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Top 10 Scalability Mistakes John Coggeshall
Welcome! Who am I: John Coggeshall Chief Technology Officer, Automotive Computer Services Author PHP 5 Unleashed Zend Educational Advisory Board Speaker on PHP-related topics worldwide Geek
What is Scalability? Define: Scalability The ability and flexibility of an application to meet growth requirements of an organization More then making a site go fast(er) Scalability in human resources, for example The “fastest” approach isn’t always the most scalable OO is slower, but more scalable from a code maintenance and reuse standpoint Failure to consider future needs during architectural stages leading to failure of the application’s API to scale
Oct. 18, 2005 #  The secret to scalability is the ability to design, code, and maintain your applications using the same process again and again regardless of size

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Advanced php for web professionals
Advanced php for web professionalsAdvanced php for web professionals
Advanced php for web professionals

This book provides an overview of advanced PHP techniques for building professional web applications. It covers topics like improved session management, multiple database interaction, better form processing, file handling, authentication, error handling, and generating dynamic graphics. The book is intended for PHP developers who want to learn more advanced concepts. It uses numerous code examples to illustrate the techniques.

Search in WordPress - how it works and howto customize it
Search in WordPress - how it works and howto customize itSearch in WordPress - how it works and howto customize it
Search in WordPress - how it works and howto customize it

WordPress search customization is a topic we at Seravo get asked about on a frequent basis. There are many different ways to customize the search, and customers understandably want to learn the best practices. The search can be customized quite easily with small changes on PHP code level, and by utilizing MariaDB database’s built-in search functionality. You can also choose a more robust way to do this, and build a new ElasticSearch server just for your case. These slides are from the webinar on January 14th, 2021:

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The Third Screen: Using HTML+CSS to format for Print

My Webvisions 2015 talk on formatting for print using HTML and CSS, for both websites and non-web content.

“ Scalability marginally impacts procedure, procedure grossly impacts scalability” - Theo Schlossnagle
You have to plan Performance and resource scalability requires forethought and process Version Control Performance Goals Metric measuring Development Mailing Lists API documentation Awareness  is key Think about these problems and how you will solve them as your project gets off the ground
Designing without Scalability If your application does not perform it will likely not succeed What does it mean to perform? 10 requests/sec? 100 requests/sec? 1000 requests/sec? If you don’t know what it will take to meet your performance requirements, you probably won’t meet them. At its worst, you'll be faced with a memorable and sometimes job-ending quote: 'This will never work. You're going to have to start all over.’
Performance Metrics Response Time How long does it take for the server to respond to the request? Resource usage CPU, memory, disk I/O, Network I/O Throughput Requests / second Probably the most useful number to keep track of

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The document provides an overview of scaling principles for web applications, beginning with optimizing a single server application and progressing to more advanced architectures involving load balancing, multiple web/application servers, and multiple database servers. It discusses profiling applications to identify bottlenecks, various caching and optimization strategies, Apache configuration for prefork MPM, and load balancing technologies like DNS round robin, Apache reverse proxy, HAProxy and Pound. Links are provided to additional resources on related topics.

Enterprise PHP
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Enterprise PHP

- PHP can be used to build enterprise-level applications and integrate with existing enterprise technologies and architectures. While other technologies may be better suited for certain backend tasks, PHP excels at building scalable web applications. - Common enterprise design patterns around scalability, high availability, and integrity can be applied to PHP implementations. Specific patterns also exist for scaling MySQL databases and leveraging Apache modules like mod_rewrite. - PHP applications can interface with Java backends using bridges. This allows leveraging the strengths of each technology by using PHP for the frontend and Java for enterprise services.

Hhvm and wordpress
Hhvm and wordpressHhvm and wordpress
Hhvm and wordpress

The document discusses how HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine), a just-in-time compiler created by Facebook, can improve the performance of PHP-based websites like WordPress by compiling PHP to bytecode faster than traditional PHP processing. It provides benchmarks showing HHVM's performance advantages over PHP-FPM and describes tools like XHProf that can help optimize WordPress sites to take advantage of HHVM's capabilities. While HHVM has risks with poorly coded themes/plugins, its performance gains make it worth considering as an alternative PHP processor.

Proactive vs. Reactive Common Scenario: Reactive Write your app Deploy it Watch it blow up Try to fix it If you’re lucky, you  might  succeed “enough” If you’re unlucky….. Correct Approach: Proactive Know your performance goals up front and make sure your application is living up to them as part of the development process
Everyone has a role in Performance Architects: Balance performance against other application needs Interoperability Security Maintainability Developers: You need to know how to measure and how to optimize to meet the goals Web-stress tools, profilers, etc. Testers: You must be able to validate the application will perform to specification
Designing with Scalability When designing your application, you should assume it needs to scale Quick and dirty prototypes often are exactly what gets to production It’s easy to make sure your applications have a decent chance of scaling MySQL: Design assuming someday you’ll need master/server replication, for example Don’t write an application you’ll need three years from now, write an application you need today Just think about what you might need in three years
Network file systems Problem: We have a server farm of 10 servers and we need to deploy our code base Very common problem Many people look to a technology like NFS Share one code base At least 90% of the time, this is a bad idea NFS/GFS is really slow NFS/GFS has tons of locking issues

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Overview of how to do SEO
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Overview of how to do SEO

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques for ranking higher in search engine results pages. It recommends focusing on usability and content quality rather than black hat tricks. The biggest influencers on rankings are external links to a page, especially from high page ranked domains. It also outlines where to start with keywords, how search engines calculate results, important on-page elements, and tools for SEO.

Python for SEO
Python for SEOPython for SEO
Python for SEO

The document discusses using Python for SEO applications such as data extraction, preparation, analysis, machine learning and deep learning. It provides an agenda and examples of using Python to solve challenging SEO problems from site migrations and traffic losses. Methods demonstrated include pulling data from Google Analytics, storing in DataFrames, regular expression grouping, and training machine learning models on page features to classify page groups and identify losses. Later sections discuss using deep learning with computer vision models to classify web pages from screenshots.

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Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018
Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018
Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018

Bastian Grimm provides best practices for successfully relaunching a website through migration. He emphasizes thorough documentation, testing, and addressing all technical details. Common problems with migrations include missing or incorrect redirects. Post-migration, it is important to monitor performance, check for errors, and ensure proper indexing of the new site.

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Network file systems So how do we deploy our code base? You should always deploy your code base locally on the machine serving it Rsync is your friend What about run-time updates? Accepting File uploads Need to be available to all servers simultaneously Solutions vary depending on needs NFS may be an option for this small portion of the site Database is also an option
I/O Buffers I/O Buffers are there for a reason, to make things faster Sending 4098 bytes of data to the user when your system write blocks are 4096 bytes is stupid In PHP you can solve this using output buffering At the system level you can also boost up your TCP buffer size Almost always a good idea, most distributions are very conservative here Just be mindful of the amount of RAM you actually have
Ram Disks Ram Disks are a very nice way to improve performance of an application, as long as you have a lot of memory laying around Use Ramdisks to store any sort of data you wouldn’t care if you lost when the 16 year old trips over the power cable A reasonable alternative to shared memory
Bandwidth Optimization You can optimize bandwidth in a few ways Compression mod_deflate Zlib.output_compression=1 (PHP) Content Reduction via Tidy <?php $o = array(&quot;clean&quot; => true, &quot;drop-proprietary-attributes&quot; => true, &quot;drop-font-tags&quot; => true, &quot;drop-empty-paras&quot; => true, &quot;hide-comments&quot; => true, &quot;join-classes&quot; => true, &quot;join-styles&quot; => true); $tidy = tidy_parse_file(&quot;php.html&quot;, $o);  tidy_clean_repair($tidy); echo $tidy; ?>

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Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018
Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018

My talk from SEOkomm 2018 in Salzburg covering best practices on how to successfully naviate through the various types of migrations (protocal migrations, frontend migrations, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things tech.

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Scaling automated quality text generation for enterprise sites

Writing quality content and meta data at scale is a big problem for most enterprise sites. In this webinar we are going to explore what is possible given the latest advances in deep learning and natural language processing.Our main focus is going to be about generating metadata: titles, meta descriptions, h1s, etc that are critical for technical SEO performance. But, we will cover full article generation as well.

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Use Xdebug to profile PHP
Use Xdebug to profile PHPUse Xdebug to profile PHP
Use Xdebug to profile PHP

Presentation from webinar held on August 19th, 2020, with Xdebug developer Derick Rethans and Seravo CEO Otto Kekäläinen. This presentation shows you how to use Xdebug (which is very easy with the Seravo WordPress development environment!) to make a record of what the WordPress PHP code does during a website page load, and how to use that information to optimize the performance of your WordPress site. For a video recording and Dericks presentation see

Configuring PHP for Speed register_globals = off auto_globals_jit = on magic_quotes_gpc = off expose_php = off register_argc_argv = off always_populate_raw_post_data = off session.use_trans_sid = off session.auto_start = off session.gc_divisor = 10000 output_buffering = 4096
Blocking calls Blocking I/O can always be a problem in an application I.e. attempting to open a remote URL from within your PHP scripts If the resource is locked / slow / unavailable your script hangs while we wait for a timeout Might as well try to scale an application that has a sleep(30) in it Very bad
Blocking calls Solutions Don’t use blocking calls in your application Don’t use blocking calls in the heavy-load aspects of your application Have out-of-process scripts responsible for pulling down data
Failing to Cache Caching is one of the most important things you can do when writing a scalable application A lot of people don’t realize how much they can cache Rarely is a 5 second cache of any data going to affect user experience Yet it will have significant performance impact 1 page load / 2 queries per request 2 queries * 200 request / sec = 400 queries / second 400 queries * 5 seconds = 2000 queries you didn’t do

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The need for Speed: Advanced #webperf - SEOday 2018
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The need for Speed: Advanced #webperf - SEOday 2018

The document discusses optimizing web performance. It begins by defining critical rendering path optimization, which involves identifying the minimum CSS needed to render the initial viewport of a page. This critical CSS can be inlined into the page head to avoid an additional HTTP request. Non-critical CSS is then preloaded asynchronously so it downloads in parallel without blocking page rendering. Tracking paint metrics like first contentful paint and time to interactive is also recommended to measure performance improvements. Overall, the document emphasizes optimizing the critical resources needed for the initial page load.

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Three site speed optimisation tips to make your website REALLY fast - Brighto...
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The document discusses three tips for optimizing website speed: 1) Using new image formats like WebP that are smaller in file size than JPEG and PNG, 2) Optimizing custom webfonts to reduce file size and number of HTTP requests, and 3) Implementing HTTP/2 to enable multiple requests over a single connection and reduce latency. It also covers critical path rendering which involves optimizing the resources needed to render the initial view above the fold.

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The New Renaissance of JavaScript
The New Renaissance of JavaScriptThe New Renaissance of JavaScript
The New Renaissance of JavaScript

This document discusses various techniques for improving JavaScript rendering for SEO purposes, including: - Using automated tests to prevent JavaScript-related SEO errors before deployment. Unit and end-to-end tests can check for issues like missing tags. - Choosing an appropriate rendering technique depending on how often content changes, whether it be pre-rendering, server-side rendering, or dynamic rendering. - Leveraging universal JavaScript to avoid accidental cloaking issues and ensure consistency between what users and search engines see. Workarounds are discussed when universal JavaScript is not practical.

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Failing to Cache Improving the speed of PHP can be done very easily using an op-code cache PHP 6 will have this ability built-in to the engine
Semi-Static Caching If you're web application has a lot of semi-static content Content that  could change so it has to be stored in the DB, but almost never does .. And you're running on Apache This Design Pattern is killer!
Semi-Static Caching Most people in PHP would implement a page like this: This would be responsible for generating the semi-static page HTML for the browser
Semi-Static Caching Instead of generating the HTML for the browser, make this script generate another PHP script that contains mostly static content Keep things like personalization code, but make the actual article itself static in the file Write the file to disk in a public folder under document root

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Code Bootcamp for Kids- Learn Programming -Texavi AnalystZone by Pardha Sarad...

Don’t get bogged down by all the technical jargon and unnecessary syntax of programming languages. We help you separate the wheat from chaff, do what matters the most - ideate, design and develop the web site and Mobile application with the right technologies and tools. All in an interactive, fun and enjoyable way, just like how you would play games.    Texavi’s Code Bootcamp will equip you with the life skills of critical thinking, clarity of thought, analysis, design-thinking, coding and more importantly learning technology in a practical manner. Besides the hands-on learning, you will get access to our treasure of insightful, high-quality resources and materials, course certificate and some nice swag items like digital badges, laptop stickers and more!   Still not convinced, get a low-down on what you would get out of the 'Code Bootcamp for Kids - Learn Programming workshop’, check this out!

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Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018
Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018
Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018

My talk covering some of the very latest in web performance optimisation (paint timings, critical rendering path, custom web fonts, etc.) for technical marketers & SEOs from SearchLeeds 2018.

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The document discusses best practices for scalability and performance when developing PHP applications. Some key points include profiling and optimizing early, cooperating between development and operations teams, testing on production-like data, caching frequently accessed data, avoiding overuse of hard-to-scale resources, and using compiler caching and query optimization. Decoupling applications, caching, data federation, and replication are also presented as techniques for improving scalability.

Semi-Static Caching If you put them in this directory You can create a mod_rewrite rule such that  maps to Since show_article.php writes articles to files, once it's been generated no more DB reads!
Semi-Static Caching Simple and Elegant Solution Allows you to keep pages “personalized” Very easy to Maintain #
Poor database design  Database design is almost always the most important thing in your application PHP can be used completely properly, but if you mess up the database you’re hosed anyway Take the time to really think about your design Read books on designing relational databases Understand how Indexes work, and use them
Poor database design  For example.. Using MySQL MyISAM tables all the time Use InnoDB instead if you can Use MyISAM tables only if you plan on doing fulltext searching Even then, they shouldn’t be primary tables

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Scalable talk notes

This document summarizes techniques for building scalable websites with Perl, including caching whole pages, chunks of HTML/data, and using job queuing. Caching helps performance by reducing workload and scalability by lowering database load. Large sites like Yahoo cache aggressively. Job queuing prevents overloading resources and keeps websites responsive under high demand by lining requests up in a queue.

30 Skills to Master to Become a Senior Software Engineer
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30 Skills to Master to Become a Senior Software Engineer

The document discusses 30 skills that software engineers should master to become senior engineers, including skills with programming languages like PHP, databases, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript frameworks, build tools like Gulp, version control with Git, server-side frameworks like Laravel, object-relational mappers, and using database seeding and migrations. It emphasizes the importance of being well-rounded and having experience with both front-end and back-end technologies as well as tools that improve productivity and maintainability. Mastering these skills can lead to higher salaries, more leadership opportunities, and building more robust applications.

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Domino server and application performance in the real world
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Domino server and application performance in the real world

The document provides tips and strategies for optimizing Domino server performance, with a focus on addressing disk I/O bottlenecks. It recommends separating database files onto different physical disks based on I/O needs, avoiding journaling file systems for transaction logs, optimizing RAID configurations, and addressing inefficient views and design patterns that can degrade performance. Specific issues covered include transaction logging, indexing, database design, and application usage patterns.

Improperly dealing with database connections Improperly using persistent database connections Know your database, MySQL has a relatively light handshake process compared to Oracle Using PHP to deal with database fail over It’s not PHP’s Job, don’t do it. Design your PHP applications to work with hostname aliases instead of real addresses i.e. mysql-r, mysql-w Have external processes responsible for switching the /etc/hosts file in the event something blows up
Database connections Bad: Code to determine if it is the dev environment or not and a different database is selected in each case Suicidal: Code to determine if the primary master in a MySQL database is down, and instead attempt to seamlessly roll-over to a hot swap MySQL slave you bless as master These don’t work These aren’t PHP’s Job what so ever These will someday land you on CNN for incompetence GOOD: MySQL Proxy
Having your Cake and Eating it too For those of us using MySQL, here’s a great replication trick from our friends at flickr InnoDB is under most circumstances considerably faster then MyISAM MyISAM is considerably better suited for full-text searches Trick: During a master/slave replication, the slave table type can change Set up a separate MyISAM fulltext search farm Connect to those servers when performing full-text searches

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Scaling Web Apps P Falcone

To scale PHP web applications: 1) Focus on fundamentals like testable code, efficient data structures and algorithms, and designing for change. 2) Optimize performance through caching, using databases efficiently, and leveraging PHP features. 3) Employ techniques like asynchronous processing, parallel computing, and service-oriented architectures to spread load across servers.

by jedt
Lamp Stack Optimization
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Lamp Stack Optimization

Mike Creuzer's presentation on LAMP optimization for the October, 2009 meeting of the Suburban Chicago PHP & Web Development Meetup

Front Range PHP NoSQL Databases
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Front Range PHP NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases are non-relational databases designed for large volumes of data across many servers. They emerged to address scaling and reliability issues with relational databases. While different technologies, NoSQL databases are designed for distribution without a single point of failure and to sacrifice consistency for availability if needed. Examples include Dynamo, BigTable, Cassandra and CouchDB.

nosql frphp
SQLite, Huh? SQLite is a great database package for PHP that can really speed certain things up Requires you understanding when and how to use it. SQLite is basically a flat-file embedded database Crazy-fast reads, horrible writes (full database locks) Answer: SQLite is a  *great*  lookup database
Keepalive Requests Keepalive sounds great on paper It can actually totally hose you if you aren’t careful Use Keepalive if: You use the same server for static/dynamic content You intelligently know how to set the timeout No Keepalive request should last more then 10 seconds Configure your server appropriately If Apache is 100% Dynamic  TURN IT OFF
Knowing where to  Not  optimize Sooner or later, you (likely) will worry about optimization Hopefully, you didn’t start after your application started blowing up (aka Twitter) When trying to make scalability decisions knowledge is the most important thing you can have PHP has both closed source and open source profilers which do an excellent job of identifying the bottlenecks in your application vmstat, iostat are your friends Optimize where it counts

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The Guide to becoming a full stack developer in 2018
The Guide to becoming a full stack developer in 2018The Guide to becoming a full stack developer in 2018
The Guide to becoming a full stack developer in 2018

This document provides a guide for becoming a full-stack developer in 2018. It outlines 8 key skills needed: 1) HTML/CSS, 2) JavaScript, 3) a back-end language like Node.js, Ruby, Python, or PHP, 4) databases and web storage, 5) HTTP and REST, 6) web application architecture, 7) Git, and 8) basic algorithms and data structures. For each skill, it provides details on important concepts and tools to learn. The goal is to learn both front-end skills like HTML/CSS and back-end skills like databases, APIs, and server-side programming in order to build complete web applications.

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InterConPHP 2014 - Scaling PHP
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InterConPHP 2014 - Scaling PHP

Tips and hits on how to scale your PHP application, from tuning your php.ini settings and using accelerators till going through caching mechanisms, reverse proxying and infrastructure setups.

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Web20expo Scalable Web Arch
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Web20expo Scalable Web Arch

The document discusses scalable web architectures and common patterns for scaling web applications. It covers key topics like load balancing, caching, database replication, and data federation. The overall goal of application architecture is to scale traffic and data while maintaining high availability and performance. Horizontal scaling by adding more servers is preferable to vertical scaling of buying larger servers.

Instrumentation of your applications is key to determining what matters most when optimizing If you’re not logging, you’re shooting in the dark White-box monitoring of your applications via tools like Zend Platform are enormously helpful in understanding what is going on You can’t make good process (or business) decisions unless you understand how your web site is being used and by whom. Knowing where to  Not  optimize
Amdahl’s Law: Improving code execution time by 50% when the code executes only 2% of the time will result in a 1% overall improvement Improving code execution time by 10% when the code executes 80% of the time will result in a 8% overall improvement Knowing where to  Not  optimize
Use Profilers Profilers are  easy  to use Profilers draw pretty pictures Profilers are good Use profilers
How a Profiler/Debugger works in PHP  Profiler / Debuggers in PHP work remotely against the web server

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Web20expo Scalable Web Arch
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Web20expo Scalable Web Arch

The document discusses scalable web architectures and common patterns for scaling web applications. It covers key topics like load balancing, caching, database replication and sharding, and asynchronous queuing to distribute workloads across multiple servers. The goal of these patterns is to scale traffic, data size, and maintainability through horizontal expansion rather than just vertical upgrades.

Web20expo Scalable Web Arch
Web20expo Scalable Web ArchWeb20expo Scalable Web Arch
Web20expo Scalable Web Arch

The document discusses scalable web architectures and common patterns for scaling web applications. It covers key topics like load balancing, caching, database replication and sharding, and asynchronous queuing to distribute workloads across multiple servers. The goal of these patterns is to scale traffic, data size, and maintainability through horizontal expansion rather than just vertical upgrades.

Scaling PHP apps
Scaling PHP appsScaling PHP apps
Scaling PHP apps

Matteo Moretti discusses scaling PHP applications. He covers scaling the web server, sessions, database, filesystem, asynchronous tasks, and logging. The key aspects are decoupling services, using caching, moving to external services like Redis, S3, and RabbitMQ, and allowing those services to scale automatically using techniques like auto-scaling. Sharding the database is difficult to implement and should only be done if really needed.

Tips on using a profiler When doing real performance analysis, here are a few tips to help you out: Copy the raw data (function execution times) into a spreadsheet and do analysis from there Most profilers provide at least two execution figures per function call The amount of time spent executing PHP code The amount of time PHP spent internally That means total = A + B  If you are spending a lot more time inside of PHP, you’ve got a blocking issue somewhere
Something More.. Do not mistake something more for something better Dev: “Hey, let’s build this great ORM that automatically generates it’s views like Ruby!” Manager: “Sounds great, go to it” <4 months pass> Dev: “Here’s my two weeks notice, I quit” Manager: “Okay John you write it” John: “Um, I have no idea what this guy did” <2 months pass to re-write the module in a way that we can maintain it>
Something More.. Don’t use a sledge hammer when a tack hammer will do Devs: Just because your boss doesn’t know the difference doesn’t make it a good idea It might seem like great job security to write code only you can maintain, but in reality all it will do is get you fired faster when they figure it out Managers: Know enough about the technologies to keep eager developers from leaving you holding the bag.
Final Thoughts Oct. 18, 2005 #  Ultimately the secret of scalability is developing applications and procedures which scale both  UP   AND   DOWN You have to be able to afford to make the application to begin with You have to be able to afford to make the application ten times bigger then it is Without process, you will fail. REMEMBER:  In ANY application, there is only ever one bottleneck Questions?

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System design for Web Application
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The document provides guidance on designing a complex web application by breaking it into multiple microservices or applications. It recommends asking questions about team size, traffic patterns, priorities for speed vs stability, existing APIs or libraries, and programming languages. Based on the answers, it suggests appropriate frameworks, languages, data storage, testing/deployment processes, and server/container management options. The overall goal is to modularize the application, leverage existing tools when possible, and not overengineer parts of the design.

UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015
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UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015

I presented to the Georgia Southern Computer Science ACM group. Rather than one topic for 90 minutes, I decided to do an UnConference. I presented them a list of 8-9 topics, let them vote on what to talk about, then repeated. Each presentation was ~8 minutes, (Except Career) and was by no means an attempt to explain the full concept or technology. Only to wake up their interest.

Drupal Performance : DrupalCamp North
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Drupal Performance : DrupalCamp North

This document provides information on improving Drupal performance through various techniques including performance testing, caching, optimizing database and server configurations, using tools like Varnish, load balancers, and CDNs, and addressing inefficient code. It also discusses a case study of using scalable cloud hosting and caching strategies to handle peak traffic for a site during major awards events.


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Top 10 Scalability Mistakes

  • 1. Top 10 Scalability Mistakes John Coggeshall
  • 2. Welcome! Who am I: John Coggeshall Chief Technology Officer, Automotive Computer Services Author PHP 5 Unleashed Zend Educational Advisory Board Speaker on PHP-related topics worldwide Geek
  • 3. What is Scalability? Define: Scalability The ability and flexibility of an application to meet growth requirements of an organization More then making a site go fast(er) Scalability in human resources, for example The “fastest” approach isn’t always the most scalable OO is slower, but more scalable from a code maintenance and reuse standpoint Failure to consider future needs during architectural stages leading to failure of the application’s API to scale
  • 4. Oct. 18, 2005 # The secret to scalability is the ability to design, code, and maintain your applications using the same process again and again regardless of size
  • 5. “ Scalability marginally impacts procedure, procedure grossly impacts scalability” - Theo Schlossnagle
  • 6. You have to plan Performance and resource scalability requires forethought and process Version Control Performance Goals Metric measuring Development Mailing Lists API documentation Awareness is key Think about these problems and how you will solve them as your project gets off the ground
  • 7. Designing without Scalability If your application does not perform it will likely not succeed What does it mean to perform? 10 requests/sec? 100 requests/sec? 1000 requests/sec? If you don’t know what it will take to meet your performance requirements, you probably won’t meet them. At its worst, you'll be faced with a memorable and sometimes job-ending quote: 'This will never work. You're going to have to start all over.’
  • 8. Performance Metrics Response Time How long does it take for the server to respond to the request? Resource usage CPU, memory, disk I/O, Network I/O Throughput Requests / second Probably the most useful number to keep track of
  • 9. Proactive vs. Reactive Common Scenario: Reactive Write your app Deploy it Watch it blow up Try to fix it If you’re lucky, you might succeed “enough” If you’re unlucky….. Correct Approach: Proactive Know your performance goals up front and make sure your application is living up to them as part of the development process
  • 10. Everyone has a role in Performance Architects: Balance performance against other application needs Interoperability Security Maintainability Developers: You need to know how to measure and how to optimize to meet the goals Web-stress tools, profilers, etc. Testers: You must be able to validate the application will perform to specification
  • 11. Designing with Scalability When designing your application, you should assume it needs to scale Quick and dirty prototypes often are exactly what gets to production It’s easy to make sure your applications have a decent chance of scaling MySQL: Design assuming someday you’ll need master/server replication, for example Don’t write an application you’ll need three years from now, write an application you need today Just think about what you might need in three years
  • 12. Network file systems Problem: We have a server farm of 10 servers and we need to deploy our code base Very common problem Many people look to a technology like NFS Share one code base At least 90% of the time, this is a bad idea NFS/GFS is really slow NFS/GFS has tons of locking issues
  • 13. Network file systems So how do we deploy our code base? You should always deploy your code base locally on the machine serving it Rsync is your friend What about run-time updates? Accepting File uploads Need to be available to all servers simultaneously Solutions vary depending on needs NFS may be an option for this small portion of the site Database is also an option
  • 14. I/O Buffers I/O Buffers are there for a reason, to make things faster Sending 4098 bytes of data to the user when your system write blocks are 4096 bytes is stupid In PHP you can solve this using output buffering At the system level you can also boost up your TCP buffer size Almost always a good idea, most distributions are very conservative here Just be mindful of the amount of RAM you actually have
  • 15. Ram Disks Ram Disks are a very nice way to improve performance of an application, as long as you have a lot of memory laying around Use Ramdisks to store any sort of data you wouldn’t care if you lost when the 16 year old trips over the power cable A reasonable alternative to shared memory
  • 16. Bandwidth Optimization You can optimize bandwidth in a few ways Compression mod_deflate Zlib.output_compression=1 (PHP) Content Reduction via Tidy <?php $o = array(&quot;clean&quot; => true, &quot;drop-proprietary-attributes&quot; => true, &quot;drop-font-tags&quot; => true, &quot;drop-empty-paras&quot; => true, &quot;hide-comments&quot; => true, &quot;join-classes&quot; => true, &quot;join-styles&quot; => true); $tidy = tidy_parse_file(&quot;php.html&quot;, $o); tidy_clean_repair($tidy); echo $tidy; ?>
  • 17. Configuring PHP for Speed register_globals = off auto_globals_jit = on magic_quotes_gpc = off expose_php = off register_argc_argv = off always_populate_raw_post_data = off session.use_trans_sid = off session.auto_start = off session.gc_divisor = 10000 output_buffering = 4096
  • 18. Blocking calls Blocking I/O can always be a problem in an application I.e. attempting to open a remote URL from within your PHP scripts If the resource is locked / slow / unavailable your script hangs while we wait for a timeout Might as well try to scale an application that has a sleep(30) in it Very bad
  • 19. Blocking calls Solutions Don’t use blocking calls in your application Don’t use blocking calls in the heavy-load aspects of your application Have out-of-process scripts responsible for pulling down data
  • 20. Failing to Cache Caching is one of the most important things you can do when writing a scalable application A lot of people don’t realize how much they can cache Rarely is a 5 second cache of any data going to affect user experience Yet it will have significant performance impact 1 page load / 2 queries per request 2 queries * 200 request / sec = 400 queries / second 400 queries * 5 seconds = 2000 queries you didn’t do
  • 21. Failing to Cache Improving the speed of PHP can be done very easily using an op-code cache PHP 6 will have this ability built-in to the engine
  • 22. Semi-Static Caching If you're web application has a lot of semi-static content Content that could change so it has to be stored in the DB, but almost never does .. And you're running on Apache This Design Pattern is killer!
  • 23. Semi-Static Caching Most people in PHP would implement a page like this: This would be responsible for generating the semi-static page HTML for the browser
  • 24. Semi-Static Caching Instead of generating the HTML for the browser, make this script generate another PHP script that contains mostly static content Keep things like personalization code, but make the actual article itself static in the file Write the file to disk in a public folder under document root
  • 25. Semi-Static Caching If you put them in this directory You can create a mod_rewrite rule such that maps to Since show_article.php writes articles to files, once it's been generated no more DB reads!
  • 26. Semi-Static Caching Simple and Elegant Solution Allows you to keep pages “personalized” Very easy to Maintain #
  • 27. Poor database design Database design is almost always the most important thing in your application PHP can be used completely properly, but if you mess up the database you’re hosed anyway Take the time to really think about your design Read books on designing relational databases Understand how Indexes work, and use them
  • 28. Poor database design For example.. Using MySQL MyISAM tables all the time Use InnoDB instead if you can Use MyISAM tables only if you plan on doing fulltext searching Even then, they shouldn’t be primary tables
  • 29. Improperly dealing with database connections Improperly using persistent database connections Know your database, MySQL has a relatively light handshake process compared to Oracle Using PHP to deal with database fail over It’s not PHP’s Job, don’t do it. Design your PHP applications to work with hostname aliases instead of real addresses i.e. mysql-r, mysql-w Have external processes responsible for switching the /etc/hosts file in the event something blows up
  • 31. Database connections Bad: Code to determine if it is the dev environment or not and a different database is selected in each case Suicidal: Code to determine if the primary master in a MySQL database is down, and instead attempt to seamlessly roll-over to a hot swap MySQL slave you bless as master These don’t work These aren’t PHP’s Job what so ever These will someday land you on CNN for incompetence GOOD: MySQL Proxy
  • 32. Having your Cake and Eating it too For those of us using MySQL, here’s a great replication trick from our friends at flickr InnoDB is under most circumstances considerably faster then MyISAM MyISAM is considerably better suited for full-text searches Trick: During a master/slave replication, the slave table type can change Set up a separate MyISAM fulltext search farm Connect to those servers when performing full-text searches
  • 33.  
  • 34. SQLite, Huh? SQLite is a great database package for PHP that can really speed certain things up Requires you understanding when and how to use it. SQLite is basically a flat-file embedded database Crazy-fast reads, horrible writes (full database locks) Answer: SQLite is a *great* lookup database
  • 35. Keepalive Requests Keepalive sounds great on paper It can actually totally hose you if you aren’t careful Use Keepalive if: You use the same server for static/dynamic content You intelligently know how to set the timeout No Keepalive request should last more then 10 seconds Configure your server appropriately If Apache is 100% Dynamic TURN IT OFF
  • 36. Knowing where to Not optimize Sooner or later, you (likely) will worry about optimization Hopefully, you didn’t start after your application started blowing up (aka Twitter) When trying to make scalability decisions knowledge is the most important thing you can have PHP has both closed source and open source profilers which do an excellent job of identifying the bottlenecks in your application vmstat, iostat are your friends Optimize where it counts
  • 37. Instrumentation of your applications is key to determining what matters most when optimizing If you’re not logging, you’re shooting in the dark White-box monitoring of your applications via tools like Zend Platform are enormously helpful in understanding what is going on You can’t make good process (or business) decisions unless you understand how your web site is being used and by whom. Knowing where to Not optimize
  • 38. Amdahl’s Law: Improving code execution time by 50% when the code executes only 2% of the time will result in a 1% overall improvement Improving code execution time by 10% when the code executes 80% of the time will result in a 8% overall improvement Knowing where to Not optimize
  • 39. Use Profilers Profilers are easy to use Profilers draw pretty pictures Profilers are good Use profilers
  • 40. How a Profiler/Debugger works in PHP Profiler / Debuggers in PHP work remotely against the web server
  • 41. Tips on using a profiler When doing real performance analysis, here are a few tips to help you out: Copy the raw data (function execution times) into a spreadsheet and do analysis from there Most profilers provide at least two execution figures per function call The amount of time spent executing PHP code The amount of time PHP spent internally That means total = A + B If you are spending a lot more time inside of PHP, you’ve got a blocking issue somewhere
  • 42. Something More.. Do not mistake something more for something better Dev: “Hey, let’s build this great ORM that automatically generates it’s views like Ruby!” Manager: “Sounds great, go to it” <4 months pass> Dev: “Here’s my two weeks notice, I quit” Manager: “Okay John you write it” John: “Um, I have no idea what this guy did” <2 months pass to re-write the module in a way that we can maintain it>
  • 43. Something More.. Don’t use a sledge hammer when a tack hammer will do Devs: Just because your boss doesn’t know the difference doesn’t make it a good idea It might seem like great job security to write code only you can maintain, but in reality all it will do is get you fired faster when they figure it out Managers: Know enough about the technologies to keep eager developers from leaving you holding the bag.
  • 44. Final Thoughts Oct. 18, 2005 # Ultimately the secret of scalability is developing applications and procedures which scale both UP AND DOWN You have to be able to afford to make the application to begin with You have to be able to afford to make the application ten times bigger then it is Without process, you will fail. REMEMBER: In ANY application, there is only ever one bottleneck Questions?