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The Why and How of moving to PHP 5.4/5.5
Who am I ?
Wim Godden (@wimgtr)
Founder of Solutions (
Open Source developer since 1997
Developer of OpenX, PHPCompatibility, Nginx SCL, ...
Speaker at PHP and Open Source conferences
Why vs How
Part 1 : why upgrade ?
Bad reasons :
It's cool to have the latest version
Annoy sysadmins
Oh cool, a new toy !
Part 2 : how to upgrade ?
The nightmare of compatibility
The joy of automation
No miracles here !
Show of hands
3 / 4
6.0 (just kidding)

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Php in 2013 (Web-5 2013 conference)
Php in 2013 (Web-5 2013 conference)Php in 2013 (Web-5 2013 conference)
Php in 2013 (Web-5 2013 conference)

This document summarizes the history and evolution of PHP from its origins in 1995 as a CGI scripting language through its current version 5.5 released in 2013. It describes some of the major milestones like the introduction of the Zend Engine in PHP 4 that improved performance and compilation, and the transition to a true object model in PHP 5. It highlights new features in PHP 5.5 like the password hashing API and generators. Performance benchmarks show PHP 5.5 is faster than previous versions with speed improvements up to 20% from PHP 5.3. The document promotes contributing to the open source PHP project and lists some of the key areas and ways people can get involved.

php 2013 web-5 conference
PHP7 - Scalar Type Hints & Return Types
PHP7 - Scalar Type Hints & Return TypesPHP7 - Scalar Type Hints & Return Types
PHP7 - Scalar Type Hints & Return Types

Type hints were introduced with PHP 5. PHP 7 will add the ability to type hint on scalars and even to explicitly state what type will be returned from the function. This talk briefly goes over these added features to PHP 7.

PHP5.5 is Here
PHP5.5 is HerePHP5.5 is Here
PHP5.5 is Here

PHP 5.5 is the latest version of PHP that includes new features like a password hashing API, generators syntax, and a finally keyword for exceptions. It also includes performance improvements and integration with the OPcache for opcode caching. Some changes in PHP 5.5 include deprecating the mysql extension and preg_replace /e modifier.

php 5.5 release
The numbers
W3Techs (
Now Aug 2013 May 2013
PHP 4 : 2.7% 2.9% 2.7%
PHP 5 : 97.3% 97.1% 97.3%
5.0 : 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
5.1 : 2.0% 2.2% 2.6%
5.2 : 37.6% 40.2% 43.5%
5.3 : 52.0% 51.7% 49.7%
5.4 : 7.9% 5.7% 4.1%
5.5 : 0.5% 0.1 % < 0.1%
5.6 : < 0.1%
5.3 quick recap
Namespaces ()
Late static binding
Better garbage collection
Performance gain
5.3 – people are not even using it !
37.6% still on PHP 5.2
No :
Symfony 2
Zend Framework 2
Other frameworks that need namespaces
Problematic for developers
PHP 5.4/5.5 – what's changed ?
New features
Performance and memory usage
Improved consistency
Some things removed

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PHP 7 Crash Course - php[world] 2015PHP 7 Crash Course - php[world] 2015
PHP 7 Crash Course - php[world] 2015

The PHP 7 release is just around the corner, bringing some much-desired changes and improvements to the language. However, many developers simply aren't aware of what's coming. We'll remedy this by checking out the new "spaceship operator," demonstrating how static type hints produce clean code, and using anonymous classes to quickly implement interfaces on the fly. Attendees will also learn about breaking changes and "gotchas" to watch out for when making the upgrade and will receive pointers on getting started with PHP 7 today.

Mysqlnd, an unknown powerful PHP extension
Mysqlnd, an unknown powerful PHP extensionMysqlnd, an unknown powerful PHP extension
Mysqlnd, an unknown powerful PHP extension

The document discusses mysqlnd, a PHP extension that replaces libmysql. Mysqlnd provides significant memory savings when processing result sets by avoiding duplicating result data in memory. It also includes detailed statistics collection and an extensible plugin architecture. Mysqlnd is now the default MySQL connector used by PHP.

mysqlnd mysql php extension
Zend Framework Study@Tokyo #2
Zend Framework Study@Tokyo #2Zend Framework Study@Tokyo #2
Zend Framework Study@Tokyo #2

This document discusses using Zend Framework for building web applications. It describes how Zend_Application provides dependency injection and configuration without requiring objects. It also covers using Zend_Db for database access, Zend_Controller for routing, and Zend_Translate for internationalization. Validation is discussed, including using Zend_Validate with Zend_Translate to internationalize error messages.

zfzend framework
New things – short array syntax (5.4)
$yourItems = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
$yourItems = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
$yourItems = ['a' => 5, 'b' => 3];
New things – function array dereferencing (5.4)
function getCars()
return array(
$cars = getCars();
echo $cars[1];
function getCars()
return [
echo getCars()[1];
New things – Traits
Reuse methods across classes
Classes have no common parent
Traits - example
Log output : abcd
trait Logger
public function log($data) {
echo "Log output : " . $data;
class SomeClass {
use Logger;
$someObject = new SomeClass();

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PHP7 is coming
PHP7 is comingPHP7 is coming
PHP7 is coming

PHP 7 is scheduled for release in November 2015 and will be a major new version that introduces many new features and changes. Some key points include: PHP 7 will provide improved performance through a new Zend Engine 3.0 and full support for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. New features include scalar type declarations, return type declarations, new operators like the null coalesce operator and the spaceship operator, and anonymous classes. The release will also change some behaviors and remove deprecated features.

The Php Life Cycle
The Php Life CycleThe Php Life Cycle
The Php Life Cycle

The document summarizes the PHP lifecycle when used with Apache. It describes the request process from the client request, Apache parsing the request and handling it, to PHP parsing, compiling and executing the script. It provides code examples from key points in the PHP parsing and execution process within the Zend engine. Sample requests are outlined from client to server processing and the PHP opcodes and execution.

Anatomy of a PHP Request ( UTOSC 2010 )
Anatomy of a PHP Request ( UTOSC 2010 )Anatomy of a PHP Request ( UTOSC 2010 )
Anatomy of a PHP Request ( UTOSC 2010 )

This document provides an overview of the PHP request lifecycle, including how a PHP file is read, parsed, compiled, executed, and outputs. It discusses how PHP is handled by different web servers like Apache, Nginx, and FastCGI. It also covers topics like opcode caching with APC, profiling PHP performance with Xdebug, and analyzing PHP opcodes with Vulcan Logic Dumper.

Traits - example
class SomeClass {
public function log($data) {
echo "Log output : " . $data;
$someObject = new SomeClass();
Traits – careful !
trait Logger {
private $foo;
class SomeClass {
private $foo;
use Logger;
will throw E_STRICT !
New things – Webserver (5.4)
Built-in webserver
Development only !
Handles requests sequentially
Ideal for quick testing
Ideal for unit testing of webservices
Webserver – how to
/var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000
PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013
Listening on http://localhost:8000
Document root is /var/www/php54test/html
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
/var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 -t /var/www/other-path/html
PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013
Listening on http://localhost:8000
Document root is /var/www/other-path/html
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
/var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 bootstrap.php
PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013
Listening on http://localhost:8000
Document root is /var/www/php54test/html
Press Ctrl-C to quit.

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Php 7 hhvm and co
Php 7 hhvm and coPhp 7 hhvm and co
Php 7 hhvm and co

This document discusses PHP 7 and alternative PHP implementations like HHVM. It provides an overview of PHP 7 features like a reworked engine and true 64-bit support. It also discusses alternative implementations like HHVM, which uses a just-in-time compiler to compile PHP to native machine code, and Zephir, which allows PHP code to be compiled to C code for performance benefits. Finally, it shares benchmarks showing performance improvements of these implementations over PHP 5.

An introduction to PHP 5.4
An introduction to PHP 5.4An introduction to PHP 5.4
An introduction to PHP 5.4

This document introduces PHP 5.4 and provides an overview of new features and changes from previous versions. Some key additions in PHP 5.4 include improved performance, always available short echo tags, closure support for $this, class member access on instantiation, and a built-in development web server. The document also discusses how to switch to PHP 5.4 on Gentoo Linux and provides useful links for more information.

php 5.4 introduction traits
PHP7 Presentation
PHP7 PresentationPHP7 Presentation
PHP7 Presentation

Version 1.2 of the document introduces new versions of PHP including PHP 5.6 and PHP 7. PHP 5.6 included new features like constant expressions, variadic functions, and exponentiation. PHP 7 included major performance improvements and introduced scalar type declarations, return type declarations, and new operators like the nullsafe operator and spaceship comparison operator. PHP 7 also removed alternative PHP tags and deprecated old PHP codes. Future versions of PHP will focus on additional type declarations and other new language features.

New things – SessionHandler (5.4)
New session handling class
Groups all methods for session handling :
class MySessionHandler extends SessionHandler
public function read($session_id)
// Get the session data
public function write($session_id, $session_data)
// Set the session data
$handler = new MySessionHandler();
session_set_save_handler($handler, true);
New things – more session stuff (5.4)
File upload extension
→ file upload registers in session
→ readable through AJAX calls
New function session_status()
New things – Generators (5.5)
Simple way of implementing iterators
Simply put : foreach over a function
Say what ?

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SDPHP - Percona Toolkit (It's Basically Magic)

Intro talk on the Percona Toolkit, as set of tools for managing things DBAs and developers need to do with MySQL.

Quick tour of PHP from inside
Quick tour of PHP from insideQuick tour of PHP from inside
Quick tour of PHP from inside

The document discusses PHP performance and dives into the internals of how PHP works, including details on the Zend engine, compilation process involving lexing, parsing and compiling to opcodes, and execution through opcode interpretation by the virtual machine. It provides examples and tips on optimizing performance by reducing compilation overhead through opcode caching, profiling execution to find bottlenecks, and analyzing PHP functions at the C level to optimize system calls and memory usage.

php performance zend engine
PHP Tips for certification - OdW13
PHP Tips for certification - OdW13PHP Tips for certification - OdW13
PHP Tips for certification - OdW13

This document provides tips, tricks, and examples of common gotchas in PHP programming. It demonstrates unexpected behaviors that can occur due to PHP's highly dynamic nature and weakly typed system. A series of code snippets are shown with their expected versus actual outputs to illustrate issues one may encounter with variables, strings, arrays, and type coercion. The document also provides best practices for PHP development and an overview of common topics covered in the PHP certification exam.

Generators - example
function returnAsciiTable($start, $end) {
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
yield $i => chr($i);
foreach (returnAsciiTable(97, 122) as $key => $value) {
echo $key . " - " . $value . "n";
Output :
97 - a
98 - b
99 - c
100 - d
101 - e
102 - f
103 - g
104 - h
105 - i
106 - j
107 - k
108 - l
109 - m
110 - n
111 - o
112 - p
113 - q
114 - r
115 - s
116 - t
117 - u
118 - v
119 - w
120 - x
121 - y
122 - z
Finally : finally (5.5)
Exception handling
Until now : try {} catch() {}
Now :
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "n";
} finally {
echo "We're always going here !";
Beware : finally + return
function footest()
try {
return 1;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 2;
} finally {
return 10;
echo footest();
Will return 10 !
Password hashing (5.5)
To create :
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
To verify :
password_verify($password, $hash);
Currently only supports Blowfish
Also has password_needs_rehash() → check if hash was strong enough

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This document discusses integrating test automation and code coverage for web service applications. It introduces Postman for calling web services and testing responses, and Jenkins for build automation and tracking test results over time. It then demonstrates setting up a test automation workflow using these tools on a sample Laravel application, including starting and stopping coverage collection, running tests from Postman and PHPUnit, and merging the results. Some best practices and philosophies around test automation and code coverage are also discussed.

jenkinscode coveragephp
What you need to remember when you upload to CPAN
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What you need to remember when you upload to CPAN

Perlのモジュールを公開するときに気をつけておいた方がよい個のこと This document provides tips for publishing Perl modules to CPAN. It discusses things to be aware of such as distributions being permanently archived on BackPAN even if deleted, CPAN accepting almost anything, and several testing services that can improve modules like PAUSE, CPAN Testers, CPANTS, and more. It also covers best practices for metrics evaluated by these services around availability, integrity, file layout, prerequisites and more. Developers are encouraged to use better tools from the Perl Toolchain Gang to avoid issues.

Debugging: Rules And Tools - PHPTek 11 Version
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Debugging: Rules And Tools - PHPTek 11 Version

The document provides rules and tools for debugging. It discusses understanding the system, making failures reproducible, quitting thinking and closely observing behaviors, dividing problems into smaller pieces, changing one thing at a time, and maintaining an audit trail of changes. Tools mentioned include Xdebug, Selenium, PHPUnit, strace, and source control systems. Logging, instrumentation, and testing techniques are also covered.

Zend Optimizer+ (5.5)
Name in PHP 5.5 : OPcache
Opcode cache (like APC, Xcache, ...)
APC users : no userland (variable) caching in OPcache
→ Use APCu
What else is new ?
Binary notation
Decimal : 123
Octal : 0173
Hex : 0x7B
Binary : 0b1111011
Class member access on object instantiation
$fooObj = new Foo();
echo $fooObj->bar();
echo (new Foo)->bar();
New reserved keywords : (5.4)
Other changes
Error handling :
5.3 : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting '{' in index.php on line 1
5.4 : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'bar' (T_STRING), expecting '{' in index.php on line 1
Array to string conversion :
5.3 : Array
5.4 : Note: Array to string conversion in test.php on line 8
<?= always works (even with short_tags off)
Default charset = UTF8 (be careful !)
class foo bar
$var = array();
echo $var;
Time to remove !
register_globals (5.4)
magic_quotes (5.4)
safe_mode (5.4)
Removed (5.4) : Still working :
break $var; break 2;
continue $var; continue 3;
session_register() php_logo_guid()
session_unregister() php_egg_logo_guid()
session_is_registered() php_real_logo_guid()
→ use $_SESSION zend_logo_guid()
(5.4) (5.5)

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Debugging: Rules & Tools
Debugging: Rules & ToolsDebugging: Rules & Tools
Debugging: Rules & Tools

Finding and fixing bugs is a major chunk of any developers time. This talk describes the basic rules for effective debugging in any language, but shows how the tools available in PHP can be used to find and fix even the most elusive error

Living With Legacy Code
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Living With Legacy Code

Practical tips for dealing with projects involving legacy code. Covers investigating past projects, static analysis of existing code, and methods for changing legacy code. Presented at PHP Benelux '10

wrapper classphpdoccodesniffer
Xdebug - Derick Rethans - Barcelona PHP Conference 2008
Xdebug - Derick Rethans - Barcelona PHP Conference 2008Xdebug - Derick Rethans - Barcelona PHP Conference 2008
Xdebug - Derick Rethans - Barcelona PHP Conference 2008

This document summarizes Derick Rethans' presentation on the Xdebug debugging tool for PHP. It introduces Xdebug, how to install it, and how to use its various debugging features like setting breakpoints, viewing variables, profiling code, and more. The presentation provides code examples and instructions for integrating Xdebug with IDEs to enable remote debugging of PHP applications.

More stuff removed
Timezone guessing → date.timezone in php.ini (5.4)
sqlite extension → use sqlite3 (5.4)
Windows XP and 2003 support (5.5)
Performance and memory usage
Performance : 10 – 30%
How ?
Core optimizations
New internal caches (functions, constants, …)
Better (un)serialization
Inlining often-used code paths
Reduced memory usage : up to 50% !
Big impact on large frameworks
Even bigger impact on codebases such as Drupal
Should you upgrade today ?
Upgrade : yes / no
Yes No
Using removed extensions x
Using removed functions x
Need extra performance / reduced memory x
Really need new feature x
Want to use recent framework x
No unit tests x
No package available (.rpm, .deb, ...) x

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What's new with PHP7
What's new with PHP7What's new with PHP7
What's new with PHP7

PHP7 brings a tremendous number of new features. Tonight, we will take a look at the null coalesce operator, new execution order (uniform variable syntax), new exceptions and more.

Symfony2 - OSIDays 2010
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Symfony2 - OSIDays 2010

The document provides an overview of Symfony2, an open-source PHP web application framework. It describes Symfony2 as a set of decoupled and cohesive components including routing, templating, form handling, and more. It also outlines Symfony2's support for modern best practices like dependency injection and an object-oriented approach to web application development using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

Preparing for the next PHP version (5.6)
Preparing for the next PHP version (5.6)Preparing for the next PHP version (5.6)
Preparing for the next PHP version (5.6)

With versions stretching from 5.3 to 5.6, PHP has several major published versions, that require special attention when migrating. Beyond checking for compilation, the code must be reviewed to avoid pitfalls like obsoletes functions, new features, change in default parameters or behavior. We'll set up a checklist of such traps, and ways to find them in the code and be reading for PHP 5.6.

Postponing upgrades
In the past : we'll see
Now : minor release + 2 = out → EOL
5.5 = OUT → 5.3 = EOL
5.6 = OUT → 5.4 = EOL (next year !)
Critical security patches : 1 year
No bugfixes
Framework support
Developer motivation
So you want to upgrade...
Option 1 : run your unit tests
Option 2 : visit each page (good luck !) + check error_log
Or : record visits, then replay log on test environment
Option 3 : automated static analysis
Back in 2010...
PHP Architect @ Belgian Railways
8 years of legacy code
40+ different developers
40+ projects
Challenge :
migrate all projects from
PHP 5.1.x (on Solaris)
PHP 5.3.x (on Linux)
The idea
Automate it
How ? → Use the CI environment
Which tool ? → PHP_CodeSniffer

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Fighting Fear-Driven-Development With PHPUnit
Fighting Fear-Driven-Development With PHPUnitFighting Fear-Driven-Development With PHPUnit
Fighting Fear-Driven-Development With PHPUnit

This talk was designed for PHP developers with limited or no experience in unit testing. I focus on describing the problem of fear-driven-development, and how test-driven-development can be used to improve the quality of your code.

unit testingphptesting

The document provides tips for optimizing PHP code, including using string functions instead of regular expressions where possible, passing references to reduce memory usage, using persistent database connections, and checking mysql_unbuffered_query() for faster queries. It also discusses HTTP requests and responses, cookie expiry, references in PHP, returning references from functions, and the debug_backtrace() function. The document concludes with tips for improving security such as checking for uninitialized variables, validating user input, and restricting access to included files.

関西PHP勉強会 php5.4つまみぐい
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関西PHP勉強会 php5.4つまみぐい

This document summarizes some new features in PHP 5.4: - Array syntax can now be written more concisely using square brackets instead of array functions. - PHP 5.4 includes a built-in web server for development purposes, allowing PHP scripts to be run without Apache. - Traits allow sharing of methods across classes to reduce code duplication, similar to mixins in Ruby. - Closures now support accessing properties of the enclosing class scope via $this.

php php5.4
PEAR package (pear install PHP_CodeSniffer)
Detect coding standard violations
Supports multiple standards
Static analysis tool
→ Runs without executing code
→ Splits code in tokens
Let's see what it looks like
New PHP_CodeSniffer standard
Only purpose : find compatibility issues
Detects :
Deprecated functions
Deprecated extensions
Deprecated php.ini settings and ini_set() calls
Prohibited function names, class names, …
Works for PHP 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5
PHPCompatibility – making it work
Via GIT :
git clone git:// PHPCompatibility
Download from Github :
Install in <pear_dir>/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards
Run :
phpcs --standard=PHPCompatibility <path>

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Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010
Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010
Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010

The document introduces Symfony2, an open-source PHP web application framework. It discusses key components like the dependency injection container, routing, and an object-oriented approach to handling requests and responses. It presents Symfony2's implementation of the MVC pattern using bundles, controllers and templates.

Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010
Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010
Symfony2 - WebExpo 2010

The document discusses Symfony2, an open-source PHP web application framework. It provides an overview of its components including routing, dependency injection, and templating. It also describes how Symfony uses an MVC architecture and emphasizes loose coupling and flexibility.

Session Server - Maintaing State between several Servers
Session Server - Maintaing State between several ServersSession Server - Maintaing State between several Servers
Session Server - Maintaing State between several Servers

This document summarizes maintaining state between servers using a session server. It discusses the need for sessions in stateless HTTP, limitations of built-in PHP sessions, and how a central session server addresses these issues. It then covers building a session server in PHP using sockets and processes (PCNTL), and implementing a full-featured session server using the Net_Server and HTTP_SessionServer classes along with a client library.

Let's see what it looks like
Important notes
Large directories → can be slow !
Use --extensions=php,phtml
No point scanning .js files
Static analysis
Doesn't run code
Can not detect every single incompatibility
Provides filename and line number
The result
Zend Framework 1.7 app
PHP 5.2 : working fine
PHP 5.3 : fail !
function goto()
Some common apps – phpBB (latest)
FILE: /usr/src/phpBB3/adm/index.php
48 | WARNING | INI directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and forbidden in PHP 5.4.
48 | WARNING | INI directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and forbidden in PHP 5.4.

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Php 7 evolution
Php 7 evolutionPhp 7 evolution
Php 7 evolution

This document discusses several new features introduced in PHP 7 including: 1. Exception handling was improved with a new exception hierarchy and errors are now catchable. 2. Scalar type declarations were added allowing functions to declare and enforce parameter and return value types like int, float, bool, etc. 3. The null coalescing operator ?? was added to simplify checking for null values and providing defaults. 4. The spaceship operator <=> was added for combined comparison of values returning -1, 0, or 1. Overall PHP 7 focused on major internal improvements and optimizations while maintaining backwards compatibility and adding several new features to further strengthen type safety.

php7 php phpvigo vigo ast php6 spaceship
Workshop quality assurance for php projects tek12
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This workshop is a hands-on training where a real Zend Framework application is used as an example to start improving QA using tools to test, document and perform software metric calculations to indicate where the software can be improved. I also explain the reports produced by a CI system.

Reutov, yunusov, nagibin random numbers take ii
Reutov, yunusov, nagibin   random numbers take iiReutov, yunusov, nagibin   random numbers take ii
Reutov, yunusov, nagibin random numbers take ii

The document discusses vulnerabilities in random number generation in PHP. It summarizes several vulnerabilities discovered between 2008-2012 related to predictable random numbers generated by PHP functions like mt_rand(). It also discusses how PHP developers have been slow to address these issues. The document then provides step-by-step explanations of how to exploit vulnerabilities in four different CMS platforms - OpenCart, DataLife Engine, UMI.CMS, and OpenCart again - by predicting random values used for tasks like password resets and session IDs.

zeronights 2012
Common apps - MediaWiki
FILE: /usr/src/mediawiki-1.19.8/includes/GlobalFunctions.php
2705 | WARNING | The use of function dl is discouraged in PHP version 5.3 and
| | discouraged in PHP version 5.4 and discouraged in PHP version
| | 5.5
Common apps – Wordpress (latest)
FILE: /usr/src/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php
5340 | ERROR | The use of function set_magic_quotes_runtime is discouraged in
| | PHP version 5.3 and forbidden in PHP version 5.4 and forbidden
| | in PHP version 5.5
5371 | ERROR | The use of function set_magic_quotes_runtime is discouraged in
| | PHP version 5.3 and forbidden in PHP version 5.4 and forbidden
| | in PHP version 5.5
FILE: /usr/src/wordpress/wp-includes/SimplePie/Item.php
125 | WARNING | INI directive 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode' is deprecated in
| | PHP 5.3 and forbidden in PHP 5.4.
FILE: /usr/src/wordpress/wp-includes/wp-db.php
641 | ERROR | Extension 'mysql_' is deprecated since PHP 5.5 - use mysqli
| | instead.
646 | ERROR | Extension 'mysql_' is deprecated since PHP 5.5 - use mysqli
| | instead.
No 100% detection
But : 95% automation = lots of time saved !
First : PHPCompatibility on local machine
Then : upgrade CI/test environment and run unit tests
Start upgrading !
Questions ?

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Random numbers
Random numbersRandom numbers
Random numbers

The document discusses vulnerabilities in random number generation in PHP. It summarizes several vulnerabilities discovered between 2008-2012 related to predictable random numbers generated by PHP functions like mt_rand(). It also discusses how PHP developers have been slow to address these issues. The document then provides step-by-step explanations of how to exploit vulnerabilities in four different CMS platforms - OpenCart, DataLife Engine, UMI.CMS, and OpenCart again - by predicting random values used for tasks like password resets and session IDs.

How to Design a Great API (using flask) [ploneconf2017]
How to Design a Great API (using flask) [ploneconf2017]How to Design a Great API (using flask) [ploneconf2017]
How to Design a Great API (using flask) [ploneconf2017]

How do you build an API that developers love building and consumers love using? There's a lot that goes into creating a great API. This presentation shares some tips & tricks, architectural patterns, and best practices that go into building a great engineering environment around your API. Talk presented on Oct 18, 2017 at PloneConf2017. Topics covered by this talk: Intuitive Practices: standardization, configuration/environment files, ORMs, SQLAlchemy, database migrations, Alembic, database seeds, requirements.txt, package management, dependency management, setup scripts Durable Practices: Unit Tests, virtual environments, flush vs commit, error rollbacks, request lifecycle, session lifecycle Flexible Practices: Directory structures, application factories, blueprints, python debugger Reliable Practices: Logging, progressive rollouts, slack hooks, cron health checks, api versioning, api analytics Use Friendly Practices: Endpoint design, endpoint documentation, debugging tools, postman Speed Practices: Python profiling, Bulk SQL Inserts, caching

Simplify your professional web development with symfony
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Simplify your professional web development with symfony

Learn how symfony can make your life simple, especially if you want to develop web applications in a professional way. Warning! Contains PHP code...

Questions ?
Twitter @wimgtr
Please rate my talk at
Thanks !
Please rate my talk at

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The why and how of moving to PHP 5.4/5.5

  • 1. The Why and How of moving to PHP 5.4/5.5
  • 2. Who am I ? Wim Godden (@wimgtr) Founder of Solutions ( Open Source developer since 1997 Developer of OpenX, PHPCompatibility, Nginx SCL, ... Speaker at PHP and Open Source conferences
  • 3. Why vs How Part 1 : why upgrade ? Bad reasons : It's cool to have the latest version Annoy sysadmins Oh cool, a new toy ! Part 2 : how to upgrade ? The nightmare of compatibility The joy of automation No miracles here !
  • 4. Show of hands 3 / 4 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.0 (just kidding)
  • 5. The numbers W3Techs ( Now Aug 2013 May 2013 PHP 4 : 2.7% 2.9% 2.7% PHP 5 : 97.3% 97.1% 97.3% 5.0 : 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 5.1 : 2.0% 2.2% 2.6% 5.2 : 37.6% 40.2% 43.5% 5.3 : 52.0% 51.7% 49.7% 5.4 : 7.9% 5.7% 4.1% 5.5 : 0.5% 0.1 % < 0.1% 5.6 : < 0.1%
  • 6. 5.3 quick recap Namespaces () Late static binding Closures Better garbage collection Goto Mysqlnd Performance gain
  • 7. 5.3 – people are not even using it ! 37.6% still on PHP 5.2 No : Symfony 2 Zend Framework 2 Other frameworks that need namespaces Problematic for developers
  • 8. PHP 5.4/5.5 – what's changed ? New features Performance and memory usage Improved consistency Some things removed
  • 9. New things – short array syntax (5.4) $yourItems = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); $yourItems = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; $yourItems = ['a' => 5, 'b' => 3];
  • 10. New things – function array dereferencing (5.4) function getCars() { return array( 'Mini', 'Smart', 'Volvo', 'BMW' ); } $cars = getCars(); echo $cars[1]; function getCars() { return [ 'Mini', 'Smart', 'Volvo', 'BMW' ]; } echo getCars()[1];
  • 11. New things – Traits Reuse methods across classes Classes have no common parent
  • 12. Traits - example Log output : abcd trait Logger { public function log($data) { echo "Log output : " . $data; } } class SomeClass { use Logger; } $someObject = new SomeClass(); $someObject->log('abcd');
  • 13. Traits - example class SomeClass { public function log($data) { echo "Log output : " . $data; } } $someObject = new SomeClass(); $someObject->log('abcd');
  • 14. Traits – careful ! trait Logger { private $foo; } class SomeClass { private $foo; use Logger; } will throw E_STRICT !
  • 15. New things – Webserver (5.4) Built-in webserver Development only ! Handles requests sequentially Ideal for quick testing Ideal for unit testing of webservices
  • 16. Webserver – how to /var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is /var/www/php54test/html Press Ctrl-C to quit. /var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 -t /var/www/other-path/html PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is /var/www/other-path/html Press Ctrl-C to quit. /var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 bootstrap.php PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is /var/www/php54test/html Press Ctrl-C to quit.
  • 17. New things – SessionHandler (5.4) New session handling class Groups all methods for session handling : close() destroy() gc() open() read() write()
  • 18. SessionHandler class MySessionHandler extends SessionHandler { public function read($session_id) { // Get the session data } public function write($session_id, $session_data) { // Set the session data } ... } $handler = new MySessionHandler(); session_set_save_handler($handler, true); session_start();
  • 19. New things – more session stuff (5.4) File upload extension → file upload registers in session → readable through AJAX calls New function session_status() Return values : PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE / PHP_SESSION_NONE
  • 20. New things – Generators (5.5) Simple way of implementing iterators Simply put : foreach over a function Say what ?
  • 21. Generators - example <?php function returnAsciiTable($start, $end) { for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { yield $i => chr($i); } } foreach (returnAsciiTable(97, 122) as $key => $value) { echo $key . " - " . $value . "n"; } Output : 97 - a 98 - b 99 - c 100 - d 101 - e 102 - f 103 - g 104 - h 105 - i 106 - j 107 - k 108 - l 109 - m 110 - n 111 - o 112 - p 113 - q 114 - r 115 - s 116 - t 117 - u 118 - v 119 - w 120 - x 121 - y 122 - z
  • 22. Finally : finally (5.5) Exception handling Until now : try {} catch() {} Now : <?php try { doSomething(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "n"; } finally { echo "We're always going here !"; }
  • 23. Beware : finally + return <?php function footest() { try { return 1; } catch (Exception $e) { return 2; } finally { return 10; } } echo footest(); Will return 10 !
  • 24. Password hashing (5.5) To create : $hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); To verify : password_verify($password, $hash); Currently only supports Blowfish Also has password_needs_rehash() → check if hash was strong enough
  • 25. Zend Optimizer+ (5.5) Name in PHP 5.5 : OPcache Opcode cache (like APC, Xcache, ...) APC users : no userland (variable) caching in OPcache → Use APCu
  • 26. What else is new ? Binary notation Decimal : 123 Octal : 0173 Hex : 0x7B Binary : 0b1111011 Class member access on object instantiation $fooObj = new Foo(); echo $fooObj->bar(); echo (new Foo)->bar(); New reserved keywords : (5.4) trait insteadof Callable
  • 27. Other changes Error handling : 5.3 : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting '{' in index.php on line 1 5.4 : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'bar' (T_STRING), expecting '{' in index.php on line 1 Array to string conversion : 5.3 : Array 5.4 : Note: Array to string conversion in test.php on line 8 <?= always works (even with short_tags off) Default charset = UTF8 (be careful !) class foo bar $var = array(); echo $var;
  • 28. Time to remove ! register_globals (5.4) magic_quotes (5.4) safe_mode (5.4) Removed (5.4) : Still working : break $var; break 2; continue $var; continue 3; session_register() php_logo_guid() session_unregister() php_egg_logo_guid() session_is_registered() php_real_logo_guid() → use $_SESSION zend_logo_guid() (5.4) (5.5)
  • 29. More stuff removed Timezone guessing → date.timezone in php.ini (5.4) sqlite extension → use sqlite3 (5.4) Windows XP and 2003 support (5.5)
  • 30. Performance and memory usage Performance : 10 – 30% How ? Core optimizations New internal caches (functions, constants, …) Better (un)serialization Inlining often-used code paths … Reduced memory usage : up to 50% ! Big impact on large frameworks Even bigger impact on codebases such as Drupal
  • 32. Upgrade : yes / no Yes No Using removed extensions x Using removed functions x Need extra performance / reduced memory x Really need new feature x Want to use recent framework x No unit tests x No package available (.rpm, .deb, ...) x
  • 33. Postponing upgrades End-Of-Life In the past : we'll see Now : minor release + 2 = out → EOL 5.5 = OUT → 5.3 = EOL 5.6 = OUT → 5.4 = EOL (next year !) Critical security patches : 1 year No bugfixes Framework support Developer motivation
  • 34. So you want to upgrade... Option 1 : run your unit tests Option 2 : visit each page (good luck !) + check error_log Or : record visits, then replay log on test environment Option 3 : automated static analysis
  • 35. Back in 2010... PHP Architect @ Belgian Railways 8 years of legacy code 40+ different developers 40+ projects Challenge : migrate all projects from PHP 5.1.x (on Solaris) to PHP 5.3.x (on Linux)
  • 36. The idea Automate it How ? → Use the CI environment Which tool ? → PHP_CodeSniffer
  • 37. PHP_CodeSniffer PEAR package (pear install PHP_CodeSniffer) Detect coding standard violations Supports multiple standards Static analysis tool → Runs without executing code → Splits code in tokens Ex. : T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET T_FALSE T_SEMICOLON
  • 39. PHPCompatibility New PHP_CodeSniffer standard Only purpose : find compatibility issues Detects : Deprecated functions Deprecated extensions Deprecated php.ini settings and ini_set() calls Prohibited function names, class names, … … Works for PHP 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5
  • 40. PHPCompatibility – making it work Via GIT : git clone git:// PHPCompatibility Download from Github : Install in <pear_dir>/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards Run : phpcs --standard=PHPCompatibility <path>
  • 42. Important notes Large directories → can be slow ! Use --extensions=php,phtml No point scanning .js files Static analysis Doesn't run code Can not detect every single incompatibility Provides filename and line number
  • 43. The result Zend Framework 1.7 app PHP 5.2 : working fine PHP 5.3 : fail ! function goto()
  • 44. Some common apps – phpBB (latest) FILE: /usr/src/phpBB3/adm/index.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 0 ERROR(S) AND 2 WARNING(S) AFFECTING 1 LINE(S) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | WARNING | INI directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and forbidden in PHP 5.4. 48 | WARNING | INI directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and forbidden in PHP 5.4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 45. Common apps - MediaWiki FILE: /usr/src/mediawiki-1.19.8/includes/GlobalFunctions.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 0 ERROR(S) AND 1 WARNING(S) AFFECTING 1 LINE(S) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2705 | WARNING | The use of function dl is discouraged in PHP version 5.3 and | | discouraged in PHP version 5.4 and discouraged in PHP version | | 5.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 46. Common apps – Wordpress (latest) FILE: /usr/src/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 2 ERROR(S) AFFECTING 2 LINE(S) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5340 | ERROR | The use of function set_magic_quotes_runtime is discouraged in | | PHP version 5.3 and forbidden in PHP version 5.4 and forbidden | | in PHP version 5.5 5371 | ERROR | The use of function set_magic_quotes_runtime is discouraged in | | PHP version 5.3 and forbidden in PHP version 5.4 and forbidden | | in PHP version 5.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE: /usr/src/wordpress/wp-includes/SimplePie/Item.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 0 ERROR(S) AND 1 WARNING(S) AFFECTING 1 LINE(S) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 | WARNING | INI directive 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode' is deprecated in | | PHP 5.3 and forbidden in PHP 5.4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE: /usr/src/wordpress/wp-includes/wp-db.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 16 ERROR(S) AFFECTING 16 LINE(S) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 641 | ERROR | Extension 'mysql_' is deprecated since PHP 5.5 - use mysqli | | instead. 646 | ERROR | Extension 'mysql_' is deprecated since PHP 5.5 - use mysqli | | instead.
  • 47. Conclusion No 100% detection But : 95% automation = lots of time saved ! First : PHPCompatibility on local machine Then : upgrade CI/test environment and run unit tests Start upgrading !
  • 50. Contact Twitter @wimgtr Web Slides E-mail Please rate my talk at
  • 51. Thanks ! Please rate my talk at

Editor's Notes

  1. part 2 look at difficulties you might encounter in upgrading. I&apos;ll provide solutions not a magician can&apos;t solve everything ;-)
  2. 5.3.3 = Debian Squeezy = 12% Wait a second... that means people aren&apos;t even on 5.3 ? And there was 3 year gap between the release of 5.2 and 5.3, so 5.3 brought a lot of cool things.