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Ultimate Project Office
with BrightWork, Nintex, SharePoint & Atidan
Get Started Fast and Evolve at Your Own Pace
David J. Rosenthal, CEO, Atidan
May 6, 2014
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• Questions and Answers
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avoid accidental background noise
– We will answer questions at the end as follows:
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Ultimate Project Office with BrightWork and Nintex - Event on May 6
Today’s Webcast Description
Available to deploy on premise or online, BrightWork &
Nintex on SharePoint 2013 will help you:
• Easily initiate, plan, track and control all projects in one
SharePoint environment
• Efficiently collaborate and get everyone on the same page
• Effectively manage portfolios
• Increase your project success rate
• Evolve your project management best practices

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Creating High Performance teams by using a DevOps culture (FUG presentation)
Creating High Performance teams by using a DevOps culture (FUG presentation)Creating High Performance teams by using a DevOps culture (FUG presentation)
Creating High Performance teams by using a DevOps culture (FUG presentation)

DevOps aims to foster collaboration between development and operations teams through shared culture, automation, measurement, and sharing. A DevOps transformation requires setting goals, gaining executive support, building pilot projects to test new processes, providing training to teams, and evangelizing the benefits of DevOps through communication. Key aspects include establishing a culture of open communication, shared risk, and failure leading to inquiry rather than blame. Starting small with pilot projects allows issues to be addressed before wide adoption.

release manegementdevopsenterprise devops
Visualisation&agile practices ai2014
Visualisation&agile practices ai2014Visualisation&agile practices ai2014
Visualisation&agile practices ai2014

The project was started in 2003 to provide financial data to customers in Europe and the US. Over time, the scope increased and the system now provides an integrated view of indices across asset classes, currencies, and analytics on thousands of bonds. Challenges included missing deadlines, lack of visibility into work, and burnout from weekend work. Kanban and visualization methods were introduced, including a flow model and metrics tracking. This improved early detection of issues, reduced wait times, ensured clarity on work, and increased quality and customer satisfaction while reducing stress on the team. While some challenges remained, outcomes included on-time delivery, increased work throughput, happier clients, and better risk management.

ITIL® Release, Control and Validation
ITIL® Release, Control and ValidationITIL® Release, Control and Validation
ITIL® Release, Control and Validation

This ITIL® Release, Control and Validation will enables you to master the key ITIL processes needed to properly plan for service transitions; assess changes; build, test and deploy releases

itil® releasecontrol and validation
Today’s Agenda
• Project Management on SharePoint 2013
• Summary, References, Suggested Next Steps
• More Q & A
Demo and Deployment Sequence
1. Start Quick and Get Immediate Visibility and Control
2. Improved Best Practices Templates
– Collaboratively Manage in the Small, Medium and Large
3. Effectively Manage Across Projects and Portfolios
4. Workflow and Forms
5. Evolve Project Management
Start Quick and Get Experience
“For the things we have to learn,
before we can do them,
we learn by doing them.”
- Aristotle
The BrightWork Approach
Deliver Immediate
Visibility and
Mature Project
Practices with

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Supercharge Your Digital Transformation by Establishing a DevOps Platform
Supercharge Your Digital Transformation by Establishing a DevOps PlatformSupercharge Your Digital Transformation by Establishing a DevOps Platform
Supercharge Your Digital Transformation by Establishing a DevOps Platform

Although DevOps practices have gained wide adoption across industries, many organizations are still failing in their digital transformation efforts because they focus on tools over people and processes. You can avoid this trap by providing DevOps as a platform that is built and maintained by experts who provide standardized tools, templates, and processes to teams across the organization—regardless of those teams’ roles within the company, the type of applications or environments they work with, or the software delivery patterns they’ve adopted. A centralized DevOps platform allows developers to leverage predefined delivery processes, so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel to get their apps into Production. It also helps ensure the right processes are followed and the right people are involved at the right times. A DevOps platform can provide both technical users and business stakeholders with end-to-end visibility into the software delivery process—promoting information sharing and collaboration across the organization. Learn how to successfully implement a DevOps platform in your organization, so that every team gets the tools, templates, and visibility they need to deliver software faster than ever before.

devopsdevops toolsdevops platform
Building the Bridge to Enterprise DevOps Success
 Building the Bridge to Enterprise DevOps Success Building the Bridge to Enterprise DevOps Success
Building the Bridge to Enterprise DevOps Success

Tim Buntel, VP of Products at XebiaLabs, gives his keynote talk at the DevOps Leadership Summit in Boston MA.

application release automationcontinuous deliveryautomation

Tara Detweiler has over 20 years of experience in IT project support, service desk management, and business analysis. She has extensive experience managing projects from start to finish, including gathering requirements, creating schedules and reports, and tracking deliverables. She is proficient in various project management software and tools.

Built-in Best Practices (in Templates)
Get Immediate Visibility and Control
Projects Tracker
(Inside a Project Office)
- One Project Status
- Many Dashboards
Very Quick Entry of Project Updates
Fast Reporting of Project Status

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My Dad Won't Buy Me DevOps
My Dad Won't Buy Me DevOpsMy Dad Won't Buy Me DevOps
My Dad Won't Buy Me DevOps

TJ Randall, VP of Customer Success at XebiaLabs, gives his presentation on how to express the cost of your application delivery at the DevOps Leadership Summit in Boston MA.

bigdataautomationapplication release automation
Using Error Budgets to Prioritize Work
Using Error Budgets to Prioritize WorkUsing Error Budgets to Prioritize Work
Using Error Budgets to Prioritize Work

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a set of principles, practices, and organizational constructs that seek to balance the reliability of a service with the need to continually deliver new features. An error budget is the primary construct used to help balance these seemingly competing goals. This is an introduction to error budgets and their components: service level indicators (SLIs) and service level objectives (SLOs). We will discuss the art of creating and implementing SLOs. Attendees will be able to: • Describe the key concepts, namely, Error Budget, Service Level Indicator (SLIs), and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) • Recommend actions to take when the error budget is over consumed • Recommend actions to take when excess error budget remains In the spirit of DevOps, Error Budgets and SLOs work best when they are agreed to in collaboration with many different constituents across the business. As such, this presentation is appropriate for: • Product Owners and Product Managers • Business decision makers • Developers • Operators • And anyone else interested in building and operating services that deliver business and customer value.

Scaling Enterprise DevOps w/ New Relic: Nationwide’s Modernization Journey, F...
Scaling Enterprise DevOps w/ New Relic: Nationwide’s Modernization Journey, F...Scaling Enterprise DevOps w/ New Relic: Nationwide’s Modernization Journey, F...
Scaling Enterprise DevOps w/ New Relic: Nationwide’s Modernization Journey, F...

Learn how Nationwide scaled enterprise DevOps with New Relic. Be sure to subscribe and follow New Relic at:

cloudcloud computingcloud platform
All Projects on One Set of Dashboards
Collaboratively Manage in the Small
Create New Project
- from a Template
Use a Simple Process
i. Project Statement
ii. Tasks (really easy update)
iii. Documents
iv. Issues
v. Status Reports
- My Work
- Gantt
- Dashboards
Manage Project with Project Lite
Manage with Medium Complexity
Add More Process,
- Risks
- Metrics
- Status Reports
- Resource Reports

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Nintex business process automation platform
Nintex business process automation platformNintex business process automation platform
Nintex business process automation platform

The document discusses Nintex's business process automation platform and workflow automation capabilities. It highlights that the platform allows users to work anywhere on any device, connect to cloud content, quickly automate processes, and generate documents. It also provides information on licensing costs and describes how the platform enables forms creation across devices and easy workflow and process design.

formsoffice 365workflow
Des serveurs créés pour vos usages specifiques, vous en avez reve HP l'a fait.
Des serveurs créés pour vos usages specifiques, vous en avez reve HP l'a fait.Des serveurs créés pour vos usages specifiques, vous en avez reve HP l'a fait.
Des serveurs créés pour vos usages specifiques, vous en avez reve HP l'a fait.

Session HP: Maximisez vos performances et votre réactivité avec les dernières générations de support et ne craignez plus de faire un cauchemard sur la fin de support Windows 2003, HP vous accompagne dans ces transformations.

Primavera- Increasing Utilization through Change Management
Primavera- Increasing Utilization through Change ManagementPrimavera- Increasing Utilization through Change Management
Primavera- Increasing Utilization through Change Management

Referenced: Source: In March 2013, Wyoming Dept of Transportation decided to implement Project Management and create a PMO to manage the use of Primavera- which has been in place at WYDOT for over 8 years. Over the last 2 years, we have focused on increased training and changed the way we use Primavera, focusing on creating a tool that drives work and helps with decisions, where before it was simply used as a data entry tool. As a result, utilization of Primavera has increased dramatically, and the number of projects considered "At Risk" was reduced by over 25%. This presentation will review the processes used to achieve these results by covering the status and usage of Primavera 2 years ago, how issues were identified, the changes implemented, how we achieved buy-in, and a summary of the changes made and the results.

primaveracollaborate 14project management
Sample Tiles: from Project Standard
Manage with Medium Complexity
- More Process, e.g.
- Change Requests
- Post Mortem
- etc.
- Project Sync – Wow!
Ultimate Project Office with BrightWork and Nintex - Event on May 6
Nintex Workflow
Empower all SharePoint
users to automate their own
processes in minutes
through intuitive, easy to
use, browser based drag-
and-drop workflow
Protect your SharePoint
investment through simple
deployment and
management, while
avoiding additional
infrastructure and client
software costs.
Connect Nintex Workflow to
Office 365, external
systems, Exchange server,
Lync server, databases, web
services, and a world of
cloud services seamlessly.

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Behind the Book: Gene Kim's Top Takeaways from Researching and Writing 'The D...
Behind the Book: Gene Kim's Top Takeaways from Researching and Writing 'The D...Behind the Book: Gene Kim's Top Takeaways from Researching and Writing 'The D...
Behind the Book: Gene Kim's Top Takeaways from Researching and Writing 'The D...

The secure and effective management of technology is more critical than ever for business competitiveness. In the new bestseller, The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations, Gene Kim and his co-authors shed light on how high-performing organizations are using DevOps principles to routinely and reliably deploy code into productions hundreds, if not thousands, of times per day. What metrics matter from deploys per day, developer productivity and reduced feedback cycles to employee satisfaction and burnout Striking the right balance between automation and manual steps and the role value stream mapping can play in achieving performance breakthroughs Conway’s Law and how it's applied to change technology work processes Integrating infosec into the daily work of Dev, Test and Ops Common challenges encountered in automated testing and ways to overcome them

continuous deliverysoftwaredevops
State of continuous delivery in 2015 - Minsk 15-5-2015
State of continuous delivery in 2015 - Minsk 15-5-2015State of continuous delivery in 2015 - Minsk 15-5-2015
State of continuous delivery in 2015 - Minsk 15-5-2015

The presentation gives high-level overview of most important aspects of implementing Continuous Delivery comparing CD with Agile, DevOps and Lean software development.

continuous deliveryleanlean software development
What is DevOps? What is DevOps CoE?
What is DevOps? What is DevOps CoE? What is DevOps? What is DevOps CoE?
What is DevOps? What is DevOps CoE?

For a beginner, this is a good quality pictorial representation of DevOps and DevOps Center of Excellence. Opex Software focuses on consulting, implementation and development of DevOps tools and platforms. Have helped small and large data centers! This presentation talks about Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery at a high level. For detailed presentations and flows, please ping us. Thanks again, Enjoy!

devops ci cd speed opex opexsoftware
• Browser based, embedded in SharePoint
• Drag and drop
• Design once for many devices
Quick and
Easy Forms
• Desktops or mobile devices
• Authenticated or anonymous
• Publish in SharePoint or on the Internet
Anywhere on
Any Device
• Rich business applications
• One solution package
• Connects applications to cloud services
Integration Sample Live Form –
Anonymous Internet Access
Workflow Demonstrations
1. Task Assignment Notifications – Due Dates
2. Issue Escalation – Status has not changed
3. Weekly Status Reports – Automatically generated
Automated Email Reporting & Notifications

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What is DevOps?
What is DevOps?What is DevOps?
What is DevOps?

WhiteHedge Technologies is a global company with over 100 employees that provides agile product development and DevOps services. It discusses how traditional IT models are not designed for today's business needs and how DevOps can help through improved communication, collaboration, and integration between development and operations. DevOps allows for more frequent releases, improved quality, and better cooperation compared to traditional models. The document provides an overview of DevOps benefits and describes how DevOps is not just about automation or increased deployments but enabling continuous improvement and efficient delivery of production-ready code.

Atidan - BrightWork Project Management 2013 for SharePoint Webinar
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Atidan - BrightWork Project Management 2013 for SharePoint Webinar

This document summarizes a webcast about using BrightWork on SharePoint 2013 for project management. It discusses how BrightWork allows users to easily initiate, plan, track, and control all projects in a single SharePoint environment. The webcast agenda includes an overview of project management in SharePoint 2013, a demonstration of deployment sequences and templates for small, medium, and large projects, and a Q&A section. The document promotes starting with BrightWork for quick visibility and control, then evolving practices through training and customized templates while managing across multiple projects and portfolios.

Everything XControls
Everything XControlsEverything XControls
Everything XControls

XControls have become a powerful tool for XPages developers. Join Matt White and Rich Sharpe to look at: -What's possible with the XControls -How to start using the XControls -A deep dive section on the "Global Search" control -An upcoming roadmap/new XControls

mobile application frameworkmobile application developmentxpages applications
Form Demonstrations
• Tasks
– Mobile everywhere
• Issues
– Extend to clients & partners
• PMO Process
– Approvals
– Budgeting
Next Actions - “We are ready to start”
• Have your Project Office up and running in as little as three to six weeks
• The bundle includes: (i) software; (ii) consulting / training; (iii) support
•Fifty perpetual end-user licenses of all BrightWork templates
•Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms for unlimited users
•Project scoping, planning and setup, and needs definition
•Installation and configuration of the BrightWork and Nintex solutions
•Design of the local Project Office hierarchy
•Configuration of 2 templates to manage 2 different project types
•Configuration of 1 Project Office/rollup template for program level reporting across projects
•Three workflow processes to support the PMO including portfolio management, project status and task
•Five mobile-enabled forms for project initiation, issue management, task tracking, risk reporting, and change
•Introductory training for support staff and end users
•Software support & new releases for one year
•Annual Health Check with advice and recommendations
 Americas: 1-215-825-5045 Ext 5001
Today’s Agenda
• Project Management on SharePoint 2013
• Summary, References, Suggested Next Steps
• More Q & A
After Survey/Poll - Reflection
• Would you now like to use SharePoint 2013
to manage your Projects and Project
1. No
2. Maybe
3. Yes

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OCW mutual materials (2).pptx
OCW mutual materials (2).pptxOCW mutual materials (2).pptx
OCW mutual materials (2).pptx

Guy DeFlorio, CTO of Mutual Materials, discussed their company's journey to improve their user experience (UX) by modernizing their Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) system. Some of the challenges they faced included a dated UX, the need for remote access, and a desire to mobilize EBS. Their goals for modernizing were to make the system easier to use, mobilize processes, and integrate other systems. Options they are considering include upgrading Oracle applications, using products like Oracle APEX and Visual Builder, or a third-party solution. So far the process is going well, and Guy advised others to assess their needs, understand their current systems, and conduct proofs of concept before defining

OCW mutual materials.pptx
OCW mutual materials.pptxOCW mutual materials.pptx
OCW mutual materials.pptx

Guy DeFlorio, CTO of Mutual Materials, discussed their company's journey to improve their user experience (UX) by modernizing their Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) system. Some of the challenges they faced included remote work needs due to COVID-19, the need for mobile and simple systems, and attracting younger employees accustomed to modern UX. Their goals for modernizing EBS were to make the system easier to use, mobilize processes, and integrate other systems. Currently, they are considering options like Oracle APEX, Visual Builder, and open source tools to begin their modernization process. So far the process is going well, and Guy advised others to assess their requirements, understand their existing

How Mutual Materials Achieved a New Look and Feel
How Mutual Materials Achieved a New Look and FeelHow Mutual Materials Achieved a New Look and Feel
How Mutual Materials Achieved a New Look and Feel

Mutual Materials, a manufacturing company, was facing challenges with their Oracle EBS system including a legacy user experience that was difficult for remote and younger workers. Their CIO/CTO Guy DeFlorio began a modernization journey to mobilize EBS and improve the user experience. He is considering options like Oracle APEX, Visual Builder, and open source tools. So far the process is going well and his advice is to assess requirements, understand existing systems, conduct proofs of concept, and define timelines before beginning a modernization project.

“I need some Information”
1. Ask questions now!
2. Try these ideas for yourself
3. Call Atidan to ask your more specific questions
4. Q&A and Feedback
 Americas: 1-215-825-5045 Ext 5001
• Free Project Management Template for SharePoint
Risk Reporting and Personal Reporting
Ribbon - Shared Reporting

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Tuli eServices_Ecommerce portfolio
Tuli eServices_Ecommerce portfolioTuli eServices_Ecommerce portfolio
Tuli eServices_Ecommerce portfolio

In today’s economy, e-business has established itself as the essential channel for the growth of businesses everywhere. Extending your business into the electronic channel increases your possibilities of success and expansion into the widest available audience in commerce history With the guidance and knowledge of TULI eServices, you’ll extend your business into the e-business marketplace quickly and efficiently. Whether you need a Business-to-Business or Business-to-Commerce solution, we can help you build your e-business to your specific needs. Our experts combine cutting-edge technology and tactical business knowledge to deliver reliable, dependable, customized and easy-to-use e-commerce sites. Most importantly, we concentrate on all of your e-business applications, so you will have the time to focus on core business.

ecommerce site designecommerce solutionecommerce website
Migrating from Instantis 8.0 to EnterpriseTrack 8.7 - A Customer Story
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Migrating from Instantis 8.0 to EnterpriseTrack 8.7 - A Customer Story

Referenced: Source: BBCN recently completed a migration from Instantis 8.0 to EnterpriseTrack 8.7. This session steps through the process from the initial decision to upgrade to the planning, configuration and ultimate roll out. We will discuss the factors behind the decision to upgrade to Instantis EnterpriseTrack 8.7 and, once selected, the features and settings to implement. We'll outline the process used to perform the migration and provide lessons learned that can save you time and eliminate frustration.

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Dev Dives: Streamline document processing with UiPath Studio Web
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Dev Dives: Streamline document processing with UiPath Studio Web

Want to figure out how to leverage document processing with UiPath Studio Web? Watch this webinar to find out more about Studio Web! Discover how to: - Leverage Document Understanding to automate the most complex scenarios with the help of AI - Troubleshoot your automation with the new Studio Web functionality 🗣 Speakers: 👨🏻‍💻 Sylvain Boutié, Founder & CEO @MyLittleBot and 3x UiPath MVP 👨🏻‍💻Silviu Tanasie, Senior Product Manager @UiPath 📩 Useful resources: PO multifile automation: ⏩ Register for our upcoming Dev Dives May session: Train smarter, not harder – active learning and UiPath LLMs for document processing EMEA&APJ: AMER: This session was streamed live on April 18, 2024. Check out all our upcoming Dev Dives 2024 sessions at: 🚩

(i) Free Trial & Training; (ii) Hosted PM Site
BrightWork Training Included
Configurable Scorecards (as web-parts)
Microsoft Project to SharePoint Sync

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This document provides information on Patrice Genest's work experience, education, skills, and references. It includes: - Over 15 years of experience in IT project management, system administration, and programming roles in various industries. - Education includes an Analyst-Programmer degree and various Microsoft and ITIL certifications. - Technical skills listed include SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows Server, networking, and programming languages like C# and VB.NET. - Recent roles include a Middleware Team Lead and SharePoint Farm Administrator at CSC, where he managed teams and platforms. Prior experience includes infrastructure and IT roles at Héroux-Devtek and ABB. - References

Nintex presentation Building forms and Workflows
Nintex presentation Building forms and Workflows Nintex presentation Building forms and Workflows
Nintex presentation Building forms and Workflows

The webinar will last 50 minutes with a Q&A session at the end to address questions. Participants can ask questions in the GoToWebinar panel during the presentation. Any unanswered questions can be directed to after the webinar. The webinar will introduce Netwoven as a solution consulting firm and showcase how Nintex can be used to automate common business processes like leave requests, expense reports, and equipment purchases.


Supriya Bhide is a senior software engineer with over 7 years of experience working with technologies like Qlikview, Business Objects, SQL Server, and .NET. She is seeking new opportunities where she can utilize her skills and contribute to organizational growth. Her experience includes developing reports, performing requirement analysis, and managing projects for clients like Citigroup and Ernst & Young.

Add Status Report: Dashboards Updated
Added Quick Status Reporting
Simplified Metrics
Separation of powers!
- A Simpler Project Statement
- more static information
- Status Report does updating
Amazon EC2 Create Instance
Create an Amazon EC2
Amazon EC2 Instance
Manage virtual servers in
Amazon's EC2 Web Service
Yammer Create User
Create a new Yammer
Yammer Search Messages
Search for Yammer messages
Nintex delivers innovative software and cloud services that empower
organizations to automate business processes, quickly and easily – all
without a single line of code – increasing the success of business
operations. Nintex Live enhances Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms by
adding even more tools to the workflow toolbox, connecting workflows
across distributed SharePoint deployments, including Office 365, and
extending the reach of business forms to customers, suppliers, and
remote workers outside the firewall. With Nintex Live, your workflow
possibilities are endless…
Complementary Form Solutions for Complementary Form Needs
InfoPath Nintex Forms
List Views List
Repeating Groups
XML Documents
.NET Code
BCS Support
No Code
Call Web Services
Mobile Devices
Rich Client
View/Fill Out
in BrowserRow-by-Row
Touch Support
Fill Out Without
Access to SharePoint
Consumed by
Anonymous Users
Direct Database
Easy for End Users
Toggle Between
Form/Workflow design
Forms as Documents
Forms as Applications
Public Access
Workflow Integration

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Ultimate Project Office with BrightWork and Nintex - Event on May 6

  • 1. Ultimate Project Office with BrightWork, Nintex, SharePoint & Atidan Get Started Fast and Evolve at Your Own Pace David J. Rosenthal, CEO, Atidan May 6, 2014
  • 2. Logistics for Today’s Webcast • Use your computer or any voice line for WebEx Audio – Select ‘I will call in’ for USA and Global numbers • Questions and Answers – Impractical to take questions on the phone throughout - sorry! • Your phone has already been put on mute for now to avoid accidental background noise – We will answer questions at the end as follows: • WebEx – Chat panel – After the webcast - extra questions to • Remember to go to the “full screen” – pull down menu on top right, select ‘View’ and ‘Full Screen’
  • 4. Today’s Webcast Description Available to deploy on premise or online, BrightWork & Nintex on SharePoint 2013 will help you: • Easily initiate, plan, track and control all projects in one SharePoint environment • Efficiently collaborate and get everyone on the same page • Effectively manage portfolios • Increase your project success rate • Evolve your project management best practices
  • 5. Today’s Agenda • Project Management on SharePoint 2013 • Summary, References, Suggested Next Steps • More Q & A
  • 6. Demo and Deployment Sequence 1. Start Quick and Get Immediate Visibility and Control 2. Improved Best Practices Templates – Collaboratively Manage in the Small, Medium and Large 3. Effectively Manage Across Projects and Portfolios 4. Workflow and Forms 5. Evolve Project Management
  • 7. Start Quick and Get Experience “For the things we have to learn, before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” - Aristotle
  • 8. The BrightWork Approach Start Deliver Immediate Visibility and Control Evolve Mature Project Management Practices with Flexibility
  • 9. Built-in Best Practices (in Templates)
  • 10. Get Immediate Visibility and Control Projects Tracker (Inside a Project Office) - One Project Status Update - Many Dashboards Updated
  • 11. Very Quick Entry of Project Updates
  • 12. Fast Reporting of Project Status
  • 13. All Projects on One Set of Dashboards
  • 14. Collaboratively Manage in the Small Create New Project - from a Template Use a Simple Process i. Project Statement ii. Tasks (really easy update) iii. Documents iv. Issues v. Status Reports Reports - My Work - Gantt - Dashboards
  • 15. Manage Project with Project Lite
  • 16. Manage with Medium Complexity Add More Process, e.g. - Risks - Metrics - Status Reports - Resource Reports
  • 17. Sample Tiles: from Project Standard
  • 18. Manage with Medium Complexity Add - More Process, e.g. - Change Requests - Post Mortem - etc. - Project Sync – Wow!
  • 20. Nintex Workflow QUICK & EASY DRAW IT, NOT CODE IT Empower all SharePoint users to automate their own processes in minutes through intuitive, easy to use, browser based drag- and-drop workflow designer. BUILT ON SHAREPOINT WORK BETTER, INVEST SMART Protect your SharePoint investment through simple deployment and management, while avoiding additional infrastructure and client software costs. CONNECTED SYSTEMS AND CLOUD INTEGRATION Connect Nintex Workflow to Office 365, external systems, Exchange server, Lync server, databases, web services, and a world of cloud services seamlessly.
  • 21. • Browser based, embedded in SharePoint • Drag and drop • Design once for many devices Quick and Easy Forms Design • Desktops or mobile devices • Authenticated or anonymous • Publish in SharePoint or on the Internet Consume Anywhere on Any Device • Rich business applications • One solution package • Connects applications to cloud services Seamless Workflow Integration
  • 22. Sample Live Form – Anonymous Internet Access
  • 23. Workflow Demonstrations 1. Task Assignment Notifications – Due Dates 2. Issue Escalation – Status has not changed 3. Weekly Status Reports – Automatically generated
  • 24. Automated Email Reporting & Notifications
  • 25. Form Demonstrations • Tasks – Mobile everywhere • Issues – Extend to clients & partners • PMO Process – Approvals – Budgeting
  • 26. Next Actions - “We are ready to start” • Have your Project Office up and running in as little as three to six weeks • The bundle includes: (i) software; (ii) consulting / training; (iii) support •Fifty perpetual end-user licenses of all BrightWork templates •Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms for unlimited users •Project scoping, planning and setup, and needs definition •Installation and configuration of the BrightWork and Nintex solutions •Design of the local Project Office hierarchy •Configuration of 2 templates to manage 2 different project types •Configuration of 1 Project Office/rollup template for program level reporting across projects •Three workflow processes to support the PMO including portfolio management, project status and task escalation •Five mobile-enabled forms for project initiation, issue management, task tracking, risk reporting, and change requests •Introductory training for support staff and end users •Software support & new releases for one year •Annual Health Check with advice and recommendations Web   Americas: 1-215-825-5045 Ext 5001
  • 27. Today’s Agenda • Project Management on SharePoint 2013 • Summary, References, Suggested Next Steps • More Q & A
  • 28. After Survey/Poll - Reflection • Would you now like to use SharePoint 2013 to manage your Projects and Project Office? 1. No 2. Maybe 3. Yes
  • 29. “I need some Information” 1. Ask questions now! 2. Try these ideas for yourself 3. Call Atidan to ask your more specific questions 4. Q&A and Feedback Web   Americas: 1-215-825-5045 Ext 5001
  • 30. Appendix • Free Project Management Template for SharePoint
  • 31. Risk Reporting and Personal Reporting
  • 32. Ribbon - Shared Reporting
  • 33. (i) Free Trial & Training; (ii) Hosted PM Site
  • 36. Microsoft Project to SharePoint Sync
  • 37. Add Status Report: Dashboards Updated Added Quick Status Reporting Simplified Metrics Separation of powers! - A Simpler Project Statement - more static information - Status Report does updating
  • 38. 40 Amazon EC2 Create Instance Create an Amazon EC2 instance Amazon EC2 Instance Management Manage virtual servers in Amazon's EC2 Web Service Yammer Create User Create a new Yammer account Yammer Search Messages Search for Yammer messages Nintex delivers innovative software and cloud services that empower organizations to automate business processes, quickly and easily – all without a single line of code – increasing the success of business operations. Nintex Live enhances Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms by adding even more tools to the workflow toolbox, connecting workflows across distributed SharePoint deployments, including Office 365, and extending the reach of business forms to customers, suppliers, and remote workers outside the firewall. With Nintex Live, your workflow possibilities are endless…
  • 39. 41 Complementary Form Solutions for Complementary Form Needs InfoPath Nintex Forms List Items List Views List lookups Workflow Tasks Workflow Startup Validation Nested Repeating Groups XML Documents Embedded .NET Code BCS Support No Code Needed Call Web Services Directly Browser-Based Designer Workflow Variables Mobile Devices Pages Content Types Rich Client Rendering View/Fill Out in BrowserRow-by-Row Conditional Formatting Touch Support Handwriting Support Fill Out Without Access to SharePoint Consumed by Anonymous Users Direct Database Access Easy for End Users Toggle Between Form/Workflow design SharePoint-Aware Visual Elegance Repeating Groups Forms as Documents Forms as Applications Mobility Public Access Workflow Integration