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Apache TomcatApache Tomcat
Representation and Management of
Data on the Web
What is Tomcat?What is Tomcat?
• Tomcat is a Servlet container (Web server that interacts
with Servlets) developed under the Jakarta Project of
Apache Software Foundation
• Tomcat implements the Servlet and the Java Server
Pages (JSP) specifications of Sun Microsystems
• Tomcat is an open-source, non commercial project
- Licensed under the Apache Software License
• Tomcat is written in Java (OS independent)
A Servlet ExampleA Servlet Example
public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<h2>" + new java.util.Date() + "</h2>");
out.println("<h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>");
A JSP ExampleA JSP Example
<title>Hello World</title>
<h2><%= new java.util.Date() %></h2>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
</html> hello.jsp

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This document provides an introduction to Docker. It begins by introducing the presenter and agenda. It then explains that containers are not virtual machines and discusses the differences in architecture and benefits. It covers the basic Docker workflow of building, shipping, and running containers. It discusses Docker concepts like images, containers, and registries. It demonstrates basic Docker commands. It shows how to define a Dockerfile and build an image. It discusses data persistence using volumes. It covers using Docker Compose to define and run multi-container applications and Docker Swarm for clustering. It provides recommendations for getting started with Docker at different levels.

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Node.js is a server-side JavaScript platform built on Google's V8 engine. It is non-blocking and asynchronous, making it suitable for data-intensive real-time applications. The document discusses how to install Node.js and its dependencies on Ubuntu, introduces key Node.js concepts like events and the event loop, and provides examples of popular Node.js packages and use cases.

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Dockers and containers basics

The purpose of this solution is to go over the Docker basics which explain containers, images, how they work, where to find them, the architecture (client, daemon), the difference between Docker and VMs, and we will see Docker and an image and see some commands.

Another JSP ExampleAnother JSP Example
<h1>The numbers 1 to 10:</h1>
<% int i;
for (i=1; i<=10; ++i) { %>
<li>Number <%=i%> </li>
</html> numbers.jsp
Running TomcatRunning Tomcat
Tomcat Directory StructureTomcat Directory Structure
Base and Home DirectoriesBase and Home Directories
• The directory TOMCAT-HOME contains
executables and libraries required for the server
launching, running and stopping
- This directory is placed under /usr/local/…
• The directory TOMCAT-BASE contains the
Web-site content, Web applications and
configuration data
- This directory is placed under your home directory

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This document provides an introduction and overview of Node.js and MongoDB. It discusses that Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. It can be used for real-time applications and is well-suited for I/O-intensive applications. MongoDB is also introduced as a popular JSON-based NoSQL database that can be easily used with Node.js applications. Examples are given for connecting to MongoDB from Node.js code.

Maven ppt
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Maven ppt

Learn All Aspects Of Maven step by step, Enhance your skills & Launch Your Career, On-Demand Course affordable price & classes on virtually every topic.Try Before You Buy

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IIS (Internet Information Services) is a web server application created by Microsoft for use with Windows operating systems. It supports protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. IIS has been included with Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and beyond. Newer versions of IIS have added features like support for additional authentication mechanisms, modules for extending functionality, and performance/security improvements.

Installing TomcatInstalling Tomcat
• Create a directory for tomcat base
- For example: mkdir ~/tomcat-base
• Set the environment variable CATALINA_BASE to
your tomcat-base directory
- For example: setenv CATALINA_BASE ~/tomcat-base
- Insert this line into your .cshrc file
• Run ~dbi/tomcat/bin/setup
• $CATALINA_BASE is now a regular Tomcat base
directory, and Tomcat is ready to run
Running TomcatRunning Tomcat
• To start tomcat use ~dbi/tomcat/bin/catalina run
• Or, in background, ~dbi/tomcat/bin/catalina start
• To stop tomcat use ~dbi/tomcat/bin/catalina stop
• To see the default page of Tomcat from your browser
use the URL http://<machine-name>:<port>/
- machine-name is the name of the machine on which Tomcat
runs and port is the port you chose for Tomcat
• You can also use http://localhost:<port>/ if your
browser runs on the same machine as Tomcat
From Scratch to ServerFrom Scratch to Server
 Tomcat server

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This document discusses repetitive system administration tasks and proposes Ansible as a solution. It describes how Ansible works using agentless SSH to automate tasks like software installation, configuration, and maintenance across multiple servers. Key aspects covered include Ansible's inventory, modules, playbooks, templates, variables, roles and Docker integration. Ansible Tower is also introduced as a GUI tool for running Ansible jobs. The document recommends Ansible for anyone doing the same tasks across multiple servers to gain efficiencies over manual processes.

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ASP.NET Web form
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The document provides an overview of ASP.NET compilation and configuration. It discusses how ASP.NET code is compiled into assemblies and MSIL. It also covers the benefits of compilation such as performance, security and stability. Additionally, it describes ASP.NET's compilation architecture including features like multiple language support, automatic compilation, and flexible deployment options. Finally, it discusses website configuration in ASP.NET and how it uses a hierarchical system of configuration. framework

The document discusses using Maven for automation builds. It covers quick starting a Maven project, the Maven lifecycle and phases, dependency and plugin management, and integrating Maven with IDEs like Eclipse. Key points include how to create a basic Maven project, the different Maven directories, common Maven commands, using the Surefire plugin to run tests, and configuring test dependencies.

Choosing a port for TomcatChoosing a port for Tomcat
• In the file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml you
will find the element Connector of Service “Catalina”
• Choose a port (greater than 1024) and change the value
of the port attribute to your chosen one:
<Service name="Catalina”>
<Connector port="8090"/>
Creating Web ApplicationsCreating Web Applications
Creating Web ApplicationsCreating Web Applications
• A Web application is a self-contained subtree of
the Web site
• A Web application usually contains several Web
resources like HTML files, Servlets, JSP files,
and other resources like Database tables
• Each Web application has its own subdirectory
under the directory
The Directory Structure of a WebThe Directory Structure of a Web
• Tomcat automatically identifies a directory
$CATALINA_BASE/webapps/myApp/ with
the relative URL /myApp/
• For example, a file named index.html in myApp
is mapped to by the following URLs:

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Ansible is tool for Configuration Management. The big difference to Chef and Puppet is, that Ansible doesn't need a Master and doesn't need a special client on the servers. It works completely via SSH and the configuration is done in Yaml. These slides give a short introduction & motivation for Ansible.

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Topics Covered ============================== Overview of .NET Overview of ASP.NET Creating an ASP.NET Web Form Adding Event Procedures Validating User Input

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Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. Jenkins helps to automate the non-human part of software development process, with continuous integration and facilitating technical aspects of continuous delivery. It is a server-based system that runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat.

The Directory Structure of a WebThe Directory Structure of a Web
• You can also use subdirectories under myApp
• For example: the file myApp/myImages/im.gif
is mapped to by the URL
• By default, Tomcat maps the root directory
(http://localhost:8090/) to the directory
- You can change this default
The Directory Structure of a WebThe Directory Structure of a Web
• An application's directory must contain the
- The directory WEB-INF/
- A legal web.xml file under WEB-INF/
From Scratch to ApplicationsFrom Scratch to Applications
 Tomcat server

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The document discusses infrastructure as code best practices on AWS. It provides an overview of using AWS CloudFormation to define infrastructure in code. AWS CloudFormation allows infrastructure to be provisioned in an automated and repeatable way using templates that are version controlled like code. The document outlines the key components of a CloudFormation template including parameters, mappings, resources, outputs and conditionals. It also discusses using CloudFormation to bootstrap applications on EC2 instances.

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Automating with Ansible

Ricardo Schmidt gave a presentation on Ansible, an open source tool for configuration management, application deployment, provisioning, and orchestration. He explained that Ansible is fast, clear, complete, and secure. It uses SSH to connect to nodes agentlessly without requiring additional firewall rules or open ports. Key components include the inventory to define hosts and groups, modules to run tasks on nodes, and playbooks to orchestrate tasks across multiple hosts. The presentation demonstrated Ansible's capabilities through examples and a demo of its core features.

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Maven is a build tool that can manage a project's build process, dependencies, documentation and reporting. It uses a Project Object Model (POM) file to store build configuration and metadata. Maven has advantages over Ant like built-in functionality for common tasks, cross-project reuse, and support for conditional logic. It works by defining the project with a POM file then running goals bound to default phases like compile, test, package to build the project.

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Configuring a Web ApplicationConfiguring a Web Application
• Application-specific configuration and declarations are
written in the file myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml
• This file contains:
- Servlet declarations, mappings and parameters
- Default files for directory requests
- Error pages (sent in cases of HTTP errors)
- Security constraints
- Session time-out specification
- Context (application) parameters
- And more…
Error PagesError Pages
• Use the error-page element to define the page
sent in case of an HTTP error that occurs within
the application context
• An error page element has two sub elements:
- error-code - the HTTP error status code
- location - the page that should be sent
Welcome Page ExampleWelcome Page Example
<head><title>Not Found</title></head>
<h1 style="text-align:center; color:green">
Sorry, no such file...
 Tomcat server

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Introduction to ansible

Ansible is an automation platform that allows users to configure, deploy, and manage applications on servers. It combines multi-node software deployment, configuration management, and task execution. Ansible works by provisioning machines using SSH and executing commands via modules. Playbooks allow users to automate complex deployment workflows through YAML scripts. Roles in Ansible allow for reusable and modular components.

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● Fundamentals ● Key Components ● Best practices ● Spring Boot REST API Deployment ● CI with Ansible ● Ansible for AWS ● Provisioning a Docker Host ● Docker&Ansible

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Tomcat Server
Tomcat ServerTomcat Server
Tomcat Server

The document provides an overview of Tomcat and JBoss, open-source servlet containers. It discusses the origins and frameworks of Tomcat and JBoss, how to get started with Tomcat configuration, deployment, security, and load balancing of Tomcat instances with Apache HTTP Server. Key configuration files for Tomcat are also summarized.

 Tomcat server
Welcome PagesWelcome Pages
• The (optional) welcome-file-list element contains a list
of file names
• When the URL request is a directory name, Tomcat
automatically brings the first file on the list
• If that file is not found, the server then tries the next file
in the list, and so on
• This file can be of any type, e.g., HTML, JSP, image,
• The default welcome list for all applications is set in
Welcome Page ExampleWelcome Page Example
<h1 style="text-align:center; color:red">
Welcome Dear Visitor!
 Tomcat server

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Overview of key new features and standards supported in Tomcat 7.0, by the Tomcat 7 release manager Mark Thomas.

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Apache Tomcat 8 Application Server
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Apache Tomcat 8 Application Server

The document provides instructions for installing Apache Tomcat 8 application server on CentOS. It describes downloading and installing Java 8, downloading and extracting the Tomcat archive, configuring environment variables and ports, starting Tomcat, creating user accounts, deploying WAR files, and customizing the Java virtual machine settings. It also discusses using Nginx as a reverse proxy to route port 80 traffic to Tomcat running on port 8080.

Hacking Tomcat
Hacking TomcatHacking Tomcat
Hacking Tomcat

The document provides an overview of the Apache Tomcat web server and servlet container. It discusses Tomcat's history and architecture, how applications are deployed, and how requests are processed. Performance optimization techniques are also covered, noting that Tomcat is designed for scalability out of the box with minimal tuning typically required.

Tomcat and Java ClassesTomcat and Java Classes
• Tomcat uses Java classes you provide in order to
run Servlets and JSP files
- For example, the Servlets themselves!
• Tomcat 5.x initialization scripts ignore your
environment CLASSPATH variable
• Classes are expected to be placed (or linked) at
some predefined places in its directories
Java Class LocationsJava Class Locations
• Tomcat expects to find Java classes in class files (in a
directory named classes) and JAR files (in a directory
named lib) in the following places:
• TOMCAT-HOME/common/
- Basic runtime classes. No need to touch this directory
• $CATALINA_BASE/shared/
- Classes that are used by all the Web applications
• $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/
- Application-specific classes (Servlets are typically here)
Java Class LocationsJava Class Locations
Classes Provided by DBIClasses Provided by DBI
In order to provide the classes you need, like
ORACLE, SAX and DOM-related packages, the
Tomcat-setup script links the directory
$CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib/ to
~dbi/tomcat/shared/lib/, thus the latter
packages are automatically known by your
Tomcat server

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Internet Information Server (IIS)
Internet Information Server (IIS)Internet Information Server (IIS)
Internet Information Server (IIS)

Este documento describe la instalación y configuración del servidor web IIS en Windows Server, y compara IIS con el servidor Apache. Explica cómo agregar e instalar IIS como una función en Windows Server, y cómo configurar un sitio web básico. Luego compara las características principales de IIS y Apache, como el soporte, los lenguajes de programación compatibles y los costos. El autor recomienda Apache debido a su flexibilidad, opciones de acceso y costo más bajo.

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Understanding IIS
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Understanding IIS

Lets understand the Internet Information Services better by knowing the main components and peep into the different architecture

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Tomcat and apache httpd training
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Tomcat and apache httpd training

Verify Tomcat is running ps -ef | grep tomcat ● Stopping Tomcat ./ Tomcat and Apache httpd - Installation 7 / 16 Installing Apache httpd ● Download Apache httpd ● ● select the source code or binary package ● for CentOS, use yum to install httpd yum install httpd Tomcat and Apache httpd - Installation 8 / 16 Installing Apache httpd ● Start httpd service service httpd start

Tomcat 5.0 ManagerTomcat 5.0 Manager
• Tomcat 5.0 comes with a Web application called
“manager”, which supports functions for
managing Web applications
• You can either use the HTML interface at
http://<machine>:<port>/manager/html/ or send
direct HTTP requests to it
• You will need to authenticate as a privileged user
- Use the username “admin” with no password
Tomcat 5.0 ManagerTomcat 5.0 Manager
• Using the manager, you can
- Deploy a Web application by posting a WAR file
- Undeploy a deployed Web application
- Start/stop a Web application (make it available/unavailable)
- Reload an existing Web application (unpack new WARs)
• Warning: while “stop” makes an application unavailable,
“undeploy” deletes the application directory and WAR file
from webapps/
Tomcat and EclipseTomcat and Eclipse
• You can use an Eclipse plugin for Tomcat Web-
application development
• The “Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat Launcher” plugin
is installed in CS
• Using this plugin, you can start/stop the server,
reload an application, etc.
• Detailed explanations in the course home-page
 Tomcat server

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The document discusses progressive download and streaming delivery of media content. It describes challenges with low bandwidth and inconsistent network conditions. Solutions proposed include adaptive bitrate throttling using Smooth Streaming to provide the highest quality for varying network speeds. Caching and utilizing HTTP capabilities can help address problems of no caching, unnecessary infrastructure and non-rational channel usage. The roadmap outlines adding support for Smooth Streaming delivery in the second quarter of 2009.

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Java Servlets & JSP
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Jira Rev002
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Lecture 19 - Dynamic Web - JAVA - Part 1.ppt
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Lecture 19 dynamic web - java - part 1
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Tomcat server

  • 1. Apache TomcatApache Tomcat Representation and Management of Data on the Web
  • 2. What is Tomcat?What is Tomcat? • Tomcat is a Servlet container (Web server that interacts with Servlets) developed under the Jakarta Project of Apache Software Foundation • Tomcat implements the Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP) specifications of Sun Microsystems • Tomcat is an open-source, non commercial project - Licensed under the Apache Software License • Tomcat is written in Java (OS independent)
  • 3. A Servlet ExampleA Servlet Example public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("<html><head><title>Hello</title></head>"); out.println("<body>"); out.println("<h2>" + new java.util.Date() + "</h2>"); out.println("<h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>"); } } http://localhost/dbi/hello
  • 4. A JSP ExampleA JSP Example <html> <head> <title>Hello World</title> </head> <body> <h2><%= new java.util.Date() %></h2> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body> </html> hello.jsp http://localhost/dbi/hello.jsp
  • 5. Another JSP ExampleAnother JSP Example <html> <head><title>Numbers</title></head> <body> <h1>The numbers 1 to 10:</h1> <ul> <% int i; for (i=1; i<=10; ++i) { %> <li>Number <%=i%> </li> <%}%> </ul> </body> </html> numbers.jsp http://localhost/dbi/numbers.jsp
  • 7. Tomcat Directory StructureTomcat Directory Structure
  • 8. Base and Home DirectoriesBase and Home Directories • The directory TOMCAT-HOME contains executables and libraries required for the server launching, running and stopping - This directory is placed under /usr/local/… • The directory TOMCAT-BASE contains the Web-site content, Web applications and configuration data - This directory is placed under your home directory
  • 9. Installing TomcatInstalling Tomcat • Create a directory for tomcat base - For example: mkdir ~/tomcat-base • Set the environment variable CATALINA_BASE to your tomcat-base directory - For example: setenv CATALINA_BASE ~/tomcat-base - Insert this line into your .cshrc file • Run ~dbi/tomcat/bin/setup • $CATALINA_BASE is now a regular Tomcat base directory, and Tomcat is ready to run
  • 10. Running TomcatRunning Tomcat • To start tomcat use ~dbi/tomcat/bin/catalina run • Or, in background, ~dbi/tomcat/bin/catalina start • To stop tomcat use ~dbi/tomcat/bin/catalina stop • To see the default page of Tomcat from your browser use the URL http://<machine-name>:<port>/ - machine-name is the name of the machine on which Tomcat runs and port is the port you chose for Tomcat • You can also use http://localhost:<port>/ if your browser runs on the same machine as Tomcat
  • 11. From Scratch to ServerFrom Scratch to Server
  • 13. Choosing a port for TomcatChoosing a port for Tomcat • In the file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml you will find the element Connector of Service “Catalina” • Choose a port (greater than 1024) and change the value of the port attribute to your chosen one: <Server> … <Service name="Catalina”> <Connector port="8090"/> … </Service> … </Server>
  • 15. Creating Web ApplicationsCreating Web Applications • A Web application is a self-contained subtree of the Web site • A Web application usually contains several Web resources like HTML files, Servlets, JSP files, and other resources like Database tables • Each Web application has its own subdirectory under the directory $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/
  • 16. The Directory Structure of a WebThe Directory Structure of a Web ApplicationApplication • Tomcat automatically identifies a directory $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/myApp/ with the relative URL /myApp/ • For example, a file named index.html in myApp is mapped to by the following URLs: http://machine:port/myApp/index.html http://machine:port/myApp/
  • 17. The Directory Structure of a WebThe Directory Structure of a Web ApplicationApplication • You can also use subdirectories under myApp • For example: the file myApp/myImages/im.gif is mapped to by the URL http://machine:port/myApp/myImages/im.gif • By default, Tomcat maps the root directory (http://localhost:8090/) to the directory webapps/ROOT/ - You can change this default
  • 18. The Directory Structure of a WebThe Directory Structure of a Web ApplicationApplication • An application's directory must contain the following: - The directory WEB-INF/ - A legal web.xml file under WEB-INF/ <web-app> </web-app>
  • 19. From Scratch to ApplicationsFrom Scratch to Applications
  • 21. Configuring a Web ApplicationConfiguring a Web Application • Application-specific configuration and declarations are written in the file myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml • This file contains: - Servlet declarations, mappings and parameters - Default files for directory requests - Error pages (sent in cases of HTTP errors) - Security constraints - Session time-out specification - Context (application) parameters - And more…
  • 22. Error PagesError Pages • Use the error-page element to define the page sent in case of an HTTP error that occurs within the application context • An error page element has two sub elements: - error-code - the HTTP error status code - location - the page that should be sent
  • 23. Welcome Page ExampleWelcome Page Example <html> <head><title>Not Found</title></head> <body> <h1 style="text-align:center; color:green"> Sorry, no such file... </h1> </body> </html> my404.html <web-app> <error-page> <error-code>404</error-code> <location>/my404.html</location> </error-page> </web-app> web.xml
  • 26. Welcome PagesWelcome Pages • The (optional) welcome-file-list element contains a list of file names • When the URL request is a directory name, Tomcat automatically brings the first file on the list • If that file is not found, the server then tries the next file in the list, and so on • This file can be of any type, e.g., HTML, JSP, image, etc. • The default welcome list for all applications is set in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml
  • 27. Welcome Page ExampleWelcome Page Example <html> <head><title>Welcome</title></head> <body> <h1 style="text-align:center; color:red"> Welcome Dear Visitor! </h1> </body> </html> welcome.html <web-app> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>welcome.html</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> </web-app> web.xml
  • 29. Tomcat and Java ClassesTomcat and Java Classes • Tomcat uses Java classes you provide in order to run Servlets and JSP files - For example, the Servlets themselves! • Tomcat 5.x initialization scripts ignore your environment CLASSPATH variable • Classes are expected to be placed (or linked) at some predefined places in its directories
  • 30. Java Class LocationsJava Class Locations • Tomcat expects to find Java classes in class files (in a directory named classes) and JAR files (in a directory named lib) in the following places: • TOMCAT-HOME/common/ - Basic runtime classes. No need to touch this directory • $CATALINA_BASE/shared/ - Classes that are used by all the Web applications • $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/ - Application-specific classes (Servlets are typically here)
  • 31. Java Class LocationsJava Class Locations
  • 32. Classes Provided by DBIClasses Provided by DBI In order to provide the classes you need, like ORACLE, SAX and DOM-related packages, the Tomcat-setup script links the directory $CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib/ to ~dbi/tomcat/shared/lib/, thus the latter packages are automatically known by your Tomcat server
  • 33. Tomcat 5.0 ManagerTomcat 5.0 Manager • Tomcat 5.0 comes with a Web application called “manager”, which supports functions for managing Web applications • You can either use the HTML interface at http://<machine>:<port>/manager/html/ or send direct HTTP requests to it • You will need to authenticate as a privileged user - Use the username “admin” with no password
  • 34. Tomcat 5.0 ManagerTomcat 5.0 Manager • Using the manager, you can - Deploy a Web application by posting a WAR file - Undeploy a deployed Web application - Start/stop a Web application (make it available/unavailable) - Reload an existing Web application (unpack new WARs) • Warning: while “stop” makes an application unavailable, “undeploy” deletes the application directory and WAR file from webapps/
  • 35. Tomcat and EclipseTomcat and Eclipse • You can use an Eclipse plugin for Tomcat Web- application development • The “Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat Launcher” plugin is installed in CS • Using this plugin, you can start/stop the server, reload an application, etc. • Detailed explanations in the course home-page