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  WebAPIs & Apps
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London

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Kafka Connect & Kafka Streams/KSQL - powerful ecosystem around Kafka core
Kafka Connect & Kafka Streams/KSQL - powerful ecosystem around Kafka coreKafka Connect & Kafka Streams/KSQL - powerful ecosystem around Kafka core
Kafka Connect & Kafka Streams/KSQL - powerful ecosystem around Kafka core

After a quick overview and introduction of Apache Kafka, this session cover two components which extend the core of Apache Kafka: Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams/KSQL. Kafka Connects role is to access data from the out-side-world and make it available inside Kafka by publishing it into a Kafka topic. On the other hand, Kafka Connect is also responsible to transport information from inside Kafka to the outside world, which could be a database or a file system. There are many existing connectors for different source and target systems available out-of-the-box, either provided by the community or by Confluent or other vendors. You simply configure these connectors and off you go. Kafka Streams is a light-weight component which extends Kafka with stream processing functionality. By that, Kafka can now not only reliably and scalable transport events and messages through the Kafka broker but also analyse and process these event in real-time. Interestingly Kafka Streams does not provide its own cluster infrastructure and it is also not meant to run on a Kafka cluster. The idea is to run Kafka Streams where it makes sense, which can be inside a “normal” Java application, inside a Web container or on a more modern containerized (cloud) infrastructure, such as Mesos, Kubernetes or Docker. Kafka Streams has a lot of interesting features, such as reliable state handling, queryable state and much more. KSQL is a streaming engine for Apache Kafka, providing a simple and completely interactive SQL interface for processing data in Kafka.

Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !
Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !
Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !

ndependent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analysed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. How can me make sure that all these event are accepted and forwarded in an efficient and reliable way? This is where Apache Kafaka comes into play, a distirbuted, highly-scalable messaging broker, build for exchanging huge amount of messages between a source and a target. This session will start with an introduction into Apache and presents the role of Apache Kafka in a modern data / information architecture and the advantages it brings to the table. Additionally the Kafka ecosystem will be covered as well as the integration of Kafka in the Oracle Stack, with products such as Golden Gate, Service Bus and Oracle Stream Analytics all being able to act as a Kafka consumer or producer.

Pulsar summit asia 2021: Designing Pulsar for Isolation
Pulsar summit asia 2021: Designing Pulsar for IsolationPulsar summit asia 2021: Designing Pulsar for Isolation
Pulsar summit asia 2021: Designing Pulsar for Isolation

This document discusses isolation in Apache Pulsar. It introduces the presenters as experts in distributed systems and the Pulsar open source project. It then outlines ways to isolate resources in Pulsar like brokers, bookies, and clusters to separate namespaces and tenants. The key methods covered are namespace isolation policies, failure domains, anti-affinity groups, and bookie affinity groups. It provides examples of how these are configured and allows scaling resources up and down independently per namespace. Finally, it invites questions and provides contact details.

WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Using HTML5, CSS and
JavaScript together with a
number of APIs to build apps
and customize the UI.

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Kafka clients and emitters
Kafka clients and emittersKafka clients and emitters
Kafka clients and emitters

Small presentation about Apache Kafka including Kafka vs. Message Broker, Quarkus Extension for Apache Kafka, and Testing a Kafka application.

Security and Multi-Tenancy with Apache Pulsar in Yahoo! (Verizon Media) - Pul...
Security and Multi-Tenancy with Apache Pulsar in Yahoo! (Verizon Media) - Pul...Security and Multi-Tenancy with Apache Pulsar in Yahoo! (Verizon Media) - Pul...
Security and Multi-Tenancy with Apache Pulsar in Yahoo! (Verizon Media) - Pul...

This document summarizes a presentation about Apache Pulsar multi-tenancy and security features at Verizon Media. It discusses how Pulsar implements tenant and namespace isolation through storage quotas, throttling policies, broker and bookie isolation. It also covers authentication, authorization, encryption in transit and at rest, and how Pulsar proxy supports SNI routing for hybrid cloud deployments and cross-organization replication. Future plans include tenant-based broker virtualization and hybrid cloud deployments with geo-replication.

apache pulsarsecurityyahoo
Introduction to Apache Kafka and Confluent... and why they matter
Introduction to Apache Kafka and Confluent... and why they matterIntroduction to Apache Kafka and Confluent... and why they matter
Introduction to Apache Kafka and Confluent... and why they matter

Milano Apache Kafka Meetup by Confluent (First Italian Kafka Meetup) on Wednesday, November 29th 2017. Il talk introduce Apache Kafka (incluse le APIs Kafka Connect e Kafka Streams), Confluent (la società creata dai creatori di Kafka) e spiega perché Kafka è un'ottima e semplice soluzione per la gestione di stream di dati nel contesto di due delle principali forze trainanti e trend industriali: Internet of Things (IoT) e Microservices.

apache kafkaconfluentpaolo castagna
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Open Web Apps

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How Apache Kafka is transforming Hadoop, Spark and Storm
How Apache Kafka is transforming Hadoop, Spark and StormHow Apache Kafka is transforming Hadoop, Spark and Storm
How Apache Kafka is transforming Hadoop, Spark and Storm

This document provides an overview of Apache Kafka and how it is transforming Hadoop, Spark, and Storm. It begins with explaining why Kafka is needed, then defines what Kafka is and describes its architecture. Key components of Kafka like topics, producers, consumers and brokers are explained. The document also shows how Kafka can be used with Hadoop, Spark, and Storm for stream processing. It lists some companies that use Kafka and concludes by advertising an Edureka course on Apache Kafka.

kafkaapache kafka
Introducing Kafka-on-Pulsar: bring native Kafka protocol support to Apache Pu...
Introducing Kafka-on-Pulsar: bring native Kafka protocol support to Apache Pu...Introducing Kafka-on-Pulsar: bring native Kafka protocol support to Apache Pu...
Introducing Kafka-on-Pulsar: bring native Kafka protocol support to Apache Pu...

Kafka-on-Pulsar has been one of the most anticipated features in the Pulsar ecosystem. The Kafka-on-Pulsar project was initiated by StreamNative and the OVHCloud team quickly joined the project to collaborate on its development. Kafka-on-Pulsar enables Kafka applications to leverage Pulsar’s powerful features, such as streamlined operations with enterprise-grade multi-tenancy, without modifying code. In this webinar, Sijie Guo, from StreamNative, and Pierre Zemb, from OVHCloud, will introduce KoP and discuss the following: 1. What are the key benefits? 2. What is the protocol handler and how does it work? 3. How KoP is implemented? 4. What are the new use cases it unlocks? 5. Watch a Live Demo!

apache pulsarapache kafkakop
KSQL - Stream Processing simplified!
KSQL - Stream Processing simplified!KSQL - Stream Processing simplified!
KSQL - Stream Processing simplified!

KSQL is a stream processing SQL engine, which allows stream processing on top of Apache Kafka. KSQL is based on Kafka Stream and provides capabilities for consuming messages from Kafka, analysing these messages in near-realtime with a SQL like language and produce results again to a Kafka topic. By that, no single line of Java code has to be written and you can reuse your SQL knowhow. This lowers the bar for starting with stream processing significantly. KSQL offers powerful capabilities of stream processing, such as joins, aggregations, time windows and support for event time. In this talk I will present how KSQL integrates with the Kafka ecosystem and demonstrate how easy it is to implement a solution using KSQL for most part. This will be done in a live demo on a fictitious IoT sample.

Web apps are apps built using standard Web technologies. They
             work in any modern Web browser.

The Open Web apps project proposes some small additions to
          existing sites to turn them into apps.

   These apps run on desktop browsers and mobile devices.
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Steps to Take

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Interactive querying of streams using Apache Pulsar_Jerry peng
Interactive querying of streams using Apache Pulsar_Jerry pengInteractive querying of streams using Apache Pulsar_Jerry peng
Interactive querying of streams using Apache Pulsar_Jerry peng

As applications become more reliant on real-time data, streaming/messaging platforms have become more and more popular and crucial to any data pipeline. Currently, many streaming/messaging platforms are only used to access the most recent events from streams of data, however, there is tremendous value that can be unlocked if the full history of streams can be queried in an interactive fashion. Pulsar SQL is a query layer built on top of Apache Pulsar (a next-gen messaging platform), that enables users to dynamically query all streams, old and new, stored inside of Pulsar. Thus, users can unlock insights from querying both new and historical streams of data in a single system. Pulsar SQL leverages Presto and Apache Pulsar’s unique architecture to execute queries in a highly scalable fashion irregardless of the number of partitions of topics that make up the streams. In this talk, we will examine the use cases and advantages of being able to interactively query events within an streaming messaging platform and how Pulsar enables users to do that in the most user-friendly and efficient manner.

apache pulsar
Introduction to Kafka Streams
Introduction to Kafka StreamsIntroduction to Kafka Streams
Introduction to Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams is a new stream processing library natively integrated with Kafka. It has a very low barrier to entry, easy operationalization, and a natural DSL for writing stream processing applications. As such it is the most convenient yet scalable option to analyze, transform, or otherwise process data that is backed by Kafka. We will provide the audience with an overview of Kafka Streams including its design and API, typical use cases, code examples, and an outlook of its upcoming roadmap. We will also compare Kafka Streams' light-weight library approach with heavier, framework-based tools such as Spark Streaming or Storm, which require you to understand and operate a whole different infrastructure for processing real-time data in Kafka.

stream processingkafka
Apache Pulsar Seattle - Meetup
Apache Pulsar Seattle - MeetupApache Pulsar Seattle - Meetup
Apache Pulsar Seattle - Meetup

Data processing use cases, from transformation to analytics, perform tasks that require various combinations of queuing, streaming & lightweight processing steps. Until now, supporting all of those needs has required different systems for each task--stream processing engines, messaging queuing middleware, & streaming messaging systems. That has led to increased complexity for development & operations. In this session, well discuss the need to unify these capabilities in a single system & how Apache Pulsar was designed to address that. Apache Pulsar is a next generation distributed pub-sub system that was developed & deployed at Yahoo. Streamlios Karthik Ramasamy, will explain how the architecture & design of Pulsar provides the flexibility to support developers & applications needing any combination of queuing, messaging, streaming & lightweight compute.

apache pulsarapache kafkapulsar
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Develop Web App using
1.   HTML5, CSS, & Javascript

2.   Create an app manifest file

3.   Publish/install the app
Develop Web App using
HTML5, CSS & JavaScript
Reuse any existing web site/app or develop from scratch with open
                          web standards.

   Utilize HTML5 features such as localStorage, offline manifest,
         IndexedDB and access Web APIs for more options.

  Responsive web design for adapting to varying resolutions and
                      screen orientation.

Recommended for you

Kafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINE
Kafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINEKafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINE
Kafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINE

This document summarizes a presentation about Kafka multi-tenancy at LINE Corporation. The presentation discusses how LINE runs a single shared Kafka cluster to handle over 100 billion messages per day from many independent services. It describes the hardware used, requirements for multi-tenancy like protecting against abusive workloads and providing isolation. It then discusses specific issues identified like slow response times caused by disk reads, and the solutions implemented like request quotas, metrics, and pre-loading data into memory to avoid blocking. The presentation concludes that after addressing these issues, their shared Kafka hosting model works efficiently while maintaining a single data hub.

Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...

This document discusses building microservices for data streaming and processing using Spring Cloud and Kafka. It provides an overview of Spring Cloud Stream and how it can be used to build event-driven microservices that connect to Kafka. It also discusses how Spring Cloud Data Flow can be used to orchestrate and deploy streaming applications and topologies. The document includes code samples of building a basic Kafka Streams processor application using Spring Cloud Stream and deploying it as part of a streaming data flow. It concludes with proposing a demonstration of these techniques.

Large scale log pipeline using Apache Pulsar_Nozomi
Large scale log pipeline using Apache Pulsar_NozomiLarge scale log pipeline using Apache Pulsar_Nozomi
Large scale log pipeline using Apache Pulsar_Nozomi

1) Yahoo Japan uses Apache Pulsar as a centralized messaging platform connecting various internal services. 2) Pulsar is now being used to build a large scale log pipeline where computing platforms publish logs/metrics and monitoring platforms consume them. 3) This architecture leverages Pulsar to decouple producers and consumers, enabling scalability and resiliency across the platform.

apache pulsaryahoo
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Create an app manifest file
Create a file with a .webapp extension
  "version": "1.0",
  "name": "MozillaBall",
  "description": "Exciting Open Web development action!",
  "icons": {
     "16": "/img/icon-16.png",
     "48": "/img/icon-48.png",
     "128": "/img/icon-128.png"
  "developer": {
     "name": "Mozilla Labs",
     "url": ""
  "installs_allowed_from": ["*"],
  "appcache_path": "/cache.manifest",
  "locales": {
     "es": {
        "description": "¡Acción abierta emocionante del desarrollo del Web!",
        "developer": {
          "url": ""
     "it": {
        "description": "Azione aperta emozionante di sviluppo di
        "developer": {
          "url": ""
  "default_locale": "en"

Recommended for you

Developing Real-Time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka
Developing Real-Time Data Pipelines with Apache KafkaDeveloping Real-Time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka
Developing Real-Time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It provides a publish-subscribe messaging system with persistence that allows for building real-time streaming applications. Producers publish data to topics which are divided into partitions. Consumers subscribe to topics and process the streaming data. The system handles scaling and data distribution to allow for high throughput and fault tolerance.

Kafka for DBAs
Kafka for DBAsKafka for DBAs
Kafka for DBAs

This document discusses Apache Kafka and how it can be used by Oracle DBAs. It begins by explaining how Kafka builds upon the concept of a database redo log by providing a distributed commit log service. It then discusses how Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system and can be used to log transactions from any database, application logs, metrics and other system events. Finally, it discusses how schemas are important for Kafka since it only stores messages as bytes, and how Avro can be used to define and evolve schemas for Kafka messages.

Web APIs & Apps - Mozilla
Web APIs & Apps - MozillaWeb APIs & Apps - Mozilla
Web APIs & Apps - Mozilla

This document summarizes the Firefox OS, an open web platform for building mobile apps and customizing the user interface using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It outlines key web APIs, the process for developing and publishing open web apps, and the different types of apps including regular web apps, installed web apps, and privileged web apps with additional capabilities. Security levels and permissions for APIs are also discussed.

apiweb apiapis
Serve with Content-type/MIME type:

Apache - in mime.types:

application/x-web-app-manifest+json webapp

Apache - in .htaccess:

AddType application/x-web-app-manifest
+json webapp

NGinx - in mime.types:

types {
  text/html   html htm shtml;
  text/css    css;
  text/xml    xml;

In IIS Manager, right-click the local
computer, and click Properties.

Click the MIME Types button.

Click New.

In the Extension box, type the file name

In the MIME type box, type a description
that exactly matches the file type defined
on the computer.

Click OK.

Recommended for you

Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...
 	Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W... 	Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...
Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...

The document discusses building apps for Firefox OS using open web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It explains that apps can be developed like regular web apps and then packaged for installation on Firefox OS devices. Developers can access device APIs for features like contacts, notifications, and sensors. The document outlines the steps to take which include developing the app, creating a manifest file, and publishing/installing the app. It provides details on various web APIs and permissions available to Firefox OS apps.

webapiswebrtcfirefox os
WebAPIs & WebRTC - Spotify/sthlm.js
WebAPIs & WebRTC - Spotify/sthlm.jsWebAPIs & WebRTC - Spotify/sthlm.js
WebAPIs & WebRTC - Spotify/sthlm.js

This document discusses the APIs available in Firefox OS for building apps and customizing the user interface. It describes security levels for apps, regular APIs for things like battery status, notifications, and screen orientation, and privileged APIs for accessing contacts, storage, and activities. Future planned APIs are also listed, including WebRTC, WebUSB, and calendar access. The document provides code examples for using many of the APIs and information on getting help or trying out Firefox OS development.

firefox oswebapiapis
Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web
Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open WebMozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web
Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web

Mozilla is a non-profit dedicated to promoting open web standards. Firefox OS is Mozilla's open source operating system for mobile devices that uses HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to build apps. The document discusses Firefox OS's use of web technologies and APIs to access device capabilities like contacts, notifications, vibration and sensors while maintaining security and privacy. It provides code examples for common APIs and outlines Mozilla's vision of enabling developers to use the web to create full-featured mobile apps and games.

firefox osjavascriptapis
curl -I
Publish/install the app
Firefox Marketplace

Recommended for you

Firefox os-introduction
Firefox os-introductionFirefox os-introduction
Firefox os-introduction

Firefox OS is an open source mobile operating system developed by Mozilla. It uses open web technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to build apps, allowing developers to build once and deploy apps across devices without needing to learn different native platforms. The OS consists of Gecko for rendering web content, Gaia for the user interface, Gonk as the Linux-based kernel, and various web APIs for functionality like telephony, SMS, contacts and more. Developers can publish apps to the Mozilla Marketplace or install/host them directly on devices.

firefoxos mozilla mobile
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World RomaniaFixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania

The document summarizes key aspects of building Firefox OS to address issues with the mobile web. Firefox OS is Mozilla's attempt to make the web a first-class citizen on phones and tablets by starting with the web stack rather than trying to add the web to an existing OS. It has launched in several countries and aims to be an affordable alternative to feature phones and closed platforms. The architecture is based on Linux, Gecko, and web technologies. It provides predictable HTML5 support and addresses performance, fragmentation, security and hardware access through its design and web APIs.

(Christian heilman) firefox
(Christian heilman) firefox(Christian heilman) firefox
(Christian heilman) firefox

Firefox OS is an open source operating system built using HTML5 that aims to fulfill the promises made by HTML5 as a platform. It gives developers full access to device hardware through Web APIs while allowing app distribution through the web. The OS is already available on low-cost devices in certain markets. It uses the Gecko rendering engine and a simple architecture based on Linux and Android. This allows it to provide predictable HTML5 support and security for web apps. Developers can build apps using standard web technologies and distribute them via the Firefox OS marketplace or by installing them directly from the web.
Installing/hosting the app
var request = navigator.mozApps.install(
     user_id: "some_user"

request.onsuccess = function() {
  // Success! Notification, launch page etc

request.onerror = function() {
  // Failed. has details
var request = navigator.mozApps.installPackage(

request.onsuccess = function() {
  // Success!

request.onerror = function() {
  // Failed.

Recommended for you

HTML5 WebWorks
HTML5 WebWorksHTML5 WebWorks
HTML5 WebWorks

This document discusses building HTML5 apps with native capabilities for BlackBerry devices. It outlines various HTML5 APIs that can access native device features like geolocation, accelerometer, notifications and more. It also describes how to create custom WebWorks APIs that extend HTML5 functionality by connecting to native device APIs for BlackBerry OS, Tablet OS, and BlackBerry 10. Resources provided include documentation, code samples, and details on the WebWorks SDK and roadmap.

Introduction to Apache Cordova (Phonegap)
Introduction to Apache Cordova (Phonegap)Introduction to Apache Cordova (Phonegap)
Introduction to Apache Cordova (Phonegap)

Apache Cordova allows developers to use standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build applications that can be deployed across various mobile platforms. It provides an API that enables access to device capabilities and features. Developers can also create custom plugins to access native functionality that is not included in the core Cordova API.

apache cordovahtml5mobile application development
Firefox OS workshop, JSFoo, India
Firefox OS workshop, JSFoo, IndiaFirefox OS workshop, JSFoo, India
Firefox OS workshop, JSFoo, India

This document provides an overview and agenda for getting started with Firefox OS and Open Web Apps. It covers setting up a development environment, building a simple "Hello World" app using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, adding a manifest file, and publishing/installing the app. It also discusses the Firefox OS simulator, various Web APIs available to apps, and security levels for different types of apps. The speaker encourages attendees to try things out and ask questions.

firefox os
Packaged vs. Hosted Apps
A packaged app is an Open Web App that has all of its resources
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, app manifest, and so on) contained in a zip
       file, instead of having its resources on a Web server.

A packaged app is simply a zip file with the app manifest in its root
    directory. The manifest must be named manifest.webapp.
Can be privileged apps with more API access than hosted apps

Special protocol internal to the zip file: app://<uuid>

Manifest file must be named manifest.webapp

Resources are accessed from the zip file, which is stored on the device where the
app is installed

Installed with a different mozApps API function: installPackage()

Enforce a specific Content Security Policy for all application content

Can embed remote content in iframes, but that content will not have access to
privileged APIs nor will it have the default CSP applied to it

Have an update process for getting new versions of the app to users. Hosted
apps do not need this process.

Recommended for you

WebRTC & Firefox OS - presentation at Google
WebRTC & Firefox OS - presentation at GoogleWebRTC & Firefox OS - presentation at Google
WebRTC & Firefox OS - presentation at Google

WebRTC allows for real-time communications capabilities directly in the browser. Mozilla is working to integrate WebRTC into Firefox and Firefox OS to enable features like video chat. Some current focuses include fixing bugs, improving audio recording support, and bringing WebRTC to the initial release of Firefox OS later this year after the v1.1 version. Firefox OS uses open web technologies and various device APIs to build customizable apps and interfaces for the mobile operating system.

HTML5 on Mobile
HTML5 on MobileHTML5 on Mobile
HTML5 on Mobile

This document discusses HTML5 on mobile devices. It begins by explaining why mobile web is growing and why HTML5 is well-suited for mobile. It then provides an overview of what HTML5 is and examples of features like forms, multimedia, geolocation that can be used on mobile. It also discusses considerations for mobile web development like responsive design and frameworks. The document recommends tools for mobile debugging and testing performance.

Firefox OS workshop, Colombia
Firefox OS workshop, ColombiaFirefox OS workshop, Colombia
Firefox OS workshop, Colombia

The document outlines Firefox OS and open web apps, including an agenda for a workshop on building apps for Firefox OS. It provides overviews of Firefox OS, developing open web apps using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, app manifest files, and publishing/installing apps. It also describes various web APIs available to Firefox OS apps, including battery status, notifications, screen orientation, vibration, networking information, proximity sensing, ambient light detection, device storage, contacts, and activities. Future planned APIs are listed as well.

firefox osapis
The Mozilla WebAPI team is pushing the
envelope of the web to include --- and in places
exceed --- the capabilities of competing stacks.
Security Levels

Recommended for you

Øredev2013 - FirefoxOS - the platform HTML5 deserves
Øredev2013 - FirefoxOS - the platform HTML5 deservesØredev2013 - FirefoxOS - the platform HTML5 deserves
Øredev2013 - FirefoxOS - the platform HTML5 deserves

Screencast on YouTube: Firefox OS is a new operating system aimed at emerging markets to replace feature phones with HTML5 based Smartphones whilst still being affordable. In this talk you'll see its architecture, how to take part in it and what it means to the evolution of HTML5 as a platform. A lot of promises have been made, here you can see HTML5 working without having to jump through hoops and abstractions.

oredev html5 firefoxos webapis webactivities apps
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - HTML5DevConf, San Francisco
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - HTML5DevConf, San FranciscoFirefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - HTML5DevConf, San Francisco
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - HTML5DevConf, San Francisco

Mozilla is a nonprofit dedicated to putting users in control of their online experiences and shaping the future of the web for the public good. Firefox OS uses HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and web APIs to build apps and customize the user interface. It provides both regular and privileged web APIs for functions like notifications, device storage, and web activities. The document outlines the capabilities and APIs available in Firefox OS and provides resources for developing apps and trying out the platform.

firefox os
Firefox OS
Firefox OSFirefox OS
Firefox OS

Firefox OS is an open source mobile operating system built using HTML5 and other web technologies. It allows developers to create apps using standard web technologies and distribute them through the Firefox Marketplace or by installing from the web. Firefox OS is aimed at emerging markets and provides an alternative to proprietary platforms. It includes several web APIs and allows various levels of apps from regular web content to certified apps with additional privileges.

operating systemsayak sarkarmozilla
Granted by default                        Granted by authorized store

Safe web APIs that don’t expose privacy   Privacy and security sensitive APIs such
sensitive data. WebGL, fullscreen,        as Contacts API
audio, etc.
                                          Verified by signature
Granted by user
                                          Highly privileged APIs such as radio
location, camera, file system access       access (dialer)

Granted when installed

No quota for localStorage, IndexedDB,
offline cache
Web Content                        Certified Web App

Regular web content                Device-critical applications

Installed Web App

A regular web app

Privileged Web App

More access, more responsibility
"permissions": {
    "contacts": {
        "description": "Required for autocompletion in the share screen",
        "access": "readcreate"
    "alarms": {
        "description": "Required to schedule notifications"

Recommended for you

Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - Geek Meet Västerås
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - Geek Meet VästeråsFirefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - Geek Meet Västerås
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - Geek Meet Västerås

Mozilla is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering users and shaping the future of the web. Firefox OS uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build apps that can access device APIs. It provides different security levels for web content and packaged apps. The document outlines several device APIs available to Firefox OS apps, including battery status, notifications, screen orientation, vibration, and web payments. It also discusses future planned APIs and Mozilla's goal of providing core apps like contacts and settings as open web apps.

webapisapisfirefox os
Intro To webOS
Intro To webOSIntro To webOS
Intro To webOS

This document provides an overview and introduction to the webOS platform. It discusses the webOS architecture including application architecture using stages and scenes. It covers building a basic "Destroy World" app using the command line tools. It also discusses the webOS emulator, advanced APIs like camera, storage and accelerometer access. Finally it discusses submitting apps to the webOS app catalog and a promotion for hot new apps.

Mozilla Web Apps - Super-VanJS
Mozilla Web Apps - Super-VanJSMozilla Web Apps - Super-VanJS
Mozilla Web Apps - Super-VanJS

This document provides an overview of Mozilla Web Apps including: - Web Apps can run on platforms like Windows, Mac, Android and more. - They are built with open web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. - A manifest file is needed to define the app and install it using the Mozilla Labs App Runtime extension. - Web Apps can use features like offline storage, IndexedDB, and fullscreen mode.

html5html5 javascriptjavascript
AlarmAPI                                      FMRadio

BrowserAPI                                    geolocation

Contacts                                      systemXHR

device-storage:music/device-storage:videos/   TCP Socket API
storage:sdcard:                               wake-lock-screen

   Add, read, or modify files stored at a
   central location on the device. access
   property required: one of readonly,
   readwrite, readcreate, or createonly.

                    NEED PERMISSION
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Vibration API (W3C)             Web Activities
Screen Orientation              Push Notifications API
Geolocation API                 WebFM API
Mouse Lock API (W3C)            WebPayment
Open WebApps                    IndexedDB (W3C)
Network Information API (W3C)   Ambient light sensor
Battery Status API (W3C)        Proximity sensor
Alarm API                       Notification

                      REGULAR APIS

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Firefox OS Introduction at Bontouch
Firefox OS Introduction at BontouchFirefox OS Introduction at Bontouch
Firefox OS Introduction at Bontouch

Firefox OS is Mozilla's open source mobile operating system. It uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build apps that have access to device APIs for features like notifications, vibration, battery status, and geolocation. Apps are divided into regular web apps, installed web apps with more access, and certified web apps that are critical to device functions. The document outlines several device APIs available to Firefox OS apps and their usage, as well as pre-installed system apps and how to get started developing for the platform.

firefox osapis
Have you tried listening?
Have you tried listening?Have you tried listening?
Have you tried listening?

The document discusses Robert Nyman's career in developer relations, including the different personas in the field, common activities like speaking at events and using social media, and challenges around measuring the impact of the work. It provides tips for those in developer relations such as figuring out your strengths, getting feedback, acknowledging people, and having passion for the work of connecting with developers.

developer relations
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017

New internet users are coming online around the world and are facing very different constraints to accessing the internet. In this talk, we'll cover what we've learned from building experiences for new internet users and walk through how you can build great experiences that work well for billions of users around the world. This is a presentation from Google I/O 2017, the video is available at Speakers: Tal Oppenheimer, Mariya Moeva, Robert Nyman

accelerated mobile pagesampio17
var battery = navigator.battery;
if (battery) {
        var batteryLevel = Math.round(battery.level * 100) + "%",
            charging = (battery.charging)? "" : "not ",
            chargingTime = parseInt(battery.chargingTime / 60, 10,
            dischargingTime = parseInt(battery.dischargingTime / 60, 10);

    // Set events
    battery.addEventListener("levelchange", setStatus, false);
    battery.addEventListener("chargingchange", setStatus, false);
    battery.addEventListener("chargingtimechange", setStatus, false);
    battery.addEventListener("dischargingtimechange", setStatus, false);
var notification = navigator.mozNotification;
    "See this",
    "This is a notification",

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Introduction to Google Daydream
Introduction to Google DaydreamIntroduction to Google Daydream
Introduction to Google Daydream

Daydream is a VR platform from Google that aims to make VR experiences more accessible and approachable through mobile. The document discusses how VR challenges traditional design expectations around visuals, presence, immersion, interfaces, attention, and timing. It emphasizes experimenting with bite-sized VR experiences that tempt user curiosity on mobile through Daydream.

vrgoogle vrdaydream
Predictability for the Web
Predictability for the WebPredictability for the Web
Predictability for the Web

This document discusses improving predictability for web developers. It describes challenges like cross-browser inconsistencies that make development difficult. The authors outline efforts by Chrome to address these issues, such as collaborating with other browsers, listening to developers, and minimizing breaking changes. Developers are encouraged to test new browser features, file bugs, and provide feedback to help continue enhancing predictability.

browser bug searcherdeveloper feedbackcross-browser
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016

The document discusses the future of the web, covering topics like user identification, payments, connecting with hardware, virtual reality, and more. It notes that user identification will improve with autofill and smart lock passwords. Payments will be simplified through the Payment Request API. Connecting with hardware like Bluetooth devices and NFC will allow interaction with physical objects. Virtual reality on the web is progressing with the WebVR API landing in browsers. Overall, the web continues advancing in powerful ways.

// Portrait mode:

     Possible values:
// Vibrate for one second

// Vibration pattern [vibrationTime, pause,…]
navigator.vibrate([200, 100, 200, 100]);

// Vibrate for 5 seconds

// Turn off vibration

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The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
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The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016

A presentation about the Future of the Web at the Cold Front conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 1 2016.

The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia
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The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia

Presentation about the Future of Progressive Web Apps at the Google for Indonesia event in Jakarta, August 2016.

Google tech & products
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Google tech & products

This document discusses trends in web and mobile usage and Google announcements from Google I/O. It notes that while native mobile apps saw more usage time than browsers in the past, the web has grown significantly with over 1 billion users on browsers. Google announced several new products at I/O including Instant Apps for Android, apps on Chromebooks, Google Home, Google Assistant improvements, Allo with smart replies and Google Assistant integration, Duo video calling with a Knock Knock feature, Daydream VR platform, and projects from ATAP like Jacquard and Soli.

var pay = navigator.mozPay(paymentToken);
pay.onsuccess = function (event) {
    // Weee! Money!
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
var connection = window.navigator.mozConnection,
    online = connection.bandwidth > 0,
    metered = connection.metered;

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Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, JapanProgressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan

This document provides a history of the development of the web from 1991 to the present. It discusses technologies like HTML, HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, AJAX, and mobile web development. It then introduces progressive web apps, which are web applications that are reliable, fast and engaging like native apps through the use of technologies like service workers, web app manifests and push notifications. Examples are given of companies like Flipkart that have seen success adopting progressive web apps.

progressive web appspwatokyo
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps have gained popularity, especially on mobile, the web still accounts for a large portion of usage. It outlines tools from Google like service workers, push notifications, and app install banners that aim to close capabilities gaps between the web and native apps. The document advocates for progressive web apps that are accessible like websites but also feel like native apps to users. The future of the web, it argues, depends on continuing to match and surpass native platforms while keeping the web open, accessible, and long-lasting.

var alarmId1,
    request = navigator.mozAlarms.add(
        new Date("May 15, 2012 16:20:00"),
            mydata: "my event"

request.onsuccess = function (event) {
    alarmId1 =;

request.onerror = function (event) {
var request = navigator.mozAlarms.getAll();

request.onsuccess = function (event) {

request.onerror = function (event) {

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The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps have gained popularity, especially on mobile, the web remains strong with over 1 billion active users. It outlines tools from Google like Service Workers that help the web compete with capabilities previously only available to native apps like push notifications, offline access, and background processing. The document advocates for continued progress to simplify the web development process and ensure the longevity of technologies, arguing this will help the web remain diverse and accessible across all platforms.

webjavascriptservice workers
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - IstanbulThe web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It describes how the web currently lacks capabilities that native mobile apps have like push notifications, background processing, and offline access. However, new web features being developed like Service Workers, Push Notifications, and Background Sync aim to address these gaps. The document argues that with these new features, the divide between native and web is diminishing and the web can provide an app-like experience without requiring users to download an app. The future of the web depends on further developing these capabilities and ensuring the web remains accessible, simple to use, and continues to work across all platforms.

The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must goThe web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps currently dominate mobile usage, the web is working to address its limitations through new features like service workers for offline access, background sync for periodic processing, and push notifications. It highlights tools from Google like Mobile-Friendly Test, Chrome DevTools, and Web Fundamentals. It argues the web needs to simplify onboarding and spread awareness of its capabilities to ensure its long-term viability against native platforms. The future of the web depends on matching and surpassing native capabilities while keeping content universally accessible across different platforms.

    function (message) {
        // Note: message has to be set in the manifest file
        console.log("Alarm fired: " + JSON.stringify(message));
    "messages": ["alarm"]
window.addEventListener("deviceproximity", function (event) {
    // Current device proximity, in centimeters

      // The maximum sensing distance the sensor is
      // able to report, in centimeters

      // The minimum sensing distance the sensor is
      // able to report, in centimeters

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Google, the future and possibilities
Google, the future and possibilitiesGoogle, the future and possibilities
Google, the future and possibilities

The document discusses various Google projects focused on the future including Google Now on Tap, Google Photos, virtual reality initiatives like Cardboard and Expeditions, self-driving cars, Project Loon for internet access, Google Lens, Project Soli, and advice to talk to everyone, listen, and show respect. It also mentions the author Robert Nyman working at Google Stockholm and projects like TEKLA, Jacquard, and Spotlight Stories.

Developer Relations in the Nordics
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Developer Relations in the Nordics

A presentation about Google and Developer Relations in the Nordics, what the region is like and different initiatives.

nordicsdeveloper relations
What is Developer Relations?
What is Developer Relations?What is Developer Relations?
What is Developer Relations?

Developer relations works to champion developers in different regions by removing obstacles, being responsive to their needs, and networking and lobbying on their behalf. They aim to acquire and engage users for developers' apps and games through Google services like Google Play, which has paid $7 billion to developers so far and reaches over 1 billion Android users worldwide. Developer relations representatives like Robert Nyman are available to help developers and can be contacted for additional support.

window.addEventListener("devicelight", function (event) {
    // The level of the ambient light in lux
window.addEventListener("lightlevel", function (event) {
    // Possible values: "normal", "bright", "dim"
window.addEventListener("devicelight", function (event) {
    // The lux values for "dim" typically begin below 50,
    // and the values for "bright" begin above 10000

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Android TV Introduction - Stockholm Android TV meetup
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Android TV is determined to be a significant player in the connected TV market as old TV devices are being replaced by new connected TVs at a rate of 100-200 million per year. Android TV powers televisions, media players, and gaming consoles like the Nexus Player. Content and apps are delivered through Android TV, and the Cast feature allows other platforms to connect to Android TV devices. Developers are encouraged to get involved early to acquire and engage users through games and services.

android tvandroid
New improvements for web developers -, Helsinki
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New improvements for web developers - Promises, fetch, Service Workers, Push notifications, Add to Homescreen. Slides from a talk I gave at #frontendfi in Helsinki yesterday

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A talk given at the meetup in Helsinki about Mobile phone trends, user data & developer climate .

developer climatetrendsmobile
Device Storage API
Browser API
TCP Socket API
Contacts API

                 PRIVILEGED APIS
var deviceStorage = navigator.getDeviceStorage("videos");
// "external", "shared", or "default".

// Add a file - returns DOMRequest with file name

// Same as .add, with provided name
deviceStorage.addNamed(blob, name);

// Returns DOMRequest/non-editable File object

// Returns editable FileHandle object

// Returns DOMRequest with success or failure

// Enumerates files

// Enumerates files as FileHandles

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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
var storage = navigator.getDeviceStorage("videos"),
    cursor = storage.enumerate();

cursor.onerror = function() {
   console.error("Error in DeviceStorage.enumerate()",;

cursor.onsuccess = function() {
    if (!cursor.result)

     var file = cursor.result;

     // If this isn't a video, skip it
     if (file.type.substring(0, 6) !== "video/") {

     // If it isn't playable, skip it
     var testplayer = document.createElement("video");
     if (!testplayer.canPlayType(file.type)) {
var contact = new mozContact();
contact.init({name: "Tom"});

var request =;
request.onsuccess = function() {

request.onerror = function() {
WebTelephony                    WebBluetooth
WebSMS                          Permissions API
Idle API                        Network Stats API
Settings API                    Camera API
Power Management API            Time/Clock API
Mobile Connection API           Attention screen
WiFi Information API            Voicemail

                        CERTIFIED APIS

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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// Telephony object
var tel = navigator.mozTelephony;

// Check if the phone is muted (read/write property)

// Check if the speaker is enabled (read/write property)
// Place a call
var cal = tel.dial(“123456789”);
// Receiving a call
tel.onincoming = function (event) {
    var incomingCall =;

     // Get the number of the incoming call

     // Answer the call

// Disconnect a call

// Iterating over calls, and taking action depending on their
changed status
tel.oncallschanged = function (event) {
    tel.calls.forEach(function (call) {
        // Log the state of each call

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// SMS object
var sms = navigator.mozSMS;

// Send a message
sms.send("123456789", "Hello world!");
// Recieve a message
sms.onreceived = function (event) {
    // Read message

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Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

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WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
    "activities": {
        "share": {
            "filters": {
                type: ["image/png", "image/gif"],
            "href": "sharing.html",
            "disposition": "window"
var activity = new MozActivity({
    name: "view",
    data: {
        type: "image/png",
        url: ...

activity.onsuccess = function () {
    console.log("Showing the image!");

activity.onerror = function () {
    console.log("Can't view the image!");
var register = navigator.mozRegisterActivityHandler({
    name: "view",
    disposition: "inline",
    filters: {
        type: "image/png"

register.onerror = function () {
    console.log("Failed to register activity");

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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navigator.mozSetMessageHandler("activity", function (a) {
    var img = getImageObject();
    img.src = a.source.url;
    // Call a.postResult() or a.postError() if
    // the activity should return a value
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Future APIs
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Resource lock API         Spellcheck API
UDP Datagram Socket API   LogAPI
Peer to Peer API          Keyboard/IME API
WebNFC                    WebRTC
WebUSB                    FileHandle API
HTTP-cache API            Sync API
Calendar API
Web Apps from Mozilla
WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Dialer               Alarm Clock

Contacts             Camera

Settings             Notes

SMS                  First Run Experience

Web browser          Notifications

Gallery              Home Screen

Video Player         Mozilla Marketplace

Music Player         System Updater

E-mail (POP, IMAP)   Localization Support


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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London
Installing apps
                        BOILERPLATE APP

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Robert Nyman


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Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...
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Robert Nyman
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Robert Nyman
Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web
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Robert Nyman
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Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
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HTML5 WebWorks
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Introduction to Apache Cordova (Phonegap)
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Firefox OS workshop, JSFoo, India
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Robert Nyman
WebRTC & Firefox OS - presentation at Google
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Robert Nyman
HTML5 on Mobile
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HTML5 on Mobile
Adam Lu
Firefox OS workshop, Colombia
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Firefox OS workshop, Colombia
Robert Nyman
Øredev2013 - FirefoxOS - the platform HTML5 deserves
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Christian Heilmann
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - HTML5DevConf, San Francisco
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Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - HTML5DevConf, San Francisco
Robert Nyman
Firefox OS
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Firefox OS
Sayak Sarkar
Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - Geek Meet Västerås
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Firefox OS, the Open Web & WebAPIs - Geek Meet Västerås
Robert Nyman
Intro To webOS
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Intro To webOS
Mozilla Web Apps - Super-VanJS
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Robert Nyman
Firefox OS Introduction at Bontouch
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Robert Nyman

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HTML5 on Mobile
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HTML5 on Mobile
Firefox OS workshop, Colombia
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Firefox OS Introduction at Bontouch
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Robert Nyman
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul
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Android TV Introduction - Stockholm Android TV meetup
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New improvements for web developers -, Helsinki
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Robert Nyman

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WebAPIs & Apps - Mozilla London

  • 1. FIREFOX OS WebAPIs & Apps
  • 8. Using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript together with a number of APIs to build apps and customize the UI.
  • 13. Web apps are apps built using standard Web technologies. They work in any modern Web browser. The Open Web apps project proposes some small additions to existing sites to turn them into apps. These apps run on desktop browsers and mobile devices.
  • 18. Develop Web App using 1. HTML5, CSS, & Javascript 2. Create an app manifest file 3. Publish/install the app
  • 19. 1. Develop Web App using HTML5, CSS & JavaScript
  • 20. Reuse any existing web site/app or develop from scratch with open web standards. Utilize HTML5 features such as localStorage, offline manifest, IndexedDB and access Web APIs for more options. Responsive web design for adapting to varying resolutions and screen orientation.
  • 22. 2. Create an app manifest file
  • 23. Create a file with a .webapp extension
  • 24. { "version": "1.0", "name": "MozillaBall", "description": "Exciting Open Web development action!", "icons": { "16": "/img/icon-16.png", "48": "/img/icon-48.png", "128": "/img/icon-128.png" }, "developer": { "name": "Mozilla Labs", "url": "" }, "installs_allowed_from": ["*"], "appcache_path": "/cache.manifest", "locales": { "es": { "description": "¡Acción abierta emocionante del desarrollo del Web!", "developer": { "url": "" } }, "it": { "description": "Azione aperta emozionante di sviluppo di fotoricettore!", "developer": { "url": "" } } }, "default_locale": "en" }
  • 26. Serve with Content-type/MIME type: application/x-web-app-manifest+json
  • 27. Apache - in mime.types: application/x-web-app-manifest+json webapp Apache - in .htaccess: AddType application/x-web-app-manifest +json webapp NGinx - in mime.types: types { text/html html htm shtml; text/css css; text/xml xml; application/x-web-app-manifest+json webapp; }
  • 28. IIS: In IIS Manager, right-click the local computer, and click Properties. Click the MIME Types button. Click New. In the Extension box, type the file name extension. In the MIME type box, type a description that exactly matches the file type defined on the computer. Click OK.
  • 35. var request = navigator.mozApps.install( "", { user_id: "some_user" } ); request.onsuccess = function() { // Success! Notification, launch page etc } request.onerror = function() { // Failed. has details }
  • 36. var request = navigator.mozApps.installPackage( "" ); request.onsuccess = function() { // Success! } request.onerror = function() { // Failed. }
  • 38. A packaged app is an Open Web App that has all of its resources (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, app manifest, and so on) contained in a zip file, instead of having its resources on a Web server. A packaged app is simply a zip file with the app manifest in its root directory. The manifest must be named manifest.webapp.
  • 39. Can be privileged apps with more API access than hosted apps Special protocol internal to the zip file: app://<uuid> Manifest file must be named manifest.webapp Resources are accessed from the zip file, which is stored on the device where the app is installed Installed with a different mozApps API function: installPackage() Enforce a specific Content Security Policy for all application content Can embed remote content in iframes, but that content will not have access to privileged APIs nor will it have the default CSP applied to it Have an update process for getting new versions of the app to users. Hosted apps do not need this process.
  • 42. The Mozilla WebAPI team is pushing the envelope of the web to include --- and in places exceed --- the capabilities of competing stacks.
  • 45. Granted by default Granted by authorized store Safe web APIs that don’t expose privacy Privacy and security sensitive APIs such sensitive data. WebGL, fullscreen, as Contacts API audio, etc. Verified by signature Granted by user Highly privileged APIs such as radio location, camera, file system access access (dialer) Granted when installed No quota for localStorage, IndexedDB, offline cache
  • 46. Web Content Certified Web App Regular web content Device-critical applications Installed Web App A regular web app Privileged Web App More access, more responsibility
  • 48. "permissions": { "contacts": { "description": "Required for autocompletion in the share screen", "access": "readcreate" }, "alarms": { "description": "Required to schedule notifications" } }
  • 49. AlarmAPI FMRadio BrowserAPI geolocation Contacts systemXHR device-storage:music/device-storage:videos/ TCP Socket API device-storage:pictures/device- storage:sdcard: wake-lock-screen Add, read, or modify files stored at a central location on the device. access property required: one of readonly, readwrite, readcreate, or createonly. NEED PERMISSION
  • 51. Vibration API (W3C) Web Activities Screen Orientation Push Notifications API Geolocation API WebFM API Mouse Lock API (W3C) WebPayment Open WebApps IndexedDB (W3C) Network Information API (W3C) Ambient light sensor Battery Status API (W3C) Proximity sensor Alarm API Notification REGULAR APIS
  • 53. var battery = navigator.battery; if (battery) { var batteryLevel = Math.round(battery.level * 100) + "%", charging = (battery.charging)? "" : "not ", chargingTime = parseInt(battery.chargingTime / 60, 10, dischargingTime = parseInt(battery.dischargingTime / 60, 10); // Set events battery.addEventListener("levelchange", setStatus, false); battery.addEventListener("chargingchange", setStatus, false); battery.addEventListener("chargingtimechange", setStatus, false); battery.addEventListener("dischargingtimechange", setStatus, false); }
  • 55. var notification = navigator.mozNotification; notification.createNotification( "See this", "This is a notification", iconURL );
  • 57. // Portrait mode: screen.mozLockOrientation("portrait"); /* Possible values: "landscape" "portrait" "landscape-primary" "landscape-secondary" "portrait-primary" "portrait-secondary" */
  • 59. // Vibrate for one second navigator.vibrate(1000); // Vibration pattern [vibrationTime, pause,…] navigator.vibrate([200, 100, 200, 100]); // Vibrate for 5 seconds navigator.vibrate(5000); // Turn off vibration navigator.vibrate(0);
  • 61. var pay = navigator.mozPay(paymentToken); pay.onsuccess = function (event) { // Weee! Money! };
  • 64. var connection = window.navigator.mozConnection, online = connection.bandwidth > 0, metered = connection.metered;
  • 66. var alarmId1, request = navigator.mozAlarms.add( new Date("May 15, 2012 16:20:00"), "honorTimezone", { mydata: "my event" } ); request.onsuccess = function (event) { alarmId1 =; }; request.onerror = function (event) { console.log(; };
  • 67. var request = navigator.mozAlarms.getAll(); request.onsuccess = function (event) { console.log(JSON.stringify(; }; request.onerror = function (event) { console.log(; };
  • 69. navigator.mozSetMessageHandler( "alarm", function (message) { // Note: message has to be set in the manifest file console.log("Alarm fired: " + JSON.stringify(message)); } );
  • 70. { "messages": ["alarm"] }
  • 72. window.addEventListener("deviceproximity", function (event) { // Current device proximity, in centimeters console.log(event.value); // The maximum sensing distance the sensor is // able to report, in centimeters console.log(event.max); // The minimum sensing distance the sensor is // able to report, in centimeters console.log(event.min); });
  • 74. window.addEventListener("devicelight", function (event) { // The level of the ambient light in lux console.log(event.value); });
  • 75. window.addEventListener("lightlevel", function (event) { // Possible values: "normal", "bright", "dim" console.log(event.value); });
  • 76. window.addEventListener("devicelight", function (event) { // The lux values for "dim" typically begin below 50, // and the values for "bright" begin above 10000 console.log(event.value); });
  • 77. Device Storage API Browser API TCP Socket API Contacts API systemXHR PRIVILEGED APIS
  • 79. var deviceStorage = navigator.getDeviceStorage("videos");
  • 80. // "external", "shared", or "default". deviceStorage.type; // Add a file - returns DOMRequest with file name deviceStorage.add(blob); // Same as .add, with provided name deviceStorage.addNamed(blob, name); // Returns DOMRequest/non-editable File object deviceStorage.get(name); // Returns editable FileHandle object deviceStorage.getEditable(name); // Returns DOMRequest with success or failure deviceStorage.delete(name); // Enumerates files deviceStorage.enumerate([directory]); // Enumerates files as FileHandles deviceStorage.enumerateEditable([directory]);
  • 81. var storage = navigator.getDeviceStorage("videos"), cursor = storage.enumerate(); cursor.onerror = function() { console.error("Error in DeviceStorage.enumerate()",; }; cursor.onsuccess = function() { if (!cursor.result) return; var file = cursor.result; // If this isn't a video, skip it if (file.type.substring(0, 6) !== "video/") { cursor.continue(); return; } // If it isn't playable, skip it var testplayer = document.createElement("video"); if (!testplayer.canPlayType(file.type)) { cursor.continue(); return; } };
  • 83. var contact = new mozContact(); contact.init({name: "Tom"}); var request =; request.onsuccess = function() { console.log("Success"); }; request.onerror = function() { console.log("Error") };
  • 84. WebTelephony WebBluetooth WebSMS Permissions API Idle API Network Stats API Settings API Camera API Power Management API Time/Clock API Mobile Connection API Attention screen WiFi Information API Voicemail CERTIFIED APIS
  • 86. // Telephony object var tel = navigator.mozTelephony; // Check if the phone is muted (read/write property) console.log(tel.muted); // Check if the speaker is enabled (read/write property) console.log(tel.speakerEnabled);
  • 87. // Place a call var cal = tel.dial(“123456789”);
  • 88. // Receiving a call tel.onincoming = function (event) { var incomingCall =; // Get the number of the incoming call console.log(incomingCall.number); // Answer the call incomingCall.answer(); }; // Disconnect a call call.hangUp(); // Iterating over calls, and taking action depending on their changed status tel.oncallschanged = function (event) { tel.calls.forEach(function (call) { // Log the state of each call console.log(call.state); }); };
  • 90. // SMS object var sms = navigator.mozSMS; // Send a message sms.send("123456789", "Hello world!");
  • 91. // Recieve a message sms.onreceived = function (event) { // Read message console.log(event.message); };
  • 94. { "activities": { "share": { "filters": { type: ["image/png", "image/gif"], } "href": "sharing.html", "disposition": "window" } } }
  • 95. var activity = new MozActivity({ name: "view", data: { type: "image/png", url: ... } }); activity.onsuccess = function () { console.log("Showing the image!"); }; activity.onerror = function () { console.log("Can't view the image!"); };
  • 96. var register = navigator.mozRegisterActivityHandler({ name: "view", disposition: "inline", filters: { type: "image/png" } }); register.onerror = function () { console.log("Failed to register activity"); }
  • 97. navigator.mozSetMessageHandler("activity", function (a) { var img = getImageObject(); img.src = a.source.url; // Call a.postResult() or a.postError() if // the activity should return a value });
  • 101. Resource lock API Spellcheck API UDP Datagram Socket API LogAPI Peer to Peer API Keyboard/IME API WebNFC WebRTC WebUSB FileHandle API HTTP-cache API Sync API Calendar API
  • 102. Web Apps from Mozilla
  • 104. Dialer Alarm Clock Contacts Camera Settings Notes SMS First Run Experience Web browser Notifications Gallery Home Screen Video Player Mozilla Marketplace Music Player System Updater E-mail (POP, IMAP) Localization Support Calendar