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Secure Model for Virtualization Layer in Cloud
Sina Manavi*, Sadra Mohammadalian, Nur Izura Udzir, Azizol Abdullah
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,,,
Abstract- cloud security is one of the buzz words in cloud
computing. Since virtualization is the fundamental of the
cloud computing, needs to study it more deeply to avoid
attacks and system failure. In this research is focused on
virtualization vulnerabilities. In addition it is attempted
to propose a model to secure and proper mechanism to
react reasonable against the detected attack by intrusion
detection system. With the secured model (SVM), virtual
machines will be resist more efficiency against the
attacks in cloud computing.
Keywords: Cloud computing, security, Virtual Machine, secure
virtualication, Virtual Machine Monitor
Cloud computing has been deployed in a variety
of data storages and data centers, network
communications, data managements. Still there is no
universal standard definition of cloud computing.
Researchers introduce and define cloud computing
in different aspects and terms. The US National
Institute of Standards and Technology [1] defined
cloud computing as a model for enabling access to a
pool of resources such as servers, networks,
applications, and services with low cost and
minimal management. They characterized cloud
model on five characteristics and four deployment
models. The characteristics consist of on-demand
self-service, broad network access, resource pooling,
rapid elasticity, and measured pay-as-you-go
services [2]. Meanwhile the deployment models are
highlighted with private cloud, community cloud,
public cloud, and hybrid cloud [1], [3], [4]. Cloud
computing [5] can be defined from different
perspectives. From the perspective of a provider, the
major cloud components are data centers and data
storages for processing and computing. Meanwhile,
from another prospective cloud can be divided into
two parts, private cloud and public cloud [6], and the
combination of the these two parts are hybrid cloud
[7]. They signified the integration of hardware and
software with application as the main characteristics
of cloud.
Service models are classified as the following [2],
[8], [9]: Service as a Software (SaaS), i.e. the
applications which are running locally on the user's
hosts; Platform as a Service (PaaS), i.e. providing
the software platform where system runs on;
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), as it manages
large sets of computing resources; and Desktop as a
Service and Data as a Service, have the same
acronym (DaaS) and different usage.
Even though cloud computing has numerous
benefits, since it is still a new technology there are
vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. Cloud
consumers and providers are investigating on cloud,
providing secure communication and services are
necessary. Attacks on web-applications (e.g. SQL
injection, Cross-Site Scripting, DDOS) and
networks shown by the reports, demonstrate that
these common attacks have been appeared in cloud
computing as well. Usually cloud computing are
suffering from following vulnerabilities:
accessibility, virtualization, web application, privacy
control issue, confidentiality, and integrity, whether
they are insider attack or outside ones, and there is
no exception for cloud computing [8], [10],[11] [12].
There are several models and tools to enhance
security and prevent attacks on applications, data
storages, data centers and any hardware or software
resources. Firewalls and Antiviruses have been
commonly used to protect the servers and clients
from attackers and any unauthorized accesses. But
unfortunately using these two approaches are
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
inadequate and it gives rise to the demand for
another tool and thus encouraged experts to develop
an application which is called an intrusion detection
system (IDS).
Intrusion detection systems have been used to
detect intruders and attacks. It is classified in
categories [13], Host-based Intrusion Detection
System (HIDS), Network Intrusion Detection
System (NIDS), Distributed Intrusion Detection
System (DIDS) which is widely used in distributed
systems [14], and Hybrid Intrusion Detection
System which can be combinations of any of them.
NIDS monitors the network traffic and evaluates the
input data but one of the negative points of NIDS is
poor visibility of the internal network. HIDS
investigates and monitors the internal computers
behind the firewall unlike NIDS which checks the
external data. On the contrary, attacks (e.g. file
system changes, system calls and application log) in
the host system can be detected by the HIDS.
Additionally, another disadvantages of HIDS is that
it can be compromised by malwares, and
consequently disabling the HIDS from detecting the
malicious behaviors [13], [15].
Intrusion detection system has been divided into
two techniques [16]: anomaly detection and misuse
detection. Misuse detection uses a signature-base
which consists of known attacks signatures or
patterns to evaluate and match each similarity of the
behaviors with the recorded signatures. Meanwhile,
it is obvious that zero-day attack signatures or
patterns are not included in the knowledge base, and
therefore, the signature base needs to be update
frequently. To address this weakness, anomaly
detection has been proposed to detect unknown
attacks using learning techniques. One of the
drawbacks of anomaly detection technique is the
more significant false positive rate as compared to
misuse detection.
Intrusion detection system becomes vital in
providing detection of intruders and attacks. Since
cloud is widely accessible from all over the network
for internal users and external ones, it is urgent to
use intrusion detection system to detect possible
attacks and contributed to the protection mechanism
of the cloud.
The rest part of the paper is organized as follows:
Section II explains the definition of the intrusion
detection system and the importance of it in cloud
environment. Section III, presents the related work
of virtualization. Section IV, is a demonstration of
virtualization vulnerabilities, finally the last section
is the proposed model is a new mechanism to react
properly through IDS alarm
In this section we discuss several methods
proposed for preventing the cloud from attacks and
intruders, focusing on the combination of Virtual
Machines (VMs) and intrusion detection system.
Different researches have been deployed on
available cloud virtualization which gained new
approaches as well.
Cloud users and providers have their own set of
core security requirements, as shown in Table 1.
Requirement Definition
The main goal of security in cloud
is effectively preventsdetects,
vulnerabilities and attacks
Systems need to enhance its
accuracy in terms of detection
attacks with minimum false-
positive and false-negative rates
The security model must have
minimum visibility from cloud
service provider, developers, and
service users and attackers sight
The cloud host and physical layer
in addition to VMs must be
protected against compromised
service users with infeasibility to
suspending the alarm system
Deployability The system must be possible to be
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
implemented over various available
cloud architectures
System must be able to employ
impressive techniques to defeat
attacks intrusion with minimal
effect on legitimate process and
Security system must not affect the
cloud’s core functionality and
applications, while it must log
cloud activities to enable
Host tools are efficient and powerful in
monitoring host systems for detecting and
preventing attacks, even though it is very difficult to
detect new attacks (e.g. polymorphism and
metamorphism). Meanwhile, it is true that network
based tools are not very good for monitoring,
detecting and preventing the host system from the
attacks, but it is working very positively in
resistance against the attacks [17].
Traditional intrusion detection system cannot
easily deal with new attacks, such as DDoS, and
coordinated attacks. The mechanism proposed in [4]
attempts to overcome the shortcomings of traditional
IDSs for distributed systems and cloud computing
environments in order to speed up the response
time, detecting, and capturing of new threats and
intrusions, thus decreasing false alarms.
Furthermore, it can compact similar alerts and detect
more anomaly behaviors in correlating alerts coming
from heterogeneous platforms.
By means of classification, training, feature
extraction, and meta-learning, a data mining
algorithm is utilized to detect and flag malicious
attacks with VMM-IDS in virtualized server
application to facilitate management and isolation of
VMs [18–20]. VMM enhances the invisibility of the
intrusion detection system and it can be used as a
shield to avoid the intrusion detection systems from
being detected and compromised, especially HIDSs.
Furthermore, not only developing the VMM-IDS is
much easier, but also HIDS and NIDS can be
combined to enjoy the advantages both of them. In
this case, it is possible to detect unknown and well-
known attacks as well. They could increase the
accuracy rate with a low percentage of false alarms
1. Virtualization
Via virtualization it is possible to split, allocate,
and resize the resources dynamically to build up the
ad-hoc systems. A Virtual Machine (VM) is
software which runs operating systems and
applications as a physical hardware. The operating
system which is installed on a VM is called guest
OS. Each VM may be able to accommodate multiple
operating systems. As it is necessary to manage
layers, creating and controlling the virtual machines,
this need is addressed by Virtual Machine Monitor
(VMM). Hypervisor is one of the techniques which
make possible to have multiple operating systems
Several models and frameworks have been
developed with the aim to secure the cloud using
intrusion detection system and virtualization. Even
though intrusion detection systems, virtual
machines, virtual machine monitors and hypervisors
are being used widely in cloud environment, but
there are shortcomings which need to be addressed.
One of the limitations of hypervisors is that if an
attacker gains control of the hypervisor or if it
crashes, then virtual machines are accessible via
the attacker [21]. Using the MapReduced algorithm
of Hadoop to enhance the calculation speed of
intrusion detection system log files and improve the
reliability of the system [22] was another proposal
for increasing the performances of the intrusion
detection system via the Inter-VM. The attack flow
which is generated by the malicious activity is
identified and isolated by Virtual machine Intrusion
deteCTOR (VICTOR). It is integrated into all
existing VMMs to monitor the generated packets
by VMs that pass through it, to detect intrusions at
the first side (i.e. a distant source) or the end side
(the destination VM) [17]. Luo et al. [23] propose
the combination of the two virtual system security
and virtual security management mechanism as
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
components to cope with current existing
vulnerabilities, and a better management and
virtualization security. In order to provide new
security solution to enhance the protection and
monitoring of the hosts in IaaS, the proposed model
for this manner provides transparent and real time
monitoring for several VMs at the same time in
cloud environments [24].
2. Virtulization Vulnerabilities
As long as resources are shared at network level,
host level, and application level, on the other side,
data centers or processing data might be overseas or
even in other country. In this circumstance it is
necessary to consider the three items for security
terms which are Confidentiality, Integrity, and
Availability (CIA). While the technology come up
with new phenomena, CIA are one of the most issue
must be consider by cloud provider and
Number of methodologies[25], [26] for enhancing
user authentication and preventing from
unauthorized access offered, but still there are
exploits in application vulnerability[27]. Security
breaches has been classified[28] by basic security,
network level security and application level
security. Now days most of the websites are
secured at network level but still the vulnerabilities
at the application level can be observed. Threats
such as XSS, SQL injection, DDOS attack, are
resulting from unauthorized access to the
applications. Therefore it is necessary to secure the
applications and have a suitable implementation for
platform level (PaaS) and software level (SaaS). It
is vitally needed to secure the infrastructures. since
governments and companies intending to migrate to
cloud computing, security policies and role of
Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been discussed
in order to enhancing the security level in IaaS
model [29]. Chirag Modi [30] discussed
variety of techniques for intrusion detection and
prevention for cloud environment to make a secure
environment and higher trustworthy in cloud
platform to deliver a better service to the
It is known that virtualization playing the
significant role in cloud computing. The
fundamental of virtualization starts with
hypervisors. Hypervisor or Virtual Machine
Manager (VMM) allows having multiple Operating
System (OS) running on the one physical system,
providing resources for each OS without interfering
with each other. With virtualization not only
flexibility, scalability, security, utilizing resources
will be improved in manageability, cost effective
cloud computing with virtualization technology
takes less power since more than one virtual
machines can be run on a single physical
It has been a challenge for preventing the
hypervisors from being compromised. By running a
malicious code on the guest system it is possible to
get full access on the hypervisor, therefore hacker
may gain access to the guest operating system or
even can access to data passing through the
hypervisors[23]. Other well-known attack which is
common on hypervisor can be named as
BLUEPILL[32] , SubVir[33] , DKSM[34]. Isolation
is another major key in assurance
that one instance of VM cannot affect the other
running VMs in one host. But if the implementation
is weak, it can bring vulnerabilities as well. while
the isolation is applying between the VMs,
resources are using the shared resources.VM
escape[23] is an exploit that compromise the
isolation between VMs and Host whereby the
malicious code in a VM can completely bypass the
virtual machine monitor layer and gain full access
to the host machine. Once attacker has the full
access of host machine, controlling the root of
virtual network is gained that VM and host can be
compromised, which can believe that both the guest
and the host are gone. As long as host can control
the VM in any circumstance such as starting,
shutting down, pausing the VM, with proper rights ,
it can monitor application running on the VMs as
well, furthermore, host can view, copy and even
modifying the data stored in the allocated virtual
disk of the VM. This all this important roles of the
host, shows that securing the host is highly
important and needs to find a solution to increase
the protection of the host and hypervisor avoiding to
be attacked.
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
If the hacker can get control, he can do the IP
spoofing by sending the packets and receiving as
trusted party without knowledge of the user,
although this weakness can be cover by IPsec and
encryption techniques. Sniffing and spoofing are
one the vulnerabilities in virtual networks[35]. For
instance in Xen hypervisor, there are two mode
offered to users, bridge mode and route mode.
Bridge applied as a virtual hub in the bridge mode;
in this mode one VM can sniff the virtual network
by sniffing tools such as Wireshark. On the other
side, by choosing the route mode, route will be a
virtual switch which uses a dedicated virtual
interface to make connection between each virtual
machine. By Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
spoofing, packets can be redirecting and available
for sniffing the packets which are passing through
the VMs.
Studying the cloud computing security issues,
virtualization vulnerabilities are significant problem
that needs to be addressed. Attacks on hypervisors
and virtualization isolation needs to study more and
find proper solution.
3. Secure Model for Virtualization layer in
cloud Infrastructure
According to the previous section cloud computing
and virtualization vulnerabilities have been studied.
The Secure model for Virtualization Layer (SVL)
protects cloud environment from threats and
attacks. In this research it is attempted to find a way
to improve the attack detection and prevention
mechanism to avoid system failure and increase the
virtualization security.
The Secure model for Virtualization Layer (SVL)
uses standard cloud architecture (See Figure 1),
which build IaaS on Virtual Machines (VMs) and
workload are usually integrated from the guest OS
and the user processes. In order to secure these VMs
and their transactions with other VMs, Virtual
Machine Monitor (VMM) is introduced as an
abstract module above virtualization which provides
techniques and methods for securing VMs. Methods
usually are based on IDS/IPS in combination with
Service-Level Agreement (SLA) and Access Control
List (ACL). In our general cloud security model
(SVL) all seven requirements in Table 1 are met in
all level from Host OS up to the guest OS. The main
concept is to build a hierarchical isolate-defeat
mechanism, to protect the whole virtualization
against malicious activities, detecting without
preventing legitimate operations from continuing
their activities.
To reach this, it is required to have a
comprehensive control over virtualization. System
resources will be wasted if Host OS methods are
applied to control all virtualization in terms of
security. Instead of implementing normal model for
cloud, we propose a new foundation layer for
virtualization, which is called Virtualization
Basement (V-Basement). This layer divides
virtualization into two separate well-monitored
Virtualization takes place inside V-Basement,
instead of having a solid virtualization. Hence
virtualization could be classified based on services
required by end guest machine (VM), regardless of
who is going to use this machine as service user
(SU). This will increase the feasibility of applying
security procedures. It is necessary to specify IDS
for each data flow source based on its application
(e.g. Web Server, Data Storage, etc.). This
specification allows for lightweight IDSs, instead of
huge resource-consuming IDS.
3.1 Primary Virtual Mechanism:
A new module is introduced as Primary Virtual
Mechanism (PVM). Each PVM contains only
specific group of services and applications at the end
VMs. Also Inter-PVM Monitor module is added to
enable secure communication between PVMs. The
idea behind using these modules is providing a
semi-VMM service between classified Primary
Virtual Machines and a secure channel among
PVMs and Host OS. There are four components
inside each PVM (see Figure 2).
V-Basement Communicator provides routines
and interfaces for PVM to communicate with Host
OS. The next module, i.e. the VM-Shadow allows
legitimate processes to continue when malicious
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
activity is detected in a specific End-VM or a group
of End-VMs inside a VMM. The mechanism works
because all VMs in a specific PVM are similar from
the views of applications and implementation. When
a new VM is created for SU, VM-shadow starts to
take snapshots from the VM (scheduled based on
service type and criticality). Therefore, the VM-
Shadow has all required information to regenerate a
shadow copy to the closest possible state of a
selected VM on-demand.
Figure 1. Hirachichal Secure Virtual Model for
cloud Security
Figure 2. Primary VM-Master
When the VMM-Master detects an anomaly
behavior in any VM or VMM group based on the
IDS alarm, firstly the suspicious VM will be
regenerated by the VM-Shadow and Duplicate
processor with the abnormal processes. The
shadowed VM gives services to the abnormal or
suspicious process to see what does the process is
going to do exactly. Furthermore the process in the
shadowed VM will be study to examine, is it really
abnormal or not. By this means it is possible to
decrease the false negative and positive negative of
IDS weakness. Meanwhile, the normal processes
remains in the main VM and will be responded by
the server. The shadowed VM is highly isolated and
request responding are not real. In this state, the
process behavior is studying by the behavior
3.2 Virtual Machine Monitor-Master:
The VMM-Master coordinates all VMMs inside
the primary VM. This will give another level of
abstraction which equips the system with the ability
to create a restriction zone for a specific group of
VMs without interfering with other VMs by
restricting a selected VMM using the firewall
module (see Figure 3).
There is an Inter-VM Monitor with the same
abilities of VMM but in one outer layer to enable the
features described above. It also has a stream buffer,
to help its internal IDS to have access to larger
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN:2305-0012)
amount of data flow without directly accessing the
host OS memory and an Access Control Level
(ACL) to control authorized policies.
Figure 3. Virtual Machine Monitor-Master
3.3 Virtualization Basement (V-Basement):
V-Basement provides abstracted virtualization by
dividing virtualization method hierarchically into
primary VMs and the following modules. Inter-
PVM Monitor performs VMM roles between PVMs,
providing secure communication channels between
all the above layers and the actual physical layer
(hardware) through Host OS. In this module there is
a direct access to the network layer where it is
recommended to add a network layer IDS as well
(see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Vrtualization Basement
In normal virtualization, since the virtualization
operations interact directly with VMM on the Host
OS, controlling the hierarchical of the VMMs are
limited. SVL model provides proper structure to
increase the security to the highest possibility for
virtualization. In other words, because the allocated
resources to the virtualization are self-virtualized,
and the possibility of accessing them by
unauthorized user is minimized. Furthermore, DDoS
attack from internal cloud is restricted, and all the
traffics between the VMs are controllable such as
controlling traffics in physical layer. Cloud
providers have significant controls in IaaS as well.
Using suitable reaction mechanism at attack time, it
avoids the possibility of attacks and thus thwarts the
distribution of the intrusions. Meanwhile based on
the pointed reaction, since all normal processes are
duplicated and shadowed using the Duplicate
Processor and VM-Shadow, they will not terminate.
Even though SVL model has high complexity
especially in implementation, it has the ability to
cope against the data leakage, DDoS attack, as well
as unauthorized user access.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no similar
model implemented; it is assumed that SVL model
can address the abovementioned problems.
SVL model is introduced to address cloud
security drawbacks caused by classic virtualization
methods; SVL model proposes a novel hierarchical
mechanism which significantly improves vendor
control in IaaS. In addition, it provides a practical
solution by reacting to intrusions with an isolate-
conquer approach. We believe that SVL model,
which combines virtualization and intrusion
detection system, can increase the detection rate and
provide protection against attacks targeting
virtualization, and consequently will result in
reliable cloud security. Although SVL model is
expected to be expensive in terms of implementation
cost and performance, we believe that it is worth the
higher security it provides. SVL model is proposed
based on some assumptions and our best knowledge.
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
As this is an ongoing work, the proposed model and
framework will be implemented in order to compare
and evaluate it with the traditional manner.
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International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)

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  • 1. 32 Secure Model for Virtualization Layer in Cloud Infrastructure Sina Manavi*, Sadra Mohammadalian, Nur Izura Udzir, Azizol Abdullah Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,,, Abstract- cloud security is one of the buzz words in cloud computing. Since virtualization is the fundamental of the cloud computing, needs to study it more deeply to avoid attacks and system failure. In this research is focused on virtualization vulnerabilities. In addition it is attempted to propose a model to secure and proper mechanism to react reasonable against the detected attack by intrusion detection system. With the secured model (SVM), virtual machines will be resist more efficiency against the attacks in cloud computing. Keywords: Cloud computing, security, Virtual Machine, secure virtualication, Virtual Machine Monitor INTRODUCTION Cloud computing has been deployed in a variety of data storages and data centers, network communications, data managements. Still there is no universal standard definition of cloud computing. Researchers introduce and define cloud computing in different aspects and terms. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology [1] defined cloud computing as a model for enabling access to a pool of resources such as servers, networks, applications, and services with low cost and minimal management. They characterized cloud model on five characteristics and four deployment models. The characteristics consist of on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured pay-as-you-go services [2]. Meanwhile the deployment models are highlighted with private cloud, community cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud [1], [3], [4]. Cloud computing [5] can be defined from different perspectives. From the perspective of a provider, the major cloud components are data centers and data storages for processing and computing. Meanwhile, from another prospective cloud can be divided into two parts, private cloud and public cloud [6], and the combination of the these two parts are hybrid cloud [7]. They signified the integration of hardware and software with application as the main characteristics of cloud. Service models are classified as the following [2], [8], [9]: Service as a Software (SaaS), i.e. the applications which are running locally on the user's hosts; Platform as a Service (PaaS), i.e. providing the software platform where system runs on; Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), as it manages large sets of computing resources; and Desktop as a Service and Data as a Service, have the same acronym (DaaS) and different usage. Even though cloud computing has numerous benefits, since it is still a new technology there are vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. Cloud consumers and providers are investigating on cloud, providing secure communication and services are necessary. Attacks on web-applications (e.g. SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting, DDOS) and networks shown by the reports, demonstrate that these common attacks have been appeared in cloud computing as well. Usually cloud computing are suffering from following vulnerabilities: accessibility, virtualization, web application, privacy control issue, confidentiality, and integrity, whether they are insider attack or outside ones, and there is no exception for cloud computing [8], [10],[11] [12]. There are several models and tools to enhance security and prevent attacks on applications, data storages, data centers and any hardware or software resources. Firewalls and Antiviruses have been commonly used to protect the servers and clients from attackers and any unauthorized accesses. But unfortunately using these two approaches are International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
  • 2. 33 inadequate and it gives rise to the demand for another tool and thus encouraged experts to develop an application which is called an intrusion detection system (IDS). Intrusion detection systems have been used to detect intruders and attacks. It is classified in categories [13], Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS), Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), Distributed Intrusion Detection System (DIDS) which is widely used in distributed systems [14], and Hybrid Intrusion Detection System which can be combinations of any of them. NIDS monitors the network traffic and evaluates the input data but one of the negative points of NIDS is poor visibility of the internal network. HIDS investigates and monitors the internal computers behind the firewall unlike NIDS which checks the external data. On the contrary, attacks (e.g. file system changes, system calls and application log) in the host system can be detected by the HIDS. Additionally, another disadvantages of HIDS is that it can be compromised by malwares, and consequently disabling the HIDS from detecting the malicious behaviors [13], [15]. Intrusion detection system has been divided into two techniques [16]: anomaly detection and misuse detection. Misuse detection uses a signature-base which consists of known attacks signatures or patterns to evaluate and match each similarity of the behaviors with the recorded signatures. Meanwhile, it is obvious that zero-day attack signatures or patterns are not included in the knowledge base, and therefore, the signature base needs to be update frequently. To address this weakness, anomaly detection has been proposed to detect unknown attacks using learning techniques. One of the drawbacks of anomaly detection technique is the more significant false positive rate as compared to misuse detection. Intrusion detection system becomes vital in providing detection of intruders and attacks. Since cloud is widely accessible from all over the network for internal users and external ones, it is urgent to use intrusion detection system to detect possible attacks and contributed to the protection mechanism of the cloud. The rest part of the paper is organized as follows: Section II explains the definition of the intrusion detection system and the importance of it in cloud environment. Section III, presents the related work of virtualization. Section IV, is a demonstration of virtualization vulnerabilities, finally the last section is the proposed model is a new mechanism to react properly through IDS alarm 1. INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM IN CLOUD In this section we discuss several methods proposed for preventing the cloud from attacks and intruders, focusing on the combination of Virtual Machines (VMs) and intrusion detection system. Different researches have been deployed on available cloud virtualization which gained new approaches as well. Cloud users and providers have their own set of core security requirements, as shown in Table 1. TABLE 1. REQUIREMENTS FOR CLOUD SECURITY MONITORING Requirement Definition Effectiveness The main goal of security in cloud is effectively preventsdetects, vulnerabilities and attacks Precision Systems need to enhance its accuracy in terms of detection attacks with minimum false- positive and false-negative rates Transparency The security model must have minimum visibility from cloud service provider, developers, and service users and attackers sight Non-Subvert- ability The cloud host and physical layer in addition to VMs must be protected against compromised service users with infeasibility to suspending the alarm system Deployability The system must be possible to be International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
  • 3. 34 implemented over various available cloud architectures Dynamic reaction System must be able to employ impressive techniques to defeat attacks intrusion with minimal effect on legitimate process and functionalities Accountability Security system must not affect the cloud’s core functionality and applications, while it must log cloud activities to enable accountability Host tools are efficient and powerful in monitoring host systems for detecting and preventing attacks, even though it is very difficult to detect new attacks (e.g. polymorphism and metamorphism). Meanwhile, it is true that network based tools are not very good for monitoring, detecting and preventing the host system from the attacks, but it is working very positively in resistance against the attacks [17]. Traditional intrusion detection system cannot easily deal with new attacks, such as DDoS, and coordinated attacks. The mechanism proposed in [4] attempts to overcome the shortcomings of traditional IDSs for distributed systems and cloud computing environments in order to speed up the response time, detecting, and capturing of new threats and intrusions, thus decreasing false alarms. Furthermore, it can compact similar alerts and detect more anomaly behaviors in correlating alerts coming from heterogeneous platforms. By means of classification, training, feature extraction, and meta-learning, a data mining algorithm is utilized to detect and flag malicious attacks with VMM-IDS in virtualized server application to facilitate management and isolation of VMs [18–20]. VMM enhances the invisibility of the intrusion detection system and it can be used as a shield to avoid the intrusion detection systems from being detected and compromised, especially HIDSs. Furthermore, not only developing the VMM-IDS is much easier, but also HIDS and NIDS can be combined to enjoy the advantages both of them. In this case, it is possible to detect unknown and well- known attacks as well. They could increase the accuracy rate with a low percentage of false alarms [15]. 1. Virtualization Via virtualization it is possible to split, allocate, and resize the resources dynamically to build up the ad-hoc systems. A Virtual Machine (VM) is software which runs operating systems and applications as a physical hardware. The operating system which is installed on a VM is called guest OS. Each VM may be able to accommodate multiple operating systems. As it is necessary to manage layers, creating and controlling the virtual machines, this need is addressed by Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). Hypervisor is one of the techniques which make possible to have multiple operating systems ability. Several models and frameworks have been developed with the aim to secure the cloud using intrusion detection system and virtualization. Even though intrusion detection systems, virtual machines, virtual machine monitors and hypervisors are being used widely in cloud environment, but there are shortcomings which need to be addressed. One of the limitations of hypervisors is that if an attacker gains control of the hypervisor or if it crashes, then virtual machines are accessible via the attacker [21]. Using the MapReduced algorithm of Hadoop to enhance the calculation speed of intrusion detection system log files and improve the reliability of the system [22] was another proposal for increasing the performances of the intrusion detection system via the Inter-VM. The attack flow which is generated by the malicious activity is identified and isolated by Virtual machine Intrusion deteCTOR (VICTOR). It is integrated into all existing VMMs to monitor the generated packets by VMs that pass through it, to detect intrusions at the first side (i.e. a distant source) or the end side (the destination VM) [17]. Luo et al. [23] propose the combination of the two virtual system security and virtual security management mechanism as International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
  • 4. 35 components to cope with current existing vulnerabilities, and a better management and virtualization security. In order to provide new security solution to enhance the protection and monitoring of the hosts in IaaS, the proposed model for this manner provides transparent and real time monitoring for several VMs at the same time in cloud environments [24]. 2. Virtulization Vulnerabilities As long as resources are shared at network level, host level, and application level, on the other side, data centers or processing data might be overseas or even in other country. In this circumstance it is necessary to consider the three items for security terms which are Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). While the technology come up with new phenomena, CIA are one of the most issue must be consider by cloud provider and consumers[3]. Number of methodologies[25], [26] for enhancing user authentication and preventing from unauthorized access offered, but still there are exploits in application vulnerability[27]. Security breaches has been classified[28] by basic security, network level security and application level security. Now days most of the websites are secured at network level but still the vulnerabilities at the application level can be observed. Threats such as XSS, SQL injection, DDOS attack, are resulting from unauthorized access to the applications. Therefore it is necessary to secure the applications and have a suitable implementation for platform level (PaaS) and software level (SaaS). It is vitally needed to secure the infrastructures. since governments and companies intending to migrate to cloud computing, security policies and role of Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been discussed in order to enhancing the security level in IaaS model [29]. Chirag Modi [30] discussed variety of techniques for intrusion detection and prevention for cloud environment to make a secure environment and higher trustworthy in cloud platform to deliver a better service to the customers. It is known that virtualization playing the significant role in cloud computing. The fundamental of virtualization starts with hypervisors. Hypervisor or Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) allows having multiple Operating System (OS) running on the one physical system, providing resources for each OS without interfering with each other. With virtualization not only flexibility, scalability, security, utilizing resources will be improved in manageability, cost effective cloud computing with virtualization technology takes less power since more than one virtual machines can be run on a single physical machine[31]. It has been a challenge for preventing the hypervisors from being compromised. By running a malicious code on the guest system it is possible to get full access on the hypervisor, therefore hacker may gain access to the guest operating system or even can access to data passing through the hypervisors[23]. Other well-known attack which is common on hypervisor can be named as BLUEPILL[32] , SubVir[33] , DKSM[34]. Isolation is another major key in assurance that one instance of VM cannot affect the other running VMs in one host. But if the implementation is weak, it can bring vulnerabilities as well. while the isolation is applying between the VMs, resources are using the shared resources.VM escape[23] is an exploit that compromise the isolation between VMs and Host whereby the malicious code in a VM can completely bypass the virtual machine monitor layer and gain full access to the host machine. Once attacker has the full access of host machine, controlling the root of virtual network is gained that VM and host can be compromised, which can believe that both the guest and the host are gone. As long as host can control the VM in any circumstance such as starting, shutting down, pausing the VM, with proper rights , it can monitor application running on the VMs as well, furthermore, host can view, copy and even modifying the data stored in the allocated virtual disk of the VM. This all this important roles of the host, shows that securing the host is highly important and needs to find a solution to increase the protection of the host and hypervisor avoiding to be attacked. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
  • 5. 36 If the hacker can get control, he can do the IP spoofing by sending the packets and receiving as trusted party without knowledge of the user, although this weakness can be cover by IPsec and encryption techniques. Sniffing and spoofing are one the vulnerabilities in virtual networks[35]. For instance in Xen hypervisor, there are two mode offered to users, bridge mode and route mode. Bridge applied as a virtual hub in the bridge mode; in this mode one VM can sniff the virtual network by sniffing tools such as Wireshark. On the other side, by choosing the route mode, route will be a virtual switch which uses a dedicated virtual interface to make connection between each virtual machine. By Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing, packets can be redirecting and available for sniffing the packets which are passing through the VMs. Studying the cloud computing security issues, virtualization vulnerabilities are significant problem that needs to be addressed. Attacks on hypervisors and virtualization isolation needs to study more and find proper solution. 3. Secure Model for Virtualization layer in cloud Infrastructure According to the previous section cloud computing and virtualization vulnerabilities have been studied. The Secure model for Virtualization Layer (SVL) protects cloud environment from threats and attacks. In this research it is attempted to find a way to improve the attack detection and prevention mechanism to avoid system failure and increase the virtualization security. The Secure model for Virtualization Layer (SVL) uses standard cloud architecture (See Figure 1), which build IaaS on Virtual Machines (VMs) and workload are usually integrated from the guest OS and the user processes. In order to secure these VMs and their transactions with other VMs, Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is introduced as an abstract module above virtualization which provides techniques and methods for securing VMs. Methods usually are based on IDS/IPS in combination with Service-Level Agreement (SLA) and Access Control List (ACL). In our general cloud security model (SVL) all seven requirements in Table 1 are met in all level from Host OS up to the guest OS. The main concept is to build a hierarchical isolate-defeat mechanism, to protect the whole virtualization against malicious activities, detecting without preventing legitimate operations from continuing their activities. To reach this, it is required to have a comprehensive control over virtualization. System resources will be wasted if Host OS methods are applied to control all virtualization in terms of security. Instead of implementing normal model for cloud, we propose a new foundation layer for virtualization, which is called Virtualization Basement (V-Basement). This layer divides virtualization into two separate well-monitored components. Virtualization takes place inside V-Basement, instead of having a solid virtualization. Hence virtualization could be classified based on services required by end guest machine (VM), regardless of who is going to use this machine as service user (SU). This will increase the feasibility of applying security procedures. It is necessary to specify IDS for each data flow source based on its application (e.g. Web Server, Data Storage, etc.). This specification allows for lightweight IDSs, instead of huge resource-consuming IDS. 3.1 Primary Virtual Mechanism: A new module is introduced as Primary Virtual Mechanism (PVM). Each PVM contains only specific group of services and applications at the end VMs. Also Inter-PVM Monitor module is added to enable secure communication between PVMs. The idea behind using these modules is providing a semi-VMM service between classified Primary Virtual Machines and a secure channel among PVMs and Host OS. There are four components inside each PVM (see Figure 2). V-Basement Communicator provides routines and interfaces for PVM to communicate with Host OS. The next module, i.e. the VM-Shadow allows legitimate processes to continue when malicious International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
  • 6. 37 activity is detected in a specific End-VM or a group of End-VMs inside a VMM. The mechanism works because all VMs in a specific PVM are similar from the views of applications and implementation. When a new VM is created for SU, VM-shadow starts to take snapshots from the VM (scheduled based on service type and criticality). Therefore, the VM- Shadow has all required information to regenerate a shadow copy to the closest possible state of a selected VM on-demand. Figure 1. Hirachichal Secure Virtual Model for cloud Security Figure 2. Primary VM-Master When the VMM-Master detects an anomaly behavior in any VM or VMM group based on the IDS alarm, firstly the suspicious VM will be regenerated by the VM-Shadow and Duplicate processor with the abnormal processes. The shadowed VM gives services to the abnormal or suspicious process to see what does the process is going to do exactly. Furthermore the process in the shadowed VM will be study to examine, is it really abnormal or not. By this means it is possible to decrease the false negative and positive negative of IDS weakness. Meanwhile, the normal processes remains in the main VM and will be responded by the server. The shadowed VM is highly isolated and request responding are not real. In this state, the process behavior is studying by the behavior investigator. 3.2 Virtual Machine Monitor-Master: The VMM-Master coordinates all VMMs inside the primary VM. This will give another level of abstraction which equips the system with the ability to create a restriction zone for a specific group of VMs without interfering with other VMs by restricting a selected VMM using the firewall module (see Figure 3). There is an Inter-VM Monitor with the same abilities of VMM but in one outer layer to enable the features described above. It also has a stream buffer, to help its internal IDS to have access to larger International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN:2305-0012)
  • 7. 38 amount of data flow without directly accessing the host OS memory and an Access Control Level (ACL) to control authorized policies. Figure 3. Virtual Machine Monitor-Master 3.3 Virtualization Basement (V-Basement): V-Basement provides abstracted virtualization by dividing virtualization method hierarchically into primary VMs and the following modules. Inter- PVM Monitor performs VMM roles between PVMs, providing secure communication channels between all the above layers and the actual physical layer (hardware) through Host OS. In this module there is a direct access to the network layer where it is recommended to add a network layer IDS as well (see Figure 4). Figure 4. Vrtualization Basement I. DISCUSSION In normal virtualization, since the virtualization operations interact directly with VMM on the Host OS, controlling the hierarchical of the VMMs are limited. SVL model provides proper structure to increase the security to the highest possibility for virtualization. In other words, because the allocated resources to the virtualization are self-virtualized, and the possibility of accessing them by unauthorized user is minimized. Furthermore, DDoS attack from internal cloud is restricted, and all the traffics between the VMs are controllable such as controlling traffics in physical layer. Cloud providers have significant controls in IaaS as well. Using suitable reaction mechanism at attack time, it avoids the possibility of attacks and thus thwarts the distribution of the intrusions. Meanwhile based on the pointed reaction, since all normal processes are duplicated and shadowed using the Duplicate Processor and VM-Shadow, they will not terminate. Even though SVL model has high complexity especially in implementation, it has the ability to cope against the data leakage, DDoS attack, as well as unauthorized user access. To the best of our knowledge, there is no similar model implemented; it is assumed that SVL model can address the abovementioned problems. 4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK SVL model is introduced to address cloud security drawbacks caused by classic virtualization methods; SVL model proposes a novel hierarchical mechanism which significantly improves vendor control in IaaS. In addition, it provides a practical solution by reacting to intrusions with an isolate- conquer approach. We believe that SVL model, which combines virtualization and intrusion detection system, can increase the detection rate and provide protection against attacks targeting virtualization, and consequently will result in reliable cloud security. Although SVL model is expected to be expensive in terms of implementation cost and performance, we believe that it is worth the higher security it provides. SVL model is proposed based on some assumptions and our best knowledge. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(1): 32-40 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
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