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Information Security Expert
UJ Consultant & Solution
A Sender A Sender
Writes a Letter and place the information
Return Address:
Writes a Letter and place the information
Return Address:
Find nearby post office Find an E-Mail Server
Post Officer then check the Header information:
1) To: abc
2) Address: 123/Abc. Khi
3) From: xyz
4) Return Address: 123/Abc. Khi
E-Mail Server verify the header information:
1) To:
2) From:
3) Return Address:
When the information on a header is verified a stamp
has been made on the envelop , and an amount
is charged for the service
When the information on a header is verified it send
the information to the e-mail server, For free E-
Mail Server , no amount is charged for the
On the same day or another day the post master took
the envelop and send the envelop to the nearby
post office of the destination
On the same day or with a delay of time Email server
send the request to another email server if it
contains the address then it send to the Mail
Post Master of the destination’s Address then took
the envelop and send it to the address
Mail Server send a mail to the destination’s Address.
Receiver check the POSTBOX Receiver checks the Mail Box
10 Years Back
• Microsoft Launch their operating system known as
“Windows XP”
Time Period Commands
10 Years Start > Run> cmd
Identifies from which server your machine connection is established
10 Years Start > Run > cmd
Net view
Identifies how many computers are the part of your network
9 Years Start > Run > cmd
Ping Pc-Name
Get the IP Address from a Domain name
8 Years Start > Run > cmd
Command used to identify the peripheral of computer

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Distruptionware is a form of Ransomware. This presentation covers how to protect your company from it.

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Cyber attack


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Protecting Your organization from WannaCry Ransomware
Protecting Your organization from WannaCry RansomwareProtecting Your organization from WannaCry Ransomware
Protecting Your organization from WannaCry Ransomware

WannaCry Ransomware explained in details, a better understanding about Ransomware and how to stay protected from it.

wannacry ransomwareransomware
•Foot printing
•Finger Printing
•Identify the threat
•Applying patches
Following are the list of threats that a
user faces on a network:
The man-in-the middle attack intercepts a communication
between two systems.
•The Session Hijacking attack consists of the exploitation
of the web session control mechanism, which is normally
managed for a session token.

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Web application security
Web application securityWeb application security
Web application security

This document discusses various security threats to web applications such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, denial-of-service attacks, and brute force attacks. It provides details on each threat, including how they occur and methods of prevention. Defense tactics covered include input validation, account lockouts, CAPTCHAs, encryption, access restrictions, and server hardening techniques.

Meletis Belsis - Introduction to information security
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Meletis Belsis - Introduction to information security

Security is a major concern for organizations and individuals as information has become more valuable. The need for security has existed since information first became important. While firewalls and antivirus software provide some protection, they do not make an organization fully secure. Security involves processes for prevention, detection, reaction, and forensics. It is difficult to implement security perfectly due to costs, user resistance, evolving threats, and time/budget constraints for security teams. Hackers use various techniques like information gathering, password cracking, viruses, denial of service attacks, sniffing, and system exploits to compromise targets. Organizations implement defenses like firewalls, intrusion detection, honeypots, anti-sniffing measures, antivirus software, security awareness

Protecting Financial Networks from Cyber Crime
Protecting Financial Networks from Cyber CrimeProtecting Financial Networks from Cyber Crime
Protecting Financial Networks from Cyber Crime

Financial services organizations are prime targets for cyber criminals. They must take extreme care to protect customer data, while also ensuring high levels of network availability to allow for 24/7 access to critical financial information. Additionally, industry consolidation has created large, heterogeneous network environments within large financial institutions, making it difficult to ensure that networks have the necessary visibility and protection to prevent a devastating security breach. By leveraging NetFlow from existing network infrastructure, financial services organizations can achieve comprehensive visibility across even the largest, most complex networks. The ability to quickly detect a wide range of potentially malicious activity helps prevent damaging data breaches and network disruptions. Attend this informational webinar, conducted by Lancope’s Director of Security Research, Tom Cross, to learn: How NetFlow can help quickly uncover both internal and external threats How pervasive network insight can accelerate incident response and forensic investigations How to substantially decrease enterprise risks

network securitycyber threatsnetwork visibility
A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed
denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make
a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users
In the context of security, is understood to mean the art of
manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential
• It consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network
administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access,
misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and
network-accessible resources.
• Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a
network, which is controlled by the network administrator.

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Event - Internet Thailand - Total Security Perimeters
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This document summarizes Symantec's enterprise security solutions, including vulnerability management, firewalls, intrusion detection, virus protection, and managed security services. It discusses why security is important for businesses, common security threats, and how Symantec's layered approach addresses these threats through technologies like firewalls, VPNs, antivirus software, and vulnerability scanning.

(SACON) Nilanjan, Jitendra chauhan & Abhisek Datta - How does an attacker kno...
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(SACON) Nilanjan, Jitendra chauhan & Abhisek Datta - How does an attacker kno...

It is possible to create a comprehensive attack surface of any organizations just with open data available on the public internet It is possible to search vulnerable targets and compromise the targets. The organizations can be compromised without any RCE vulnerability. It is possible to create inhouse team to continuously monitor your attack surface and fix flaws before attackers find them.

saconciscociso platform annual summit
Network Security & Ethical Hacking
Network Security & Ethical HackingNetwork Security & Ethical Hacking
Network Security & Ethical Hacking

Security involves ensuring data integrity, availability, and confidentiality against threats. It can be computer or network security. Data integrity means data cannot be modified without authorization. Availability means information systems and data are accessible when needed. An information security management system (ISMS) follows the PDCA cycle of plan, do, check, act to manage security risks and ensure business continuity. ISO/IEC 27000 standards provide guidance for implementing an ISMS.

network securitynetworking
•Denying Unusable services
•Checking people currently connect with this
•Closing Default operators of windows
•Saving external resources
•Making Log files
•Updated Virus Definitions
Denying Unusable services
Close these services
Automatic Updates
Live Update
Closing Default operators of windows
Operating system Default setting
Windows 7 0x91
Windows Server 2008 0x91
Windows Vista 0x91
Windows Server 2003 0x95
Windows XP 0x91
Windows 2000 0x95
Windows 95/98 0x95

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Security testing
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Security testing

Security Testing involves testing applications and systems to ensure security and proper functionality. It includes testing input validation, internal processing, output validation, and more. Common types of security testing are security auditing, vulnerability scanning, risk assessment, ethical hacking, and penetration testing. The OWASP Top 10 includes SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and broken authentication and session management as common vulnerabilities.


Cross-site scripting (XSS) is the most prevalent web application security vulnerability. XSS allows attackers to inject client-side scripts to compromise user data or bypass access controls. Contextual output encoding, input validation, and emerging defensive technologies like content security policy promise to reduce XSS occurrences. SQL injection is another common threat that exploits code injection to access databases. Memory corruption from buffer overflows or faulty memory management can enable arbitrary code execution attacks. Cross-site request forgery tricks users into unknowingly submitting malicious requests. Data breaches unintentionally release secure information, requiring notification laws.

web application security
KHNOG 3: DDoS Attack Prevention
KHNOG 3: DDoS Attack PreventionKHNOG 3: DDoS Attack Prevention
KHNOG 3: DDoS Attack Prevention

APNIC Security Specialist Jamie Gillespie presents on DDoS Attack Prevention at KHNOG 3, held online on 4 December 2021.

Making Log
•Making Remote Connectivity disabled
•Services Like Telnet, SSH, VNC should be
stopped forcefully
•Changing Values from Registry
•Releasing and Renewing IP Addresses
•Services Like Telnet, SSH, VNC should be
stopped forcefully
•Net stop telnet
•Net start telnet
•Releasing and Renewing IP Addresses:
•Ipconfig /release
•Ipconfig /renew

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Introduction To Information Security
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Introduction To Information Security

The document provides an overview of information security concepts and threats. It discusses how security is difficult to implement due to costs, user resistance, and sophisticated criminals. The document then outlines various hacking techniques like information gathering, social engineering, sniffing, and denial of service attacks. It concludes by describing defensive security measures for organizations, including firewalls, intrusion detection, honeypots, antivirus software, user awareness training, and penetration testing.

Security Operation Center : Le Centre des Opérations de Sécurité est une div...
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Le Centre des Opérations de Sécurité est une division, dans une entreprise, qui assure la sécurité de l'organisation et surtout le volet sécurité de l'information. Technology • For SOC Team members, technology is their weapon, they use it to collect different type of logs (login events, activities etc). • Team comprises of people uses least amount of resources to get good visibility into active and emerging threats. • Continuous consolidation of technologies and effectively organizing team is required Host based Defence • Host includes physical / virtual OS that are allocated to the employee of organization • Enterprise majorly have the following OS’s: • Windows • Linux • Mac • Tools like OSQuery (cross-platform), Sysmon (Windows) etc can be used to collect and transmit logs for analysing performance of hosts devices Host Firewall - Windows • Defender host firewall present in Win Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 & server edition. • It helps secure the devices by in-bound & out-bound rules. • The rules states which network traffic can go in and out from the device • Inbound Rules : Network traffic coming from the external device. Ex : Someone tries to connect to FTP Server on host machine. • Outbound rules : Network traffic originating from the host device. Ex : Host machine tries to connect to a web server. • Connection Rules : Used to filter the network traffic going in and out the host device •Host Firewall – iptables • Firewall utility that comes in-built in most Linux operating systems. • It is a command line utility, that filters network traffic going-in or going-out of the system. • Iptables has 3 different chains, namely: • Input : Controls incoming connections. Ex : SSH into host machine with iptables enabled • Output : Controls outgoing connections. Ex : Sending ICMP packets to a destination • Forward : Helpful during routing scenarios, utilizes traffic forwarding utilities to sent data to destined address • Connection Specific Responses • ACCEPT : Allow the connection • DROP : Drop the connection without sending any errors • REJECT : Drop the connection but send back an error response • Block connection from a range of IP address Anti-Virus • In General Terms, it is a computer program used to prevent, detect and remove malicious s/w. • They continuously scan incoming files (coming to system from everywhere) and if any anomaly is detected, it is quarantined / removed. • The Landscape of security has moved a lot from focusing only a single device to end-point devices like Cell-phone, Enterprise laptop, Tablet, Servers, Computers etc. • End Point Security protects network, using a combination of FireWall, AntiVirus, Anti-Malware etc. • They are explicitly designed for enterprise clients to protect all their endpoints devices like servers, computers, mobile etc • Understanding Naming Context, it is clear that EDR is a solution that continuously monitors, stores endpoint-devices behaviour to detect and block suspicious / malicious act


1) Ethical hacking involves identifying security vulnerabilities in systems by simulating techniques used by attackers. It typically involves footprinting, scanning, gaining access, and maintaining access to target systems. 2) Social engineering techniques like pretending to help retrieve forgotten passwords can be used to gain unauthorized access to user accounts. 3) Trojan viruses allow remote access and control of infected systems, enabling hackers to maintain long-term unauthorized access covertly. Finding unexpectedly open ports or information flowing from an organization could indicate a Trojan infection.

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Syed Ubaid Ali Jafri Lecture on Information Technology

  • 1. INTERNET INTEGRATION & NETWORK SECURITY BY SYEDUBAID ALI JAFRI Information Security Expert CEO UJ Consultant & Solution Provider
  • 3. IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY MAIL POST EMAIL A Sender A Sender Writes a Letter and place the information To: From: Return Address: Writes a Letter and place the information To: From: Return Address: Find nearby post office Find an E-Mail Server Post Officer then check the Header information: 1) To: abc 2) Address: 123/Abc. Khi 3) From: xyz 4) Return Address: 123/Abc. Khi E-Mail Server verify the header information: 1) To: 2) From: 3) Return Address: When the information on a header is verified a stamp has been made on the envelop , and an amount is charged for the service When the information on a header is verified it send the information to the e-mail server, For free E- Mail Server , no amount is charged for the service On the same day or another day the post master took the envelop and send the envelop to the nearby post office of the destination On the same day or with a delay of time Email server send the request to another email server if it contains the address then it send to the Mail Server Post Master of the destination’s Address then took the envelop and send it to the address Mail Server send a mail to the destination’s Address. Receiver check the POSTBOX Receiver checks the Mail Box
  • 4. 10 Years Back • Microsoft Launch their operating system known as “Windows XP” Time Period Commands 10 Years Start > Run> cmd Netstat-an Identifies from which server your machine connection is established 10 Years Start > Run > cmd Net view Identifies how many computers are the part of your network 9 Years Start > Run > cmd Ping Pc-Name Ping Get the IP Address from a Domain name 8 Years Start > Run > cmd Msinfo32.exe Command used to identify the peripheral of computer
  • 5. NETWORK SCANNING •Foot printing •Finger Printing •Scanning •Identify the threat •Applying patches
  • 7. THREATS MAN IN THE MIDDLE ATTACK: The man-in-the middle attack intercepts a communication between two systems.
  • 8. THREATS SESSION HIJACKING •The Session Hijacking attack consists of the exploitation of the web session control mechanism, which is normally managed for a session token.
  • 10. THREATS DENIAL OF SERVICES A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users
  • 11. THREATS SOCIAL ENGINEERING In the context of security, is understood to mean the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information
  • 12. INTRODUCTION TO NETWORK SECURITY • It consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. • Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator.
  • 13. COUNTERMEASUREMENTS •Denying Unusable services •Checking people currently connect with this network •Closing Default operators of windows •Saving external resources •Making Log files •Updated Virus Definitions
  • 14. COUNTERMEASUREMENTS Denying Unusable services RUN>Services.msc Close these services Automatic Updates Live Update Telnet
  • 16. COUNTERMEASUREMENTS HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer Operating system Default setting Windows 7 0x91 Windows Server 2008 0x91 Windows Vista 0x91 Windows Server 2003 0x95 Windows XP 0x91 Windows 2000 0x95 Windows 95/98 0x95
  • 18. MINIMIZING RISK •Making Remote Connectivity disabled •Services Like Telnet, SSH, VNC should be stopped forcefully •Changing Values from Registry •Releasing and Renewing IP Addresses
  • 19. MINIMIZING RISK •Services Like Telnet, SSH, VNC should be stopped forcefully •Net stop telnet •Net start telnet
  • 20. MINIMIZING RISK •Releasing and Renewing IP Addresses: •Ipconfig /release •Ipconfig /renew