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Mastering Microservices with Kong (DevoxxUK 2019)
What is API Management?
What is an API Gateway?
Hello, Kong
How does it work?
Why Kong?
Wrap up
(source: )
“API management is the process of creating
and publishing web APIs, enforcing their
usage policies, controlling access, nurturing
the subscriber community, collecting and
analyzing usage statistics, and reporting on

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Gatekeeper: API gateway
Gatekeeper: API gatewayGatekeeper: API gateway
Gatekeeper: API gateway

In this WebHack talk I shared my experience about microservices, Docker, Kubernetes and Kong, an API gateway by Mashape. Since they are based on a real working system, this slides is majorly for how to build the whole thing up, not about detailed internal implementation. Although I included some details and reference in order to make it more comprehensive.

Developing a user-friendly OpenResty application
Developing a user-friendly OpenResty applicationDeveloping a user-friendly OpenResty application
Developing a user-friendly OpenResty application

Talk given at OpenResty Con 2017 in Beijing. Kong ( is a widely-adopted open source API Gateway built with OpenResty. It aims at helping secure, manage, and extend microservices-based architectures with minimal effort from the user, while ensuring platform agnosticism. In this talk, we will explore the challenges we encountered developing such an OpenResty application, and how we overcame many of them by way of libraries and contributions back to the OpenResty community. We will cover topics such as clustering OpenResty nodes, inter-workers communication, DNS resolution, typical pitfalls OpenResty developers should avoid, and much more.

Flexible, hybrid API-led software architectures with Kong
Flexible, hybrid API-led software architectures with KongFlexible, hybrid API-led software architectures with Kong
Flexible, hybrid API-led software architectures with Kong

Kong is a lightweight, cloud-native API solution that makes it easier and faster than ever to connect APIs and microservices in today’s hybrid, multi-cloud environments. With its agnostic, flexible deployment approach, Kong can be used in today’s heterogeneous IT system landscapes to integrate a wide variety of data and systems – even across company boundaries – using APIs. In addition to REST APIs, Kong also offers support for gRPC and GraphQL, which broadens the possibilities to implement modern application architectures. In this presentation, we will discuss deployment patterns and use cases for Kong to demonstrate the flexibility of the platform. Using a practical example, aspects of the API development and deployment process as well as the integration in existing software development processes will be discussed.

apiapi managementhybrid architectures
R D 1R D 1
Fro n
Be r AP Bre y AP
Ne d an AP ke !
Ne d an AP ke !
1. Build a few μ-services
2. Deploy them using Docker compose
3. Observations:
1. Each μ-service has a different address
2. Logic (e.g. security) is duplicated in each μ-service
(source: )
“Wikipedia does not have an article with this
exact name.

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API Gateway: Nginx way
API Gateway: Nginx wayAPI Gateway: Nginx way
API Gateway: Nginx way

This document discusses using NGINX as an API gateway for microservices architectures. It describes how NGINX can provide essential API gateway functions like API routing, authentication, overload protection, and request tracing in a lightweight and efficient manner. The document advocates for separating the roles of a secure proxy and API gateway to handle north-south and east-west traffic respectively. Key API gateway capabilities of NGINX like API routing, authentication using API keys or JWT, and request tracing are demonstrated with code examples.

nginxnginx+api gateway
Using NGINX and NGINX Plus as a Kubernetes Ingress
Using NGINX and NGINX Plus as a Kubernetes IngressUsing NGINX and NGINX Plus as a Kubernetes Ingress
Using NGINX and NGINX Plus as a Kubernetes Ingress

In this talk we discuss how you can deploy both NGINX and NGINX Plus within Kubernetes as an Ingress Controller

A Kong retrospective: from 0.10 to 0.13
A Kong retrospective: from 0.10 to 0.13A Kong retrospective: from 0.10 to 0.13
A Kong retrospective: from 0.10 to 0.13

A short introductory talk given as part of the April 2018 Kong meetup "Introducing Kubernetes Ingress Controller for Kong". This talk covers the new features and improvements made to Kong from 2017 to 2018, including the groundwork conducted by Kong Inc. and open source contributors that allowed for the development of the Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. The Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes was then announced during the meetup:

kongkubernetesopen source
(source: )
“Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed
service that makes it easy for developers to
create, publish, maintain, monitor, and
secure APIs at any scale.
Amazon API Gateway
(source: )
“Use Azure API Management as a turnkey
solution for publishing APIs to external and
internal customers. Quickly create
consistent and modern API gateways for
existing back-end services hosted
anywhere, secure and protect them from
abuse and overuse, and get insights into
usage and health.
Azure API Management
(e.g. nginx, Apache HTTPD, Netflix Zuul)
Routing (to individual μ-services)
SSL/TLS offloading
Load balancing

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Kong ingress controller kubernetes ingress on steroids
Kong ingress controller   kubernetes ingress on steroidsKong ingress controller   kubernetes ingress on steroids
Kong ingress controller kubernetes ingress on steroids

This document discusses using Kong as a Kubernetes ingress controller to provide advanced traffic management capabilities. It introduces Kubernetes ingress and describes how Kong can act as a single point of entry to handle authentication, logging, caching, load balancing, rate limiting and more for Kubernetes applications. The document demonstrates configuring Kong plugins through custom resources and annotations to apply policies to ingress routes. It also highlights Kong's support for features like TLS termination, gRPC and integrations with Prometheus and cert-manager.

What’s New in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.5.0
What’s New in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.5.0What’s New in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.5.0
What’s New in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.5.0

On-Demand Recording: Kubernetes is the leading orchestration platform for deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications. Infrastructure operators constantly impose new application delivery requirements as they adopt Kubernetes for production workloads. The NGINX Ingress controller is the most popular ingress load balancer for Kubernetes, providing a complete and supported solution for delivering your containerized applications to clients. Attend this webinar to learn about the latest developments in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.5.0.

nginxnginx pluskubernetes
Ambassador Kubernetes-Native API Gateway
Ambassador Kubernetes-Native API GatewayAmbassador Kubernetes-Native API Gateway
Ambassador Kubernetes-Native API Gateway

Ambassador is an open source API gateway and L7 proxy built by Lyft to run on Kubernetes. It provides a Kubernetes-native API gateway that uses annotations for declarative and decentralized configuration. Ambassador simplifies architecture by removing the need for a database, and it can scale automatically via HPA. It also supports features like gRPC, HTTP/2, rate limiting, timeouts, canary releases, and shadowing traffic through the Envoy proxy.

Autorisation (limited)
Rate limiting
IP black- / whitelisting
Aggregations and transformations → .backend-for-frontend (BFF)
R D 2R D 2
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Be r AP Bre y AP
Ne d an AP ke !
Ne d an AP ke !
R D 2R D 2
Configuring Kong:
1. Define a service that points to an upstream.
2. Define a route for that service.
3. Define an upstream with (1..n) target.
       url: http://beer-api.upstream/        
       name: beer-api.service
       name: beer-api.upstream        
       url: http://brewery-api.upstream/        
       name: brewery-api.service
       name: brewery-api.upstream        
       target: beer-api:9080        
       target: brewery-api-1:9080        
       weight: 10        
       target: brewery-api-2:9080        
       weight: 20        
       paths: [ /api/beer/*, /api/brewery/*/beers ]        
       methods: [ GET ]
       paths: [ /api/brewery* ]        
       methods: [ GET ]
Based on Nginx
Stores configuration in a database (optional since 1.1)
Two interfaces: public and private

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A Cassandra driver from and for the Lua community
A Cassandra driver from and for the Lua communityA Cassandra driver from and for the Lua community
A Cassandra driver from and for the Lua community

This document discusses a Cassandra driver for Lua called lua-cassandra. It was created to provide a pure Lua implementation of Cassandra for the Lua and OpenResty communities. The driver supports features like cluster awareness, load balancing policies, retries, and SSL connections. It was created as a fork of an earlier Cassandra driver called lua-resty-cassandra to add support for Cassandra 3.x and improve interoperability with OpenResty. The driver is well tested and documented to make it easy for others to use.

open sourcedatabaselua
Microservices in GO lang
Microservices in GO langMicroservices in GO lang
Microservices in GO lang

This document discusses microservices and how to build them using Go. It describes the benefits of microservices over monolithic architectures, such as improved scalability, resilience, and ease of deployment. Some key aspects of building microservices with Go that are covered include making services autonomous and focused, using a domain-driven design, implementing service discovery, API gateways, and messaging between services using events. The document also provides guidance on important operational concerns like security, monitoring, and testing when building microservices applications.

NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Getting Started – EMEA
NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Getting Started – EMEANGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Getting Started – EMEA
NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Getting Started – EMEA

This webinar gets you started using the Kubernetes Ingress controllers for NGINX & NGINX Plus to load balance, route, and secure Kubernetes applications Join this webinar to learn: - The benefits of using Kubernetes and why it's become the de facto container scheduler - About the Kubernetes Ingress resource and Ingress controllers - How to use NGINX and NGINX Plus Ingress controllers to load balance, route traffic to, and secure applications on Kubernetes - How to monitor the NGINX Plus Ingress controller with Prometheus

nginxkubernetesnginx plus
Kong can be deployed in various modes
As Kubernetes Ingress Controller
On premise, in the cloud — you choose
Open source, enterprise, 3rd party
Implemented in Lua

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TADSummit Dangerous demo: Oracle
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TADSummit Dangerous demo: Oracle Presented by Doug Tait, Oracle at TADSummit Lisbon 18th November 2015 WebRTC Client connect to an HTML application deployed on OCSG over HTPP(s). The app use: OCSG Authentication REST API oneAPI SMS REST service exposed by OCSG to send SMS WebRTC API SDK deployed on WSC Once connected, the webRTC endpoint create a conference room and then: open a websocket connection to WSC using WSC SDK Can send an SMS an SMS to a mobile device with the link to the conference leveraging the SMS API It then use WSC API to make a call to a mobile user or to another webRTC Endpoint Chat message are sent via Datachannel RTP stream goes through WSC

Building a Service Mesh with Envoy (Kubecon May 2018)
Building a Service Mesh with Envoy (Kubecon May 2018)Building a Service Mesh with Envoy (Kubecon May 2018)
Building a Service Mesh with Envoy (Kubecon May 2018)

This document summarizes Squarespace's transition from a monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture and their implementation of a service mesh using Envoy proxy. It describes how Squarespace grew from less than 50 engineers in 2013 to over 200 engineers in 2017, necessitating the move to microservices for scalability. It outlines their initial use of Consul for service discovery and Netflix OSS libraries. It then introduces the concept of a service mesh and how Envoy proxy deployed as a sidecar can provide advanced control, observability, and support for multiple languages. It details how Envoy uses Consul and its xDS APIs for dynamic service discovery and configuration. Finally, it discusses future work including integrating orchestration and abstracting common service

service meshenvoymicroservices
Microservices and Container Management with NGINX Plus and Mesosphere DC/OS
Microservices and Container Management with NGINX Plus and Mesosphere DC/OSMicroservices and Container Management with NGINX Plus and Mesosphere DC/OS
Microservices and Container Management with NGINX Plus and Mesosphere DC/OS

Webinar recording: NGINX and NGINX Plus are emerging as the standard for connecting, securing, caching, and scaling microservices. We hope you found it valuable to learn how to use Mesosphere DC/OS and containers, such as Docker containers, to create and run microservices applications in an NGINX Plus environment.

In general:
Example (rate limiting):
curl http: kong:8001/services/<service name>/plugins 
data "name=<plugin name>" 
data "config.param=value"
curl http: kong:8001/services/beer api.service/plugins 
data "name=rate limiting" 
data "config.second=6"
Authentication: maps credentials in request to a consumer.
Consumers can have multiple credentials
Upstream API receives custom HTTP headers:
X-Consumer-Username and X-Consumer-ID
R D 3R D 3
Fro n
Be r AP Bre y AP
Ne d an AP ke !
Aut t a co m us AP ke
As i n g o s to co m
Con r & g o s
p o d b Kon
Con r & g o s
p o d b Kon
1. Create consumer
2. Assign key to consumer
3. Assign group to consumer
4. Secure upstream API with key-auth and ACL plugin

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The Simply Complex Task of Implementing Kubernetes Ingress - Velocity NYC
The Simply Complex Task of Implementing Kubernetes Ingress - Velocity NYCThe Simply Complex Task of Implementing Kubernetes Ingress - Velocity NYC
The Simply Complex Task of Implementing Kubernetes Ingress - Velocity NYC

Getting traffic into a Kubernetes cluster should be simple, but it’s not. Richard Li explains how software architectures have evolved to take advantage of Kubernetes and discusses the implications that these changes have on ingress. Richard then covers some of the nuances of modern ingress, including authentication, resilience, and observability at the edge, explores how Kubernetes handles ingress today, with NodePorts, LoadBalancers, and ingress controllers, and shares his experience and lessons learned from using several real-world implementations of ingress on Kubernetes.

Analyzing NGINX Logs with Datadog
Analyzing NGINX Logs with DatadogAnalyzing NGINX Logs with Datadog
Analyzing NGINX Logs with Datadog

On-Demand Link: About the Webinar Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring and analytics platform for cloud-scale organizations. The company is an industry leader in monitoring and observability – with over 350+ vendor-supported integrations, Datadog seamlessly correlates metrics, traces, and logs across the full DevOps stack. With Datadog’s Log Management solution, you can cost-effectively collect, analyze, and archive all your logs with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface. Attend this webinar to learn how to analyze NGINX logs using Datadog to achieve business outcomes including SEO optimization, improved website performance, and detection of DDoS attacks.

nginxdatadognginx logs
Maarten Mulders - Mastering Microservices with Kong - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
Maarten Mulders - Mastering Microservices with Kong - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019Maarten Mulders - Mastering Microservices with Kong - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
Maarten Mulders - Mastering Microservices with Kong - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019

When architecting microservice solutions, you'll often find yourself struggling with cross-cutting concerns. Think security, rate limiting, access control, monitoring, location-aware routing… Things can quickly become a nightmare. The API Gateway pattern can help you solve such problems in an elegant and uniform way. Using Kong, an open source product, you can get started today. In this session we'll look at the why and how of this approach. Disclaimer: This presentation may include live coding. No humans or animals will be hurt during the process.

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
You can write your own plugins!
Revelant documentation:
Plugin Development Guide
Plugin Development Kit
├── # Documentation right?! ;-)
└── my plugin # Name of the plugin
├── api.lua # Administration interface for the plugin (REST)
├── daos.lua # DAO's for custom entities inside the plugin
├── handler.lua # Plugin logic, executed upon request
├── migrations # Database migrations
│ ├── cassandra.lua # for Cassandra
│ └── postgres.lua # for PostgreSQL
└── schema.lua # Schema for plugin config
local BasePlugin = require "kong.plugins.base_plugin"
local MyPluginHandler = BasePlugin:extend()
MyPluginHandler.PRIORITY = 1003
MyPluginHandler.VERSION = "0.2.0"
function MyPluginHandler:new(), "my plugin")
function MyPluginHandler:access(conf)
MyPluginHandler.super.access(self)"Hello from My Plugin!")
return MyPluginHandler
Plugins can be invoked at various moments:
Kong startup
Serving SSL-certificate
Request rewriting
API or consumer unknown!
Before hitting upstream
After receiving all response headers from upstream
For each part of the response body
Could be multiple chunks!
After sending the last byte to the client

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spaceonecmpmegazone cloud
Load Balancer
   (TLS offloading)    
             Request with TLS client cert    
      Intrusion Prevention System       
             Request without TLS client cert
             Request without TLS client cert
K -K -
Read the custom headers from the request
Look up cert by subject
Verify other fields
Add consumer to request and send it upstream

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cloudstack; sungardas; cloud; virtualization; meet
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MesosCon - Be a microservices hero
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MesosCon - Be a microservices hero

At Adobe APIs are powering the next generation of Creative applications. Mesos makes it very easy and fun to deploy and run Robust and Scalable Microservices in the Cloud. Today's technologies offer simple solutions to create RESTfull services while Mesos brings them to life faster. As the number of microservices increase and the inter communication between them becomes more complicated, we soon realize we have new questions awaiting our answers: how do microservices authenticate ? how do we monitor who's using the APIs they expose ? How do we protect them from attacks ? How do we set throttling and rate limiting rules across a cluster of microservices ? How do we control which service allows public access and which one we want to keep private ? How about Mesos APIs and its frameworks ? Can they benefit from these features as well ? Come and learn a scalable architecture to manage microservices in Mesos by integrating an API Management layer inside your Mesos clusters. This presentation will show you what an API Management layer is, what it's composed of and how it can help you expose microservices in a secure,managed and highly-available way, even in multi-Mesos cluster setups. During this session you will also have the opportunity to learn how Adobe's API Platform solved this problem, where it is today and what it envisions do to with Mesos further. If you're working with microservices already or you're creating new ones then this presentation is for you. Come and learn how Mesos together with an API management layer will make you a microservices hero in your organisation. At Adobe APIs are powering the next generation of Creative applications.

Cost (e.g. licences)
Developer experience
Flexibility / expandability
Functional and non-functional fit out of the box
Future proof (hard to tell, though!)
Replaceability / (vendor) lock-in
Kong (OS) seemed like a good choice:
great feature set out of the box
could buy support, if we wanted
active community
frequent releases
good documentation
Changing the configuration is easy and quick
Configuration using API's
Imperative configuration isn't easy
Declarative configuration ( , or db-less mode)
Upgrading 0.13 → 0.14.1 was pretty easy
Upgrading 0.14.1 → 1.1 was a bit harder, but not too much
Lack of GUI might disappoint business stakeholders
or can help
kongverge kongfig
konga kongdash
@mthmulders #MMwK
Sample code:
Please help conference organisers: don't forget to rate this talk!
POST /api/1.0/questions
User-Agent: audience/1.0
Accept: application/vnd.infosupport.answer
Content-Type: application/vnd.infosupport.question
"So, how would you "
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.infosupport.answer
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2018 20 00 00 GMT+1
Server: Maarten/1.0
Via: kong/1.0.0
"Well, it depends on "

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[APIdays Paris 2019] From Microservices to APIs: The API operator in Kubernetes
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Nuwan discusses how you can expose microservices as managed APIs in Kubernetes with the API Operator, so that you can create an end-to-end solution for your entire business functionality from microservices and APIs, to end-user applications. You can watch the on-demand webinar "Cloud Native APIs: The API Operator for Kubernetes" here:

by WSO2
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API Workshop: Deep dive into REST APIs
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This document provides an overview of REST APIs and automated API documentation solutions. It discusses REST architecture and best practices for documenting REST APIs. It also covers popular automated documentation solutions like Swagger and RAML that can generate reference documentation from API specifications. The document demonstrates how to use Swagger and RAML specifications to automatically generate API documentation websites and interactive consoles. It compares the pros and cons of Swagger versus RAML and provides examples of professionally designed API documentation websites.

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Mastering Microservices with Kong (DevoxxUK 2019)

  • 2. OO Context What is API Management? Demo What is an API Gateway? Demo Hello, Kong Demo How does it work? Plugins Why Kong? Wrap up
  • 3. W API MW API M
  • 4. (source: ) “API management is the process of creating and publishing web APIs, enforcing their usage policies, controlling access, nurturing the subscriber community, collecting and analyzing usage statistics, and reporting on performance. Wikipedia
  • 6. R D 1R D 1 Fro n Be r AP Bre y AP /api/beers/{id} /api/brewery/{id}/beers Ne d an AP ke ! /api/brewery/ /api/brewery/{id} Ne d an AP ke ! 1. Build a few μ-services 2. Deploy them using Docker compose 3. Observations: 1. Each μ-service has a different address 2. Logic (e.g. security) is duplicated in each μ-service
  • 7. W API GW API G
  • 8. (source: ) “Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Wikipedia
  • 9. (source: ) “Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Amazon API Gateway
  • 10. (source: ) “Use Azure API Management as a turnkey solution for publishing APIs to external and internal customers. Quickly create consistent and modern API gateways for existing back-end services hosted anywhere, secure and protect them from abuse and overuse, and get insights into usage and health. Azure API Management
  • 12. RR (e.g. nginx, Apache HTTPD, Netflix Zuul) Routing (to individual μ-services) SSL/TLS offloading Load balancing
  • 13. C API GC API G Authentication Autorisation (limited) Rate limiting Logging Metering Metrics Compression IP black- / whitelisting Caching ... Aggregations and transformations → .backend-for-frontend (BFF)
  • 14. R D 2R D 2 Fro n Kon Be r AP Bre y AP /api/beers/{id} /api/brewery/{id}/beers Ne d an AP ke ! /api/brewery/ /api/brewery/{id} Ne d an AP ke !
  • 15. R D 2R D 2 Configuring Kong: 1. Define a service that points to an upstream. 2. Define a route for that service. 3. Define an upstream with (1..n) target. SERVICE        url: http://beer-api.upstream/                name: beer-api.service UPSTREAM        name: beer-api.upstream         SERVICE        url: http://brewery-api.upstream/                name: brewery-api.service UPSTREAM        name: brewery-api.upstream         TARGET        target: beer-api:9080                         TARGET        target: brewery-api-1:9080                weight: 10         TARGET        target: brewery-api-2:9080                weight: 20         ROUTE        paths: [ /api/beer/*, /api/brewery/*/beers ]                methods: [ GET ] ROUTE        paths: [ /api/brewery* ]                methods: [ GET ]
  • 16. KK Based on Nginx Stores configuration in a database (optional since 1.1) Two interfaces: public and private
  • 17. DD Kong can be deployed in various modes Standalone Clustered As Kubernetes Ingress Controller On premise, in the cloud — you choose
  • 18. UU
  • 19. PP
  • 20. PP Open source, enterprise, 3rd party Implemented in Lua
  • 21. UU In general: Example (rate limiting): curl http: kong:8001/services/<service name>/plugins data "name=<plugin name>" data "config.param=value" curl http: kong:8001/services/beer api.service/plugins data "name=rate limiting" data "config.second=6"
  • 22. M M PM M P
  • 23. AA Authentication: maps credentials in request to a consumer. Consumers can have multiple credentials Upstream API receives custom HTTP headers: X-Consumer-Username and X-Consumer-ID
  • 24. R D 3R D 3 Fro n Kon Be r AP Bre y AP Ne d an AP ke ! Aut t a co m us AP ke As i n g o s to co m Con r & g o s p o d b Kon Con r & g o s p o d b Kon 1. Create consumer 2. Assign key to consumer 3. Assign group to consumer 4. Secure upstream API with key-auth and ACL plugin
  • 25. CC You can write your own plugins! Revelant documentation: Plugin Development Guide Plugin Development Kit
  • 26. SS ├── # Documentation right?! ;-) └── my plugin # Name of the plugin ├── api.lua # Administration interface for the plugin (REST) ├── daos.lua # DAO's for custom entities inside the plugin ├── handler.lua # Plugin logic, executed upon request ├── migrations # Database migrations │ ├── cassandra.lua # for Cassandra │ └── postgres.lua # for PostgreSQL └── schema.lua # Schema for plugin config
  • 27. II HANDLERHANDLER local BasePlugin = require "kong.plugins.base_plugin" local MyPluginHandler = BasePlugin:extend() MyPluginHandler.PRIORITY = 1003 MyPluginHandler.VERSION = "0.2.0" function MyPluginHandler:new(), "my plugin") end function MyPluginHandler:access(conf) MyPluginHandler.super.access(self)"Hello from My Plugin!") end return MyPluginHandler
  • 28. RR Plugins can be invoked at various moments: Kong startup Serving SSL-certificate Request rewriting API or consumer unknown! Before hitting upstream After receiving all response headers from upstream For each part of the response body Could be multiple chunks! After sending the last byte to the client
  • 29. C : TLSC : TLS
  • 30. CC Client Load Balancer    (TLS offloading)                  Request with TLS client cert           Intrusion Prevention System                     Request without TLS client cert Kong              Request without TLS client cert
  • 31. K -K - Read the custom headers from the request Look up cert by subject Verify other fields Add consumer to request and send it upstream
  • 32. W K WW K W
  • 33. TT Cost (e.g. licences) Developer experience Documentation Flexibility / expandability Maintainability Support Functional and non-functional fit out of the box Future proof (hard to tell, though!) Replaceability / (vendor) lock-in
  • 34. WW KK Kong (OS) seemed like a good choice: great feature set out of the box could buy support, if we wanted active community frequent releases good documentation
  • 35. EE Changing the configuration is easy and quick Configuration using API's Imperative configuration isn't easy Declarative configuration ( , or db-less mode) Upgrading 0.13 → 0.14.1 was pretty easy Upgrading 0.14.1 → 1.1 was a bit harder, but not too much Lack of GUI might disappoint business stakeholders or can help kongverge kongfig konga kongdash
  • 36. @mthmulders #MMwK QQ Sample code: Please help conference organisers: don't forget to rate this talk! POST /api/1.0/questions User-Agent: audience/1.0 Accept: application/vnd.infosupport.answer Content-Type: application/vnd.infosupport.question "So, how would you " HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.infosupport.answer Date: Wed, Nov 21 2018 20 00 00 GMT+1 Server: Maarten/1.0 Via: kong/1.0.0 "Well, it depends on "