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Brave new world of HTML5

Patrick H. Lauke / Webdirections @media / London / 11 June 2010
Web Evangelist at Opera
new technologies you can start using today
<!DOCTYPE html>

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This document provides an overview of building progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the key technologies needed for PWAs including manifest files, service workers, and app shells. It provides examples of how to add a manifest to enable installable web apps, how to cache assets using service workers, and how to send push notifications. While Safari and iOS do not fully support these technologies yet, the document notes they are being developed for future releases.

Node JS Express : Steps to Create Restful Web App
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Node JS Express : Steps to Create Restful Web App

Node.js uses JavaScript - a language known to millions of developers worldwide - thus giving it a much lower learning curve even for complete beginners. Using Node.js you can build simple Command Line programs or complex enterprise level web applications with equal ease. Node.js is an event-driven, server-side, asynchronous development platform with lightning speed execution. It is open source and cross-platform, running on OS X, Linux and Windows. It also has an open source community that produces amazing modules available for use in your project for additional functionalities. Node.js helps you to code the most complex functionalities in just a few lines of code. The topics covered in the presentation are : 1. Understanding NodeJS Express 2. Creating Restful Web App 3. What is NPM 4.Templates in Express

node js
Novo documento de texto
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Novo documento de texto

This document provides an embedded video preview from showing a brief clip without audio. The video has no descriptive text or context surrounding it, so it is difficult to determine the essential information or high-level topic from the embedded video preview alone in just 3 sentences or less.
HTML5 definition without the bullsh*t
history of HTML5

● started at Opera – Web Applications 1.0
● reaction to XHTML 2.0

● Google, Mozilla and Apple joined


● Microsoft involvement
“...extending the language to better
support Web applications [...] This puts
HTML in direct competition with other
technologies[...] , in particular Flash and
Ian Hickson, Editor of HTML5

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Speak the Web 15.02.2010
Speak the Web 15.02.2010Speak the Web 15.02.2010
Speak the Web 15.02.2010

Patrick Lauke gives an overview of new web technologies available in HTML5, including canvas, video, geolocation, offline support, storage and more. He discusses the history and development of HTML5, how it standardizes current browser behavior, and new powerful form and semantic elements. Patrick provides demonstrations of canvas, video, geolocation and other features, noting their importance for building applications without plugins. He encourages developers to start using these technologies today.

html5 web standards
Song code
Song codeSong code
Song code

This document contains an embedded media player showing a music file. The player has controls to play, pause, adjust volume and repeat the song. It is set to autoplay the file on loop at full volume.

HTML5 Video Player - HTML5 Dev Conf 2012
HTML5 Video Player - HTML5 Dev Conf 2012HTML5 Video Player - HTML5 Dev Conf 2012
HTML5 Video Player - HTML5 Dev Conf 2012

Slides from my presentation on building your own HTML5 video player at the HTML5 Developer Conference 2012.

html5javascripthtml5 video
HTML5 does not replace HTML 4.01
HTML5 has more bling!
HTML5 standardises current browser and
         authoring behaviour
            (e.g. relaxed coding rules)
HTML5 is stricter?
(defines exactly how browsers handle markup/code)

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HTML5 Web Workers-unleashed
HTML5 Web Workers-unleashedHTML5 Web Workers-unleashed
HTML5 Web Workers-unleashed

Peter Lubbers from Kaazing gave a presentation on HTML5 features such as Web Workers, Geolocation, and WebSockets. He discussed how these new technologies allow for asynchronous background processing, location detection, and bi-directional real-time communications without polling. Browser support for HTML5 features was also reviewed.

JavaScript Web Workers
JavaScript Web WorkersJavaScript Web Workers
JavaScript Web Workers

An introduction about JavaScript web workers I gave at BerlinJS on the 18th of July 2013. It introduces the concept of web workers for simple parallel processing in client side JavaScript.

web workerberlinjshtml5
Plugin Development Practices
Plugin Development PracticesPlugin Development Practices
Plugin Development Practices

This document provides an overview of plugin development practices for WordPress. It discusses prerequisites for plugin development including understanding PHP and having a goal in mind. It covers common WordPress terminology, structuring a plugin with directories, adding the main plugin file, using object-oriented or procedural programming, interacting with the WordPress core, working with databases, adding CSS and JavaScript, creating admin menus, using permissions, implementing shortcodes, ensuring quality, and launching the plugin. The document aims to guide developers through best practices for building WordPress plugins.

HTML5 brings new
markup elements and JavaScript APIs
new elements for more accurate semantics
HTML5 elements for a typical blog
Web Directions @media 2010

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High Performance Web Sites, With Ads: Don't let third parties make you slow

The document discusses techniques for optimizing website performance when loading advertisements. It describes the traditional optimization methods and why they may not be enough when ads are involved. It analyzes loading ads through iframes or JavaScript, and determines that friendly iframes, where the ad is loaded in an iframe on the same domain, is currently the best approach. It provides recommendations for tweaks like not loading all ads at once and setting default sizes. The document concludes by discussing potential future approaches and emphasizing the importance of testing optimizations.

Developers, Be a Bada$$ with WP-CLI
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Developers, Be a Bada$$ with WP-CLI

How to improve your workflows via SSH gateway. Experts at WP Engine help you learn about how WordPress developers can make their work more efficient using WP-CLI via SSH gateway to improve workflows. On-demand webinar:

wp-clissh gatewaywordpress
HTML5 multimedia - browser-native video and audio - JSDay / Verona / 17 May 2012
HTML5 multimedia - browser-native video and audio - JSDay / Verona / 17 May 2012HTML5 multimedia - browser-native video and audio - JSDay / Verona / 17 May 2012
HTML5 multimedia - browser-native video and audio - JSDay / Verona / 17 May 2012

This document summarizes new multimedia capabilities in HTML5, including native support for video and audio playback without plugins. It describes how the <video> and <audio> tags can be used to embed video and audio into web pages directly in the browser. It also discusses the various video and audio formats that are supported, such as MP4, WebM, and Ogg formats. The document notes that HTML5 does not specify exact formats or controls, but provides JavaScript APIs to control playback programatically.

htmlaudioweb standards
Web Directions @media 2010
unambiguous and machine readable
current and old browsers “support” these
(although some need a little extra help)

header, footer, … { display: block; }
Internet Explorer needs extra training wheels

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Html5 intro
Html5 introHtml5 intro
Html5 intro

The document provides an introduction and overview of HTML5. It discusses the structure of an HTML5 page, including updates to the doctype, removal of xmlns, and addition of the meta charset tag. New HTML5 elements like article, aside, audio, canvas, and video are presented. Updates to HTML5 forms, including new input types and attributes, are covered. The use of video and audio elements is explained. Finally, the canvas element is introduced and basic drawing using the canvas context is demonstrated.

html5 video canvas
Blurring the difference between native and web apps with HTML5 & IE9
Blurring the difference between native and web apps with HTML5 & IE9Blurring the difference between native and web apps with HTML5 & IE9
Blurring the difference between native and web apps with HTML5 & IE9

My presentation at Microsoft TechEd On the road, New Delhi on June 4 2011. Demo slides are not yet uploaded. I will be updating them soon.

ie 9html5html
Python, WebRTC and You (v2)
Python, WebRTC and You (v2)Python, WebRTC and You (v2)
Python, WebRTC and You (v2)

Slides from the talk I gave at PyGrunn 2015 about using Python (asyncio + aiohttp) as the backend for WebRTC applications.

webforms – more powerful form elements
rich form elements – without JavaScript
<input   type=”date”>
<input   type=”time”>
<input   type=”month”>
<input   type=”week”>
<input   type=”datetime” … >
<input   type=”range”>
<input   type=”number”>

<input type=”file” multiple>

<input … autofocus>
<input … autocomplete>
type and attributes for built-in validation
(of course you should still validate on the server)

<input        type=”tel”>
<input        type=”email”>
<input        type=”url”>
<input        … pattern="[a-z]{3}[0-9]{3}">
<input        … required>

Demonstration of webforms

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Workshop slides for NYC DIIT School Technology Summit 2014 presentation about managing Windows packages with Chocolatey and Puppet

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[DN Scrum Breakfast] Protractor: E2E Testing for AngularJS (by Thuy Nguyen)
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Protractor plays an important role in testing AngularJS applications and works as a solution integrator combining powerful technologies like Selenium, Jasmine, Web driver, etc. It is intended not only for testing AngularJS applications but also for writing automating regression tests for normal web applications. In this topic, our speaker has taken you through a short tour from basic steps to advanced steps to work in project. There are following main sessions: + Protractor introduction + Building up and creating a simple test script + Getting familiar with Cucumber + Using page object model (POM) with protractor and cucumber + Reporting

Brandy belt poster
Brandy belt poster presentation.movBrandy belt poster
Brandy belt poster

The document outlines 6 principles for teaching students with special needs: 1) using visual clues to demonstrate appropriate behaviors, 2) providing assignments with different levels of difficulty and flexibility, 3) creating a positive learning environment, 4) planning ahead and organizing lessons, 5) checking for student understanding, and 6) utilizing available resources. It then provides examples of how these principles are applied to an art curriculum involving self-portraits, identity portraits, and mood selfies, including setting clear expectations and assessments to measure student understanding and progress.

<object width="425" height="344">
  <param name="movie"
  <param name="allowFullScreen"
  <param name="allowscriptaccess"
s=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="425" height="344"></embed>
<video src="video.ogv"
  width="320" height="240">
    <a href="video.ogv">Download movie</a>
video as native object...why is it important?

● “play nice” with rest of the page
● keyboard accessibility built-in

● API for controls

Demonstration of video
video format debate
H.264 vs Ogg Theora

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Business model canvas_poster
Business model canvas_posterBusiness model canvas_poster
Business model canvas_poster

This document outlines the Business Model Canvas, a strategic management template used to develop new or document existing business models. The Business Model Canvas is divided into nine blocks that address key questions about a company's customer base, value propositions, infrastructure, customers, and finances: who the customer segments are, what value is provided to them, how the company can deliver and maintain that value, what resources are required, and how the company obtains financial benefits. The Business Model Canvas was designed by Strategyzer AG and is licensed for free use under a Creative Commons license.

Information technologies & Analytics for Telcos & ISPs
Information technologies & Analytics for Telcos & ISPsInformation technologies & Analytics for Telcos & ISPs
Information technologies & Analytics for Telcos & ISPs

Datamine is a Greek analytics company founded in 2005 that provides data-driven solutions like CRM, business intelligence, and customer loyalty programs. It has a team with experience in statistics, data mining, and telecom/banking. Major customers include Greek banks and telecom companies for projects involving campaign management, data warehousing, customer risk assessment, and more. Datamine offers services around data preparation, modeling, reporting, and analytical applications to help customers better understand their data and customers.


This document provides an overview of a specialized information system that combines technologies, statistical models, and business knowledge to automate and optimize the manual credit checking process for contract activations. The key objectives of the system are to automate and optimize credit checking, minimize bad debt, provide risk measurements at the customer level, support flexible business rules, and provide advanced reporting capabilities. The system architecture utilizes a three-tier design with components for scoring models, a customer viewer interface, rule management, and reporting. Customer data, accounts, credit scores, and business rules are used to make automated credit checking decisions.

crmanalyticscustomer assessment
video format debate
H.264 vs Ogg Theora vs WebM
video formats – H.264 + OGG Theora + WebM
<video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…">
   <source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm" />
   <source src="movie.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
   <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

       still include fallback for old browsers
audio exactly the same
<audio src=”music.mp3” controls autoplay></audio>


<audio controls autoplay>
   <source src="music.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
   <source src="music.oga" type="audio/ogg" />

                       MP3, Ogg Vorbis, WAV
Demonstration: audio

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Pimp My Poster (Seminar Recitation)
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Pimp My Poster (Seminar Recitation)

Lecture given for poster element of Therapeutics & Pathophysiology III Seminar at Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy

Business Model Canvas
Business Model CanvasBusiness Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas

This document provides a template for mapping out a business model using the Business Model Canvas approach. The canvas is divided into nine sections that should each be discussed for 10 minutes: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships, and Cost Structure. Working through each section helps to sketch out the key elements of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value through its business model. The goal is to have a simple but not oversimplified representation that is relevant and intuitively understandable.

business modelbusiness model canvas
Vulnerability Assesment
Vulnerability AssesmentVulnerability Assesment
Vulnerability Assesment

The document discusses technical vulnerability management and outlines the key steps in the NIST Risk Management Framework that include vulnerability analysis. It also covers establishing an effective Patch and Vulnerability Group to monitor for vulnerabilities, prioritize remediation, and deploy patches. Finally, it provides examples of different types of vulnerability analysis tools including network scanners, host scanners, and web application scanners.

keamanan jaringanvulnerability assesment
canvas = “scriptable images”

<canvas width="…" height="…"></canvas>
canvas has standard API methods for drawing
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, c2);
ctx = canvas.drawImage(…);
canvas accessibility concerns

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Creative Workshop on Poster Design
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Creative Workshop on Poster Design

Rough outline of the workshop and learning objectives. - What is Poster? - History of Poster. - Father of the modern Poster. - Types of Posters. - Elements of a Poster Design. - Principles of Design. - How to design effective Poster. - Poster Design Software - Poster Design quick & basic tips - Digital & Print version mode (ppi & dpi) - Output file - ready process. - Printing Process. - Types of Paper. - Types of Lamination. - Fundamental of Color > Primary Colors > Secondary Colors > Tertiary Colors > Color Wheel > Cool Color & Warm Color - Poster Design Software > Adobe Illustrator > Adobe Photoshop And lots to thing....

layout designgraphic designposter
A Business Model Canvas-KILLER. Rapidly Visualize, Prototype, and Test the 3 ...
A Business Model Canvas-KILLER. Rapidly Visualize, Prototype, and Test the 3 ...A Business Model Canvas-KILLER. Rapidly Visualize, Prototype, and Test the 3 ...
A Business Model Canvas-KILLER. Rapidly Visualize, Prototype, and Test the 3 ...

The Business Model Canvas can be considered as a graphic organizer (high level TreeMap) that shows 9 tessellated elements, tiles, or “building blocks” of an archetypal business model. Since the 2009 publication of Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur’s “Business Model Generation” book, use and popularity of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) have surged worldwide. The BMC is enthusiastically used by entrepreneurs, startups, established businesses, and non-profit organizations as well as university students, lecturers, and selected scientists from America’s National Science Foundation program. But is the BMC efficiently being used? Is the traditional BMC a “living organism” that would evolve to a higher level or simply become extinct in the jungle of tools for Business Model Planning, Strategy, and Performance Management (BMPSPM)? As a long-time practitioner of TRIZ (“Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”) and an avid observer of idealized systems, a particular question that interests me is this: Would the BMC evolve towards the “Ideal Final Result (IFR)” by disrupting and cannibalizing itself, that is, by becoming multi-functional while instantly using freely available and/or internal resources at little or no cost? In other words, would the BMC evolve from being “good” to being “great” as an adaptive organism? So far, evolution regarding the graphic organizer of the BMC has been superficial: the visual structure or BMC Gameboard (blank graphic framework) and how to use it have remained the same. So far, the most popular change to the BMC is by Ash Maurya in his Lean Canvas. In the Lean Canvas, 4 topics (Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, and Customer Relationships) are eliminated while being respectively replaced by topics such as Problem, Solution, Key Metrics, and Unfair Advantage. These changes violate the macro-logic of a business model. The Lean Canvas focuses on operationalizing the Lean Startup method which is a methodology for continuously managing highly risky (innovation) projects. However, the Lean Canvas is inadequate for Business Model Planning, Strategy, and Performance Management; the Lean Canvas does not use a business model as a unit of analysis. Recently, I presented a list of 10 characteristics of a “great” Business Model Canvas. The traditional BMC scored a 3 (out of 10). The 10 characteristics relate to tasks especially in Business Model Planning, Strategy, and Performance Management as well as Business Model Gamification. The question, then, is: how can we “ideally” transform a good BMC to a great BMC? Ideally, we should make little or no changes to the topics of the BMC and logic of a business model. The Lean Canvas falls short of that ideal. The presentation below shows how one can “gamificate” (turn into a game) the traditional BMC so that it meets the 10 criteria of a great Business Model Canvas.

Business Model Canvas Poster Deutsch V 1.1
Business Model Canvas Poster Deutsch V 1.1Business Model Canvas Poster Deutsch V 1.1
Business Model Canvas Poster Deutsch V 1.1

This is the German translation of The Business Model Canvas. It is a strategic management tool, which allows us to develop and sketch out new or existing business models. It is a visual template pre-formatted with the nine blocks of a business model. The Business Model Canvas was initially proposed by Alexander Osterwalder based on his earlier work on Business Model Ontology.

business model canvasbusiness model generationalexander osterwalder
canvas appropriate use for enhanced visuals,
     special effects – not pure content
video, audio and canvas on any device
            without plugins
         (Java / Flash / Silverlight not ubiquitous)
Web Directions @media 2010
Web Directions @media 2010

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HTML5 APIs - native multimedia support and beyond - University of Leeds 05.05...
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HTML5 APIs - native multimedia support and beyond - University of Leeds 05.05...

This document provides an overview of various HTML5 APIs for multimedia, including native <video> and <audio> elements, the <canvas> element for scriptable graphics, and geolocation APIs. It discusses key considerations around supporting different media formats in <video> and <audio> and controlling media playback via JavaScript. The document also briefly introduces other HTML5 APIs for offline applications, local storage, and databases. It emphasizes the importance of feature detection over browser sniffing for progressive enhancement.

Web Apps
Web AppsWeb Apps
Web Apps

In this lecture, I provide an overview of what it takes to create amazing Web Apps : rich media, the Canvas API, local storage and offline persistence are covered.

html5web applications
Brave new world of HTML5
Brave new world of HTML5Brave new world of HTML5
Brave new world of HTML5

In this, my talk for Webinale in Berlin, June 1st 2011, I give an overview of HTML5 history and main features, relating it all back to how possible it is use develop with these new features today. Thanks to Patrick Lauke for allowing me to steal a lot of his slides ;-)

Web Directions @media 2010
Web Directions @media 2010
Web Directions @media 2010
But is it safe to use, right now?

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webinale2011_Chris Mills_Brave new world of HTML5Html5
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webinale2011_Chris Mills_Brave new world of HTML5Html5

1. HTML5 provides new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, and <nav> that allow for more structured markup. It also extends existing APIs and adds new APIs for multimedia, forms, and building web applications. 2. HTML5 introduces multimedia elements <video> and <audio> that allow embedded video and audio without plugins. It also includes the <canvas> element for scriptable drawing. 3. HTML5 includes new APIs for building powerful web applications, including geolocation, offline application caching, local storage, and databases. However, browser support is still evolving so these should be used carefully with feature detection.

HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....

1. HTML5 provides new semantic elements like header, footer, nav and article that improve accessibility and help structure documents. It also extends existing APIs and adds new APIs for multimedia, geolocation, offline storage and more. 2. HTML5 introduces new form input types for dates, times, numbers and more. It also provides built-in form validation without JavaScript. 3. The <video> and <audio> elements allow native playback of multimedia across browsers without plugins. The <canvas> element allows dynamic drawing via JavaScript. 4. While still evolving, many HTML5 features can be used today through progressive enhancement and feature detection. It offers developers new capabilities for building web applications and interactive experiences on

htmlaudioweb design
HTML5 Refresher
HTML5 RefresherHTML5 Refresher
HTML5 Refresher

Mobile applications Development - Lecture 10 HTML5 Refresher This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course at the Computer Science Department of the University of L’Aquila (Italy).

momobile applicationsmobile application development
progressive enhancement, graceful degradation
HTML5 as Flashkiller?
not a question of HTML5 replacing Flash...
Giving developers a choice!

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HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010
HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010
HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010

1) HTML5 provides new semantic elements, forms, and multimedia capabilities without plugins, but browser support is still evolving. 2) Key HTML5 features include new elements <header>, <footer>, <video>, <audio>, improved forms, and the <canvas> element for scriptable drawing. 3) While HTML5 aims to standardize current browser behaviors, some older browsers still require extra code for full support of new features. Feature detection and polyfills can help provide support across browsers.

web designweb standardshtml5
Word camp nextweb
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Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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