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Top Ten
Application Problems
Hugh P. Brien Principle Sales Engineer
Everything is a Thread
• No Matter What the Platform everything is about
• Java Threads
• CLR Threads
• PHP Threads
• NodeJS Threads – Single Thread
• Python Thread – Single Thread (I think)
Top Ten Problems
• Full disclosure, this list is not scientific, it’s just based
upon experience dealing with customers trying to solve
application issues.
• The wrong Thread Pool or Connection Pool Settings.
• Not providing enough threads to match large load can c
ause serious blocking issues and create bottlenecks.
Memory Management
• Improper Memory Configuration for the Code Size and T
ransaction Volume.
• Improper memory settings can cause excessive garbage
collection and REMEMBER, in Java, a “Full Garbage Co
llection” means ALL THREADS STOP.
Web Services –
• SOAP based web services have more overall overhead
when compared to REST based web services.
• Did you know know that a simple SOAP web service call
that returns a temperature or a zip code requires 1 or 2K
B of packaging data? Like shipping a watch in a big box f
ull of foam peanuts. Unnecessary overhead.
Object Relational Mapping
• We are really talking about Java and Hibernate Abuse
Application Code
• Poorly written code. Make ALL of your developers read C
ode Complete by Steve McConnell and Implement Unit T
esting. Both can great improve the quality of their code.
Input/Output Bottlenecks
• Storage and network bottlenecks – Ensure your disks
are configured for sufficient IO.
• You need to make sure you have sufficient I/O
configurations, especially in virtual machine and complex
Logging In DEBUG mode
• After your major load test, did you leave your logging
solution in DEBUG mode?
• This can create a huge bottleneck that correlates directly
with load.
• However, this problem is pretty sneaky and you won’t
discover this issues unless you run a major load test.
Request Overload
• We have too many inbound requests coming in and not
enough resources to handle the load —
simply a bandwidth issue.
• It’s probably not the database.
• Oracle DBA’s typically run a fast databases. SQL Server
implementations are typically less tuned for performance
• It’s probably the database,
• Bad index or just a bad query. Could also be a developer
writing a query inside a query. (See Above)
• It’s probably the database,
• Bad index or just a bad query. Could also be a developer
writing a query inside a query. (See Above)
• It’s probably the database,
• Bad index or just a bad query.
• Could also be a developer writing a query inside a query.
• It’s probably the database,
• Bad index or just a bad query.
• Could also be a developer writing a query inside a query.
(See Above)
• Remember This Is Not Always a Mystery
Thank You

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Top 10 Application Problems

  • 1. Top Ten Application Problems Hugh P. Brien Principle Sales Engineer
  • 2. Everything is a Thread • No Matter What the Platform everything is about THREAD • Java Threads • CLR Threads • PHP Threads • NodeJS Threads – Single Thread • Python Thread – Single Thread (I think)
  • 3. Top Ten Problems • Full disclosure, this list is not scientific, it’s just based upon experience dealing with customers trying to solve application issues.
  • 4. Configuration • The wrong Thread Pool or Connection Pool Settings. • Not providing enough threads to match large load can c ause serious blocking issues and create bottlenecks.
  • 5. Memory Management • Improper Memory Configuration for the Code Size and T ransaction Volume. • Improper memory settings can cause excessive garbage collection and REMEMBER, in Java, a “Full Garbage Co llection” means ALL THREADS STOP.
  • 6. Web Services – • SOAP based web services have more overall overhead when compared to REST based web services. • Did you know know that a simple SOAP web service call that returns a temperature or a zip code requires 1 or 2K B of packaging data? Like shipping a watch in a big box f ull of foam peanuts. Unnecessary overhead.
  • 7. Object Relational Mapping • We are really talking about Java and Hibernate Abuse
  • 8. Application Code • Poorly written code. Make ALL of your developers read C ode Complete by Steve McConnell and Implement Unit T esting. Both can great improve the quality of their code.
  • 9. Input/Output Bottlenecks • Storage and network bottlenecks – Ensure your disks are configured for sufficient IO. • You need to make sure you have sufficient I/O configurations, especially in virtual machine and complex environments.
  • 10. Logging In DEBUG mode • After your major load test, did you leave your logging solution in DEBUG mode? • This can create a huge bottleneck that correlates directly with load. • However, this problem is pretty sneaky and you won’t discover this issues unless you run a major load test.
  • 11. Request Overload • We have too many inbound requests coming in and not enough resources to handle the load — simply a bandwidth issue.
  • 12. Database • It’s probably not the database. • Oracle DBA’s typically run a fast databases. SQL Server implementations are typically less tuned for performance .
  • 13. Database • It’s probably the database, • Bad index or just a bad query. Could also be a developer writing a query inside a query. (See Above)
  • 14. Database • It’s probably the database, • Bad index or just a bad query. Could also be a developer writing a query inside a query. (See Above)
  • 15. Database • It’s probably the database, • Bad index or just a bad query. • Could also be a developer writing a query inside a query.
  • 16. Database • It’s probably the database, • Bad index or just a bad query. • Could also be a developer writing a query inside a query. (See Above)
  • 17. Conclusion • Remember This Is Not Always a Mystery