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Project Overview
E. Kaldoudi |ATHENA RC | Greece
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting
26 June 2024
Co-funded by the
European Union
Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
Wearable Continuous Point-of-Care Monitoring,
Risk Estimation and Prevention for Deep Vein Thrombosis
Project type: IA (Innovation Action)
Project Budget: 9,565,763.75 €
EU funding: 8,141,251.25 €
Duration: 42 months
Start: 1 January 2024
End: 30 June 2027
Invited: 04 August 2023
Signed: 08 December 2023
Call Identifier: HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-05
Call title: Harnessing the potential of real-time data
analysis and secure Point-of-Care computing for the
benefit of person-centred health and care delivery
Program: Horizon Europe, 4. Health, 2023-2024
Destination: 5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools,
technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
Proposal submitted: 13 April 2023
Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 3
research industry

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The document summarizes updated guidelines from the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) for the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis. It provides background on acute appendicitis and discusses ongoing controversies in diagnosis and management. An updated consensus conference was held in 2019 to revise the original 2015 WSES Jerusalem guidelines. The updated 2020 guidelines aim to provide evidence-based statements and recommendations on topics including diagnosis, non-operative management, timing of surgery, surgical treatment, grading of appendicitis severity, and antibiotic therapy.


The document summarizes updated guidelines from the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) on the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis. It reviews the literature from April 2015 to June 2019 on key topics including diagnosis, non-operative management, timing of appendectomy, surgical treatment, grading of appendicitis severity, management of perforated appendicitis, and antibiotic use. 48 statements and 51 recommendations were developed based on 157 reviewed articles, following the GRADE methodology for evaluating evidence quality and strength of recommendations. The guidelines aim to provide evidence-based guidance on diagnosis and all aspects of acute appendicitis management.

Guidance doc ehealth_in_woundcare_april2015
Guidance doc ehealth_in_woundcare_april2015Guidance doc ehealth_in_woundcare_april2015
Guidance doc ehealth_in_woundcare_april2015

The document provides an overview of eHealth and telemedicine in wound care. It defines key terms like eHealth, mHealth, telehealth, and telemedicine. The document also reviews literature on the use of eHealth in wound care and evaluates solutions based on the MAST framework. While evidence is still limited, studies show benefits like improved access to care and increased job satisfaction for clinicians. The document provides guidance for clinicians considering implementing eHealth applications and recommends evaluating outcomes to ensure efficient use.

Co-funded by the European Union
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the
clotting of blood in a deep vein of
the pelvis or an extremity
(usually calf or thigh) June 2024
stats/index.html#:~:text=The%20precise%20number%20of%20people,die%20of%20VTE%20each%20year. June 2024
a clot is mainly composed of fibrin and red
blood cells and may contain platelets,
leukocytes and other compounds
a clot usually forms around the valves
in the deep veins of the leg
a clot forms in a matter of seconds or
minutes depending on the individual
when present, the clot disturbs the flow of
blood and results in pain and swelling
the clot might be pushed via the heart to
the lungs where it can block an artery,
what is know as pulmonary embolism,
an acute, life-threatening event
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 5
Co-funded by the European Union
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a major preventable cause
of morbidity and mortality worldwide
▪ 3rd most frequent vascular diagnosis after heart attack and stroke,
▪ affects more than 1,000,000 Americans per year
affects more than 700,000 Europeans per year
▪ 1/2 of people with DVT
experience a sudden pulmonary embolism
▪ about 25% of those who have a pulmonary embolism die from it
▪ 1/3 to 1/2 of people who have a DVT episode will have long-term
complications caused by the damage the clot does to the valves in the vein
▪ annual health expenditure related to DVT is €8.5 billion in EU
Olaf M et al. Deep Venous
Thrombosis. Emerg Med Clin North
Am. 2017 doi:
Cohen AT et al. Thromb Haemost.
2007 Oct;98(4):756-64
Barco S et al.Thromb Haemost. 2016
Apr;115(4):800-8. doi: 10.1160/TH15-
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 6
Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
clinical conditions most closely
associated with DVT
 surgery or trauma
 malignancy
 prolonged immobility
 pregnancy
 congestive heart failure
 varicose veins
 obesity
 advancing age
 history of DVT
of all DVT episodes
 50% no obvious cause
 20% cancer related
 20% after surgery
Co-funded by the European Union
compression stockings
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
Sachdeva A, Dalton M, Lees T. Graduated compression stockings for prevention of deep vein
thrombosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Nov 3;11(11):CD001484.
Yang SD, Ning SH, Zhang LH, Zhang YZ, Ding WY, Yang DL. The effect of lower limb rehabilitation
gymnastics on postoperative rehabilitation in elderly patients with femoral shaft fracture: A
retrospective case-control study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Aug;95(33):e4548. .
rehabilitation gymnastics
prevention of deep vein thrombosis employs
anti-thrombotic medication and …

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Сравнение режимов лечения ВИЧ в разрезе различных клинических сценариев.ART...
Сравнение  режимов лечения ВИЧ в  разрезе различных клинических сценариев.ART...Сравнение  режимов лечения ВИЧ в  разрезе различных клинических сценариев.ART...
Сравнение режимов лечения ВИЧ в разрезе различных клинических сценариев.ART...

This downloadable slideset summarizes optimal evidence-based antiretroviral therapy management strategies for a series of challenging clinical cases and is based on a satellite symposium presented at HIV Glasgow 2016. Format: Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) File size: 1.32 MB Date posted: 11/11/2016

арвтновости ВИЧ/СПИДарт
European guidance on estimating population doses from medical xray
European guidance on estimating population doses from medical xrayEuropean guidance on estimating population doses from medical xray
European guidance on estimating population doses from medical xray

This document provides guidance on estimating population doses from medical x-ray procedures in Europe. It discusses estimating the frequency of x-ray exams, assessing patient doses, and presenting results. The key purposes are to observe trends in collective dose over time, determine contributions by exam type, and allow international comparisons. Proper population dose estimates require accounting for the age and sex distributions of patients, as medical exposures are not uniform across populations. Regular assessments inform authorities on high exposure groups to focus radiation protection efforts.

Infections among people who inject drugs -- problem solved?
Infections among people who inject drugs -- problem solved?Infections among people who inject drugs -- problem solved?
Infections among people who inject drugs -- problem solved?

This document summarizes a presentation given by Anastasia Pharris of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control on infections among people who inject drugs. It finds that over 30,000 new HIV diagnoses in Europe in 2016 were due to injecting drug use, with most cases concentrated in Eastern Europe. While harm reduction efforts have made progress in some countries, people who inject drugs still face high burdens of HIV, hepatitis C, and other infections. The presentation calls for improved testing, treatment, and prevention programs targeting this group.

people who inject drugsinfectious diseaseshiv
Co-funded by the European Union
currently, ultrasonography is the
method of choice for DVT diagnosis
▪ direct visualization of the thrombus
▪ Doppler to assess venous flow
▪ compression
while compressing with the US probe
till the artery starts to compress,
 when normal,
the vein fully collapses
 when DVT is present,
vein does NOT collapse
compression US
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 9
Co-funded by the European Union
other modalities for DVT diagnosis
Light Reflection Rheography
measures blood volume changes in
peripheral veins via reflection of light
Electrical Impedance Plethysmography
measures blood volume changes in
peripheral veins via electrical impedance
Credits: S. Balling, medis.
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 10
Co-funded by the European Union
prompt diagnosis of DVT is crucial!
patients are referred for an ultrasound
when they present DVT-related clinical
up to 2/3 of DVT episodes are clinically
silent and patients are symptom free
pulmonary embolism events are
acute, and about 25% of these result in
death immediately or in a few hours,
before a treatment can be applied
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 11
Co-funded by the European Union
wearable ultrasound for DVT continuous monitoring
coupled with
impedance plethysmography
light reflection rheography
activity sensors (patient and doctor empowerment)
other info (assessment of DVT risk)
with AI support for autonomous monitoring,
DVT risk assessment and
DVT early detection image generated by MS Designer
prompt: “a patient lying in a bed with subtle multiple sensors on the leg embedded
in a legging with a screen in the background displaying leg movements”
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 12

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C-KIN formal presentation 2015
C-KIN formal presentation 2015C-KIN formal presentation 2015
C-KIN formal presentation 2015

Detailed presentation of the Cancer & the Kidney International Network. Partnership opportunities.

breast cancerrenal insufficiencycancer

This document provides an updated 2020 Core Curriculum for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions in Europe. It aims to define the level of experience and knowledge required of interventional cardiologists. The curriculum promotes standardized education and training programs across countries. It recommends at least two years of postgraduate training in addition to four years of cardiology training to achieve competence. The curriculum covers general training aspects and specific components in 54 chapters, defining objectives, required knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes for each.

White Paper BC
White Paper BCWhite Paper BC
White Paper BC

This document discusses bladder cancer in Europe. It notes that bladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Europe, yet it receives relatively little funding and resources compared to its disease burden. This lack of investment has resulted in few treatment options, delayed diagnosis, and low survival rates. Currently, up to half of all people diagnosed with bladder cancer in Europe will die within five years. The document identifies smoking and occupational exposure to carcinogenic chemicals as the main preventable risk factors for bladder cancer. It calls for more European action to reduce these risk factors and improve early diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for bladder cancer patients.

Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
2 types of bulk technology US
transducers by VERMON
MEMS technology US
transducer by FRAUNHOFER
Beamforming by
smart textile
wearable by
electrical impedance
by TAU
light reflection
activity sensor
by KTU
by KTU
AI based ultrasound
DVT detection by
AI based DVT
detection based on
by TAU and MEDIS
DVT risk detection, activity
based serious game and
extended reality by
and app
Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
Clinical Studies
A Conventional ultrasound image set collection to create a training data set
Participants >3000
B1 Training data set collection using the prototype wearable ultrasound to fine tune the AI
Participants >500
B2 Physiological signals, lower limb activity and plethysmography measurements via the
ThrombUS+ prototype wearable sensor components from healthy volunteers
Participants >60
C1 Early feasibility study of the ThrombUS+ integrated prototype in patients in the
postoperative ward
Participants 25-50
C2 Prospective, double-blinded, pilot study evaluating artificial intelligence driven automatic
detection of deep vein thrombosis by the ThrombUS+ device compared to standard
ultrasound imaging in patients suspected for deep vein thrombosis
Participants: 50-100
Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
Country 5 countries Finland Lithuania Greece Italy France
Number of beds 5,703 1,000 2,232 745 750 976
Hospitalizations per
335,372 82,897 83,192 94,205 45,000 30,078
Out-patients per year 3,171,401 1,162,227 1,228,783 244,227 300,000 236,164
Patients scanned for
suspected DVT per
11,189 3,500 4,000 939 2,400 350
Positive scans for DVT
per year
2,255 700 800 188 500 67
Surgical operations per
136,252 40,896 66,254 10,669 8,000 10,433
operations per year
21,232 13,000 4,945 1,137 600 1,550
*based on data for year 2022
Co-funded by the European Union
patient centric design
• clinical survey amongst experts to
identify major patient categories in risk
of DVT and in need of continuousaaa
• expert structured interviews to identify
patient practical needs, opportunities
and barriers for continuous monitoring
• patient focus groups (planned)
 7 major reference use cases
Credits: Lucas J. Segal and Federico Puppo, PBY
Reference Use Cases
 after surgery
 perinatal care
 cancer
 obesity
 prolonged immobility
 history of thrombosis
 genetic disorders
based on literature, of all DVT episodes
 50% no obvious cause
 20% cancer related
 20% after surgery
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 16

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EPAD 2017 - Jan Willem Van de Loo
EPAD 2017 - Jan Willem Van de LooEPAD 2017 - Jan Willem Van de Loo
EPAD 2017 - Jan Willem Van de Loo

How EU funds have benefited research into PCa and future plans for FP9 Jan-Willem Van de Loo, DG Research and Innovation (EC)

prostate cancerhealthcare
Tele-Cardiology Services in the UK - Telehealth Magazine (April 2008)
Tele-Cardiology Services in the UK - Telehealth Magazine (April 2008)Tele-Cardiology Services in the UK - Telehealth Magazine (April 2008)
Tele-Cardiology Services in the UK - Telehealth Magazine (April 2008)

The document summarizes a pilot study conducted in the UK that tested a tele-cardiology service using wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) devices. The devices transmitted ECG readings from primary care clinics to a monitoring center where clinicians interpreted the results and provided advice. The pilot found the tele-cardiology service improved patient care by expediting diagnosis, eliminating some emergency visits, and increasing information quality for hospital visits. It also identified potential for huge cost savings compared to standard care.

medetelofer atzmontelemedicine
HAI-Net ICU results and perspectives. Carl Suetens (ECDC)
HAI-Net ICU results and perspectives. Carl Suetens (ECDC)HAI-Net ICU results and perspectives. Carl Suetens (ECDC)
HAI-Net ICU results and perspectives. Carl Suetens (ECDC)

Presentation from the 3rd Joint Meeting of the Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (ARHAI) Networks, organised by the European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control - Stockholm, 11-13 February 2015

antimicrobial resistancehealthcare-associated infectionsarhainetworks2015
Co-funded by the European Union
data driven approach
Table 1. Hospitals participating in the ThrombUS+ Clinical Study A.
Country Finland Lithuania Greece Italy France 5 countries
Number of beds 1,000 2,232 745 750 976 5,703
Hospitalizations per year 82,897 83,192 94,205 45,000 30,078 335,372
Out-patients per year 1,162,227 1,228,783 244,227 300,000 236,164 3,171,401
Patients scanned for suspected
DVT per year
3,500 4,000 939 2,400 350 11,189
Table 1. Collective numerical data for the ThrombUS_A study.
Total number of patients referred for an ultrasound scan for suspected DVT per year 11,189
Positive DVT scans per year 2,547
Positive DVT scans as a percentage of referred and scanned patients per year 22%
Duration of the study (in months) 12
Estimated patients available for recruitment 11,000
Expected patients to recruit 3,000
Expected patients to recruit as a percentage for available for recruitment 27%
Expected positive scans in the recruited population (20%) 660
conventional ultrasound image set
collection to create a training data set
Participants >3000
the annonated data set will
be available to the public!
Drougka I, Clinical studies initiation package - Study A, Deliverable 7.1, ThrombUS+ Horizon Europe Innovation
Action, EC Grant Agreement No. 101137227, 31 May 2024,
Table 1. A summary of milestones regarding the ThrombUS+ Clinical Study A
Milestone Planned date
IRB/IEC approval June 2024
Start of data collection July 2024
Midterm recruitment report December 2024
End of data collection June 2025
Final report of study results July 2025
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 17
Co-funded by the European Union
compliance by design
research based on a regulatory
compliance monitoring plan
 creation of regulatory templates
for the technical documentation
 preparation of draft documents
from templates
 distribution of draft documents
to project partners for feedback
 review of feedback and
incorporation into draft documents
 knowledge transfer on
specific regulatory topics Credits: Thorsten Prinz, VDE
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 18
Co-funded by the European Union
open science
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
Geographic Data Files
International Classification of Diseases
Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 19
Co-funded by the European Union
WP 1. Management
WP 2. Requirements and product co-design
WP 3. Ultrasound sensing
WP 4. Plethysmography, activity sensors and wearable
WP 5. Decision support and action intelligence
WP 6. Integration and validation
WP 7. Clinical studies
WP 8. Dissemination & Communication
WP 9. Exploitation, and Commercialization
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 20

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From innovation to implementation – eHealth in the WHO European Region (2016)
From innovation to implementation – eHealth in the WHO European Region (2016)From innovation to implementation – eHealth in the WHO European Region (2016)
From innovation to implementation – eHealth in the WHO European Region (2016)

This document provides an overview of eHealth in the WHO European Region. It begins with an introduction that discusses universal health coverage and the European Health Information Initiative. It then covers several topics related to eHealth including electronic health records, telehealth, mHealth, eLearning in health, social media in health, health analytics and big data in health, and legal frameworks for eHealth. Each section provides data from the 2015 WHO global survey on eHealth in the European Region. The document concludes by recognizing the progress made by countries in adopting eHealth and highlighting emerging areas like big data and social media that hold potential to further improve health care and policy.

Isabel de la Mata
Isabel de la MataIsabel de la Mata
Isabel de la Mata

The document discusses EU initiatives on organ donation and transplantation, including a directive and action plan. The action plan aims to increase organ availability, make transplantation systems more efficient and accessible, and improve quality and safety. It outlines 10 priority actions to achieve these goals, such as promoting quality improvement programs in hospitals and developing common accreditation systems. The directive and action plan seek to establish common standards and policies across EU countries to strengthen cooperation on organ donation and transplantation.

Management of patients_with_venous_leg_ulcers_final_2016
Management of patients_with_venous_leg_ulcers_final_2016Management of patients_with_venous_leg_ulcers_final_2016
Management of patients_with_venous_leg_ulcers_final_2016

This document provides clinical practice statements for the management of patients with venous leg ulcers. It aims to identify barriers and facilitators to implementing best practices based on guidelines. The document was created by an international expert working group to account for differences in healthcare systems worldwide and address gaps in current guidelines. Clinical practice statements cover the differential diagnosis and assessment of leg ulcers, treatment delivery including dressings and invasive options, referral structures, secondary prevention after healing, and outcome monitoring. The goal is to improve leg ulcer management and enhance the patient experience.

WP10. Exploitation & Commercialization
Study A – Conventional
data collection
Automated US DVT
Clinical studies
ThrombUS+ specs
Software integration
intelligence and app
Testing methodology
and plans
Patient-centric cases and
requirements definition
Regulatory framework,
security, safety and ethics
WP1. Management
WP8. Dissemination & Communication
WP9. Exploitation & Commercialization
Testing, signal quality and
performance enhancements
Manufacturing of
wearable prototypes
Wearable development and
integration with sensors
Testing, image quality and
performance enhancements
Manufacturing of
US prototypes
Transducer/cuff control and
image formation
Studies B – Data collection
by prototype components
Studies C – Clinical
Hardware and
software integration
& communications
Posting of clinical
trial results
Technical and functional
Co-creation of wearable
strap and sock design
Light reflection rheography
sensors development
Lower limb activity sensor
network development
Impedance sensors
Precise tissue compression
Ultrasound transducer array
Bulk technology
Ultrasound transducer array
MEMS technology
DVT risk estimation
DVT detection
Serious game for
DVT prevention
Extended reality for
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 21
Co-funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
# No Lead Type Dissem Month Date
1 D8.1 SciGen DEC PU 1 Jan 2024
2 D1.1 ATHENA DEC SEN 1 Jan 2024
3 D10.1 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 1 Jan 2024
4 D1.2 ATHENA R SEN 3 Mar 2024
5 D1.3 MEDEA R SEN 3 Mar 2024
6 D8.2 SciGen R PU 3 Mar 2024
7 D9.1 VDE R PU 3 Mar 2024
8 D1.4 ATHENA DMP PU 4 Apr 2024
9 D7.1 PHAZE R PU 5 May 2024
10 D2.1 PBY R PU 6 Jun 2024
11 D2.2 VDE R PU 8 Aug 2024
12 D2.3 KTU R PU 10 Oct 2024
13 D2.4 ComfTech R SEN 12 Dec 2024
14 D3.1 VERMON DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024
15 D3.2 FRAUNHOFER DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024
16 D3.3 KTU DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024
17 D4.1 TAU DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024
18 D4.2 MEDIS DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024
19 D4.3 KTU DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024
20 D7.2 PHAZE R PU 12 Dec 2024
21 D7.3 PHAZE R PU 13 Jan 2025
22 D6.1 KTU R PU 14 Feb 2025
23 D3.4 TELEMED DEM SEN 15 Mar 2025
24 D7.4 PHAZE R PU 15 Mar 2025
25 D4.4 ComfTech DEM SEN 16 Apr 2025
26 D6.2 KTU R PU 18 Jun 2025
27 D3.5 KTU R PU 19 Jul 2025
28 D4.5 KTU R PU 19 Jul 2025
# No Lead Type Dissem Month Date
29 D7.5 PHAZE R PU 20 Aug 2025
30 D3.6 TELEMED DEM SEN 21 Sep 2025
31 D4.6 ComfTech DEM SEN 21 Sep 2025
32 D1.5 ATHENA DMP PU 24 Dec 2025
33 D7.6 PHAZE R PU 24 Dec 2024
34 D6.3 KTU DEM SEN 26 Feb 2026
35 D8.3 ATHENA DATA PU 26 Feb 2026
36 D5.1 EchoNous DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026
37 D5.2 TAU DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026
38 D5.3 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026
39 D5.4 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026
40 D5.5 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026
41 D6.4 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026
42 D7.7 PHAZE R PU 29 May 2026
43 D6.5 KTU DEM SEN 32 Aug 2026
44 D7.8 PHAZE R PU 36 Dec 2026
45 D1.6 ATHENA R SEN 42 Jun 2027
46 D1.7 MEDEA R SEN 42 Jun 2027
47 D7.9 PHAZE R PU 42 Jun 2027
48 D8.4 SciGen R PU 42 Jun 2027
49 D8.5 SciGen R PU 42 Jun 2027
50 D9.2 VDE R PU 42 Jun 2027
51 D9.3 PBY R PU 42 Jun 2027
52 D9.4 MEDEA R SEN 42 Jun 2027
53 D10.5 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 42 Jun 2027
54 D10.2 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 12 Dec 2024
55 D10.3 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 24 Dec 2025
56 D10.4 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 36 Dec 2026
52 +4
Co-funded by the European Union
project progress
• 1st milestone
• 9 deliverables
submitted on time
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 23
Project Meeting 02 |Kaunas, Lithuania | 14-15 May 2024
Seal of Excellence by France
the project scored the maximum of 4/4
in all 10 evaluation criteria

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The document discusses the potential benefits of eHealth (ICT for health) in Europe. It notes that while the health sector employs over 9% of the EU workforce, ICT penetration in health is relatively low compared to other sectors. eHealth can improve efficiency and productivity, support chronic disease management and preventive care, and empower patients. The EU is a world leader in deploying ICT in primary care settings. Further development of eHealth requires addressing issues like interoperability, business models, and research into areas like personalized medicine.

by 3GDR
1st Hepatitis E virus expert meeting at ECDC, Introduction
1st Hepatitis E virus expert meeting at ECDC, Introduction1st Hepatitis E virus expert meeting at ECDC, Introduction
1st Hepatitis E virus expert meeting at ECDC, Introduction

The expert group meeting discussed hepatitis E virus (HEV) epidemiology, surveillance, and risks in the EU/EEA. HEV is an under-surveilled cause of hepatitis worldwide with different genotypes infecting people. While most EU cases were previously travel-related, HEV genotype 3 is now endemic in Europe with an animal reservoir. Surveillance varies between countries with no EU-wide system. The group aims to inventory HEV in Europe by surveying countries on surveillance methods and collecting case numbers to describe epidemiology and populations at risk. This will identify needs for EU guidance on diagnosis, risk assessment, and prevention strategies to respond to HEV health threats.



monoglyceridesdiglyceridesfree fatty acids
Co-funded by the European Union
submitted public deliverables or publishable summaries
can be viewed in the project website and
in the project’s community in Zenodo
Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024
Alexandroupoli, Jan 2024
Kaunas, May 2024 Kaunas, May 2024
Kaunas, May 2024
Kaunas, May 2024
Kaunas, May 2024
Coordinator: Prof. Eleni Kaldoudi, Coordinator
Project Manager: Dr. Stelios Didaskalou
Co-funded by the
European Union

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ThrombUS+ Project Overview - Horizon Europe Networking Event June 2024

  • 1. Project Overview E. Kaldoudi |ATHENA RC | Greece Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting 26 June 2024 Co-funded by the European Union
  • 2. Co-funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 Wearable Continuous Point-of-Care Monitoring, Risk Estimation and Prevention for Deep Vein Thrombosis Project type: IA (Innovation Action) Project Budget: 9,565,763.75 € EU funding: 8,141,251.25 € Duration: 42 months Start: 1 January 2024 End: 30 June 2027 Invited: 04 August 2023 Signed: 08 December 2023 Call Identifier: HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-05 Call title: Harnessing the potential of real-time data analysis and secure Point-of-Care computing for the benefit of person-centred health and care delivery Program: Horizon Europe, 4. Health, 2023-2024 Destination: 5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society Proposal submitted: 13 April 2023 2
  • 3. Co-funded by the European Union Greece Lithuania Germany Italy France Finland Spain USA Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 3
  • 5. Co-funded by the European Union Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the clotting of blood in a deep vein of the pelvis or an extremity (usually calf or thigh) June 2024 stats/index.html#:~:text=The%20precise%20number%20of%20people,die%20of%20VTE%20each%20year. June 2024 a clot is mainly composed of fibrin and red blood cells and may contain platelets, leukocytes and other compounds a clot usually forms around the valves in the deep veins of the leg a clot forms in a matter of seconds or minutes depending on the individual when present, the clot disturbs the flow of blood and results in pain and swelling the clot might be pushed via the heart to the lungs where it can block an artery, what is know as pulmonary embolism, an acute, life-threatening event Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 5
  • 6. Co-funded by the European Union Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a major preventable cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide ▪ 3rd most frequent vascular diagnosis after heart attack and stroke, ▪ affects more than 1,000,000 Americans per year affects more than 700,000 Europeans per year ▪ 1/2 of people with DVT experience a sudden pulmonary embolism ▪ about 25% of those who have a pulmonary embolism die from it ▪ 1/3 to 1/2 of people who have a DVT episode will have long-term complications caused by the damage the clot does to the valves in the vein ▪ annual health expenditure related to DVT is €8.5 billion in EU Olaf M et al. Deep Venous Thrombosis. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2017.06.003 Cohen AT et al. Thromb Haemost. 2007 Oct;98(4):756-64 Barco S et al.Thromb Haemost. 2016 Apr;115(4):800-8. doi: 10.1160/TH15- 08-0670 Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 6
  • 7. Co-funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 clinical conditions most closely associated with DVT  surgery or trauma  malignancy  prolonged immobility  pregnancy  congestive heart failure  varicose veins  obesity  advancing age  history of DVT of all DVT episodes  50% no obvious cause  20% cancer related  20% after surgery 7
  • 8. Co-funded by the European Union graduated compression stockings Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 Sachdeva A, Dalton M, Lees T. Graduated compression stockings for prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Nov 3;11(11):CD001484. Yang SD, Ning SH, Zhang LH, Zhang YZ, Ding WY, Yang DL. The effect of lower limb rehabilitation gymnastics on postoperative rehabilitation in elderly patients with femoral shaft fracture: A retrospective case-control study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Aug;95(33):e4548. . rehabilitation gymnastics prevention of deep vein thrombosis employs anti-thrombotic medication and … 8
  • 9. Co-funded by the European Union currently, ultrasonography is the method of choice for DVT diagnosis ▪ direct visualization of the thrombus ▪ Doppler to assess venous flow ▪ compression ultrasound while compressing with the US probe till the artery starts to compress,  when normal, the vein fully collapses  when DVT is present, vein does NOT collapse artery vein compression US Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 9
  • 10. Co-funded by the European Union other modalities for DVT diagnosis Light Reflection Rheography measures blood volume changes in peripheral veins via reflection of light Electrical Impedance Plethysmography measures blood volume changes in peripheral veins via electrical impedance changes Credits: S. Balling, medis. Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 10
  • 11. Co-funded by the European Union prompt diagnosis of DVT is crucial! patients are referred for an ultrasound when they present DVT-related clinical symptoms however,… up to 2/3 of DVT episodes are clinically silent and patients are symptom free pulmonary embolism events are acute, and about 25% of these result in death immediately or in a few hours, before a treatment can be applied Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 11
  • 12. Co-funded by the European Union wearable ultrasound for DVT continuous monitoring coupled with impedance plethysmography light reflection rheography activity sensors (patient and doctor empowerment) other info (assessment of DVT risk) with AI support for autonomous monitoring, DVT risk assessment and DVT early detection image generated by MS Designer prompt: “a patient lying in a bed with subtle multiple sensors on the leg embedded in a legging with a screen in the background displaying leg movements” Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 12
  • 13. Co-funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 B A B 2 types of bulk technology US transducers by VERMON MEMS technology US transducer by FRAUNHOFER Beamforming by TELEMED smart textile wearable by ComfTech electrical impedance plethysmography by TAU light reflection rheography by MEDIS activity sensor network by KTU pressure micropump by KTU AI based ultrasound DVT detection by EchoNous AI based DVT detection based on EIP and LRR by TAU and MEDIS DVT risk detection, activity based serious game and extended reality by ATHENA central intelligence and app by ATHENA WP3 WP4 WP5 WP3 WP6 13
  • 14. Co-funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 Clinical Studies A Conventional ultrasound image set collection to create a training data set Participants >3000 B1 Training data set collection using the prototype wearable ultrasound to fine tune the AI model Participants >500 B2 Physiological signals, lower limb activity and plethysmography measurements via the ThrombUS+ prototype wearable sensor components from healthy volunteers Participants >60 C1 Early feasibility study of the ThrombUS+ integrated prototype in patients in the postoperative ward Participants 25-50 C2 Prospective, double-blinded, pilot study evaluating artificial intelligence driven automatic detection of deep vein thrombosis by the ThrombUS+ device compared to standard ultrasound imaging in patients suspected for deep vein thrombosis Participants: 50-100 14
  • 15. Co-funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 Hospital Name Total TAU LSMU GNP CSS- IRCCS HSV Country 5 countries Finland Lithuania Greece Italy France Number of beds 5,703 1,000 2,232 745 750 976 Hospitalizations per year 335,372 82,897 83,192 94,205 45,000 30,078 Out-patients per year 3,171,401 1,162,227 1,228,783 244,227 300,000 236,164 Patients scanned for suspected DVT per year 11,189 3,500 4,000 939 2,400 350 Positive scans for DVT per year 2,255 700 800 188 500 67 Surgical operations per year 136,252 40,896 66,254 10,669 8,000 10,433 Orthopaedics operations per year 21,232 13,000 4,945 1,137 600 1,550 *based on data for year 2022 15
  • 16. Co-funded by the European Union patient centric design • clinical survey amongst experts to identify major patient categories in risk of DVT and in need of continuousaaa monitoring • expert structured interviews to identify patient practical needs, opportunities and barriers for continuous monitoring • patient focus groups (planned)  7 major reference use cases Credits: Lucas J. Segal and Federico Puppo, PBY ThrombUS+ Reference Use Cases  after surgery  perinatal care  cancer  obesity  prolonged immobility  history of thrombosis  genetic disorders based on literature, of all DVT episodes  50% no obvious cause  20% cancer related  20% after surgery Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 16
  • 17. Co-funded by the European Union data driven approach Table 1. Hospitals participating in the ThrombUS+ Clinical Study A. Hospital TAU LSMU GNP CSS-IRCCS HSV Total Country Finland Lithuania Greece Italy France 5 countries Number of beds 1,000 2,232 745 750 976 5,703 Hospitalizations per year 82,897 83,192 94,205 45,000 30,078 335,372 Out-patients per year 1,162,227 1,228,783 244,227 300,000 236,164 3,171,401 Patients scanned for suspected DVT per year 3,500 4,000 939 2,400 350 11,189 Table 1. Collective numerical data for the ThrombUS_A study. Total number of patients referred for an ultrasound scan for suspected DVT per year 11,189 Positive DVT scans per year 2,547 Positive DVT scans as a percentage of referred and scanned patients per year 22% Duration of the study (in months) 12 Estimated patients available for recruitment 11,000 Expected patients to recruit 3,000 Expected patients to recruit as a percentage for available for recruitment 27% Expected positive scans in the recruited population (20%) 660 conventional ultrasound image set collection to create a training data set Participants >3000 the annonated data set will be available to the public! Drougka I, Clinical studies initiation package - Study A, Deliverable 7.1, ThrombUS+ Horizon Europe Innovation Action, EC Grant Agreement No. 101137227, 31 May 2024, Table 1. A summary of milestones regarding the ThrombUS+ Clinical Study A Milestone Planned date IRB/IEC approval June 2024 Start of data collection July 2024 Midterm recruitment report December 2024 End of data collection June 2025 Final report of study results July 2025 Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 17
  • 18. Co-funded by the European Union compliance by design research based on a regulatory compliance monitoring plan  creation of regulatory templates for the technical documentation  preparation of draft documents from templates  distribution of draft documents to project partners for feedback  review of feedback and incorporation into draft documents  knowledge transfer on specific regulatory topics Credits: Thorsten Prinz, VDE Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 18
  • 19. Co-funded by the European Union open science Standards • DICOM Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine • GDF Geographic Data Files • ICD International Classification of Diseases • SNOMED-CT Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 19
  • 20. Co-funded by the European Union work package breakdown WP 1. Management WP 2. Requirements and product co-design WP 3. Ultrasound sensing WP 4. Plethysmography, activity sensors and wearable WP 5. Decision support and action intelligence WP 6. Integration and validation WP 7. Clinical studies WP 8. Dissemination & Communication WP 9. Exploitation, and Commercialization Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 20
  • 21. WP10. Exploitation & Commercialization Study A – Conventional data collection Τ7.2 Automated US DVT detection Τ5.1 Clinical studies initiation Τ7.1 ThrombUS+ specs Τ6.1 Hardware integration Τ6.3 Software integration intelligence and app Τ6.4 Testing methodology and plans Τ6.2 Patient-centric cases and requirements definition Τ2.1 Regulatory framework, security, safety and ethics Τ2.2 WP1. Management WP8. Dissemination & Communication WP9. Exploitation & Commercialization Testing, signal quality and performance enhancements Τ4.5 Manufacturing of wearable prototypes Τ4.6 Wearable development and integration with sensors Τ4.4 Testing, image quality and performance enhancements Τ3.5 Manufacturing of US prototypes Τ3.6 Transducer/cuff control and image formation Τ3.4 Studies B – Data collection by prototype components Τ7.3 Studies C – Clinical trials Τ7.4 Hardware and software integration & communications Τ6.5 Posting of clinical trial results Τ7.5 Technical and functional requirements Τ2.4 Co-creation of wearable strap and sock design Τ2.3 Light reflection rheography sensors development Τ4.2 Lower limb activity sensor network development Τ4.3 Impedance sensors development Τ4.1 Precise tissue compression actuator Τ3.3 Ultrasound transducer array Bulk technology Τ3.1 Ultrasound transducer array MEMS technology Τ3.2 DVT risk estimation Τ5.3 Automated plethysmography DVT detection Τ5.2 Serious game for DVT prevention Τ5.5 Extended reality for guidance Τ5.4 Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 21
  • 22. Co-funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 # No Lead Type Dissem Month Date 1 D8.1 SciGen DEC PU 1 Jan 2024 2 D1.1 ATHENA DEC SEN 1 Jan 2024 3 D10.1 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 1 Jan 2024 4 D1.2 ATHENA R SEN 3 Mar 2024 5 D1.3 MEDEA R SEN 3 Mar 2024 6 D8.2 SciGen R PU 3 Mar 2024 7 D9.1 VDE R PU 3 Mar 2024 8 D1.4 ATHENA DMP PU 4 Apr 2024 9 D7.1 PHAZE R PU 5 May 2024 10 D2.1 PBY R PU 6 Jun 2024 11 D2.2 VDE R PU 8 Aug 2024 12 D2.3 KTU R PU 10 Oct 2024 13 D2.4 ComfTech R SEN 12 Dec 2024 14 D3.1 VERMON DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024 15 D3.2 FRAUNHOFER DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024 16 D3.3 KTU DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024 17 D4.1 TAU DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024 18 D4.2 MEDIS DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024 19 D4.3 KTU DEM SEN 12 Dec 2024 20 D7.2 PHAZE R PU 12 Dec 2024 21 D7.3 PHAZE R PU 13 Jan 2025 22 D6.1 KTU R PU 14 Feb 2025 23 D3.4 TELEMED DEM SEN 15 Mar 2025 24 D7.4 PHAZE R PU 15 Mar 2025 25 D4.4 ComfTech DEM SEN 16 Apr 2025 26 D6.2 KTU R PU 18 Jun 2025 27 D3.5 KTU R PU 19 Jul 2025 28 D4.5 KTU R PU 19 Jul 2025 # No Lead Type Dissem Month Date 29 D7.5 PHAZE R PU 20 Aug 2025 30 D3.6 TELEMED DEM SEN 21 Sep 2025 31 D4.6 ComfTech DEM SEN 21 Sep 2025 32 D1.5 ATHENA DMP PU 24 Dec 2025 33 D7.6 PHAZE R PU 24 Dec 2024 34 D6.3 KTU DEM SEN 26 Feb 2026 35 D8.3 ATHENA DATA PU 26 Feb 2026 36 D5.1 EchoNous DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026 37 D5.2 TAU DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026 38 D5.3 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026 39 D5.4 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026 40 D5.5 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026 41 D6.4 ATHENA DEM SEN 28 Apr 2026 42 D7.7 PHAZE R PU 29 May 2026 43 D6.5 KTU DEM SEN 32 Aug 2026 44 D7.8 PHAZE R PU 36 Dec 2026 45 D1.6 ATHENA R SEN 42 Jun 2027 46 D1.7 MEDEA R SEN 42 Jun 2027 47 D7.9 PHAZE R PU 42 Jun 2027 48 D8.4 SciGen R PU 42 Jun 2027 49 D8.5 SciGen R PU 42 Jun 2027 50 D9.2 VDE R PU 42 Jun 2027 51 D9.3 PBY R PU 42 Jun 2027 52 D9.4 MEDEA R SEN 42 Jun 2027 53 D10.5 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 42 Jun 2027 54 D10.2 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 12 Dec 2024 55 D10.3 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 24 Dec 2025 56 D10.4 ATHENA ETHICS SEN 36 Dec 2026 52 +4 deliverables 22
  • 23. Co-funded by the European Union project progress • 1st milestone reached • 9 deliverables submitted on time Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 23
  • 24. Project Meeting 02 |Kaunas, Lithuania | 14-15 May 2024 Seal of Excellence by France the project scored the maximum of 4/4 in all 10 evaluation criteria
  • 25. Co-funded by the European Union submitted public deliverables or publishable summaries can be viewed in the project website and in the project’s community in Zenodo Horizon Europe Health Cluster Networking Meeting | 26 June 2024 25
  • 26. Alexandroupoli, Jan 2024 Kaunas, May 2024 Kaunas, May 2024 Kaunas, May 2024 Kaunas, May 2024 Kaunas, May 2024
  • 27. Coordinator: Prof. Eleni Kaldoudi, Coordinator Project Manager: Dr. Stelios Didaskalou mpany/thrombus-eu-project/ Co-funded by the European Union