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Web Security Secure yourself on the web
What is web security? Almost everything relies on computers and the Internet now  communication (email, cell phones)  transportation (car engine systems) airplane navigation ) medicine (equipment, medical records)  shopping (online stores, credit cards)  entertainment (digital cable, mp3s)
What is web security?  (contd…) Web Security, also known as “Cyber security” involves protecting that information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.
What can Web users do? The first step in protecting yourself is to recognize the risks and become familiar with some of the terminology associated with them.

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Web security
Web securityWeb security
Web security

This document discusses various aspects of web security, including the need for security when transmitting data over the internet, common security measures like authentication, authorization, encryption, and accountability. It describes techniques for securing web applications such as SSL, firewalls, VPNs. It provides details on authentication methods like basic authentication and form-based authentication. It also explains concepts like SSL certificates, VPN types, and how firewalls and SSL work.

Encryption And Decryption
Encryption And DecryptionEncryption And Decryption
Encryption And Decryption

This document discusses encryption and decryption. It was developed by four students and submitted to their professor. The document introduces encryption as converting plaintext to ciphertext and decryption as converting ciphertext back to plaintext. It explains that encryption uses a key to scramble the plaintext and decryption uses the same key to unscramble the ciphertext to retrieve the original plaintext. The document also briefly mentions the feasibility study, methodology, purpose of providing security, and system requirements for the encryption/decryption software.

by NA
Network security (vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks)
Network security (vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks)Network security (vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks)
Network security (vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks)

Network security involves protecting network usability and integrity through hardware and software technologies. It addresses vulnerabilities that threats may exploit to launch attacks. Common vulnerabilities include issues with technologies, configurations, and security policies. Threats aim to take advantage of vulnerabilities and can be structured, unstructured, internal, or external. Common attacks include reconnaissance to gather information, unauthorized access attempts, denial-of-service to disrupt availability, and use of malicious code like worms, viruses, and Trojan horses.

network securitysecurityattacks
Web Security: Terminologies Hacker  – people who seek to exploit weaknesses in software and computer systems for their own gain.  Viruses  – It  you to actually do something before it infects your computer. This action could be opening an email attachment or going to a particular web page.
Web Security: Terminologies Worms  - Worms propagate without user intervention. Once the victim computer has been infected the worm will attempt to find and infect other computers. Trojan horses  - A Trojan horse program is software that claims to be one thing while in fact doing something different behind the scenes.
Web Security: Terminologies Ransomware A form of trojan that has been around since 1989 (as the “PC CYBORG” trojan) It infects the target computer by encrypting the owner's personal files. The victim is then contacted and offered a key to decrypt the files in exchange for cash
Web Security: Terminologies KeyLoggers: Traditionally, Keyloggers are software that monitor user activity such as keys typed using keyboard. Modern keyloggers can, Record keystrokes on keyboard Record mouse movement and clicks Record menus that are invoked Take screenshots of the desktop at predefined intervals (like 1 screenshot every second)

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Email security
Email securityEmail security
Email security

This document discusses email security and the threats posed by unauthorized access and modification of emails. It outlines common threats like message interception, modification, false messages, and replay attacks. It emphasizes the importance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability for secure email. The document recommends steps for security at the sender's side like using incognito mode and avoiding public computers. It also suggests checking email headers and avoiding unknown attachments for security at the receiver's side. Finally, it describes PGP and S/MIME as methods for securely transmitting emails through encryption.

Cybersecurity PowerPoint Presentation
Cybersecurity PowerPoint PresentationCybersecurity PowerPoint Presentation
Cybersecurity PowerPoint Presentation

This is the PowerPoint presentation of Cybersecurity for Research Paper or Seminar. For more details go to my YouTube channel and watch this video:- Thank You!!

#cybersecurity#research paperpowerpoint

This document discusses cyber security. It defines cyber security as technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access and attacks over the internet. The three core principles of cyber security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Several types of cyber attacks are described such as malware, phishing, and denial of service attacks. Major historical cyber attacks are outlined including the Morris Worm in 1988 and the Anthem hack in 2015 that breached 80 million records. Common attack patterns and measures to prevent cyber attacks like using complex passwords and encryption are also summarized.

Web Security: Terminologies KeyLoggers: (contd…) Such recorded data could be uploaded in real-time or when internet connection becomes available, by, Email attachment IRC Channel  File Transfer (FTP)
Web Security: Terminologies KeyLoggers: (contd…) Keylogger prevention Use Anti-Spyware (prevention) Firewall (manual detection) Automatic Form fillers (protection from keylogging) In public (insecure) places, -use on-screen keyboards (START-> ALL PROGRAMS ->ACCESSORIES -> ACCESSIBILTY -> ON-SCREEN KEYBOARD)
Web Security: Terminologies Firewalls: Mechanism for content regulation and data filtering Blocking unwanted traffic from entering the sub-network (inbound) Preventing subnet users' use of unauthorised material/sites (outbound)
Aspects of data Security Privacy Keeping your information private Integrity Knowing that the information has not been changed Authenticity Knowing who sent the information

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Symmetric and asymmetric key
Symmetric and asymmetric keySymmetric and asymmetric key
Symmetric and asymmetric key

Symmetric encryption uses a shared secret key between the sender and receiver to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is faster than asymmetric encryption but requires secure key exchange. Asymmetric encryption uses separate public and private keys, where the public key is used to encrypt and the private key decrypts, allowing secure communication without pre-shared keys. Common symmetric algorithms are AES and DES, while asymmetric algorithms include RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and ECDSA.

Web Security
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Web Security

Web Security Considerations,SSL (Secure Socket Layer),TLS (Transport Layer Security),SET (Secure Electronic Transaction)

network security
Software security
Software securitySoftware security
Software security

Slides for my lecture "Software security: vulnerabilities, exploits and possible countermeasures" I had been giving for Samsung Electronics in Suwon, Korea (South).

Privacy Your personal details are a valuable asset Businesses are increasingly looking to target individuals more effectively, data about those individuals is in demand Buying and selling lists of email addresses and demographic details is big business
Integrity Maintaining the data integrity of any communication is vital. Integrity can be preserved by using strong encryption methods. Even if an intruder see the transmission, it would be useless since its encrypted.
Authentication We need to authenticate a message to make sure it was sent by the correct person. Digital signature is used for the purpose Public key , Private key method can also be used to authenticate.
Authentication ,  Continued… Most of us use webmail for email handling. This simple code can send an email, <? php mail(“”, ”Hi from Bill Gates”, ”Hi, I am Bill gates” , &quot;From:;); ?>

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Cyber Crime And Security
Cyber Crime And Security Cyber Crime And Security
Cyber Crime And Security

Short Presentation On Cyber Crime And Security which includes Cyber crime introduction and types , Hacking and its types, different Threats , and in last Prevention for Hacks and Threats.

Phishing ppt
Phishing pptPhishing ppt
Phishing ppt

Phishing is a form of hacking that involves using deceptive emails or fake websites to steal user data like login credentials. It works by tricking users into believing they are on legitimate websites by using authentic looking designs. Phishing attacks come in different forms like deceptive, spear, and whaling phishing. Users can protect themselves by being educated on how to identify phishing scams and using security technologies like email filters and firewalls. Organizations should implement layered security and train employees to reduce the impact of phishing attacks.


This document provides an overview of information security. It defines information and discusses its lifecycle and types. It then defines information security and its key components - people, processes, and technology. It discusses threats to information security and introduces ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management. The document outlines ISO 27001's history, features, PDCA process, domains, and some key control clauses around information security policy, organization of information security, asset management, and human resources security.

information security
Authentication ,  Continued… Received email: From:  [email_address] To:  [email_address] Subject: Hi from Bill Gates Hi, I am Bill gates
Authentication ,  Continued… So, anyone can send email from anyone’s email address Its possible due to the nature of SMTP protocol Yahoo! has implemented DomainKeys, a method to authenticate that an email originated from the sender’s domain.
Web Security Issues Malicious websites SPAM 419 Scams Phishing DDOS Botnets (All aspects are inter-related)
Malicious websites More than 3 million Web pages on the Internet are malicious.  According to Neils Provos, senior staff software engineer with Google, the percent is one in 1,000. The experts call these attacks &quot;drive-by downloads&quot; Malicious websites  China  - 67% US  - 15% Russia  - 4% Malaysia - 2.2% Korea - 2%

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Brute force-attack presentation
Brute force-attack presentationBrute force-attack presentation
Brute force-attack presentation

Brute force attacks try a large number of password combinations to gain unauthorized access to a system. For a 2 character password, there are 3,844 possible guesses using letters, numbers, and case variations. While brute force attacks have a high chance of success due to trying many options, they are also hardware intensive and can take a long time. To prevent brute force cracking, users should make long, random passwords using a variety of characters that are not based on personal details.

Cyber security
Cyber securityCyber security
Cyber security

The basic fundamental of cybersecurity and how can it be used for unethical purposes. For this type of presentations (customised), you can contact me here :

Introduction to cyber security amos
Introduction to cyber security amosIntroduction to cyber security amos
Introduction to cyber security amos

This document provides an introduction to cyber security. It defines cyber security as protecting cyberspace from attacks, and defines a cyber attack. It explains that cyberspace is where online communication occurs, via the internet. Cyber security is important because it affects everyone who uses computers and networks. Cyber security training is needed to establish human controls. Cyber attacks can target businesses, governments, institutions and individuals. Attackers include hackers, criminals, spies and nation-states who use methods like malware, social engineering, and network attacks. Defenders of cyber security include ICT teams, security vendors, manufacturers, and governments. Information systems and quality data are important assets to protect. Emerging cyber threats include cloud services, ransomware, spear ph

Malicious websites Preventive measures Use latest browser software Internet Explorer version 7+ Mozilla Firefox Opera Internet Explorer 6 is the most vulnerable as well as the most widely used browser. It is highly recommended to upgrade from IE 6
SPAM Spam is unsolicited e-mail on the Internet.  Spam detection algorithms White listing Black listing Training based algorithms
SPAM Cost of spam Loss of productivity is the main concern There is also the cost of bandwidth taken  by spam Storage and network infrastructure costs.  Loss of legitimate email messages
SPAM - Corporate employees are reported to accrue a loss of productivity of 3.1%. - Nucleus Research Analysis - To increase the effectiveness of SPAM detection, always report any SPAM mail to your SPAM filter.

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Cia security model
Cia security modelCia security model
Cia security model

Just created a slideshare presentation giving a basic introduction to the Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability (CIA) Security Model. You can see more slideshows on or visit my website:

information securityinfosecdata security
Different types of attacks in internet
Different types of attacks in internetDifferent types of attacks in internet
Different types of attacks in internet

Different types of attacks Information security cross site scripting Denial of service attack phishing spoofing

information securityinternet security
Client server security threats
Client server security threatsClient server security threats
Client server security threats

Client-server security threats can be divided into those affecting clients and servers. Client threats mainly arise from malicious data or code such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and deviant programs. Viruses can replicate themselves and spread without the user's knowledge. Servers are vulnerable to denial of service attacks which aim to overload servers and make systems unavailable. These attacks include service overloading through excessive requests and message overloading by sending large files repeatedly. Packet modification is also a threat, where incoming data packets are altered or destroyed before reaching users.

419 Nigerian Scams An  advance fee fraud  is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a very much larger gain The number &quot;419&quot; refers to the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code (“Cheating&quot;) dealing with fraud.
419 Nigerian Scams A sample 419 Scam email ------------------------------------- Sender:  [email_address] Subject:  !!!CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE A WINNER!!!  FROM THE LOTTERY PROMOTIONS MANAGER, THE UNITED KINGDOM INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY, PO BOX 287, WATFORD WD18 9TT, UNITED KINGDOM. We are delighted to inform you of your prize release from the United Kingdom  International Lottery program. Your name was attached to Ticket number;  47061725, Batch number; 7056490902, Winning number; 07-14-24-37-43-48 bonus  number 29, which consequently won the lottery in the first category.... -------------------------------------------
419 Nigerian Scams The email asks  to send an advance payment to the lottery so that they can release the prize money. Lots of naive users get fooled by the scammers and end up wasting their money.
419 Nigerian Scams Prevention: Awareness is the only tool against such scammers. Services like  has users who pretend to be naive and end up wasting the scammer’s efforts.

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Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai topik keamanan jaringan dan website, termasuk penjelasan mengenai SQL injection, buffer overflow, dan cara-cara pencegahannya. Selain itu, dibahas pula contoh kasus pemanfaatan celah keamanan pada website pemerintah melalui teknik SQL injection."

Web Security
Web SecurityWeb Security
Web Security

The document is a presentation about the internet and internet security. It defines internet as a global collection of networks connected together. It notes some key facts about the early history and growth of the internet. It also summarizes that internet users are identified by IP addresses and discusses what IP addresses are and how they work. The presentation goes on to discuss common internet activities and security risks online, providing tips for securing devices, browsers, passwords, and privacy settings.

web securitysecurityinternet
Basic Risk Identification Techniques
Basic Risk Identification TechniquesBasic Risk Identification Techniques
Basic Risk Identification Techniques

This document discusses techniques for basic risk identification: 1) Interviewing subject matter experts allows risks to be identified that may not be known to the project team. Brainstorming encourages identifying many risks but must be facilitated properly. The Delphi technique uses anonymous interviews to get expert opinions. 2) Nominal group technique combines individual and group work in a structured process. Crawford slips have individuals privately write risks for fast identification. Analogy identifies risks based on similarities to past projects. 3) Checklists and templates systematize the identification of risks based on historical data from other organizations.

Phishing This is a method of luring an unsuspecting user into giving out their username and password for a secure web resource, usually a bank or credit card account.
Phishing Usually achieved by creating a website identical to the secure site User is sent email requesting them to log in, and providing a link to the bogus site When user logs in, password is stored and used to access the account by the attacker Difficult to guard against, particularly if using HTML email
Phishing Phishing Email sample: Subject: Verify your E-mail with Citibank This email was sent by the Citibank server to verify your E-mail address. You must complete this process by clicking on the link below and entering in the small window your Citibank ATM/Debit Card number and PIN that you use on ATM. This is done for your protection - because some of our members no longer have access to their email addresses and we must verify it. To verify your E-mail address and access your bank account, click on the link below:  Thank you for using Citibank
Phishing The link uses an anchor text, and the actual website opens as, http:// / ... Instead of,

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Risk identification
Risk identificationRisk identification
Risk identification

Risk identification provides the foundation for risk management. There are various methods to identify risks such as preparing checklists, conducting on-site inspections, analyzing financial statements, creating flow charts, and interacting with employees. Sources of risk can be internal or external and come from a company's environments. Risk exposures include physical asset exposures, financial asset exposures, liability exposures, and human asset exposures. Traditional risk identification observes past losses while modern approaches identify risks before losses occur using tools like risk analysis questionnaires, financial statement analysis, flow charts, on-site inspections, interactions with other departments, contract analysis, and statistical records.

Cloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing SecurityCloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing Security

This document discusses the history and definitions of cloud computing. It begins with various definitions of cloud computing from Wikipedia between 2007-2009 which evolved to emphasize dynamically scalable virtual resources provided over the internet. It then covers common characteristics of cloud computing like multi-tenancy, location independence, pay-per-use pricing and rapid scalability. The rest of the document details cloud computing models including public, private and hybrid clouds. It also outlines the different architectural layers of cloud computing from Software as a Service to Infrastructure as a Service. The document concludes with a discussion of security issues in cloud computing and a case study of security features in Amazon Web Services.

securitycloud computing
Spm unit 1
Spm unit 1Spm unit 1
Spm unit 1

The document discusses various topics related to software project management including: 1. Definitions of projects, jobs, and exploration and how software projects have more characteristics that make them difficult than other types of projects. 2. Typical project phases like initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. 3. Distinguishing between different types of software projects and their approaches. 4. Key activities in project management like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, monitoring, and controlling.

Phishing Landing Page
Phishing - Unwitting users submit the data, and the data is captured by scammers and all the money in their account will be stolen immediately. - This method is the main reason for loss of email passwords also.
Denial of Service It is an attack to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Resources:  - Bandwidth & CPU
Distributed DOS A powerful variant of DOS attack. -Web server can handle a few hundred connections/sec before performance begins to degrade -Web servers fail almost instantly under five or six thousand connections/sec

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Lecture 5 ip security
Lecture 5 ip securityLecture 5 ip security
Lecture 5 ip security

The document provides an overview of IP Security (IPsec) which is a framework that allows secure communication between entities by authenticating and encrypting IP packets. It discusses IPsec architecture, security associations, authentication header, encapsulating security payload, and Internet key exchange. Key exchange protocols like Oakley and ISAKMP are used to establish security associations and negotiate encryption keys between communicating parties. The document also provides examples of IPsec in transport and tunnel mode as well as combinations of authentication and encryption.

network securitywilliam stallings
IP Security
IP SecurityIP Security
IP Security

This document provides an overview of IP security (IPSec). It begins by explaining the need for IPSec due to the lack of security in standard Internet protocols. It then covers the basic architecture and components of IPSec, including authentication headers, encapsulating security payloads, and how security associations combine these elements. The document also discusses key management and provides examples of how IPSec can be implemented in transport and tunnel modes. In under 3 sentences, this document provides an introduction to IPSec, outlines its main architectural components, and discusses how it establishes security associations to encrypt and authenticate network traffic.

Firewall, Trusted Systems,IP Security ,ESP Encryption and Authentication
Firewall, Trusted Systems,IP Security ,ESP Encryption and AuthenticationFirewall, Trusted Systems,IP Security ,ESP Encryption and Authentication
Firewall, Trusted Systems,IP Security ,ESP Encryption and Authentication

The document provides information on firewalls and IP security: - A firewall acts as a choke point, allowing only authorized traffic between networks. It implements access controls, auditing, and can enable VPNs and detect abnormal behavior. - IP security (IPSec) provides encryption, authentication, and access controls for IP packets. It uses security associations and algorithms like ESP and AH to validate traffic and ensure confidentiality. - The document discusses firewall types including packet filters, application gateways, and circuit gateways, and covers concepts like security associations, the IPSec architecture, and header formats.

firewallip securitytrusted systems
Distributed DOS - Zombie system is a system that is brought under the attacker’s control by using virus/worm/exploits. - Attack is initiated using compromised Zombie systems. Very hard to prevent, since large number of zombie systems will be used.
Botnets A botnet is a  collection of compromised computers (called zombie computers) running programs Usually installed via worms, Trojan horses, or backdoors,  Under a common command and control infrastructure.
Botnets Botnet Admin Bot Spammer
Botnets 1.A botnet operator sends out viruses or worms, infecting ordinary users' computers, whose payload is a malicious application -- the bot.  2.The bot on the infected PC logs into a particular IRC server (or in some cases a web server). That server is known as the command-and-control server (C&C).  3.A spammer purchases access to the botnet from the operator.  4.The spammer sends instructions via the IRC server to the infected PCs causing them to send out spam messages to mail servers.

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Spm unit 5
Spm unit 5Spm unit 5
Spm unit 5

The document discusses four main concerns in managing people in software environments: staff selection, staff development, staff motivation, and staff well-being. It covers approaches to understanding human behavior like positivism and interpretivism. Additionally, it examines theories around motivation and leadership styles that are important to consider when managing teams in software projects.

Cloud security ppt
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Cloud security ppt

This document discusses cloud security and provides an overview of McAfee's cloud security solutions. It summarizes McAfee's cloud security program, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and competitors in the cloud security market. It also discusses Netflix's migration to the cloud for its infrastructure and content delivery and outlines Netflix's cloud security strategy.

cloud security by venkat
Spm unit2
Spm unit2Spm unit2
Spm unit2

This document discusses various techniques for evaluating projects, including: - Strategic assessment to evaluate how projects align with organizational goals and strategies. - Technical assessment to evaluate functionality against available hardware, software, and solutions. - Cost-benefit analysis to compare expected project costs and benefits in monetary terms over time. - Cash flow forecasting to estimate costs and benefits over the project lifecycle. - Risk evaluation to assess potential risks and their impacts. Project evaluation is important for determining progress, outcomes, effectiveness, and justification of project inputs and results. The challenges include commitment, establishing baselines, identifying indicators, and allocating time for monitoring and evaluation.

Botnets A botnet's originator (aka &quot;bot herder&quot;) can control the group remotely, usually through a means such as IRC. A botnet is more power than a supercomputer in terms of its processing capacity. As of 2007, the average size of a botnet was estimated at 20,000 computers, although larger networks continued to operate.
Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET The Storm botnet is a remotely-controlled network of &quot;zombie&quot; computers (or &quot;botnet&quot;) that has been linked by the Storm Worm, a Trojan horse spread through e-mail spam. Sources have placed the size of the Storm botnet to be around 250,000 to 1 million compromised systems.
Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET Detected in January 2007 1.2 billion virus messages have been sent by the botnet till  September 2007 The Storm botnet has been used in a variety of criminal activities. Its controllers, and the authors of the Storm Worm, have not yet been identified.
Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET The botnet has specifically attacked the online operations of some security vendors and researchers who attempted to investigate the botnet The botnet reportedly is powerful enough as of September 2007 to force entire countries off the Internet, The Storm botnet's operators control the system via peer-to-peer techniques, making external monitoring and disabling of the system more difficult There is no central &quot;command-and-control point&quot; in the Storm botnet that can be shut down

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Project Risk Management
Project Risk ManagementProject Risk Management
Project Risk Management

Risk analysis is a systematic process to estimate the probability and impact of identified project risks. There are qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk analysis. Qualitative approaches use scales to assess probability and impact and assign risk levels like low, medium, high. Quantitative approaches use techniques like expected value analysis to generate probabilistic estimates of project outcomes. Monte Carlo simulation is commonly used to model project risks and determine the likelihood of meeting objectives within given cost and schedule constraints. Effective risk management involves identifying, analyzing, prioritizing and developing response plans for risks throughout the project lifecycle.

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cloud computing ppt
cloud computing pptcloud computing ppt
cloud computing ppt

This document presents an introduction to cloud computing. It defines cloud computing as using remote servers and the internet to maintain data and applications. It describes the characteristics of cloud computing including APIs, virtualization, reliability, and security. It discusses the different types of cloud including public, private, community, and hybrid cloud. It also defines the three main cloud stacks: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The benefits of cloud computing are reduced costs, improved accessibility and flexibility. Cloud security and uses of cloud computing are also briefly discussed.

himanshu awasthi

Web security involves protecting information transmitted over the internet from attacks by preventing, detecting, and responding to threats. The document defines various cybersecurity terms like hackers, viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. It also discusses risks like phishing scams, denial of service attacks, botnets, and ransomware. The key is for internet users to practice basic security measures like using antivirus software and avoiding suspicious links and attachments.

Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET Action plan: Microsoft update to the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) may have helped reduce the size of the botnet by up to 20%. But, most of the Windows systems are not configured for Automatic updates. Consider our country as example, where most home users use pirated copies of windows. Pirated copies will get disabled when updated online,becasue of Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) program.
More Botnets Name Size Spam sent / day SRIZBO 315,000 60 billion BOBAX 185,000 9 billion RUSTOCK 150,000 30 billion CUTWAIL 125,000 16 billion GRUM 50,000 2 billion OZDOK 35,000 10 billion NUCRYPT 20,000 5 billion WOPLA 20,000 600 million SPAMTHRU 12,000 350 million
Botnet Attacks Example 1: Cyber Assault on Estonia Estonia is a small and one of the most internet enabled country in Europe.
Botnet Attacks Example 1: It was attacked  by a massive DDOS attempt on May 2007. Attacked sectors include government banks telecommunications companies Internet service providers news organizations

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Cyber crime and cyber security
Cyber crime and cyber  securityCyber crime and cyber  security
Cyber crime and cyber security

The document discusses the history of cyber crimes from the first recorded incident in 1820 to modern times. It outlines some of the earliest cyber crimes and hackers from the 1980s onward. It then provides details on different types of cyber crimes including hacking, denial of service attacks, virus dissemination, software piracy, and more. For each crime type, it gives examples and explanations. The document is an informative overview of the evolution of cyber crimes and the various forms they can take.

Web security ppt sniper corporation
Web security ppt   sniper corporationWeb security ppt   sniper corporation
Web security ppt sniper corporation

Web Security, also known as “Cyber security” involves protecting that information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.

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Phishing: Swiming with the sharks
Phishing: Swiming with the sharksPhishing: Swiming with the sharks
Phishing: Swiming with the sharks

The document discusses phishing attacks and how they work. It describes common phishing techniques like fraudulent links and forms in emails that steal personal information. It also explains how phishing kits are used to launch attacks and how money mules are recruited to launder stolen funds. Technical aspects like address bar spoofing and DNS hijacking are also covered, showing how phishers exploit systems and social engineering to target victims.

Botnet Attacks Example 1: Attack effectively shut down email systems and online banking. Attack originated from Russia after Russian govt got angry with Estonia for relocating a Soviet war memorial. More than a million zombie computers made the attack possible.
Botnet Attacks Example 2: April 23, 2008 Slideshare is a service that lets you upload and embed PowerPoint presentations on the web. There were several presentations relating to corruption in the chinese government. Chinese authorities requested those slides to be removed.
Botnet Attacks Example 2: April 23, 2008 Slideshare was down for a few days due to DDOS attack that originated from China. The attack reached a peak of 2.5GB/sec and consisted entirely of packets sent from China SlideShare insists that it will do everything it can to protect its users’ freedom of speech. As such, it has no plans to remove any of the content in question.
Botnet Attacks In both examples, botnets were the main attack vehicles. There are several more examples. So, Cyber wars <= DDOS <=Botnets <=Virus/Worm <= Ignorant web user

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Cyber security
Cyber securityCyber security
Cyber security

Cyber crime refers to any illegal activity involving computers or networks. Early cyber crimes included the first spam email in 1978 and the first computer virus in 1982. Cyber threats have evolved from using computers as simple tools to commit crimes like cyber theft to targeting computers directly through hacking and viruses. As technology advanced, criminals began using computers as instruments to aid crimes like money laundering. Common cyber crimes today include financial crimes, IP spoofing, trojans, web jacking, session hijacking, mail bombing, and keyloggers. Cyber security tools and practices like antivirus software, firewalls, passwords, and awareness can help prevent and defend against cyber crimes.

cyber securitycyberddos

Computer security introduction lecture. Introduction Network Security Basic Components Of Computer Security Online Security Vs Online Safety Risks & Threats Steps to protect information Steps to protect computer Ethical Impact Case study Statistics about Internet Crime survey conclusion

Hacking by Pratyush Gupta
Hacking by Pratyush GuptaHacking by Pratyush Gupta
Hacking by Pratyush Gupta

Hacking is a term used to refer to activities aimed at exploiting security flaws to obtain critical information for gaining access to secured networks.

technologyinternetinternet secuirity
Take Action If everyone keep their systems secure, such threats can never happen. Small gestures can avoid gigantic problems in our context.
Action Plan Use Anti-virus Use Anti-Spyware Be aware not to fall for scams and phishing attacks Report SPAM
Further Action
Web Security This presentation can be downloaded from For any queries or doubts or help, [email_address]

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CYBER CRIME AWARENESS (Thematic Presentation)
CYBER CRIME AWARENESS (Thematic Presentation)CYBER CRIME AWARENESS (Thematic Presentation)
CYBER CRIME AWARENESS (Thematic Presentation)

This document discusses various types of cyber crimes including their history, categories, and examples. It provides details on specific cyber crimes like spam, computer viruses, identity theft, phishing, spyware, man-in-the-middle attacks, and web jacking. It also discusses how to prevent, detect, and recover from these crimes. Suggestions are provided like using strong passwords and keeping software updated to help protect against cyber crimes.

cyber crimeawarenessthematic
ITSolutions|Currie Network Security Seminar
ITSolutions|Currie Network Security SeminarITSolutions|Currie Network Security Seminar
ITSolutions|Currie Network Security Seminar

Computer security is an ever changing environment. It is essential that you stay educated on how to protect yourself and your organization!

securitysmall busiensstechnology
ccs12-18022310494mghmgmyy3 (1).pdf
ccs12-18022310494mghmgmyy3 (1).pdfccs12-18022310494mghmgmyy3 (1).pdf
ccs12-18022310494mghmgmyy3 (1).pdf

This document discusses cyber crime and security. It begins with defining cyber crime and providing examples. It then discusses the history of cyber crime, noting the first recorded incident in 1820. It outlines various types of cyber crimes like financial crimes, sale of illegal articles, distributed denial of service attacks, email spoofing, and forgery. It also discusses hackers and why computers are vulnerable. It provides details on the WannaCry ransomware attack of 2017. Finally, it lists ways to protect yourself from cyber crime, such as encrypting data, using firewalls and antivirus software, and being wary of emails and downloads.

Thank You

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Web Security

  • 1. Web Security Secure yourself on the web
  • 2. What is web security? Almost everything relies on computers and the Internet now communication (email, cell phones) transportation (car engine systems) airplane navigation ) medicine (equipment, medical records) shopping (online stores, credit cards) entertainment (digital cable, mp3s)
  • 3. What is web security? (contd…) Web Security, also known as “Cyber security” involves protecting that information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.
  • 4. What can Web users do? The first step in protecting yourself is to recognize the risks and become familiar with some of the terminology associated with them.
  • 5. Web Security: Terminologies Hacker – people who seek to exploit weaknesses in software and computer systems for their own gain. Viruses – It you to actually do something before it infects your computer. This action could be opening an email attachment or going to a particular web page.
  • 6. Web Security: Terminologies Worms - Worms propagate without user intervention. Once the victim computer has been infected the worm will attempt to find and infect other computers. Trojan horses - A Trojan horse program is software that claims to be one thing while in fact doing something different behind the scenes.
  • 7. Web Security: Terminologies Ransomware A form of trojan that has been around since 1989 (as the “PC CYBORG” trojan) It infects the target computer by encrypting the owner's personal files. The victim is then contacted and offered a key to decrypt the files in exchange for cash
  • 8. Web Security: Terminologies KeyLoggers: Traditionally, Keyloggers are software that monitor user activity such as keys typed using keyboard. Modern keyloggers can, Record keystrokes on keyboard Record mouse movement and clicks Record menus that are invoked Take screenshots of the desktop at predefined intervals (like 1 screenshot every second)
  • 9. Web Security: Terminologies KeyLoggers: (contd…) Such recorded data could be uploaded in real-time or when internet connection becomes available, by, Email attachment IRC Channel File Transfer (FTP)
  • 10. Web Security: Terminologies KeyLoggers: (contd…) Keylogger prevention Use Anti-Spyware (prevention) Firewall (manual detection) Automatic Form fillers (protection from keylogging) In public (insecure) places, -use on-screen keyboards (START-> ALL PROGRAMS ->ACCESSORIES -> ACCESSIBILTY -> ON-SCREEN KEYBOARD)
  • 11. Web Security: Terminologies Firewalls: Mechanism for content regulation and data filtering Blocking unwanted traffic from entering the sub-network (inbound) Preventing subnet users' use of unauthorised material/sites (outbound)
  • 12. Aspects of data Security Privacy Keeping your information private Integrity Knowing that the information has not been changed Authenticity Knowing who sent the information
  • 13. Privacy Your personal details are a valuable asset Businesses are increasingly looking to target individuals more effectively, data about those individuals is in demand Buying and selling lists of email addresses and demographic details is big business
  • 14. Integrity Maintaining the data integrity of any communication is vital. Integrity can be preserved by using strong encryption methods. Even if an intruder see the transmission, it would be useless since its encrypted.
  • 15. Authentication We need to authenticate a message to make sure it was sent by the correct person. Digital signature is used for the purpose Public key , Private key method can also be used to authenticate.
  • 16. Authentication , Continued… Most of us use webmail for email handling. This simple code can send an email, <? php mail(“”, ”Hi from Bill Gates”, ”Hi, I am Bill gates” , &quot;From:;); ?>
  • 17. Authentication , Continued… Received email: From: [email_address] To: [email_address] Subject: Hi from Bill Gates Hi, I am Bill gates
  • 18. Authentication , Continued… So, anyone can send email from anyone’s email address Its possible due to the nature of SMTP protocol Yahoo! has implemented DomainKeys, a method to authenticate that an email originated from the sender’s domain.
  • 19. Web Security Issues Malicious websites SPAM 419 Scams Phishing DDOS Botnets (All aspects are inter-related)
  • 20. Malicious websites More than 3 million Web pages on the Internet are malicious. According to Neils Provos, senior staff software engineer with Google, the percent is one in 1,000. The experts call these attacks &quot;drive-by downloads&quot; Malicious websites China - 67% US - 15% Russia - 4% Malaysia - 2.2% Korea - 2%
  • 21. Malicious websites Preventive measures Use latest browser software Internet Explorer version 7+ Mozilla Firefox Opera Internet Explorer 6 is the most vulnerable as well as the most widely used browser. It is highly recommended to upgrade from IE 6
  • 22. SPAM Spam is unsolicited e-mail on the Internet. Spam detection algorithms White listing Black listing Training based algorithms
  • 23. SPAM Cost of spam Loss of productivity is the main concern There is also the cost of bandwidth taken by spam Storage and network infrastructure costs. Loss of legitimate email messages
  • 24. SPAM - Corporate employees are reported to accrue a loss of productivity of 3.1%. - Nucleus Research Analysis - To increase the effectiveness of SPAM detection, always report any SPAM mail to your SPAM filter.
  • 25. 419 Nigerian Scams An advance fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a very much larger gain The number &quot;419&quot; refers to the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code (“Cheating&quot;) dealing with fraud.
  • 26. 419 Nigerian Scams A sample 419 Scam email ------------------------------------- Sender: [email_address] Subject: !!!CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE A WINNER!!! FROM THE LOTTERY PROMOTIONS MANAGER, THE UNITED KINGDOM INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY, PO BOX 287, WATFORD WD18 9TT, UNITED KINGDOM. We are delighted to inform you of your prize release from the United Kingdom International Lottery program. Your name was attached to Ticket number; 47061725, Batch number; 7056490902, Winning number; 07-14-24-37-43-48 bonus number 29, which consequently won the lottery in the first category.... -------------------------------------------
  • 27. 419 Nigerian Scams The email asks to send an advance payment to the lottery so that they can release the prize money. Lots of naive users get fooled by the scammers and end up wasting their money.
  • 28. 419 Nigerian Scams Prevention: Awareness is the only tool against such scammers. Services like has users who pretend to be naive and end up wasting the scammer’s efforts.
  • 29. Phishing This is a method of luring an unsuspecting user into giving out their username and password for a secure web resource, usually a bank or credit card account.
  • 30. Phishing Usually achieved by creating a website identical to the secure site User is sent email requesting them to log in, and providing a link to the bogus site When user logs in, password is stored and used to access the account by the attacker Difficult to guard against, particularly if using HTML email
  • 31. Phishing Phishing Email sample: Subject: Verify your E-mail with Citibank This email was sent by the Citibank server to verify your E-mail address. You must complete this process by clicking on the link below and entering in the small window your Citibank ATM/Debit Card number and PIN that you use on ATM. This is done for your protection - because some of our members no longer have access to their email addresses and we must verify it. To verify your E-mail address and access your bank account, click on the link below: Thank you for using Citibank
  • 32. Phishing The link uses an anchor text, and the actual website opens as, http:// / ... Instead of,
  • 34. Phishing - Unwitting users submit the data, and the data is captured by scammers and all the money in their account will be stolen immediately. - This method is the main reason for loss of email passwords also.
  • 35. Denial of Service It is an attack to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Resources: - Bandwidth & CPU
  • 36. Distributed DOS A powerful variant of DOS attack. -Web server can handle a few hundred connections/sec before performance begins to degrade -Web servers fail almost instantly under five or six thousand connections/sec
  • 37. Distributed DOS - Zombie system is a system that is brought under the attacker’s control by using virus/worm/exploits. - Attack is initiated using compromised Zombie systems. Very hard to prevent, since large number of zombie systems will be used.
  • 38. Botnets A botnet is a collection of compromised computers (called zombie computers) running programs Usually installed via worms, Trojan horses, or backdoors, Under a common command and control infrastructure.
  • 39. Botnets Botnet Admin Bot Spammer
  • 40. Botnets 1.A botnet operator sends out viruses or worms, infecting ordinary users' computers, whose payload is a malicious application -- the bot. 2.The bot on the infected PC logs into a particular IRC server (or in some cases a web server). That server is known as the command-and-control server (C&C). 3.A spammer purchases access to the botnet from the operator. 4.The spammer sends instructions via the IRC server to the infected PCs causing them to send out spam messages to mail servers.
  • 41. Botnets A botnet's originator (aka &quot;bot herder&quot;) can control the group remotely, usually through a means such as IRC. A botnet is more power than a supercomputer in terms of its processing capacity. As of 2007, the average size of a botnet was estimated at 20,000 computers, although larger networks continued to operate.
  • 42. Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET The Storm botnet is a remotely-controlled network of &quot;zombie&quot; computers (or &quot;botnet&quot;) that has been linked by the Storm Worm, a Trojan horse spread through e-mail spam. Sources have placed the size of the Storm botnet to be around 250,000 to 1 million compromised systems.
  • 43. Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET Detected in January 2007 1.2 billion virus messages have been sent by the botnet till September 2007 The Storm botnet has been used in a variety of criminal activities. Its controllers, and the authors of the Storm Worm, have not yet been identified.
  • 44. Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET The botnet has specifically attacked the online operations of some security vendors and researchers who attempted to investigate the botnet The botnet reportedly is powerful enough as of September 2007 to force entire countries off the Internet, The Storm botnet's operators control the system via peer-to-peer techniques, making external monitoring and disabling of the system more difficult There is no central &quot;command-and-control point&quot; in the Storm botnet that can be shut down
  • 45. Botnet Case Study STORM BOTNET Action plan: Microsoft update to the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) may have helped reduce the size of the botnet by up to 20%. But, most of the Windows systems are not configured for Automatic updates. Consider our country as example, where most home users use pirated copies of windows. Pirated copies will get disabled when updated online,becasue of Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) program.
  • 46. More Botnets Name Size Spam sent / day SRIZBO 315,000 60 billion BOBAX 185,000 9 billion RUSTOCK 150,000 30 billion CUTWAIL 125,000 16 billion GRUM 50,000 2 billion OZDOK 35,000 10 billion NUCRYPT 20,000 5 billion WOPLA 20,000 600 million SPAMTHRU 12,000 350 million
  • 47. Botnet Attacks Example 1: Cyber Assault on Estonia Estonia is a small and one of the most internet enabled country in Europe.
  • 48. Botnet Attacks Example 1: It was attacked by a massive DDOS attempt on May 2007. Attacked sectors include government banks telecommunications companies Internet service providers news organizations
  • 49. Botnet Attacks Example 1: Attack effectively shut down email systems and online banking. Attack originated from Russia after Russian govt got angry with Estonia for relocating a Soviet war memorial. More than a million zombie computers made the attack possible.
  • 50. Botnet Attacks Example 2: April 23, 2008 Slideshare is a service that lets you upload and embed PowerPoint presentations on the web. There were several presentations relating to corruption in the chinese government. Chinese authorities requested those slides to be removed.
  • 51. Botnet Attacks Example 2: April 23, 2008 Slideshare was down for a few days due to DDOS attack that originated from China. The attack reached a peak of 2.5GB/sec and consisted entirely of packets sent from China SlideShare insists that it will do everything it can to protect its users’ freedom of speech. As such, it has no plans to remove any of the content in question.
  • 52. Botnet Attacks In both examples, botnets were the main attack vehicles. There are several more examples. So, Cyber wars <= DDOS <=Botnets <=Virus/Worm <= Ignorant web user
  • 53. Take Action If everyone keep their systems secure, such threats can never happen. Small gestures can avoid gigantic problems in our context.
  • 54. Action Plan Use Anti-virus Use Anti-Spyware Be aware not to fall for scams and phishing attacks Report SPAM
  • 55. Further Action
  • 56. Web Security This presentation can be downloaded from For any queries or doubts or help, [email_address]