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Why Do I Care? From 0 to 100  (US mass adaptation) Phone: 100 yrs Radio:   40 yrs TV:   30 yrs Mobile:   20 yrs Internet:   10 yrs Facebook:    2 yrs
Software Crisis

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5 Steps to Jump Start Your Test Automation
5 Steps to Jump Start Your Test Automation5 Steps to Jump Start Your Test Automation
5 Steps to Jump Start Your Test Automation

With the acceleration of software creation and delivery, test activities must align to the new tempo. Developers need immediate feedback to be efficient and correct defects as those are introduced. The path to achieving this vision is to build a reliable and scalable continuous test solution. All beginnings are hard. Having a well-defined plan outlining the approach for your organization to create test automation is key to ensure long term success. Join Diego Molina, Senior Software Engineer at Sauce Labs as he discusses: The importance of setting up the team correctly from the start Choosing the right Testing Framework for your organization Identifying the right scenarios and workflows to test Learning to avoid common pitfalls at the beginning of the transformation journey

sauce labstest automationtesting framework
Salesforce developer
Salesforce developerSalesforce developer
Salesforce developer

The document provides an agenda for a Lightning week event. It includes introductions, presentations on Lightning Components, Process Builder, and App Builder. It then covers Lightning Components in more detail, providing examples of how to create a component and add it to a tab. Questions and answers are presented on Lightning Components topics. Finally, it demonstrates how to create and configure a Process Builder process and approval process in Salesforce.

salesforce materialsalesforce developer contentsalesforce course content
6th Salesforce Developer Group - Bilbao
6th Salesforce Developer Group - Bilbao6th Salesforce Developer Group - Bilbao
6th Salesforce Developer Group - Bilbao

This document summarizes the agenda for a Salesforce Developer Group meeting focused on Lightning components. The agenda includes introductions, presentations on Lightning Component, Lightning Process Builder, and Lightning App Builder. There will also be demonstrations of how to create Lightning components, add them to tabs, and work with events between components. Questions from attendees will address topics like the status of Lightning Components, differences from Visualforce, and how to get started with Lightning development.

Big Software Projects Fail! Project Success (Standish Group, 2007)
Do We Create Value?
The Players

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Agile Testing Dilemmas
Agile Testing DilemmasAgile Testing Dilemmas
Agile Testing Dilemmas

Based on hands-on Agile experience acquired over multiple delivery projects and Agile coaching/consulting assignments, Vatsala and Aman share common Agile Testing dilemmas, and possible solutions, tying them to the principle of "moving testing upstream". Presented at Next Generation Testing conference in Bangalore, India (July 2014).

Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...
Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...
Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...

Alexey Shpakov presents on testing in Jira Frontend. He discusses the testing pyramid with unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. He then introduces the concept of a "testing hourglass" which adds deployment and post-deployment verification to the pyramid. Key aspects of each type of test are discussed such as using feature flags, monitoring for flaky tests, and gradual rollouts to reduce risk.

jiraatlassianalexey shpakov
Advanced deployment scenarios
Advanced deployment scenariosAdvanced deployment scenarios
Advanced deployment scenarios

The document discusses advanced deployment strategies including canary releases, deployment rings, and dark launching. It defines canary releases as deploying a new version to a subset of infrastructure initially without routing live traffic to it. Benefits include reducing risk and allowing capacity testing in production. The document reviews how to implement canary releases by routing a percentage of users to the new version while monitoring for issues before routing all users. It also discusses using deployment rings to gradually rollout changes and limit impact, as well as dark launching where new code is executed silently before a full launch.

Classic Project Management
Expert Days: The VP R&D Open Seminar: Project Management

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Advanced deployment scenarios (netcoreconf)
Advanced deployment scenarios (netcoreconf)Advanced deployment scenarios (netcoreconf)
Advanced deployment scenarios (netcoreconf)

This document summarizes a presentation about advanced deployment strategies including canary releases, deployment rings, and dark launches. The presentation covers: - How canary releases work by deploying a new version to a subset of infrastructure initially before gradually routing more users to it while monitoring for issues - Key considerations for canary releases like ensuring a consistent user experience and having a rollback path - How deployment rings limit impact on users by gradually deploying and validating changes in production rings - Dark launches where new code is executed silently before a full launch to test infrastructure changes before high traffic

Back to basic: continuous integration (Madrid DevOps)
Back to basic: continuous integration (Madrid DevOps)Back to basic: continuous integration (Madrid DevOps)
Back to basic: continuous integration (Madrid DevOps)

La integración continua es una práctica de ingeniería de software que consiste en hacer integraciones automáticas de un proyecto lo más a menudo posible, para así poder detectar fallos cuanto antes. Podríamos pensar que en 2020 todos lo equipos integran continuamente, pero conversando con diferentes profesionales podemos ver que no siempre es así. En esta sesión revisitaremos esta importante práctica, clave en DevOps, que por ser una de las más básicas, damos demasiadas veces por superada.

Mobile App Development for Startups | Phase Specific Presentation
Mobile App Development for Startups | Phase Specific PresentationMobile App Development for Startups | Phase Specific Presentation
Mobile App Development for Startups | Phase Specific Presentation Kogi Mobile works with Startups and Small businesses to deliver on their Mobile App dreams. Kogi Mobile help startups with rapid app design, app development and app launch by using Agile and Lean methodologies. Kogi Mobile develops Native iOS | Android apps as well as mobile websites and full stack beck-ends.

backendmobile application developmenthtml5
Expert Days: The VP R&D Open Seminar: Project Management
General Plans
Clear Visibility
Silver Bullet

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How to Scale Mobile Testing Across Several Teams
How to Scale Mobile Testing Across Several TeamsHow to Scale Mobile Testing Across Several Teams
How to Scale Mobile Testing Across Several Teams

This document discusses how to scale mobile testing across several teams. It describes the challenges of scaling mobile testing in a company that started as primarily web-focused. Key steps discussed include establishing feature teams for each mobile platform, implementing a release train model with fixed release dates, growing test automation capabilities for both iOS and Android using shared frameworks, and investing in tools and infrastructure like a mobile test farm. The document emphasizes that communication is important, mobile skills are needed, and the testing environment requires ongoing investment and reconsideration.

mobile testingsoftware testingandroid
Testing for Inclusive Web: Accessibility
Testing for Inclusive Web: AccessibilityTesting for Inclusive Web: Accessibility
Testing for Inclusive Web: Accessibility

The document provides an overview of accessibility testing, standards, and implementation strategies. It discusses testing tools like screen readers and plugins that can be used to check for keyboard navigation, form labels, audio/video, and touch target size. It also outlines common web accessibility standards like WCAG 2.0/2.1 and Section 508, and recommends involving users with disabilities in testing. The document concludes by offering tips for establishing an organizational commitment to accessibility and an inclusive design process from the start of a project.

Java Clients and JavaFX - Presented to LJC
Java Clients and JavaFX - Presented to LJCJava Clients and JavaFX - Presented to LJC
Java Clients and JavaFX - Presented to LJC

This session is for professionals building Java applications for desktop, mobile, and embedded devices in the cloud age. It will help you build enhanced visual experiences and deploy modern, easy-to-maintain client applications across a variety of platforms. These applications can take advantage of the latest user interface components, 3D technology, and cloud services to create immersive visualizations and enable high-value data manipulation. Learn from Stephen Chin, lead author of the definitive Java client reference, how to leverage the latest open-source Java client technologies to build rich, responsive, and modern UIs.

The SCRUM Sprints
The Players Product Owner PM Teams The Biz Guy Owns the Product backlog Owns Sprint Backlog Decides what gets in and out Decides priorities Protect Train Guide: Standup, Analysis and Review Delivery SCRUM Masters Team Leaders © Shay Cohen
Sprint Analysis User Stories User Stories Tasks (hours) © Shay Cohen Commit ! Commit ! 1 1 1 Can’t Commit !

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DevOps Best Practices for Azure and VSTS
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DevOps Best Practices for Azure and VSTS

This document discusses DevOps and continuous delivery. It defines DevOps as the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to end users, as quoted by Donovan Brown. It also lists tools like Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio Online, and Visual Studio Team Services that can be used to implement a DevOps process involving development, testing, releasing using deployment slots, and monitoring with Application Insights.

TechTalk: What's New with Perfecto?
TechTalk: What's New with Perfecto?TechTalk: What's New with Perfecto?
TechTalk: What's New with Perfecto?

The presentation introduced tools from Perfecto for accelerating mobile and web application development. It covered using Perfecto's cloud lab with Android Studio and DevTunnel for code development. It also discussed integrating Perfecto into continuous integration pipelines with Jenkins using REST APIs or a Jenkins plugin to run Espresso and XCTests on Perfecto. Finally, it explained how Perfecto optimizes the delivery pipeline to improve quality and velocity through visibility, traceability, and fast analysis with DigitalZoom reports.

Whitepaper: Building Web Apps with Uniface
Whitepaper: Building Web Apps with UnifaceWhitepaper: Building Web Apps with Uniface
Whitepaper: Building Web Apps with Uniface

Uniface has strategic strengths that mean your application not only gets developed (or migrated to the web) fast, but will also have a long and productive life, adapting to whatever business and technology changes lie ahead.

Sprint Analysis User Stories User Stories Tasks (hours) © Shay Cohen 1 1 1 1 Commit! Commit! Commit!
Sprint Management
The Sprint Requirement Freeze Delivery to PO Preparing Next Sprint Feature Freeze Code Freeze Live Support, Integrations, Deployment Integrations Top Features Dev/Test Dev/Test Dev/Test Dev/Test Quality Sprint N Sprint N-1 Planning N Planning N+1 Planning N+1 Dev/Test Sprint N+1
Sprint vs. Release Sprint Fixed duration Potentially deployable Release Fixed content Content of one or more Sprints Deployable Requires stabilization period and ZBB © Shay Cohen

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This document discusses tips for reducing flakiness in automated UI tests. It defines flaky tests as tests that can sometimes pass and sometimes fail for the same code. Common causes of flakiness in UI tests are animations and network connections. The document recommends disabling animations through adb commands or APIs to reduce flakiness. It also discusses using EarlGrey to implement similar tips for reducing flakiness on iOS automated UI tests by enabling fast animations.

iostest automationandroid
20170613 tech easy
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20170613 tech easy

This document discusses testing mobile applications with entire development teams. It describes a meeting called Kakuninkai that the Cookpad iOS team holds to test new features by role-playing as different user types before public release. The goal is to uncover any unexpected behaviors or strange user experiences rather than just checking for broken features. Team members explain new features and are given 5-10 minutes each to test features by taking on personas like "evil users" or "edge case users".

software testingagile
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Jean Coutu Group
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Jean Coutu GroupQ3 2009 Earning Report of Jean Coutu Group
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Jean Coutu Group

- Jean Coutu Group reported an increase in sales and revenues for the second quarter of 2010 compared to the same period last year. Total sales increased 7.7% to $549 million while revenues from franchising increased 7.3% to $608.7 million. - Net earnings for the quarter were $14.9 million compared to a net loss of $39.1 million in the previous year. Earnings per share were $0.07 compared to a loss per share of $0.16 last year. - Rite Aid also reported financial results for the second quarter, with revenues of $6.3 billion and a net loss of $116 million. Rite Aid revised its guidance

09 q3finance earnings reportsquarterly report
Products Results © Shay Cohen
Quality Results © Shay Cohen
Assembly Line
If Your Critical Resource is Programmers

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Q2 2009 Earning Report of Advanced Photonix, Inc.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Advanced Photonix, Inc.Q2 2009 Earning Report of Advanced Photonix, Inc.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Advanced Photonix, Inc.

This document is the annual report filed by Advanced Photonix, Inc. for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009. It provides information on API's business including its products, markets served, manufacturing capabilities, research and development activities, and raw materials. The report discusses API's optoelectronic devices and subsystems, including its patented high-speed optical receivers and emerging Terahertz technology products.

Q1 2009 Earning Report of Essex Property Trust, Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Essex Property Trust, Inc.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Essex Property Trust, Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Essex Property Trust, Inc.

This 10-Q filing from Essex Property Trust provides financial information for the first quarter of 2009: - Essex Property Trust is a real estate investment trust incorporated in Maryland. - For the quarter ending March 31, 2009, Essex reported total revenues of $105.9 million and net income of $23.3 million. - As of March 31, 2009, Essex owned or held interests in 276 apartment communities with over 62,000 apartment homes.

Q1 2009 Earning Report of Comcast Corp.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Comcast Corp.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Comcast Corp.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Comcast Corp.

- Comcast reported increased revenue, operating cash flow, and operating income for Q1 2009 compared to Q1 2008. Revenue grew 5% to $8.8 billion while operating cash flow grew 8% to $3.4 billion and operating income grew 16% to $1.8 billion. - EPS grew 13% to $0.27 per share from $0.24 in Q1 2008. Adjusted EPS, which excludes a one-time gain, grew 42% to $0.27. - Free cash flow increased 95% to $1.4 billion driven by lower capital expenditures and growth in operating cash flow.

Expert Days: The VP R&D Open Seminar: Project Management
Continuous Deployment,_1999,_Green_Falling_Code.htm Automatic Tests Merge to Trunk Feature CODE P1 P2 P3 Feedback

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Q3 2009 Earning Report of Actuant Corp.
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Actuant Corp.Q3 2009 Earning Report of Actuant Corp.
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Actuant Corp.

Actuant reported financial results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended August 31, 2009. Net sales declined 26% to $290 million for the quarter and 23% to $1,240 million for the full year. Earnings per share were $0.24 for the quarter and $0.24 for the full year, which included various restructuring and impairment charges. Cash flow from operations remained strong at $49 million for the quarter and $147 million for the full year. Looking ahead, Actuant expects fiscal 2010 sales to decline 5-10% from fiscal 2009 levels.

09 q3finance earnings reportsactuant corp

This document appears to be a transcript of a lecture on marketing, media, and information technology. It discusses topics like marketing yourself, websites, flyers, social media, email best practices including flags, colors and folders. It also covers using Outlook, file storage locations, PDFs and sharing documents. The lecturer encourages participants to think about how to market themselves after the talk and provides tips on effective email practices.

Q1 2009 Earning Report of Travelers Companies Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Travelers Companies Inc.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Travelers Companies Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Travelers Companies Inc.

- The document provides first quarter 2009 results for Travelers, including an operating income of $799 million or $1.34 per share, and a consolidated GAAP combined ratio of 90.6%. - Travelers had net favorable prior year reserve development of $168 million after-tax and catastrophes of $54 million after-tax. - Book value per share increased 5% from the prior quarter to $45.12, while adjusted book value increased 2% to $44.19. Debt to capital remained below the target level at 18.9%.

Step 1: TDD Testing before Coding Coverage: Unit Test Target: 100% Module Target: 40% Integration and End to End: 30% Mocking Framework if needed Manual QA Only when Must Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools
Unit Test Best Practice void FunctionName_Case_ExpectedResult() { //ARRANGE Patron patron = new Patron();  patron.setBalance(0); //ACT patron.applyFine(10); //ASSERT assertEquals(10, patron.fineBalance()); }
Step 2: Version Control Commit Stable Code to Trunk Branching is Not Necessary Flag “Code Under Test” Infrastructure Configuration as a Code
Step 3: Build  Create Deployment Project

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Q3 2009 Earning Report of Crown Holdings, Inc.
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Crown Holdings, Inc.Q3 2009 Earning Report of Crown Holdings, Inc.
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Crown Holdings, Inc.

Crown Holdings reported financial results for the third quarter of 2009. Net income was $108 million compared to $114 million in the prior year period. Gross profit improved to 16.0% of net sales. Segment income increased to 11.8% of net sales. Net income before certain items grew to $131 million. The company paid down over $500 million in debt during the quarter and reduced net debt by $414 million from the prior year.

09 q3crown holdingsfinance earnings reports
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Walgreen
Q3 2009 Earning Report of WalgreenQ3 2009 Earning Report of Walgreen
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Walgreen

The document provides the agenda and highlights from Walgreen Co.'s 4th quarter and fiscal year 2009 conference call with analysts held on September 29, 2009. It discusses 4th quarter and fiscal year financial results including net sales growth of 7.6% and 7.3% respectively, adjusted earnings per share of $0.44 and $2.02, and prescription sales growth. The document also summarizes Walgreen's strategies around healthcare reform, the H1N1 flu pandemic, expanding health services and 90-day prescriptions to lower costs.

walgreen09 q3finance earnings reports
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Kennametal Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Kennametal Inc.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Kennametal Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Kennametal Inc.

- Kennametal Inc. filed an 8-K form with the SEC on April 24, 2009 regarding its financial results for the fiscal third quarter ended March 31, 2009. - The filing included a press release containing non-GAAP financial measures and definitions of those measures, including adjusted gross profit, operating expenses, EBIT, and free operating cash flow. - Reconciliations of the non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures were provided in the press release or compiled as required by Regulation G.

Step 4: Test the Build  <5 min Test Parallelize If Needed
Test 5: Deployment Enable Upgrade w/o Downtime Use Distributes Cache for Session and Application Cache Distribute Software in Phases Engineering Decision! Release: Marketing Decision! Microsoft Web Farm Framework  Microsoft Web Deploy
Step 6: Monitor the  Business
Test Case 5-50 Production Changes a Day 2000 Unit Test in <4 min 700 Production Services Tests <10 min 30 min from Commit to 100 Servers Deployment

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Q1 2009 Earning Report of First Financial Bankshares, Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of First Financial Bankshares, Inc.Q1 2009 Earning Report of First Financial Bankshares, Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of First Financial Bankshares, Inc.

First Financial Bankshares reported higher first quarter earnings compared to the same period last year. Net interest income increased 7% and the net interest margin rose to 4.76% from 4.58% a year ago. Noninterest income declined due to lower trust and service charge fees, partly offset by higher gains on the sale of student loans. Nonperforming assets increased to 95 basis points of loans and foreclosed assets but remain below peer banks.

Q1 2009 Earning Report of Metrocorp Bancshares Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Metrocorp Bancshares Inc.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Metrocorp Bancshares Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Metrocorp Bancshares Inc.

MetroCorp Bancshares Inc. filed an 8-K report announcing its financial results for the first quarter of 2009. The company reported a net loss of $2.0 million compared to net income of $2.2 million in the first quarter of 2008. The provision for loan losses increased to $7.3 million due to higher net charge-offs. Nonperforming assets also increased impacting interest income and the net interest margin, which declined to 3.44% from 4.09% a year earlier. Expenses declined due to lower salaries from staff reductions, however noninterest income declined due to lower service fees.

Q2 2009 Earning Report of MGIC Investment Corporation
Q2 2009 Earning Report of MGIC Investment CorporationQ2 2009 Earning Report of MGIC Investment Corporation
Q2 2009 Earning Report of MGIC Investment Corporation

MGIC Investment Corporation reported financial results for Q2 2009 with a net loss of $339.8 million compared to a net loss of $99.9 million in Q2 2008. Total revenues were $454.5 million. New insurance written was $5.9 billion, down from $14 billion in Q2 2008. The percentage of loans delinquent was 12.04% excluding bulk loans and 14.97% including bulk loans, both up significantly from the prior year. Losses incurred were $769.6 million, up from $688.1 million in the previous year.

Minimum Viable Product Smoke Test Deploy First Code Later Release Early Release Often A/B Testing
If Your Critical Resource is the Market
Recruit People in  the  Way Recruit: Top Priority of Everybody Quick Decisions: Yes or No Look for Satisfiers and Global Maximization Grow Up Your Management Boot Camp Transparency 

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Q2 2009 Earning Report of Xilinx, Inc.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Xilinx, Inc.Q2 2009 Earning Report of Xilinx, Inc.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Xilinx, Inc.

The document is an 8-K filing by Xilinx Inc. reporting their financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2010: - Sales were $376 million, down 5% sequentially and 23% from the prior year. - Net income was $38 million, or $0.14 per diluted share. - For the second quarter, Xilinx expects sales to increase 2-6% and gross margin to be around 61%. - The company continues to invest in new FPGA development to drive future growth.

Q1 2009 Earning Report of Shutterfly Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Shutterfly Inc.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Shutterfly Inc.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Shutterfly Inc.

Shutterfly reported financial results for Q1 2009. While total net revenues increased 5% year-over-year to $36 million, the company reported a net loss of $6.2 million compared to a $3.6 million loss in Q1 2008. However, Adjusted EBITDA was $0.1 million, an improvement from a $0.7 million loss in Q1 2008. Personalized products and services revenues grew 19% year-over-year. Management highlighted initiatives to increase revenues from photo books, cards and stationery, as well as improvements to sharing sites. Guidance for Q2 and full year 2009 was also provided.

Q1 2009 Earning Report of Broadcom Corp.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Broadcom Corp.Q1 2009 Earning Report of Broadcom Corp.
Q1 2009 Earning Report of Broadcom Corp.

This document is Broadcom Corporation's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the period ending March 31, 2009. It includes Broadcom's unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets, statements of operations, and statements of cash flows for the first quarter of 2009, as well as notes to the financial statements. Broadcom designs and sells semiconductors for wired and wireless communications. For the quarter, Broadcom reported a net loss of $91.9 million on revenue of $853.4 million, compared to net income of $74.3 million on revenue of $1.03 billion in the same period last year. Research and development expenses increased but gross profit and operating income declined year-over-year.

Tech Talks
Code Review Automation (100% Coverage) Tech Talks Monitoring No Broken Windows Dogfooding Development Gateways
The Bottom Line: Grow ∞ Thank you! and Keep Performing! Moshe Kaplan

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Q3 2009 Earning Report of Google Inc.
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Google Inc.Q3 2009 Earning Report of Google Inc.
Q3 2009 Earning Report of Google Inc.
09 q3googgoogle
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Webster Financial Corp.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Webster Financial Corp.Q2 2009 Earning Report of Webster Financial Corp.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of Webster Financial Corp.

1. Webster Financial Corporation conducted an exchange of convertible preferred securities and trust preferred securities, which contributed to improvements in its Tier 1 common equity ratio and tangible common equity ratio. 2. The exchange raised $173 million in new Tier 1 common equity at a price more than double Webster's pre-exchange stock price. 3. As a result of the exchange and higher provision for loan losses, Webster reported a net loss of $31.6 million for the second quarter of 2009, compared to a net loss of $28.7 million in the second quarter of 2008.

Q2 2009 Earning Report of AMR Corp.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of AMR Corp.Q2 2009 Earning Report of AMR Corp.
Q2 2009 Earning Report of AMR Corp.

This document is AMR Corporation's quarterly report filed with the SEC for the quarter ended June 30, 2009. It includes AMR's consolidated financial statements and notes. The financial statements show that AMR had a net loss of $390 million for the quarter on revenues of $4.9 billion. For the six months ended June 30, 2009, AMR's net loss was $765 million on revenues of $9.7 billion. AMR faced significant challenges in the first half of 2009 due to weak revenues and rising fuel costs. It has taken steps to reduce capacity and raise additional financing to address its liquidity needs.


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  1. The world is changing more and more fast You have to minimize NRE You must support unexpected demand You must provide top service (people now leaves cell operator after single incident, rather then 5, 10 years ago Firms a vulnerable – Citi worth 20Bill $ instead of 200 Bill a year ago Break and Mortar bookstores 15 years ago and Amazon…. Will it happen again to banks, insurance, real estate agencies… IS YOUR MARKET THE NEXT FOR PENETRATION – Finance? Real Estate? How to win a rival that is not existing yet? -
  5. Start with nothing: storage, FW, LB, Server and grow… Can buy servers for more than hour