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1© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Turning Data into Business Value
with a Modern Data Platform
Alex Gutow | Cloudera
2© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Data is Now a Strategic Asset
Today, everything that can be
measured will be measured.
Today, data IS the
Today, becoming data-driven
is a business imperative.
3© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Data is Transforming Business
Drive Customer
Improve Product &
Services Efficiency
Lower Business
Modernize IT
4© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Using Deeper Customer Insight to
Personalize Customer Solutions
• Provides 360-degree customer view to
improve marketing effectiveness and
• Enables real-time quoting of premiums
based on risk
• Analyzed customer data against 210
million U.S. survey database records in
15 seconds
5© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Saving Lives by Detecting Sepsis Early
Enough for Successful Treatment
• Builds a more complete picture of
patients, conditions, and trends
• Has saved 100’s of lives already
• Reduces hospital readmissions
• 2PB+ in multi-tenant environment
supporting 100s of clients
• Secure yet explorable
6© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Protecting the Global Finance System
• Compiles and links billions of signals to
create detailed consumer view
• Distinguishes good customers from
fraudsters and reduces false positives
• Fuels new products with competitive
features through new data assets
• Delivers 10X faster performance, using
⅓ the storage
7© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
But how do you get there?
8© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
The New Analytics Paradigm
why it
Make it
9© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Leverage Common Workload Patterns
Store and process unlimited
data fast and cost-effectively.
Engineering &
Data Science
“Programmatic data
processing and
machine learning”
Explore, analyze, and
understand all your data.
“Fast, flexible,
open source
parallel database”
Build data-driven applications
to deliver real-time insights.
“Online applications,
10© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Packaged Together for Applications & Users
Programmatic data
processing and data pipeline
Data Science
& Engineering
Explore, analyze, and
understand all your data.
Data-driven applications
to deliver real-time insights.
11© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
One platform. Many applications.
Data Science &
Driver Customer
Improve Product &
Services Efficiency
Lower Business
Use Cases
12© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
It all started with Hadoop
13© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Evolution of the Hadoop Platform
Continually growing & adapting
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
Core Hadoop
2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132007 2014 Present
14© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 PB of data/car/ year 1 – 2 TB of data / day 1 – 5 TB of data / day
15© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
It’s all kind of meaningless
unless you can make
sense of all that data
16© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloudera Enterprise
Making Hadoop Fast, Easy, and Secure
A new kind of data platform
• One place for unlimited data
• Unified, multi-framework
data access
Cloudera makes it
• Fast for business
• Easy to manage
• Secure without compromise
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Environments
Hybrid Deployment
17© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Capabilities
Data Engineering Operational DatabaseAnalytic Database
• Optimized performance for machine
learning & data processing
• High-performance SQL with multi-user
• Real-time model serving (<15ms) with
limitless concurrency
• Transient workload automation
• Hybrid manageability & resource
• Elasticity on-prem & in cloud
• Recommendations for offload &
• End-to-end Lambda/real-time
streaming in one platform
• Cloud & on-prem automations & BDR
• Compliance-Ready
• Fine-grained authorization of Spark/MR
• Compliance-Ready
• Data management for stewardship
• Compliance-Ready
• Unified encryption & RBAC
18© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Partner focused. Partner engineered.
19© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Built for Today
Ready for Tomorrow
20© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
What’s Driving Hadoop to the Cloud?
Enterprise customers using cloud for big data analytics
Hadoop deployments in cloud are
● Executive mandate: minimize on-prem
datacenter footprint
● Perceived lower overall TCO
● Increased agility: end-user self-service
● Elasticity: optimize infrastructure usage
21© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Future is Hybrid & Multi-Cloud
76% of companies will embrace hybrid cloud1 82% of enterprises will have a multi-cloud strategy2
1 Gartner, Market Trends: Cloud Adoption Trends Favor Public Cloud With a Hybrid Twist
2 RightScale 2016 State of the Cloud Report
22© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Embrace Transience for
Lower Costs
Decoupled Storage and
Compute for Elastic Scale
Patterns of Cloud-Native Applications
Flexibility, Self-Service Models, and New Cost Dynamics
Compartmentalize for
Greater Isolation
Object Store
Object Store
23© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Run Concurrent Workloads on Shared Data
App Delivery
Reduce Operating Costs New Insights, New Revenue Run Without Risk
Enterprise-grade to protect your
business, no matter what
▪ Persistent production-critical
▪ Periodic sync
▪ All local storage
Only pay for what you need,
when you need it
▪ Transient clusters
▪ Elastic workload
▪ Object storage centric
(Data Engineering)
(Analytic Database)
Explore and analyze all data,
wherever it lives
▪ Transient or Persistent clusters
▪ Sized to demand
▪ Local or object storage
Cloud Object Store Local Hadoop Storage
Backup to cloud
24© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloudera in the Cloud
Size compute and storage
independently, grow and shrink
clusters dynamically, and pay only
for what you use on ad-hoc,
transient workloads
Preserve business flexibility and
data portability and minimize cloud
lock-in by running in any one of the
three major public cloud providers
or in private cloud
Reduce risk with comprehensive
manageability, availability, security,
and governance required for
production big data workloads
Elastic Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Enterprise Grade
25© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Providing a complete view of consumer
watching and buying habits
• Helps customers optimize their ad
spend for greater campaign ROI
• Improves processing performance as
data volumes double
• Boosts agility and flexibility and
reduces risk with hybrid and
multi-cloud strategy
26© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Adopt an Agile Approach
Successful projects start small, fail often, and iterate to success
1. Get data you already have, or create
new data.
2. Explore and analyze, quickly.
3. Deploy your application.
…and repeat
new data sources, more
users, more use cases,
more complex analytics,
go real-time
Collect, Create,
unlimited data
Explore, Analyze
data in many ways
insights to drive action
27© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Getting Started is Easy
① ②
Download or Deploy
in the Cloud
Signup for
Contact us or a Partner
to Start a POC
28© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Turning Data into Business Value with a Modern Data Platform

  • 1. 1© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Turning Data into Business Value with a Modern Data Platform Alex Gutow | Cloudera
  • 2. 2© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Data is Now a Strategic Asset Instrumentation Consumerization Experimentation Today, everything that can be measured will be measured. Today, data IS the application. Today, becoming data-driven is a business imperative.
  • 3. 3© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Data is Transforming Business Drive Customer Insights Improve Product & Services Efficiency Lower Business Risk Modernize IT
  • 4. 4© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Deeper Customer Insight to Personalize Customer Solutions • Provides 360-degree customer view to improve marketing effectiveness and efficiency • Enables real-time quoting of premiums based on risk • Analyzed customer data against 210 million U.S. survey database records in 15 seconds CUSTOMER 360
  • 5. 5© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Saving Lives by Detecting Sepsis Early Enough for Successful Treatment • Builds a more complete picture of patients, conditions, and trends • Has saved 100’s of lives already • Reduces hospital readmissions • 2PB+ in multi-tenant environment supporting 100s of clients • Secure yet explorable
  • 6. 6© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Protecting the Global Finance System • Compiles and links billions of signals to create detailed consumer view • Distinguishes good customers from fraudsters and reduces false positives • Fuels new products with competitive features through new data assets • Delivers 10X faster performance, using ⅓ the storage CUSTOMER 360 LOWER BUSINESS RISKS
  • 7. 7© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. But how do you get there?
  • 8. 8© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. The New Analytics Paradigm Understand why it happened Change what happens next Determine what happened Make it happen consistently
  • 9. 9© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Leverage Common Workload Patterns Store and process unlimited data fast and cost-effectively. Data Engineering & Data Science “Programmatic data processing and machine learning” Explore, analyze, and understand all your data. Analytic Database “Fast, flexible, open source parallel database” Build data-driven applications to deliver real-time insights. Operational Database “Online applications, lambda/kappa architectures”
  • 10. 10© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Packaged Together for Applications & Users Programmatic data processing and data pipeline creation. Data Science & Engineering Explore, analyze, and understand all your data. Analytic Database Data-driven applications to deliver real-time insights. Operational Database
  • 11. 11© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. One platform. Many applications. Data Science & Engineering Analytic Database Operational Database Driver Customer Insights Improve Product & Services Efficiency Lower Business Risks MODERN DATA PLATFORM Business Value Technology Use Cases
  • 12. 12© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. It all started with Hadoop
  • 13. 13© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Evolution of the Hadoop Platform Continually growing & adapting Core Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce) Solr Pig Core Hadoop HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig Core Hadoop Hive Mahout HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig Core Hadoop Sqoop Avro Hive Mahout HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig Core Hadoop Flume Bigtop Oozie HCatalog Hue Sqoop Avro Hive Mahout HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig YARN Core Hadoop Spark Tez Impala Kafka Drill Flume Bigtop Oozie HCatalog Hue Sqoop Avro Hive Mahout HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig YARN Core Hadoop Parquet Sentry Spark Tez Impala Kafka Drill Flume Bigtop Oozie HCatalog Hue Sqoop Avro Hive Mahout HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig YARN Core Hadoop Knox Flink Parquet Sentry Spark Tez Impala Kafka Drill Flume Bigtop Oozie HCatalog Hue Sqoop Avro Hive Mahout HBase ZooKeeper Solr Pig YARN Core Hadoop Kudu RecordService Ibis Falcon Knox Flink Parquet Sentry Spark Tez Impala Kafka Drill Flume Bigtop Oozie Hcatalog Hue Sqoop Avro Hive Mahout Hbase ZooKeeper Solr Pig YARN Core Hadoop 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132007 2014 Present
  • 14. 14© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 PB of data/car/ year 1 – 2 TB of data / day 1 – 5 TB of data / day
  • 15. 15© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. It’s all kind of meaningless unless you can make sense of all that data
  • 16. 16© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloudera Enterprise Making Hadoop Fast, Easy, and Secure A new kind of data platform • One place for unlimited data • Unified, multi-framework data access Cloudera makes it • Fast for business • Easy to manage • Secure without compromise Public Cloud Private Cloud Hybrid Environments Hybrid Deployment Flexibility OPERATIONS DATA MANAGEMENT STRUCTURED UNSTRUCTURED PROCESS, ANALYZE, SERVE UNIFIED SERVICES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SECURITY NoSQL STORE INTEGRATE BATCH STREAM SQL SEARCH OTHER OTHERFILESYSTEM RELATIONAL
  • 17. 17© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Key Capabilities Data Engineering Operational DatabaseAnalytic Database Fast • Optimized performance for machine learning & data processing Fast • High-performance SQL with multi-user concurrency Fast • Real-time model serving (<15ms) with limitless concurrency Easy • Transient workload automation • Hybrid manageability & resource management Easy • Elasticity on-prem & in cloud • Recommendations for offload & optimizations Easy • End-to-end Lambda/real-time streaming in one platform • Cloud & on-prem automations & BDR Secure • Compliance-Ready • Fine-grained authorization of Spark/MR Secure • Compliance-Ready • Data management for stewardship Secure • Compliance-Ready • Unified encryption & RBAC
  • 18. 18© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Partner focused. Partner engineered. Data Systems Applications Operational Tools Infrastructure System Integration CLOUDERA ENTERPRISE OPERATIONS DATAMANAGEMENT UNIFIED SERVICES PROCESS,ANALYZE, SERVE STORE INTEGRATE
  • 19. 19© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Built for Today Ready for Tomorrow
  • 20. 20© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. What’s Driving Hadoop to the Cloud? Enterprise customers using cloud for big data analytics Hadoop deployments in cloud are accelerating: ● Executive mandate: minimize on-prem datacenter footprint ● Perceived lower overall TCO ● Increased agility: end-user self-service ● Elasticity: optimize infrastructure usage
  • 21. 21© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. The Future is Hybrid & Multi-Cloud 76% of companies will embrace hybrid cloud1 82% of enterprises will have a multi-cloud strategy2 1 Gartner, Market Trends: Cloud Adoption Trends Favor Public Cloud With a Hybrid Twist 2015 2 RightScale 2016 State of the Cloud Report
  • 22. 22© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Embrace Transience for Lower Costs Decoupled Storage and Compute for Elastic Scale Patterns of Cloud-Native Applications Flexibility, Self-Service Models, and New Cost Dynamics Compartmentalize for Greater Isolation Object Store COMPUTE 1h r SPIN UP SPIN DOWN Object Store
  • 23. 23© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Run Concurrent Workloads on Shared Data App Delivery (Operational Database) Reduce Operating Costs New Insights, New Revenue Run Without Risk Enterprise-grade to protect your business, no matter what ▪ Persistent production-critical clusters ▪ Periodic sync ▪ All local storage Only pay for what you need, when you need it ▪ Transient clusters ▪ Elastic workload ▪ Object storage centric ETL/Modeling (Data Engineering) BI/Analytics (Analytic Database) Explore and analyze all data, wherever it lives ▪ Transient or Persistent clusters ▪ Sized to demand ▪ Local or object storage Cloud Object Store Local Hadoop Storage Backup to cloud
  • 24. 24© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloudera in the Cloud Size compute and storage independently, grow and shrink clusters dynamically, and pay only for what you use on ad-hoc, transient workloads Preserve business flexibility and data portability and minimize cloud lock-in by running in any one of the three major public cloud providers or in private cloud Reduce risk with comprehensive manageability, availability, security, and governance required for production big data workloads Elastic Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Enterprise Grade
  • 25. 25© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Providing a complete view of consumer watching and buying habits • Helps customers optimize their ad spend for greater campaign ROI • Improves processing performance as data volumes double • Boosts agility and flexibility and reduces risk with hybrid and multi-cloud strategy CUSTOMER 360 DRIVE CUSTOMER INSIGHTS
  • 26. 26© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Adopt an Agile Approach Successful projects start small, fail often, and iterate to success 1. Get data you already have, or create new data. 2. Explore and analyze, quickly. 3. Deploy your application. …and repeat Add: new data sources, more users, more use cases, more complex analytics, go real-time Collect, Create, Manage unlimited data Explore, Analyze data in many ways Operationalize insights to drive action
  • 27. 27© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Getting Started is Easy ① ② Download or Deploy in the Cloud Signup for Training Contact us or a Partner to Start a POC ③
  • 28. 28© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Thanks!