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Test Driven Development with OSGi
A Practical Overview
Test Driven Development
1. Write test
2. Write code
3. Make it pass
OSGi Deployment
3. Watch it fail
with error $%^#@
2. Deploy on OSGi
1. Working code
Rod Johnson from Spring Source on
OSGi, Things I wish I knew…
• Over-invested in OSGi for 2 years
• Seduced by a technology in search
of a problem
• Clever technology but didn’t solve
most customers pressing problems
• Spent millions that could have been
spent elsewhere
My take: OSGi is like EJB2.0, a 3.0
incarnation is desperately needed.

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It is a presentation to help software developers get started with a testing platform Cypress. I have created it personally and given the most basics of explanation regarding the new concepts.

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CI and CD with Jenkins
CI and CD with JenkinsCI and CD with Jenkins
CI and CD with Jenkins

Continuous integration involves developers committing code changes daily which are then automatically built and tested. Continuous delivery takes this further by automatically deploying code changes that pass testing to production environments. The document outlines how Jenkins can be used to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery through automating builds, testing, and deployments to keep the process fast, repeatable and ensure quality.

jenkinscontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery

Intro to Jenkins, installation of Jenkins, Integrating the testing and deployment technologies. Execute the build tests.

Does investing in OSGi pay off?
OSGi is not easy to use and at the end of the day or year
depending on how long it takes to get things working, its value
is hard to see. This is why:
• Your application will not be more modular overall, on the contrary,
It ends up being not isolated from other applications since it is a
share everything instead of share nothing architecture.
• Versioning is pushed further down the stack, you wrestle with
maven transitive dependencies during build only to do that again at
runtime in OSGi.
• Most libraries are designed to work as libraries in the application
classloader not as bundles with their own classloader.
• OSGi is a dynamic service deployment framework (if you need one).
It is good for building platforms and for plugin architectures like
Eclipse where third party developers need to be sandboxed.
How to work successfully with OSGi
• Don’t develop directly against OSGi or have that
in your frequent development cycle, it is mostly a
deployment environment.
• You can deploy on jetty inside a test just like the
one running inside OSGi without the overhead.
• Use spring dynamic modules vs blueprint to keep
bean config separate from osgi config
• Treat configuration as code and use Functional
tests with mocks if necessary
Develop-Deploy-Test Cycle
Develop Develop
Test Test
Test2Test1 Test3
failed test
It wasn’t
Short circuit deploy by embedding test container.
PlansProgress Blockers
update update
A word about testing
• Don’t write unit tests that instantiate classes
as singletons, write functional tests that
instantiate classes like they are configured.
• TDD helps you develop the API and test its
implementation using the proper contract.
• Reduce the surface area of the API.
• Remember the API is like a wide angle lens the
narrower the focal length the wider the scene
of the implementation.

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.Net OSS Ci & CD with Jenkins - JUC ISRAEL 2013
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.Net OSS Ci & CD with Jenkins - JUC ISRAEL 2013

This document discusses using Jenkins for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) of .NET open source projects. It covers how to achieve CI using Jenkins by automating builds, testing on each commit, and more. It also discusses using NuGet for dependency management and Sonar for code quality analysis. Finally, it provides examples of using Jenkins to deploy builds to platforms like AWS Elastic Beanstalk for CD after builds pass testing.

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Talk a respeito de testes automatizados no frontend (E2E, integração, unitários e visual), dando destaque a aplicações React. A talk foca na utilização da biblioteca react-testing-library desenvolvida por Kent C. Dodds em 2018. Nela, explico o porquê de optarmos por ela, em quais casos ela melhor se aplica e dou alguns exemplos de utilização.

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Docker в последняя время набрал огромную популярность как инструмент разработчиков и DevOps-специалистов, но все ещё не так активно используется для автоматизированного тестирования. Во время воркшопа я поделюсь несколькими сценариями, когда Docker может помочь автоматизировать то что ранее считалось непригодным к автоматизации. Также, мы попробуем создать свой собственный образ и запустить несколько контейнеров используя docker-compose.

OSGi Service Pattern
1. Register impl for intf
<osgi:service… />
2. Lookup impl of intf
<osgi:reference filter=… />
When to use mocks
• Use mocks when no alternative. For example,
try not to mock the persistence layer but
replace with in-memory hsql database so that
your ORM and spring configuration are tested.
• OSGi services can easily be mocked using their
service interface.
• Use spring to rewire mocks in.
Client running against OSGi
Test running against Jetty
Mock Auth

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In the world of fast changing technologies and business requirements there is no way to stay with old-school approaches to develop software. Common, leave manual interaction behind, let machine do what it's best capable for and spend your time to solve real problems. During this talk I'm going to demonstrate how to build a sophisticated continuous development pipeline for Java based project to cover things like build, test, code quality, deploy and delivery using Gradle, Jenkins, SonarQube, Docker and Ansible. As an outcome of this presentation there will be an open source project with source code.

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Continuous Integration
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Continuous Integration

The document discusses continuous integration (CI), including its benefits, when to implement it, who should use it, and how to set it up. CI involves developers integrating code daily and having an automated build test for quick error detection. Benefits include better quality, faster development, and cheaper defect fixing. The document recommends setting up a code repository, automated build script, and CI server to start. It also provides examples of best practices and demo tools like Hudson.

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e2e testing with cypress
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e2e testing with cypress

Cypress is an e2e testing tool that allows for testing web applications directly in the browser. It provides native access to the browser without using Selenium, making tasks like taking screenshots and recording videos possible. Some limitations are that it only supports single-page applications and one browser tab at a time. Cypress prioritizes developer experience through features like fast testing, intuitive debugging, and integration with continuous integration systems and dashboards. Many large companies have adopted Cypress for their e2e testing needs.

Code Coverage
• Few functional tests can provide good code
coverage without skewing the results or making it
impossible to refactor and identify dead code.
• The lack of code-coverage over a class is also
valuable information. For example missing
coverage on an exception class means missing
negative test cases.
• You wouldn’t test by throwing exceptions from a
unit test, that would be worst than having no
tests because it masks the need for one.
• Unit tests should follow the same logic.
• Focus more on value add services and less on
the platform. Services like identity and access
management etc
• Micro-services Architecture with a private
PaaS to bring services together and scale from
private to public clouds
• Use platform as a service like Apache Stratos
and deployment container like
• And/Or OSGi (not exclusive technologies)
Microservices Architecture
Service1 Service2 Service3 Service4
local store
API Gateway Service Registry
App1 App2
Docker container Services Engine Shared store
Sample Project
• The Sample project demonstrate a layered project that can be
deployed on an OSGI container like Karaf without
compromising its ability to run on an embedded container like
jetty hosted inside an IDE or as part of a build and test cycle
performed by maven.
• The examples demonstrate the use of functional unit tests
that invoke the services via their restful interfaces over HTTP
achieving a complete assertion of their logic and configuration
via spring and cxf.
• Source:

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Cypress is an open source tool for automating end-to-end tests. It can test anything that runs in a browser. The document discusses installing Cypress via npm, yarn, or direct download. It also covers opening Cypress and using the test runner interface. Finally, it lists various Cypress commands for controlling the browser, selecting page elements, and triggering actions.

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Continuous Integration and PHP
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Continuous Integration and PHP

Short overview of the main principles of Continuous Integration (CI), describing benefits of CI and showing a smooth path of integrating CI into your development cycle, finishing with a short introduction into Xinc - PHP CI Server and how to utilize it for your projects.

Testing with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous Deployment
Testing with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous DeploymentTesting with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous Deployment
Testing with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous Deployment

This document discusses using Jenkins, Selenium and continuous deployment for testing web applications. It proposes using Jenkins for continuous integration, running Selenium tests on Amazon AWS instances through a Selenium Grid. A deployment tool is suggested to deploy any version of the code within an isolated environment using tools like Fabric, Gunicorn and Nginx. The solution allows running tests periodically, executing them in parallel on different browsers and providing live URLs of branches for QA testing.


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[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf
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TDD on OSGi, in practice.

  • 1. Test Driven Development with OSGi A Practical Overview
  • 2. Test Driven Development 1. Write test 2. Write code 3. Make it pass
  • 3. OSGi Deployment 3. Watch it fail with error $%^#@ 2. Deploy on OSGi 1. Working code
  • 4. Rod Johnson from Spring Source on OSGi, Things I wish I knew… • Over-invested in OSGi for 2 years • Seduced by a technology in search of a problem • Clever technology but didn’t solve most customers pressing problems • Spent millions that could have been spent elsewhere My take: OSGi is like EJB2.0, a 3.0 incarnation is desperately needed. OSGi
  • 5. Does investing in OSGi pay off? OSGi is not easy to use and at the end of the day or year depending on how long it takes to get things working, its value is hard to see. This is why: • Your application will not be more modular overall, on the contrary, It ends up being not isolated from other applications since it is a share everything instead of share nothing architecture. • Versioning is pushed further down the stack, you wrestle with maven transitive dependencies during build only to do that again at runtime in OSGi. • Most libraries are designed to work as libraries in the application classloader not as bundles with their own classloader. • OSGi is a dynamic service deployment framework (if you need one). It is good for building platforms and for plugin architectures like Eclipse where third party developers need to be sandboxed.
  • 6. How to work successfully with OSGi • Don’t develop directly against OSGi or have that in your frequent development cycle, it is mostly a deployment environment. • You can deploy on jetty inside a test just like the one running inside OSGi without the overhead. • Use spring dynamic modules vs blueprint to keep bean config separate from osgi config • Treat configuration as code and use Functional tests with mocks if necessary
  • 7. Develop-Deploy-Test Cycle Develop Develop Continuous Integration Test Test Test2Test1 Test3 Resolve failed test It wasn’t me! Source control Short circuit deploy by embedding test container. PlansProgress Blockers Scrum update update checkin1+2
  • 8. A word about testing • Don’t write unit tests that instantiate classes as singletons, write functional tests that instantiate classes like they are configured. • TDD helps you develop the API and test its implementation using the proper contract. • Reduce the surface area of the API. • Remember the API is like a wide angle lens the narrower the focal length the wider the scene of the implementation.
  • 9. OSGi Service Pattern API Impl Client 1. Register impl for intf <osgi:service… /> 2. Lookup impl of intf <osgi:reference filter=… /> Export-Package Import-Package Import-Package OSGi Service Registry
  • 10. When to use mocks • Use mocks when no alternative. For example, try not to mock the persistence layer but replace with in-memory hsql database so that your ORM and spring configuration are tested. • OSGi services can easily be mocked using their service interface. • Use spring to rewire mocks in.
  • 11. Client running against OSGi Manager Service OSGi Auth Service Hibernate/ OpenJpa My Service Postgres Service Client Separate classloaders
  • 12. Test running against Jetty Mock Manager Service Jetty Mock Auth Service Hibernate/ OpenJpa My Service Service Test One classloader InMem HSQL
  • 13. Code Coverage • Few functional tests can provide good code coverage without skewing the results or making it impossible to refactor and identify dead code. • The lack of code-coverage over a class is also valuable information. For example missing coverage on an exception class means missing negative test cases. • You wouldn’t test by throwing exceptions from a unit test, that would be worst than having no tests because it masks the need for one. • Unit tests should follow the same logic.
  • 14. Alternatives • Focus more on value add services and less on the platform. Services like identity and access management etc • Micro-services Architecture with a private PaaS to bring services together and scale from private to public clouds • Use platform as a service like Apache Stratos and deployment container like • And/Or OSGi (not exclusive technologies)
  • 15. Microservices Architecture Service1 Service2 Service3 Service4 local store Analytics engine Workflow Message Broker Report engine STAGE PROCESS GENERATE API Gateway Service Registry PaaS request request App1 App2 Docker container Services Engine Shared store Cache Workflow
  • 16. Sample Project • The Sample project demonstrate a layered project that can be deployed on an OSGI container like Karaf without compromising its ability to run on an embedded container like jetty hosted inside an IDE or as part of a build and test cycle performed by maven. • The examples demonstrate the use of functional unit tests that invoke the services via their restful interfaces over HTTP achieving a complete assertion of their logic and configuration via spring and cxf. • Source:
  • 17. Fini