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Websites Unlimited - Pay Monthly Websites
What We’ll Cover 
 FTP - why it should be the first tool in your web developer toolbox. 
 HTML basics, what's involved in writing it and understanding the 
basic elements of a webpage. 
 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and how they control the 
presentation of HTML. 
 Javascript and its role in user interaction, how it integrates and why 
it matters. 
 Flash and what role it plays in presentation, interaction and the ups 
and downs of using it. 
 PHP and ASP will be discussed in very general terms with an eye 
toward use of dynamic pages and Content Management Systems.
Basics of how the web works 
and how your website fits into 
the big picture.
Basic HTML pages – ‘flow of the 
Domain Name Registrars 
IP address 
HTTP request: 
HTTP response 
Advantages: Speed / Flexibility 
Disadvantages: Labor-intensive / navigation issues
Database-driven website or Content Management System 
IP address 
Domain Name Registrars 
HTTP request: 
HTTP response 
CMS – Content Management System 
• WordPress 
• Drupal 
• Joomla 
• many more 
Advantages: Automation of navigation, easy to change overall site design (‘theme’) 
Disadvantages: Speed / Server Load / Script conflicts (plugins)
FTP – File Transfer Protocol 
 This is the method you’ll use to move files to and from your host. 
 The better the tool integrates with your computer, 
the easier it will be to publish your site changes. 
 There are web-based tools but I’ve found them inefficient. 
 Higher-end tools like Interarchy are blazing fast and support all the 
special cases you’ll run into. ‘dot’ files being one of them. 
 Tight integration with your text editor can make editing easier. 
 Can be used to change file permissions.
Basic FTP Flow Chart 
Editor on local PC 
within tool 
Text editor / freestanding FTP Dreamweaver / IDE
 Dreamweaver 
Beginners always seem to start with this. It’s a great tool. 
The preview isn’t quite right, it’s slow, it’s big, it’s expensive. 
Has a built-in FTP tool. Tight integration with Adobe CS. 
 FrontPage 
Very common starting point on PC. Solid and serviceable. 
Deep integration with Windows OS. 
 Plain-text editor 
Cheap. Fast. Efficient. Reliable. Trustworthy. Multi-platform. 
My choice – BBEdit for the Mac. 
Downside: not quite as ‘helpful’ as GUI apps.
HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language 
HTML is a ‘markup’ language. It consists of TAGS: <b>This is bold</b> - 
looks a lot like the pre-WYSIWYG wordprocessor ‘WordStar’. Browsers 
interpret and ‘present’ the markup code. 
Tags generally ‘open’ and ‘close’ – except for single-element tags like 
<img>, <br> and <hr>.
HTML BASICS(cont...) 
Images and link paths can be ‘absolute’ or ‘relative’ – demo 
For many years HTML page design was done using the 
<table> tag – in the last decade CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 
support in browsers has improved to where object-oriented 
design techniques can be used, separating design from content 
and allowing site-wide design changes with minor edits.
DOCTYPE – Rendering rules for HTML 
HTML – Beginning of hypertext 
HEAD – Title / Links / Scripts / Meta 
BODY – The visible content of the page
Anatomy of an HTML page 
<title>Page Title</title> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/my_styles.css" media="all"> 
<script src="/resources/js/my_script.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> 
<meta name="keywords" content="dog, cat, bird, mouse, platypus"> 
<div id="pagewidth"> 
<div id=”banner">Page Banner</div> 
<div id="wrapper" class="clearfix"> 
<div id="twocols" class="clearfix"> 
<div id="maincol">Main Content Column</div> 
<div id="rightcol”>Right Column</div> 
<div id="leftcol">Left Column</div> 
<div id="footer">Footer</div> 
leftcol maincol rightcol 
Two cols 
Definitions of STYLES for HTML Elements 
Rather than: 
<p><font size=“3”>Doo Dah</font></p> 
(as inline style) 
<p style=“font-size:12px;”>Doo Dah</p> 
(as line in stylesheet) 
p { font-size:12px; } 
Can also refer to DIVisions of a page. 
(live demo)
JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to enable 
programmatic access to objects within both the client application 
and other applications. It is primarily used in the form of client-side 
JavaScript, implemented as an integrated component of the web 
browser, allowing the development of enhanced user interfaces and 
dynamic websites. 
- Wikipedia
Common uses: 
• Form validation – check user input before submission 
• Popups 
• Hide/show page elements 
• Image rollover swaps 
Javascript can be placed in 
• A command within a tag (MouseOver) 
• The <head> portion of a document 
• The <body> portion of a document 
• An externally-referenced file 
Frameworks – many commons functions are available as ‘frameworks’
Flash allows the presentation of scalable, vector-based information. 
It has numerous advantages but is not intended as a primary tool 
for constructing general-purpose websites. 
Here’s a few drawbacks: 
• How do you bookmark your location? Not supported – all navigation is absolute 
and programmatic. 
• Requires an add-on to the browser. Largely supported but can be issue. 
• Complex animations can run slowly on low-end machines, yielding low 
framerates and jerky display. 
Flash is a great tool to present an animated piece of content but care should be 
taken to factor in user issues if the entire site will be built in it.
PHP and ASP – the dynamic duo 
 PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor – a 
language designed to create HTML 
using programming logic 
 ASP – Active Server Pages – the 
Microsoft version of PHP.
Information Architecture 
 The blueprint that describes how 
information is organized and structured. 
 The relative position of files and folders 
 The ‘concept’ behind your navigation
Product 2 
Product ... 
Contact form 
Staff list 
Products Order Form 
products (directory) 
store (directory) 
WordPress Blogging Community – set up a free blog and get used to 
using WordPress in a controlled environment before ‘self-hosting’ 
WordPress Developer Community – once you have your feet wet, get 
your own domain name and host, then roll your own look feel 
Boulder Digital Arts courses on installing, managing and customizing 

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Websites Unlimited - Pay Monthly Websites

  • 2. What We’ll Cover  FTP - why it should be the first tool in your web developer toolbox.  HTML basics, what's involved in writing it and understanding the basic elements of a webpage.  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and how they control the presentation of HTML.  Javascript and its role in user interaction, how it integrates and why it matters.  Flash and what role it plays in presentation, interaction and the ups and downs of using it.  PHP and ASP will be discussed in very general terms with an eye toward use of dynamic pages and Content Management Systems.
  • 3. Basics of how the web works and how your website fits into the big picture.
  • 4. Host Basic HTML pages – ‘flow of the website’ Domain Name Registrars User Web Page Domain Registry Domain Name Resolver IP address Internet Service Provider HTTP request: “” HTTP response Advantages: Speed / Flexibility Disadvantages: Labor-intensive / navigation issues
  • 5. Database-driven website or Content Management System Host User Web Page Domain Registry DNR IP address ISP Domain Name Registrars HTTP request: “” HTTP response PHP Scripts CMS – Content Management System • WordPress • Drupal • Joomla • many more MySQL Database Advantages: Automation of navigation, easy to change overall site design (‘theme’) Disadvantages: Speed / Server Load / Script conflicts (plugins)
  • 6. FTP – File Transfer Protocol  This is the method you’ll use to move files to and from your host.  The better the tool integrates with your computer, the easier it will be to publish your site changes.  There are web-based tools but I’ve found them inefficient.  Higher-end tools like Interarchy are blazing fast and support all the special cases you’ll run into. ‘dot’ files being one of them.  Tight integration with your text editor can make editing easier.  Can be used to change file permissions.
  • 7. Basic FTP Flow Chart HOST HOST Web Page FT P Editor on local PC Web Page F TP Edit/Preview within tool http Browser View Text editor / freestanding FTP Dreamweaver / IDE
  • 8. GUI EDITORS - WYSIWYG  Dreamweaver Beginners always seem to start with this. It’s a great tool. The preview isn’t quite right, it’s slow, it’s big, it’s expensive. Has a built-in FTP tool. Tight integration with Adobe CS.  FrontPage Very common starting point on PC. Solid and serviceable. Deep integration with Windows OS.  Plain-text editor Cheap. Fast. Efficient. Reliable. Trustworthy. Multi-platform. My choice – BBEdit for the Mac. Downside: not quite as ‘helpful’ as GUI apps.
  • 9. HTML BASICS HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is a ‘markup’ language. It consists of TAGS: <b>This is bold</b> - looks a lot like the pre-WYSIWYG wordprocessor ‘WordStar’. Browsers interpret and ‘present’ the markup code. Tags generally ‘open’ and ‘close’ – except for single-element tags like <img>, <br> and <hr>.
  • 10. HTML BASICS(cont...) Images and link paths can be ‘absolute’ or ‘relative’ – demo For many years HTML page design was done using the <table> tag – in the last decade CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) support in browsers has improved to where object-oriented design techniques can be used, separating design from content and allowing site-wide design changes with minor edits.
  • 11. HTML PAGE ELEMENTS DOCTYPE – Rendering rules for HTML HTML – Beginning of hypertext HEAD – Title / Links / Scripts / Meta BODY – The visible content of the page
  • 12. Anatomy of an HTML page <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/my_styles.css" media="all"> <script src="/resources/js/my_script.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> <meta name="keywords" content="dog, cat, bird, mouse, platypus"> </head> <body> <div id="pagewidth"> <div id=”banner">Page Banner</div> <div id="wrapper" class="clearfix"> <div id="twocols" class="clearfix"> <div id="maincol">Main Content Column</div> <div id="rightcol”>Right Column</div> </div> <div id="leftcol">Left Column</div> </div> <div id="footer">Footer</div> </div> </body> </html>
  • 13. banner leftcol maincol rightcol footer wrapper Two cols pagewidth
  • 14. CSS – CASCADING STYLESHEETS Definitions of STYLES for HTML Elements Rather than: <p><font size=“3”>Doo Dah</font></p> (as inline style) <p style=“font-size:12px;”>Doo Dah</p> (as line in stylesheet) p { font-size:12px; } Can also refer to DIVisions of a page. (live demo)
  • 15. Javascript JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to enable programmatic access to objects within both the client application and other applications. It is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as an integrated component of the web browser, allowing the development of enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. - Wikipedia
  • 16. JAVASCRIPT Common uses: • Form validation – check user input before submission • Popups • Hide/show page elements • Image rollover swaps Javascript can be placed in • A command within a tag (MouseOver) • The <head> portion of a document • The <body> portion of a document • An externally-referenced file Frameworks – many commons functions are available as ‘frameworks’
  • 17. FLASH Flash allows the presentation of scalable, vector-based information. It has numerous advantages but is not intended as a primary tool for constructing general-purpose websites. Here’s a few drawbacks: • How do you bookmark your location? Not supported – all navigation is absolute and programmatic. • Requires an add-on to the browser. Largely supported but can be issue. • Complex animations can run slowly on low-end machines, yielding low framerates and jerky display. Flash is a great tool to present an animated piece of content but care should be taken to factor in user issues if the entire site will be built in it.
  • 18. PHP and ASP – the dynamic duo  PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor – a language designed to create HTML using programming logic  ASP – Active Server Pages – the Microsoft version of PHP.
  • 19. Information Architecture  The blueprint that describes how information is organized and structured.  The relative position of files and folders  The ‘concept’ behind your navigation
  • 20. Product 2 Product ... Home About Contact form Products Map Staff list Links Products Order Form about.html contact.html index.html links.html map.html product_list.html products (directory) product1.html product2.html . . . product-x.html staff.html store (directory) order.html validate.js
  • 21. CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS WordPress Blogging Community – set up a free blog and get used to using WordPress in a controlled environment before ‘self-hosting’ ( WordPress Developer Community – once you have your feet wet, get your own domain name and host, then roll your own look feel ( Boulder Digital Arts courses on installing, managing and customizing ( ( (