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The Evolving
State of SEO
Matt McGee
MivaCon 2014 • San Diego, CA • March 6, 2014
About Me
Matt McGee
What’s To Come
What’s SEO Like Today?
How Search Has Evolved
How SEO Must Evolve
What’s SEO Like
These Days?

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How To Monitor Your Page Speed At Scale With PageSpeed API
How To Monitor Your Page Speed At Scale With PageSpeed APIHow To Monitor Your Page Speed At Scale With PageSpeed API
How To Monitor Your Page Speed At Scale With PageSpeed API

The document discusses how to monitor page speed at scale using the PageSpeed API. It covers how to automate page speed testing using the API to test sites regularly. Metrics like Core Web Vitals that measure user experience are important to track. The document provides tips on how to improve Core Web Vitals scores by optimizing server response time, resource loading, and other page elements. Useful links for learning more about PageSpeed, Web Vitals, and related topics are also included.

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What KPIs should SEOs work towards? | BSEO September 2021
What KPIs should SEOs work towards? | BSEO September 2021 What KPIs should SEOs work towards? | BSEO September 2021
What KPIs should SEOs work towards? | BSEO September 2021

This document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) that search engine optimizers (SEOs) should track. It identifies three types of KPIs: primary KPIs like organic clicks, sessions, and conversions; segway KPIs measured by different teams like core web vitals scores and pagespeed; and extracurricular KPIs beyond SEO like engagement and revenue metrics. The document emphasizes that KPIs help SEOs define website performance, optimize for relevant keywords, increase traffic from search, and understand how their work contributes to broader business goals.

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Search Exchange Analytics Insights
Search Exchange Analytics InsightsSearch Exchange Analytics Insights
Search Exchange Analytics Insights

Digging through data can be time consuming. This deck from Search Exchange helps identify opportunities and attribution quickly.

February 2011 April 2012 September 2013
Google’s Panda Update
The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

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Search OptimizationSearch Optimization
Search Optimization

We’re going to cover every step in the process for outranking your competitors. From researching keywords to ranking high, this is a complete course on search engine optimization. This extended session focuses on the specific actions that drive the rankings and targeted traffic. In this in-person class Andy Crestodina, Strategic Director and Founder of Orbit Media, will cover all of the most common SEO questions: What are the biggest mistakes that website owners make? Does duplicate content really hurt your rankings? What are the most important search ranking factors? What actions give you a durable advantage? Which tools are truly useful? Which are free? How is SEO ROI measured? After attending this session, you’ll know how to: Pick your battles: Find the phrases that you can win for Indicate relevance: Use keywords in ways that show you’re the real thing Target topics: Go beyond the keyphrase, finding semantic clues Build authority: Grow your site’s credibility through networking and collaboration Be opportunistic: Use Analytics to quickly find low-hanging fruit Once finished, you’ll never look at webpages the same again.

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Link Building in 2017: 3 Untapped Secrets to Get You (and Your Clients) Ahead
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Link Building in 2017: 3 Untapped Secrets to Get You (and Your Clients) Ahead

Despite the rise of RankBrain, backlinks still remain Google's single most influential organic ranking factor. Learn our 3 most effective strategies to gain high-quality, white-hat backlinks to boost your search rankings and drive more qualified customer to your site.

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Boost Your Revenue w/Cross Channel Advertising

Rocco of Zebra Advertisement shares strategies to double your revenue using cross-channel advertising practices. He shares: Tactics to scale up advertising efforts and maximize conversion rates How to increase brand awareness in sales-focused campaigns How to use online data to stimulate offline sales

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The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee
Google’s Penguin
Google’s Penguin

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What in the heck is going on with Penguin, Panda, and Google’s Quality Updates (aka Phantom)? How are they impacting your SEO efforts now? Glenn will cover everything you need to know about Google’s major algorithm updates in 2016. Learn what each algorithm update is targeting, so you can avoid negative impact and increase rankings and traffic.

How to do keyphrase research in 2017: Target topics, not just phrases
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How to do keyphrase research in 2017: Target topics, not just phrases

Google is officially a semantic search engine, which means it’s connecting visitors to pages with the meaning they’re looking for, not just the letters and words they typed into that little box. To adapt to this, you need to target a broader topic, not just the specific phrase. Spread your meaning out, using related phrases, covering the things that are semantically linked. In this presentation we’ll start with the basics and move straight into the advanced techniques. How Google Works (...and why they rule) Search results and context Search volume Competition How to target topics, not just phrases Apply all of these techniques and you'll be ranking by Friday!

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SEJ Summit 2015: The Content Evolution by Marcus Tober #SEJSummit
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This document discusses the evolution of SEO and search engine optimization. It notes that SEO today requires a data-driven approach that considers both technical aspects like site structure as well as content aspects like content strategy and optimization. It also discusses differences between desktop and mobile search results and the importance of creating mobile-friendly content. Key takeaways include that technical optimization helps rankings but only relevant content creates long-term success, keywords should provide answers rather than just be included, and content should be holistic and user-focused rather than just focused on keywords. Success requires both SEO and relevant content that improves the overall search experience.

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Google’s Hummingbird
The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee
The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

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Partnering PR and SEO for Brand Marketing Success by Dave Naylor #SEJSummit

Event: #SEJSummit London Hosted by Searchmetrics Converging SEO and PR strategies is a hot marketing topic as of late, but many have been using it to great advantage for years. Dave bypasses the buzzwords to break down what it means in practical terms to run a successful digital marketing campaign. He’ll be looking at what you need to do to get a good solid infrastructure in place and ways to protect your rankings along with the wins and pitfalls of the long game.

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Why AuthorRank is the Future of SEO
Why AuthorRank is the Future of SEOWhy AuthorRank is the Future of SEO
Why AuthorRank is the Future of SEO

The document discusses AuthorRank, which is Google's planned approach to give more weight to content authored by reputable and authoritative sources. It explains that AuthorRank will evaluate the quality and history of content authors to influence search rankings. While AuthorRank has not been fully implemented, the document recommends setting up Google Authorship profiles for all authors to establish online identities and help build reputation, which could help rankings under a future AuthorRank system. It also notes that high quality, unique content and encouraging internal contributors are important preparatory steps.

Dimitris Drakatos: Publishing Velocity & SEO
Dimitris Drakatos: Publishing Velocity & SEODimitris Drakatos: Publishing Velocity & SEO
Dimitris Drakatos: Publishing Velocity & SEO

Dimitris will go through a very interesting topic on how publishing velocity can contribute to SEO. How you can build a blog and a solid content plan from scratch and using extensive KW research and KW clustering, quick solutions (external & internal writers, stock images website & Canva for editing them) and drive 1,000,000+ organic visits per month in 11 months purely non-branded. Using publishing velocity (delivering more than 80 articles per month) can close the big gap between your website and your main search competitors that have been doing this for years while at the same time you increase your search potential dramatically.

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There’s More…
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More Google Updates

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Artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation are buzzwords right now. You can barely go a day without hearing at least one of them mentioned in the news. But how can businesses best take advantage of these concepts? Are they actually affordable to all businesses - not just the enterprise companies?During this talk, I broke down the evolution of big data, how machine learning and artificial intelligence are affecting us today, and what people can do to capitalise on this opportunity.

Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
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Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage

Think back to the last time you applied for a job. It doesn’t matter if you work in-house or agency side – it’s likely that there was a line in your job spec that read “a good understanding of best practice”. But when you turned up on your first day at work, knowing the best thing to do in every situation that might arise I doubt you were surprised to find out that the best thing to do couldn’t be done. The website wasn’t built that way. The client won’t sign that off. That’ll never get past legal. So you need to come up with the second best thing to do. That’s not part of best practice. Opinions come to a head and nothing gets done because businesses are mistaken in their opinion that doing nothing is fine if the best thing can’t be done. But best practice is a misnomer anyway. When we say best practice what we really mean is standard practice. If all you ever implement is standard practice that’s all you’ll be. Standard. If you can’t even reach standard your business deserves to fail. Where does best practice even come from though? People treat it as if it’s some kind of bible handed down from the gatekeepers – the guys who can shut off your revenue. Best practice is actually more like Wikipedia than a bible. It’s populated by everyone who works in the industry and most of it is factually incorrect. You should get 0 points for referencing it. The only things in there that actually do come from the channel owners are loaded with bias. Contributions from experts are self-serving and so many pat each other and themselves on the back that received wisdom becomes perceived fact. But if neither are reliable – and if what everyone is doing is the same thing – isn’t there a chance that doing something, anything different could drive better results than best practice? I would always overrule an expert if the data says otherwise. If we know our customers want X and the channel owners want Y, we should spend our time getting X to work with Y and not the other way around. Staff are fearful that deliberately setting out to do something that isn’t best practice will result in an automatic dismissal. I’m not saying it won’t. As a result, people will wait months or years for best practice to be implemented because it’s safe. The channel owners told us to do it. The experts concurred. Businesses spend a lot of money and a lot of time being average because nobody gets sacked for being average. After all – it’s in the job description.

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Simple SEO - East Kent B2B Event - 4th November 2015
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Simple SEO - East Kent B2B Event - 4th November 2015

Josh Whiten of Sagittarius Marketing gave an introduction to search engine optimization (SEO) based on his 14 years of experience. He explained that SEO involves both on-page elements like optimizing content to be found by search engines and off-page elements like getting links and shares to increase a brand's online popularity. Some key factors he discussed included technical elements, keywords, link building, and constantly evolving Google algorithms.

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Event: SEJ Summit London Hosted by Searchmetrics Beyond the Publish button: Kelsey demonstrates techniques to wring the most value out of your best content by re-purposing and leveraging multiple channels and media.

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SEO is Dead

You’ve probably heard that SEO is dead. Every couple of weeks its claimed to be dying. From giant paid ads on every device, the move to app, machine learning algorithms to stop spam and everything in-between. Can SEO ever truly die?

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The 5-Minute SEO Playbook (Mom 2.0 Summit 2016)

SEO is not Magic, and you can do it! Many content creators struggle with SEO and end up paying someone to do something they could do themselves. This session will be half pep talk and half practical guide to doing some more advanced SEO tactics on your own.

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I Could Go On …
And On … And
On …
What’s SEO Like
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The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

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Keeping Up with Google's Insane Pace of Change

Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can scale with the updates and shifts Google makes on a regular basis, and how to be successful with SEO in 2013.

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SEO Predictions for 2013 & Beyond

SEO is not what it once was, but do you know why. This presentation will dive deeper into the history and current state of SEO, as this will allow us to better predict the future. This slide deck was created for @HubSpot's New Hampshire User Group (@HUGNH) presentation.

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Keeping up with Google 2014
Keeping up with Google 2014Keeping up with Google 2014
Keeping up with Google 2014

This document provides an overview of key things SEOs need to know to keep up with changes at Google in 2014. It discusses Google making over 500 algorithmic changes per year, fluctuations in search results, and the over 85 unique types of search engine results pages. Major topics that SEOs should be familiar with include algorithm updates, click-biasing changes, and user behavior shifts like the rise of mobile search. The document also provides strategies and tactics for SEOs, including focusing on user satisfaction over rankings, prioritizing better content over more content, and leveraging tools like Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, and Page Speed Insights.

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The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee
What’s SEO Like These
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Sharpen your inbound marketing skills with intermediate and advanced strategies used by enterprise e-commerce and multilocation brands. Corporate consultant and agency-trainer Steve Wiideman will be covering technical, contextual and off-page visibility opportunities that touch users during key micro-moments, while improving organic visibility. Learn how to marry data from what we already know about our paid and organic visitors with insights garnered from competitor research. Explore recent case studies from brands you’ll immediately recognize and every detail of the campaigns they used to boost search engine rankings and drive referral traffic. Specific topics covered include performing a technical obstacle analysis and organizing tasks for web developers, inbound link analysis and creative strategy, competitive analysis, along with post-Google Hummingbird keyword research for taxonomy and content marketing planning. Leave this Inbound Marketing Master Class with templates, tools and actionable checklists for maximizing inbound marketing efforts.

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Mumbai's Only Agency Based Digital Marketing Course Learn SEO, Social Media, Website Development, Google Ads, Facebook,Email Marketing, PPC, Content writing and more. 35+ Modules with case studies. Fees 20,000/-.

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Seo myths 2016
Seo myths 2016Seo myths 2016
Seo myths 2016

The document summarizes and debunks several common myths about search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses that (1) websites do not need to be manually submitted to search engines like Google to be found, as search engines have crawler programs that discover websites; (2) building high-quality content is more important for SEO than solely focusing on link building, as Google prioritizes content and link quality over quantity; and (3) while ranking highly is still important, the ultimate goal of SEO should be producing useful content that readers want to share, rather than solely focusing on rankings.

How We’ve Evolved
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How We’ve Evolved
How We’ve Evolved

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Seo myths 2016
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This document debunks 12 common SEO myths. It explains that while SEO has changed significantly in recent years, many marketers are still unsure what tactics are effective or outdated. Each myth is then addressed in its own section, with explanations for why the myth is false and what the reality is. Key points addressed include the importance of quality over quantity for both content and links, how user experience and intent are now major ranking factors for Google, and that techniques like keyword stuffing are no longer effective and can hurt a site.

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The State of SEO: 2015 and Beyond!

Kerry Dean presented at the January 2015 DFWSEM | Dallas/Fort Worth Search Engine Marketing Association meeting on The State of SEO: 2015 and Beyond!

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The Future for Marketers - Strategy, Creativity and Technology

By Paddy Moogan at Marketing Festival 2014 in Brno. Paddy talks about the future for marketers which is in the middle of strategy, creativity and technology.

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How We’ve Evolved
How We’ve Evolved

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This document presents an overview of modern SEO best practices and myths from Michael Reynolds, the president and CEO of SpinWeb. It discusses how SEO has evolved from outdated tactics like keyword stuffing to a focus on creating helpful content for buyer personas and building social media profiles and partnerships. Key myths debunked include the importance of meta tags, targeting exact keywords, and that SEO can be done as a one-time project. The document advocates for a holistic inbound marketing approach centered around producing high-quality content and optimizing the user experience over time.

[500DISTRO] Cracking the SEO Code: Tricks & Tactics To Magnify Search Visibility
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[500DISTRO] Cracking the SEO Code: Tricks & Tactics To Magnify Search Visibility

Rand Fishkin discusses how SEO has evolved and which tactics marketers should embrace or leave behind. Key changes include more complex ranking algorithms using more user data signals, personalized search results, and less direct traffic data. Tactics to leave include building keyword-targeted pages with minimal unique content, acquiring links through directories and guest posting, and expecting social shares alone to boost rankings. Tactics to embrace include creating uniquely valuable and helpful content, earning links editorially, using social media to expose content, and measuring ROI through attribution models and search traffic to pages.

Facetime With an SEO Expert - slides 7/16/13
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Facetime With an SEO Expert - slides 7/16/13

This document summarizes a webinar on SEO best practices hosted by Mike Turner from the company Webmarketing123. The webinar covered conducting an SEO audit, selecting keywords, creating optimized content, leveraging social media for SEO, and measuring SEO return on investment. It provided an overview of the company's services, which include SEO, paid search, website design, and custom analytics. The webinar agenda also included a discussion of search marketing trends, how the purchase process has changed, and a demonstration of site analysis tools. Attendees were invited to register for an upcoming webinar on raising their SEO IQ and to schedule a free SEO consultation.

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How We’ve Evolved
How Search
Have Evolved
More Than
“10 Blue Links”
The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

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2 2012 05 se-mcamp inbound marketing strategy
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This document provides an overview of creating an effective SEO strategy. It discusses asking the right questions, choosing appropriate tactics, and measuring results. Key points include: - SEO is not a standalone strategy and should be part of a comprehensive online and offline marketing plan. - When starting an SEO campaign, companies should focus first on technical SEO fundamentals like site architecture, content quality, and link profiles. - Effective organic search marketing also requires defining target keywords, monitoring search volumes and competitors, and utilizing keyword research tools. - Additional important tactics include link building, creating valuable content, promoting content through social media marketing, developing an engaged brand community, and optimizing for mobile. Tracking analytics

Планирование SEO-стратегии и полезные инструменты для работы на данном этапе ...
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Доклад президента компании SEOmoz Gillian Muessig на семинаре по продвижению товаров и услуг на зарубежный рынок от компании Promodo и SEOmoz 19 мая 2012 года, Киев.

Seo secrets ebook
Seo secrets ebookSeo secrets ebook
Seo secrets ebook

SEO Secrets research The SEO secrets pdf shows you the hidden gems of SEO. Free download! SEO, SEO research, SEO secrets

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The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee
How Search Results
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How Search Results
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2014: A Look ahead at the Trends in Content Marketing
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2014: A Look ahead at the Trends in Content Marketing

This is the first webinar of 2014 where we stopped and looked ahead to what trends are coming in 2014. We look at SEO, Social Media, Mobile and more. Tune into this webinar and learn about what we predict will happen in 2014.

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gShift Client Success Manager, Brandon Gilmore, takes a look back at 2013 and what's trending in content marketing and SEO in 2014.

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The 7 Secrets Every Business Must Know to LEGALLY STEAL Floods of FREE Google Traffic From Your Competition

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Treating Search Marketing and Social Media as separate silos is outdated thinking. Savvy marketers are finding ways to use social media channels to boost SEO and lead generation. It began with creating social profiles and social bookmarks to boost search rankings. But as social signals rise in influence as a ranking factor, the game has changed again. Social annotations on paid and organic search results are now giving a measurable boost to social-savvy businesses. Google created their own social network, Google +, to unify and “social-ize” all of their products, from YouTube to Gmail to Android OS, not just to directly compete with Facebook. While some analysts label Google+ a ‘ghost town’, the ‘plus-ification’ of Google’s many offerings and the ubiquity of Android point to a future which you ignore at your peril. What is Google+ and why you should care How Google’s +1 has emerged as this year’s ‘must-have’ SEO Strategy How to create a Google+ page that can influence your search ranking immediately

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2016 Ecommerce Trends & Conversion Best Practices
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2016 Ecommerce Trends & Conversion Best Practices

Ecommerce is a quickly evolving universe. Learn which new features in the ecommerce marketplace actually work, convert sales, and will help your business grow. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 2.

by Miva
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Transform your store into a modern, beautifully designed showcase for your products with Miva Merchant's New ReadyThemes. These free, high quality responsive themes are paired with new admin functionality to allow you to better manage your existing stores content, navigation, featured products and marketing images. This session will guide you though the new themes available as well as show you how to integrate ReadyTheme features into your existing Miva Store. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 1.

by Miva
Google Now
How Search Results
Have Evolved
How Search Results
Have Evolved
“My vision when we
started Google 15 years
ago was that eventually
you wouldn't have to
have a search query at all.
You'd just have information
come to you as you needed it.”
Sergey Brin, TED Talk, February 2013

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What if all of your future customers were in one place, clamoring for information about your brand and products? They are. We’ll explore how to open up a true dialogue with your social media audience, creating great content and putting it to work with Facebook Power Editor and Ads Manager to drive clicks and conversions. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 3.

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by Miva
Secrets to Writing Content That Matters - Gillian Muessig
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Secrets to Writing Content That Matters - Gillian Muessig

You've got products. You've got content. Some of it might even be very good content. But is it content that will rank? Content that will sell? In short, is it the RIGHT content? Gillian takes a deep dive into a revolutionary process for determining the most valuable content to write. From the subject to the page where it resides, where it links and how it will rank, you'll finally have a firm grip and a replicable process for identifying, scheduling, writing and posting content that will actually boost your bottom line. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 3.

by Miva
How Search Results
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How Search Results
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Bing Satori

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This document contains data from content marketing research studies conducted by Siege Media and other organizations. Some of the key findings include: - Odd numbered headlines, headlines with brackets, and concise copy performed better in A/B tests and enjoyed higher click-through rates. - Infographics with around 400 words, dimensions of 800x3500 pixels, and using color wheel color schemes were most popular and shared. - Monday saw the highest conversion rates for outreach, while emails around 80 words and 64 character subjects performed best. Pitching bloggers 55 days before holidays ensured post slots.

by Miva
7 Actionable SEO Strategies to Build Real Revenue Now
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7 Actionable SEO Strategies to Build Real Revenue Now

This document provides a summary of a presentation by John Lincoln on 7 actionable SEO strategies to build real revenue now. The presentation covers: 1. Ensuring technical SEO fundamentals like HTTPS, responsive design for mobile, and use of schemas and sitemaps. 2. Developing local SEO strategies like location-specific pages and profiles on search engines and directories. 3. Expanding into new languages and countries by translating content and using hreflang tags. 4. Creating hubs of content around topics to build authority. 5. Developing an external linking strategy by becoming an influencer through blogging, social media and helping journalists. 6. Using

by Miva
Wizards & Executors - Gillian Muessig
Wizards & Executors  - Gillian MuessigWizards & Executors  - Gillian Muessig
Wizards & Executors - Gillian Muessig

Super successful companies have both Wizards and Executors. Learn what they do, how they work together, and how the combination makes the difference between being a company that runs with the pack and one that stands out as the clear leader in the field. There's a lot of profit riding on whether or not your company has a competent Wizard who can see into the future, connect with a financially qualified community of people who want to love and support your brand for years to come AND a competent Executor who can execute on the Wizard's ideas. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 2.

by Miva
How Search Results
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How Search Results
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What's New in Miva Merchant 9

Get up to speed with the latest Miva features with this in-depth training. We’ll tackle a year’s worth of innovation in a step-by-step workshop guiding you through the best new ways to streamline operations and improve your customers’ shopping experience. Learn how to manage gift certificates, process customer credits, offer split payment options, crete order notes, create a customer address book, and other advanced functionality. Want to set up customer wish lists? Charge for digital downloads? Manage URI? We’ve got you covered. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 1.

by Miva
Increasing Conversions with Relevancy, Merchandising & Actionable Insights
Increasing Conversions with Relevancy, Merchandising & Actionable InsightsIncreasing Conversions with Relevancy, Merchandising & Actionable Insights
Increasing Conversions with Relevancy, Merchandising & Actionable Insights

SearchSpring is a search engine provider that has over 600 clients globally, with more than 125 being Miva merchants. The document discusses common mistakes merchants make regarding site search, including not tracking site search data in Google Analytics, having poor search box placement and styling, lack of search result merchandising, and not taking action on insights from search data. It provides best practices such as ensuring the search box is visible on all devices, has high contrast, follows industry conventions for placement, and is accompanied by product recommendations and banners targeted to search terms.

by Miva
Google Analytics for Miva Merchants
Google Analytics for Miva MerchantsGoogle Analytics for Miva Merchants
Google Analytics for Miva Merchants

Google Analytics is the Wall Street Journal of an online business – you should be reading it everyday. Learn how to use the most powerful analytics tool available, and get up-to-the-minute data about your site visitors, conversions, products, revenue and so much more. We’ll explore the best GA practices and features to drive more revenue out of your Miva store, including metrics and definitions, campaign tagging for measuring inbound traffic (ppc, email, etc.), custom reporting and dashboards, importing data into Google Analytics, reporting offline (phone order) sales in Google Analytics, using Google Analytics to grow your revenue, and introduction to Google Analytics reports. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 1.

by Miva
How Search Results
Have Evolved
How Search Results
Have Evolved
How Search Results
Have Evolved
"Google Plus gives
you the opportunity
to be yourself, and
gives Google that
common understanding of who
you are."
Bradley Horowitz, February 2014
Source: New York Times
How Search Results
Have Evolved

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Robyn Johnson, Amazon Expert, will be sharing how to use Amazon and Ebay in order to increase your sales velocities, brand awareness, and profits. Each market has it’s own nuances. In this session we will give you the base knowledge to not only manage your presence on multiple marketplaces but to generate consistent revenue streams. With the increasing popularity of Amazon, and especially Amazon Prime, the traffic these marketplaces bring can no longer be ignored. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 1.

by Miva
Web Development Trends 2016
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Tarot decks, tea leaves, scrying, or your crazy uncle's trick knee; all popular ways to predict the future. When it comes to the every-changing realm of UI and UX on the web, the best way to know the future is to keep up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques. Instead of having to read about it, you will be creating the new trends and standards. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 3.

by Miva
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Trust Drives Ecommerce Differentiations & Conversions

Jeff Barto of Norton/Symantec gave a presentation on how trust drives ecommerce differentiation and conversions. He discussed how a lack of trust prevents many consumers from shopping online and results in lost potential sales. Specifically, security, reliability, and price were cited as top concerns. Barto suggested that by addressing these concerns through solutions demonstrating prevention of fraud and resolution of issues, retailers can convert concerns into confidence to differentiate themselves and increase conversions and repeat purchases. He highlighted the benefits several companies found through A/B testing trust-building solutions. Attendees were offered a free trial through Symantec to test solutions and measure impact on their site.

by Miva
How SEO Must Evolve
"Within search results, information tied
to verified online profiles will be ranked
higher than content without such
verification, which will result in most
users naturally clicking on the top
(verified) results. The true cost of
remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance."
Eric Schmidt, March 2013
Source: Wall Street Journal
What It All
SEO Must
Evolve, Too
1. Be Invisible
How SEO Must Evolve
“SEO should be unseen… and only
noticeableto other SEOs.”
Adam Audette, RKG

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1) The document discusses best practices for order fulfillment, including different fulfillment options like shipping from stock, drop shipping, outsourcing to 3PLs, and using Fulfilled by Amazon. 2) It addresses merchant pain points with inventory management, scaling operations, missed marketing opportunities, and returns management. 3) Tips are provided for selecting a fulfillment strategy based on products, market, orders, company capabilities, and cost considerations. Information technology is highlighted as key to better managing third party fulfillment.

by Miva
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by Miva
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by Miva
Old SEO Tools
How SEO Must Evolve
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Every minute that you spend wrangling an inefficient daily workflow is a wasted opportunity for creativity and profit. Join us to learn the latest techniques for optimizing your web development projects in Miva Merchant. You’ll streamline operations, reduce demands on staff, consume less resources, and free up more time for creation and expansion. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 2.

by Miva
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I have a coupon for that! With the new discount and marketing features built into version 9 you now have the power to unlock Miva Merchant price groups. Learn how these vital new features work and how to use them for advanced marketing within your online store. Miva Merchant 9 gives you an enterprise level discount engine right at your fingertips. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 2

by Miva
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2016 consumers are demanding authentic brands they can experience, not just buy from. EYStudios’ CEO Eric Yonge will show how to wow current and new customers with an engaging brand that exists online as well as offline. From improving usability to crafting an expert “voice,” Eric will reveal powerful steps that will benefit your bottom line and stun your competition! MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 1.

by Miva
How SEO Must Evolve
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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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How SEO Must Evolve
How SEO Must Evolve
2. Be Vital
(in two ways)
How SEO Must Evolve

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Lately, it’s been feeling a little Terminator-y out there, huh? But the future of paid media isn’t an employment battle between AI and humans like some believe. Instead, it’s about collaboration and another powerful tool to add to the digital marketer’s tool belt. In fact, the best digital marketers have been integrating AI-elements into their work for years… with one caveat - there’s still an industry professional driving the bus. Join Curtiss Gulash, Director of Paid Media, at Be Found Online, to explore the strengths and weaknesses of AI (as well as humans), and how those qualities can complement one another to develop stronger, more informed, and more efficient paid media campaigns. It’s time to turn and embrace the machine to carve out a path for improving efficiency across your accounts with your new AI companions!

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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

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How SEO Must Evolve
3. Be A Brand
How SEO Must Evolve
Source: SEOBook
The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

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How SEO Must Evolve
Build a Brand
“Search used to be where the playing field was
level ... those days are over. You need to build
a brand. This is the single most important and
single most difficult task that has been added
to the SEO agenda over the last few years.”
Everett Sizemore, seOverflow
Brands Are Vital
How SEO Must Evolve
How SEO Must Evolve
Source: Marketing Land

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Struggling to get high-quality backlinks? Our latest presentation reveals the strategies you need to succeed in 2024. Learn practical tips to boost your SEO and elevate your website’s authority. Click below to access the full presentation! Full blog here -

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The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

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Consumers Love
Brands, Too
How SEO Must Evolve
Source: Search Engine Land
To Sum Up…
The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

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form iti

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Mobile marketing presentation with ppt tag to easily editing and easy to use

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The Evolving State of
Matt McGee /
Some photos via

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The Evolving State of SEO by Matt McGee

Editor's Notes

  1. It’s a zoo….
  2. Targeted content farms – churning out low quality articles. Some sites producing 7,000 articles per day!
  3. “How to Play the Xylophone”
  4. “How to Bathe a Small Rodent”
  5. Spammy blog comments are one example
  6. The meaning behind the words….
  7. “stindy” becomes a search for streets in Indianapolis
  8. Google understanding the concept better – not about keywords, about meaning
  9. Exact match domains – low quality
  10. Pirate Update
  11. Page Layout algo update
  12. Don’t spam your Schema markup
  13. Several link networks busted – US, France, Germany
  14. Guest Blogging for SEO purposes
  15. Several link networks busted – Poland, US, France, Germany
  16. Before we talk about the evolution of SEO, we have to talk about how search has evolved.
  17. Desktop search – still most common place we search
  18. Tablets and smartphones
  19. Searchingin apps
  20. Google Goggles – shoot a photo to searchBing also has some similar image-as-query tools.
  21. Voice search on both Bing and Google
  22. Not just voice, but conversational search
  23. Searching via Xbox
  24. Search via Google Glass
  25. Sherwin Williams Colorsnap app
  26. Bing, too… including tweets
  27. That’s how we’ve evolved. Let’s look at how search results have evolved, too.
  28. Personalization
  29. Personalization
  30. Eli Parisier “The Filter Bubble”
  31. Eli Parisier “The Filter Bubble”
  32. Bing’s identity is mainly tied to social networks for now.
  33. Google MUCH more into identity, via Google+.
  34. Google MUCH more into identity, via Google+.
  35. Not just for individuals, but businesses, too. **Google is rewarding people and businesses that share their identity via Google+.**
  36. All those slides about Google penalties and algorithm updates? If it’s obvious that you’re doing SEO, you may have a problem.
  37. Level- balance and moderation
  38. Ballerina slippers- delicate
  39. Palette- paintbrush not hammer
  40. Scalpel- precision
  41. Google has human quality raters….140-page guide
  42. Everybody talks about “creating relevant content” but that’s not what Google is looking for
  43. Back to the “vital” point for a moment…
  44. Google loves brands … consumers do, too
  45. Survey in NovemberTop thing consumers look for in product search is a known brand
  46. Be invisible. Be vital. Be a brand.