Web 2.0
Introduction to Advanced Web Technologies
SET09103 Advanced Web Technologies
School of Computing
Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
Module Leader: Uta Priss
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Module Structure
Web 2.0
Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 2/17
Module Structure Web 2.0
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, students will have an understanding of
Mark-up language technology (XML structures and tools).
Advanced web technologies (such as AJAX and advanced web
Searching and pattern matching using regular expressions.
Issues and challenges of modern Web Technologies and Web
Advanced web topics (such as web services and Unicode).
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Module Structure Web 2.0
This module has two assessments: coursework 1 and coursework 2.
Each counts 50%.
Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 4/17

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ICT, Internet and WWW
ICT, Internet and WWWICT, Internet and WWW
ICT, Internet and WWW

The document defines ICT as the use of communication technologies to electronically transmit information. It discusses the different types of web, including Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Web 1.0 referred to static websites, Web 2.0 introduced dynamic content and user participation, and Web 3.0 aims to cater websites to individual users. The document also provides facts about the state of ICT in the Philippines, noting internet speeds, roles as an Asia hub, and selfie cities. It examines features of the semantic web and issues with Web 3.0 implementation.

Internet Applications
Internet ApplicationsInternet Applications
Internet Applications

This document provides an overview of using internet applications in Week 3 of a COMP121 course. It discusses internet, intranet and extranet networks and tools like HTTP, FTP, email, IRC, WWW, Gopher and WAIS. It outlines the scope and learning outcomes of understanding internet applications and protocols. Key topics covered include internet hardware and software, advantages and disadvantages of the internet, intranet and extranet, and layered system views of networking.

amaha internet course
amaha internet courseamaha internet course
amaha internet course

This document provides information about accessing and using the internet. It begins with an introduction to the learning guide and its objectives to teach students how to open internet browsers, set browser preferences, access websites, and perform other basic internet tasks. It then provides three pages of detailed information sheets about internet terminology, the structure of web addresses and URLs, how information is transmitted over the internet, and laws related to online privacy. The document aims to give students the necessary knowledge to meet the learning outcome of being able to perform basic internet functions.

hello and well come
Module Structure Web 2.0
Learning Computer-related Subjects
Changing technologies require “life-long learning”.
Knowledge about computers is never complete.
It is usually better to know where and how to find solutions to
arising problems than to memorise solutions that worked in
the past.
It is useful to maintain logbooks (weblogs) to avoid having to
search for the same solution twice.
The best computer textbooks are
Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 5/17
Module Structure Web 2.0
Learning Computer-related Subjects
Changing technologies require “life-long learning”.
Knowledge about computers is never complete.
It is usually better to know where and how to find solutions to
arising problems than to memorise solutions that worked in
the past.
It is useful to maintain logbooks (weblogs) to avoid having to
search for the same solution twice.
The best computer textbooks are
Google (or similar search engines) and Wikipedia.
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Module Structure: Tutorials
The learning materials are arranged in exercises simulating
real web applications.
The learning materials are more technology-oriented than
fact-oriented. Students are not required to learn anything “by
All assessments are “open-book” and simulate problems as
occurring in real web applications.
On-line materials (including search engines) should be used
for the coursework - but all resources must be quoted to avoid
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Module Structure: Lectures
The lectures support the tutorials.
The lectures include some structured presentations (for
introduction and overview of topics) but also time for class
discussion, group exercises and opportunities for asking
Due to the nature of the subject matter, the lectures will not
be “complete”.
Students are encouraged to complement the lecture materials
by reading web resources. The module website provides some
starting points.
The reason for providing learning materials in a more flexible
manner is to encourage students to take ownership and control of
their learning.
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1. web technology basics
1. web technology basics1. web technology basics
1. web technology basics

This document outlines the course content for an introduction to web technology course. The course covers basic web terminology, HTML, CSS, and web hosting. It is divided into 4 units: 1) Basic web concepts including the internet, browsers, servers, domains and URLs 2) An introduction to HTML5 including page structure, tags, and multimedia 3) An introduction to CSS including style sheets, selectors, properties and layouts 4) Web publishing and hosting including the need for hosting, different hosting options, and steps to host a website.

web technologyhtmlcss
Basics of Internet and WWW
Basics of Internet and WWWBasics of Internet and WWW
Basics of Internet and WWW

The document provides an overview of the history and development of the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW). It discusses how the Internet originated in the 1960s and evolved with developments like email, file transfer protocol, and domain name servers. It then explains how Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 while working at CERN. The document defines key terms related to the Internet and WWW like websites, web servers, HTML, URLs, IP addresses, browsers, and protocols. It provides examples and diagrams to illustrate concepts like client-server structure, domain name systems, and URL structure.

Internet and its application in education
Internet and its application in educationInternet and its application in education
Internet and its application in education

The presentation gives the basic idea on how internet is used as a powerful tool for education. In India UGC is the apex body for higher education. Also find information on INFLIBNET centre which is an Autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) of University Grants Commission (UGC) of India.

internet in educationinflibnetshodhganga
Module Structure Web 2.0
Getting Help with the Module Materials or Coursework
Ask questions during the tutorials or lectures.
Email questions to the lecturer.
Check the module website for FAQs and announcements.
Type your question into Google. (Note: use quotation marks
around phrases, e.g. “Server-side web languages”).
Ask fellow students (but not if the problems relate to the
Request an appointment with the lecturer.
Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 8/17
Module Structure Web 2.0
Using a Non-Napier Webserver
As a learning experience, students may want to explore using
a webserver outside the university or install a webserver on
their laptop.
The webserver used needs to support PHP (or Perl/CGI).
Linux and Mac OS X: webservers are pre-installed.
On a PC: a webserver is easy to install using WAMP, etc.
But: Napier University will not be responsible for any problems
(technical, legal, financial or other) that students encounter if
using a non-Napier resource.
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Web 2.0
Enhance user creativity,
Novel use of
existing technology
(e.g. AJAX)
Web 2.0
and social networking
Web−based communities
sharing and collaboration
Examples: eBay, Wikipedia,, Skype, YouTube.
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Web 2.0
How would you define Web 2.0?
Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 11/17

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Educational Technology
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This document provides an introduction to educational technology. It defines educational technology as focusing on developing teacher materials and student outputs while introducing learning theories and principles for instructional design. It discusses behavioral technology which aims to modify teaching behaviors and instructional technology as a systematic process of learning and teaching. The document also outlines six uses of information technology in education such as providing educational resources, enabling instant access to information, supporting full-time learning, facilitating group learning, enhancing teaching through audio/visual aids, and enabling long-distance learning. It further discusses how information and communication technologies can help improve education quality by motivating learning, facilitating basic skills acquisition, and enhancing teacher training.

Introduction to the internet
Introduction to the internetIntroduction to the internet
Introduction to the internet

The document provides an introduction to the Internet. It describes the Internet as the largest network in the world that connects hundreds of thousands of individual networks. It moves ideas and information through cyberspace rather than physical space. The Internet has no single owner or formal management, and was originally developed by the Department of Defense. Common uses of the Internet include email, file transfers, discussion groups, and surfing the World Wide Web.

introduction to the internet
History of Web Technology
History of Web TechnologyHistory of Web Technology
History of Web Technology

The practical Application of knowledge especially in a particular area, a manner of accomplishing a task especially using Technical processes, methods, or knowledge . The specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor are called technology.

history of web technologywebserver
Module Structure Web 2.0
Web 2.0: Definition and History
There is no exact definition for Web 2.0.
Older technologies retrospectively named Web 1.0
tend to be static with no user involvement.
Named after the “O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference” in 2004.
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Overview of some of the technologies
Rich Internet applications
(websites that mimic desktop applications)
see Week 7
Web services
(API access to remote web servers)
see Week 10
And ...
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Social software and social networking sites
Older: Usenet, Listserv, Talk, Email.
Blog, forum, wiki.
Networking: friends sites and recommender systems.
User generated content and self-description sites.
FOAF and XFN: protocols for friends networks.
But: privacy concerns.
Examples: MySpace, Facebook, ...
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Collaborative/social + classification/indexing/tagging
Shared bookmarking.
Bookmarks/tags are annotated with keywords.
Visualisations: tag clouds.
APML: protocol for import/export of tag clouds.
bookmarkingblogs XML
XHTML taggingRSSsocial
web services wikiAJAX
Web 2.0
Examples: Flickr,
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Multimedia- How Internet Works
Multimedia- How Internet WorksMultimedia- How Internet Works
Multimedia- How Internet Works

This document provides an overview of the history and development of the Internet. It discusses how internetworking connects local area networks and wide area networks using TCP/IP protocols. The domain name system assigns names and addresses to networked computers. The document outlines various Internet services like email, file transfer, and the World Wide Web. It also describes tools used to access and develop content on the World Wide Web, including web servers, browsers, search engines, and multimedia plugins.

Services provided by the internet
Services provided by the internetServices provided by the internet
Services provided by the internet

The document discusses the history and services provided by the internet. It describes how the internet began as a research project called ARPANET in the 1960s and expanded to include private networks, leading to the development of common network protocols. Today, over 2 billion people worldwide use internet services. The key services discussed include electronic mail, the World Wide Web, file transfer protocol, chat rooms, mailing lists, instant messaging, online chat, and newsgroups. Each service is briefly described.

internet marketingitcomputers and internet
3.2.2 World Wide Web (WWW)
3.2.2 World Wide Web (WWW)3.2.2 World Wide Web (WWW)
3.2.2 World Wide Web (WWW)

The document discusses various aspects of the World Wide Web including: 1. It defines key terms like web browsers, web pages, web servers, and web addresses. The main web browsers mentioned are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Google Chrome. 2. It explains how to navigate web pages using hyperlinks and describes different navigation methods like surfing the web and tabbed browsing. 3. It outlines two main types of web search tools - search engines which use keyword searches and subject directories which organize web pages into categories. 4. Common search engines mentioned are used to find websites, images, videos, news and other online information based on search queries. Subject directories allow users to navigate

Module Structure Web 2.0
Web feeds: RSS and Atom
RSS 2.0: Really Simple Syndication.
RSS 1.0: RDF Site Summary.
Automated updates for frequently changing content:
blogs, news, podcasts.
Aggregation of content from different sites (Mashups).
Used in feed readers, browsers or desktop widgets.
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Module Structure Web 2.0
Freemium business model
Venture capitalist Fred Wilson’s Blog on 23 March 2006:
Give your service away for free, possibly ad supported but
maybe not, acquire a lot of customers very efficiently
through word of mouth, referral networks, organic search
marketing, etc., then offer premium priced value added
services or an enhanced version of your service to your
customer base.
Used for Shareware and Open Source software.
Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 17/17

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  • 1. Module Structure Web 2.0 Introduction to Advanced Web Technologies SET09103 Advanced Web Technologies School of Computing Napier University, Edinburgh, UK Module Leader: Uta Priss 2008 Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 1/17
  • 2. Module Structure Web 2.0 Outline Module Structure Web 2.0 Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 2/17
  • 3. Module Structure Web 2.0 Learning Outcomes By the end of this module, students will have an understanding of Mark-up language technology (XML structures and tools). Advanced web technologies (such as AJAX and advanced web security) Searching and pattern matching using regular expressions. Issues and challenges of modern Web Technologies and Web 2.0. Advanced web topics (such as web services and Unicode). Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 3/17
  • 4. Module Structure Web 2.0 Assessments This module has two assessments: coursework 1 and coursework 2. Each counts 50%. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 4/17
  • 5. Module Structure Web 2.0 Learning Computer-related Subjects Changing technologies require “life-long learning”. Knowledge about computers is never complete. It is usually better to know where and how to find solutions to arising problems than to memorise solutions that worked in the past. It is useful to maintain logbooks (weblogs) to avoid having to search for the same solution twice. The best computer textbooks are Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 5/17
  • 6. Module Structure Web 2.0 Learning Computer-related Subjects Changing technologies require “life-long learning”. Knowledge about computers is never complete. It is usually better to know where and how to find solutions to arising problems than to memorise solutions that worked in the past. It is useful to maintain logbooks (weblogs) to avoid having to search for the same solution twice. The best computer textbooks are Google (or similar search engines) and Wikipedia. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 5/17
  • 7. Module Structure Web 2.0 Module Structure: Tutorials The learning materials are arranged in exercises simulating real web applications. The learning materials are more technology-oriented than fact-oriented. Students are not required to learn anything “by heart”. All assessments are “open-book” and simulate problems as occurring in real web applications. On-line materials (including search engines) should be used for the coursework - but all resources must be quoted to avoid plagiarism. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 6/17
  • 8. Module Structure Web 2.0 Module Structure: Lectures The lectures support the tutorials. The lectures include some structured presentations (for introduction and overview of topics) but also time for class discussion, group exercises and opportunities for asking questions. Due to the nature of the subject matter, the lectures will not be “complete”. Students are encouraged to complement the lecture materials by reading web resources. The module website provides some starting points. The reason for providing learning materials in a more flexible manner is to encourage students to take ownership and control of their learning. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 7/17
  • 9. Module Structure Web 2.0 Getting Help with the Module Materials or Coursework Ask questions during the tutorials or lectures. Email questions to the lecturer. Check the module website for FAQs and announcements. Type your question into Google. (Note: use quotation marks around phrases, e.g. “Server-side web languages”). Ask fellow students (but not if the problems relate to the coursework!) Request an appointment with the lecturer. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 8/17
  • 10. Module Structure Web 2.0 Using a Non-Napier Webserver As a learning experience, students may want to explore using a webserver outside the university or install a webserver on their laptop. The webserver used needs to support PHP (or Perl/CGI). Linux and Mac OS X: webservers are pre-installed. On a PC: a webserver is easy to install using WAMP, etc. But: Napier University will not be responsible for any problems (technical, legal, financial or other) that students encounter if using a non-Napier resource. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 9/17
  • 11. Module Structure Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Enhance user creativity, Novel use of existing technology (e.g. AJAX) Web 2.0 and social networking Web−based communities sharing and collaboration Examples: eBay, Wikipedia,, Skype, YouTube. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 10/17
  • 12. Module Structure Web 2.0 Web 2.0 How would you define Web 2.0? Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 11/17
  • 13. Module Structure Web 2.0 Web 2.0: Definition and History There is no exact definition for Web 2.0. Older technologies retrospectively named Web 1.0 tend to be static with no user involvement. Named after the “O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference” in 2004. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 12/17
  • 14. Module Structure Web 2.0 Overview of some of the technologies Rich Internet applications (websites that mimic desktop applications) see Week 7 Web services (API access to remote web servers) see Week 10 And ... Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 13/17
  • 15. Module Structure Web 2.0 Social software and social networking sites Older: Usenet, Listserv, Talk, Email. Blog, forum, wiki. Networking: friends sites and recommender systems. User generated content and self-description sites. FOAF and XFN: protocols for friends networks. But: privacy concerns. Examples: MySpace, Facebook, ... Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 14/17
  • 16. Module Structure Web 2.0 Folksononmies Collaborative/social + classification/indexing/tagging Shared bookmarking. Bookmarks/tags are annotated with keywords. Visualisations: tag clouds. APML: protocol for import/export of tag clouds. Javascript bookmarkingblogs XML XHTML taggingRSSsocial web services wikiAJAX Web 2.0 Examples: Flickr, Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 15/17
  • 17. Module Structure Web 2.0 Web feeds: RSS and Atom RSS 2.0: Really Simple Syndication. RSS 1.0: RDF Site Summary. Automated updates for frequently changing content: blogs, news, podcasts. Aggregation of content from different sites (Mashups). Used in feed readers, browsers or desktop widgets. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 16/17
  • 18. Module Structure Web 2.0 Freemium business model Venture capitalist Fred Wilson’s Blog on 23 March 2006: Give your service away for free, possibly ad supported but maybe not, acquire a lot of customers very efficiently through word of mouth, referral networks, organic search marketing, etc., then offer premium priced value added services or an enhanced version of your service to your customer base. Used for Shareware and Open Source software. Copyright Napier University Introduction Slide 17/17