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The Security Risk Management Guide
The security risk management guide
© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
ii         Table of Contents


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1) The document discusses Enterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA), which provides a comprehensive approach to implement security architecture across an enterprise aligned with business objectives. 2) Implementing EISA has advantages like protecting the organization from cyber threats by identifying vulnerabilities, integrating security tools, and boosting stakeholder confidence, but faces challenges like identifying all organizational assets, prioritizing investments, customizing security tools to business processes, and changing organizational strategy. 3) The key steps to implement EISA include conducting a current state assessment, identifying critical assets and threats, designing and testing risk treatment plans and security controls, and periodically reviewing and updating the architecture.

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Information Systems Security & Strategy

This document discusses information security strategies and the importance of protecting sensitive data. It defines an information security strategy as a set of procedures and policies to protect information assets from being lost, stolen or compromised. The core concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availability underpin security strategies and regulations. The document examines techniques for implementing security strategies, including identifying risks and complying with standards to ensure protection of information.

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Implementing Business Aligned Security Strategy Dane Warren LiImplementing Business Aligned Security Strategy Dane Warren Li
Implementing Business Aligned Security Strategy Dane Warren Li

This was presented at the AISA national seminar day. It is a helicopter view on how to implement a security strategy that is aligned with the business.

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security
Risk Management Guide

   Executive Summary
   The Environmental Challenges
   Most organizations recognize the critical role that information technology (IT) plays in
   supporting their business objectives. But today's highly connected IT infrastructures exist
   in an environment that is increasingly hostile—attacks are being mounted with increasing
   frequency and are demanding ever shorter reaction times. Often, organizations are
   unable to react to new security threats before their business is impacted. Managing the
   security of their infrastructures—and the business value that those infrastructures deliver
   —has become a primary concern for IT departments.
   Furthermore, new legislation that stems from privacy concerns, financial obligations, and
   corporate governance is forcing organizations to manage their IT infrastructures more
   closely and effectively than in the past. Many government agencies and organizations
   that do business with those agencies are mandated by law to maintain a minimum level
   of security oversight. Failure to proactively manage security may put executives and
   whole organizations at risk due to breaches in fiduciary and legal responsibilities.

   A Better Way
   The Microsoft approach to security risk management provides a proactive approach that
   can assist organizations of all sizes with their response to the requirements presented by
   these environmental and legal challenges. A formal security risk management process
   enables enterprises to operate in the most cost efficient manner with a known and
   acceptable level of business risk. It also gives organizations a consistent, clear path to
   organize and prioritize limited resources in order to manage risk. You will realize the
   benefits of using security risk management when you implement cost-effective controls
   that lower risk to an acceptable level.
   The definition of acceptable risk, and the approach to manage risk, varies for every
   organization. There is no right or wrong answer; there are many risk management
   models in use today. Each model has tradeoffs that balance accuracy, resources, time,
   complexity, and subjectivity. Investing in a risk management process—with a solid
   framework and clearly defined roles and responsibilities—prepares the organization to
   articulate priorities, plan to mitigate threats, and address the next threat or vulnerability to
   the business. Additionally, an effective risk management program will help the company
   to make significant progress toward meeting new legislative requirements.

   Microsoft Role in Security Risk Management
   This is the first prescriptive guide that Microsoft has published that focuses entirely on
   security risk management. Based on both Microsoft experiences and those of its
2                                       Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide

customers, this guidance was tested and reviewed by customers, partners, and technical
reviewers during development. The goal of this effort is to deliver clear, actionable
guidance on how to implement a security risk management process that delivers a
number of benefits, including:
•   Moving customers to a proactive security posture and freeing them from a reactive,
    frustrating process.
•   Making security measurable by showing the value of security projects.
•   Helping customers to efficiently mitigate the largest risks in their environments rather
    than applying scarce resources to all possible risks.

Guide Overview
This guide uses industry standards to deliver a hybrid of established risk management
models in an iterative four-phase process that seeks to balance cost and effectiveness.
During a risk assessment process, qualitative steps identify the most important risks
quickly. A quantitative process based on carefully defined roles and responsibilities
follows next. This approach is very detailed and leads to a thorough understanding of the
most important risks. Together, the qualitative and quantitative steps in the risk
assessment process provide the basis on which you can make solid decisions about risk
and mitigation, following an intelligent business process.
Note Do not worry if some of the concepts that this executive summary discusses are new to
you; subsequent chapters explain them in detail. For example, Chapter 2, "Survey of Security
Risk Management Practices," examines the differences between qualitative and quantitative
approaches to risk assessment.

The Microsoft security risk management process enables organizations to implement and
maintain processes to identify and prioritize risks in their IT environments. Moving
customers from a reactive focus to a proactive focus fundamentally improves security
within their environments. In turn, improved security facilitates increased availability of IT
infrastructures and improved business value.
The Microsoft security risk management process offers a combination of various
approaches including pure quantitative analysis, return on security investment (ROSI)
analysis, qualitative analysis, and best practice approaches. It is important to note that
this guide addresses a process and has no specific technology requirements.

Critical Success Factors
There are many keys to successful implementation of a security risk management
program throughout an organization. Several of those are particularly critical and will be
presented here; others are discussed in the "Keys to Success" section that appears later
in this chapter.
First, security risk management will fail without executive support and commitment. When
security risk management is led from the top, organizations can articulate security in
terms of value to the business. Next, a clear definition of roles and responsibilities is
fundamental to success. Business owners are responsible for identifying the impact of a
risk. They are also in the best position to articulate the business value of assets that are
necessary to operate their functions. The Information Security Group owns identifying the
probability that the risk will occur by taking current and proposed controls into account.
The Information Technology group is responsible for implementing controls that the
Security Steering Committee has selected when the probability of an exploit presents an
unacceptable risk.
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                            3

Next Steps
Investing in a security risk management program—with a solid, achievable process and
defined roles and responsibilities—prepares an organization to articulate priorities, plan
to mitigate threats, and address critical business threats and vulnerabilities. Use this
guide to evaluate your preparedness and to guide your security risk management
capabilities. If you require or would like greater assistance, contact a Microsoft account
team or Microsoft Services partner.

Who Should Read This Guide
This guide is primarily intended for consultants, security specialists, systems architects,
and IT professionals who are responsible for planning application or infrastructure
development and deployment across multiple projects. These roles include the following
common job descriptions:
•   Architects and planners who are responsible for driving the architecture efforts for
    their organizations
•   Members of the information security team who are focused purely on providing
    security across platforms within an organization
•   Security and IT auditors who are accountable for ensuring that organizations have
    taken suitable precautions to protect their significant business assets
•   Senior executives, business analysts, and Business Decision Makers (BDMs) who
    have critical business objectives and requirements that need IT support
•   Consultants and partners who need knowledge transfer tools for enterprise
    customers and partners

Scope of the Guide
This guide is focused on how to plan, establish, and maintain a successful security risk
management process in organizations of all sizes and types. The material explains how
to conduct each phase of a risk management project and how to turn the project into an
ongoing process that drives the organization toward the most useful and cost effective
controls to mitigate security risks.

Content Overview
The Security Risk Management Guide comprises six chapters, described below briefly.
Each chapter builds on the end-to-end practice required to effectively initiate and operate
an ongoing security risk management process in your organization. Following the
chapters are several appendices and tools to help organize your security risk
management projects.

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management
This chapter introduces the guide and provides a brief overview of each chapter.
4                                      Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide

Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices
It is important to lay a foundation for the Microsoft security risk management process by
reviewing the different ways that organizations have approached security risk
management in the past. Readers who are already well versed in security risk
management may want to skim through the chapter quickly; others who are relatively
new to security or risk management are encouraged to read it thoroughly. The chapter
starts with a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the proactive and reactive
approaches to risk management. It then revisits in detail the concept that Chapter 1,
"Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide," introduces of organizational risk
management maturity. Finally, the chapter assesses and compares qualitative risk
management and quantitative risk management, the two traditional methods. The
process is presented as an alternative method, one that provides a balance between
these methodologies, resulting in a process that has proven to be effective within

Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview
This chapter provides a more detailed look at the Microsoft security risk management
process and introduces some of the important concepts and keys to success. It also
provides advice on how to prepare for the process by using effective planning and
building a strong Security Risk Management Team with well defined roles and

Chapter 4: Assessing Risk
This chapter explains the Assessing Risk phase of the Microsoft security risk
management process in detail. Steps in this phase include planning, facilitated data
gathering, and risk prioritization. The risk assessment process consists of multiple tasks,
some of which can be quite demanding for a large organization. For example, identifying
and determining values of business assets may take a lot of time. Other tasks such as
identifying threats and vulnerabilities require a lot of technical expertise. The challenges
related to these tasks illustrate the importance of proper planning and building a solid
Security Risk Management Team, as Chapter 3, "Security Risk Management Overview,"
In the summary risk prioritization, the Security Risk Management Team uses a qualitative
approach to triage the full list of security risks so that it can quickly identify the most
significant ones for further analysis. The top risks are then subjected to a detailed
analysis using quantitative techniques. This results in a short list of the most significant
risks with detailed metrics that the team can use to make sensible decisions during the
next phase of the process.

Chapter 5: Conducting Decision Support
During the Conducting Decision Support phase of the process, the Security Risk
Management Team determines how to address the key risks in the most effective and
cost efficient manner. The team identifies controls; determines costs associated with
acquiring, implementing, and supporting each control; assesses the degree of risk
reduction that each control achieves; and, finally, works with the Security Steering
Committee to determine which controls to implement. The end result is a clear and
actionable plan to control or accept each of the top risks identified in the Assessing Risk

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Domain 1 - Security and Risk Management

Understand and apply concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availability, Apply security governance principles, Understand legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a global context, Develop and implement documented security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelines, Understand business continuity requirements Contribute to personnel security policies, Understand and apply risk management concepts, Understand and apply threat modeling, Integrate security risk considerations into acquisition strategy and practice, Establish and manage information security education, training, and awareness

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NWN is a national provider of cybersecurity services and solutions, helping customers address today's challenges of frequent cyberattacks. It offers a cybersecurity continuum consisting of solutions that span prevention, detection, and response across networks, endpoints, applications, and cloud infrastructure. As a Cisco Gold Master Security Partner with over 500 employees and certified engineers, NWN designs tailored security solutions and assesses customers' vulnerabilities to strengthen their overall security posture and protect their organizations from the growing threats.

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This document discusses several security frameworks and methodologies. It describes COSO as a corporate governance framework focused on fraudulent financial reporting. CobiT is derived from COSO and deals with IT governance, providing processes and control objectives. ITIL is the most used framework for IT service management, focusing on identifying, planning, delivering and supporting IT services businesses rely on. ISO/IEC 27000 is a series of standards that outlines developing and maintaining an information security management system to help organizations manage security controls centrally.

cissp"pierluigi falcone""information security"
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                              5

Chapter 6: Implementing Controls and Measuring Program
This chapter covers the last two phases of the Microsoft security risk management
process: Implementing Controls and Measuring Program Effectiveness. The
Implementing Controls phase is self-explanatory: The mitigation owners create and
execute plans based on the list of control solutions that emerged during the decision
support process to mitigate the risks identified in the Assessing Risk phase. The chapter
provides links to prescriptive guidance that your organization's mitigation owners may find
helpful for addressing a variety of risks. The Measuring Program Effectiveness phase is
an ongoing one in which the Security Risk Management team periodically verifies that the
controls implemented during the preceding phase are actually providing the expected
degree of protection.
Another step of this phase is estimating the overall progress that the organization is
making with regard to security risk management as a whole. The chapter introduces the
concept of a "Security Risk Scorecard" that you can use to track how your organization is
performing. Finally, the chapter explains the importance of watching for changes in the
computing environment such as the addition or removal of systems and applications or
the appearance of new threats and vulnerabilities. These types of changes may require
prompt action by the organization to protect itself from new or changing risks.

Appendix A: Ad-Hoc Risk Assessments
This appendix contrasts the formal enterprise risk assessment process with the ad-hoc
approach that many organizations take. It highlights the advantages and disadvantages
of each method and suggests when it makes the most sense to use one or the other.

Appendix B: Common Information System Assets
This appendix lists information system assets commonly found in organizations of various
types. It is not intended to be comprehensive, and it is unlikely that this list will represent
all of the assets present in your organization's unique environment. Therefore, it is
important that you customize the list during the risk assessment process. It is provided as
a reference list and a starting point to help your organization get started.

Appendix C: Common Threats
This appendix lists threats likely to affect a wide variety of organizations. The list is not
comprehensive, and, because it is static, will not remain current. Therefore, it is important
that you remove threats that are not relevant to your organization and add newly
identified ones to it during the assessment phase of your project. It is provided as a
reference list and a starting point to help your organization get started.

Appendix D: Vulnerabilities
This appendix lists vulnerabilities likely to affect a wide variety of organizations. The list is
not comprehensive, and, because it is static, will not remain current. Therefore, it is
important that you remove vulnerabilities that are not relevant to your organization and
add newly identified ones to it during the risk assessment process. It is provided as a
reference list and a starting point to help your organization get started.
6                                          Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide

Tools and Templates
A collection of tools and templates are included with this guide to make it easier for your
organization to implement the Microsoft security risk management process. These tools
and templates are included in a Windows Installer file called Security Risk Management
Guide Tools and Templates.msi, which is available on the Download Center. When you
run the Security Risk Management Guide Tools and Templates.msi file, the following
folder will be created in the default location:
•   %USERPROFILE%My DocumentsSecurity Risk Management Guide Tools and
    Templates. This folder contains the following Tools and Templates:
    •   Data Gathering Template (SRMGTool1-Data Gathering Tool.doc). You can use
        this template in the Assessing Risk phase during the workshops that Chapter 4,
        "Assessing Risk," describes.
    •   Summary Level Risk Analysis Worksheet (SRMGTool2-Summary Risk Level.xls).
        This Microsoft® Excel® worksheet will help your organization to conduct the first
        pass of risk analysis: the summary level analysis.
    •   Detail Level Risk Analysis Worksheet (SRMGTool3-Detailed Level Risk
        Prioritization.xls). This Excel worksheet will help your organization to conduct a
        more exhaustive analysis of the top risks identified during the summary level
    •   Sample Schedule (SRMGTool4-Sample Project Schedule.xls). This Excel
        worksheet shows a high-level project schedule for the Microsoft security risk
        management process. It includes the phases, steps, and tasks discussed
        throughout the guide.

Keys to Success
Whenever an organization undertakes a major new initiative, various foundational
elements must be in place if the effort is to be successful. Microsoft has identified
components that must be in place prior to the implementation of a successful security risk
management process and that must remain in place once it is underway. They are:
•   Executive sponsorship.
•   A well-defined list of risk management stakeholders.
•   Organizational maturity in terms of risk management.
•   An atmosphere of open communication.
•   A spirit of teamwork.
•   A holistic view of the organization.
•   Authority throughout the process.
The following sections discuss these elements that are required throughout the entire
security risk management process; additional ones relevant only to specific phases are
highlighted in the chapters that discuss those phases.

Executive Sponsorship
Senior management must unambiguously and enthusiastically support the security risk
management process. Without this sponsorship, stakeholders may resist or undermine
efforts to use risk management to make the organization more secure. Additionally,
without clear executive sponsorship, individual employees may disregard directives for
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                           7

how to perform their jobs or help to protect organizational assets. There are many
possible reasons why employees may fail to cooperate. Among them is a generalized
resistance to change; a lack of appreciation for the importance of effective security risk
management; an inaccurate belief that they as individuals have a solid understanding of
how to protect business assets even though their point of view may not be as broad and
deep as that of the Security Risk Management Team; or the belief that their part of the
organization would never be targeted by potential attackers.
Sponsorship implies the following:
•   Delegation of authority and responsibility for a clearly articulated project scope to the
    Security Risk Management Team
•   Support for participation by all staff as needed
•   Allocation of sufficient resources such as personnel and financial resources
•   Unambiguous and energetic support of the security risk management process
•   Participation in the review of the findings and recommendations of the security risk
    management process

A Well-Defined List of Risk Management
This guide frequently discusses stakeholders, which in this context means members of
the organization with a vested interest in the results of the security risk management
process. The Security Risk Management Team needs to understand who all of the
stakeholders are—this includes the core team itself as well as the executive sponsor(s). It
will also include the people who own the business assets that are to be evaluated. The IT
personnel responsible and accountable for designing, deploying, and managing the
business assets are also key stakeholders.
The stakeholders must be identified so that they can then join the security risk
management process. The Security Risk Management Team must invest time in helping
these people to understand the process and how it can help them to protect their assets
and save money in the long term.

Organizational Maturity in Terms of Risk
If an organization currently has no security risk management process in place, the
Microsoft security risk management process may involve too much change in order to
implement it in its entirety, all at once. Even if an organization has some informal
processes, such as ad-hoc efforts that are launched in response to specific security
issues, the process may seem overwhelming. However, it can be effective in
organizations with more maturity in terms of risk management; maturity is evidenced by
such things as well defined security processes and a solid understanding and acceptance
of security risk management at many levels of the organization. Chapter 3, "Security Risk
Management Overview," discusses the concept of security risk management maturity and
how to calculate your organization's maturity level.

An Atmosphere of Open Communication
Many organizations and projects operate purely on a need-to-know basis, which
frequently leads to misunderstandings and impairs the ability of a team to deliver a
successful solution. The Microsoft security risk management process requires an open
8                                       Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide

and honest approach to communications, both within the team and with key stakeholders.
A free-flow of information not only reduces the risk of misunderstandings and wasted
effort but also ensures that all team members can contribute to reducing uncertainties
surrounding the project. Open, honest discussion about what risks have been identified
and what controls might effectively mitigate those risks is critical to the success of the

A Spirit of Teamwork
The strength and vitality of the relationships among all of the people working on the
Microsoft security risk management process will greatly affect the effort. Regardless of
the support from senior management, the relationships that are developed among
security staff and management and the rest of the organization are critical to the overall
success of the process. It is extremely important that the Security Risk Management
Team fosters a spirit of teamwork with each of the representatives from the various
business units with which they work throughout the project. The team can facilitate this by
effectively demonstrating the business value of security risk management to individual
managers from those business units and by showing staff members how in the long run
the project might make it easier for them do to their jobs effectively.

A Holistic View of the Organization
All participants involved in the Microsoft security risk management process, particularly
the Security Risk Management Team, need to consider the entire organization during
their work. What is best for one particular employee is frequently not what is best for the
organization as a whole. Likewise, what is most beneficial to one business unit may not
be in the best interest of the organization. Staff and managers from a particular business
unit will instinctively seek to drive the process toward outcomes that will benefit them and
their parts of the organization.

Authority Throughout the Process
Participants in the Microsoft security risk management process accept responsibility for
identifying and controlling the most significant security risks to the organization. In order
to effectively mitigate those risks by implementing sensible controls, they will also require
sufficient authority to make the appropriate changes. Team members must be
empowered to meet the commitments assigned to them. Empowerment requires that
team members are given the resources necessary to perform their work, are responsible
for the decisions that affect their work, and understand the limits to their authority and the
escalation paths available to handle issues that transcend these limits.

Terms and Definitions
Terminology related to security risk management can sometimes be difficult to
understand. At other times, an easily recognized term may be interpreted differently by
different people. For these reasons it is important that you understand the definitions that
the authors of this guide used for important terms that appear throughout it. Many of the
definitions provided below originated in documents published by two other organizations:
the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF). Web addresses for those organizations are provided in the "More Information"
section later in this chapter. The following list provides a consolidated view of the key
components of security risk management:

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The Security Risk Management Guide                                                         9

•   Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE). The total amount of money that an organization
    will lose in one year if nothing is done to mitigate a risk.
•   Annual Rate of Occurrence (ARO). The number of times that a risk is expected to
    occur during one year.
•   Asset. Anything of value to an organization, such as hardware and software
    components, data, people, and documentation.
•   Availability. The property of a system or a system resource that ensures that it is
    accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized system user. Availability is one
    of the core characteristics of a secure system.
•   CIA. See Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
•   Confidentiality. The property that information is not made available or disclosed to
    unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes (ISO 7498-2).
•   Control. An organizational, procedural, or technological means of managing risk; a
    synonym for safeguard or countermeasure.
•   Cost-benefit analysis. An estimate and comparison of the relative value and cost
    associated with each proposed control so that the most effective are implemented.
•   Decision support. Prioritization of risk based on a cost-benefit analysis. The cost for
    the security solution to mitigate a risk is weighed against the business benefit of
    mitigating the risk.
•   Defense-in-depth. The approach of using multiple layers of security to guard against
    failure of a single security component.
•   Exploit. A means of using a vulnerability in order to cause a compromise of business
    activities or information security.
•   Exposure. A threat action whereby sensitive data is directly released to an
    unauthorized entity (RFC 2828). The Microsoft security risk management process
    narrows this definition to focus on the extent of damage to a business asset.
•   Impact. The overall business loss expected when a threat exploits a vulnerability
    against an asset.
•   Integrity. The property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an
    unauthorized manner (ISO 7498-2).
•   Mitigation. Addressing a risk by taking actions designed to counter the underlying
•   Mitigation solution. The implementation of a control, which is the organizational,
    procedural, or technological control put into place to manage a security risk.
•   Probability. The likelihood that an event will occur.
•   Qualitative risk management. An approach to risk management in which the
    participants assign relative values to the assets, risks, controls, and impacts.
•   Quantitative risk management. An approach to risk management in which
    participants attempt to assign objective numeric values (for example, monetary
    values) to the assets, risks, controls, and impacts.
•   Reputation. The opinion that people hold about an organization; most organizations'
    reputations have real value even though they are intangible and difficult to calculate.
•   Return On Security Investment (ROSI). The total amount of money that an
    organization is expected to save in a year by implementing a security control.
•   Risk. The combination of the probability of an event and its consequence. (ISO
    Guide 73).
10                                       Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide

•    Risk assessment. The process by which risks are identified and the impact of those
     risks determined.
•    Risk management. The process of determining an acceptable level of risk,
     assessing the current level of risk, taking steps to reduce risk to the acceptable level,
     and maintaining that level of risk.
•    Single Loss Expectancy (SLE). The total amount of revenue that is lost from a
     single occurrence of a risk.
•    Threat. A potential cause of an unwanted impact to a system or organization. (ISO
•    Vulnerability. Any weakness, administrative process, or act or physical exposure
     that makes an information asset susceptible to exploit by a threat.

Style Conventions
This guide uses the following style conventions and terminology.

Element                      Meaning
Note                         Alerts the reader to supplementary information.
Woodgrove example            Alerts the reader that the content is related to the fictitious
                             example company, "Woodgrove Bank."

Getting Support for This Guide
This guide seeks to clearly describe a process that organizations can follow to implement
and maintain a security risk management program. If you need assistance in
implementing a risk management program, you should contact your Microsoft account
team. There is no phone support available for this document.
Feedback or questions on this guide may be addressed to

More Information
The following information sources were the latest available on topics closely related to
security risk management at the time that this guide was published.
The Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) provides guidance that enables
organizations to achieve mission-critical system reliability, availability, supportability, and
manageability of Microsoft products and technologies. MOF provides operational
guidance in the form of white papers, operations guides, assessment tools, best
practices, case studies, templates, support tools, and services. This guidance addresses
the people, process, technology, and management issues pertaining to complex,
distributed, and heterogeneous IT environments. More information about MOF is
available at
The Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) may help you successfully execute the action
plans created as part of the Microsoft security risk management process. Designed to
help organizations deliver high quality technology solutions on time and on budget, MSF
is a deliberate and disciplined approach to technology projects and is based on a defined
set of principles, models, disciplines, concepts, guidelines, and proven practices from
Microsoft. For more information on MSF, see
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                        11

The Microsoft Security Center is an exhaustive and well-organized collection of
documentation addressing a wide range of security topics. The Security Center is
available at
The Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Solution for Security is a prescriptive solution aimed
at helping to reduce security vulnerabilities and lowering the costs of exposure and
security management in Microsoft Windows® 2000 environments. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of
the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Solution for Security guide comprise the first security
risk management guidance that Microsoft published, which was referred to as the
Security Risk Management Discipline (SRMD). The guide you are reading serves as a
replacement for the security risk management content in the Microsoft Windows 2000
Server Solution for Security guide. The Microsoft Solution for Securing Windows 2000
Server guide is available at
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) offers an excellent guide on
risk management. The Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems
(July 2002) is available at
NIST also offers a guide on performing a security assessment of your own organization.
The Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems (November
2001) is available at
The ISO offers a high-level code of practice known as the Information technology—Code
of practice for information security management, or ISO 17799. It is available for a fee at
The ISO has published a variety of other standards documents, some of which are
referred to within this guide. They are available for a fee at
The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), located in the Software Engineering
Institute at Carnegie-Mellon University, has created OCTAVE® (Operationally Critical
Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability EvaluationSM), a self-directed risk assessment and
planning technique. More information about OCTAVE is available online at
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) offers generally
applicable and accepted standards for good IT security and control practices that provide
a reference framework for management, users, and IS audit, control, and security
practitioners. COBIT is available online for a fee from the Information Systems Audit and
Control Association (ISACA) at
The IETF has published Request for Comments (RFC) 2828, which is a publicly available
memo called the Internet Security Glossary which provides standard definitions for a
large number of information system security terms. It is available at
Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk
Management Practices
   This chapter starts with a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the proactive and
   reactive approaches to security risk management. The chapter then assesses and
   compares qualitative security risk management and quantitative security risk
   management, the two traditional methods. The Microsoft security risk management
   process is presented as an alternative method, one that provides a balance between
   these methodologies, resulting in a process that has proven to be extremely effective
   within Microsoft.
   Note It is important to lay a foundation for the Microsoft security risk management process by
   reviewing the different ways that organizations have approached security risk management in the
   past. Readers who are already well versed in security risk management may want to skim
   through the chapter quickly; others who are relatively new to security or risk management are
   encouraged to read it thoroughly.

   Comparing Approaches to Risk
   Many organizations are introduced to security risk management by the necessity of
   responding to a relatively small security incident. A staff member's computer becomes
   infected with a virus, for example, and an office-manager-turned-in-house-PC-expert
   must figure out how to eradicate the virus without destroying the computer or the data
   that it held. Whatever the initial incident, as more and more issues relating to security
   arise and begin to impact the business, many organizations get frustrated with
   responding to one crisis after another. They want an alternative to this reactive approach,
   one that seeks to reduce the probability that security incidents will occur in the first place.
   Organizations that effectively manage risk evolve toward a more proactive approach, but
   as you will learn in this chapter, it is only part of the solution.

   The Reactive Approach
   Today, many information technology (IT) professionals feel tremendous pressure to
   complete their tasks quickly with as little inconvenience to users as possible. When a
   security event occurs, many IT professionals feel like the only things they have time to do
   are to contain the situation, figure out what happened, and fix the affected systems as
   quickly as possible. Some may try to identify the root cause, but even that might seem
   like a luxury for those under extreme resource constraints. While a reactive approach can
   be an effective tactical response to security risks that have been exploited and turned into
   security incidents, imposing a small degree of rigor to the reactive approach can help
   organizations of all types to better use their resources.
   Recent security incidents may help an organization to predict and prepare for future
   problems. This means that an organization that takes time to respond to security
   incidents in a calm and rational manner while determining the underlying reasons that
   allowed the incident to transpire will be better able to both protect itself from similar
   problems in the future and respond more quickly to other issues that may arise.

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Cybersecurity risks must be addressed at the executive level through an enterprise-wide risk management framework. While cybersecurity has traditionally been viewed as a technical issue managed by IT, it is critical that top management be fully engaged in cybersecurity risk governance to ensure proper protection is incorporated as a business goal. There are various models for integrating cybersecurity management into risk management structures, with the most effective approach ensuring board visibility, balanced governance of both IT and non-IT risks, and authority across the organization to enforce protocols.

Ea Relationship To Security And The Enterprise V1
Ea Relationship To Security And The Enterprise V1Ea Relationship To Security And The Enterprise V1
Ea Relationship To Security And The Enterprise V1

The document discusses different frameworks and methodologies for enterprise architecture (EA) and enterprise security architecture (SA). EA focuses on optimizing business value through mapping business activities, while SA focuses on protecting business assets through a balanced security program. SA goals depend on an organization's risk management culture, which can range from generative to bureaucratic to pathologic. The document provides examples of using the TOGAF and Federal EA frameworks to structure SA.

by pk4

This document presents a framework for security mechanisms when monitoring adaptive distributed systems. It discusses investigating existing monitoring tools to understand their security impacts. It proposes implementing a secure communication channel using RSA encryption when collecting sensitive monitoring data. It also discusses developing a customized monitoring tool that assigns security metrics to parameters and encrypts parameters deemed high-risk based on their security metric values, to balance monitoring with security. The goal is to minimize security risks from monitoring while still enabling systems to adapt based on collected data.

iosr journal of computer engineering (iosr-jce)
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                       13

A deep examination into incident response is beyond the scope of this guide, but
following six steps when you respond to security incidents can help you manage them
quickly and efficiently:
1. Protect human life and people's safety. This should always be your first priority.
   For example, if affected computers include life support systems, shutting them off
   may not be an option; perhaps you could logically isolate the systems on the network
   by reconfiguring routers and switches without disrupting their ability to help patients.
2. Contain the damage. Containing the harm that the attack caused helps to limit
   additional damage. Protect important data, software, and hardware quickly.
   Minimizing disruption of computing resources is an important consideration, but
   keeping systems up during an attack may result in greater and more widespread
   problems in the long run. For example, if you contract a worm in your environment,
   you could try to limit the damage by disconnecting servers from the network.
   However, sometimes disconnecting servers can cause more harm than good. Use
   your best judgment and your knowledge of your own network and systems to make
   this determination. If you determine that there will be no adverse effects, or that they
   would be outweighed by the positive benefits of activity, containment should begin as
   quickly as possible during a security incident by disconnecting from the network the
   systems known to be affected. If you cannot contain the damage by isolating the
   servers, ensure that you actively monitor the attacker’s actions in order to be able to
   remedy the damage as soon as possible. And in any event, ensure that all log files
   are saved before shutting off any server, in order to preserve the information
   contained in those files as evidence if you (or your lawyers) need it later.
3. Assess the damage. Immediately make a duplicate of the hard disks in any servers
   that were attacked and put those aside for forensic use later. Then assess the
   damage. You should begin to determine the extent of the damage that the attack
   caused as soon as possible, right after you contain the situation and duplicate the
   hard disks. This is important so that you can restore the organization's operations as
   soon as possible while preserving a copy of the hard disks for investigative purposes.
   If it is not possible to assess the damage in a timely manner, you should implement a
   contingency plan so that normal business operations and productivity can continue. It
   is at this point that organizations may want to engage law enforcement regarding the
   incident; however, you should establish and maintain working relationships with law
   enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over your organization's business before
   an incident occurs so that when a serious problem arises you know whom to contact
   and how to work with them. You should also advise your company’s legal department
   immediately, so that they can determine whether a civil lawsuit can be brought
   against anyone as a result of the damage.
4. Determine the cause of the damage. In order to ascertain the origin of the assault,
   it is necessary to understand the resources at which the attack was aimed and what
   vulnerabilities were exploited to gain access or disrupt services. Review the system
   configuration, patch level, system logs, audit logs, and audit trails on both the
   systems that were directly affected as well as network devices that route traffic to
   them. These reviews often help you to discover where the attack originated in the
   system and what other resources were affected. You should conduct this activity on
   the computer systems in place and not on the backed up drives created in step 3.
   Those drives must be preserved intact for forensic purposes so that law enforcement
   or your lawyers can use them to trace the perpetrators of the attack and bring them to
   justice. If you need to create a backup for testing purposes to determine the cause of
   the damage, create a second backup from your original system and leave the drives
   created in step 3 unused.
5. Repair the damage. In most cases, it is very important that the damage be repaired
   as quickly as possible to restore normal business operations and recover data lost
   during the attack. The organization's business continuity plans and procedures
   should cover the restoration strategy. The incident response team should also be
   available to handle the restore and recovery process or to provide guidance on the
14                                          Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices

     process to the responsible team. During recovery, contingency procedures are
     executed to limit the spread of the damage and isolate it. Before returning repaired
     systems to service be careful that they are not reinfected immediately by ensuring
     that you have mitigated whatever vulnerabilities were exploited during the incident.
6. Review response and update policies. After the documentation and recovery
   phases are complete, you should review the process thoroughly. Determine with your
   team the steps that were executed successfully and what mistakes were made. In
   almost all cases, you will find that your processes need to be modified to allow you to
   handle incidents better in the future. You will inevitably find weaknesses in your
   incident response plan. This is the point of this after-the-fact exercise—you are
   looking for opportunities for improvement. Any flaws should prompt another round of
   the incident-response planning process so that you can handle future incidents more
This methodology is illustrated in the following diagram:

Figure 2.1: Incident Response Process

The Proactive Approach
Proactive security risk management has many advantages over a reactive approach.
Instead of waiting for bad things to happen and then responding to them afterwards, you
minimize the possibility of the bad things ever occurring in the first place. You make plans
to protect your organization's important assets by implementing controls that reduce the
risk of vulnerabilities being exploited by malicious software, attackers, or accidental
misuse. An analogy may help to illustrate this idea. Influenza is a deadly respiratory
disease that infects millions of people in the United States alone each year. Of those,
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                            15

over 100,000 must be treated in hospitals, and about 36,000 die. You could choose to
deal with the threat of the disease by waiting to see if you get infected and then taking
medicine to treat the symptoms if you do become ill. Alternatively, you could choose to
get vaccinated before the influenza season begins.
Organizations should not, of course, completely forsake incident response. An effective
proactive approach can help organizations to significantly reduce the number of security
incidents that arise in the future, but it is not likely that such problems will completely
disappear. Therefore, organizations should continue to improve their incident response
processes while simultaneously developing long-term proactive approaches.
Later sections in this chapter, and the remaining chapters of this guide, will examine
proactive security risk management in detail. Each of the security risk management
methodologies shares some common high-level procedures:
1. Identify business assets.
2. Determine what damage an attack against an asset could cause to the organization.
3. Identify the security vulnerabilities that the attack could exploit.
4. Determine how to minimize the risk of attack by implementing appropriate controls.

Approaches to Risk Prioritization
The terms risk management and risk assessment are used frequently throughout this
guide, and, although related, they are not interchangeable. The Microsoft security risk
management process defines risk management as the overall effort to manage risk to an
acceptable level across the business. Risk assessment is defined as the process to
identify and prioritize risks to the business.
There are many different methodologies for prioritizing or assessing risks, but most are
based on one of two approaches or a combination of the two: quantitative risk
management or qualitative risk management. Refer to the list of resources in the "More
Information" section at the end of Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Security Risk
Management Guide," for links to some other risk assessment methodologies. The next
few sections of this chapter are a summary and comparison of quantitative risk
assessment and qualitative risk assessment, followed by a brief description of the
Microsoft security risk management process so that you can see how it combines
aspects of both approaches.

Quantitative Risk Assessment
In quantitative risk assessments, the goal is to try to calculate objective numeric values
for each of the components gathered during the risk assessment and cost-benefit
analysis. For example, you estimate the true value of each business asset in terms of
what it would cost to replace it, what it would cost in terms of lost productivity, what it
would cost in terms of brand reputation, and other direct and indirect business values.
You endeavor to use the same objectivity when computing asset exposure, cost of
controls, and all of the other values that you identify during the risk management process.
Note This section is intended to show at a high level some of the steps involved in quantitative
risk assessments; it is not a prescriptive guide for using that approach in security risk
management projects.

There are some significant weaknesses inherent in this approach that are not easily
overcome. First, there is no formal and rigorous way to effectively calculate values for
assets and controls. In other words, while it may appear to give you more detail, the
financial values actually obscure the fact that the numbers are based on estimates. How
16                                           Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices

can you precisely and accurately calculate the impact that a highly public security
incident might have on your brand? If it is available you can examine historical data, but
quite often it is not.
Second, organizations that have tried to meticulously apply all aspects of quantitative risk
management have found the process to be extremely costly. Such projects usually take a
very long time to complete their first full cycle, and they usually involve a lot of staff
members arguing over the details of how specific fiscal values were calculated. Third, for
organizations with high value assets, the cost of exposure may be so high that you would
spend an exceedingly large amount of money to mitigate any risks to which you were
exposed. This is not realistic, though; an organization would not spend its entire budget
to protect a single asset, or even its top five assets.

Details of the Quantitative Approach
At this point, it may be helpful to gain a general understanding of both the advantages
and drawbacks of quantitative risk assessments. The rest of this section looks at some of
the factors and values that are typically evaluated during a quantitative risk assessment
such as asset valuation; costing controls; determining Return On Security Investment
(ROSI); and calculating values for Single Loss Expectancy (SLE), Annual Rate of
Occurrence (ARO), and Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE). This is by no means a
comprehensive examination of all aspects of quantitative risk assessment, merely a brief
examination of some of the details of that approach so that you can see that the numbers
that form the foundation of all the calculations are themselves subjective.

Valuing Assets
Determining the monetary value of an asset is an important part of security risk
management. Business managers often rely on the value of an asset to guide them in
determining how much money and time they should spend securing it. Many
organizations maintain a list of asset values (AVs) as part of their business continuity
plans. Note how the numbers calculated are actually subjective estimates, though: No
objective tools or methods for determining the value of an asset exist. To assign a value
to an asset, calculate the following three primary factors:
•    The overall value of the asset to your organization. Calculate or estimate the
     asset’s value in direct financial terms. Consider a simplified example of the impact of
     temporary disruption of an e-commerce Web site that normally runs seven days a
     week, 24 hours a day, generating an average of $2,000 per hour in revenue from
     customer orders. You can state with confidence that the annual value of the Web site
     in terms of sales revenue is $17,520,000.
•    The immediate financial impact of losing the asset. If you deliberately simplify the
     example and assume that the Web site generates a constant rate per hour, and the
     same Web site becomes unavailable for six hours, the calculated exposure is .
     000685 or .0685 percent per year. By multiplying this exposure percentage by the
     annual value of the asset, you can predict that the directly attributable losses in this
     case would be approximately $12,000. In reality, most e-commerce Web sites
     generate revenue at a wide range of rates depending upon the time of day, the day of
     the week, the season, marketing campaigns, and other factors. Additionally, some
     customers may find an alternative Web site that they prefer to the original, so the
     Web site may have some permanent loss of users. Calculating the revenue loss is
     actually quite complex if you want to be precise and consider all potential types of
•    The indirect business impact of losing the asset. In this example, the company
     estimates that it would spend $10,000 on advertising to counteract the negative
     publicity from such an incident. Additionally, the company also estimates a loss of .01
     or 1 percent of annual sales, or $175,200. By combining the extra advertising

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Chapter 10 security standart
Chapter 10 security standartChapter 10 security standart
Chapter 10 security standart

This document provides summaries of several information security frameworks and standards, including: - ISO/IEC 27002:2005 which provides guidelines for information security management across 10 security domains. - ISO/IEC 27001:2005 which specifies requirements for establishing an Information Security Management System using a PDCA model. - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard which consists of 12 requirements to enhance payment data security. - COBIT which links IT initiatives to business requirements and defines management control objectives across 34 IT processes. It also briefly outlines US regulations including Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, HIPAA, and FISMA which aim to improve corporate disclosures, define healthcare information

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Assessing and Managing IT Security Risks
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Data privacy and protection has become the gold standard in IT. Scale Venture Partners and Wisegate share what they learned from over 100 IT professionals questioned about the risks and technology trends driving their security programs. Read about the move towards data centric security and the need for improvement in automated security controls and metrics reporting.

risk assessmentit planningidentity management
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                           17

    expenses and the loss in annual sales revenue, you can predict a total of $185,200 in
    indirect losses in this case.

Determining the SLE
The SLE is the total amount of revenue that is lost from a single occurrence of the risk. It
is a monetary amount that is assigned to a single event that represents the company’s
potential loss amount if a specific threat exploits a vulnerability. (The SLE is similar to the
impact of a qualitative risk analysis.) Calculate the SLE by multiplying the asset value by
the exposure factor (EF).The exposure factor represents the percentage of loss that a
realized threat could have on a certain asset. If a Web farm has an asset value of
$150,000, and a fire results in damages worth an estimated 25 percent of its value, then
the SLE in this case would be $37,500. This is an oversimplified example, though; other
expenses may need to be considered.

Determining the ARO
The ARO is the number of times that you reasonably expect the risk to occur during one
year. Making these estimates is very difficult; there is very little actuarial data available.
What has been gathered so far appears to be private information held by a few property
insurance firms. To estimate the ARO, draw on your past experience and consult security
risk management experts and security and business consultants. The ARO is similar to
the probability of a qualitative risk analysis, and its range extends from 0 percent (never)
to 100 percent (always).

Determining the ALE
The ALE is the total amount of money that your organization will lose in one year if
nothing is done to mitigate the risk. Calculate this value by multiplying the SLE by the
ARO. The ALE is similar to the relative rank of a qualitative risk analysis.
For example, if a fire at the same company’s Web farm results in $37,500 in damages,
and the probability, or ARO, of a fire taking place has an ARO value of 0.1 (indicating
once in ten years), then the ALE value in this case would be $3,750 ($37,500 x 0.1 =
The ALE provides a value that your organization can work with to budget what it will cost
to establish controls or safeguards to prevent this type of damage—in this case, $3,750
or less per year—and provide an adequate level of protection. It is important to quantify
the real possibility of a risk and how much damage, in monetary terms, the threat may
cause in order to be able to know how much can be spent to protect against the potential
consequence of the threat.

Determining Cost of Controls
Determining the cost of controls requires accurate estimates on how much acquiring,
testing, deploying, operating, and maintaining each control would cost. Such costs would
include buying or developing the control solution; deploying and configuring the control
solution; maintaining the control solution; communicating new policies or procedures
related to the new control to users; training users and IT staff on how to use and support
the control; monitoring the control; and contending with the loss of convenience or
productivity that the control might impose. For example, to reduce the risk of fire
damaging the Web farm, the fictional organization might consider deploying an
automated fire suppression system. It would need to hire a contractor to design and
install the system and would then need to monitor the system on an ongoing basis. It
would also need to check the system periodically and, occasionally, recharge it with
whatever chemical retardants the system uses.
18                                           Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices

Estimate the cost of controls by using the following equation:
     (ALE before control) – (ALE after control) – (annual cost of control) = ROSI
For example, the ALE of the threat of an attacker bringing down a Web server is $12,000,
and after the suggested safeguard is implemented, the ALE is valued at $3,000. The
annual cost of maintenance and operation of the safeguard is $650, so the ROSI is
$8,350 each year as expressed in the following equation:
     $12,000 - $3,000 - $650 = $8,350.

Results of the Quantitative Risk Analyses
The input items from the quantitative risk analyses provide clearly defined goals and
results. The following items generally are derived from the results of the previous steps:
•    Assigned monetary values for assets
•    A comprehensive list of significant threats
•    The probability of each threat occurring
•    The loss potential for the company on a per-threat basis over 12 months
•    Recommended safeguards, controls, and actions
You have seen for yourself how all of these calculations are based on subjective
estimates. Key numbers that provide the basis for the results are not drawn from
objective equations or well-defined actuarial datasets but rather from the opinions of
those performing the assessment. The AV, SLE, ARO, and cost of controls are all
numbers that the participants themselves insert (after much discussion and compromise,

Qualitative Risk Assessment
What differentiates qualitative risk assessment from quantitative risk assessment is that
in the former you do not try to assign hard financial values to assets, expected losses,
and cost of controls. Instead, you calculate relative values. Risk analysis is usually
conducted through a combination of questionnaires and collaborative workshops
involving people from a variety of groups within the organization such as information
security experts; information technology managers and staff; business asset owners and
users; and senior managers. If used, questionnaires are typically distributed a few days
to a few weeks ahead of the first workshop. The questionnaires are designed to discover
what assets and controls are already deployed, and the information gathered can be very
helpful during the workshops that follow. In the workshops participants identify assets and
estimate their relative values. Next they try to figure out what threats each asset may be
facing, and then they try to imagine what types of vulnerabilities those threats might
exploit in the future. The information security experts and the system administrators
typically come up with controls to mitigate the risks for the group to consider and the
approximate cost of each control. Finally, the results are presented to management for
consideration during a cost-benefit analysis.
As you can see, the basic process for qualitative assessments is very similar to what
happens in the quantitative approach. The difference is in the details. Comparisons
between the value of one asset and another are relative, and participants do not invest a
lot of time trying to calculate precise financial numbers for asset valuation. The same is
true for calculating the possible impact from a risk being realized and the cost of
implementing controls.
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                            19

The benefits of a qualitative approach are that it overcomes the challenge of calculating
accurate figures for asset value, cost of control, and so on, and the process is much less
demanding on staff. Qualitative risk management projects can typically start to show
significant results within a few weeks, whereas most organizations that choose a
quantitative approach see little benefit for months, and sometimes even years, of effort.
The drawback of a qualitative approach is that the resulting figures are vague; some
Business Decision Makers (BDMs), especially those with finance or accounting
backgrounds, may not be comfortable with the relative values determined during a
qualitative risk assessment project.

Comparing the Two Approaches
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches to security risk management have their
advantages and disadvantages. Certain situations may call for organizations to adopt the
quantitative approach. Alternatively, organizations of small size or with limited resources
will probably find the qualitative approach much more to their liking. The following table
summarizes the benefits and drawbacks of each approach:
Table 2.1: Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Risk Management Approach

                Quantitative                              Qualitative
Benefits        •    Risks are prioritized by financial   •   Enables visibility and
                     impact; assets are prioritized by        understanding of risk ranking.
                     financial values.
                                                          •   Easier to reach consensus.
                •    Results facilitate management of
                                                          •   Not necessary to quantify
                     risk by return on security
                                                              threat frequency.
                                                          •   Not necessary to determine
                •    Results can be expressed in
                                                              financial values of assets.
                     management-specific terminology
                     (for example, monetary values        •   Easier to involve people who
                     and probability expressed as a           are not experts on security or
                     specific percentage).                    computers.
                •    Accuracy tends to increase over
                     time as the organization builds
                     historic record of data while
                     gaining experience.
Drawbacks •          Impact values assigned to risks      •   Insufficient differentiation
                     are based on subjective opinions         between important risks.
                     of participants.
                                                          •   Difficult to justify investing in
                •    Process to reach credible results        control implementation
                     and consensus is very time               because there is no basis for
                     consuming.                               a cost-benefit analysis.
                •    Calculations can be complex and      •   Results are dependent upon
                     time consuming.                          the quality of the risk
                                                              management team that is
                •    Results are presented in                 created.
                     monetary terms only, and they
                     may be difficult for non-technical
                     people to interpret.
                •    Process requires expertise, so
                     participants cannot be easily
                     coached through it.
20                                           Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices

In years past, the quantitative approaches seemed to dominate security risk
management; however, that has changed recently as more and more practitioners have
admitted that strictly following quantitative risk management processes typically results in
difficult, long-running projects that see few tangible benefits. As you will see in
subsequent chapters, the Microsoft security risk management process combines the best
of both methodologies into a unique, hybrid approach.

The Microsoft Security Risk
Management Process
The Microsoft security risk management process is a hybrid approach that joins the best
elements of the two traditional approaches. As you will see in the chapters that follow,
this guide presents a unique approach to security risk management that is significantly
faster than a traditional quantitative approach. Yet it still provides results that are more
detailed and easily justified to executives than a typical qualitative approach. By
combining the simplicity and elegance of the qualitative approach with some of the rigor
of the quantitative approach, this guide offers a unique process for managing security
risks that is both effective and usable. The goal of the process is for stakeholders to be
able to understand every step of the assessment. This approach, significantly simpler
than traditional quantitative risk management, minimizes resistance to results of the risk
analysis and decision support phases, enabling consensus to be achieved more quickly
and maintained throughout the process.
The Microsoft security risk management process consists of four phases. The first, the
Assessing Risk phase, combines aspects of both quantitative and qualitative risk
assessment methodologies. A qualitative approach is used to quickly triage the entire list
of security risks. The most serious risks identified during this triage are then examined in
more detail using a quantitative approach. The result is a relatively short list of the most
important risks that have been examined in detail.
This short list is used during the next phase, Conducting Decision Support, in which
potential control solutions are proposed and evaluated and the best ones are then
presented to the organization's Security Steering Committee as recommendations for
mitigating the top risks. During the third phase, Implementing Controls, the Mitigation
Owners actually put control solutions in place. The fourth phase, Measuring Program
Effectiveness, is used to verify that the controls are actually providing the expected
degree of protection and to watch for changes in the environment such as new business
applications or attack tools that might change the organization's risk profile.
Because the Microsoft security risk management process is ongoing, the cycle restarts
with each new risk assessment. The frequency with which the cycle recurs will vary from
one organization to another; many find that an annual recurrence is sufficient so long as
the organization is proactively monitoring for new vulnerabilities, threats, and assets.

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The Security Risk Management Guide                                                      21

Figure 2.2: Phases of the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process
Figure 2.2 illustrates the four phases of the Microsoft security risk management process.
The next chapter, Chapter 3, "Security Risk Management Overview," provides a
comprehensive look at the process. The chapters that succeed it explain in detail the
steps and tasks associated with each of the four phases.
Chapter 3: Security Risk Management
   This chapter is the first in this guide to provide a full summary of the Microsoft security
   risk management process. After this overview, the chapter discusses several topics that
   will assist readers as they implement the process. These topics help provide a solid
   foundation for a successful security risk management program and include:
   •   Distinguishing risk management from risk assessment.
   •   Communicating risk effectively.
   •   Evaluating the maturity of your current risk management practices.
   •   Defining roles and responsibilities.
   It is also important to note that risk management is only one part of a larger governance
   program for corporate leadership to monitor the business and make informed decisions.
   While governance programs vary widely, all programs require a structured security risk
   management component to prioritize and mitigate security risks. The Microsoft security
   risk management process concepts may be applied to any governance program to help
   define and manage risks to acceptable levels.

   The Four Phases of the Microsoft
   Security Risk Management Process
   Chapter 2, "Survey of Risk Management Practices," introduced the Microsoft security risk
   management process and defined risk management as an ongoing process with four
   primary phases:
   1. Assessing Risk. Identify and prioritize risks to the business.
   2. Conducting Decision Support. Identify and evaluate control solutions based on a
      defined cost-benefit analysis process.
   3. Implementing Controls. Deploy and operate control solutions to reduce risk to the
   4. Measuring Program Effectiveness. Analyze the risk management process for
      effectiveness and verify that controls are providing the expected degree of protection.
   This four-part risk management cycle summarizes the Microsoft security risk
   management process and is also used to organize content throughout this guide.
   Before defining specific practices within the Microsoft security risk management process,
   however, it is important to understand the larger risk management process and its
   components. Each phase of the cycle contains multiple, detailed steps. The following list
   outlines each step to help you understand the importance of each one in the guide as a
   •   Assessing Risk phase
       •   Plan data gathering. Discuss keys to success and preparation guidance.
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                        23

    •    Gather risk data. Outline the data collection process and analysis.
    •    Prioritize risks. Outline prescriptive steps to qualify and quantify risks.
•   Conducting Decision Support phase
    •    Define functional requirements. Define functional requirements to mitigate risks.
    •    Select possible control solutions. Outline approach to identify mitigation
    •    Review solution. Evaluate proposed controls against functional requirements.
    •    Estimate risk reduction. Endeavor to understand reduced exposure or probability
         of risks.
    •    Estimate solution cost. Evaluate direct and indirect costs associated with
         mitigation solutions.
    •    Select mitigation strategy. Complete the cost-benefit analysis to identify the most
         cost effective mitigation solution.
•   Implementing Controls phase
    •    Seek holistic approach. Incorporate people, process, and technology in mitigation
    •    Organize by defense-in-depth. Organize mitigation solutions across the business.
•   Measuring Program Effectiveness phase
    •    Develop risk scorecard. Understand risk posture and progress.
    •    Measure program effectiveness. Evaluate the risk management program for
         opportunities to improve.
The following figure illustrates each phase and its associated steps.

Figure 3.1: The Microsoft Security Risk Management Process
Subsequent chapters in this guide describe, in sequence, each phase in the Microsoft
security risk management process. There are several preliminary things to consider,
however, before beginning your execution of this process.
24                                                   Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview

Level of Effort
If your organization is relatively new to risk management, it may be helpful to consider
which steps in the Microsoft security risk management process typically require the most
effort from the Security Risk Management Team. The following figure, based on risk
management activities conducted within Microsoft IT, shows relative degrees of effort
throughout the process. This perspective may be helpful when describing the overall
process and time commitment to organizations that are new to risk management. The
relative levels of effort may also be helpful as a guide to avoid spending too much time in
one point of the overall process. To summarize the level of effort throughout the process,
the figure demonstrates a moderate level of effort to gather data, a lower level for
summary analysis, followed by high levels of effort to build detailed lists of risks and
conduct the decision support process. For an additional view of tasks and associated
effort, refer to the sample project schedule in the Tools folder, SRMGTool4-Sample
Project Schedule.xls. The remaining chapters in this guide further describe each step
shown below.

Figure 3.2: Relative Level of Effort During the Microsoft Security Risk Management

Laying the Foundation for the Microsoft Security Risk
Management Process
Before beginning a security risk management effort, it is important to have a solid
understanding of the foundational, prerequisite knowledge and tasks of the Microsoft
security risk management process, which include:
•    Differentiating between risk management and risk assessment.
•    Clearly communicating risk.
•    Determining your organization's risk management maturity.
•    Defining roles and responsibilities for the process.

Risk Management vs. Risk Assessment
As Chapter 2 discussed, the terms risk management and risk assessment are not
interchangeable. The Microsoft security risk management process defines risk

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The Security Risk Management Guide                                                         25

management as the overall process to manage risk to an acceptable level across the
business. Risk assessment is defined as the process to identify and prioritize risks to the
business. As outlined in the previous diagram, risk management is comprised of four
primary phases: Assessing Risk, Conducting Decision Support, Implementing Controls,
and Measuring Program Effectiveness. Risk assessment, in the context of the Microsoft
security risk management process, refers only to the Assessing Risk phase within the
larger risk management cycle.
Another distinction between risk management and risk assessment is the frequency of
initiation of each process. Risk management is defined as an ongoing cycle, but it is
typically re-started at regular intervals to refresh the data in each stage of the
management process. The risk management process is normally aligned with an
organization's fiscal accounting cycle to align budget requests for controls with normal
business processes. An annual interval is most common for the risk management
process to align new control solutions with annual budgeting cycles.
Although risk assessment is a required, discrete phase of the risk management process,
the Information Security Group may conduct multiple risk assessments independent of
the current risk management phase or budgeting cycle. The Information Security Group
may initiate them anytime a potentially security-related change occurs within the
business, such as the introduction of new business practices, or discovered
vulnerabilities, changes to the infrastructure. These frequent risk assessments are often
referred to as ad-hoc risk assessments, or limited scope risk assessments, and should be
viewed as complementary to the formal risk management process. Ad-hoc assessments
usually focus on one area of risk within the business and do not require the same amount
of resources as the risk management process as a whole. Appendix A, "Ad-Hoc
Assessments," outlines and provides an example template of an ad-hoc risk assessment.
Table 3.1: Risk Management vs. Risk Assessment

                 Risk Management                     Risk Assessment
Goal             Manage risks across business to     Identify and prioritize risks
                 acceptable level
Cycle            Overall program across all four     Single phase of risk management
                 phases                              program
Schedule         Ongoing                             As needed
Alignment        Aligned with budgeting cycles       N/A

Communicating Risk
Various people involved in the risk management process often define the term risk
differently. In order to ensure consistency across all stages of the risk management cycle,
the Microsoft security risk management process requires that everyone involved
understand and agree upon a single definition of the term risk. As defined in Chapter 1,
"Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide," risk is the probability of an impact
occurring to the business. This definition requires the inclusion of both an impact
statement and a prediction of when the impact may occur, or, in other words, probability
of impact. When both elements of risk (probability and impact) are included in a risk
statement, the process refers to this as a well-formed risk statement. Use the term to help
ensure consistent understanding of the compound nature of risk. The following diagram
depicts risk at this most basic level.
26                                                    Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview

Figure 3.3: Well-Formed Risk Statement
It is important that everyone involved in the risk management process understand the
complexity within each element of the risk definition. Only with a thorough understanding
of risk will the business be able to take specific action when managing it. For example,
defining impact to the business requires information about which asset is affected, what
kind of damage may occur, and the extent of damage to the asset. Next, to determine the
probability of the impact occurring, you must understand how each impact may occur and
how effective the current control environment will be at reducing the probability of the
Using terms defined in Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide,"
the following risk statement provides guidance in demonstrating both elements of impact
and the probability of impact:
Risk is the probability of a vulnerability being exploited in the current environment,
leading to a degree of loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability, of an asset.
The Microsoft security risk management process provides the tools to consistently
communicate and measure the probability and degree of loss for each risk. The chapters
in this guide walk through the process to establish each component of the well-formed
risk statement to identify and prioritize risks across the business. The following diagram
builds upon the basic risk statement discussed previously to show the relationships of
each element of risk.

Figure 3.4: Components of the Well-Formed Risk Statement
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                          27

To help communicate the extent of impact and the degree of probability in the risk
statement, the Microsoft security risk management process begins prioritizing risk by
using relative terms such as high, moderate, and low. Although this basic terminology
simplifies the selection of risk levels, it does not provide sufficient details when you
conduct a cost-benefit analysis to select the most efficient mitigation option. To address
this weakness of the basic qualitative approach, the process provides tools to generate a
detailed level comparison of risks. The process also incorporates quantitative attributes to
further aid the cost-benefit analysis for selecting controls.
A common pitfall of risk management disciplines is that they often do not consider the
qualitative definitions such as high, moderate, and low risks to the business. Many risks
will be identified in your security risk management program. Although the Microsoft
security risk management process provides guidance to consistently apply qualitative and
quantifiable risk estimates, it is the Security Risk Management Team's responsibility to
define the meaning of each value in specific business terms. For example, a high risk to
your business may mean a vulnerability occurring within one year, leading to the loss of
integrity of your organization's most important intellectual property. The Security Risk
Management Team must populate the definitions of each element of the well-formed risk
statement. The next chapter provides prescriptive guidance on defining risk levels. It
should assist you in defining risk levels for your unique business. The process simply
facilitates the exercise, helping to achieve consistency and visibility throughout the

Determining Your Organization's Risk
Management Maturity Level
Before an organization attempts to implement the Microsoft security risk management
process, it is important that it examines its level of maturity with regard to security risk
management. An organization that has no formal policies or processes relating to
security risk management will find it extremely difficult to put all aspects of the process
into practice at once. Even organizations with some formal policies and guidelines that
most employees follow fairly well may find the process a bit overwhelming. For these
reasons, it is important that you make an estimate of your own organization's maturity
level. If you find that your organization is still relatively immature, than you may want to
introduce the process in incremental stages over several months, perhaps by piloting it in
a single business unit until the cycle has been completed several times. Having
demonstrated the effectiveness of the Microsoft security risk management process
through this pilot program, the Security Risk Management Team could then slowly
introduce it to other business units until the entire organization is using it.
How do you determine the maturity level of your organization? As part of Control
Objectives for Information and Related Technology (CobiT), the IT Governance Institute
(ITGI) includes an IT Governance Maturity Model. You may want to acquire and review
CobiT for a detailed method for determining your organization's level of maturity. The
Microsoft security risk management process summarizes elements used in CobiT and
presents a simplified approach based on models also developed by Microsoft Services.
The maturity level definitions presented here are based on the International Standards
Organization (ISO) Information technology—Code of practice for information security
management, also known as ISO 17799.
You can estimate your organization's level of maturity by comparing it to the definitions
presented in the following table.
28                                               Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview

Table 3.2: Security Risk Management Maturity Levels

Level   State        Definition
0       Non-         Policy (or process) is not documented, and previously the
        Existent     organization was unaware of the business risk associated with
                     this risk management. Therefore, there has been no
                     communication on the issue.
1       Ad-Hoc       It is clear that some members of the organization have concluded
                     that risk management has value. However, risk management
                     efforts are performed in an ad-hoc manner. There are no
                     documented processes or policies and the process is not fully
                     repeatable. Overall, risk management projects seem chaotic and
                     uncoordinated, and results are not measured and audited.
2       Repeatable   There is awareness of risk management throughout the
                     organization. The risk management process is repeatable yet
                     immature. The process is not fully documented; however, the
                     activities occur on a regular basis, and the organization is working
                     toward establishing a comprehensive risk management process
                     with senior management involvement. There is no formal training
                     or communication on risk management; responsibility for
                     implementation is left to individual employees.
3       Defined      The organization has made a formal decision to adopt risk
        Process      management wholeheartedly in order to drive its information
                     security program. A baseline process has been developed in
                     which there are clearly defined goals with documented processes
                     for achieving and measuring success. Additionally, some
                     rudimentary risk management training is available for all staff.
                     Finally, the organization is actively implementing its documented
                     risk management processes.
4       Managed      There is a thorough understanding of risk management at all
                     levels of the organization. Risk management procedures exist, the
                     process is well defined, awareness is broadly communicated,
                     rigorous training is available, and some initial forms of
                     measurement are in place to determine effectiveness. Sufficient
                     resources have been committed to the risk management program,
                     many parts of the organization are enjoying its benefits, and the
                     Security Risk Management Team is able to continuously improve
                     its processes and tools. There is some use of technological tools
                     to help with risk management, but many if not most risk
                     assessment, control identification, and cost-benefit analysis
                     procedures are manual.
5       Optimized    The organization has committed significant resources to security
                     risk management, and staff members are looking toward the
                     future trying to ascertain what the issues and solutions will be in
                     the months and years ahead. The risk management process is
                     well understood and significantly automated through the use of
                     tools (either developed in-house or acquired from independent
                     software vendors). The root cause of all security issues is
                     identified, and suitable actions are taken to minimize the risk of
                     repetition. Training across a range of levels of expertise is
                     available to staff.

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The Security Risk Management Guide                                                              29

Organizational Risk Management Maturity Level Self
The following list of assessments offers a more rigorous way to measure your
organizational maturity level. The topics elicit subjective responses, but by honestly
considering each of them you should be able to determine how well prepared your
organization is for implementation of the Microsoft security risk management process.
Score your organization on a scale of 0 to 5, using the previous maturity level definitions
as a guide.
•   Information security policies and procedures are clear, concise, well-documented,
    and complete.
•   All staff positions with job responsibilities involving information security have clearly
    articulated and well understood roles and responsibilities.
•   Policies and procedures for securing third-party access to business data are well-
    documented. For example, remote vendors performing application development for
    an internal business tool have sufficient access to network resources to effectively
    collaborate and complete their work, but they have only the minimum amount of
    access that they need.
•   An inventory of Information Technology (IT) assets such as hardware, software, and
    data repositories is accurate and up-to-date.
•   Suitable controls are in place to protect business data from unauthorized access by
    both outsiders and insiders.
•   Effective user awareness programs such as training and newsletters regarding
    information security policies and practices are in place.
•   Physical access to the computer network and other information technology assets is
    restricted through the use of effective controls.
•   New computer systems are provisioned following organizational security standards in
    a standardized manner using automated tools such as disk imaging or build scripts.
•   An effective patch management system is able to automatically deliver software
    updates from most vendors to the vast majority of the computer systems in the
•   An incident response team has been created and has developed and documented
    effective processes for dealing with and tracking security incidents. All incidents are
    investigated until the root cause is identified and any problems are resolved.
•   The organization has a comprehensive anti-virus program including multiple layers of
    defense, user awareness training, and effective processes for responding to virus
•   User provisioning processes are well documented and at least partially automated so
    that new employees, vendors, and partners can be granted an appropriate level of
    access to the organization's information systems in a timely manner. These
    processes should also support the timely disabling and deletion of user accounts that
    are no longer needed.
•   Computer and network access is controlled through user authentication and
    authorization, restrictive access control lists on data, and proactive monitoring for
    policy violations.
•   Application developers are provided with education and possess a clear awareness
    of security standards for software creation and quality assurance testing of code.
•   Business continuity and business continuity programs are clearly defined, well
    documented, and periodically tested through simulations and drills.
30                                                     Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview

•    Programs have commenced and are effective for ensuring that all staff perform their
     work tasks in a manner compliant with legal requirements.
•    Third-party review and audits are used regularly to verify compliance with standard
     practices for security business assets.
Calculate your organization's score by adding the scores of all of the previous items.
Theoretically, scores could range from 0 to 85; however, few organizations will approach
either extreme.
A score of 51 or above suggests that the organization is well prepared to introduce and
use the Microsoft security risk management process to its fullest extent. A score of 34 to
50 indicates that the organization has taken many significant steps to control security
risks and is ready to gradually introduce the process. Organizations in this range should
consider rolling out the process to a few business units over a few months before
exposing the entire organization to the process. Organizations scoring below 34 should
consider starting very slowly with the Microsoft security risk management process by
creating the core Security Risk Management Team and applying the process to a single
business unit for the first few months. After such organizations demonstrate the value of
the process by using it to successfully reduce risks for that business unit, they should
expand it to two or three additional business units as feasible. Continue to move slowly,
though, because the changes introduced by the process can be significant. You do not
want to disrupt the organization to such a degree that you interfere with its ability to
effectively achieve its mission. Use your best judgment in this regard—every system that
you leave unprotected is a potential security and liability risk, and your own knowledge of
your own systems is best. If you think that it is urgent to move quickly and to disregard
the suggestion to move slowly, do that.
You should carefully consider which business unit to use for the pilot programs.
Questions to consider relate to how important security is to that business unit, where
security is defined in terms of the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of information
and services. Examples include:
•    Is the security risk management maturity level of that business unit above average
     when compared to the organization?
•    Will the owner of the business unit actively support the program?
•    Does the business unit have a high level of visibility within the organization?
•    Will the value of the Microsoft security risk management process pilot program be
     effectively communicated to the rest of the organization if successful?
You should consider these same questions when selecting business units for expansion
of the program.
Note The (U.S.) National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) provides a Security
Self Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems that may be useful to help determine
your maturity level; see

Defining Roles and Responsibilities
The establishment of clear roles and responsibilities is a critical success factor for any
risk management program due to the requirement for cross-group interaction and
segregated responsibilities. The following table describes the primary roles and
responsibilities used throughout the Microsoft security risk management process.
The Security Risk Management Guide                                                            31

Table 3.3: Primary Roles and Responsibilities in the Microsoft Security Risk
Management Process

Title                    Primary Responsibility
Executive Sponsor        Sponsors all activities associated with managing risk to the
                         business, for example, development, funding, authority, and
                         support for the Security Risk Management Team. This role is
                         usually filled by an executive such as the chief security officer or
                         chief information officer. This role also serves as the last escalation
                         point to define acceptable risk to the business.
Business Owner           Is responsible for tangible and intangible assets to the business.
                         Business owners are also accountable for prioritizing business
                         assets and defining levels of impact to assets. Business owners
                         are usually accountable for defining acceptable risk levels;
                         however, the Executive Sponsor owns the final decision
                         incorporating feedback from the Information Security Group.
Information              Owns the larger risk management process, including the Assessing
Security Group           Risk and Measuring Program Effectiveness phases. Also defines
                         functional security requirements and measures IT controls and the
                         overall effectiveness of the security risk management program.
Information              Includes IT architecture, engineering, and operations.
Technology Group
Security Risk            Responsible for driving the overall risk management program. Also
Management               responsible for the Assessing Risk phase and prioritizing risks to
Team                     the business. At a minimum, the team is comprised of a facilitator
                         and note taker.
Risk Assessment          As lead role on the Security Risk Management Team, conducts the
Facilitator              data gathering discussions. This role may also lead the entire risk
                         management process.
Risk Assessment          Records detailed risk information during the data gathering
Note Taker               discussions.
Mitigation Owners        Responsible for implementing and sustaining control solutions to
                         manage risk to an acceptable level. Includes the IT Group and, in
                         some cases, Business Owners.
Security Steering        Comprised of the Security Risk Management Team,
Committee                representatives from the IT Group, and specific Business Owners.
                         The Executive Sponsor usually chairs this committee. Responsible
                         for selecting mitigation strategies and defining acceptable risk for
                         the business.
Stakeholder              General term referring to direct and indirect participants in a given
                         process or program; used throughout the Microsoft security risk
                         management process. Stakeholders may also include groups
                         outside IT, for example, finance, public relations, and human

The Security Risk Management Team will encounter first-time participants in the risk
management process who may not fully understand their roles. Always take the
opportunity to provide an overview of the process and its participants. The objective is to
build consensus and highlight the fact that every participant has ownership in managing
risk. The following diagram, which summarizes key participants and shows their high-
32                                                 Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview

level relationships, can be helpful in communicating the previously-defined roles and
responsibilities and should provide an overview of the risk management program.
To summarize, the Executive Sponsor is ultimately accountable for defining acceptable
risk and provides guidance to the Security Risk Management Team in terms of ranking
risks to the business. The Security Risk Management Team is responsible for assessing
risk and defining functional requirements to mitigate risk to an acceptable level. The
Security Risk Management Team then collaborates with the IT groups who own
mitigation selection, implementation, and operations. The final relationship defined below
is the Security Risk Management Team's oversight of measuring control effectiveness.
This usually occurs in the form of audit reports, which are also communicated to the
Executive Sponsor.

Figure 3.5: Overview of Roles and Responsibilities Used Throughout the Microsoft
Security Risk Management Process

Building the Security Risk Management Team
Before starting the risk assessment process, do not overlook the need to clearly define
roles within the Security Risk Management Team. Because the risk management scope
includes the entire business, non-Information Security Group members may request to be
part of the team. If this occurs, outline clear roles for each member and align with the
roles and responsibilities defined in the overall risk management program above.
Investing in role definition early reduces confusion and assists decision making
throughout the process. All members on the team must understand that the Information
Security Group owns the overall process. Ownership is important to define because
Information Security is the only group that is a key stakeholder in every stage of the
process, including executive reporting.

Security Risk Management Team Roles and Responsibilities
After assembling the Security Risk Management Team, it is important to create specific
roles and to maintain them throughout the entire process. The primary roles of the Risk
Assessment Facilitator and the Risk Assessment Note Taker are described below.

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Current vulnerability: Overview
Current vulnerability: OverviewCurrent vulnerability: Overview
Current vulnerability: Overview

Overview of current vulnerability approaches and methods for the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership's Adaptation Academy. Tom Downing (based on a decade of work on vulnerability indicators). March 2011


This document provides information about Ram Naresh Financial Consultancy Private Limited, including its corporate office address and contact details. It lists the directors and their details such as name, address, designation, and date of appointment. It also provides contact information for Ram Financial Network's customer support.

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The security risk management guide
The security risk management guide
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Improving Cyber Readiness with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Improving Cyber Readiness with the NIST Cybersecurity FrameworkImproving Cyber Readiness with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Improving Cyber Readiness with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Still need a prime on the CSF? Check out my article for the Access Business Team January 2017 Newsletter on how business can improve their cyber readiness with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

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Toward a Trusted Supply Chain White Paper from Microsoft
Toward a Trusted Supply Chain White Paper from MicrosoftToward a Trusted Supply Chain White Paper from Microsoft
Toward a Trusted Supply Chain White Paper from Microsoft

Microsoft takes a risk-based approach to managing software integrity and protecting its supply chain. It assesses risks across its entire organization and identifies key dependencies. It also identifies, analyzes, and evaluates risks using a standardized framework aligned with international standards. Microsoft's risk management process focuses on protection, detection, and response capabilities built around international standards and best practices. The goal is to mitigate, transfer, or accept risks through organizational, technical, and programmatic efforts supported by risk management programs.

The security risk management guide
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Project 7 - Organization Security PlanChoose an organization fro.docx
Project 7 - Organization Security PlanChoose an organization fro.docxProject 7 - Organization Security PlanChoose an organization fro.docx
Project 7 - Organization Security PlanChoose an organization fro.docx

Project 7 - Organization Security Plan Choose an organization from the choices provided and prepare a security plan that provides security awareness policy using a security policy framework outline and according the Critical Infrastructure document which concentrates on the following integral keywords to cover the necessary elements of an organization security plan.  These are:  Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover . The plan is a capstone of the work that you have accomplished in this course. You will use your outline to guide the outcome of the plan in addition to the keywords. The plan is an enterprise policy that includes the following considerations, analysis approach, and protections for the enterprise: · Identify  threats and vulnerabilities. · Assign appropriate security controls to  protect  the infrastructure of the organization. · Prepare vulnerability scans and effective risk management protocols to ensure protections remain current and effective and  detect  any issues. · Initiate an incident response plan for  respond ing to problems. · Develop a business continuity and disaster recovery plan to  recover  from interruptions in business whether manmade or geographical. This plan must be completed and submitted in MS Word format. Choose from one of the organizations below or request approval from your instructor via email for an alternate organization: · Department of Defense · Department of Homeland Security · General Dynamics Information Technology · JC Penney’s Corporate Office · University of Maryland · ITT Technical Institute · United States Marine Corp From the Critical Infrastructure document , align your organizational plan to reflect the intent of the document as follows from an excerpt taken from the document and ensure you read the document in its entirety: “The Framework complements, and does not replace, an organization’s risk management and cybersecurity program. The organization can use its current processes and leverage the Framework to identify opportunities to strengthen and communicate its management of cybersecurity risk while aligning with industry practices. Alternatively, an organization without an existing cybersecurity program can use the Framework as a reference to establish one. Just as the Framework is not industry-specific, the common taxonomy of standards, guidelines, and practices that it provides also is not country-specific. Organizations outside the United States may also use the Framework to strengthen their own cybersecurity efforts, and the Framework can contribute to developing a common language for international cooperation on critical infrastructure cybersecurity.” 1.1 Overview of the Framework The Framework is a risk-based approach to managing cybersecurity risk, and is composed of three parts: the Framework Core, the Framework Implementation Tiers, and the Framework Profiles. Each Framework component reinforces the connection between business drivers and cyber.

Project 7 Organization Security PlanChoose an organization from.docx
Project 7 Organization Security PlanChoose an organization from.docxProject 7 Organization Security PlanChoose an organization from.docx
Project 7 Organization Security PlanChoose an organization from.docx

Project 7: Organization Security Plan Choose an organization from the choices provided and prepare a security plan that provides security awareness policy using a security policy framework outline and according the Critical Infrastructure document which concentrates on the following integral keywords to cover the necessary elements of an organization security plan. These are: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. The plan is a capstone of the work that you have accomplished in this course. You will use your outline to guide the outcome of the plan in addition to the keywords. The plan is an enterprise policy that includes the following considerations, analysis approach, and protections for the enterprise: · Identify threats and vulnerabilities. · Assign appropriate security controls to protect the infrastructure of the organization. · Prepare vulnerability scans and effective risk management protocols to ensure protections remain current and effective and detect any issues. · Initiate an incident response plan for responding to problems. · Develop a business continuity and disaster recovery plan to recover from interruptions in business whether manmade or geographical. This plan must be completed and submitted in MS Word format. Choose from one of the organizations below or request approval from your instructor via email for an alternate organization: • Department of Defense • Department of Homeland Security • General Dynamics Information Technology • JC Penney’s Corporate Office • University of Maryland • ITT Technical Institute • United States Marine Corp From the Critical Infrastructure document, align your organizational plan to reflect the intent of the document as follows from an excerpt taken from the document and ensure you read the document in its entirety: “The Framework complements, and does not replace, an organization’s risk management and cybersecurity program. The organization can use its current processes and leverage the Framework to identify opportunities to strengthen and communicate its management of cybersecurity risk while aligning with industry practices. Alternatively, an organization without an existing cybersecurity program can use the Framework as a reference to establish one. Just as the Framework is not industry-specific, the common taxonomy of standards, guidelines, and practices that it provides also is not country-specific. Organizations outside the United States may also use the Framework to strengthen their own cybersecurity efforts, and the Framework can contribute to developing a common language for international cooperation on critical infrastructure cybersecurity.” 1.1 Overview of the Framework The Framework is a risk-based approach to managing cybersecurity risk, and is composed of three parts: the Framework Core, the Framework Implementation Tiers, and the Framework Profiles. Each Framework component reinforces the connection between business drivers and cybersecurity activities. The ...

Chapter 1The International Information Systems Security Certifi.docx
Chapter 1The International Information Systems Security Certifi.docxChapter 1The International Information Systems Security Certifi.docx
Chapter 1The International Information Systems Security Certifi.docx

Chapter 1 The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2 Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) defines the key areas of knowledge for Information Security Gov- ernance and Risk Management in this way: The Information Security Governance and Risk Management domain entails the identification of an organization’s information assets and the development, documentation, implementation and updating of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Management tools such as data classification, risk assessment, and risk analysis are used to identify the threats, classify assets, and to rate their vulnerabilities so that effective security measures and controls can be implemented. The candidate is expected to understand the planning, organization, roles and responsibilities of individuals in identifying and securing an organization’s information assets; the development and use of policies stating management’s views and position on particular topics and the use of guidelines, standards, and procedures to support the policies; security training to make employ- ees aware of the importance of information security, its significance, and the specific security- related requirements relative to their position; the importance of confidentiality, proprietary and private information; third-party management and service level agreements related to infor- mation security; employment agreements; employee hiring and termination practices; and risk management practices and tools to identify, rate, and reduce the risk to specific resources. Key areas of knowledge: Understand and align security function to goals, mission, and objectives of the organization Understand and apply security governance Understand and apply concepts of confidentiality, integrity, and availability Develop and implement security policy Manage the information life cycle (e.g., classification, categorization, and ownership) Manage third-party governance (e.g., on-site assessment, document exchange and review, process/policy review) Understand and apply risk management concepts Manage personnel security Develop and manage security education, training, and awareness Manage the security function Even though this domain is positioned as number 3 in the Certified Information Systems Secu- rity Professional (CISSP) common body of knowledge, it is placed first in this book because all security activities should take place as a result of security and risk management processes. Organizational Purpose In order to protect an organization’s assets, it is first necessary to understand several basic characteristics of the organization, including its goals, mission, and objectives. All of these are statements that define what the organization desires to achieve and how it will proceed to achieve them. These three terms are described in more detail as follows: (Gregory 2) Gregory, Peter. CISSP Guide to Security Essentials, 2nd Edi ...

The security risk management guide
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Mastering Cybersecurity Risk Management: Strategies to Safeguard Your Digital...
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Mastering Cybersecurity Risk Management: Strategies to Safeguard Your Digital...

In today’s time, where businesses heavily depend on technology for their daily operations, the danger of cyberattacks is a big concern. Companies need to have a solid plan in place to manage the risks associated with cybersecurity. This means taking the necessary steps to protect sensitive data and systems from bad guys who want to cause harm. In this article, we’ll explain why cybersecurity risk management is so important and share some practical strategies to help you keep your digital assets safe. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can protect your business from cyber threats!

The security risk management guide
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This document discusses monitoring of cyber risk management. It identifies four key functional areas needed for transformation: 1) alignment of the whole organization around top cyber risks, 2) use of data to support business event detection, 3) transformation from indicator-driven to pattern-detection analytics, and 4) evolution of the talent model from reactive to proactive action. It then addresses common pitfalls in cyber risk management, such as delegating it solely to IT or treating it only as a compliance issue. Finally, it advocates a more proactive, collaborative approach treating cyber risk as a broader risk management issue addressed through an adaptive, holistic governance model.


A survey of nearly 100 companies found that most had nascent or developing cyber risk management capabilities, with 45% at the nascent level and 34% at the developing level. A robust level of maturity requires both qualitative and quantitative risk evaluation and defined security governance with clear accountability. Most technology executives say that cyber threats are increasing faster than their ability to defend against them and struggle to manage security capabilities holistically. As cyber security becomes more embedded into business functions, controls can be tighter with less friction while protecting high value assets.

The Significance of IT Security Management & Risk Assessment
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The Significance of IT Security Management & Risk Assessment

The Significance of IT Security Management & Risk Assessment An overview of IT Security Management, which is comprised of standards, policies, plans, and procedures as well as risk assessment and the various techniques and approaches to minimize an organization’s financial impact due to the exploitation of numerous organizational assets.

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Connection's Security Practice offers solutions and services to counteract increased cybersecurity risks. They take a comprehensive approach focusing on protection, detection and reaction. Their experts assess vulnerabilities, develop prioritized remediation plans, and implement the right security solutions. They also provide managed security services for ongoing monitoring and risk management.


Connection's Security Practice offers solutions and services to help organizations address increasing cybersecurity threats and risks. They take a comprehensive approach focusing on protecting systems, detecting security issues, and reacting quickly to potential breaches. Their services include security assessments, risk analysis, implementation of security solutions, and ongoing managed security services to help organizations manage threats continuously. They take a unified approach considering people, processes, technology, and the overall security lifecycle to help organizations define and manage security risks.

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The CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) certification is the industry standard for demonstrating that cybersecurity professionals can analyze data and interpret the results to detect vulnerabilities, threats, and risks to an organization.

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The security risk management guide
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The report recommends that security teams shift their focus from technical assets to protecting critical business processes. It also suggests instituting methods for describing cybersecurity risks to businesses in financial terms and establishing automated, business-centric risk assessment processes. Additionally, the report advises developing the capability to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of security controls through evidence-based methods and informed data collection.

by EMC
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The Certified Cybersecurity Compliance Professional (CCCP) is a gold-standard certification from the Global Academy of Finance and Management ®. Earning this credential demonstrates that you have skills and experience in implementing cybersecurity systems, ensuring compliance with the cybersecurity policies, guidelines, procedures, and the organization’s cybersecurity regulatory requirements. To purchase, visit:

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Facilitated Risk Analysis Process - Tareq Hanaysha
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Facilitated Risk Analysis Process - Tareq Hanaysha

One of the most popular methods to perform a risk analysis is called Facilitated Risk Analysis Process (FRAP),FRAP will allow any organization to implement risk management techniques in a highly cost-effective way,develop an efficient and disciplined process to ensure that information-related risks to business operations are considered and documented.

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The document discusses how ISO 9000 standards for quality management systems relate to service quality and ergonomics. While ISO 9000 focuses on technical specifications, total quality management (TQM) emphasizes additional human factors like teamwork and customer satisfaction. The article questions whether ergonomic workplace aspects and customer satisfaction are sufficiently addressed in ISO 9000, suggesting a need for a more human-centered approach.


The philosophy of Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) drives a risk-based approach to managing any security risks, physical or logical and holistically applies to every security process. There are globally established risk principles that are common among any developed risk management standard. This model associates the relationship of risk principles to the practice of managing security risks. The ESRM processes, when successfully and consistently adapted to a security program, will define what a progressive security program looks like, drive strategic through initiatives, build the business understanding of security’s role to develop a budgeting strategy, and initiate board-level, risk-based reporting. The management security leader's role in ESRM is to manage risks and unthinkable harm to enterprise assets and stockholder in partnership with the business leaders whose assets are exposed to those risks management. ESRM is part of educating business leaders on the realistic of impacts. These identified risks, presenting any potential strategies to mitigate those impacts, and enacting the option chosen by the business in line with acceptable levels of business risk tolerance. The present data should be used to showcase how our service helps identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks at face value that would be detrimental to a company’s long-term prosperity. We need to show how using our security risk management will ultimately benefit the company's work by improving policies and procedures and reducing other expenses through the use of risk principles management.

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The philosophy of Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) drives a risk-based approach to managing any security risks, physical or logical and holistically applies to every security process. There are globally established risk principles that are common among any developed risk management standard. This model associates the relationship of risk principles to the practice of managing security risks. The ESRM processes, when successfully and consistently adapted to a security program, will define what a progressive security program looks like, drive strategic through initiatives, build the business understanding of security’s role to develop a budgeting strategy, and initiate board-level, risk-based reporting. The management security leader's role in ESRM is to manage risks and unthinkable harm to enterprise assets and stockholder in partnership with the business leaders whose assets are exposed to those risks management. ESRM is part of educating business leaders on the realistic of impacts. These identified risks, presenting any potential strategies to mitigate those impacts, and enacting the option chosen by the business in line with acceptable levels of business risk tolerance. The present data should be used to showcase how our service helps identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks at face value that would be detrimental to a company’s long-term prosperity. We need to show how using our security risk management will ultimately benefit the company's work by improving policies and procedures and reducing other expenses through the use of risk principles management.

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The security risk management guide
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This document provides an overview and introduction to Microsoft's Security Risk Management Guide. It discusses the challenges of managing security risks in today's environment and introduces a four-phase security risk management process developed by Microsoft. The process uses both qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methods to identify, analyze, and prioritize security risks. It then provides frameworks for making risk management decisions and measuring the effectiveness of security controls. The guide is intended to help organizations of all sizes establish a formal security risk management program to proactively manage risks in a cost-effective manner.

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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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The security risk management guide

  • 1. Microsoft Solutions for Security and Compliance and Microsoft Security Center of Excellence The Security Risk Management Guide
  • 3. © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
  • 4. ii Table of Contents Contents
  • 5. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide Executive Summary The Environmental Challenges Most organizations recognize the critical role that information technology (IT) plays in supporting their business objectives. But today's highly connected IT infrastructures exist in an environment that is increasingly hostile—attacks are being mounted with increasing frequency and are demanding ever shorter reaction times. Often, organizations are unable to react to new security threats before their business is impacted. Managing the security of their infrastructures—and the business value that those infrastructures deliver —has become a primary concern for IT departments. Furthermore, new legislation that stems from privacy concerns, financial obligations, and corporate governance is forcing organizations to manage their IT infrastructures more closely and effectively than in the past. Many government agencies and organizations that do business with those agencies are mandated by law to maintain a minimum level of security oversight. Failure to proactively manage security may put executives and whole organizations at risk due to breaches in fiduciary and legal responsibilities. A Better Way The Microsoft approach to security risk management provides a proactive approach that can assist organizations of all sizes with their response to the requirements presented by these environmental and legal challenges. A formal security risk management process enables enterprises to operate in the most cost efficient manner with a known and acceptable level of business risk. It also gives organizations a consistent, clear path to organize and prioritize limited resources in order to manage risk. You will realize the benefits of using security risk management when you implement cost-effective controls that lower risk to an acceptable level. The definition of acceptable risk, and the approach to manage risk, varies for every organization. There is no right or wrong answer; there are many risk management models in use today. Each model has tradeoffs that balance accuracy, resources, time, complexity, and subjectivity. Investing in a risk management process—with a solid framework and clearly defined roles and responsibilities—prepares the organization to articulate priorities, plan to mitigate threats, and address the next threat or vulnerability to the business. Additionally, an effective risk management program will help the company to make significant progress toward meeting new legislative requirements. Microsoft Role in Security Risk Management This is the first prescriptive guide that Microsoft has published that focuses entirely on security risk management. Based on both Microsoft experiences and those of its
  • 6. 2 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide customers, this guidance was tested and reviewed by customers, partners, and technical reviewers during development. The goal of this effort is to deliver clear, actionable guidance on how to implement a security risk management process that delivers a number of benefits, including: • Moving customers to a proactive security posture and freeing them from a reactive, frustrating process. • Making security measurable by showing the value of security projects. • Helping customers to efficiently mitigate the largest risks in their environments rather than applying scarce resources to all possible risks. Guide Overview This guide uses industry standards to deliver a hybrid of established risk management models in an iterative four-phase process that seeks to balance cost and effectiveness. During a risk assessment process, qualitative steps identify the most important risks quickly. A quantitative process based on carefully defined roles and responsibilities follows next. This approach is very detailed and leads to a thorough understanding of the most important risks. Together, the qualitative and quantitative steps in the risk assessment process provide the basis on which you can make solid decisions about risk and mitigation, following an intelligent business process. Note Do not worry if some of the concepts that this executive summary discusses are new to you; subsequent chapters explain them in detail. For example, Chapter 2, "Survey of Security Risk Management Practices," examines the differences between qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment. The Microsoft security risk management process enables organizations to implement and maintain processes to identify and prioritize risks in their IT environments. Moving customers from a reactive focus to a proactive focus fundamentally improves security within their environments. In turn, improved security facilitates increased availability of IT infrastructures and improved business value. The Microsoft security risk management process offers a combination of various approaches including pure quantitative analysis, return on security investment (ROSI) analysis, qualitative analysis, and best practice approaches. It is important to note that this guide addresses a process and has no specific technology requirements. Critical Success Factors There are many keys to successful implementation of a security risk management program throughout an organization. Several of those are particularly critical and will be presented here; others are discussed in the "Keys to Success" section that appears later in this chapter. First, security risk management will fail without executive support and commitment. When security risk management is led from the top, organizations can articulate security in terms of value to the business. Next, a clear definition of roles and responsibilities is fundamental to success. Business owners are responsible for identifying the impact of a risk. They are also in the best position to articulate the business value of assets that are necessary to operate their functions. The Information Security Group owns identifying the probability that the risk will occur by taking current and proposed controls into account. The Information Technology group is responsible for implementing controls that the Security Steering Committee has selected when the probability of an exploit presents an unacceptable risk.
  • 7. The Security Risk Management Guide 3 Next Steps Investing in a security risk management program—with a solid, achievable process and defined roles and responsibilities—prepares an organization to articulate priorities, plan to mitigate threats, and address critical business threats and vulnerabilities. Use this guide to evaluate your preparedness and to guide your security risk management capabilities. If you require or would like greater assistance, contact a Microsoft account team or Microsoft Services partner. Who Should Read This Guide This guide is primarily intended for consultants, security specialists, systems architects, and IT professionals who are responsible for planning application or infrastructure development and deployment across multiple projects. These roles include the following common job descriptions: • Architects and planners who are responsible for driving the architecture efforts for their organizations • Members of the information security team who are focused purely on providing security across platforms within an organization • Security and IT auditors who are accountable for ensuring that organizations have taken suitable precautions to protect their significant business assets • Senior executives, business analysts, and Business Decision Makers (BDMs) who have critical business objectives and requirements that need IT support • Consultants and partners who need knowledge transfer tools for enterprise customers and partners Scope of the Guide This guide is focused on how to plan, establish, and maintain a successful security risk management process in organizations of all sizes and types. The material explains how to conduct each phase of a risk management project and how to turn the project into an ongoing process that drives the organization toward the most useful and cost effective controls to mitigate security risks. Content Overview The Security Risk Management Guide comprises six chapters, described below briefly. Each chapter builds on the end-to-end practice required to effectively initiate and operate an ongoing security risk management process in your organization. Following the chapters are several appendices and tools to help organize your security risk management projects. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide This chapter introduces the guide and provides a brief overview of each chapter.
  • 8. 4 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices It is important to lay a foundation for the Microsoft security risk management process by reviewing the different ways that organizations have approached security risk management in the past. Readers who are already well versed in security risk management may want to skim through the chapter quickly; others who are relatively new to security or risk management are encouraged to read it thoroughly. The chapter starts with a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the proactive and reactive approaches to risk management. It then revisits in detail the concept that Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide," introduces of organizational risk management maturity. Finally, the chapter assesses and compares qualitative risk management and quantitative risk management, the two traditional methods. The process is presented as an alternative method, one that provides a balance between these methodologies, resulting in a process that has proven to be effective within Microsoft. Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview This chapter provides a more detailed look at the Microsoft security risk management process and introduces some of the important concepts and keys to success. It also provides advice on how to prepare for the process by using effective planning and building a strong Security Risk Management Team with well defined roles and responsibilities. Chapter 4: Assessing Risk This chapter explains the Assessing Risk phase of the Microsoft security risk management process in detail. Steps in this phase include planning, facilitated data gathering, and risk prioritization. The risk assessment process consists of multiple tasks, some of which can be quite demanding for a large organization. For example, identifying and determining values of business assets may take a lot of time. Other tasks such as identifying threats and vulnerabilities require a lot of technical expertise. The challenges related to these tasks illustrate the importance of proper planning and building a solid Security Risk Management Team, as Chapter 3, "Security Risk Management Overview," emphasizes. In the summary risk prioritization, the Security Risk Management Team uses a qualitative approach to triage the full list of security risks so that it can quickly identify the most significant ones for further analysis. The top risks are then subjected to a detailed analysis using quantitative techniques. This results in a short list of the most significant risks with detailed metrics that the team can use to make sensible decisions during the next phase of the process. Chapter 5: Conducting Decision Support During the Conducting Decision Support phase of the process, the Security Risk Management Team determines how to address the key risks in the most effective and cost efficient manner. The team identifies controls; determines costs associated with acquiring, implementing, and supporting each control; assesses the degree of risk reduction that each control achieves; and, finally, works with the Security Steering Committee to determine which controls to implement. The end result is a clear and actionable plan to control or accept each of the top risks identified in the Assessing Risk phase.
  • 9. The Security Risk Management Guide 5 Chapter 6: Implementing Controls and Measuring Program Effectiveness This chapter covers the last two phases of the Microsoft security risk management process: Implementing Controls and Measuring Program Effectiveness. The Implementing Controls phase is self-explanatory: The mitigation owners create and execute plans based on the list of control solutions that emerged during the decision support process to mitigate the risks identified in the Assessing Risk phase. The chapter provides links to prescriptive guidance that your organization's mitigation owners may find helpful for addressing a variety of risks. The Measuring Program Effectiveness phase is an ongoing one in which the Security Risk Management team periodically verifies that the controls implemented during the preceding phase are actually providing the expected degree of protection. Another step of this phase is estimating the overall progress that the organization is making with regard to security risk management as a whole. The chapter introduces the concept of a "Security Risk Scorecard" that you can use to track how your organization is performing. Finally, the chapter explains the importance of watching for changes in the computing environment such as the addition or removal of systems and applications or the appearance of new threats and vulnerabilities. These types of changes may require prompt action by the organization to protect itself from new or changing risks. Appendix A: Ad-Hoc Risk Assessments This appendix contrasts the formal enterprise risk assessment process with the ad-hoc approach that many organizations take. It highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each method and suggests when it makes the most sense to use one or the other. Appendix B: Common Information System Assets This appendix lists information system assets commonly found in organizations of various types. It is not intended to be comprehensive, and it is unlikely that this list will represent all of the assets present in your organization's unique environment. Therefore, it is important that you customize the list during the risk assessment process. It is provided as a reference list and a starting point to help your organization get started. Appendix C: Common Threats This appendix lists threats likely to affect a wide variety of organizations. The list is not comprehensive, and, because it is static, will not remain current. Therefore, it is important that you remove threats that are not relevant to your organization and add newly identified ones to it during the assessment phase of your project. It is provided as a reference list and a starting point to help your organization get started. Appendix D: Vulnerabilities This appendix lists vulnerabilities likely to affect a wide variety of organizations. The list is not comprehensive, and, because it is static, will not remain current. Therefore, it is important that you remove vulnerabilities that are not relevant to your organization and add newly identified ones to it during the risk assessment process. It is provided as a reference list and a starting point to help your organization get started.
  • 10. 6 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide Tools and Templates A collection of tools and templates are included with this guide to make it easier for your organization to implement the Microsoft security risk management process. These tools and templates are included in a Windows Installer file called Security Risk Management Guide Tools and Templates.msi, which is available on the Download Center. When you run the Security Risk Management Guide Tools and Templates.msi file, the following folder will be created in the default location: • %USERPROFILE%My DocumentsSecurity Risk Management Guide Tools and Templates. This folder contains the following Tools and Templates: • Data Gathering Template (SRMGTool1-Data Gathering Tool.doc). You can use this template in the Assessing Risk phase during the workshops that Chapter 4, "Assessing Risk," describes. • Summary Level Risk Analysis Worksheet (SRMGTool2-Summary Risk Level.xls). This Microsoft® Excel® worksheet will help your organization to conduct the first pass of risk analysis: the summary level analysis. • Detail Level Risk Analysis Worksheet (SRMGTool3-Detailed Level Risk Prioritization.xls). This Excel worksheet will help your organization to conduct a more exhaustive analysis of the top risks identified during the summary level analysis. • Sample Schedule (SRMGTool4-Sample Project Schedule.xls). This Excel worksheet shows a high-level project schedule for the Microsoft security risk management process. It includes the phases, steps, and tasks discussed throughout the guide. Keys to Success Whenever an organization undertakes a major new initiative, various foundational elements must be in place if the effort is to be successful. Microsoft has identified components that must be in place prior to the implementation of a successful security risk management process and that must remain in place once it is underway. They are: • Executive sponsorship. • A well-defined list of risk management stakeholders. • Organizational maturity in terms of risk management. • An atmosphere of open communication. • A spirit of teamwork. • A holistic view of the organization. • Authority throughout the process. The following sections discuss these elements that are required throughout the entire security risk management process; additional ones relevant only to specific phases are highlighted in the chapters that discuss those phases. Executive Sponsorship Senior management must unambiguously and enthusiastically support the security risk management process. Without this sponsorship, stakeholders may resist or undermine efforts to use risk management to make the organization more secure. Additionally, without clear executive sponsorship, individual employees may disregard directives for
  • 11. The Security Risk Management Guide 7 how to perform their jobs or help to protect organizational assets. There are many possible reasons why employees may fail to cooperate. Among them is a generalized resistance to change; a lack of appreciation for the importance of effective security risk management; an inaccurate belief that they as individuals have a solid understanding of how to protect business assets even though their point of view may not be as broad and deep as that of the Security Risk Management Team; or the belief that their part of the organization would never be targeted by potential attackers. Sponsorship implies the following: • Delegation of authority and responsibility for a clearly articulated project scope to the Security Risk Management Team • Support for participation by all staff as needed • Allocation of sufficient resources such as personnel and financial resources • Unambiguous and energetic support of the security risk management process • Participation in the review of the findings and recommendations of the security risk management process A Well-Defined List of Risk Management Stakeholders This guide frequently discusses stakeholders, which in this context means members of the organization with a vested interest in the results of the security risk management process. The Security Risk Management Team needs to understand who all of the stakeholders are—this includes the core team itself as well as the executive sponsor(s). It will also include the people who own the business assets that are to be evaluated. The IT personnel responsible and accountable for designing, deploying, and managing the business assets are also key stakeholders. The stakeholders must be identified so that they can then join the security risk management process. The Security Risk Management Team must invest time in helping these people to understand the process and how it can help them to protect their assets and save money in the long term. Organizational Maturity in Terms of Risk Management If an organization currently has no security risk management process in place, the Microsoft security risk management process may involve too much change in order to implement it in its entirety, all at once. Even if an organization has some informal processes, such as ad-hoc efforts that are launched in response to specific security issues, the process may seem overwhelming. However, it can be effective in organizations with more maturity in terms of risk management; maturity is evidenced by such things as well defined security processes and a solid understanding and acceptance of security risk management at many levels of the organization. Chapter 3, "Security Risk Management Overview," discusses the concept of security risk management maturity and how to calculate your organization's maturity level. An Atmosphere of Open Communication Many organizations and projects operate purely on a need-to-know basis, which frequently leads to misunderstandings and impairs the ability of a team to deliver a successful solution. The Microsoft security risk management process requires an open
  • 12. 8 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide and honest approach to communications, both within the team and with key stakeholders. A free-flow of information not only reduces the risk of misunderstandings and wasted effort but also ensures that all team members can contribute to reducing uncertainties surrounding the project. Open, honest discussion about what risks have been identified and what controls might effectively mitigate those risks is critical to the success of the process. A Spirit of Teamwork The strength and vitality of the relationships among all of the people working on the Microsoft security risk management process will greatly affect the effort. Regardless of the support from senior management, the relationships that are developed among security staff and management and the rest of the organization are critical to the overall success of the process. It is extremely important that the Security Risk Management Team fosters a spirit of teamwork with each of the representatives from the various business units with which they work throughout the project. The team can facilitate this by effectively demonstrating the business value of security risk management to individual managers from those business units and by showing staff members how in the long run the project might make it easier for them do to their jobs effectively. A Holistic View of the Organization All participants involved in the Microsoft security risk management process, particularly the Security Risk Management Team, need to consider the entire organization during their work. What is best for one particular employee is frequently not what is best for the organization as a whole. Likewise, what is most beneficial to one business unit may not be in the best interest of the organization. Staff and managers from a particular business unit will instinctively seek to drive the process toward outcomes that will benefit them and their parts of the organization. Authority Throughout the Process Participants in the Microsoft security risk management process accept responsibility for identifying and controlling the most significant security risks to the organization. In order to effectively mitigate those risks by implementing sensible controls, they will also require sufficient authority to make the appropriate changes. Team members must be empowered to meet the commitments assigned to them. Empowerment requires that team members are given the resources necessary to perform their work, are responsible for the decisions that affect their work, and understand the limits to their authority and the escalation paths available to handle issues that transcend these limits. Terms and Definitions Terminology related to security risk management can sometimes be difficult to understand. At other times, an easily recognized term may be interpreted differently by different people. For these reasons it is important that you understand the definitions that the authors of this guide used for important terms that appear throughout it. Many of the definitions provided below originated in documents published by two other organizations: the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Web addresses for those organizations are provided in the "More Information" section later in this chapter. The following list provides a consolidated view of the key components of security risk management:
  • 13. The Security Risk Management Guide 9 • Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE). The total amount of money that an organization will lose in one year if nothing is done to mitigate a risk. • Annual Rate of Occurrence (ARO). The number of times that a risk is expected to occur during one year. • Asset. Anything of value to an organization, such as hardware and software components, data, people, and documentation. • Availability. The property of a system or a system resource that ensures that it is accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized system user. Availability is one of the core characteristics of a secure system. • CIA. See Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. • Confidentiality. The property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes (ISO 7498-2). • Control. An organizational, procedural, or technological means of managing risk; a synonym for safeguard or countermeasure. • Cost-benefit analysis. An estimate and comparison of the relative value and cost associated with each proposed control so that the most effective are implemented. • Decision support. Prioritization of risk based on a cost-benefit analysis. The cost for the security solution to mitigate a risk is weighed against the business benefit of mitigating the risk. • Defense-in-depth. The approach of using multiple layers of security to guard against failure of a single security component. • Exploit. A means of using a vulnerability in order to cause a compromise of business activities or information security. • Exposure. A threat action whereby sensitive data is directly released to an unauthorized entity (RFC 2828). The Microsoft security risk management process narrows this definition to focus on the extent of damage to a business asset. • Impact. The overall business loss expected when a threat exploits a vulnerability against an asset. • Integrity. The property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner (ISO 7498-2). • Mitigation. Addressing a risk by taking actions designed to counter the underlying threat. • Mitigation solution. The implementation of a control, which is the organizational, procedural, or technological control put into place to manage a security risk. • Probability. The likelihood that an event will occur. • Qualitative risk management. An approach to risk management in which the participants assign relative values to the assets, risks, controls, and impacts. • Quantitative risk management. An approach to risk management in which participants attempt to assign objective numeric values (for example, monetary values) to the assets, risks, controls, and impacts. • Reputation. The opinion that people hold about an organization; most organizations' reputations have real value even though they are intangible and difficult to calculate. • Return On Security Investment (ROSI). The total amount of money that an organization is expected to save in a year by implementing a security control. • Risk. The combination of the probability of an event and its consequence. (ISO Guide 73).
  • 14. 10 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide • Risk assessment. The process by which risks are identified and the impact of those risks determined. • Risk management. The process of determining an acceptable level of risk, assessing the current level of risk, taking steps to reduce risk to the acceptable level, and maintaining that level of risk. • Single Loss Expectancy (SLE). The total amount of revenue that is lost from a single occurrence of a risk. • Threat. A potential cause of an unwanted impact to a system or organization. (ISO 13335-1). • Vulnerability. Any weakness, administrative process, or act or physical exposure that makes an information asset susceptible to exploit by a threat. Style Conventions This guide uses the following style conventions and terminology. Element Meaning Note Alerts the reader to supplementary information. Woodgrove example Alerts the reader that the content is related to the fictitious example company, "Woodgrove Bank." Getting Support for This Guide This guide seeks to clearly describe a process that organizations can follow to implement and maintain a security risk management program. If you need assistance in implementing a risk management program, you should contact your Microsoft account team. There is no phone support available for this document. Feedback or questions on this guide may be addressed to More Information The following information sources were the latest available on topics closely related to security risk management at the time that this guide was published. The Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) provides guidance that enables organizations to achieve mission-critical system reliability, availability, supportability, and manageability of Microsoft products and technologies. MOF provides operational guidance in the form of white papers, operations guides, assessment tools, best practices, case studies, templates, support tools, and services. This guidance addresses the people, process, technology, and management issues pertaining to complex, distributed, and heterogeneous IT environments. More information about MOF is available at The Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) may help you successfully execute the action plans created as part of the Microsoft security risk management process. Designed to help organizations deliver high quality technology solutions on time and on budget, MSF is a deliberate and disciplined approach to technology projects and is based on a defined set of principles, models, disciplines, concepts, guidelines, and proven practices from Microsoft. For more information on MSF, see
  • 15. The Security Risk Management Guide 11 The Microsoft Security Center is an exhaustive and well-organized collection of documentation addressing a wide range of security topics. The Security Center is available at The Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Solution for Security is a prescriptive solution aimed at helping to reduce security vulnerabilities and lowering the costs of exposure and security management in Microsoft Windows® 2000 environments. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Solution for Security guide comprise the first security risk management guidance that Microsoft published, which was referred to as the Security Risk Management Discipline (SRMD). The guide you are reading serves as a replacement for the security risk management content in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Solution for Security guide. The Microsoft Solution for Securing Windows 2000 Server guide is available at The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) offers an excellent guide on risk management. The Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems (July 2002) is available at NIST also offers a guide on performing a security assessment of your own organization. The Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems (November 2001) is available at The ISO offers a high-level code of practice known as the Information technology—Code of practice for information security management, or ISO 17799. It is available for a fee at CSNUMBER=33441&ICS1=35&ICS2=40&ICS3=. The ISO has published a variety of other standards documents, some of which are referred to within this guide. They are available for a fee at The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), located in the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie-Mellon University, has created OCTAVE® (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability EvaluationSM), a self-directed risk assessment and planning technique. More information about OCTAVE is available online at octave. Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) offers generally applicable and accepted standards for good IT security and control practices that provide a reference framework for management, users, and IS audit, control, and security practitioners. COBIT is available online for a fee from the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) at The IETF has published Request for Comments (RFC) 2828, which is a publicly available memo called the Internet Security Glossary which provides standard definitions for a large number of information system security terms. It is available at
  • 16. Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices This chapter starts with a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the proactive and reactive approaches to security risk management. The chapter then assesses and compares qualitative security risk management and quantitative security risk management, the two traditional methods. The Microsoft security risk management process is presented as an alternative method, one that provides a balance between these methodologies, resulting in a process that has proven to be extremely effective within Microsoft. Note It is important to lay a foundation for the Microsoft security risk management process by reviewing the different ways that organizations have approached security risk management in the past. Readers who are already well versed in security risk management may want to skim through the chapter quickly; others who are relatively new to security or risk management are encouraged to read it thoroughly. Comparing Approaches to Risk Management Many organizations are introduced to security risk management by the necessity of responding to a relatively small security incident. A staff member's computer becomes infected with a virus, for example, and an office-manager-turned-in-house-PC-expert must figure out how to eradicate the virus without destroying the computer or the data that it held. Whatever the initial incident, as more and more issues relating to security arise and begin to impact the business, many organizations get frustrated with responding to one crisis after another. They want an alternative to this reactive approach, one that seeks to reduce the probability that security incidents will occur in the first place. Organizations that effectively manage risk evolve toward a more proactive approach, but as you will learn in this chapter, it is only part of the solution. The Reactive Approach Today, many information technology (IT) professionals feel tremendous pressure to complete their tasks quickly with as little inconvenience to users as possible. When a security event occurs, many IT professionals feel like the only things they have time to do are to contain the situation, figure out what happened, and fix the affected systems as quickly as possible. Some may try to identify the root cause, but even that might seem like a luxury for those under extreme resource constraints. While a reactive approach can be an effective tactical response to security risks that have been exploited and turned into security incidents, imposing a small degree of rigor to the reactive approach can help organizations of all types to better use their resources. Recent security incidents may help an organization to predict and prepare for future problems. This means that an organization that takes time to respond to security incidents in a calm and rational manner while determining the underlying reasons that allowed the incident to transpire will be better able to both protect itself from similar problems in the future and respond more quickly to other issues that may arise.
  • 17. The Security Risk Management Guide 13 A deep examination into incident response is beyond the scope of this guide, but following six steps when you respond to security incidents can help you manage them quickly and efficiently: 1. Protect human life and people's safety. This should always be your first priority. For example, if affected computers include life support systems, shutting them off may not be an option; perhaps you could logically isolate the systems on the network by reconfiguring routers and switches without disrupting their ability to help patients. 2. Contain the damage. Containing the harm that the attack caused helps to limit additional damage. Protect important data, software, and hardware quickly. Minimizing disruption of computing resources is an important consideration, but keeping systems up during an attack may result in greater and more widespread problems in the long run. For example, if you contract a worm in your environment, you could try to limit the damage by disconnecting servers from the network. However, sometimes disconnecting servers can cause more harm than good. Use your best judgment and your knowledge of your own network and systems to make this determination. If you determine that there will be no adverse effects, or that they would be outweighed by the positive benefits of activity, containment should begin as quickly as possible during a security incident by disconnecting from the network the systems known to be affected. If you cannot contain the damage by isolating the servers, ensure that you actively monitor the attacker’s actions in order to be able to remedy the damage as soon as possible. And in any event, ensure that all log files are saved before shutting off any server, in order to preserve the information contained in those files as evidence if you (or your lawyers) need it later. 3. Assess the damage. Immediately make a duplicate of the hard disks in any servers that were attacked and put those aside for forensic use later. Then assess the damage. You should begin to determine the extent of the damage that the attack caused as soon as possible, right after you contain the situation and duplicate the hard disks. This is important so that you can restore the organization's operations as soon as possible while preserving a copy of the hard disks for investigative purposes. If it is not possible to assess the damage in a timely manner, you should implement a contingency plan so that normal business operations and productivity can continue. It is at this point that organizations may want to engage law enforcement regarding the incident; however, you should establish and maintain working relationships with law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over your organization's business before an incident occurs so that when a serious problem arises you know whom to contact and how to work with them. You should also advise your company’s legal department immediately, so that they can determine whether a civil lawsuit can be brought against anyone as a result of the damage. 4. Determine the cause of the damage. In order to ascertain the origin of the assault, it is necessary to understand the resources at which the attack was aimed and what vulnerabilities were exploited to gain access or disrupt services. Review the system configuration, patch level, system logs, audit logs, and audit trails on both the systems that were directly affected as well as network devices that route traffic to them. These reviews often help you to discover where the attack originated in the system and what other resources were affected. You should conduct this activity on the computer systems in place and not on the backed up drives created in step 3. Those drives must be preserved intact for forensic purposes so that law enforcement or your lawyers can use them to trace the perpetrators of the attack and bring them to justice. If you need to create a backup for testing purposes to determine the cause of the damage, create a second backup from your original system and leave the drives created in step 3 unused. 5. Repair the damage. In most cases, it is very important that the damage be repaired as quickly as possible to restore normal business operations and recover data lost during the attack. The organization's business continuity plans and procedures should cover the restoration strategy. The incident response team should also be available to handle the restore and recovery process or to provide guidance on the
  • 18. 14 Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices process to the responsible team. During recovery, contingency procedures are executed to limit the spread of the damage and isolate it. Before returning repaired systems to service be careful that they are not reinfected immediately by ensuring that you have mitigated whatever vulnerabilities were exploited during the incident. 6. Review response and update policies. After the documentation and recovery phases are complete, you should review the process thoroughly. Determine with your team the steps that were executed successfully and what mistakes were made. In almost all cases, you will find that your processes need to be modified to allow you to handle incidents better in the future. You will inevitably find weaknesses in your incident response plan. This is the point of this after-the-fact exercise—you are looking for opportunities for improvement. Any flaws should prompt another round of the incident-response planning process so that you can handle future incidents more smoothly. This methodology is illustrated in the following diagram: Figure 2.1: Incident Response Process The Proactive Approach Proactive security risk management has many advantages over a reactive approach. Instead of waiting for bad things to happen and then responding to them afterwards, you minimize the possibility of the bad things ever occurring in the first place. You make plans to protect your organization's important assets by implementing controls that reduce the risk of vulnerabilities being exploited by malicious software, attackers, or accidental misuse. An analogy may help to illustrate this idea. Influenza is a deadly respiratory disease that infects millions of people in the United States alone each year. Of those,
  • 19. The Security Risk Management Guide 15 over 100,000 must be treated in hospitals, and about 36,000 die. You could choose to deal with the threat of the disease by waiting to see if you get infected and then taking medicine to treat the symptoms if you do become ill. Alternatively, you could choose to get vaccinated before the influenza season begins. Organizations should not, of course, completely forsake incident response. An effective proactive approach can help organizations to significantly reduce the number of security incidents that arise in the future, but it is not likely that such problems will completely disappear. Therefore, organizations should continue to improve their incident response processes while simultaneously developing long-term proactive approaches. Later sections in this chapter, and the remaining chapters of this guide, will examine proactive security risk management in detail. Each of the security risk management methodologies shares some common high-level procedures: 1. Identify business assets. 2. Determine what damage an attack against an asset could cause to the organization. 3. Identify the security vulnerabilities that the attack could exploit. 4. Determine how to minimize the risk of attack by implementing appropriate controls. Approaches to Risk Prioritization The terms risk management and risk assessment are used frequently throughout this guide, and, although related, they are not interchangeable. The Microsoft security risk management process defines risk management as the overall effort to manage risk to an acceptable level across the business. Risk assessment is defined as the process to identify and prioritize risks to the business. There are many different methodologies for prioritizing or assessing risks, but most are based on one of two approaches or a combination of the two: quantitative risk management or qualitative risk management. Refer to the list of resources in the "More Information" section at the end of Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide," for links to some other risk assessment methodologies. The next few sections of this chapter are a summary and comparison of quantitative risk assessment and qualitative risk assessment, followed by a brief description of the Microsoft security risk management process so that you can see how it combines aspects of both approaches. Quantitative Risk Assessment In quantitative risk assessments, the goal is to try to calculate objective numeric values for each of the components gathered during the risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis. For example, you estimate the true value of each business asset in terms of what it would cost to replace it, what it would cost in terms of lost productivity, what it would cost in terms of brand reputation, and other direct and indirect business values. You endeavor to use the same objectivity when computing asset exposure, cost of controls, and all of the other values that you identify during the risk management process. Note This section is intended to show at a high level some of the steps involved in quantitative risk assessments; it is not a prescriptive guide for using that approach in security risk management projects. There are some significant weaknesses inherent in this approach that are not easily overcome. First, there is no formal and rigorous way to effectively calculate values for assets and controls. In other words, while it may appear to give you more detail, the financial values actually obscure the fact that the numbers are based on estimates. How
  • 20. 16 Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices can you precisely and accurately calculate the impact that a highly public security incident might have on your brand? If it is available you can examine historical data, but quite often it is not. Second, organizations that have tried to meticulously apply all aspects of quantitative risk management have found the process to be extremely costly. Such projects usually take a very long time to complete their first full cycle, and they usually involve a lot of staff members arguing over the details of how specific fiscal values were calculated. Third, for organizations with high value assets, the cost of exposure may be so high that you would spend an exceedingly large amount of money to mitigate any risks to which you were exposed. This is not realistic, though; an organization would not spend its entire budget to protect a single asset, or even its top five assets. Details of the Quantitative Approach At this point, it may be helpful to gain a general understanding of both the advantages and drawbacks of quantitative risk assessments. The rest of this section looks at some of the factors and values that are typically evaluated during a quantitative risk assessment such as asset valuation; costing controls; determining Return On Security Investment (ROSI); and calculating values for Single Loss Expectancy (SLE), Annual Rate of Occurrence (ARO), and Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE). This is by no means a comprehensive examination of all aspects of quantitative risk assessment, merely a brief examination of some of the details of that approach so that you can see that the numbers that form the foundation of all the calculations are themselves subjective. Valuing Assets Determining the monetary value of an asset is an important part of security risk management. Business managers often rely on the value of an asset to guide them in determining how much money and time they should spend securing it. Many organizations maintain a list of asset values (AVs) as part of their business continuity plans. Note how the numbers calculated are actually subjective estimates, though: No objective tools or methods for determining the value of an asset exist. To assign a value to an asset, calculate the following three primary factors: • The overall value of the asset to your organization. Calculate or estimate the asset’s value in direct financial terms. Consider a simplified example of the impact of temporary disruption of an e-commerce Web site that normally runs seven days a week, 24 hours a day, generating an average of $2,000 per hour in revenue from customer orders. You can state with confidence that the annual value of the Web site in terms of sales revenue is $17,520,000. • The immediate financial impact of losing the asset. If you deliberately simplify the example and assume that the Web site generates a constant rate per hour, and the same Web site becomes unavailable for six hours, the calculated exposure is . 000685 or .0685 percent per year. By multiplying this exposure percentage by the annual value of the asset, you can predict that the directly attributable losses in this case would be approximately $12,000. In reality, most e-commerce Web sites generate revenue at a wide range of rates depending upon the time of day, the day of the week, the season, marketing campaigns, and other factors. Additionally, some customers may find an alternative Web site that they prefer to the original, so the Web site may have some permanent loss of users. Calculating the revenue loss is actually quite complex if you want to be precise and consider all potential types of loss. • The indirect business impact of losing the asset. In this example, the company estimates that it would spend $10,000 on advertising to counteract the negative publicity from such an incident. Additionally, the company also estimates a loss of .01 or 1 percent of annual sales, or $175,200. By combining the extra advertising
  • 21. The Security Risk Management Guide 17 expenses and the loss in annual sales revenue, you can predict a total of $185,200 in indirect losses in this case. Determining the SLE The SLE is the total amount of revenue that is lost from a single occurrence of the risk. It is a monetary amount that is assigned to a single event that represents the company’s potential loss amount if a specific threat exploits a vulnerability. (The SLE is similar to the impact of a qualitative risk analysis.) Calculate the SLE by multiplying the asset value by the exposure factor (EF).The exposure factor represents the percentage of loss that a realized threat could have on a certain asset. If a Web farm has an asset value of $150,000, and a fire results in damages worth an estimated 25 percent of its value, then the SLE in this case would be $37,500. This is an oversimplified example, though; other expenses may need to be considered. Determining the ARO The ARO is the number of times that you reasonably expect the risk to occur during one year. Making these estimates is very difficult; there is very little actuarial data available. What has been gathered so far appears to be private information held by a few property insurance firms. To estimate the ARO, draw on your past experience and consult security risk management experts and security and business consultants. The ARO is similar to the probability of a qualitative risk analysis, and its range extends from 0 percent (never) to 100 percent (always). Determining the ALE The ALE is the total amount of money that your organization will lose in one year if nothing is done to mitigate the risk. Calculate this value by multiplying the SLE by the ARO. The ALE is similar to the relative rank of a qualitative risk analysis. For example, if a fire at the same company’s Web farm results in $37,500 in damages, and the probability, or ARO, of a fire taking place has an ARO value of 0.1 (indicating once in ten years), then the ALE value in this case would be $3,750 ($37,500 x 0.1 = $3,750). The ALE provides a value that your organization can work with to budget what it will cost to establish controls or safeguards to prevent this type of damage—in this case, $3,750 or less per year—and provide an adequate level of protection. It is important to quantify the real possibility of a risk and how much damage, in monetary terms, the threat may cause in order to be able to know how much can be spent to protect against the potential consequence of the threat. Determining Cost of Controls Determining the cost of controls requires accurate estimates on how much acquiring, testing, deploying, operating, and maintaining each control would cost. Such costs would include buying or developing the control solution; deploying and configuring the control solution; maintaining the control solution; communicating new policies or procedures related to the new control to users; training users and IT staff on how to use and support the control; monitoring the control; and contending with the loss of convenience or productivity that the control might impose. For example, to reduce the risk of fire damaging the Web farm, the fictional organization might consider deploying an automated fire suppression system. It would need to hire a contractor to design and install the system and would then need to monitor the system on an ongoing basis. It would also need to check the system periodically and, occasionally, recharge it with whatever chemical retardants the system uses.
  • 22. 18 Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices ROSI Estimate the cost of controls by using the following equation: (ALE before control) – (ALE after control) – (annual cost of control) = ROSI For example, the ALE of the threat of an attacker bringing down a Web server is $12,000, and after the suggested safeguard is implemented, the ALE is valued at $3,000. The annual cost of maintenance and operation of the safeguard is $650, so the ROSI is $8,350 each year as expressed in the following equation: $12,000 - $3,000 - $650 = $8,350. Results of the Quantitative Risk Analyses The input items from the quantitative risk analyses provide clearly defined goals and results. The following items generally are derived from the results of the previous steps: • Assigned monetary values for assets • A comprehensive list of significant threats • The probability of each threat occurring • The loss potential for the company on a per-threat basis over 12 months • Recommended safeguards, controls, and actions You have seen for yourself how all of these calculations are based on subjective estimates. Key numbers that provide the basis for the results are not drawn from objective equations or well-defined actuarial datasets but rather from the opinions of those performing the assessment. The AV, SLE, ARO, and cost of controls are all numbers that the participants themselves insert (after much discussion and compromise, typically). Qualitative Risk Assessment What differentiates qualitative risk assessment from quantitative risk assessment is that in the former you do not try to assign hard financial values to assets, expected losses, and cost of controls. Instead, you calculate relative values. Risk analysis is usually conducted through a combination of questionnaires and collaborative workshops involving people from a variety of groups within the organization such as information security experts; information technology managers and staff; business asset owners and users; and senior managers. If used, questionnaires are typically distributed a few days to a few weeks ahead of the first workshop. The questionnaires are designed to discover what assets and controls are already deployed, and the information gathered can be very helpful during the workshops that follow. In the workshops participants identify assets and estimate their relative values. Next they try to figure out what threats each asset may be facing, and then they try to imagine what types of vulnerabilities those threats might exploit in the future. The information security experts and the system administrators typically come up with controls to mitigate the risks for the group to consider and the approximate cost of each control. Finally, the results are presented to management for consideration during a cost-benefit analysis. As you can see, the basic process for qualitative assessments is very similar to what happens in the quantitative approach. The difference is in the details. Comparisons between the value of one asset and another are relative, and participants do not invest a lot of time trying to calculate precise financial numbers for asset valuation. The same is true for calculating the possible impact from a risk being realized and the cost of implementing controls.
  • 23. The Security Risk Management Guide 19 The benefits of a qualitative approach are that it overcomes the challenge of calculating accurate figures for asset value, cost of control, and so on, and the process is much less demanding on staff. Qualitative risk management projects can typically start to show significant results within a few weeks, whereas most organizations that choose a quantitative approach see little benefit for months, and sometimes even years, of effort. The drawback of a qualitative approach is that the resulting figures are vague; some Business Decision Makers (BDMs), especially those with finance or accounting backgrounds, may not be comfortable with the relative values determined during a qualitative risk assessment project. Comparing the Two Approaches Both qualitative and quantitative approaches to security risk management have their advantages and disadvantages. Certain situations may call for organizations to adopt the quantitative approach. Alternatively, organizations of small size or with limited resources will probably find the qualitative approach much more to their liking. The following table summarizes the benefits and drawbacks of each approach: Table 2.1: Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Risk Management Approach Quantitative Qualitative Benefits • Risks are prioritized by financial • Enables visibility and impact; assets are prioritized by understanding of risk ranking. financial values. • Easier to reach consensus. • Results facilitate management of • Not necessary to quantify risk by return on security threat frequency. investment. • Not necessary to determine • Results can be expressed in financial values of assets. management-specific terminology (for example, monetary values • Easier to involve people who and probability expressed as a are not experts on security or specific percentage). computers. • Accuracy tends to increase over time as the organization builds historic record of data while gaining experience. Drawbacks • Impact values assigned to risks • Insufficient differentiation are based on subjective opinions between important risks. of participants. • Difficult to justify investing in • Process to reach credible results control implementation and consensus is very time because there is no basis for consuming. a cost-benefit analysis. • Calculations can be complex and • Results are dependent upon time consuming. the quality of the risk management team that is • Results are presented in created. monetary terms only, and they may be difficult for non-technical people to interpret. • Process requires expertise, so participants cannot be easily coached through it.
  • 24. 20 Chapter 2: Survey of Security Risk Management Practices In years past, the quantitative approaches seemed to dominate security risk management; however, that has changed recently as more and more practitioners have admitted that strictly following quantitative risk management processes typically results in difficult, long-running projects that see few tangible benefits. As you will see in subsequent chapters, the Microsoft security risk management process combines the best of both methodologies into a unique, hybrid approach. The Microsoft Security Risk Management Process The Microsoft security risk management process is a hybrid approach that joins the best elements of the two traditional approaches. As you will see in the chapters that follow, this guide presents a unique approach to security risk management that is significantly faster than a traditional quantitative approach. Yet it still provides results that are more detailed and easily justified to executives than a typical qualitative approach. By combining the simplicity and elegance of the qualitative approach with some of the rigor of the quantitative approach, this guide offers a unique process for managing security risks that is both effective and usable. The goal of the process is for stakeholders to be able to understand every step of the assessment. This approach, significantly simpler than traditional quantitative risk management, minimizes resistance to results of the risk analysis and decision support phases, enabling consensus to be achieved more quickly and maintained throughout the process. The Microsoft security risk management process consists of four phases. The first, the Assessing Risk phase, combines aspects of both quantitative and qualitative risk assessment methodologies. A qualitative approach is used to quickly triage the entire list of security risks. The most serious risks identified during this triage are then examined in more detail using a quantitative approach. The result is a relatively short list of the most important risks that have been examined in detail. This short list is used during the next phase, Conducting Decision Support, in which potential control solutions are proposed and evaluated and the best ones are then presented to the organization's Security Steering Committee as recommendations for mitigating the top risks. During the third phase, Implementing Controls, the Mitigation Owners actually put control solutions in place. The fourth phase, Measuring Program Effectiveness, is used to verify that the controls are actually providing the expected degree of protection and to watch for changes in the environment such as new business applications or attack tools that might change the organization's risk profile. Because the Microsoft security risk management process is ongoing, the cycle restarts with each new risk assessment. The frequency with which the cycle recurs will vary from one organization to another; many find that an annual recurrence is sufficient so long as the organization is proactively monitoring for new vulnerabilities, threats, and assets.
  • 25. The Security Risk Management Guide 21 Figure 2.2: Phases of the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Figure 2.2 illustrates the four phases of the Microsoft security risk management process. The next chapter, Chapter 3, "Security Risk Management Overview," provides a comprehensive look at the process. The chapters that succeed it explain in detail the steps and tasks associated with each of the four phases.
  • 26. Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview This chapter is the first in this guide to provide a full summary of the Microsoft security risk management process. After this overview, the chapter discusses several topics that will assist readers as they implement the process. These topics help provide a solid foundation for a successful security risk management program and include: • Distinguishing risk management from risk assessment. • Communicating risk effectively. • Evaluating the maturity of your current risk management practices. • Defining roles and responsibilities. It is also important to note that risk management is only one part of a larger governance program for corporate leadership to monitor the business and make informed decisions. While governance programs vary widely, all programs require a structured security risk management component to prioritize and mitigate security risks. The Microsoft security risk management process concepts may be applied to any governance program to help define and manage risks to acceptable levels. The Four Phases of the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Chapter 2, "Survey of Risk Management Practices," introduced the Microsoft security risk management process and defined risk management as an ongoing process with four primary phases: 1. Assessing Risk. Identify and prioritize risks to the business. 2. Conducting Decision Support. Identify and evaluate control solutions based on a defined cost-benefit analysis process. 3. Implementing Controls. Deploy and operate control solutions to reduce risk to the business. 4. Measuring Program Effectiveness. Analyze the risk management process for effectiveness and verify that controls are providing the expected degree of protection. This four-part risk management cycle summarizes the Microsoft security risk management process and is also used to organize content throughout this guide. Before defining specific practices within the Microsoft security risk management process, however, it is important to understand the larger risk management process and its components. Each phase of the cycle contains multiple, detailed steps. The following list outlines each step to help you understand the importance of each one in the guide as a whole: • Assessing Risk phase • Plan data gathering. Discuss keys to success and preparation guidance.
  • 27. The Security Risk Management Guide 23 • Gather risk data. Outline the data collection process and analysis. • Prioritize risks. Outline prescriptive steps to qualify and quantify risks. • Conducting Decision Support phase • Define functional requirements. Define functional requirements to mitigate risks. • Select possible control solutions. Outline approach to identify mitigation solutions. • Review solution. Evaluate proposed controls against functional requirements. • Estimate risk reduction. Endeavor to understand reduced exposure or probability of risks. • Estimate solution cost. Evaluate direct and indirect costs associated with mitigation solutions. • Select mitigation strategy. Complete the cost-benefit analysis to identify the most cost effective mitigation solution. • Implementing Controls phase • Seek holistic approach. Incorporate people, process, and technology in mitigation solution. • Organize by defense-in-depth. Organize mitigation solutions across the business. • Measuring Program Effectiveness phase • Develop risk scorecard. Understand risk posture and progress. • Measure program effectiveness. Evaluate the risk management program for opportunities to improve. The following figure illustrates each phase and its associated steps. Figure 3.1: The Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Subsequent chapters in this guide describe, in sequence, each phase in the Microsoft security risk management process. There are several preliminary things to consider, however, before beginning your execution of this process.
  • 28. 24 Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview Level of Effort If your organization is relatively new to risk management, it may be helpful to consider which steps in the Microsoft security risk management process typically require the most effort from the Security Risk Management Team. The following figure, based on risk management activities conducted within Microsoft IT, shows relative degrees of effort throughout the process. This perspective may be helpful when describing the overall process and time commitment to organizations that are new to risk management. The relative levels of effort may also be helpful as a guide to avoid spending too much time in one point of the overall process. To summarize the level of effort throughout the process, the figure demonstrates a moderate level of effort to gather data, a lower level for summary analysis, followed by high levels of effort to build detailed lists of risks and conduct the decision support process. For an additional view of tasks and associated effort, refer to the sample project schedule in the Tools folder, SRMGTool4-Sample Project Schedule.xls. The remaining chapters in this guide further describe each step shown below. Figure 3.2: Relative Level of Effort During the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Laying the Foundation for the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Before beginning a security risk management effort, it is important to have a solid understanding of the foundational, prerequisite knowledge and tasks of the Microsoft security risk management process, which include: • Differentiating between risk management and risk assessment. • Clearly communicating risk. • Determining your organization's risk management maturity. • Defining roles and responsibilities for the process. Risk Management vs. Risk Assessment As Chapter 2 discussed, the terms risk management and risk assessment are not interchangeable. The Microsoft security risk management process defines risk
  • 29. The Security Risk Management Guide 25 management as the overall process to manage risk to an acceptable level across the business. Risk assessment is defined as the process to identify and prioritize risks to the business. As outlined in the previous diagram, risk management is comprised of four primary phases: Assessing Risk, Conducting Decision Support, Implementing Controls, and Measuring Program Effectiveness. Risk assessment, in the context of the Microsoft security risk management process, refers only to the Assessing Risk phase within the larger risk management cycle. Another distinction between risk management and risk assessment is the frequency of initiation of each process. Risk management is defined as an ongoing cycle, but it is typically re-started at regular intervals to refresh the data in each stage of the management process. The risk management process is normally aligned with an organization's fiscal accounting cycle to align budget requests for controls with normal business processes. An annual interval is most common for the risk management process to align new control solutions with annual budgeting cycles. Although risk assessment is a required, discrete phase of the risk management process, the Information Security Group may conduct multiple risk assessments independent of the current risk management phase or budgeting cycle. The Information Security Group may initiate them anytime a potentially security-related change occurs within the business, such as the introduction of new business practices, or discovered vulnerabilities, changes to the infrastructure. These frequent risk assessments are often referred to as ad-hoc risk assessments, or limited scope risk assessments, and should be viewed as complementary to the formal risk management process. Ad-hoc assessments usually focus on one area of risk within the business and do not require the same amount of resources as the risk management process as a whole. Appendix A, "Ad-Hoc Assessments," outlines and provides an example template of an ad-hoc risk assessment. Table 3.1: Risk Management vs. Risk Assessment Risk Management Risk Assessment Goal Manage risks across business to Identify and prioritize risks acceptable level Cycle Overall program across all four Single phase of risk management phases program Schedule Ongoing As needed Alignment Aligned with budgeting cycles N/A Communicating Risk Various people involved in the risk management process often define the term risk differently. In order to ensure consistency across all stages of the risk management cycle, the Microsoft security risk management process requires that everyone involved understand and agree upon a single definition of the term risk. As defined in Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide," risk is the probability of an impact occurring to the business. This definition requires the inclusion of both an impact statement and a prediction of when the impact may occur, or, in other words, probability of impact. When both elements of risk (probability and impact) are included in a risk statement, the process refers to this as a well-formed risk statement. Use the term to help ensure consistent understanding of the compound nature of risk. The following diagram depicts risk at this most basic level.
  • 30. 26 Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview Figure 3.3: Well-Formed Risk Statement It is important that everyone involved in the risk management process understand the complexity within each element of the risk definition. Only with a thorough understanding of risk will the business be able to take specific action when managing it. For example, defining impact to the business requires information about which asset is affected, what kind of damage may occur, and the extent of damage to the asset. Next, to determine the probability of the impact occurring, you must understand how each impact may occur and how effective the current control environment will be at reducing the probability of the risk. Using terms defined in Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Security Risk Management Guide," the following risk statement provides guidance in demonstrating both elements of impact and the probability of impact: Risk is the probability of a vulnerability being exploited in the current environment, leading to a degree of loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability, of an asset. The Microsoft security risk management process provides the tools to consistently communicate and measure the probability and degree of loss for each risk. The chapters in this guide walk through the process to establish each component of the well-formed risk statement to identify and prioritize risks across the business. The following diagram builds upon the basic risk statement discussed previously to show the relationships of each element of risk. Figure 3.4: Components of the Well-Formed Risk Statement
  • 31. The Security Risk Management Guide 27 To help communicate the extent of impact and the degree of probability in the risk statement, the Microsoft security risk management process begins prioritizing risk by using relative terms such as high, moderate, and low. Although this basic terminology simplifies the selection of risk levels, it does not provide sufficient details when you conduct a cost-benefit analysis to select the most efficient mitigation option. To address this weakness of the basic qualitative approach, the process provides tools to generate a detailed level comparison of risks. The process also incorporates quantitative attributes to further aid the cost-benefit analysis for selecting controls. A common pitfall of risk management disciplines is that they often do not consider the qualitative definitions such as high, moderate, and low risks to the business. Many risks will be identified in your security risk management program. Although the Microsoft security risk management process provides guidance to consistently apply qualitative and quantifiable risk estimates, it is the Security Risk Management Team's responsibility to define the meaning of each value in specific business terms. For example, a high risk to your business may mean a vulnerability occurring within one year, leading to the loss of integrity of your organization's most important intellectual property. The Security Risk Management Team must populate the definitions of each element of the well-formed risk statement. The next chapter provides prescriptive guidance on defining risk levels. It should assist you in defining risk levels for your unique business. The process simply facilitates the exercise, helping to achieve consistency and visibility throughout the process. Determining Your Organization's Risk Management Maturity Level Before an organization attempts to implement the Microsoft security risk management process, it is important that it examines its level of maturity with regard to security risk management. An organization that has no formal policies or processes relating to security risk management will find it extremely difficult to put all aspects of the process into practice at once. Even organizations with some formal policies and guidelines that most employees follow fairly well may find the process a bit overwhelming. For these reasons, it is important that you make an estimate of your own organization's maturity level. If you find that your organization is still relatively immature, than you may want to introduce the process in incremental stages over several months, perhaps by piloting it in a single business unit until the cycle has been completed several times. Having demonstrated the effectiveness of the Microsoft security risk management process through this pilot program, the Security Risk Management Team could then slowly introduce it to other business units until the entire organization is using it. How do you determine the maturity level of your organization? As part of Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (CobiT), the IT Governance Institute (ITGI) includes an IT Governance Maturity Model. You may want to acquire and review CobiT for a detailed method for determining your organization's level of maturity. The Microsoft security risk management process summarizes elements used in CobiT and presents a simplified approach based on models also developed by Microsoft Services. The maturity level definitions presented here are based on the International Standards Organization (ISO) Information technology—Code of practice for information security management, also known as ISO 17799. You can estimate your organization's level of maturity by comparing it to the definitions presented in the following table.
  • 32. 28 Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview Table 3.2: Security Risk Management Maturity Levels Level State Definition 0 Non- Policy (or process) is not documented, and previously the Existent organization was unaware of the business risk associated with this risk management. Therefore, there has been no communication on the issue. 1 Ad-Hoc It is clear that some members of the organization have concluded that risk management has value. However, risk management efforts are performed in an ad-hoc manner. There are no documented processes or policies and the process is not fully repeatable. Overall, risk management projects seem chaotic and uncoordinated, and results are not measured and audited. 2 Repeatable There is awareness of risk management throughout the organization. The risk management process is repeatable yet immature. The process is not fully documented; however, the activities occur on a regular basis, and the organization is working toward establishing a comprehensive risk management process with senior management involvement. There is no formal training or communication on risk management; responsibility for implementation is left to individual employees. 3 Defined The organization has made a formal decision to adopt risk Process management wholeheartedly in order to drive its information security program. A baseline process has been developed in which there are clearly defined goals with documented processes for achieving and measuring success. Additionally, some rudimentary risk management training is available for all staff. Finally, the organization is actively implementing its documented risk management processes. 4 Managed There is a thorough understanding of risk management at all levels of the organization. Risk management procedures exist, the process is well defined, awareness is broadly communicated, rigorous training is available, and some initial forms of measurement are in place to determine effectiveness. Sufficient resources have been committed to the risk management program, many parts of the organization are enjoying its benefits, and the Security Risk Management Team is able to continuously improve its processes and tools. There is some use of technological tools to help with risk management, but many if not most risk assessment, control identification, and cost-benefit analysis procedures are manual. 5 Optimized The organization has committed significant resources to security risk management, and staff members are looking toward the future trying to ascertain what the issues and solutions will be in the months and years ahead. The risk management process is well understood and significantly automated through the use of tools (either developed in-house or acquired from independent software vendors). The root cause of all security issues is identified, and suitable actions are taken to minimize the risk of repetition. Training across a range of levels of expertise is available to staff.
  • 33. The Security Risk Management Guide 29 Organizational Risk Management Maturity Level Self Assessment The following list of assessments offers a more rigorous way to measure your organizational maturity level. The topics elicit subjective responses, but by honestly considering each of them you should be able to determine how well prepared your organization is for implementation of the Microsoft security risk management process. Score your organization on a scale of 0 to 5, using the previous maturity level definitions as a guide. • Information security policies and procedures are clear, concise, well-documented, and complete. • All staff positions with job responsibilities involving information security have clearly articulated and well understood roles and responsibilities. • Policies and procedures for securing third-party access to business data are well- documented. For example, remote vendors performing application development for an internal business tool have sufficient access to network resources to effectively collaborate and complete their work, but they have only the minimum amount of access that they need. • An inventory of Information Technology (IT) assets such as hardware, software, and data repositories is accurate and up-to-date. • Suitable controls are in place to protect business data from unauthorized access by both outsiders and insiders. • Effective user awareness programs such as training and newsletters regarding information security policies and practices are in place. • Physical access to the computer network and other information technology assets is restricted through the use of effective controls. • New computer systems are provisioned following organizational security standards in a standardized manner using automated tools such as disk imaging or build scripts. • An effective patch management system is able to automatically deliver software updates from most vendors to the vast majority of the computer systems in the organization. • An incident response team has been created and has developed and documented effective processes for dealing with and tracking security incidents. All incidents are investigated until the root cause is identified and any problems are resolved. • The organization has a comprehensive anti-virus program including multiple layers of defense, user awareness training, and effective processes for responding to virus outbreaks. • User provisioning processes are well documented and at least partially automated so that new employees, vendors, and partners can be granted an appropriate level of access to the organization's information systems in a timely manner. These processes should also support the timely disabling and deletion of user accounts that are no longer needed. • Computer and network access is controlled through user authentication and authorization, restrictive access control lists on data, and proactive monitoring for policy violations. • Application developers are provided with education and possess a clear awareness of security standards for software creation and quality assurance testing of code. • Business continuity and business continuity programs are clearly defined, well documented, and periodically tested through simulations and drills.
  • 34. 30 Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview • Programs have commenced and are effective for ensuring that all staff perform their work tasks in a manner compliant with legal requirements. • Third-party review and audits are used regularly to verify compliance with standard practices for security business assets. Calculate your organization's score by adding the scores of all of the previous items. Theoretically, scores could range from 0 to 85; however, few organizations will approach either extreme. A score of 51 or above suggests that the organization is well prepared to introduce and use the Microsoft security risk management process to its fullest extent. A score of 34 to 50 indicates that the organization has taken many significant steps to control security risks and is ready to gradually introduce the process. Organizations in this range should consider rolling out the process to a few business units over a few months before exposing the entire organization to the process. Organizations scoring below 34 should consider starting very slowly with the Microsoft security risk management process by creating the core Security Risk Management Team and applying the process to a single business unit for the first few months. After such organizations demonstrate the value of the process by using it to successfully reduce risks for that business unit, they should expand it to two or three additional business units as feasible. Continue to move slowly, though, because the changes introduced by the process can be significant. You do not want to disrupt the organization to such a degree that you interfere with its ability to effectively achieve its mission. Use your best judgment in this regard—every system that you leave unprotected is a potential security and liability risk, and your own knowledge of your own systems is best. If you think that it is urgent to move quickly and to disregard the suggestion to move slowly, do that. You should carefully consider which business unit to use for the pilot programs. Questions to consider relate to how important security is to that business unit, where security is defined in terms of the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of information and services. Examples include: • Is the security risk management maturity level of that business unit above average when compared to the organization? • Will the owner of the business unit actively support the program? • Does the business unit have a high level of visibility within the organization? • Will the value of the Microsoft security risk management process pilot program be effectively communicated to the rest of the organization if successful? You should consider these same questions when selecting business units for expansion of the program. Note The (U.S.) National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) provides a Security Self Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems that may be useful to help determine your maturity level; see Defining Roles and Responsibilities The establishment of clear roles and responsibilities is a critical success factor for any risk management program due to the requirement for cross-group interaction and segregated responsibilities. The following table describes the primary roles and responsibilities used throughout the Microsoft security risk management process.
  • 35. The Security Risk Management Guide 31 Table 3.3: Primary Roles and Responsibilities in the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Title Primary Responsibility Executive Sponsor Sponsors all activities associated with managing risk to the business, for example, development, funding, authority, and support for the Security Risk Management Team. This role is usually filled by an executive such as the chief security officer or chief information officer. This role also serves as the last escalation point to define acceptable risk to the business. Business Owner Is responsible for tangible and intangible assets to the business. Business owners are also accountable for prioritizing business assets and defining levels of impact to assets. Business owners are usually accountable for defining acceptable risk levels; however, the Executive Sponsor owns the final decision incorporating feedback from the Information Security Group. Information Owns the larger risk management process, including the Assessing Security Group Risk and Measuring Program Effectiveness phases. Also defines functional security requirements and measures IT controls and the overall effectiveness of the security risk management program. Information Includes IT architecture, engineering, and operations. Technology Group Security Risk Responsible for driving the overall risk management program. Also Management responsible for the Assessing Risk phase and prioritizing risks to Team the business. At a minimum, the team is comprised of a facilitator and note taker. Risk Assessment As lead role on the Security Risk Management Team, conducts the Facilitator data gathering discussions. This role may also lead the entire risk management process. Risk Assessment Records detailed risk information during the data gathering Note Taker discussions. Mitigation Owners Responsible for implementing and sustaining control solutions to manage risk to an acceptable level. Includes the IT Group and, in some cases, Business Owners. Security Steering Comprised of the Security Risk Management Team, Committee representatives from the IT Group, and specific Business Owners. The Executive Sponsor usually chairs this committee. Responsible for selecting mitigation strategies and defining acceptable risk for the business. Stakeholder General term referring to direct and indirect participants in a given process or program; used throughout the Microsoft security risk management process. Stakeholders may also include groups outside IT, for example, finance, public relations, and human resources. The Security Risk Management Team will encounter first-time participants in the risk management process who may not fully understand their roles. Always take the opportunity to provide an overview of the process and its participants. The objective is to build consensus and highlight the fact that every participant has ownership in managing risk. The following diagram, which summarizes key participants and shows their high-
  • 36. 32 Chapter 3: Security Risk Management Overview level relationships, can be helpful in communicating the previously-defined roles and responsibilities and should provide an overview of the risk management program. To summarize, the Executive Sponsor is ultimately accountable for defining acceptable risk and provides guidance to the Security Risk Management Team in terms of ranking risks to the business. The Security Risk Management Team is responsible for assessing risk and defining functional requirements to mitigate risk to an acceptable level. The Security Risk Management Team then collaborates with the IT groups who own mitigation selection, implementation, and operations. The final relationship defined below is the Security Risk Management Team's oversight of measuring control effectiveness. This usually occurs in the form of audit reports, which are also communicated to the Executive Sponsor. Figure 3.5: Overview of Roles and Responsibilities Used Throughout the Microsoft Security Risk Management Process Building the Security Risk Management Team Before starting the risk assessment process, do not overlook the need to clearly define roles within the Security Risk Management Team. Because the risk management scope includes the entire business, non-Information Security Group members may request to be part of the team. If this occurs, outline clear roles for each member and align with the roles and responsibilities defined in the overall risk management program above. Investing in role definition early reduces confusion and assists decision making throughout the process. All members on the team must understand that the Information Security Group owns the overall process. Ownership is important to define because Information Security is the only group that is a key stakeholder in every stage of the process, including executive reporting. Security Risk Management Team Roles and Responsibilities After assembling the Security Risk Management Team, it is important to create specific roles and to maintain them throughout the entire process. The primary roles of the Risk Assessment Facilitator and the Risk Assessment Note Taker are described below.