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Top Java Script Frameworks for 2019
Top JavaScript
Frameworks For
Front End Framekworks
1. React
The first place in our list of top
JavaScript frameworks for 2019 without
a doubt goes to React JS.React is a
highly efficient and declarative
JavaScript library used for building
interactive UIs. It was created by
Facebook engineer Jordan Walke and
launched in May 2013.
Usage Statistics
● 475k websites on the web are powered by React.
● 64.8% of javascript developers are currently using React.
● Ranked 1st most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS
● Github – 120.5k stars, 21k forks and 1200 contributors.

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Flutter vs React Native | Edureka
Flutter vs React Native | EdurekaFlutter vs React Native | Edureka
Flutter vs React Native | Edureka

YouTube Link: **Edureka Online Courses: ** This Edureka PPT on "Flutter vs React Native" will give you a web developer's perspective into the two cross-platform mobile development framework Flutter and React Native. After watching this video, you will be able to make an informed decision on which framework would suit your needs to the best. The following topics are discussed in the PPT - What is Flutter? What is React Native? Flutter vs React Native Build your first flutter application! - Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

flutter vs react nativeflutter vs react native 2019flutter vs react native 2018
Amazon Final internship presentation
Amazon Final internship presentationAmazon Final internship presentation
Amazon Final internship presentation

The Cordova Firefly Plugin document discusses creating a Cordova plugin to enable HTML5 developers to utilize Amazon's Firefly feature in their Cordova apps. It describes brainstorming a solution using Cordova to add Firefly support to the existing ingestion system for web apps. A demo is shown of creating the Cordova Firefly plugin in real time. Lessons learned include working around OS constraints, developing Cordova and Firefly plugins, and exposing APIs. Areas for improvement include fully implementing resolving plugins and separating code into proper packages.

AEM responsive
AEM responsiveAEM responsive
AEM responsive

The document discusses Adobe Experience Manager's capabilities for responsive web design. It provides an overview of responsive vs adaptive design and outlines AEM's features for editing responsive layouts through a grid system. The presentation covers how to enable responsive editing in AEM, including setting up breakpoints and using the responsive paragraph system. It also provides examples of how to leverage the grid for layouting, floating, breaking, nesting and hiding content across breakpoints.

Why REACT Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019?
● High performance
● Abundant Resources
● Backward Compatibility
● Easy to maintain component structure
Cons Of Using REACT
● Bloated and complex
● Need for Assembly-Tools
● SEO problems
2. Vue
Holding the second place on top
JavaScript frameworks for 2019 is Vue
Js. Vue is an open source javascript
framework meant to streamline UI
design. It was created by Evan You and
released in 2014. The last couple of
years have a witnessed an explosion in
popularity of Vue which has grown by
leaps and bounds outpacing AngularJS
rival framework by google in 2018 State
of JS survey.
Usage Statistics
● 4k websites are powered by Vue.
● 28.8% of javascript developers are currently using vue.
● Ranked 2nd most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS
● Github – 125k stars, 18k forks and 253 contributors.

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JHipster is bad-ass. It's an Apache-licensed open source project that allows you to generate Spring Boot APIs and Angular (or React/Vue) apps. It has a vibrant community and ecosystem with support for deploying to many cloud providers and using the latest DevOps buzzwords, like Docker and K8s. This session will show you JHipster, why it's cool, and show you how to create an app with it. JHipster 7 Demo: JHipster 7 Tutorial:

Solving Web Applications Challenges with Build Process and SOC
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Solving Web Applications Challenges with Build Process and SOC

Nanoko is not a MVC or MVVM framework. Unlike angular or ember, Nanoko proposes a build process ensuring the reproducibility of the build. It also integrates testing, aggregation, minification, and a bunch of web languages such as Less and CoffeeScript. Nanoko also proposes a framework to build and run modular applications. the main outcome of Nanoko comes from this combination: an industrial build process, and a modular runtime.Nanoko does not focus on an UI-centric architecture style, but embraces service-orientation making the development more flexible, and the integration really easy. Ubidreams has developed a cross-platform app named "Gourmandise" for Remy Cointreau. This application is a mobile catalog used by the sales department when meeting customers. In addition to the iPad application a web application (CMS) was developed using the Nanoko stack. This CMS runs on any browser (including IE8)

by OW2
internationalopen source softwareow2con
#Devcamp17: Développement d’une Progressive Web Application (PWA) avec le sta...
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1- Généralités sur les PWAs 2- Présentation du framework Ionic 3- Présentation du framework Angular 4- Présentation du framework Capacitor 5- Instant coding

Why VUE Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019?
● Fast Configuration:
● Flexibility:
● Easy Learning curve
● Lightweight Size
Cons Of Using VUE JS
● Poor Support:
● Small Community:
StackOverflow, 9gag, Adobe, Xiaomi, Grammarly, Alibaba
3. Angular
Angular is a front end web
applications framework based on
typescript. AngularJS or Angular 1
was built by google engineers when
Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons and
launched in 2010 while angular 2 was
launched in 2016.
Usage Statistics
● 350k websites on the web are powered by AngularJS/Angular2+ versions.
● 23.9% of javascript developers are currently using Angular.
● Ranked 3rd most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS
● Github – 44.5k stars, 11.5k forks and 840 contributors.

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Globant development week / Micro frontend
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Globant development week / Micro frontend

The document discusses micro frontends, which involve breaking large monolithic applications into independent features developed by separate teams. Micro frontends follow a single responsibility principle and are similar to a microservices approach for frontends. They allow for independent development, deployment, and use of new technologies for different parts of an application. Challenges include maintaining a consistent UI and sharing dependencies, while benefits include scalability, reduced risk, and easier integration of new teams. Common approaches use iframes, libraries, or web components. Successful examples include Spotify, Upwork, and Thoughtworks.

Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and how to develop them. It covers what PWAs are, why they are needed to address issues like slow internet speeds and high website friction. It then explains how to get started building a PWA, including using an app shell, service workers, manifest files, notifications, and enabling offline browsing. The document also reviews some PWA frameworks like Angular and tools like Lighthouse, and predicts future trends in web development.

Micro frontends
Micro frontendsMicro frontends
Micro frontends

Micro frontends" is a new trend in large single page applications (SPA). Single page applications have become increasingly large and resemble in behavior and life-cycle the server side monolith. Just as there is a movement to split server side monolithic applications into multiple robust micro-services, there is also a movement towards splitting up the client app into multiple parts that can be developed, and more importantly - deployed, independently thus increasing agility and lowering the risk of unexpected regressions in other parts of the application.

micro servicesweb applicationssoftware architecture
Why ANGULAR Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019?
● Supports two-way data binding
● Abundant resources and support:
● Support for Progressive web applications:
● MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
Cons Of Using ANGULAR JS
● Difficult Syntax
● Migration
● Steep learning curve
● Knowledge of MVC
4. Ember
The 4th framework in our list of top
JavaScript frameworks for 2019 is
Ember.js. Ember is an open-source
front end javascript framework used
for building robust web applications.
Ember was originally known as
SproutCore framework in 2010. In Dec
2011, Yehuda Katz, the brains behind
jQuery launched ember.
Usage Statistics
● 7k websites on the web are powered by Ember.
● 6.3% of javascript developers are currently using Ember. Its popularity has
stagnated over the last few years.
● Ranked 4rd most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS
● Github – 20k stars, 4k forks and 750 contributors.

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Why hybrid-is-important

This presentation will explain, how to develop an end to end mobile application using Javascript frameworks and Other Web Technologies, from mobile to server to database and unit testing

#crosswalk#device fragmentation#css3
State of Micro Frontend
State of Micro FrontendState of Micro Frontend
State of Micro Frontend

Micro frontends are an approach to building frontends where independent teams develop independent modules that are composed together to build an application. This allows for separation of concerns, independent deployments, and flexibility. There are various architectural approaches to implementing micro frontends including using monorepos, packages, iframes, plugins, or web components. Companies using micro frontends include Zalando, Microsoft, and Single-SPA.

Micro Front Ends : Divided We Rule by Parth Ghiya - AhmedabadJS
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Micro Front Ends : Divided We Rule by Parth Ghiya - AhmedabadJS

This document discusses micro frontends, which divide large web applications into independent, standalone units. It outlines the issues with traditional monolithic applications, such as increased complexity and difficulty scaling. Micro frontends address these issues by allowing independent teams to work on separate application pieces with different technologies. The document covers micro frontend design considerations, communication patterns between units, and technical implementations using Angular Elements and the Frint framework.

Why EMBER Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019?
● Ember templates
● Ember CLI
● Inspector tool
● Convention over Configuration
Cons Of Using EMBER JS
● Losing Market share
● Lack of Up to date resources
● Too complex to be implemented in small projects
● Extremely complicated
JavaScript will continue to be at the heart of web and mobile app development for
foreseeable future. JavaScript frameworks provide a flexible and efficient way of
coding your applications. The decision of picking an appropriate JavaScript
framework either for front-end, back-end or testing should be taken after careful
and thorough deliberation depending on the requirement of the project

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Final year internship presentation

The document summarizes an internship at a leading software company in Nepal. The internship's objectives were to gain real-world experience, learn advanced techniques, and develop applicable skills. Over a 2 month period, the intern was assigned to an Android team of 5 members. They received training in Android development and were assigned a project to build a news app that scraped and displayed data from websites using Jsoup. The intern tested the app on various Android devices and concluded the internship gained skills in areas like design, threads, fragments, and using external libraries.

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These amazing open source web development frameworks are changing the landscape of application development. Each framework is unique and its own pros & Cons.

open source technologiestools for web developmentopen source web development frameworks
Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)
Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)
Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)

Micro Frontends Architecture is micro service approach for Frontend development. Micro Frontends thinks web-app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams. Each team has a distinct area of business or mission it cares about and specialises in it. A team is cross functional and develops its features end-to-end, from database to user interface and take care of CI/CD. Micro service architechure is well know concept for backend point of view but In frontend we need to follow diffrent type of design pattern to achieve this. Key Take away: 1. Learn about Micro Frontend 2. How to practically use them 3. Key challenges

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Top Java Script Frameworks for 2019

  • 3. Front End Framekworks 1. React The first place in our list of top JavaScript frameworks for 2019 without a doubt goes to React JS.React is a highly efficient and declarative JavaScript library used for building interactive UIs. It was created by Facebook engineer Jordan Walke and launched in May 2013. ONE
  • 4. Usage Statistics ● 475k websites on the web are powered by React. ● 64.8% of javascript developers are currently using React. ● Ranked 1st most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS survey. ● Github – 120.5k stars, 21k forks and 1200 contributors.
  • 5. Why REACT Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019? ● High performance ● Abundant Resources ● Backward Compatibility ● Easy to maintain component structure
  • 6. Cons Of Using REACT ● Bloated and complex ● JSX ● Need for Assembly-Tools ● SEO problems
  • 7. 2. Vue Holding the second place on top JavaScript frameworks for 2019 is Vue Js. Vue is an open source javascript framework meant to streamline UI design. It was created by Evan You and released in 2014. The last couple of years have a witnessed an explosion in popularity of Vue which has grown by leaps and bounds outpacing AngularJS rival framework by google in 2018 State of JS survey. TWO
  • 8. Usage Statistics ● 4k websites are powered by Vue. ● 28.8% of javascript developers are currently using vue. ● Ranked 2nd most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS survey. ● Github – 125k stars, 18k forks and 253 contributors.
  • 9. Why VUE Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019? ● Fast Configuration: ● Flexibility: ● Easy Learning curve ● Lightweight Size
  • 10. Cons Of Using VUE JS ● Poor Support: ● Small Community: PROMINENT CLIENTS StackOverflow, 9gag, Adobe, Xiaomi, Grammarly, Alibaba
  • 11. 3. Angular Angular is a front end web applications framework based on typescript. AngularJS or Angular 1 was built by google engineers when Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons and launched in 2010 while angular 2 was launched in 2016. THRE E
  • 12. Usage Statistics ● 350k websites on the web are powered by AngularJS/Angular2+ versions. ● 23.9% of javascript developers are currently using Angular. ● Ranked 3rd most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS survey. ● Github – 44.5k stars, 11.5k forks and 840 contributors.
  • 13. Why ANGULAR Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019? ● Supports two-way data binding ● Abundant resources and support: ● Support for Progressive web applications: ● MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
  • 14. Cons Of Using ANGULAR JS ● Difficult Syntax ● Migration ● Steep learning curve ● Knowledge of MVC
  • 15. 4. Ember The 4th framework in our list of top JavaScript frameworks for 2019 is Ember.js. Ember is an open-source front end javascript framework used for building robust web applications. Ember was originally known as SproutCore framework in 2010. In Dec 2011, Yehuda Katz, the brains behind jQuery launched ember. FOU R
  • 16. Usage Statistics ● 7k websites on the web are powered by Ember. ● 6.3% of javascript developers are currently using Ember. Its popularity has stagnated over the last few years. ● Ranked 4rd most popular front-end javascript framework in State Of JS survey. ● Github – 20k stars, 4k forks and 750 contributors.
  • 17. Why EMBER Is One Of The Top JavaScript Frameworks For 2019? ● Ember templates ● Ember CLI ● Inspector tool ● Convention over Configuration
  • 18. Cons Of Using EMBER JS ● Losing Market share ● Lack of Up to date resources ● Too complex to be implemented in small projects ● Extremely complicated
  • 19. JavaScript will continue to be at the heart of web and mobile app development for foreseeable future. JavaScript frameworks provide a flexible and efficient way of coding your applications. The decision of picking an appropriate JavaScript framework either for front-end, back-end or testing should be taken after careful and thorough deliberation depending on the requirement of the project undertaken. CONCLUSION