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Drupal Webdesignmade easyWilson Wingston
To retrieve files, connect to “Workshop India” Adhocwifi network.Look for AdrazeThe reqiured file will be in the public folder.Copy to desktop.Adraze/users/public/drupal workshop
welcomeIntroduction to www architecture.Technology stack.HTML/CSSPHP/MySQLDrupal fundamentalsOpen source technology
The World Wide WebMarch 1989 – Tim Berners-Lee proposed www as a web of “Hypertext Documents” to be viewed by browsers and set up within a client server architecture.URLHTTPHTML1993 – Mosaic browser Evolved from the need to provide a uniform method of content transfer and cataloguing over the internet.

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This document provides an overview of various web development technologies including HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHP, and more. It discusses the basic structure of HTML and common tags like paragraphs, lists, links, and images. It also covers the different types of CSS (inline, internal, external) and how to link CSS to HTML. MySQL commands for creating databases, tables, queries, insertion, deletion and updating data are outlined. The document then explains what PHP is and basic syntax, data types, operators, conditional statements, loops. It provides examples of echoing text and using switch statements. Lastly, it briefly mentions additional topics like forms, jQuery, Ajax, sessions, SEO, RSS, and social media.

industrial reportmy247edu.comphp

The document provides an overview of an introductory HTML and CSS class. It outlines the agenda which includes learning key concepts of HTML and CSS, going over assignments, and completing challenges with support. The instructor introduces themselves and assistants and asks attendees to introduce themselves. It then covers basic concepts like how the web works, the roles of clients and servers, and an example using Facebook. It dives into explanations of HTML, CSS, common tags and elements, and how CSS can be used to style HTML. The document emphasizes using Google to research solutions and finds the assignments are located online.

HTML practical file
HTML practical fileHTML practical file
HTML practical file

This document provides information about a Web Technology subject for 6th semester students. It includes: 1. An overview of the topics to be covered in the subject, including creation of web pages using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP and ASP. 2. A list of 20 practical exercises focused on these topics, such as creating lists in HTML, using JavaScript to print dates and perform calculations, and connecting to databases using PHP. 3. Learning objectives and sample code for several of the practical exercises, providing examples of how to implement the various web technologies.

The Address of a webpageHost name. can be anything. Even NULL. Usually represents sub domain of main site. of site to show firstNot sent to server. Handled by browserCommunication protocol usedftp:// - filesSmtp:// - mailWeb site name. DNS lookup will give IP addressQuery passed to web server for side server procsessing
Technology StackServer - A server is a computer which provides information or services to other computers on a network. Operating system- The software that runs the server. Unix, Linux, BSD, OS X and Windows are some examples. Database - A structured collection of records. Drupal uses a database to store most content and configuration settings for your site, some content such as media files are generally stored in the server's file system. Web server- The software component responsible for serving web pages. Examples are Apache and Microsoft IIS. PHP - PHP is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. Drupal - A framework for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services.
Client Server Model – HTTP modelServer1. Browser sends request for particular HTTP fileClient2. HTML file on disk sent to browser  directly
Client Server Model – CGI modelServer2. Server finds and calls required CGI application.Client1. Browser sends request for particular HTTP file4. Server sends formatted HTML back to browserCGI application3.After execution CGI app sends result to server.

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Html 5 tutorial - By Bally Chohan
Html 5 tutorial - By Bally ChohanHtml 5 tutorial - By Bally Chohan
Html 5 tutorial - By Bally Chohan

This tutorial is provided by Bally Chohan UK for learning HTML 5 features and to know more about HTML 5.

bally chohanbally chohan ukbally
Hyper text markup Language
Hyper text markup LanguageHyper text markup Language
Hyper text markup Language

The document discusses various HTML elements used to structure and format content in a web page. It describes common block-level elements like headings, paragraphs, and divisions. It also covers inline elements for text styling like bold, italics, underline. The document also discusses how to add images, links, tables and lists to an HTML page. It provides syntax and examples for proper implementation of these elements.

internet programming and java notes 5th sem mca
internet programming and java notes 5th sem mcainternet programming and java notes 5th sem mca
internet programming and java notes 5th sem mca

Format of an HTTP Request and Response An HTTP request has three main components: the request line containing the method, URI, and protocol version; request headers with information about the client; and an optional request body. An HTTP response similarly has a status line with the protocol, status code, and description; response headers with server information; and an optional response body. HTTP Request Types Common HTTP request types include GET to retrieve a resource, HEAD to get headers only, POST to submit an enclosed entity to the identified resource, PUT to upload a representation of the resource, and DELETE to remove the resource. FTP File Transfer FTP is a standard protocol for transferring files between devices on the internet. It uses TCP

Client Server Model – Side server scripting Server2. Server reads scripts embedded & executes them.Client1. Browser sends request for particular HTTP file with scripts embedded in it.4. Server sends formatted HTML back to browserDatabase3. Database for storage & retrieval of data as defined in script.
Developing for the web
The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfulls, is only an embryo of the Web to come. [...]The Web will be understood not as screenfulls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens. It will [...] appear on your computer screen, [...] on your TV set [...] your car dashboard [...] your cell phone [...] hand-held game machines [...] maybe even your microwave ovenWeb 2.0The term "Web 2.0" was coined in 1999. Darcy DiNucci in her article "Fragmented Future,"
1 Introduction to Drupal Web Development

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Demystifying SEO & Modern KPI Reporting
Demystifying SEO & Modern KPI ReportingDemystifying SEO & Modern KPI Reporting
Demystifying SEO & Modern KPI Reporting

This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and key performance indicators (KPI) reporting. It provides an overview of how search engines work, ranking factors, and the importance of organic search. It also discusses building an optimized website, keyword research, infrastructure and architecture KPIs, SERP visibility and performance KPIs, and conversion KPIs. The document emphasizes focusing efforts on factors that can be directly impacted and telling the story of organic search factors. It provides examples of KPI reporting templates and recommends setting baselines and metrics to track progress over time.

Internet programming lecture 1
Internet programming lecture 1Internet programming lecture 1
Internet programming lecture 1

This document provides an outline and details for a course on Internet Programming. It includes sections on course details, programming and the web, programming versus scripting, serving HTML pages, web servers, accessing databases, web applications, Ajax, HTML tags, and references. The lecturer is Eng. Mohammed Hussein from Thamar University in Yemen.

Rails Girls - Introduction to HTML & CSS
Rails Girls - Introduction to HTML & CSSRails Girls - Introduction to HTML & CSS
Rails Girls - Introduction to HTML & CSS

This document provides an agenda and overview for an introduction to HTML and CSS workshop by Rails Girls Helsinki. It discusses why HTML and CSS are crucial skills, both for understanding web technologies and getting a job as a developer. It explains how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript power everything seen on the internet and in web and mobile apps. The document outlines the division of labor between frontend and backend technologies. It introduces the Frontend Bentobox model for understanding different components like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, etc. It previews exercises for attendees to complete, including a live coding demo and extra credit options.

Web 2.0 Fundae
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The Difference between HTML, XHTML & HTML5 for Beginners

New in the world of web development? Confused about the language jargons. Here is an article that can bring some clarity on HTML, XHMTL and HTML5.

outsourcing website ontwikkelinghtml5 specialistoutsource css 3

The document discusses JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM). It begins with an introduction to JavaScript, including what it is, examples of basic JavaScript code, and how it is used for client-side scripting. It then covers the DOM and how JavaScript can be used to access and manipulate elements in an HTML document. Finally, it discusses several JavaScript libraries and techniques, including the YUI library and how it can be used for drag-and-drop and animation effects.

jquery tutorial
Looking into HTML5
Looking into HTML5Looking into HTML5
Looking into HTML5

The document discusses the evolution of HTML5 from XHTML and highlights new HTML5 elements, audio/video capabilities, and the Canvas element. Key points include: HTML5 aims to address shortcomings of XHTML by simplifying the language; new semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article> are introduced; audio and video can be embedded but browser support is limited; the Canvas element allows for dynamic 2D graphic scripts and drawings on the page.

Web Technologies - Databases
Web application frameworks
Choosing the Right ToolsUnderstanding your needs.Understanding the capabilities and limitations of various technologies.Implementation. []
My FavoritesDjango - high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Mostly for “high powered” applications.Drupal - free and open source Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP C# .net – too cool IDE and MSDN help references.  Best for C users who don’t want to bother with PHP or python.

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Web page concept final ppt
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Web page concept final ppt

The document discusses web design and markup languages like HTML and XML. It provides an introduction to web design and why it is important, covering topics like first impressions, professionalism, and competition. The document then covers HTML and XML in more detail, including their structures and tags. It provides examples of basic HTML and XML code.


This document provides an introduction to HTML and covers many basic HTML topics including: the anatomy of HTML documents with tags; adding headings, fonts, links, images and tables; naming and saving HTML files; and learning HTML by examining other web pages' source code. It offers quick points on various HTML tags and attributes for text formatting, alignment, links, and images.

Web 2.0 Lessonplan Day1
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Web 2.0 Lessonplan Day1

This document provides instructions for creating an MP3 player using HTML and Flash. It discusses embedding MP3 files using Flash embedding code and parameters. It also discusses using Greasemonkey and the Playtagger userscript to automatically generate inline Flash players for linked MP3 files on webpages and to save MP3 links to a account for creating playlists.

About Drupal.More CMF than CMSBalance between “specific tasks” and “ manageable abstraction”Generalized approach to core systems that allow you to tweak as much as possible for clever customized site functions.Programming on a need-to-do basis only.Time investment needed.
Drupal – languages usedHTML – basics of any web framework.PHP – the code base of drupalSQL – database management routinesCSS – theming the looks
HTMLborn from desire to separate structure from presentation. [SGML]<tag open> </tag close> ; anything in these tags are commands to browser.At its core, HTML is just text linking to other text.
Document type definition<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”>The document’s top tag level is HTML.The document adheres to the formal public identifier (FPI) “W3C HTML 4.01 Strict English” standardsThe full DTD can be found at the URL

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4. html css-java script-basics

This document provides an introduction to HTML document structure. It discusses the <!DOCTYPE> declaration, <head> and <body> sections, common text formatting tags, hyperlinks using the <a> tag, and linking to other sections of the same document. Examples are included to demonstrate various HTML elements, tags, and attributes.

Iwt module 1
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Iwt module 1

The document provides an overview of three modules that cover topics in web technologies including the Internet, World Wide Web, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, DOM, CGI/Perl, Java Applets and more. Key concepts covered include how the Internet and WWW work, protocols, building websites using HTML, JavaScript programming fundamentals, external and internal CSS stylesheets, the HTML and XML DOM models, introducing CGI and Perl scripting, and writing Java applets. References for additional reading on related topics are also provided.


This is a presentation made for HTML5. It covers all the basic of development with HTML and makes the user well aware about the HTML.

htmlhtml5web development
Overall structure<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN”“”><html><head><meta ... meta tags go here ... ><title>title of the page/document goes here</title><LINK rel=“stylesheet” href=“external style sheet name”type=“text/css”><style>... any document specific styles go here ...</style>
Overall structure<script>... client-side scripts go here ...</script></head><body>... body of document goes here, paragraphs modified byblock elements, characters, words and sentences modified byin line elements ...</body></html>
Basic elements
Styles<html><head><style>.redline { color:red; text-decoration:line-through; }</style></head><body><h1>An Example of style usage</h1><p> If its required to say, change a part of text, red and with a a strike through, you might be tempted to use <font> tags and a <del> tag.. This is not appreciated in the new HTML 4 standard. Instead, we create a style and then apply the style as <span class=“redline”>to this portion of the text,  now this part between the span tags has the style applied</span></p></body></html>

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Xhtml 2010
Xhtml 2010Xhtml 2010
Xhtml 2010

The document discusses the basics of XHTML including: - The structure of an XHTML document with the root <html> element containing <head> and <body> elements. - Common block-level elements like <p>, <h1-6>, and <div> that are used to structure content. - Character-level elements for text formatting and meaning. - Validation of XHTML documents and basic syntax rules.

basic xhtml
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Fundamentals of web_design_v2

This document provides an overview of various web development tools and technologies, including FTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, PHP, ASP, and content management systems. It discusses the purpose and basic usage of each tool. For example, it explains that FTP is used to transfer files between a local computer and web host, and that HTML is the underlying markup language that defines the structure and content of a web page. The document also provides learning resources and examples of text editors, FTP clients, and other tools.

Introduction To Web (Mukesh Patel)
Introduction To Web (Mukesh Patel)Introduction To Web (Mukesh Patel)
Introduction To Web (Mukesh Patel)

Introduction to web basics. Day 1 @ Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering (NMIMS)

In main HTML page<html><head><LINK rel=“stylesheet” href=“site-styles.css” type=“text/css”></head><body> ...In site-styles.css.redline { 		color:red; 		text-decoration:line-through; }
Linking<a href=“”> click here</a>Links to external site<a href=“#jmp2”> jump here</a><a name = “jmp2”> jump space 2</a>Links to Internal Bookmark
Things to rememberUse <!doctype>Nest element tags properly.<p>The last word is <b>bold</b></p>Tags are case sensitiveAll elements must be terminatedThis is one paragraph<p>This is another paragraph<p>
<p>This is one paragraph</p><p>This is another paragraph</p>Any empty tag must have a closing tag or the opening tag must end with a slash (/). <br />Comment code</table> </table> </table>

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This was my presentation during WebOSS '07, the first Web and Open Source Technology Conference in Kolkata, on 13th October 2007

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The document discusses key concepts in ASP.NET including: - ASP.NET allows for server-side processing of web forms to store and retrieve submitted data, unlike basic HTML which has no way to process form submissions. - The browser acts as a thin client, mainly displaying content from the server, while the server handles most processing through ASP.NET. - ASP.NET provides an alternative to CGI for building dynamic websites that can save state across page requests using .NET languages like C# and VB.NET.

web engineering by roohul amin
Php intro
Php introPhp intro
Php intro

PHP was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and has since evolved through several versions, with key developments including added database support in PHP 2, multiple platform support and new parsers in PHP 3 and 4, and object oriented programming in PHP 5. PHP is widely used today due to its ease of use, ability to embed PHP code into HTML documents, cross-platform compatibility, and low cost. The document provides an overview of PHP's history and development, why it is popular, and how to get started using basic PHP functions and conditional statements.

PHPHypertext preprocessorAwesome language with its fundamentals in CMost common language for web  applications. [facebook, amazon, youtube.]PHP Code is embedded within HTML code by <?php>     </php>Secure, customizable, operating sys independent.
Web Server Processing of PHP The Web server starts scanning the file inHTML mode. It assumes the statements areHTML and sends them to the browser withoutany processing.The Web server continues in HTML modeuntil it encounters a PHP opening tag(<?php).When it encounters a PHP opening tag, theWeb server switches to PHP mode. This issometimes called escaping from HTML.
The Web server then assumes that all statementsare PHP statements and executesthe PHP statements. If there is output, theoutput is sent by the server to the browser.The Web server continues in PHP modeuntil it encounters a PHP closing tag (?>).When the Web server encounters a PHPclosing tag, it returns to HTML mode. Itresumes scanning, and the cycle continuesfrom Step 1.
How PHP works.<?php echo “<p>Hello World”; ?>PHP code in original HTML document<p>Hello WorldWhat is sent to browser$number = 2;$number = 2+1;$number = (2 - 1) * (4 * 5) -17;$number2 = $number + 3;$string = “Hello World”;$string2 = $string.” again!”;Sample PHP

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JavaScript Missing Manual, Ch. 1JavaScript Missing Manual, Ch. 1
JavaScript Missing Manual, Ch. 1

The document introduces JavaScript programming and provides guidelines for adding JavaScript to web pages. It discusses using <script> tags to add internal or external JavaScript, and how to access the JavaScript console in browsers to debug errors. The chapter concludes with an assignment to add an alert box to a sample HTML file to write the first JavaScript program.

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Web Programming introductionWeb Programming introduction
Web Programming introduction

This document provides contact information for Engr. Abdul-Rahman Mahmood including various email addresses and social media profiles. It also lists an outline for a course on web programming technologies covering topics like internet history, network protocols, markup languages, scripting languages, and more. The document aims to introduce students to the latest technologies for creating and processing web content.

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HTML & CSS Workshop Notes
HTML & CSS Workshop NotesHTML & CSS Workshop Notes
HTML & CSS Workshop Notes

This document summarizes an introductory workshop on web technologies including HTML, CSS, and the document object model (DOM). It provides an overview of the history and basics of HTML, how to set up a basic website, and introductions to CSS, the DOM, and additional web technologies covered in the workshop like forms and positioning.

<html><head><title>Hello World Program</title></head><body><?phpecho “<p>Hello World!”?></body></html><html><head><title>Hello World Program</title></head><body><p>Hello World!</body></html>
PHP code for table from 2D arrayecho “<table border=1>”;foreach( $productPrices as $category ){foreach( $category as $product => $price )	{		$f_price = sprintf(“%01.2f”, $price);		echo “<tr><td>$product:</td>		<td>$f_price</td></tr>”;	}}echo “</table>”;
Integration of RDMBS
MySQLSELECT (lastName,firstName FROM MemberWHERE lastName LIKE “B%”AND city = “Chennai”AND (phone LIKE “%8%” OR fax LIKE “%8%”)

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PHP is a widely used scripting language for web development. It was created in 1994 and has evolved through several versions, adding features like object oriented programming. PHP code is embedded into HTML and processed by the server before pages are sent to the browser. It is free, easy to use, cross-platform, and supports many databases, making it a popular choice for building dynamic web applications and sites.

Justmeans power point
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The document provides an introduction and overview of PHP including a brief history, getting started instructions, examples of using PHP for templates and page counters, and additional resources. It discusses how PHP was created in 1994 and evolved through versions 2-5, how to embed PHP code in HTML pages using tags, demonstrates conditional statements and includes, and provides a step-by-step example of implementing a simple page counter using PHP.

Justmeans power point
Justmeans power pointJustmeans power point
Justmeans power point

PHP is a widely used scripting language for web development. It was created in 1994 and has evolved through several versions, adding features like object oriented programming. PHP code is embedded into HTML and processed by the server before pages are sent to the browser. It is free, easy to use, cross-platform, and supports many databases, making it a popular choice for building dynamic web applications and sites.

Understanding Drupal
NodesNodes are the data pool. Everything is a node in drupal.Nodes are just pieces of content – page, story, image, text, poll, comment, etc etcMost basic “token” of drupal.
ModulesModules are functional plug-ins that are either part of the Drupal core (ship with Drupal) or they are contributed items that have been created by members of the Drupal community for various tasks.Easily create your own modules for small
Blocks and MenusBlocks often provide the output from a module or can be created to display whatever you want, and then can be placed in various spots in your template (theme) layout.Highly configurable output control.

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Justmeans power point

The document provides an introduction and overview of PHP including a brief history, getting started instructions, examples of using PHP for templates and page counters, and additional resources. It discusses how PHP was created in 1994 and evolved through versions 2-5, how to embed PHP code in HTML pages using tags, demonstrates conditional statements and includes, and provides a step-by-step example of implementing a simple page counter using PHP.

Justmeans power point
Justmeans power pointJustmeans power point
Justmeans power point

The document provides an introduction and overview of PHP including a brief history, getting started instructions, examples of using PHP for templates and page counters, and additional resources. It discusses how PHP was created in 1994 and evolved through versions 2-5, how to embed PHP code in HTML pages using tags, demonstrates conditional statements and includes, and provides a step-by-step example of implementing a simple page counter using PHP.

Justmeans power point
Justmeans power pointJustmeans power point
Justmeans power point

The document provides an introduction and overview of PHP including a brief history, getting started instructions, examples of using PHP for templates and page counters, and additional resources. It discusses how PHP was created in 1994 and evolved through versions 2-5, how to embed PHP code in HTML pages using tags, demonstrates conditional statements and variables, and shows how to create universal headers and footers and count page views using PHP scripts.

User PermissionsThis is where settings are configured to determine which things different user types have access to. Permissions are assigned to various roles, and in turn, users are associated with those various roles in order to grant them the associated permissions.
Site TemplateThis is made up predominately of XHTML and CSS, with some PHP tokens sprinkled throughout to insert content from the system into the correct spotsOverridable theme functions to give complete control for how modules generate markup [HTML].
When NOT to use DrupalOnly a blog? Use wordpress. Need a blog with extra features like ecommerce, galleries, user interaction – go Drupal.Only a wiki? Use mediawiki.Only a Forum? Use phpBB.
When u NEED DrupalFlexibility  - easily add cool extendable features.Interaction with other sites.Complex forms or workflows.Organize and display lists of information on a per-user basis.Custom functionality.

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Justmeans power point
Justmeans power pointJustmeans power point
Justmeans power point

The document provides an introduction and overview of PHP including a brief history, getting started instructions, examples of using PHP for templates and page counters, and additional resources. It discusses how PHP was created in 1994 and evolved through versions 2-5, how to embed PHP code in HTML pages using tags, demonstrates conditional statements and includes, and provides a step-by-step example of implementing a simple page counter using PHP.

Justmeans power point
Justmeans power pointJustmeans power point
Justmeans power point

PHP is a widely used scripting language for web development. It was created in 1994 and has evolved through several versions, adding features like object oriented programming. PHP code is embedded into HTML and processed by the server before pages are sent to the browser. It is free, easy to use, cross-platform, and supports many databases, making it a popular choice for building dynamic web applications and sites.

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Websites Unlimited - Pay Monthly Websites

Sharing some basic fundamentals of web designing, from my experience of web designing in

pay monthly websitespay monthly web designwebsites unlimite
Security issues. Security always depends on good maintenance.Constantly update all modules and Drupal core to highest release version.Subscribe to Drupal Security mailing list. It actually helps.
GPLIncidentally, the GPL is not tied specifically to Drupal; rather Drupal makes use of the GPL, which is a kind of generic license for distributing open-source softwareThe way things work is that the software is copyrighted, and then licensed, for everyone to use freely.anyone who makes use of this software cannot create proprietary software from it.the only time you do need to worry about the niceties of the GPL is when you decide to set up a business installing, configuring, and customizing Drupal websites for money, or modifying, and redistributing the original source code.
Who’s using drupal?

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1 Introduction to Drupal Web Development

  • 1. Drupal Webdesignmade easyWilson Wingston
  • 2. To retrieve files, connect to “Workshop India” Adhocwifi network.Look for AdrazeThe reqiured file will be in the public folder.Copy to desktop.Adraze/users/public/drupal workshop
  • 3. welcomeIntroduction to www architecture.Technology stack.HTML/CSSPHP/MySQLDrupal fundamentalsOpen source technology
  • 4. The World Wide WebMarch 1989 – Tim Berners-Lee proposed www as a web of “Hypertext Documents” to be viewed by browsers and set up within a client server architecture.URLHTTPHTML1993 – Mosaic browser Evolved from the need to provide a uniform method of content transfer and cataloguing over the internet.
  • 5. The Address of a webpageHost name. can be anything. Even NULL. Usually represents sub domain of main site. of site to show firstNot sent to server. Handled by browserCommunication protocol usedftp:// - filesSmtp:// - mailWeb site name. DNS lookup will give IP addressQuery passed to web server for side server procsessing
  • 6. Technology StackServer - A server is a computer which provides information or services to other computers on a network. Operating system- The software that runs the server. Unix, Linux, BSD, OS X and Windows are some examples. Database - A structured collection of records. Drupal uses a database to store most content and configuration settings for your site, some content such as media files are generally stored in the server's file system. Web server- The software component responsible for serving web pages. Examples are Apache and Microsoft IIS. PHP - PHP is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. Drupal - A framework for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services.
  • 7. Client Server Model – HTTP modelServer1. Browser sends request for particular HTTP fileClient2. HTML file on disk sent to browser directly
  • 8. Client Server Model – CGI modelServer2. Server finds and calls required CGI application.Client1. Browser sends request for particular HTTP file4. Server sends formatted HTML back to browserCGI application3.After execution CGI app sends result to server.
  • 9. Client Server Model – Side server scripting Server2. Server reads scripts embedded & executes them.Client1. Browser sends request for particular HTTP file with scripts embedded in it.4. Server sends formatted HTML back to browserDatabase3. Database for storage & retrieval of data as defined in script.
  • 11. The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfulls, is only an embryo of the Web to come. [...]The Web will be understood not as screenfulls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens. It will [...] appear on your computer screen, [...] on your TV set [...] your car dashboard [...] your cell phone [...] hand-held game machines [...] maybe even your microwave ovenWeb 2.0The term "Web 2.0" was coined in 1999. Darcy DiNucci in her article "Fragmented Future,"
  • 14. Web Technologies – client side
  • 15. Web Technologies – client side
  • 16. Web Technologies – Server side
  • 17. Web Technologies - Databases
  • 19. Choosing the Right ToolsUnderstanding your needs.Understanding the capabilities and limitations of various technologies.Implementation. []
  • 20. My FavoritesDjango - high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Mostly for “high powered” applications.Drupal - free and open source Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP C# .net – too cool IDE and MSDN help references. Best for C users who don’t want to bother with PHP or python.
  • 21. About Drupal.More CMF than CMSBalance between “specific tasks” and “ manageable abstraction”Generalized approach to core systems that allow you to tweak as much as possible for clever customized site functions.Programming on a need-to-do basis only.Time investment needed.
  • 22. Drupal – languages usedHTML – basics of any web framework.PHP – the code base of drupalSQL – database management routinesCSS – theming the looks
  • 23. HTMLborn from desire to separate structure from presentation. [SGML]<tag open> </tag close> ; anything in these tags are commands to browser.At its core, HTML is just text linking to other text.
  • 24. Document type definition<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”>The document’s top tag level is HTML.The document adheres to the formal public identifier (FPI) “W3C HTML 4.01 Strict English” standardsThe full DTD can be found at the URL
  • 25. Overall structure<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN”“”><html><head><meta ... meta tags go here ... ><title>title of the page/document goes here</title><LINK rel=“stylesheet” href=“external style sheet name”type=“text/css”><style>... any document specific styles go here ...</style>
  • 26. Overall structure<script>... client-side scripts go here ...</script></head><body>... body of document goes here, paragraphs modified byblock elements, characters, words and sentences modified byin line elements ...</body></html>
  • 28. Styles<html><head><style>.redline { color:red; text-decoration:line-through; }</style></head><body><h1>An Example of style usage</h1><p> If its required to say, change a part of text, red and with a a strike through, you might be tempted to use <font> tags and a <del> tag.. This is not appreciated in the new HTML 4 standard. Instead, we create a style and then apply the style as <span class=“redline”>to this portion of the text, now this part between the span tags has the style applied</span></p></body></html>
  • 29. In main HTML page<html><head><LINK rel=“stylesheet” href=“site-styles.css” type=“text/css”></head><body> ...In site-styles.css.redline { color:red; text-decoration:line-through; }
  • 30. Linking<a href=“”> click here</a>Links to external site<a href=“#jmp2”> jump here</a><a name = “jmp2”> jump space 2</a>Links to Internal Bookmark
  • 31. Things to rememberUse <!doctype>Nest element tags properly.<p>The last word is <b>bold</b></p>Tags are case sensitiveAll elements must be terminatedThis is one paragraph<p>This is another paragraph<p>
  • 32. <p>This is one paragraph</p><p>This is another paragraph</p>Any empty tag must have a closing tag or the opening tag must end with a slash (/). <br />Comment code</table> <!-- /Top heading --></table> <!-- /Main body --></table> <!-- /Floating page -->
  • 33. PHPHypertext preprocessorAwesome language with its fundamentals in CMost common language for web applications. [facebook, amazon, youtube.]PHP Code is embedded within HTML code by <?php> </php>Secure, customizable, operating sys independent.
  • 34. Web Server Processing of PHP The Web server starts scanning the file inHTML mode. It assumes the statements areHTML and sends them to the browser withoutany processing.The Web server continues in HTML modeuntil it encounters a PHP opening tag(<?php).When it encounters a PHP opening tag, theWeb server switches to PHP mode. This issometimes called escaping from HTML.
  • 35. The Web server then assumes that all statementsare PHP statements and executesthe PHP statements. If there is output, theoutput is sent by the server to the browser.The Web server continues in PHP modeuntil it encounters a PHP closing tag (?>).When the Web server encounters a PHPclosing tag, it returns to HTML mode. Itresumes scanning, and the cycle continuesfrom Step 1.
  • 36. How PHP works.<?php echo “<p>Hello World”; ?>PHP code in original HTML document<p>Hello WorldWhat is sent to browser$number = 2;$number = 2+1;$number = (2 - 1) * (4 * 5) -17;$number2 = $number + 3;$string = “Hello World”;$string2 = $string.” again!”;Sample PHP
  • 37. <html><head><title>Hello World Program</title></head><body><?phpecho “<p>Hello World!”?></body></html><html><head><title>Hello World Program</title></head><body><p>Hello World!</body></html>
  • 38. PHP code for table from 2D arrayecho “<table border=1>”;foreach( $productPrices as $category ){foreach( $category as $product => $price ) { $f_price = sprintf(“%01.2f”, $price); echo “<tr><td>$product:</td> <td>$f_price</td></tr>”; }}echo “</table>”;
  • 40. MySQLSELECT (lastName,firstName FROM MemberWHERE lastName LIKE “B%”AND city = “Chennai”AND (phone LIKE “%8%” OR fax LIKE “%8%”)
  • 42. NodesNodes are the data pool. Everything is a node in drupal.Nodes are just pieces of content – page, story, image, text, poll, comment, etc etcMost basic “token” of drupal.
  • 43. ModulesModules are functional plug-ins that are either part of the Drupal core (ship with Drupal) or they are contributed items that have been created by members of the Drupal community for various tasks.Easily create your own modules for small
  • 44. Blocks and MenusBlocks often provide the output from a module or can be created to display whatever you want, and then can be placed in various spots in your template (theme) layout.Highly configurable output control.
  • 45. User PermissionsThis is where settings are configured to determine which things different user types have access to. Permissions are assigned to various roles, and in turn, users are associated with those various roles in order to grant them the associated permissions.
  • 46. Site TemplateThis is made up predominately of XHTML and CSS, with some PHP tokens sprinkled throughout to insert content from the system into the correct spotsOverridable theme functions to give complete control for how modules generate markup [HTML].
  • 47. When NOT to use DrupalOnly a blog? Use wordpress. Need a blog with extra features like ecommerce, galleries, user interaction – go Drupal.Only a wiki? Use mediawiki.Only a Forum? Use phpBB.
  • 48. When u NEED DrupalFlexibility - easily add cool extendable features.Interaction with other sites.Complex forms or workflows.Organize and display lists of information on a per-user basis.Custom functionality.
  • 49. Security issues. Security always depends on good maintenance.Constantly update all modules and Drupal core to highest release version.Subscribe to Drupal Security mailing list. It actually helps.
  • 50. GPLIncidentally, the GPL is not tied specifically to Drupal; rather Drupal makes use of the GPL, which is a kind of generic license for distributing open-source softwareThe way things work is that the software is copyrighted, and then licensed, for everyone to use freely.anyone who makes use of this software cannot create proprietary software from it.the only time you do need to worry about the niceties of the GPL is when you decide to set up a business installing, configuring, and customizing Drupal websites for money, or modifying, and redistributing the original source code.