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Using JHipster for generating
Angular/Spring Boot apps
Yakov Fain
Farata Systems

yfainAugust 29, 2017
About myself
• Angular practice lead at Farata Systems
• Java Champion
• Latest book:

“Angular 2 Development with TypeScript”
• Part 1 

- Start a Spring Boot app that serves products

- Demo an Web client generated with Angular CLI

- Running the app in dev and prod modes
• Part 2 

- Generate an Angular/Spring Boot app with JHipster

- Review of dev mode

- Monolithic vs Microservices

- Generating entities 

- Internationalization
Good frameworks make
you write less code

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An Intro to Angular 2
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An Intro to Angular 2

Development on the Salesforce platform continues to be much more JavaScript centric. One of the most popular JavaScript frameworks in use, AngularJS, has undergone major changes in the upcoming Angular 2 release.

Why I am hooked on the future of React
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The React team rewrote the book on developing components. Before we had a choice between classes and functional components. Yet many components needed to be classes. A functional component was often too limited. Now, using hooks, we can extend functional components to be as powerful as we want. Suspense and asynchronous rendering is in the future of React. It will make large applications much more responsive and easier to deal with. Getting started with suspense and asynchronous rendering isn't hard as you will discover. Come to this session to learn what React hooks are and how to get started using hooks. But be warned, once seen React hooks can’t be unseen and your React components will never be the same again.

What’s Spring Boot?
An opinionated runtime for Spring projects
Our Spring Boot Controller


public class ProductController {

Product products[] = new Product[3];


products[0] = new Product(0,"First product", 59.99);

products[1] = new Product(1,"Second product", 12.50);

products[2] = new Product(2,"Third product", 14.40);



method = RequestMethod.GET,


public Product[] getProducts(){

return products;


• Start a Spring Boot App from the server dir
What’s Angular?
An opinionated platform for developing front-
end of Web apps

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Fabio Biondi e Matteo Ronchi ci presentano AngularJS 2, analizzando la nuova sintassi per la creazione di componenti che ora assumono un ruolo fondamentale all’interno del framework. Iscriviti qui per partecipare ad altri Tech Webinar: Scrivici a Tw: @codemotionTR

Web Performance & Latest in React
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The document discusses various techniques for optimizing web performance and React applications. It covers topics like loading time, rendering time, dev tools, React tools, the latest features in React 17 and 18 like the new root API and startTransition API. It also discusses best practices for performance optimization in React like using pure components, React.memo, lazy loading, throttling events, debouncing events, and virtualization. Code snippets are provided as examples for some of these techniques.

performancewebsiteweb design and development
A Closer Look At React Native
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This document provides an overview of React Native, summarizing that it allows building mobile apps using JavaScript and React by rendering UI components to native platform elements. It discusses that React Native uses no HTML, browser or webview, instead being completely powered by JavaScript communicating directly with native platform views. It then demonstrates how to build React Native apps using common components like TouchableHighlight and ListView, inline styles, and platform APIs while also addressing debugging, testing and future considerations.

javascriptmobile appsreact
What’s Angular CLI?
An opinionated tool that generates and
bundles Angular projects
selector: 'app-root',
template: `<h1>All Products</h1>
<li *ngFor="let product of products">
export class AppComponent {
products: Array<string> = [];
theDataSource: Observable<string>;
constructor(private http: Http) {
this.theDataSource = this.http.get('/api/products')
.map(res => res.json());
this.theDataSource.subscribe( // Get the data from the Spring Boot server
data => this.products=data,
err => console.log(“Got and error. Code: %s, URL: %s ", err.status, err.url));
Our Angular Client

Configuring a proxy

for dev mode
CLI dev server
Spring Boot

with data on
Angular app
in Web browser
Angular App
• In dev mode you can continue running the dev server for the
client on port 4200 with ng serve
• But our Spring Boot server runs on port 8080
• If the client will do http.get(‘http://localhost:8080/
api/products’), it’ll get No ‘Access-Control-Allow_Origin’:

Due to the same-origin policy we can configure a proxy on the client or add the header
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * on the server
Same origin error

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ato2016all things openopen source
Node, express & sails
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An intro & wordshop to Node.js. Coving the node architecture, Npm and then HelloWorld in NodeJS then Express and finallJSy sailsJS

Angular 4
Angular 4Angular 4
Angular 4

Angular is a framework for building single-page applications. It uses TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript, and includes features like modules, components, directives, and services. Modules contain components and the root module is AppModule. Components have an HTML template and class with logic to control the template. Services provide reusable functionality like data access. Directives modify views by providing instructions within component templates. Setting up Angular involves installing Node.js, TypeScript, typings, Angular CLI, and creating a new project with ng new. The main.ts file acts as the entry point and bootstraps the app module. The tsconfig.json file provides TypeScript configuration and compiles TS to JS.


"/api": {

"target": "http://localhost:8080",

"secure": false


"scripts": {

"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy-conf.json”,


Configuring proxy for Angular client
The Spring Boot

server runs here
from package.json
Run the client with npm start.
Angular client: http.get('/api/products');
goes to 4200

and redirected
Adding an Angular project called client to display
scripts": {

"build": "ng build -prod",

"postbuild": "npm run deploy",

"predeploy": "rimraf ../server/src/main/resources/static && 

mkdirp ../server/src/main/resources/static",

"deploy": "copyfiles -f dist/** ../server/src/main/resources/
Automating deployment with
npm scripts


Boot app

Angular app

Our Angular app deployed in Spring Boot

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Introduction to Angular 2
Introduction to Angular 2Introduction to Angular 2
Introduction to Angular 2

AngularJS 1.3 is by far the best version of Angular available today. It was just released a few weeks ago. It's chock full of bug fixes, feature enhancements and performance improvements. YouTube link: -

angularjsjsknowledge sharing
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This document compares popular JavaScript automation frameworks for testing Node.js applications, including Protractor, WebdriverIO, and NightwatchJS. It provides details on each framework, such as supported features, syntax, and advantages. NightwatchJS is highlighted as a good option for end-to-end testing due to its built-in test runner, support for parallel testing, cross-browser testing, and mobile testing. While it requires callbacks, NightwatchJS has an easy syntax, inbuilt debugging, and is overall presented as a strong framework for end-to-end testing of Node.js applications.

Using React with Grails 3
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This document discusses using React with Grails 3. It begins with an overview of React, explaining key concepts like components, props, and state. It then covers different approaches to using React in Grails projects, including with the Asset Pipeline, Webpack, and the React profile for Grails which generates a project setup with React and Webpack configured. Isomorphic React, which allows server-side rendering with Nashorn, is also demonstrated. Resources for further learning about React, Grails plugins, and integrating the two frameworks are provided.

What’s Yeoman?
An opinionated tool for kickstarting new
Web projects and generating things
What’s JHipster?
• An opinionated Yeoman generator to generate, 

develop, and deploy Spring Boot + Angular projects
• Docs:
• 500K downloads, 8K stars on GitHub, 350 contributors
Why use JHipster?
• Generates a working Angular/Spring Boot in
• Automates the manual work
• Shows best practices
• Simplifies cloud deployment
JHipster can generate
• A monolithic app (Angular+Java inside the WAR)
• Microservices app (Angular inside a gateway
app and Java is a separate app)
• Entities for your CRUD app

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React JS
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React JS

React is an open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Jordan Walke at Facebook in 2011 and is now maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of developers. Major companies like Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, Khan Academy, and PayPal use React to build their interfaces. React uses a virtual DOM for faster rendering and makes components that manage their own state. It uses JSX syntax and a one-way data flow that is declarative and composable.

Efficient JavaScript Unit Testing, May 2012
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One of the biggest challenges of many web applications is the support on the different browsers with different versions. JavaScript code that runs on Safari does not necessarily mean it will work on IE or Firefox or Google chrome. This challenge is inherited from the lack of testing the JavaScript code that lives in the presentation tier from day one. Without unit testing the JavaScript code, organization will pay much money for testing, re-testing, and re-testing web applications for just deciding upgrading or supporting new browsers. This presentation shows the solution of this problem.

unit testingefficientjstestdriver
Conquering AngularJS Limitations
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The document discusses strategies for addressing common AngularJS challenges including SEO, responsive design, and integration testing. It recommends using to generate static HTML for search engines to index Single Page Apps. For responsive design, it suggests using reactive directives that emit events in response to screen size changes rather than having directives know about screen size. Finally, it outlines an approach to integration testing AngularJS directives in isolation using Karma and bootstrapping directives for testing DOM logic.

Two ways to generate an app
• Online at
• Using locally installed yeoman and jhipster-generator
In any case, you need to have installed:

- Maven or Gradle

- Node.js (

- Yarn package manager (npm i yarn -g)
Generating an app online
• Go to
• Click on Create Application and fill out the form with options
• Download and unzip the generated zip file
• The file has the info on starting in dev and prod
yarn start
Generate an app with locally installed JHipster
• Install the Yeoman generator

npm install yo -g
• Install the JHipster generator

npm install -g generator-jhipster
• Create a new folder and cd to it
• Run JHipster and answer the questions


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Angular 2
Angular 2Angular 2
Angular 2

Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. It is no longer just a framework. Angular 2 offers improvements such as faster performance, modularity, support for modern browsers, and reactive programming using RxJS. Key parts of Angular include templates, directives, data binding, components, services, modules, and dependency injection. Features like Ahead-of-Time compilation and services improve app performance and reusability. TypeScript adds benefits like static typing and class-based programming.

Angular Application Testing
Angular Application TestingAngular Application Testing
Angular Application Testing

The Angular framework is great for building large-scale web applications that can be maintained and enhanced. When you're building enterprise-level apps, testing is vital to the development process. Testing improves the quality of code and reduces maintenance, saving both time and money. Developers who know how to build and leverage tests are highly valued by their clients and companies.

unit testingjasminees6
Using Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot Apps
Using Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot AppsUsing Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot Apps
Using Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot Apps

YAKOV FAIN SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT, FARATA SYSTEMS JHipster 4 is an open-source code generator that allows you to automate creation and configuration of a Web project that uses the Angular framework on the front and Spring Boot on the back. We'll start with a simple example where an Angular app consumes the REST service from Spring Boot. After that, we'll use JHipster to generate a complete Angular/Spring Boot project.

Using JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps
Angular and Java

in the same project
Angular dependencies
Java dependencies
Java sources
Angular sources
Running a deployed monolithic app in prod
Run: ./mvnw -Pprod

Spring Boot

You’ll need a prod DB, e.g. 

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml up -d
./mvnw - start the server

yarn install - install Angular dependencies
yarn start - serve Angular client with hot reload
Running a monolithic app in dev

with proxy

Angular CLI

dev server




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The document discusses adding user management functionality to a Node.js application called QAVideos. It involves the following steps: 1. Creating the application using StrongLoop's Loopback framework. 2. Adding Angular support to handle data binding between the client and server. 3. Adding signup and login functionality including signup and success pages, a signup controller, and an authentication service to register new users.

Web worker in your angular application
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<h1 class="display-4" jhiTranslate="home.title">Welcome, Java Hipster!</h1>
<p class="lead" jhiTranslate="home.subtitle">This is your homepage</p>

generating a monolith app
Adding entities with JDL-Studio

to a file
Importing entities
• Importing a model created in the JDL Studio:

yo jhipster:import-jdl ~/beers.jh 

• Adding an entity interactively:

yo jhipster:entity beer

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An Overview of Angular 4
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Angular 4 for Java Developers
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Angular 4 for Java Developers

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on Angular for Java developers. The presentation will cover: generating an Angular project with Angular CLI; creating a Java REST service with Spring Boot; building an Angular REST client to interact with the Spring Boot backend; and demonstrating a sample Angular app using REST and WebSockets. It also briefly outlines key Angular concepts like components, dependency injection, routing, reactive programming with Observables, and forms.

Building an angular application -1 ( API: Golang, Database: Postgres) v1.0
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The document provides instructions for building an Angular application with a Golang API and PostgreSQL database. It includes steps to set up the Angular and API projects, configure services and routing in Angular, and build components for item purchase, display, and reporting. The Angular app uses the Golang API to perform CRUD operations on a PostgreSQL database and display the data.

Sample microservices infrastructure


from HashiCorp

Sample microservices infrastructure

with Consul discovery
Microservice 1

Microservice 2

JHipster Registry is 

an alternative to Consul
To generate a microservices app,

run Hipster twice
• Create two directories - one for app and one for gateway
• In app dir:
• In gateway dir:
To start Microservices app 

Docker + Consul
• In terminal 1 (Consul on 8500): 

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/consul.yml up
• In terminal 2 (backend on 8081):

• In terminal 3 (gateway on 8080)

If you specified a DB during a microservice generation, 

start it using docker-compose

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Dancing with websocket
Dancing with websocketDancing with websocket
Dancing with websocket

Given at YAPC::EU 2012 Dancer + WebSocket + AnyEvent + Twiggy This in *not* a talk about doing a hello world in Dancer, as there are plenty of it. This is a real-life example of using Dancer to address a problem in an elegant and powerful way At $job, we have cpan mirrors. We want them to stay a bit behind the real CPAN for stability, but we have a tool to update modules from the real CPAN to our mirrors. Cool. I wanted to have a web interface to trigger it, and monitor the injection. This problem is not a typical one (blog, wiki, CRUD, etc). Here we have a long running operation that shall happen only one at a time, that generates logs to be displayed, with states that need keeping. In this regard, it's interesting to see how Dancer is versatile enough to address these situations with ease. This talk details how I did that, the technology I used, and the full source code (which is quite short). I used Dancer + WebSocket + AnyEvent + Twiggy + some other stuff. This talk doesn't require any particular knowledge beyond basic Perl, and very basic web server understanding.

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Mastering Microservices with Kong (DevoxxUK 2019)
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When architecting microservice solutions, you'll often find yourself struggling with cross-cutting concerns. Think security, rate limiting, access control, monitoring, location-aware routing… Things can quickly become a nightmare. The API Gateway pattern can help you solve such problems in an elegant and uniform way. Using Kong, an open source product, you can get started today. In this session we'll look at the why and how of this approach.

Angular 7 Firebase5 CRUD Operations with Reactive Forms
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This document discusses how to create Angular 7 Firebase5 CRUD operations using Reactive Forms. It involves setting up a student record management system where an admin can create, read, update and delete student records. The key steps include setting up an Angular project with Bootstrap and Firebase, creating CRUD services, generating components, setting up routing, and integrating modules like NGX Toastr for alerts.

crudangularangular crud
Deployment options
• Heroku
• CloudFoundry
• Kubernetes
• Docker
• OpenShift
• Rancher
• Angular training/consulting inquiries:
• My blog:

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Using JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps

  • 1. Using JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps Yakov Fain Farata Systems
 yfainAugust 29, 2017
  • 2. About myself • Angular practice lead at Farata Systems • Java Champion • Latest book:
 “Angular 2 Development with TypeScript”
  • 3. Agenda • Part 1 
 - Start a Spring Boot app that serves products
 - Demo an Web client generated with Angular CLI
 - Running the app in dev and prod modes • Part 2 
 - Generate an Angular/Spring Boot app with JHipster
 - Review of dev mode
 - Monolithic vs Microservices
 - Generating entities 
 - Internationalization
  • 4. Good frameworks make you write less code
  • 5. What’s Spring Boot? An opinionated runtime for Spring projects
  • 6. Our Spring Boot Controller @RestController
 public class ProductController {
 Product products[] = new Product[3];
 products[0] = new Product(0,"First product", 59.99);
 products[1] = new Product(1,"Second product", 12.50);
 products[2] = new Product(2,"Third product", 14.40);
 method = RequestMethod.GET,
 produces= MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
 public Product[] getProducts(){
 return products;
  • 7. Demo • Start a Spring Boot App from the server dir
  • 8. What’s Angular? An opinionated platform for developing front- end of Web apps
  • 9. What’s Angular CLI? An opinionated tool that generates and bundles Angular projects
  • 10. @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: `<h1>All Products</h1> <ul> <li *ngFor="let product of products"> {{product.title}} </li> </ul> `}) export class AppComponent { products: Array<string> = []; theDataSource: Observable<string>; constructor(private http: Http) { this.theDataSource = this.http.get('/api/products') .map(res => res.json()); } ngOnInit(){ this.theDataSource.subscribe( // Get the data from the Spring Boot server data => this.products=data, err => console.log(“Got and error. Code: %s, URL: %s ", err.status, err.url)); } } Our Angular Client Server’s
  • 11. Configuring a proxy
 for dev mode CLI dev server 4200 Spring Boot server
 with data on products 8080 Angular app in Web browser Angular App
  • 12. • In dev mode you can continue running the dev server for the client on port 4200 with ng serve • But our Spring Boot server runs on port 8080 • If the client will do http.get(‘http://localhost:8080/ api/products’), it’ll get No ‘Access-Control-Allow_Origin’:
 Due to the same-origin policy we can configure a proxy on the client or add the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * on the server Same origin error
  • 13. {
 "/api": {
 "target": "http://localhost:8080",
 "secure": false
 } proxy-conf.json "scripts": {
 "start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy-conf.json”,
 } Configuring proxy for Angular client The Spring Boot
 server runs here from package.json Run the client with npm start. Angular client: http.get('/api/products'); goes to 4200
 and redirected
  • 14. Demo Adding an Angular project called client to display products
  • 15. scripts": {
 "build": "ng build -prod",
 "postbuild": "npm run deploy",
 "predeploy": "rimraf ../server/src/main/resources/static && 
 mkdirp ../server/src/main/resources/static",
 "deploy": "copyfiles -f dist/** ../server/src/main/resources/ static" } Automating deployment with npm scripts static
 resources Spring
 Boot app Bundled 
 Angular app
  • 16. Demo
 Our Angular app deployed in Spring Boot Java Angular
  • 17. What’s Yeoman? An opinionated tool for kickstarting new Web projects and generating things
  • 18. What’s JHipster? • An opinionated Yeoman generator to generate, 
 develop, and deploy Spring Boot + Angular projects • Docs: • 500K downloads, 8K stars on GitHub, 350 contributors
  • 19. Why use JHipster? • Generates a working Angular/Spring Boot in minutes • Automates the manual work • Shows best practices • Simplifies cloud deployment
  • 20. JHipster can generate • A monolithic app (Angular+Java inside the WAR) • Microservices app (Angular inside a gateway app and Java is a separate app) • Entities for your CRUD app
  • 21. Two ways to generate an app • Online at • Using locally installed yeoman and jhipster-generator In any case, you need to have installed:
 - Maven or Gradle
 - Node.js (
 - Yarn package manager (npm i yarn -g)
  • 22. Generating an app online • Go to • Click on Create Application and fill out the form with options • Download and unzip the generated zip file • The file has the info on starting in dev and prod modes
  • 24. Generate an app with locally installed JHipster • Install the Yeoman generator
 npm install yo -g • Install the JHipster generator
 npm install -g generator-jhipster • Create a new folder and cd to it • Run JHipster and answer the questions

  • 26. Angular and Java
 in the same project Angular dependencies Java dependencies Java sources Angular sources
  • 27. Running a deployed monolithic app in prod Run: ./mvnw -Pprod Angular
 User Spring Boot
 Java localhost:8080 .war You’ll need a prod DB, e.g. 
 docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml up -d
  • 28. ./mvnw - start the server
 yarn install - install Angular dependencies yarn start - serve Angular client with hot reload Running a monolithic app in dev Angular
 with proxy
 User Angular CLI
 dev server
 localhost:9000 Java Spring
  • 29. Internationalization
 ng2-translate <h1 class="display-4" jhiTranslate="home.title">Welcome, Java Hipster!</h1> <p class="lead" jhiTranslate="home.subtitle">This is your homepage</p>
  • 31. Adding entities with JDL-Studio 1.Define 2.Download
 to a file
  • 32. Importing entities • Importing a model created in the JDL Studio:
 yo jhipster:import-jdl ~/beers.jh 
 • Adding an entity interactively:
 yo jhipster:entity beer
  • 33. Sample microservices infrastructure Source:
  • 34. Gateway
 8080 Consul
 from HashiCorp
 8500 User Angular Sample microservices infrastructure
 with Consul discovery Microservice 1
 8081 Microservice 2
 8082 JHipster Registry is 
 an alternative to Consul
  • 35. To generate a microservices app,
 run Hipster twice • Create two directories - one for app and one for gateway • In app dir: • In gateway dir:
  • 36. To start Microservices app 
 Docker + Consul • In terminal 1 (Consul on 8500): 
 docker-compose -f src/main/docker/consul.yml up • In terminal 2 (backend on 8081):
 ./mvnw • In terminal 3 (gateway on 8080)
 ./mvnw If you specified a DB during a microservice generation, 
 start it using docker-compose
  • 37. Deployment options • Heroku • AWS • CloudFoundry • Kubernetes • Docker • OpenShift • Rancher
  • 38. Links • Angular training/consulting inquiries: • My blog: