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International Journal of Research in Computer Science
eISSN 2249-8265 Volume 2 Issue 4 (2012) pp. 23-29
© White Globe Publications

                                       Sanjay Jadhav1, Viddhulata Mohite2
                Information Technology, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi-Mumbai,India

Abstract: The comparing recent proposal for                example connected with cables in wired Local Area
multimedia applications network security remains an        Network (LAN) or radio waves (Wi-Fi) in Wireless
important topic for researchers. The security deals        Local Area Network (WLAN). Some nodes are able to
with both wired and wireless communication. Network        provide services (FTP, HTTP browsing, database
is defined as it is a large system consisting of many      access). If two nodes want to communicate together,
similar parts that are connected together to allow the     they must be interconnected physically and logically.
movement or communication between or along the
parts or between the parts and a control center. There     Network security deals with three goals:
are the main components of the network information           1. Design of network security model
system such as end systems (terminals, servers) and          2. The different types of possible attacks
intermediate systems (hubs, switches, gateways). Every       3. The prevention of attacks
node has its own set of vulnerabilities that can be           Network security situation awareness provides the
related to hardware, software, protocol stack etc.         unique high level security view based upon the
Nodes are interconnected by physical supports in a         security alert events. Now day’s security deals with
network for example connected with cables in wired         heterogeneous networks. The use of different wireless
Local Area Network (LAN) or radio waves (Wi-Fi) in         and wired network which are working on different
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Some nodes             platform is heterogeneous. So design of network
are able to provide services (FTP, HTTP browsing,          security for such type of heterogeneous network is
database access). If two nodes want to communicate         difficult task. Network security policy enforcement
together, they must be interconnected physically and       consists in the configuring heterogeneous security
logically. Network security deals with also information    mechanisms (IP Sec, gateways, ACLs on routers,
hiding technique. Now day’s security deals with            stateful firewalls, proxies etc.) that are available in a
heterogeneous networks. The use of different wireless      given network environment. The complexity of this
and wired network which are working on different           task resides in the number, the nature, and the the
platform is heterogeneous. So design of network            interdependence of mechanisms to consider. Although
security for such type of heterogeneous network is         several researchers have proposed different analysis
difficult task.                                            tools, achieving this task requires experienced and
Keywords: Information hiding, DES, Encryption,             proficient security administrators who can handle all
Decryption.                                                these parameters today. The first task in network
                                                           security is only authenticate persons can access
                  I. INTRODUCTION                          systems. Bio-metric is an emerging technology for
   The comparing recent proposal for multimedia            user authentication. However, bio-metric data is
applications network security remains an important         generated non-revocable unlike a password (as it is not
topic for researchers. The security deals with both        possible to change it). To overcome this problem bio-
wired and wireless communication. Network is defined       metric template protection schemes have been
as it is a large system consisting of many similar parts   proposed in the last decade. Finger prints, bio-hashing,
that are connected together to allow the movement or       face recognition, IRIS scan are used from past years.
communication between or along the parts or between        Recently ECG based authentication is normally
the parts and a control centre. There are the main         preferred. Web applications are an important target for
components of the network information system such as       security attacks. Most of these applications make use
end systems (terminals, servers) and intermediate          of cookies to maintain user state. Many attacks are
systems (hubs, switches, gateways). Every node has its     carried out over these cookies in order to compromise
own set of vulnerabilities that can be related to          network security. To design a management platform to
hardware, software, protocol stack etc. Nodes are          control access to web application servers are
interconnected by physical supports in a network for       important. Due to this simplicity and efficiency, HTTP

24                                                                                  Sanjay Jadhav, Viddhulata Mohite

protocol is the primary used protocol on the World          the needs to prevent from the man-in-middle attacking.
Wide Web. So, access to web based applications has          With the rapid growth of Internet, the WWW provides
become more widespread. However, most web                   an important channel for user to obtain useful
applications contain security vulnerabilities and so,       information. Whereas there are more than eight billion
exposing web servers directly on Internet causes a          web pages, so supplying information to user’s content,
rapid increase in web applications attacks. Placing a       is a challenging work. Fortunately, there are various
firewall in front of web servers can protect against        web search engines, about 3500 search engines, such
network level vulnerabilities by filtering application      as Google, Yahoo, AltaVista,etc by which we can find
traffic. Nevertheless, firewalls do not prohibit attacks    valuable information efficiently. But possible attack is
employing application level vulnerabilities. Therefore,     SPAM can be considered and design system immune
integration of reverse proxy is required to protect         to SPAM.
against application level attacks. The reverse proxy is a
mandatory proxy placed in front of internal web                 Stepping stone attacks are often used by network
servers. This mandatory proxy protects the access to        intruders to hide their identities. The Round Trip
web server resources. It deals HTTP request and             Times (RTT) between the sent packets and
response via filtering process.                             corresponding echo packets for the connection chains
                                                            of stepping stones are critical for detecting such
    Distributed Denials of service (DDOS) attacks are       attacks. Technology never ends. Future systems are
persistent current and very real threats to network.        expected to defense different types of attacks as well
Expanding upon a flexible distributed framework for         as a mixture of service with very different and often
network remediation utilizing multiple strategies is        conflicting service requirements. In these scenarios,
considered. A novel adaptive clustering method              accurate modeling is especially imperative for
combined with features ranking for DDOS attack              preventing attacks. Security issues associated with the
detection. Wavelet analysis method is considered also       development of the network is becoming the hot spot,
as one of the most efficient methods for detecting          high rise buildings or intelligence communities, local
DDOS attacks. The use of client puzzles has been            area networks everywhere, through the Ethernet as the
recognized as a preventive defense against the resource     communication channel. The multimedia applications
exhaustion attacks. Its original schemes however            such as communication of voice, sending videos,
cannot be used against bandwidth attacks. To resolve        accessing e-mails; file transfer requires integration of
this, some defense mechanisms have recently been            sources like cellular/WLAN/LAN.
proposed in which the puzzles are created and the
answers are evaluated by the routers distributed over           The integration of resources working together on
the network. Although interesting, these mechanisms         single platform is called as heterogeneous network. It
are of high complexity and their success relies on high     needs frame work for a network security in
co-operation for core routers, a thing that is not          heterogeneous networks environment. Also needs
possible in the near future. A Denial of service (DOS)      separate algorithms for all types of possible attacks in
attack is a malicious activity which culminates in the      network should work in heterogeneous network. For
denial of legitimate requests for the victim’s resources.   analysis purpose use of network simulator (ns-2) is
A flooding attack is a DOS attack in which the attacker     taken for consideration as it works for real-time and
sends on overwhelming number of requests for a key          non-real-time analysis. The comparison between
resource to the victim. This leads to the depletion of      designed and existing algorithm can be also carried out
those resources so that the legitimate requests for the     with network simulator. Design of network security
same area denied. The target of a flooding attack is        model is also one of the important tasks. Due to a rapid
resource in the victim’s system for example a buffer,       progress in IT fields and increasing demand for web
CPU time to process requests or the bandwidth of the        applications, lots of researches have focused on how to
communication channel to the victim.                        achieve network security the next generation network.
                                                            Algorithms will be developed for network security for
    Today’s security systems have been drawing great        following attacks and security authentication, malware
attentions as cryptographic algorithm have gained           attacks, cookies security, Denial of service (DoS),
popularity due to the nature that make them suitable        cache timing attacks, Man –in-middle attack, spam,
for use in constrained environment such as mobile           stepping stone attacks for heterogeneous networks.
sensor information applications, where computing            Out of these all information hiding techniques are
resources and power availability are limited. Elliptic      more suitable and easily implementation task [1]. At
curve cryptography (ECC) is one of them, which              present, the academic world pay mostly attention on
requires less computational power, communication            the field that using image, video, audio as carriers and
bandwidth, and memory in comparison with other              do little research on using text as carrier. It mainly
crypto-system. In order to save pre-computing there is      because the redundant of text file is very small, it is
a trend for sensor networks to design a sensor node         difficult to embed, and the robustness is not well.
communicates to the end database, which indicating

A Data Hiding Techniques based on Length of English Text using DES and Attacks                                                25

At the same time, it offers a wide space to the                         1. Typesetting carrier text in mrified form.
applications of data hiding system based on text                       2. In setting a few random interference using suitable
document [2].                                                             algorithm, but we must ensure that these
                                                                          interferences will not affect the extraction of secret
                                                                          message. The purpose of pre-processing is to
                                                       Embedded           increase the accuracy of extracting and improve
                            Pre-          Carrier      Algorithm
  Sender                 Processing        Text
                                                                          the ability against attacking.
               Secret                                                 C. Design of Embedded Algorithm
                                   DES                                Preliminary definition:
                                                                       1. Define stochastic nature numbers Lk, then
                                                                          according to Lk, divide the binary bit stream of
                           Key                          Common            secret message M into groups randomly and
                                                        Channel P         transform them into decimal number. The decimal
                    DES                                                   number of M is M~{ml.m2 ... mi liE N .mi<2k-l}
                  Decryption                                              after being transformed.
                                                                       2. Define the set of text V~ {v l.v2 ... vj I j EN}
                                                                          according the sequence of text
                                                         Extraction    3. Define Length (x) As the function[5]. which is
                            Re-                          Algorithm
  Receiver               Processing                                       used to calculate length of words.
                                        Carrier Text      C(E(m))
                                                                       4. Define the set of decimal is D~{dl, d2, ... , di}.
                                                                          which is the result that transform secret message
                                                                          using KE.
             Figure 1: Structure of the hiding system
                                                                      Design of embedded algorithm:
   The structure of the system is shown in figure 1, it
mainly includes preprocessing, embedding, extracting                     The embedded algorithm decides the invisibility,
and post-processing five modules. The processing                      hidden capacity, robustness of the system. Complexity
module is divided into encryption, grouping and                       of the algorithm impacts operation efficiency directly.
formatting text three modules. The remaining paper                    The embedded algorithm is designed as follows:
focuses on the proposed system algorithm in section II.               Step 1. Select a colour which is similar to the colour of
Section III follows flow chart whereas section VI gives                       carrier as embedded characteristic, which has
result.                                                                       solved the second problem, which make the
                                                                              colour change of the text as a manner of
                                                                              embedding secret message.
A. Using DES to encrypt the main two steps are select                 Step 2. Define the embedded position in the words.
   one appropriate encryption key KE and encrypt
   secret message m with KE to get the cipher text m '.               Algorithms E(M) is described as follows:
                                                                         E (M)
B. Creating the embedded key KE:                                         {
Step 1. Transform   the encrypted file whose type is byte                   int x.y;
        into binary sequence.                                               Define x= 1, y= 1; // start embed with the
Step 2. Take the elements of Lk as the length of block.                                       beginning or decide by himself
        And cut the text into even blocks, Lk is                            Line1:
        random integers between 0 and 5, then extract                       If x<j and y <j then // judge the embedding
        the embedded key KE ={k I k E lk } .which                                               is complete or not.
        need to be attention is that KE is generated by                     If Length (vy>dx) then // select the position of
        random function.                                                                    character need to be embedded.
                                                                            Embed message into the position Length (vy)-
Step 3. Translate every block into decimal digit, and
                                                                             mx of word vy;
        generate a decimal sequence, which will decide
        the embedded position with the length of the                           x=x+ l; y=y+ 1;
        words, Pre-process carrier text. Pre-processing is                   Else jy+1
        adjust the colour, font size and character spacing
        of the carrier without change its original vector                      goto linel;
        content and format, then add some colour and                         Else fail to embed;
        characters as disturbs. It mainly includes the                   Complete embedding.
        following two steps.

26                                                                         Sanjay Jadhav, Viddhulata Mohite

     III. PROPOSED SYSTEM FLOW CHART                   dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
     Accept path of Doc file, Encryption key and    catch (javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException e)
                  Secret Message
                                                    catch ( e)
     Encrypt the secret message and convert into         {
                        binary                              } catch ( e)
      Randomly cut the binary into groups and
        note the random number into Emk=           public String encrypt(String str) {
                {..}{Embedded key}                   try {
                                                      // Encode the string into bytes using utf-8
                                                         byte[] utf8 = str.getBytes(“UTF8”);
     Convert the binary groups into decimal and       // Encrypt
           note the decimals into D= {…}                  byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8);
                                                      // Encode bytes to base64 to get a string
                                                          return new
     Read sequentially the accepted doc file and
          find the length of the word as ni        sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(enc);
                                                            } catch (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException e)
                        Ni>Di                                } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
                                                            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          Change the attribute of the (ni-di)th            return null;
                      character                         }

                                                   public String decrypt(String str) {
                      Next word                         try {
                                                       // Decode base64 to get bytes byte[] dec = new
                      Result Doc                           sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(str);
                                                       // Decrypt
                                                           byte[] utf8 = dcipher.doFinal(dec);
     IV. PROGRAM FOR PROPOSED SYSTEM                   // Decode using utf-8
                                                            return new String(utf8, “UTF8”);
package com.sss.stegnography.text.cryptography;
                                                      catch (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException e) {
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
                                                      catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
public class DesEncrypter                             catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  {                                                      }
      Cipher ecipher;                                 catch ( e) {
      Cipher dcipher;                                    }
 public DesEncrypter(SecretKey key) {                 return null;
  try {                                                }
      ecipher = Cipher.getInstance(“DES”);         }
      dcipher = Cipher.getInstance(“DES”);
      ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);

A Data Hiding Techniques based on Length of English Text using DES and Attacks                27

                                                   V. RESULT

                                           Figure 2: Original Document

                                         Figure 3: Encrypted Document

28                                                                                        Sanjay Jadhav, Viddhulata Mohite

                                           Figure 4: Screenshots – Hide Data

                                        Figure 5: Screenshots – Extract Data

Encryption Key: keykeykey
                                                                                 VII. REFERENCES
Embedded Key:                                                [1] Stefan       Katzenbeisser,Fabien    A     P     Petitcolas.
02010321200210113030212320112232231333311110                       “Information hiding techniques for stegnography and
01101002300333212001010031301120031030120131                       digital watermarking” Artech House Publishers, 2000.
23220233313032030331323001220122011002220200                 [2]   Peticolas F.A.P, Anderson R.J.Kuhn M.G.information
23212                                                              Hiding –Asurvey,Proceedings of the IEEE, 1999, 87(7),
Result message: - This is secret message                     [3]   Cachin,C, “An information Theoretic model for
                                                                   stegnography”, in proceeding of the second international
                VI. CONCLUSION                                     workshop on information hiding,vol.1525 of lecture
                                                                   notes in computer science, Springer, 1998, pp.306-308.
   In general, the security and the capacity of the
                                                             [4]   Jeremiah     J.   Haarmsen,      William     A.Pearlman
information hidden system conflict with each other, in             “Steganalysis of additive noise modelable information
order to solve the problem, we design and                          hiding” Electrical Computer and systems Engineering
implemented a hidden system based on the length of                 Department,Rensselar Polytechnic Institute, Troy,NY.
English text document and secret message encryption.         [5]   Neil F.Jhonson and Sushil Jajodia “Steganalysis: The
Combine randomness of the English words, DES, with                 investigation of hidden information” The 1998 IEEE
the ideological of blocks, which insure the security,              Information Technology Conference. September 1st-
and the capacity are greatly improved at the same time.            3rd,1998.
The proposed system used for information hiding gives        [6]   Jonathan Watkins “Steganography-Message Hidden in
several advantages form a technical viewpoint:                     Bits” Multimedia Systems Coursework, Department of
flexibility and portability is very well, but robustness           Electronics and computer Science, University of
and operational efficiency of the system are                       Southampton. 15th December 2001.
deficiency, which need to improve and perfect.

A Data Hiding Techniques based on Length of English Text using DES and Attacks                29

[7] Leonid Reyzin and Scott Russell “More efficient
    provably Secure Stegnography” Department of computer
    science Boston University, May 15,2003.
[8] P.Davern, M.Scott “Steganography: its history and its
    application to computer based data files” Dublin City
[9] Liu Cuilin,Shen Yongiun,Zhang Guidong,Di Changyan
    “A Data Hiding System Based on Length of English
    Text” 2010 first ACIS International Symposium on
    Cryptography, and Network Security,Data Mining and
    Knowledge      Discovery,   E-Commerce      and   Its
    Applications, and Embedded Systems.


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A Data Hiding Techniques Based on Length of English Text using DES and Attacks

  • 1. International Journal of Research in Computer Science eISSN 2249-8265 Volume 2 Issue 4 (2012) pp. 23-29 © White Globe Publications A DATA HIDING TECHNIQUES BASED ON LENGTH OF ENGLISH TEXT USING DES AND ATTACKS Sanjay Jadhav1, Viddhulata Mohite2 12 Information Technology, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi-Mumbai,India Email: 2 Email: Abstract: The comparing recent proposal for example connected with cables in wired Local Area multimedia applications network security remains an Network (LAN) or radio waves (Wi-Fi) in Wireless important topic for researchers. The security deals Local Area Network (WLAN). Some nodes are able to with both wired and wireless communication. Network provide services (FTP, HTTP browsing, database is defined as it is a large system consisting of many access). If two nodes want to communicate together, similar parts that are connected together to allow the they must be interconnected physically and logically. movement or communication between or along the parts or between the parts and a control center. There Network security deals with three goals: are the main components of the network information 1. Design of network security model system such as end systems (terminals, servers) and 2. The different types of possible attacks intermediate systems (hubs, switches, gateways). Every 3. The prevention of attacks node has its own set of vulnerabilities that can be Network security situation awareness provides the related to hardware, software, protocol stack etc. unique high level security view based upon the Nodes are interconnected by physical supports in a security alert events. Now day’s security deals with network for example connected with cables in wired heterogeneous networks. The use of different wireless Local Area Network (LAN) or radio waves (Wi-Fi) in and wired network which are working on different Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Some nodes platform is heterogeneous. So design of network are able to provide services (FTP, HTTP browsing, security for such type of heterogeneous network is database access). If two nodes want to communicate difficult task. Network security policy enforcement together, they must be interconnected physically and consists in the configuring heterogeneous security logically. Network security deals with also information mechanisms (IP Sec, gateways, ACLs on routers, hiding technique. Now day’s security deals with stateful firewalls, proxies etc.) that are available in a heterogeneous networks. The use of different wireless given network environment. The complexity of this and wired network which are working on different task resides in the number, the nature, and the the platform is heterogeneous. So design of network interdependence of mechanisms to consider. Although security for such type of heterogeneous network is several researchers have proposed different analysis difficult task. tools, achieving this task requires experienced and Keywords: Information hiding, DES, Encryption, proficient security administrators who can handle all Decryption. these parameters today. The first task in network security is only authenticate persons can access I. INTRODUCTION systems. Bio-metric is an emerging technology for The comparing recent proposal for multimedia user authentication. However, bio-metric data is applications network security remains an important generated non-revocable unlike a password (as it is not topic for researchers. The security deals with both possible to change it). To overcome this problem bio- wired and wireless communication. Network is defined metric template protection schemes have been as it is a large system consisting of many similar parts proposed in the last decade. Finger prints, bio-hashing, that are connected together to allow the movement or face recognition, IRIS scan are used from past years. communication between or along the parts or between Recently ECG based authentication is normally the parts and a control centre. There are the main preferred. Web applications are an important target for components of the network information system such as security attacks. Most of these applications make use end systems (terminals, servers) and intermediate of cookies to maintain user state. Many attacks are systems (hubs, switches, gateways). Every node has its carried out over these cookies in order to compromise own set of vulnerabilities that can be related to network security. To design a management platform to hardware, software, protocol stack etc. Nodes are control access to web application servers are interconnected by physical supports in a network for important. Due to this simplicity and efficiency, HTTP
  • 2. 24 Sanjay Jadhav, Viddhulata Mohite protocol is the primary used protocol on the World the needs to prevent from the man-in-middle attacking. Wide Web. So, access to web based applications has With the rapid growth of Internet, the WWW provides become more widespread. However, most web an important channel for user to obtain useful applications contain security vulnerabilities and so, information. Whereas there are more than eight billion exposing web servers directly on Internet causes a web pages, so supplying information to user’s content, rapid increase in web applications attacks. Placing a is a challenging work. Fortunately, there are various firewall in front of web servers can protect against web search engines, about 3500 search engines, such network level vulnerabilities by filtering application as Google, Yahoo, AltaVista,etc by which we can find traffic. Nevertheless, firewalls do not prohibit attacks valuable information efficiently. But possible attack is employing application level vulnerabilities. Therefore, SPAM can be considered and design system immune integration of reverse proxy is required to protect to SPAM. against application level attacks. The reverse proxy is a mandatory proxy placed in front of internal web Stepping stone attacks are often used by network servers. This mandatory proxy protects the access to intruders to hide their identities. The Round Trip web server resources. It deals HTTP request and Times (RTT) between the sent packets and response via filtering process. corresponding echo packets for the connection chains of stepping stones are critical for detecting such Distributed Denials of service (DDOS) attacks are attacks. Technology never ends. Future systems are persistent current and very real threats to network. expected to defense different types of attacks as well Expanding upon a flexible distributed framework for as a mixture of service with very different and often network remediation utilizing multiple strategies is conflicting service requirements. In these scenarios, considered. A novel adaptive clustering method accurate modeling is especially imperative for combined with features ranking for DDOS attack preventing attacks. Security issues associated with the detection. Wavelet analysis method is considered also development of the network is becoming the hot spot, as one of the most efficient methods for detecting high rise buildings or intelligence communities, local DDOS attacks. The use of client puzzles has been area networks everywhere, through the Ethernet as the recognized as a preventive defense against the resource communication channel. The multimedia applications exhaustion attacks. Its original schemes however such as communication of voice, sending videos, cannot be used against bandwidth attacks. To resolve accessing e-mails; file transfer requires integration of this, some defense mechanisms have recently been sources like cellular/WLAN/LAN. proposed in which the puzzles are created and the answers are evaluated by the routers distributed over The integration of resources working together on the network. Although interesting, these mechanisms single platform is called as heterogeneous network. It are of high complexity and their success relies on high needs frame work for a network security in co-operation for core routers, a thing that is not heterogeneous networks environment. Also needs possible in the near future. A Denial of service (DOS) separate algorithms for all types of possible attacks in attack is a malicious activity which culminates in the network should work in heterogeneous network. For denial of legitimate requests for the victim’s resources. analysis purpose use of network simulator (ns-2) is A flooding attack is a DOS attack in which the attacker taken for consideration as it works for real-time and sends on overwhelming number of requests for a key non-real-time analysis. The comparison between resource to the victim. This leads to the depletion of designed and existing algorithm can be also carried out those resources so that the legitimate requests for the with network simulator. Design of network security same area denied. The target of a flooding attack is model is also one of the important tasks. Due to a rapid resource in the victim’s system for example a buffer, progress in IT fields and increasing demand for web CPU time to process requests or the bandwidth of the applications, lots of researches have focused on how to communication channel to the victim. achieve network security the next generation network. Algorithms will be developed for network security for Today’s security systems have been drawing great following attacks and security authentication, malware attentions as cryptographic algorithm have gained attacks, cookies security, Denial of service (DoS), popularity due to the nature that make them suitable cache timing attacks, Man –in-middle attack, spam, for use in constrained environment such as mobile stepping stone attacks for heterogeneous networks. sensor information applications, where computing Out of these all information hiding techniques are resources and power availability are limited. Elliptic more suitable and easily implementation task [1]. At curve cryptography (ECC) is one of them, which present, the academic world pay mostly attention on requires less computational power, communication the field that using image, video, audio as carriers and bandwidth, and memory in comparison with other do little research on using text as carrier. It mainly crypto-system. In order to save pre-computing there is because the redundant of text file is very small, it is a trend for sensor networks to design a sensor node difficult to embed, and the robustness is not well. communicates to the end database, which indicating
  • 3. A Data Hiding Techniques based on Length of English Text using DES and Attacks 25 At the same time, it offers a wide space to the 1. Typesetting carrier text in mrified form. applications of data hiding system based on text 2. In setting a few random interference using suitable document [2]. algorithm, but we must ensure that these interferences will not affect the extraction of secret message. The purpose of pre-processing is to Embedded increase the accuracy of extracting and improve Pre- Carrier Algorithm Sender Processing Text the ability against attacking. E(m) Secret C. Design of Embedded Algorithm Message DES Preliminary definition: Encryption 1. Define stochastic nature numbers Lk, then according to Lk, divide the binary bit stream of Key Common secret message M into groups randomly and Channel P transform them into decimal number. The decimal DES number of M is M~{ml.m2 ... mi liE N .mi<2k-l} Decryption after being transformed. 2. Define the set of text V~ {v l.v2 ... vj I j EN} according the sequence of text Extraction 3. Define Length (x) As the function[5]. which is Re- Algorithm Receiver Processing used to calculate length of words. Carrier Text C(E(m)) Reverse 4. Define the set of decimal is D~{dl, d2, ... , di}. which is the result that transform secret message using KE. Figure 1: Structure of the hiding system Design of embedded algorithm: The structure of the system is shown in figure 1, it mainly includes preprocessing, embedding, extracting The embedded algorithm decides the invisibility, and post-processing five modules. The processing hidden capacity, robustness of the system. Complexity module is divided into encryption, grouping and of the algorithm impacts operation efficiency directly. formatting text three modules. The remaining paper The embedded algorithm is designed as follows: focuses on the proposed system algorithm in section II. Step 1. Select a colour which is similar to the colour of Section III follows flow chart whereas section VI gives carrier as embedded characteristic, which has result. solved the second problem, which make the colour change of the text as a manner of II. PROPOSED SYSTEM ALGORITHM embedding secret message. A. Using DES to encrypt the main two steps are select Step 2. Define the embedded position in the words. one appropriate encryption key KE and encrypt secret message m with KE to get the cipher text m '. Algorithms E(M) is described as follows: E (M) B. Creating the embedded key KE: { Step 1. Transform the encrypted file whose type is byte int x.y; into binary sequence. Define x= 1, y= 1; // start embed with the Step 2. Take the elements of Lk as the length of block. beginning or decide by himself And cut the text into even blocks, Lk is Line1: random integers between 0 and 5, then extract If x<j and y <j then // judge the embedding the embedded key KE ={k I k E lk } .which is complete or not. need to be attention is that KE is generated by If Length (vy>dx) then // select the position of random function. character need to be embedded. Embed message into the position Length (vy)- Step 3. Translate every block into decimal digit, and mx of word vy; generate a decimal sequence, which will decide the embedded position with the length of the x=x+ l; y=y+ 1; words, Pre-process carrier text. Pre-processing is Else jy+1 adjust the colour, font size and character spacing of the carrier without change its original vector goto linel; content and format, then add some colour and Else fail to embed; characters as disturbs. It mainly includes the Complete embedding. following two steps.
  • 4. 26 Sanjay Jadhav, Viddhulata Mohite III. PROPOSED SYSTEM FLOW CHART dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); } Accept path of Doc file, Encryption key and catch (javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException e) { Secret Message } catch ( e) Encrypt the secret message and convert into { binary } catch ( e) } } Randomly cut the binary into groups and note the random number into Emk= public String encrypt(String str) { {..}{Embedded key} try { // Encode the string into bytes using utf-8 byte[] utf8 = str.getBytes(“UTF8”); Convert the binary groups into decimal and // Encrypt note the decimals into D= {…} byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8); // Encode bytes to base64 to get a string return new Read sequentially the accepted doc file and find the length of the word as ni sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(enc); } catch (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException e) { Ni>Di } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } Change the attribute of the (ni-di)th return null; character } public String decrypt(String str) { Next word try { // Decode base64 to get bytes byte[] dec = new Result Doc sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(str); // Decrypt byte[] utf8 = dcipher.doFinal(dec); IV. PROGRAM FOR PROPOSED SYSTEM // Decode using utf-8 return new String(utf8, “UTF8”); package com.sss.stegnography.text.cryptography; } import; catch (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException e) { import javax.crypto.Cipher; } import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { import javax.crypto.SecretKey; } public class DesEncrypter catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { { } Cipher ecipher; catch ( e) { Cipher dcipher; } public DesEncrypter(SecretKey key) { return null; try { } ecipher = Cipher.getInstance(“DES”); } dcipher = Cipher.getInstance(“DES”); ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
  • 5. A Data Hiding Techniques based on Length of English Text using DES and Attacks 27 V. RESULT Figure 2: Original Document Figure 3: Encrypted Document
  • 6. 28 Sanjay Jadhav, Viddhulata Mohite Figure 4: Screenshots – Hide Data Figure 5: Screenshots – Extract Data Encryption Key: keykeykey VII. REFERENCES Embedded Key: [1] Stefan Katzenbeisser,Fabien A P Petitcolas. 02010321200210113030212320112232231333311110 “Information hiding techniques for stegnography and 01101002300333212001010031301120031030120131 digital watermarking” Artech House Publishers, 2000. 23220233313032030331323001220122011002220200 [2] Peticolas F.A.P, Anderson R.J.Kuhn M.G.information 23212 Hiding –Asurvey,Proceedings of the IEEE, 1999, 87(7), PP:1062-107. Result message: - This is secret message [3] Cachin,C, “An information Theoretic model for stegnography”, in proceeding of the second international VI. CONCLUSION workshop on information hiding,vol.1525 of lecture notes in computer science, Springer, 1998, pp.306-308. In general, the security and the capacity of the [4] Jeremiah J. Haarmsen, William A.Pearlman information hidden system conflict with each other, in “Steganalysis of additive noise modelable information order to solve the problem, we design and hiding” Electrical Computer and systems Engineering implemented a hidden system based on the length of Department,Rensselar Polytechnic Institute, Troy,NY. English text document and secret message encryption. [5] Neil F.Jhonson and Sushil Jajodia “Steganalysis: The Combine randomness of the English words, DES, with investigation of hidden information” The 1998 IEEE the ideological of blocks, which insure the security, Information Technology Conference. September 1st- and the capacity are greatly improved at the same time. 3rd,1998. The proposed system used for information hiding gives [6] Jonathan Watkins “Steganography-Message Hidden in several advantages form a technical viewpoint: Bits” Multimedia Systems Coursework, Department of flexibility and portability is very well, but robustness Electronics and computer Science, University of and operational efficiency of the system are Southampton. 15th December 2001. deficiency, which need to improve and perfect.
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