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ThatConference 2014
Angela Dugan
ALM Practice Manager
Chicago ALM User Group
15 years in the software industry
With a possibly unhealthy love of Halloween 
Shameless self promotion
Polaris Solutions-
Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group -
Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris
Blog -
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
TFS Should Be PLANNED to ensure:
Effectiveness – Does it do what you need?
Scalability – Will the structure or configuration cause
bottlenecks as the team grows?
Efficiency – Can you do what you need quickly, and
without added effort?

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Salesforce Development Best Practices
Salesforce Development Best PracticesSalesforce Development Best Practices
Salesforce Development Best Practices

These are the slides from a presentation given to the San Diego Salesforce Developer Group on September 16, 2014. The presentation highlights why coding standards and design patterns are important parts of creating a scalable, maintainable Salesforce Enterprise Org. A series of specific implementation and architecture recommendations are outlined. Finally, models for process and governance are provided to help the viewer take steps to bring about change in their Org.

best practicesforce.comapex
The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)
The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)
The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)

This document discusses enterprise applications and how they can be developed using Java. It covers key aspects like what an enterprise is, the goals of enterprise applications, advantages of Java for enterprise programming, common application architectures, and how servlets work. Some key points: - An enterprise can have distributed and heterogeneous units across locations with different policies. Enterprise applications help manage various activities within an organization. - Well-designed enterprise apps should be robust, scalable, maintainable and extensible to handle increasing load and add new features easily. - Java is suitable for enterprise programming as it is platform independent, uses managed objects, promotes reusability and modularity. - Common architectures include single tier, two tier

java servletj2ee
Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010
Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010
Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010

This document summarizes a presentation about working with Team Foundation Server 2010. It discusses the branding changes in Visual Studio 2010, how to install and configure TFS 2010, new features for project management like hierarchical work items and Excel integration. It also covers modeling, source control improvements like branching/merging visualizations, build automation enhancements like gated check-ins and architecture validation. Finally, it discusses resources for learning more about TFS 2010 and Scrum tooling.

tfs 2010
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Team 1
Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Team 1
Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project
TPC = Collection of *tightly
related* Team Projects
TPC = SQL Database
Can be backed up and restored
No sharing of:
 Work Items
 Source Code
 Queries
 Reports
 Build Controllers
Team Project Collections CANNOT be renamed*
Create only as many TPCs as necessary

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Lap around ALM with Visual Studio and TFS 2013
Lap around ALM with Visual Studio and TFS 2013Lap around ALM with Visual Studio and TFS 2013
Lap around ALM with Visual Studio and TFS 2013

This document discusses features and capabilities of Visual Studio 2013 and Team Foundation Server 2013 for application lifecycle management. It covers areas like agile management, developer tools, testing, feedback, DevOps, release management, and using TFS in the cloud. The presentation agenda includes overviews of TFS, agile portfolio management, code review requests, web-based testing tools, integrating System Center Operations Manager with TFS, release management automation, and capabilities when using Visual Studio Online such as automated builds and load testing.

Team Foundation Server 2010 - Version Control
Team Foundation Server 2010 - Version ControlTeam Foundation Server 2010 - Version Control
Team Foundation Server 2010 - Version Control

The document summarizes Team Foundation Server 2010's version control capabilities. It discusses key concepts like changesets, integrated check-ins, check-in policies, workspaces, and shelving. It also covers labeling, comparing/diffing, branching and merging code, and how version control integrates with other TFS components like build and work item tracking. The presentation aims to explain the architecture and capabilities of TFS version control.

version controlteam foundation server
Test automation process
Test automation processTest automation process
Test automation process

The document discusses test automation process and framework. It provides details on what test automation means, benefits of automation, guidelines for identifying test cases to automate, challenges in automation, and components of an automation framework like data tables, libraries, object repositories, scripts, and results.

automation framework
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Team 1
Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project
Team Project <> “Project”
TP = Logical view of subset of TPC data
Team Projects Contain
1 Process Template
1 commons set of users and roles
1 SharePoint portal (optional)
1 Reports site (optional)
Work Items, Source Code, Reports, and Queries CAN cross Team Project
BUT… no sharing of:
 Work Item Templates and Definitions
Build Definitions
 Areas and Iterations
 Work Items cannot be MOVED to another Team project, only copied
Team Projects REALLY cannot be renamed
Create only as many TPs as necessary
Create only as many TPs as necessary

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Team foundation server
Team foundation serverTeam foundation server
Team foundation server

Team Foundation Server enables teams to work together and organize their efforts to complete a project. It provides version control, allows uploading code, and managing work items like backlogs and sprints. The document outlines how to get started with TFS including connecting to the server, creating a simple app, uploading code, and using version control features like getting latest code and code merging. It concludes with references for additional information.

BP101 - 10 Things to Consider when Developing & Deploying Applications in Lar...
BP101 - 10 Things to Consider when Developing & Deploying Applications in Lar...BP101 - 10 Things to Consider when Developing & Deploying Applications in Lar...
BP101 - 10 Things to Consider when Developing & Deploying Applications in Lar...

Many common development techniques can cause dramatic effects when your application is rolled out over hundreds of servers. As a developer, you need a good understanding of certain parts of the infrastructure to build an application designed for wide-scale deployment. System administrators who review applications before deployment should know what to look for in the code to prevent problems when rolled out to production. This session takes a look at the area where Application Development and System Administration come together. You will hear about real-life problems, view examples of bad code as well as good code, and learn what you should consider when you have to develop or deploy an application which will be rolled out in a large-scale deployment, or how to "harden" your code to support large quantities of documents.

Team Foundation Server - Source Control
Team Foundation Server - Source ControlTeam Foundation Server - Source Control
Team Foundation Server - Source Control

This presentation focusses on : -TFS- an Overview -Managing Branches -Merging -Code Integration

tfsvisual studioteam foundation server
That conference   tfs care and feeding
Absolute minimum TFS administration overhead
Easy sharing of code, work items, builds, etc.
Allows for organizational portfolio management in TFS
Great in theory, complicated in practice
Can result in very deep hierarchies of Areas and Iterations
Builds folder may get crowded and unwieldy
All users must agree on a process template (not always easy)
Security can be VERY complex if granular artifact isolation is required
Consideration Recommendation
Codebases are being shared Create New TP or Add to Existing TP
Database level artifact isolation required (compliance) New Team Project Collection
Organizational portfolio management needed ONE Team Project
Desire to minimize administration overhead Create New TP or ideally Add to Existing TP
Ability to easily scale due to database growth New Team Project Collection or split TPC
Need to hand off code/project to client New Team Project Collection or split TPC
Need a new process template or SCM (TFGit) New Team Project
Developers don’t want their code “touching” Couples counseling, seriously
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Team 1
Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project

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Google maps
Google mapsGoogle maps
Google maps

Google Maps is a basic web mapping service that allows users to search for places, businesses, and directions. It provides map views, satellite imagery, and terrain views. Users can get turn-by-turn directions via car, public transit, or walking. Additional features include searching for local businesses, viewing business details and reviews, planning public transit routes, and creating custom maps to share with others.

google maps
Barack Obama - Is it just a vision?
Barack Obama - Is it just a vision? Barack Obama - Is it just a vision?
Barack Obama - Is it just a vision?

Barack Obama was elected in 2008 as Americans sought a new leader to bring stability and confidence after George W. Bush. Obama emphasized ending the Iraq War, increasing energy independence, and providing universal healthcare. After taking office, Obama issued orders to withdraw troops from Iraq. Obama's leadership style has been transformational and charismatic, aiming to fundamentally transform the United States and seize transformative moments to create a better future together.

barack obama

The document discusses how little time humans actually have to live their lives, with statistics showing the average human only lives about 22,000 days. It notes that with so few days, weeks, and Saturday nights, there are likely many books left unread, movies unwatched, places unvisited, and dreams unfulfilled. The key message is that since no one knows when they will die, people should make the most of each day and pursue their dreams as if it could be their last chance.

Named group of users
Provides narrowed scope for
viewing work items and status
Can be used to secure access to
Team Project artifacts
Each team has their own planning
tools and views
*Does not have to map to
traditional people teams
 Teams can be categorized into sub-teams
 Teams are allocated their own, isolated backlogs
 Teams are flexible, can be easily retired and recreated as needed
 May not map to your existing usage of Areas
Teams cannot be shared across Team Projects
 Teams are flat user lists
 >100 users not loaded by Team Explorer  you have bigger issues!
 Team capacities do not “roll up” automatically to parent teams
That conference   tfs care and feeding
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools

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Awesome Subways

Gloriously Awesome Subways.

Chicago ALM User Group - Nov 2014 - Application Insights 101
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Chicago ALM User Group - Nov 2014 - Application Insights 101

A beginner's guide to what Application Insights is, and how to get up and running with it quickly using Azure as a web application host.

azurealmapplication lifecycle management
Agile, CMMI, Scrum included
Many free 3rd Party options
Customize to match YOUR process
Who is on your team?
What can people do?
How should they do it?
Behind the scenes it’s just a bunch of XML Files
It’s just XML. Manage it like any code!
Don’t customize before evaluating OOB first!
Yes you can customize. But SHOULD you?
Keep a “sandbox” TPC (ideally a test TFS instance) for piloting
Keep changes additive whenever possible
Keep customization consistent across Team Projects if possible
Apply an ALM process to releasing and testing customizations

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CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil
CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evilCCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil
CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil

This document provides an overview of Angela Dugan's background and experience with ALM tools. It then summarizes key topics around Visual Studio Online vs on-premise, best practices for configuring TFS projects and permissions, and useful administration tools for TFS including the TFS Power Tools, TFS Job Agent, TFS Backup and Restore utility, Best Practices Analyzer, and third party tools like Attrice Sidekicks and Team Project Manager.

test automationtfs
TFS 2013 Care and Feeding
TFS 2013 Care and FeedingTFS 2013 Care and Feeding
TFS 2013 Care and Feeding

Best practices and practical advice for setting up a flexible, scalable, and effective TFS environment.

application lifecycle managementtfsvisual studio
TFS Structure and Anatomy
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
Team Foundation Server Instance
Team Foundation Server Team Collection
Team Foundation Server Team Project
Team Foundation Server Teams
Team Foundation Web Access
SharePoint Site Collection
SharePoint Sites
Reports Server
TFS group security and permissions can be found here:
SharePoint security here:
Pre-defined roles for SSRS can be found here:
That conference   tfs care and feeding
TFS Permissions Managed via Admin Console and Web
Permissions Limited to Team Projects
Permissions Inherited via Group Membership
SharePoint Permissions Managed via Central Admin and SharePoint Site Security
Permissions can be scoped to Collection or Site
Permissions Inherited via AD Group Membership
Reporting Permissions Managed via Reports Server Site
Permissions can be scoped to Server or Project Folders
Permissions Inherited via AD and/or SharePoint Group Membership
Yes, there are THREE separate places to manage security!

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Webinar: Deploy Microsoft Teams and stay in control
Webinar: Deploy Microsoft Teams and stay in controlWebinar: Deploy Microsoft Teams and stay in control
Webinar: Deploy Microsoft Teams and stay in control

In this webinar, Microsoft Regional Director Benjamin Niaulin covers the fundamentals of a successful Microsoft Teams deployment. Learn tips and tricks to roll out Microsoft's fastest-growing application—all while keeping your tenant tidy and secure.

office 365microsoftmicrosoft teams
How to improve Developer Documentations ?
How to improve Developer Documentations ?How to improve Developer Documentations ?
How to improve Developer Documentations ?

The document proposes solutions to improve the Teams Dev Docs by addressing developer pain points. It identifies key pain points such as difficulty finding relevant content and understanding errors. Possible solutions include a chatbot that can quickly answer questions and documentation that allows coding in native languages. User research is cited to validate the identified pain points. A phased go-to-market strategy is proposed starting with targeted launches of the chatbot and native language support to capture early adopters. The solutions aim to reduce time spent on documentation and increase new developer adoption.

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DX@Scale: Optimizing Salesforce Development and Deployment for large scale pr...
DX@Scale: Optimizing Salesforce Development and Deployment for large scale pr...DX@Scale: Optimizing Salesforce Development and Deployment for large scale pr...
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In this talk, Azlam Abdulsalam and Ramzi Akremi will share their experiences in an ongoing Salesforce program how they build deploy and maintain 20+ unlocked packages through a highly optimised pipeline.

Permissions are inherited from group membership*.
Permissions can be allow, deny, or “not set”.
For almost all permissions, deny trumps allow*.
If permissions are not explicitly set to allow, they are implicitly denied unless an allow has
been inherited via group membership (“inherited allow”).
If a user belongs to multiple groups, and ANY one group has a specific permission set to
deny, that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that permission.
TFS, TPC, and TP Administrator level permissions CANNOT be edited.
*With build, version control, and work item related artifacts, explicit permissions that are set on a particular object override those that are inherited from the parent
objects. This allows you to do things like allow a user access to a root source control folder, but deny them access to one of that folder’s branches.
That conference   tfs care and feeding
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
TFS Power Tools: TFS extensions for managing TFS resources
and providing advanced capabilities.
CodePlex Add-Ons: community based, often authored by
Microsoft employees, not officially supported
Visual Studio Gallery: similar to CodePlex, officially supported by
Third-Party Plug-ins: usually free, extends TFS capabilities

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Scrum And Tfs
Scrum And TfsScrum And Tfs
Scrum And Tfs

SCRUM has grown in popularity and acceptance by many companies over the world with numbers of registered SCRUM Masters reaching 51,955 (11 March 2009 - Jeff Sutherland). Although SCRUM does not stipulate what tools to use to produce the necessary artifacts, Microsoft Team Foundation System provides a number of features via TFS Explorer that facilitate capturing the artifacts of SCRUM and is a useful tool for any SCRUM Master, Team and Product Owner. This presentation will highlight the SCRUM framework and show you practical use of TFS and other tools that facilitate the ceremonies and artifacts of SCRUM.

agile developmenttfsteam foundation system
FLossEd-BK Tequila Framework3.2.1
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FLossEd-BK Tequila Framework3.2.1

The document summarizes the Tequila Framework 3.2.1 presentation given by Siwawong W. It introduces the speaker and their background, describes key features of the Tequila Framework like its MVC structure and use of design patterns, and demonstrates how to get started using the framework.

php framework
Tech Module 4 - Microsoft Teams admin and gov.pptx
Tech Module 4 - Microsoft Teams admin and gov.pptxTech Module 4 - Microsoft Teams admin and gov.pptx
Tech Module 4 - Microsoft Teams admin and gov.pptx

Teams Presentation Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. Teams primarily competes with the similar service Slack, offering workspace chat and videoconferencing, file storage, and application integration.[8] Teams replaced other Microsoft-operated business messaging and collaboration platforms, including Skype for Business and Microsoft Classroom. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Teams, and other software such as Zoom and Google Meet, gained much interest as many meetings moved to a virtual environment.[9] As of 2022, it has about 270 million monthly users.[10]

TFS Power Tools:
TFS Admin Reports
TFS Backup and Restore
Check-in Policy Add-on Pack
Process Editor
Best Practices Analyzer
CodePlex/VS Gallery
TFS Admin Tool
Team Project Manager
Community Build Manager
Third-Party Tools
Attrice Sidekicks
Activity Log
Every command that every user has executed against TFS for the last 14 days.
TFS Job Monitoring
TFS Background Job Agent schedules and queues jobs within TFS
Total Run Time - How long jobs take to Execute
Number of Jobs Run - Number of times jobs are run and status
Average Run and Queue Time - Number of jobs executing at a particular time, average time that they waited
in the queue, and average run time
Job Queue - which jobs are currently queued, their priorities and when they are expected to start.
That conference   tfs care and feeding
That conference   tfs care and feeding

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Understanding Office 365 Groups: Ask The Experts
Understanding Office 365 Groups: Ask The ExpertsUnderstanding Office 365 Groups: Ask The Experts
Understanding Office 365 Groups: Ask The Experts

AvePoint Presents, Understanding Office 365 Groups: Ask The Experts More blogs, webinars, and videos about Office 365 Groups for you: Presented by: - Christophe Fiessinger, Microsoft Office 365 Groups Program Manager - Dux Raymond Sy, Microsoft MVP & AvePoint Public Sector CTO - Jeremy Thake, Hyperfish VP of Product Technology Office 365 Groups are shared workspaces where group members can collectively get things done. But how exactly does it work, and how will Office Groups enhance the way you work? Join our experts for an interactive, question-and-answer session covering: An overview of what Office 365 Groups are, how they work, and what you get when you set one up Use cases and customer stories showcasing how you can use Office 365 Groups to power your teams and projects Prescriptive advice on how your IT and governance teams can manage Office 365 in the era of Office 365 Groups By the end of our webinar, you will understand what Office 365 Groups are and the impact that activating them can have on your organization.

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Tfs session
Tfs sessionTfs session
Tfs session

Team Foundation Server or TFS is developed by Microsoft to manage the teams and the way they work. It is basically a management tool used in project management, reporting, requirements gathering and testing

microsoftazureproject management
TFS session
TFS sessionTFS session
TFS session

Team Foundation Server (TFS) is a tool created by Microsoft for managing project teams and workflows. It provides capabilities for project management, reporting, requirements gathering, and testing. TFS uses Git for source code control and is the backend system, providing processes, integration, and delivery of value to end users. It offers different templates like Scrum, Agile, and CMMI to support various development methodologies. Teams can define backlogs, user stories, tasks and track their status using TFS to manage work in an agile framework.

Used to be a Power Tool, now an OOB Feature with TFS 2013
Backups up TFS related databases
Nightly, Manual or Custom
Full, Differential, Transactional
Allows for TPC-level Restore
Notifications Available
That conference   tfs care and feeding
Code Analysis
Custom Path
Forbidden patterns
Work Item Queries
Found in TFS Power Tools:
That conference   tfs care and feeding

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Microsoft teams role specific guide
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Microsoft Teams can be used to organize various roles and activities. For finance, it allows budget planning and management teams to collaborate on tasks such as creating marketing/sales forecasts, capital expenditure budgets, operating expense budgets, and budget reporting. It also helps earnings release teams prepare annual reports, manage securities filings, coordinate earnings calls, and manage overall program activities through channels, conversations, files, and external connections.

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STLDODN 2015 - How VSO and TFS 2015 Will Rock Your Agile World
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STLDODN 2015 - How VSO and TFS 2015 Will Rock Your Agile World

If you’ve been using Team Foundation Server for a while, you know it can do everything short of making you a latte as you walk into your morning scrum. TFS has come a long way in the last 10 years, and with the release of TFS 2015 and all of the features being released to VSO at break-neck speed, it’s hard to know why you should consider upgrading or even adopting in the first place. With the release of TFS 2015, Microsoft has laid down some SERIOUS awesomeness with a reboot of Team Build, a ton of new agile based team planning features that will melt even the saltiest scrum master’s heart, and easy integration into collaboration tools like Slack, Hipchat, and Trello with service hooks. And lastly, there are some cool new testing capabilities, some which are open to people with no licensing, yeah, FREE STUFF. Join me for a tour of the best of TFS 2015, IMHO anyway.

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Terratest sentinel hashiconf

Terratest and Sentinel provide complementary testing capabilities for infrastructure as code. Terratest allows end-to-end testing of infrastructure during development but is slower to run, while Sentinel performs faster compliance and security checks against infrastructure and is aware of the current Terraform plan or configuration. Together they help ensure infrastructure is deployed correctly and meets business and regulatory requirements with flexible testing at multiple stages of the development and deployment process.

Work Item Definitions
Form Layout
Global Lists
Open/Edit from file or server
That conference   tfs care and feeding
Scan TFS Instance
Hardware AND Software
Detect Security Issues
Lists non-default settings
Detects non-compliance with
best practices
Recommends remediation

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VSTS Migration Briefing
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VSTS Migration Briefing

If you're thinking about migrating from TFS on-premises to VSTS, it's not necessarily a simple decision as to how to get there. During this briefing we discussed some of the considerations that lead you to the right migration path, gotchas that we have encountered, and how we can help you get to VSTS quickly and effectively.

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Plugin style EA
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Plugin style EA

The document discusses a plugin architecture approach for building enterprise applications. It describes two approaches - one where the core is aware of plugin objects, and one where the core acts as a rules repository and plugins communicate through proxies. It outlines responsibilities for both plugins and the core, such as plugins declaring themselves, implementing core interfaces, and calling back the core, and the core validating plugins, maintaining identities and rules. The approach allows for distributed and independent development while retaining centralized control and sharing of resources through the core.

Datasheet foldermanagementpluginforrd
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The document discusses the benefits of automating various IT projects and processes using automation tools. It describes how automation can speed up middleware upgrades, migrations between platforms to reduce costs, building private clouds, upgrading core applications, and platform migrations. It then introduces the Folder Management plugin for RapidDeploy which allows centrally managing folder structures and file configurations across target servers to reduce errors and improve consistency. The plugin enables snapshotting folder structures, comparing files over time, templating files, and deploying filesystem changes.

Free TFS Analyzer Tool:
View team project activities
View and edit SCM settings
View branch hierarchies
View and edit security group and settings
View and edit build templates
View and edit build definitions
Compare templates
View and edit process configuration
Supports TFS 2008+
That conference   tfs care and feeding
Visualization and Admin Add-On for TFS
Plugs right into Visual Studio
Provides additional features around:
Security and Permissions
Code Review
SCM History and Labels
FREE, yes, I know!

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"Platform Engineering in practice — Why and How to start", Serg Hospodarets

The tech industry went from IT to DevOps, and Platform Engineering showed it well to enable effective software products development. Serg with his teams re-architected and delivered a few Web Cloud Platforms, and applied engineering reorganizations, to improve companies’ products delivery. It was done at scale- a few hundred engineers and operations, dozens of products, hundreds of microservices and customers. This talk aims to share the experience and learned practices, including practical technical tooling suggestions, processes, and team organization tips. And, of course, live and coding demos.

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Extending Microsoft Teams with SPFx webparts
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The document discusses extending Microsoft Teams with SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web parts. It provides an overview of the session which includes demos on how to create a new SPFx web part to be used in Teams, how to import an existing web part to Teams, and how to modernize a web part to work in Teams. The goal is for attendees to understand how to develop SPFx web parts that can be used in both SharePoint and Teams and how to modify existing web parts to surface in Teams.

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That conference   tfs care and feeding
That conference   tfs care and feeding
That conference   tfs care and feeding

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  • 2. ALM Practice Manager Chicago ALM User Group ALM MVP, PSM, PSM 15 years in the software industry With a possibly unhealthy love of Halloween  Shameless self promotion Polaris Solutions- Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris Blog -
  • 3. Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 4. TFS Should Be PLANNED to ensure: Effectiveness – Does it do what you need? Scalability – Will the structure or configuration cause bottlenecks as the team grows? Efficiency – Can you do what you need quickly, and without added effort?
  • 5. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Roll-up team Sub- Team 1 Sub- Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 6. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Roll-up team Sub- Team 1 Sub- Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 7. TPC = Collection of *tightly related* Team Projects TPC = SQL Database Can be backed up and restored individually
  • 8. No sharing of:  Work Items  Source Code  Queries  Reports  Build Controllers Team Project Collections CANNOT be renamed* Create only as many TPCs as necessary
  • 9. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Master team Sub- Team 1 Sub- Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 10. Team Project <> “Project” TP = Logical view of subset of TPC data Team Projects Contain 1 Process Template 1 commons set of users and roles 1 SharePoint portal (optional) 1 Reports site (optional)
  • 11. Work Items, Source Code, Reports, and Queries CAN cross Team Project boundaries. BUT… no sharing of:  Work Item Templates and Definitions Build Definitions  Areas and Iterations  Work Items cannot be MOVED to another Team project, only copied Team Projects REALLY cannot be renamed Create only as many TPs as necessary
  • 12. Create only as many TPs as necessary
  • 14. Absolute minimum TFS administration overhead Easy sharing of code, work items, builds, etc. Allows for organizational portfolio management in TFS Great in theory, complicated in practice Can result in very deep hierarchies of Areas and Iterations Builds folder may get crowded and unwieldy All users must agree on a process template (not always easy) Security can be VERY complex if granular artifact isolation is required
  • 15. Consideration Recommendation Codebases are being shared Create New TP or Add to Existing TP Database level artifact isolation required (compliance) New Team Project Collection Organizational portfolio management needed ONE Team Project Desire to minimize administration overhead Create New TP or ideally Add to Existing TP Ability to easily scale due to database growth New Team Project Collection or split TPC Need to hand off code/project to client New Team Project Collection or split TPC Need a new process template or SCM (TFGit) New Team Project Developers don’t want their code “touching” Couples counseling, seriously
  • 16. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Master team Sub- Team 1 Sub- Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 17. Named group of users Provides narrowed scope for viewing work items and status Can be used to secure access to Team Project artifacts Each team has their own planning tools and views *Does not have to map to traditional people teams
  • 18. Pros  Teams can be categorized into sub-teams  Teams are allocated their own, isolated backlogs  Teams are flexible, can be easily retired and recreated as needed Cons  May not map to your existing usage of Areas Teams cannot be shared across Team Projects  Teams are flat user lists  >100 users not loaded by Team Explorer  you have bigger issues!  Team capacities do not “roll up” automatically to parent teams
  • 20. Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 21. Agile, CMMI, Scrum included Many free 3rd Party options Customize to match YOUR process Defines: Who is on your team? What can people do? How should they do it?
  • 22. Behind the scenes it’s just a bunch of XML Files
  • 23. It’s just XML. Manage it like any code!
  • 24. Don’t customize before evaluating OOB first! Yes you can customize. But SHOULD you? Keep a “sandbox” TPC (ideally a test TFS instance) for piloting customizations Keep changes additive whenever possible Keep customization consistent across Team Projects if possible Apply an ALM process to releasing and testing customizations
  • 25. TFS Structure and Anatomy Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 26. Team Foundation Server Instance Team Foundation Server Team Collection Team Foundation Server Team Project Team Foundation Server Teams Team Foundation Web Access SharePoint Site Collection SharePoint Sites Reports Server TFS group security and permissions can be found here: SharePoint security here: Pre-defined roles for SSRS can be found here:
  • 28. TFS Permissions Managed via Admin Console and Web Permissions Limited to Team Projects Permissions Inherited via Group Membership SharePoint Permissions Managed via Central Admin and SharePoint Site Security Permissions can be scoped to Collection or Site Permissions Inherited via AD Group Membership Reporting Permissions Managed via Reports Server Site Permissions can be scoped to Server or Project Folders Permissions Inherited via AD and/or SharePoint Group Membership Yes, there are THREE separate places to manage security!
  • 29. Permissions are inherited from group membership*. Permissions can be allow, deny, or “not set”. For almost all permissions, deny trumps allow*. If permissions are not explicitly set to allow, they are implicitly denied unless an allow has been inherited via group membership (“inherited allow”). If a user belongs to multiple groups, and ANY one group has a specific permission set to deny, that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that permission. TFS, TPC, and TP Administrator level permissions CANNOT be edited. *With build, version control, and work item related artifacts, explicit permissions that are set on a particular object override those that are inherited from the parent objects. This allows you to do things like allow a user access to a root source control folder, but deny them access to one of that folder’s branches.
  • 31. Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 32. TFS Power Tools: TFS extensions for managing TFS resources and providing advanced capabilities. CodePlex Add-Ons: community based, often authored by Microsoft employees, not officially supported Visual Studio Gallery: similar to CodePlex, officially supported by Microsoft Third-Party Plug-ins: usually free, extends TFS capabilities
  • 33. TFS Power Tools: TFS Admin Reports TFS Backup and Restore Check-in Policy Add-on Pack Process Editor Best Practices Analyzer CodePlex/VS Gallery TFS Admin Tool Team Project Manager Community Build Manager Third-Party Tools Attrice Sidekicks
  • 34. Activity Log Every command that every user has executed against TFS for the last 14 days. TFS Job Monitoring TFS Background Job Agent schedules and queues jobs within TFS Total Run Time - How long jobs take to Execute Number of Jobs Run - Number of times jobs are run and status Average Run and Queue Time - Number of jobs executing at a particular time, average time that they waited in the queue, and average run time Job Queue - which jobs are currently queued, their priorities and when they are expected to start.
  • 37. Used to be a Power Tool, now an OOB Feature with TFS 2013 Backups up TFS related databases Nightly, Manual or Custom Full, Differential, Transactional Allows for TPC-level Restore Notifications Available
  • 39. TFS SCM Add-Ons Code Analysis Custom Path Forbidden patterns Work Item Queries Found in TFS Power Tools: 17b10c-02b4-4d6d-9845-58a06545627f
  • 41. Import/Export/Manage: Work Item Definitions Workflow Form Layout Global Lists Open/Edit from file or server
  • 43. Scan TFS Instance Hardware AND Software Detect Security Issues Lists non-default settings Detects non-compliance with best practices Recommends remediation
  • 45. Free TFS Analyzer Tool: View team project activities View and edit SCM settings View branch hierarchies View and edit security group and settings View and edit build templates View and edit build definitions Compare templates View and edit process configuration Supports TFS 2008+
  • 48. Visualization and Admin Add-On for TFS Plugs right into Visual Studio Provides additional features around: Workspaces Security and Permissions Code Review SCM History and Labels FREE, yes, I know!