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Tour Guiding Interpretation
Interpretation – what is it? “ An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information.” Freeman Tilden –  Interpreting Our Heritage
Interpretation – what is it? interpretation is… an explanation of the natural, cultural or historic values attached to places. It enables visitors to gain insights and understanding about the reasons for conservation and ongoing protection of heritage  According to the New Zealand Department of Conservation
Principles of Interpretation Interpretation should be meaningful for the  audience , it should provoke curiosity, attention and interest and educate To do this the interpretation must relate in some way to the participants  personality  and/or  experience

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The Audience Interpretive audiences are special – why? They are  participating of their own free will In their own time They want to see something in a new way They are seeking inspiration and recreation
Principles of Interpretation Information is only a part of the interpretation. It should enlighten the audience and involve all the senses and styles of learning For example Information  (facts) The Southern Alps have formed along a tectonic plate boundary and are eroded by weather. The erosion rate and the uplift rate are very similar…
Principles of Interpetation Interpretation  (revelation ) Colliding plates on the earth’s surface created the Southern Alps. Just as when you push two pieces of paper together they buckle, fold and rise, so does the earth. Weather is working to slow the rise of the mountains, by tearing away at them with wind, rain and snow. As much as the Southern Alps get pushed up each year, the weather wears them back down again so they stay a fairly constant height.
Principles of Interpretation Interpretation contains many forms of art. The materials may be scientific, historical or architectural (all of which can be taught) However interpretation should stimulate, provoke and inspire How?

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This presentation is a collection of student reports and based on the curriculum of the subject Tour Guiding Services for the students enrolled at the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management of the Lyceum of the Philippines Cavite Campus.

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The lecture on the topic "Destinations" from the Student Learning Guide of the subject Principles of Tourism II for the students of the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management of Lyceum of the Philippines Cavite Campus.

How? By Being relevant and interactive Satisfying visitor curiosity Creating meaning Providing entertainment Provoking thought
Principles of Interpretation Interpretation should aim to present and appeal to the whole  It should encompass everything about the receiver not just a phase or part
Essentials of Interpretation The  Message(s) These relate to the theme or general topic Natural  care for the environment Cultural  preservation of the language  The  Message Must relate to the specific  audience  and their characteristics
Essentials of Interpretation The  Message Must be appropriate to the  setting  and  context  in which the interpretation is taking place Setting   site or place where interpretation is being held Context   reason or background to  interpretation

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An itinerary is a plan of a journey showing the route and the places that the visitor will visit. Thus, it is a schedule or timetable produced in association with a package tour. It is basically designed to identify the route, day-by-day journey format, origin, destination, and all the enroute halting points, period of halts along with accommodation, mode of travel, activities and other services offered during a visitor’s tour.

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The tourism industry has experienced significant growth over the past 60 years, with international tourist arrivals growing from 25 million in 1950 to over 800 million in 2005. Technology has played a key role in this growth by reducing geographical barriers through innovations in transportation and communication. Looking ahead, international tourist arrivals are projected to reach 1.8 billion by 2030. Technologies like the internet, mobile phones, and applications are increasingly important for the tourism sector and have transformed how people plan, book, and experience travel. Augmented reality in particular holds great potential to enhance tourism experiences through virtual information overlaid on the real world.

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Essentials of Interpretation Techniques The methods used to communicate the ideas and feelings They should encompass all learning styles They should help the message to provoke change if necessary
Different types of interpretation Guided tour Guide takes group on a tour and offers interpretation Point duty Interpretation at a specific point. Effective way of managing large group of visitors in a limited time frame Roving Interpretation Moving about to where events are happening and visitors are found
Different types of interpretation Presentations Talk, static or moving Visual presentation or audio recording Demonstrations Showing how something is done, usually involves the audience Living   history Living portrayal or characters or events includes dress, dialect, objects or artefacts and acting
Different types of interpretation Interactive Engaging an audience with the interpreter or some device or  resource Lecture or talk Oral presentation usually with visual aids Drama Using theatre to provide the interpretation – role plays, theatre sports, puppets

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Travel agents can be either retail agents who sell directly to customers, or wholesale agents who sell to other agencies. They organize travel by assembling different components like accommodation, transportation, and activities. Full service agencies handle all types of travel while specialized agencies focus on certain interests or business travelers. Online travel agents allow customers to book travel online. The key functions of travel agencies are providing information, planning itineraries, making reservations and payments, and coordinating with suppliers.

travel and tourism
Different types of Interpretation Non personal Print  Brochures, books, posters Self guiding Programmes, signs, interpretive panels, use of audio tapes Exhibits Displays, collections, museums and galleries
Different types of Interpretation Non Personal Visitor Centres Combination of media, displays, guides etc Museum Paintings, sculptures, buildings – through the use of objects
Different types of interpretation Audio Visual Devices Media repeater A recording at a specific site providing information Portable media player MP3, CD player, audio tour Closed Circuit TV Audio visual presentation
Different types of interpretation Audio Visual Devices Computer Audience can interact with software Laser Disc Visual media with audio input (DVD) Video Film support or demonstration Slideshow Power point or photographic slides

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The presentation summarizes the roles and functions of travel agents. It discusses what a travel agency is and how they make travel arrangements. It then describes the different types of travel agencies, including retail and wholesale agencies. Specific agency functions are outlined such as travel information, reservations, ticketing, and tour packaging. Common travel terminology and the skills required of agency personnel are also summarized.

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The document discusses tourism development at multiple scales, from individual sites and destinations to regional scales involving many jurisdictions over long time periods. It addresses factors like transportation, attractions, utilities, and links between sites that are important for planning tourism destinations and regions. Additionally, it outlines considerations for developing tourism businesses and attractions as well as planning transportation, information/promotion, and accounting for social and environmental impacts.

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Tourism is a complex, multi-sector industry that involves the movement and activities of people outside their normal places of residence. The document defines tourism from several perspectives and outlines the key elements that make up the tourism system, including tourists, destinations, generating regions, and transit routes. It also discusses push and pull factors that influence travel and introduces Leiper's model of the tourism system, which views tourism as interactions between these geographical and organizational components.

careertravel and tourismscope
Different types of interpretation Interactive Media Observation Hides Camouflaged places  used to observe activities Information Poles Visual and audio material activated by those wanting to see and listen
Interpretation  - Personal Nature Walk Strengths Person to person communication Can ask questions and get answer Can be easily adapted, updated and changed
Interpretation - Personal Nature walk Weakness Tour must move at the pace of the speaker Difficult for hearing impaired Language barrier
Interpretation – Non Personal Audio Tour Strengths Expert commentary Detailed descriptions Self-paced

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A tour operator is responsible for arranging all aspects of a tour such as transportation, accommodation, meals, guides, and optional activities. They contract with various service providers and package the components together. Tour operators focus on select destinations and provide convenient travel options for tourists. A travel agent sells tour packages to clients and acts as an intermediary between tour operators and customers, helping clients book packages that meet their needs and budgets.

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The Mathieson and Wall model outlines a 5-stage process for tourist decision making: 1) problem recognition, where a need for travel is identified; 2) information search, where sources are consulted to learn about options; 3) evaluation of alternatives, where a destination is selected; 4) purchase/booking arrangements, where travel is planned; and 5) post-purchase experience, where satisfaction is evaluated. This linear model examines how internal and external factors influence each stage of a tourist's purchase process.

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Interpretation Principles And Techniques
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There are two main types of interpretation techniques - personal and non-personal. Personal techniques involve a human guide and allow for person-to-person interaction but have limitations like pace and language barriers. Non-personal techniques use printed materials, audiovisual aids and interactive exhibits which can be translated and accessed independently but lack immediate feedback and personalization. The key is selecting the right technique based on the audience, environment and desired interpretive message.

Interpretation – Non Personal Audio Tour Weaknesses Cannot ask questions Requires some technical expertise to set up Difficult for hearing impaired Isolating
Interpretation – Non Personal Signs Strengths Can be translated into all languages Can be indoors or outside Can be utalised at own pace
Interpretation Signs Weaknesses Can be damaged Can be expensive Questions cannot be answered

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Chapter-2-Era-of-One-party-Dominance-Class-12-Political-Science-Notes-2 (1).pptx
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Tour Guiding Interpretation

  • 2. Interpretation – what is it? “ An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information.” Freeman Tilden – Interpreting Our Heritage
  • 3. Interpretation – what is it? interpretation is… an explanation of the natural, cultural or historic values attached to places. It enables visitors to gain insights and understanding about the reasons for conservation and ongoing protection of heritage According to the New Zealand Department of Conservation
  • 4. Principles of Interpretation Interpretation should be meaningful for the audience , it should provoke curiosity, attention and interest and educate To do this the interpretation must relate in some way to the participants personality and/or experience
  • 5. The Audience Interpretive audiences are special – why? They are participating of their own free will In their own time They want to see something in a new way They are seeking inspiration and recreation
  • 6. Principles of Interpretation Information is only a part of the interpretation. It should enlighten the audience and involve all the senses and styles of learning For example Information (facts) The Southern Alps have formed along a tectonic plate boundary and are eroded by weather. The erosion rate and the uplift rate are very similar…
  • 7. Principles of Interpetation Interpretation (revelation ) Colliding plates on the earth’s surface created the Southern Alps. Just as when you push two pieces of paper together they buckle, fold and rise, so does the earth. Weather is working to slow the rise of the mountains, by tearing away at them with wind, rain and snow. As much as the Southern Alps get pushed up each year, the weather wears them back down again so they stay a fairly constant height.
  • 8. Principles of Interpretation Interpretation contains many forms of art. The materials may be scientific, historical or architectural (all of which can be taught) However interpretation should stimulate, provoke and inspire How?
  • 9. How? By Being relevant and interactive Satisfying visitor curiosity Creating meaning Providing entertainment Provoking thought
  • 10. Principles of Interpretation Interpretation should aim to present and appeal to the whole It should encompass everything about the receiver not just a phase or part
  • 11. Essentials of Interpretation The Message(s) These relate to the theme or general topic Natural care for the environment Cultural preservation of the language The Message Must relate to the specific audience and their characteristics
  • 12. Essentials of Interpretation The Message Must be appropriate to the setting and context in which the interpretation is taking place Setting site or place where interpretation is being held Context reason or background to interpretation
  • 13. Essentials of Interpretation Techniques The methods used to communicate the ideas and feelings They should encompass all learning styles They should help the message to provoke change if necessary
  • 14. Different types of interpretation Guided tour Guide takes group on a tour and offers interpretation Point duty Interpretation at a specific point. Effective way of managing large group of visitors in a limited time frame Roving Interpretation Moving about to where events are happening and visitors are found
  • 15. Different types of interpretation Presentations Talk, static or moving Visual presentation or audio recording Demonstrations Showing how something is done, usually involves the audience Living history Living portrayal or characters or events includes dress, dialect, objects or artefacts and acting
  • 16. Different types of interpretation Interactive Engaging an audience with the interpreter or some device or resource Lecture or talk Oral presentation usually with visual aids Drama Using theatre to provide the interpretation – role plays, theatre sports, puppets
  • 17. Different types of Interpretation Non personal Print Brochures, books, posters Self guiding Programmes, signs, interpretive panels, use of audio tapes Exhibits Displays, collections, museums and galleries
  • 18. Different types of Interpretation Non Personal Visitor Centres Combination of media, displays, guides etc Museum Paintings, sculptures, buildings – through the use of objects
  • 19. Different types of interpretation Audio Visual Devices Media repeater A recording at a specific site providing information Portable media player MP3, CD player, audio tour Closed Circuit TV Audio visual presentation
  • 20. Different types of interpretation Audio Visual Devices Computer Audience can interact with software Laser Disc Visual media with audio input (DVD) Video Film support or demonstration Slideshow Power point or photographic slides
  • 21. Different types of interpretation Interactive Media Observation Hides Camouflaged places used to observe activities Information Poles Visual and audio material activated by those wanting to see and listen
  • 22. Interpretation - Personal Nature Walk Strengths Person to person communication Can ask questions and get answer Can be easily adapted, updated and changed
  • 23. Interpretation - Personal Nature walk Weakness Tour must move at the pace of the speaker Difficult for hearing impaired Language barrier
  • 24. Interpretation – Non Personal Audio Tour Strengths Expert commentary Detailed descriptions Self-paced
  • 25. Interpretation – Non Personal Audio Tour Weaknesses Cannot ask questions Requires some technical expertise to set up Difficult for hearing impaired Isolating
  • 26. Interpretation – Non Personal Signs Strengths Can be translated into all languages Can be indoors or outside Can be utalised at own pace
  • 27. Interpretation Signs Weaknesses Can be damaged Can be expensive Questions cannot be answered