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Web Development From the Ground Up, a Series for Novice Computer Users Lecturer: Philip Matuskiewicz Thursday: October 15, 2009 Email:  [email_address]  or  [email_address] Lecture Website (created during 1 st  lecture):
My Background I’ve been a website developer for 7 years Have developed in PHP / MySQL extensively for the past 3 years I program most pages in XHTML Strict or Transitional Computer Science Grad Student 4 th  year of the BS/MS combined degree program I’ve developed for both professional and personal websites I currently host 10 websites professionally on a private system.  I maintain 4 servers  1 Exchange 2007/Windows Server 2003 server 2 CentOS (Redhat) Linux Servers running Cpanel (the hosting industry standard control panel) 1 Ubuntu server responsible for handling all external mail and forwarding it onto the internal servers appropriately These servers (except Windows) average 200 days of uptime with minimal problems.
Why am I doing this Lecture? I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others I learn from this also!  Preparing the slides forces me to look up terms that I usually assume “just work” I need experience in communicating my knowledge effectively If you don’t understand me, chances are no one else does, don’t hesitate to stop me I need feedback on how I’m doing!  This lecture series is my way of gaining experience to become a better presenter and teaching assistant!
What is a Browser A browser is any application that displays websites from a remote server through the internet There are multiple browsers out there to choose from: Firefox (Most popular) Chrome Safari Opera Internet Explorer (Microsoft’s Browser)

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Vskills certified HTML designer Notes covers the following concepts. 1. HTML and XHTML 1.1 Introduction 1.2 History 1.3 HTML Versions 1.4 Elements, Tags and Attributes 1.5 Head and body tags 1.6 HTML Editor 1.7 Create a web page 1.8 Viewing the Source 1.9 White Space and Flow 1.10 HTML Comments 1.11 HTML Meta Tags 1.12 HTML Attributes 1.13 XHTML First Line 1.14 DTD (Document Type Declaration) 1.15 Special Characters 1.16 Capitalization 1.17 Quotations 1.18 Nesting 1.19 Spacing and Breaks Get complete e-book on HTML Designer.

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Design Tools Html XhtmlDesign Tools Html Xhtml
Design Tools Html Xhtml

The document provides an overview of HTML and XHTML tags for formatting text and structuring web pages. It discusses basic HTML syntax and tags for headings, paragraphs, lists, breaks, and other text formatting. It also explains the differences between HTML and XHTML, with XHTML being a stricter combination of HTML and XML syntax.


This document provides an introduction to HTML and covers many basic HTML topics including: the anatomy of HTML documents with tags; adding headings, fonts, links, images and tables; naming and saving HTML files; and learning HTML by examining other web pages' source code. It offers quick points on various HTML tags and attributes for text formatting, alignment, links, and images.

Why do we need a browser? Browsers speak HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) which is the language that web servers speak A web server will return a file with text in it (among other types of files; eg. Image files)  The main file returned is plain text and is written in HTML(HyperText Markup Language) which is the standard that all browsers should be able to understand All files have extensions… common extensions for HTML are .html, and .htm.  If the server is modifying the html of a page prior to sending it to the browser, the extension may be .php for PHP, .cgi for CGI, and .asp for ASP (these will be discussed in later lectures)
How does the browser communicate with the server? The internet is a huge computer network that stretches world wide When your browser requests a page, it uses the internet to find then connect to the server responsible for that page This is basically done through a combination of DNS (Domain Name Service) lookups and routers that connect every computer together some way.  These can be compared to how the post office routes your mail through its system, they generally look at the to address and route your mail towards the large sorting facility which knows more about your location.  Once it figures out what the sorting destination is (DNS), it will route the message there via planes and trucks (routers).
Focuses of this Lecture Series - XHTML Web Development in XHTML Transitional/Strict XHTML is Extensible HyperText Markup Language, it is just an improved HTML Most of my examples and pages are XHTML Strict compliant but it is easier to declare Transitional to make that one difficult part of the webpage line up correctly. This is why many of the pages I develop are declared Transitional The strict specification will make your XHTML look cleaner and guarantee that it will work better on most browsers as where transitional is generally easier to validate.
Sidetrack to focuses on XHTML All too often, when developing websites, all browsers will show your webpage differently.  This is because they follow the same specifications but interpret them differently, or they may not follow the specifications at all.  Internet Explorers 6/7 are a huge problem because they didn’t really follow the specifications.  IE 8 has gotten a lot better! This is why on the IEEE website, I have separate code for CSS in IE vs Firefox and other browsers. Chrome follows the standards almost exactly as does Internet Explorer 8 (Thank you Microsoft!).  This is why sites may look fine in Firefox (which sometimes will loosely follow the standards and fill in the gaps) where IE8 / Chrome will make your page look ugly.  Before standards were widely followed, browsers were really good at detecting errors and figuring out what they meant.  This is why poorly coded WebPages still would look fine to all browsers that they were tested in.

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The document discusses web design and markup languages like HTML and XML. It provides an introduction to web design and why it is important, covering topics like first impressions, professionalism, and competition. The document then covers HTML and XML in more detail, including their structures and tags. It provides examples of basic HTML and XML code.

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The document provides an overview of three modules that cover topics in web technologies including the Internet, World Wide Web, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, DOM, CGI/Perl, Java Applets and more. Key concepts covered include how the Internet and WWW work, protocols, building websites using HTML, JavaScript programming fundamentals, external and internal CSS stylesheets, the HTML and XML DOM models, introducing CGI and Perl scripting, and writing Java applets. References for additional reading on related topics are also provided.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

The document provides an overview of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), which is the standard markup language used to create web pages and web applications. It describes HTML as a language used to describe the structure of a web page using markup tags, and that HTML documents contain plain text content along with these tags. It also provides examples of common HTML tags like <h1> for headings, <p> for paragraphs, and <img> for images, and how they are used to structure and layout the visible content of a web page.

Focuses on CSS CSS is “Cascading Style Sheet” This is a plain text file that will be requested from the server if in the HTML header.  This file has formatting information on where to place text and how to make text look among a lot of other visibility features of a webpage. The common file extension for CSS is .css
Focus on Design All WebPages nowadays look nice to the eye and generally are designed with several images I will use Adobe Photoshop CS4 at some point in the series (Tentatively Lecture 3) to display a template that serves one of the websites I develop for. At this point, I plan on slightly modifying the template and then carry it to a website.  I plan to do this live as a demonstration, explaining the tools that I use in Photoshop as I go along.
Focus on PHP / MySQL development The last 3-4 lectures of this series will focus heavily on PHP and MySQL development. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor I’ve also seen it as: Pre Hypertext Processor MySQL stands for My Structured Query language PHP and MySQL are combined to generate HTML pages with constantly changing content. I’m currently working on integrating MySQL into the IEEE website to make the site easier to modify without my assistance.
Enough generalized information… What does XHTML look like? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN&quot;  &quot;;> <html xmlns=&quot;; dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-us&quot; xml:lang=&quot;en-us&quot;>  <head> </div><div class=

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The document provides an introduction to understanding internet basics for Visual Basic programmers. It discusses that Visual Basic allows programmers to easily produce functional web applications regardless of their experience level with internet technology. It describes internet technology as another area for development, noting how incorporating HTML and security features is similar to traditional Visual Basic development. The document also explains how applying internet technology enables extending development skills in new ways, such as reducing costs and maintenance through web deployment.

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- HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in the late 1980s and early 1990s to allow information sharing through hypertext links on the then-emerging World Wide Web. It uses tags to define the structure and layout of webpages and allows multimedia content. - The basic structure of an HTML document involves tags like <html> to open and close the HTML document, <head> to contain metadata, <title> to define the title, and <body> to contain the visible page content. - Common text formatting is done using tags like <h1> for main headings, <p> for paragraphs, and <font> to specify font attributes. Lists are created with <ul> for unordered

HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML- Hyper Text Markup LanguageHTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language

The document discusses HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and how to write HTML code using Notepad. It provides examples of basic HTML tags like <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1>, <p>, and <br>. It explains that HTML tags come in pairs, with a start and end tag. The document also discusses how to save an HTML file and introduces container tags and empty tags.

a markup language is a set of markup tagscoffeecup html editormicrosoft expression web
HTML Tags <html xmlns=&quot;; dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-us&quot; xml:lang=&quot;en-us&quot;>  </html> Looking at the image, in all html documents, we have an opening tag, a closing tag, and a list of attributes.  Attributes  will always show up as name=“value” in proper html and xhtml.  Attributes vary depending on what tag they are inside of Some tags are self closing, for example, the <br /> tag has a /> at the end which self closes it br means Break Line or goto the next line
Header of a Strict HTML Document <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN&quot;  &quot;;> !DOCTYPE tells the browser what language we are using html will almost always follow this declaration! PUBLIC specifies this specification is accessible by anyone The owner (W3C) is specified next DTD is the Document Type Definition XHTML 1.0 Strict is the language used followed by //EN specifying English Finally in another set of quotes (“”) we place the URL (Universal Resource Locator) address of the page containing the specification requirements W3C is the organization that specifies HTML Standards
Continuing on the header: <html xmlns=&quot;; dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-us&quot; xml:lang=&quot;en-us&quot;>  The xmlns attribute specifies the extended markup language namespace or standard.  XML is a more simplified version of HTML where you can specify your own tags and attributes.  This is especially useful for defining databases and holding onto data in files without mixing data up. dir is the direction the text flows (ltr is Left to Right) Lang specifies the language – United States English xml:lang specifies the language of the tags being used
Continuing into the head tag <head> <meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=utf-8&quot; />   <title>IEEE-UB :: Home</title>  <link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;style.css&quot; /> </head> Between the <head></head> tags is where page information is contained The first meta defines most importantly what the document language is and what character set it is using (to prevent encoding errors) A title is specified between the <title></title> tags The <link… tag is specifying where to get the style sheet for this page, we will come back to this in a later lecture

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The document discusses HTML5 support in various web browsers. It provides test scores out of 555 for different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari to indicate how well each browser supports HTML5 specifications. It then details support for various HTML5 features in each browser, such as sections elements, microdata, geolocation, video playback, WebGL, WebRTC and more. The test results and feature support details allow users to compare HTML5 compatibility across browsers.

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This document provides an introduction to various web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. It discusses the basic structures and components of HTML documents, how CSS can be used to style HTML content, and how JavaScript and PHP can add interactivity and run server-side code. The document also gives examples of common tags and syntax used in these languages. It concludes by noting that most web pages combine these core technologies and that learning them now provides a foundation for newer technologies.

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belajar HTML 1belajar HTML 1
belajar HTML 1

HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It uses tags to define elements like headings, paragraphs, links, and images. Tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets and normally come in pairs with an opening and closing tag. HTML documents are made up of nested HTML elements that can contain other elements. Attributes provide additional information about elements and are specified in the element's start tag.

Body <body> <p>Hello World!  I made my first webpage!!!<br />   <a href=&quot;;>Lecture 1 Slides</a> </p> </body> Between the <body></body> tags is where you should put all the content that will show up on your webpage.  All text should be surrounded by another tag.  In my examples for today, I will use the <p> tag which is the paragraph tag.
The <a></a> Anchor Tag The href attribute defines the link URL or address. This address can be relative to where the page is , or it can be a full path link including http:// For example, if were are at  and we specify href=“lecture1.pdf”, it will link to   because we are in the same directory
Now that we’ve seen some XHTML… Lets discuss XHTML editors Dreamweaver – Not Free! WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) I never use WYSIWYG editors because they put unnecessary code on your page.  Frontpage 2003 is a huge example, Dreamweaver CS4 is much better! PHP Designer 2008 Text only – recommended, not free! (Student discounts  available) Scite- Free (not as nice as PHP Designer) Notepad- included with windows Pico / Nano / Vim – Included with Linux – discussed later Vim will highlight your code
Before Transferring Files… Be aware that Windows text editors (especially wordpad) will add unnecessary space characters to the end of each of your lines.  This can make your html files show up on a webpage the wrong way.  If you are finding your editor does this, switch editors! PHP Designer has a handy function “remove empty lines” on its tools menu which I use frequently when copying files back and forth from a Linux web server.

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Web Designing Training in Ambala ! BATRA COMPUTER CENTREWeb Designing Training in Ambala ! BATRA COMPUTER CENTRE
Web Designing Training in Ambala ! BATRA COMPUTER CENTRE

Are you in search of Web Designing training in Ambala? Now your search ends here... Batra Computer Centre provides you the best training in Ambala Cantt. We provide training in Basics of Computers, training in Programming Languages C, C++, HTML, PHP,Web Designing,WebDevelopment,Seo,Smo and training many other courses also provided here.

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HTML practical fileHTML practical file
HTML practical file

This document provides information about a Web Technology subject for 6th semester students. It includes: 1. An overview of the topics to be covered in the subject, including creation of web pages using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP and ASP. 2. A list of 20 practical exercises focused on these topics, such as creating lists in HTML, using JavaScript to print dates and perform calculations, and connecting to databases using PHP. 3. Learning objectives and sample code for several of the practical exercises, providing examples of how to implement the various web technologies.

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Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and uses a MySQL database. It allows users to build dynamic websites and provides features like content authoring, taxonomy, views, and customizable modules. The document discusses Drupal fundamentals like nodes, modules, blocks, menus, and user permissions. It also provides an overview of using HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL to develop websites with Drupal.

With our HTML file created, lets get it on a server Filezilla is perhaps the easiest method Use FTP (File Transfer Protocol)  or sftp (Secure file transfer protocol)   Host is the server address, then Username/Password Live demo with filezilla –  Making this presentation and the website available at the lecture series website:   Note the www. is optional (exception: UB CSE department) Using FTP  Using SFTP (uses SSH discussed later)
Editing files live on the server Using a program like sftp drive which maps a remote Linux drive to a Windows drive. This is possible but not free quick demo using sftpdrive  its now expandrive at   Live demo Using pico, nano, vim via putty and ssh SSH command list (I made it for CSE116) available at: Slideshow (if we have time) Summary of Commands (Word / PDF)

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Web Development From the Ground Up, a Series for Novice ...

  • 1. Web Development From the Ground Up, a Series for Novice Computer Users Lecturer: Philip Matuskiewicz Thursday: October 15, 2009 Email: [email_address] or [email_address] Lecture Website (created during 1 st lecture):
  • 2. My Background I’ve been a website developer for 7 years Have developed in PHP / MySQL extensively for the past 3 years I program most pages in XHTML Strict or Transitional Computer Science Grad Student 4 th year of the BS/MS combined degree program I’ve developed for both professional and personal websites I currently host 10 websites professionally on a private system. I maintain 4 servers 1 Exchange 2007/Windows Server 2003 server 2 CentOS (Redhat) Linux Servers running Cpanel (the hosting industry standard control panel) 1 Ubuntu server responsible for handling all external mail and forwarding it onto the internal servers appropriately These servers (except Windows) average 200 days of uptime with minimal problems.
  • 3. Why am I doing this Lecture? I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others I learn from this also! Preparing the slides forces me to look up terms that I usually assume “just work” I need experience in communicating my knowledge effectively If you don’t understand me, chances are no one else does, don’t hesitate to stop me I need feedback on how I’m doing! This lecture series is my way of gaining experience to become a better presenter and teaching assistant!
  • 4. What is a Browser A browser is any application that displays websites from a remote server through the internet There are multiple browsers out there to choose from: Firefox (Most popular) Chrome Safari Opera Internet Explorer (Microsoft’s Browser)
  • 5. Why do we need a browser? Browsers speak HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) which is the language that web servers speak A web server will return a file with text in it (among other types of files; eg. Image files) The main file returned is plain text and is written in HTML(HyperText Markup Language) which is the standard that all browsers should be able to understand All files have extensions… common extensions for HTML are .html, and .htm. If the server is modifying the html of a page prior to sending it to the browser, the extension may be .php for PHP, .cgi for CGI, and .asp for ASP (these will be discussed in later lectures)
  • 6. How does the browser communicate with the server? The internet is a huge computer network that stretches world wide When your browser requests a page, it uses the internet to find then connect to the server responsible for that page This is basically done through a combination of DNS (Domain Name Service) lookups and routers that connect every computer together some way. These can be compared to how the post office routes your mail through its system, they generally look at the to address and route your mail towards the large sorting facility which knows more about your location. Once it figures out what the sorting destination is (DNS), it will route the message there via planes and trucks (routers).
  • 7. Focuses of this Lecture Series - XHTML Web Development in XHTML Transitional/Strict XHTML is Extensible HyperText Markup Language, it is just an improved HTML Most of my examples and pages are XHTML Strict compliant but it is easier to declare Transitional to make that one difficult part of the webpage line up correctly. This is why many of the pages I develop are declared Transitional The strict specification will make your XHTML look cleaner and guarantee that it will work better on most browsers as where transitional is generally easier to validate.
  • 8. Sidetrack to focuses on XHTML All too often, when developing websites, all browsers will show your webpage differently. This is because they follow the same specifications but interpret them differently, or they may not follow the specifications at all. Internet Explorers 6/7 are a huge problem because they didn’t really follow the specifications. IE 8 has gotten a lot better! This is why on the IEEE website, I have separate code for CSS in IE vs Firefox and other browsers. Chrome follows the standards almost exactly as does Internet Explorer 8 (Thank you Microsoft!). This is why sites may look fine in Firefox (which sometimes will loosely follow the standards and fill in the gaps) where IE8 / Chrome will make your page look ugly. Before standards were widely followed, browsers were really good at detecting errors and figuring out what they meant. This is why poorly coded WebPages still would look fine to all browsers that they were tested in.
  • 9. Focuses on CSS CSS is “Cascading Style Sheet” This is a plain text file that will be requested from the server if in the HTML header. This file has formatting information on where to place text and how to make text look among a lot of other visibility features of a webpage. The common file extension for CSS is .css
  • 10. Focus on Design All WebPages nowadays look nice to the eye and generally are designed with several images I will use Adobe Photoshop CS4 at some point in the series (Tentatively Lecture 3) to display a template that serves one of the websites I develop for. At this point, I plan on slightly modifying the template and then carry it to a website. I plan to do this live as a demonstration, explaining the tools that I use in Photoshop as I go along.
  • 11. Focus on PHP / MySQL development The last 3-4 lectures of this series will focus heavily on PHP and MySQL development. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor I’ve also seen it as: Pre Hypertext Processor MySQL stands for My Structured Query language PHP and MySQL are combined to generate HTML pages with constantly changing content. I’m currently working on integrating MySQL into the IEEE website to make the site easier to modify without my assistance.
  • 12. Enough generalized information… What does XHTML look like? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN&quot; &quot;;> <html xmlns=&quot;; dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-us&quot; xml:lang=&quot;en-us&quot;> <head> <!-- This is a comment tag, it will NOT be interpreted by HTML-> <!-- title, meta, and other non-content tags go in the head -> <meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=utf-8&quot; /> <title>Web Dev Lecture Series :: Home</title> </head> <body> <!– any page content will go inside the body tags -> <p> Hello World! This lecture series is on its way!!!<br /> <a href=&quot;;>Lecture 1 Slides</a> </p> </body> </html>
  • 13. HTML Tags <html xmlns=&quot;; dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-us&quot; xml:lang=&quot;en-us&quot;> </html> Looking at the image, in all html documents, we have an opening tag, a closing tag, and a list of attributes. Attributes will always show up as name=“value” in proper html and xhtml. Attributes vary depending on what tag they are inside of Some tags are self closing, for example, the <br /> tag has a /> at the end which self closes it br means Break Line or goto the next line
  • 14. Header of a Strict HTML Document <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN&quot; &quot;;> !DOCTYPE tells the browser what language we are using html will almost always follow this declaration! PUBLIC specifies this specification is accessible by anyone The owner (W3C) is specified next DTD is the Document Type Definition XHTML 1.0 Strict is the language used followed by //EN specifying English Finally in another set of quotes (“”) we place the URL (Universal Resource Locator) address of the page containing the specification requirements W3C is the organization that specifies HTML Standards
  • 15. Continuing on the header: <html xmlns=&quot;; dir=&quot;ltr&quot; lang=&quot;en-us&quot; xml:lang=&quot;en-us&quot;> The xmlns attribute specifies the extended markup language namespace or standard. XML is a more simplified version of HTML where you can specify your own tags and attributes. This is especially useful for defining databases and holding onto data in files without mixing data up. dir is the direction the text flows (ltr is Left to Right) Lang specifies the language – United States English xml:lang specifies the language of the tags being used
  • 16. Continuing into the head tag <head> <meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=utf-8&quot; /> <title>IEEE-UB :: Home</title> <link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;style.css&quot; /> </head> Between the <head></head> tags is where page information is contained The first meta defines most importantly what the document language is and what character set it is using (to prevent encoding errors) A title is specified between the <title></title> tags The <link… tag is specifying where to get the style sheet for this page, we will come back to this in a later lecture
  • 17. Body <body> <p>Hello World! I made my first webpage!!!<br /> <a href=&quot;;>Lecture 1 Slides</a> </p> </body> Between the <body></body> tags is where you should put all the content that will show up on your webpage. All text should be surrounded by another tag. In my examples for today, I will use the <p> tag which is the paragraph tag.
  • 18. The <a></a> Anchor Tag The href attribute defines the link URL or address. This address can be relative to where the page is , or it can be a full path link including http:// For example, if were are at and we specify href=“lecture1.pdf”, it will link to because we are in the same directory
  • 19. Now that we’ve seen some XHTML… Lets discuss XHTML editors Dreamweaver – Not Free! WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) I never use WYSIWYG editors because they put unnecessary code on your page. Frontpage 2003 is a huge example, Dreamweaver CS4 is much better! PHP Designer 2008 Text only – recommended, not free! (Student discounts available) Scite- Free (not as nice as PHP Designer) Notepad- included with windows Pico / Nano / Vim – Included with Linux – discussed later Vim will highlight your code
  • 20. Before Transferring Files… Be aware that Windows text editors (especially wordpad) will add unnecessary space characters to the end of each of your lines. This can make your html files show up on a webpage the wrong way. If you are finding your editor does this, switch editors! PHP Designer has a handy function “remove empty lines” on its tools menu which I use frequently when copying files back and forth from a Linux web server.
  • 21. With our HTML file created, lets get it on a server Filezilla is perhaps the easiest method Use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or sftp (Secure file transfer protocol) Host is the server address, then Username/Password Live demo with filezilla – Making this presentation and the website available at the lecture series website: Note the www. is optional (exception: UB CSE department) Using FTP Using SFTP (uses SSH discussed later)
  • 22. Editing files live on the server Using a program like sftp drive which maps a remote Linux drive to a Windows drive. This is possible but not free quick demo using sftpdrive its now expandrive at Live demo Using pico, nano, vim via putty and ssh SSH command list (I made it for CSE116) available at: Slideshow (if we have time) Summary of Commands (Word / PDF)