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STYLE GUIDES@brad_frost
Style Guide Best Practices
Great news, team.
We got the green light to
redesign the homepage.
Style Guide Best Practices

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Google Design sprint
Google Design sprintGoogle Design sprint
Google Design sprint

The Design Sprints are a 2-5 days process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. In this keynote I present you the Google Venture Design Sprints Methodology.

Ux is not UI
Ux is not UIUx is not UI
Ux is not UI

Here I share some thoughts about the difference that exists between User experience (UX) and User Interface (UI).

uxuiuser experience
Google Design Sprint (deutsch) #GoogleDE
Google Design Sprint (deutsch) #GoogleDEGoogle Design Sprint (deutsch) #GoogleDE
Google Design Sprint (deutsch) #GoogleDE

Kundenprobleme verstehen, Ideen für passende Lösungen entwickeln und herausfinden, wie gut jene Ideen tatsächlich sind – all das in kurzer Zeit: Dieser Vortrag beleuchtet die Charakteristika und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Design Sprint-Methode von Google im Vergleich (und Zusammenspiel) mit Design Thinking und Lean Startup. #DesignSprint, #DesignThinking, #LeanStartup #CampusFuerEltern #GoogleForEntrepreneurs

design sprintdesign thinkinglean startup
That’s great
news, boss!
Yeah, the current
homepage is super ugly!
Yeah and don’t even ask
about the code quality lol.
Exciting! It will be great to do
things right this time.

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Agile Metrics
Agile MetricsAgile Metrics
Agile Metrics

Presentation from Software People conference (Moscow 2009) about general software development metrics and special metrics for Agile projects.

User Story Mapping
User Story MappingUser Story Mapping
User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping (USM) helps teams get a common understanding of requirements from the user's perspective to facilitate backlog creation. It improves backlog quality and team communication. USM creates a map with user stories arranged in a usage flow. Each story follows the "As a <user>, I want <goal> so that <benefit>" format. Together, the mapped stories provide an overview of a product from the user experience while maintaining granular stories for planning and testing.

user storyusm
Agile effort estimation
Agile effort estimation Agile effort estimation
Agile effort estimation

This document discusses effort estimation in agile projects. It recommends estimating tasks by relative size using story points rather than absolute time values. Planning poker, where a team privately selects effort estimate cards and then discusses them, is advocated as it emphasizes relative estimation and reduces anchoring bias. Velocity, the number of points a team can complete per iteration, is key for planning and adjusting for estimation errors over time. Burn down charts also increase visibility of progress.

Yeah we’re going to
use BEM…
And the visuals will be
clean and flat.
Yeah and we’re definitely
looking into React.js
And maybe this will give us
the chance to finally
migrate to a new CMS.

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Ui design
Ui designUi design
Ui design

The document discusses principles of user interface design including Constantine and Lockwood's principles of structure, simplicity, visibility, feedback, and tolerance. It also discusses Ben Schneiderman's eight golden rules of interface design such as consistency, enabling shortcuts, providing feedback, and reducing memory load. Additional topics covered include Gestalt laws of grouping, Fitts' law, layout approaches, usability heuristics, and 20 principles of user interface design.

The Principles of Game Design
The Principles of Game DesignThe Principles of Game Design
The Principles of Game Design

This booklet outlines important aspects of game design including; controls, mechanics, gameplay (achievements, competition and challenge), learning, immersion, storyline (characters, plot, location), graphics and sound.

codevideo gamesinformation technology
Agile Practices - eXtreme Programming
Agile Practices - eXtreme ProgrammingAgile Practices - eXtreme Programming
Agile Practices - eXtreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development methodology that focuses on rapid feedback, simplicity, communication, and responsiveness to change. The core values of XP are communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. Some key XP practices include pair programming, test-driven development, planning games, daily standups, continuous integration, and on-site customers. XP aims to improve software quality and responsiveness through these values and iterative practices.

Make it so.
Style Guide Best Practices

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Preparing for 1st Design Sprint
Preparing for 1st Design SprintPreparing for 1st Design Sprint
Preparing for 1st Design Sprint

It used to take companies weeks to brainstorm, write specs, publish RFPs, and get started on projects. With a design sprint, it’s possible to accomplish all that—plus sketching, prototyping, and validating big ideas—in just 5 days. Sound too good to be true? We partnered with InVision to help teams learn how exactly to run their own design sprint. Follow these tips and by the end of your sprint, you’ll have live, targeted customer validation so you know exactly what to prioritize in your product roadmap.

business developmentdesigninnovation
Design Sprints for Innovation
Design Sprints for InnovationDesign Sprints for Innovation
Design Sprints for Innovation

Design sprints at Google are used to develop innovative solutions and products in 5 days or less. They involve brainstorming, prototyping, user research and other activities. The outputs vary but can include designs, prototypes, requirements and preliminary products. Anyone can participate in a sprint including designers, researchers, managers and more. A mock sprint was demonstrated covering key aspects like defining goals, generating ideas, selecting the best concepts, prototyping, and communicating outcomes.

Story Points Explained
Story Points ExplainedStory Points Explained
Story Points Explained

The document discusses estimating story points for tasks in software development. It explains that story points indicate the amount of work, complexity, and uncertainty of a task, with values assigned on a scale of 0 to 100. It provides examples of common tasks and their typical story point values, as well as tips for calculating story points by considering the amount of work, complexity, and uncertainty of the task.

scrumstory pointagile
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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User Story Maps: Secrets for Better Backlogs and Planning
 User Story Maps: Secrets for Better Backlogs and Planning User Story Maps: Secrets for Better Backlogs and Planning
User Story Maps: Secrets for Better Backlogs and Planning

User story mapping is an intuitive way to build and organize a product backlog. During this session you’ll get hands-on experience building a user story map. You’ll learn: How story mapping drives productive conversations with users and stakeholders. How to plan incremental releases of your product using minimal holistic slices that deliver value at each product release. Secrets to effective prioritization for both planning releases, and figuring out what to build next. Tactical management of your backlog as you grow your working software to releasability. The backlog building and managing strategies in this session will take you well beyond the agile basics.

agileuser storiesproduct owner
Introducing Agile Scrum XP and Kanban
Introducing Agile Scrum XP and KanbanIntroducing Agile Scrum XP and Kanban
Introducing Agile Scrum XP and Kanban

Dimitri Ponomareff is an experienced coach, project manager, and facilitator. He has extensive experience coaching and training teams at many large organizations. Dimitri is passionate about sharing his knowledge of Agile methodologies like Scrum, XP, and Kanban to help teams improve. The document provides an overview of these Agile approaches including their origins and key principles.

Agile Methodology
Agile MethodologyAgile Methodology
Agile Methodology

This document provides an overview of agile methodology, focusing on Scrum, Kanban, and XP. It describes traditional project management methods like waterfall and spiral models. The agile manifesto values individuals, interactions, working software, and responding to change over processes, tools, documentation, and plans. Scrum uses small self-organizing teams, sprints, daily stand-ups, and product backlogs. Kanban visualizes workflows and limits work in progress. XP values communication, courage, feedback, respect, and simplicity and employs practices like pair programming and test-driven development. The document emphasizes that agile is a set of tools to pick from to best fit needs and that retrospectives help teams evolve their processes.

kanbankanbanxp programming
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Agile Estimating & Planning
Agile Estimating & PlanningAgile Estimating & Planning
Agile Estimating & Planning

The document provides an overview of agile estimating and planning techniques. It discusses agile principles like iterative development, self-organizing teams, and rapid delivery of working software. It also covers topics like writing user stories, estimating story points, calculating velocity, product backlog design, sprint planning, daily standups, and sprint reviews. The goal is to teach best practices for agile planning and estimation.

Org Design for Design Orgs - The Workshop
Org Design for Design Orgs - The WorkshopOrg Design for Design Orgs - The Workshop
Org Design for Design Orgs - The Workshop

As the move to establish in-house design teams accelerates, it turns out there’s very little common wisdom on what makes for a successful design organization. Books and presentations focus on process, methods, tools, and outcomes, leaving a gap of knowledge when it comes to organizational and operational matters. This workshop seeks to address this lacuna by shining a light on the unsung activities of actually running a design team, and what works and what doesn’t. Topics include: - How a service design mindset shifts standard organizational approaches - Organizational models for design teams, from centralized to decentralized and back again - Breadth and depth of skills and strategic thinking - The 5 Stages of Organisational Evolution - A New Taxonomy of Design Team Roles

design teamsorganization designuser experience
RWD - Bootstrap
RWD - BootstrapRWD - Bootstrap
RWD - Bootstrap

This document discusses responsive web design and frameworks like Bootstrap. It explains that responsive design allows sites to adapt to different devices like mobile versus desktop. It provides an overview of Bootstrap, including that it is an open source framework for building responsive sites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Popular frameworks like Bootstrap have pre-built components that save development time compared to building sites from scratch.

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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UX design for every screen
UX design for every screenUX design for every screen
UX design for every screen

In this session, we will explore the how the recent explosion of devices has disrupted the process of designing a website that we've crafted over the past decade. When designers only have one instance of website (i.e., desktop) to design, the layout is uniform. The header, content area, sidebar, and footer all remain static. Furthermore, the elements are relatively uniform as well. Buttons, navigation, typography, and images are all basically the same across across the various pages. But if you are designing a responsive website – one whose look and feel adapts depending whether you're using a phone, laptop, or tablet – then these elements and especially the layout begin to diverge. After this session, you should leave with the confidence to argue the importance of responsive design to your client or boss – and that the with the proper strategy, the extra effort and costs can be justified (and hopefully minimized).

New Rules of The Responsive Web
New Rules of The Responsive WebNew Rules of The Responsive Web
New Rules of The Responsive Web

This document discusses 6 rules for responsive web design: 1. Responsive design doesn't end with squishy layouts - optimize based on user capabilities rather than just screen size. 2. There is no responsive pixie dust - streamline workflows and use rapid prototypes and style tiles to communicate fluid layouts. 3. Your workflow will change - iterate designs quickly through prototypes rather than big reveals. 4. Your tools will change - leverage preprocessors like SASS and frameworks like Foundation for responsive coding. 5. The web is responsive by default - prioritize content and build APIs to support multiple platforms. 6. Embrace unpredictability - acknowledge the constraints of different devices

new rulesrwd
Creating Style Guides with Modularity in Mind
Creating Style Guides with Modularity in MindCreating Style Guides with Modularity in Mind
Creating Style Guides with Modularity in Mind

This document provides an overview of creating a style guide with modularity and reusable components in mind. It discusses defining global styles like color palettes and typography early in the design process. Designers should analyze wireframes to isolate reusable objects and create a shared vocabulary through a style guide. This ensures visual consistency and allows developers to begin work before final designs. The document provides examples and references to support the described approach.

Style Guide Best Practices
north america
latin america

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Using Cool New Frameworks in (Mobile) Domino Apps
Using Cool New Frameworks in (Mobile) Domino AppsUsing Cool New Frameworks in (Mobile) Domino Apps
Using Cool New Frameworks in (Mobile) Domino Apps

Did you know there's an abundance of cool CSS and JS frameworks out there? Have you ever wanted to find out how you can use them in your own (mobile) Domino apps? Theo Heselmans shows real world applications from his customers using some of these powerful frameworks inside Domino. Explore with us on how they integrated Bootstrap, Ratchet.js, Knockout.js, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, jQuery.js and more!

ibm dominobackbone.jstwitter bootstrap
How long do websites last?
How long do websites last?How long do websites last?
How long do websites last?

This document discusses how long websites typically last before needing to be redesigned or rebuilt. It begins by explaining that technology does not last forever and websites, being technological platforms, are subject to becoming outdated as expectations and capabilities change. It then discusses five key factors that influence when a site may need an overhaul: technological changes, design shifts, content updates, changing user expectations, and evolving devices. The document also explores the benefits of a full rebuild versus a lighter "realignment". Overall, it argues that websites must be continually evolved and optimized to avoid becoming obsolete.

Professional web development with libraries
Professional web development with librariesProfessional web development with libraries
Professional web development with libraries

A brownbag presentation at IPC media in London about the need to use libraries to make web development much less random and more professional. Get the audio at:


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Building resuable and customizable Vue components
Building resuable and customizable Vue componentsBuilding resuable and customizable Vue components
Building resuable and customizable Vue components

This document summarizes key lessons learned from building Storefront UI, a Vue component library for e-commerce sites. Some of the challenges discussed include determining the goals and intended users of the library, how to deliver components to users, which atomic components to include, and how to enable global and individual customization of components. The document provides suggestions like using props for customization where it makes sense, avoiding props for CSS customization, leveraging slots to make components highly customizable, and starting with an overridable style guide.

Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT Conference Keynote
Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT Conference KeynoteJennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT Conference Keynote
Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT Conference Keynote

This presentation was given as the opening keynote at the inaugural ARTIFACT conference in Austin, TX, May 13, 2013.

Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San FranciscoStapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco

This document summarizes a talk given by Chris Heilmann at ForwardJS in 2015. Heilmann discusses the state of web development technologies and how developers have focused too much on experimental features that are not ready for production use. This has led to a fragmented web where browsers implement features differently. He argues developers should focus on standardizing and improving existing web standards rather than constantly introducing new technologies. ES6 is highlighted as a priority for improving existing JavaScript.

hong kong
Style Guide Best Practices

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UX, Front-end and Back-end: How front-end can help these guys?
UX, Front-end and Back-end: How front-end can help these guys?UX, Front-end and Back-end: How front-end can help these guys?
UX, Front-end and Back-end: How front-end can help these guys?

How front-end can help UX and Back-end guys? How they interact? I tell a little about it in this slides, showing how the front-end can help the back-end and UX.

Startup Institute NYC: Styling
Startup Institute NYC: StylingStartup Institute NYC: Styling
Startup Institute NYC: Styling

This document provides an agenda for an immersive workshop on styling and catching up. The agenda includes introductions, lectures on styling and image uploading, and hands-on labs for styling and image uploading. Frameworks discussed include Bootstrap, Foundation, and Semantic UI. Image uploading gems like Paperclip, Carrierwave, and Refile are also covered. The document concludes with references for further reading.

Let's Work Together
Let's Work TogetherLet's Work Together
Let's Work Together

This document discusses principles and best practices for collaboration within organizations. It addresses topics like establishing shared values and culture, defining roles and responsibilities across teams, implementing design systems for consistency, and emphasizing communication during the process of creating products and tools. The overall message is that collaborative work requires establishing discipline and guidelines while also allowing for flexibility and humanity between groups.

atomic designbrad frostaquent
huge jerk.
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Screen and Context: Usability in the Postdesktop World
Screen and Context: Usability in the Postdesktop WorldScreen and Context: Usability in the Postdesktop World
Screen and Context: Usability in the Postdesktop World

The era of desktop-first methodologies has ended. According to Google, 90% of consumers now use multiple screens to accomplish tasks on the web. People aren't just visiting your site on phones and desktop computers, they are also using game consoles, laptops, tablets, and other devices. As we enter into the renaissance of the postdesktop web, we must be prepared to boldly alter how we prototype, design, and gather feedback from audiences. Two of the most important factors for current web usability are considering the screen (designing and testing for multiple displays) and context.

usabilityweb design and developmentmobile computing
Working In The Now - Paris Web
Working In The Now - Paris WebWorking In The Now - Paris Web
Working In The Now - Paris Web

My presentation covering several ways how you can use nowaday's free web offers to save money and time for your company and thus securing your job.

Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008
Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008
Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008

Dans cette présentation, Chris Heilmann nous parlera des problèmes liés à l'adoption de standards du web récents, et décrira des façons de contourner ces difficultés. Un exemple simple est le manque de prise en charge native de l'audio et de la vidéo, et les problèmes des implémentations actuelles. La session illustrera concrètement comment régler des problèmes a priori sans solution en les attaquant sous un autre angle. Il s'agit essentiellement de trouver une façon pragmatique de vendre, implémenter et utiliser les standards plutôt que d'attendre que le marché adopte des technologies dont l'utilisation devrait être d'une évidence complète. Présentation originale :

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Postdesktop Usability
Postdesktop UsabilityPostdesktop Usability
Postdesktop Usability

The era of desktop-first methodologies has ended. According to Google, 90% of consumers now use multiple screens to accomplish tasks on the web. As we enter the renaissance of the postdesktop web, we must be prepared to boldly alter how we prototype, design, and gather feedback from audiences. Two of the most important factors for current web usability are considering the screen (designing and testing for multiple displays) and context. This session will examine how screen and input types are changing: • multi-screen design • prototyping • new input types • usability testing

usabilitymobilemobile web
Responsive Web Design Process
Responsive Web Design ProcessResponsive Web Design Process
Responsive Web Design Process

This document appears to be a presentation about responsive web design and the web design process. It begins by introducing the speaker and provides some background information. It then outlines the key steps in a responsive web design process, including discovery, information architecture, wireframing, visual design, development, testing, content migration, launch, and ongoing support. Interactive examples and references are provided throughout to illustrate concepts. The overall message is about having a well-structured, iterative process to create responsive websites that meet user needs across devices.

web designprocessresponsive web design
Creating UI Marketers Won't F*Up
Creating UI Marketers Won't F*UpCreating UI Marketers Won't F*Up
Creating UI Marketers Won't F*Up

Here is a presentation of how creating a great UI system with Hubspot CMS to allow marketers having fun with

inbound marketingpartnerdayinbound18
We don’t have time for
cohesion and continuity!
We’re too busy

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Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT EAST Keynote (Providence, 11/4/13)
Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT EAST Keynote (Providence, 11/4/13)Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT EAST Keynote (Providence, 11/4/13)
Jennifer Robbins: ARTIFACT EAST Keynote (Providence, 11/4/13)

This document summarizes the evolution of web design processes and workflows. It describes how processes have shifted from waterfall to more agile approaches, with integrated teams working collaboratively. It also discusses how design deliverables have changed from static mockups to interactive prototypes using HTML and CSS. Key aspects of new workflows include prototyping with code from the start, designing responsively with a content-first approach, and involving clients throughout for feedback.

Let's Work Together!
Let's Work Together!Let's Work Together!
Let's Work Together!

This document discusses the importance of collaboration, communication, and establishing principles and guidelines when working in teams. It addresses challenges like differing approaches, technologies, and opinions that can arise. The document suggests researching user needs, establishing shared values and priorities, and creating design systems to promote consistency. Overall, it advocates for establishing processes and tools to facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation and coordination across organizations.

design systemcollaborationatomic design
Looking for a place to hang my helmet
Looking for a place to hang my helmetLooking for a place to hang my helmet
Looking for a place to hang my helmet

My opening keynote from Responsive Field Day 2015 ( in Portland OR.

atomic designresponsive web design
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Atomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San DiegoAtomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego

Design systems, not pages. This is an introduction to atomic design (, a methodology for crafting an effective interface design system. It also introduces Pattern Lab (, a tool for implementing atomic design systems and pattern libraries.

atomic designrwdpattern lab
Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013
Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013
Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013

This document discusses Atomic Design, a methodology for building design systems. It begins by explaining that interfaces are made of systems of components, not just pages. It then discusses frameworks like Foundation and Bootstrap, as well as their potential pitfalls. The document introduces Atomic Design and its principles of separating interfaces into abstract and concrete levels. It explains Pattern Lab as a tool for building design systems and provides examples of existing style guides. Overall, the document advocates for a systematic approach to design to improve collaboration and build reusable and scalable components.

pattern libraryfrontend style guidestyle guide
Death To Bullshit: Now With 80% More Bullshit!
Death To Bullshit: Now With 80% More Bullshit!Death To Bullshit: Now With 80% More Bullshit!
Death To Bullshit: Now With 80% More Bullshit!

The document provides statistics on various types of media and information over time, including books, photos, videos, the internet, and more. Key details include that 10% of all books were published last year, over 3.8 trillion photos have been taken total, 500 million tweets are sent per day, and 90% of all data ever created was generated in just the past two years. The rapid growth of information and how it is shared online is highlighted throughout the document.

craftinformationweb design and development
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Atomic design
Atomic designAtomic design
Atomic design

All matter, no matter how complex, can be broken down into molecules which can be broken down further into atomic elements. All web interfaces can be broken down down the same way. Atomic Design provides a methodology for building an effective design system. It consists of five distint stages: atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages.

pattern libraryweb designresponsive web design
Death To Bullshit
Death To BullshitDeath To Bullshit
Death To Bullshit

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: We're being inundated with more information than ever before. With the rise of all this information, we're being exposed to a tremendous amount of bullshit. We have to decide if we want to contribute to the noise or if we want to be part of the signal. These are the slides from my Creative Mornings talk in Pittsburgh, PA.

Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive DesignBeyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design

Responsive web design has hit the scene like a bomb, and now designers everywhere are showing off to their bosses and peers by resizing their browser windows. "Look! The site is squishy!" While creating flexible layouts is important, there's a whole lot more that goes into truly exceptional adaptive web experiences. This session will introduce the Principles of Adaptive Design: ubiquity, flexibility, performance, enhancement and future-friendliness. We need go beyond media queries in order to preserve the web's ubiquity and move it in a future-friendly direction.

adaptive web designresponsive web designffly
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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For a Future-Friendly Web (WebVisions Chicago 2012)
For a Future-Friendly Web (WebVisions Chicago 2012)For a Future-Friendly Web (WebVisions Chicago 2012)
For a Future-Friendly Web (WebVisions Chicago 2012)

Our digital landscape includes desktops, laptops, smartphones, featurephones, tablets, e-readers, netbooks and more. But this is just the beginning. As the digital landscape continues to become even more complex, it's essential for us to start thinking beyond the desktop and embrace the unpredictability of the future. There's no such thing as future-proof, but there are things we can do in order to better prepare ourselves for the era of ubiquitous connectivity. We need to start thinking and acting differently in order to create meaningful web experiences that continue to be relevant well beyond the scope of the initial projects. This session will cover: A better understanding of future friendly principles Tips for better supporting today's device landscape while being better prepared for tomorrow's How to apply future friendly thinking in your current web projects

fflyresponsive web designcontent strategy
Responsive Design Vs Separate Mobile Sites: Presidential Smackdown Edition
Responsive Design Vs Separate Mobile Sites: Presidential Smackdown EditionResponsive Design Vs Separate Mobile Sites: Presidential Smackdown Edition
Responsive Design Vs Separate Mobile Sites: Presidential Smackdown Edition

The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over the past 70 years. It outlines some of the key milestones in AI research from the early work in the 1950s to modern advances in machine learning using neural networks. While progress has been made, fully general human-level artificial intelligence remains an ongoing challenge being worked on by researchers.

responsive web designmobile webmobile strategy
Beyond Media Queries: An Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design (at Smashing Confe...
Beyond Media Queries: An Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design (at Smashing Confe...Beyond Media Queries: An Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design (at Smashing Confe...
Beyond Media Queries: An Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design (at Smashing Confe...

This document discusses side B of some item and contains many repetitive symbols that do not provide meaningful information. It is not possible to determine the topic or essential details from the content given.

responsive web designmobile web
๏ Purpose: establish guidelines for using core brand assets
๏ Audience: the entire organization, vendors and anyone
making use of brand assets
๏ Can include: Logos, typography, color palette, file templates,
assets, downloads, etc
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Beyond Media Queries: Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design
Beyond Media Queries: Anatomy of an Adaptive Web DesignBeyond Media Queries: Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design
Beyond Media Queries: Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design

Media queries may be responsive design’s secret sauce, but we know there’s a whole lot more that goes into crafting amazing adaptive experiences. By dissecting an example of a mobile-first responsive design, we can uncover the principles of adaptive design and highlight some considerations for creating contextually-aware web experiences. This goes over emerging mobile web best practices and responsive patterns that can assist in our journey toward a future-friendly web.

responsive web designmobile web
For a Future-Friendly Web (Mobilism 2012)
For a Future-Friendly Web (Mobilism 2012)For a Future-Friendly Web (Mobilism 2012)
For a Future-Friendly Web (Mobilism 2012)

As the digital landscape continues to become more complex, it's essential for us to start thinking beyond the desktop and embrace the unpredictability of the future. Mobile is forcing us to rethink the content we create and the context in which people interact with our products and services. This session will cover how to change our thinking and start acting differently in order to create more future-friendly experiences.

responsive web designmobile webcontent strategy
For a Future-Friendly Web
For a Future-Friendly WebFor a Future-Friendly Web
For a Future-Friendly Web

For full breakdown, visit This talk was from Web Design Day ( in beautiful Pittsburgh, PA. This talk introduces the need to start thinking and acting in a more future-friendly ( way when approaching web design. The diversity of web-enabled devices is increasing at an alarming rate. We have to rethink our content and the contexts in which our content is viewed.

mobile firstweb designffly
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
๏ Purpose: establish a design language for cohesive user
experience across a suite of products and services
๏ Audience: anyone creating user experiences for the
organization, mostly designers
๏ Can include: design principles, brand overlap, aesthetics, ux
principles, motion, etc
Style Guide Best Practices

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Selling The Mobile Web
Selling The Mobile WebSelling The Mobile Web
Selling The Mobile Web

Everyone's screaming "We need to be 'on' mobile!" What does that even mean? Where do you start? One of the biggest challenges is getting clients, coworkers and stakeholders on board with the mobile web and actually execute a project the right way. The hurdles are many: lack of understanding of the medium, small budgets, outdated processes and many more. Every organization is different so changing existing behaviors and processes takes a lot of effort, patience and time. This presentation shows you how to execute a mobile web project successfully with a cross-disciplinary team. We'll provide a set of helpful tools and practices to get you started and help educate your coworkers and clients at the same time. Topics discussed: - Selling the mobile-first philosophy and strategy Using mobile as an excuse to develop a strong content strategy - Overcoming "App-itis" (people's tendency to think anything made for mobile needs to be a native app) - How to create future-friendly mobile web experiences

mobile webmobile strategyweb design and development
Professional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement Editing
Professional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement EditingProfessional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement Editing
Professional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement Editing

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Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Neha Singla Top Model Safe
Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Neha Singla Top Model SafePaharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Neha Singla Top Model Safe
Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Neha Singla Top Model Safe

Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Neha Singla Top Model Safe
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model SafeMahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

Gender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design Ideologies
Gender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design IdeologiesGender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design Ideologies
Gender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design Ideologies

This PowerPoint presentation offers a comparative analysis between a female and a male architect, focusing on their ideologies, approaches, concepts, and interpretations for a mixed-use building project. This study prompts a reconsideration of architectural inspiration and priorities, advocating for gender equity and cultural anthropology in architectural design.

gender equity in architecturecultural anthropologyarchitectural priorities
Fall/winter Trend forcasting 2025 ppt .pdf
Fall/winter Trend forcasting 2025 ppt .pdfFall/winter Trend forcasting 2025 ppt .pdf
Fall/winter Trend forcasting 2025 ppt .pdf

I forcast some fashion trends of f/w 25 in this presentation.

๏ Purpose: establish and encourage a cohesive, appropriate
tone across the entire user experience
๏ Audience: content creators and editors, anyone writing copy
for the brand
๏ Can include: interface copy, marketing, documentation, blog
posts, legal, alerts, etc
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model SafeMahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe

Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe

S S Bhavikatti Civil Engineering Structural Designing
S S Bhavikatti Civil Engineering Structural DesigningS S Bhavikatti Civil Engineering Structural Designing
S S Bhavikatti Civil Engineering Structural Designing

SS Bhavikatti Book

Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model Safe
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Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model Safe

Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model Safe

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
๏ Purpose: establish and encourage a cohesive writing style
across all properties
๏ Audience: content creators and editors, anyone writing copy
for the brand
๏ Can include: grammar, proper content structure, general
writing best practices

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原件一模一样【微信:WP101A】【(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证书学位证成绩单】【微信:WP101A】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:WP101A】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:WP101A】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:WP101A】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。



A Journey Through Islamic Architecture.pdf
A Journey Through Islamic Architecture.pdfA Journey Through Islamic Architecture.pdf
A Journey Through Islamic Architecture.pdf

Islamic architecture is a vast and rich field that spans centuries and continents, reflecting the diversity and unity of Islamic culture.

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
code block
.thisishowwedoit {
code block
.this-is-how-we-do-it {

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AI in UX AI in UX - Exploring the Future of Design by FoF Nuremberg.pdf
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AI in UX AI in UX - Exploring the Future of Design by FoF Nuremberg.pdf

04.07.2024 slide deck for a virtual event

Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model SafeKarol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

code block
.thisIsHowWeDoIt {
code block
.this__is__how__we__do—-it {
code block
.- -...- - ..- - —— .. . ..—— — {

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十大欧洲杯投注app平台-十大靠谱欧洲杯投注app官方平台 |【​网址​🎉🎉​】
十大欧洲杯投注app平台-十大靠谱欧洲杯投注app官方平台 |【​网址​🎉🎉​】十大欧洲杯投注app平台-十大靠谱欧洲杯投注app官方平台 |【​网址​🎉🎉​】
十大欧洲杯投注app平台-十大靠谱欧洲杯投注app官方平台 |【​网址​🎉🎉​】

欧洲杯投注app是此世界知名网上博彩平台的特点是对英超、英冠以及英国的赛事准确率很高,赔率很少变动。欧洲杯投注app平台的赔率一旦出现变动,其它英国和国外的赛事赔率都会因而出现变动,欧洲杯投注app对业界的影响力可见一斑。 [线上博彩平台排名] [皇冠博彩] [体育博彩] [冰球突破豪华版] [澳门新葡京] [世预赛滚球平台] [欧洲杯外围] [欧洲杯下注网址] [美洲杯外围] [美洲杯投注平台]

An Introduction to Housing: Core Concepts and Historical Evolution from Prehi...
An Introduction to Housing: Core Concepts and Historical Evolution from Prehi...An Introduction to Housing: Core Concepts and Historical Evolution from Prehi...
An Introduction to Housing: Core Concepts and Historical Evolution from Prehi...

This comprehensive PDF explores the definition and fundamental core of housing neighborhoods, tracing the evolution of housing from prehistoric times 2.5 million years ago to the early 19th century Industrial Revolution. It delves into the various stages of housing development, highlighting key innovations, cultural influences, and technological advancements that shaped the way humans have built and inhabited homes throughout history. This document serves as an essential resource for understanding the dynamic history of human habitation and the ongoing transformation of housing neighborhoods.

housing evolutionprehistoric sheltersindustrial revolution housing
Mastering Web Design: Essential Principles and Techniques for Modern Websites
Mastering Web Design: Essential Principles and Techniques for Modern WebsitesMastering Web Design: Essential Principles and Techniques for Modern Websites
Mastering Web Design: Essential Principles and Techniques for Modern Websites

Dive into the dynamic world of web design with our comprehensive guide that covers everything from foundational principles to advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics or a seasoned designer aiming to refine your skills, this article offers invaluable insights. Explore topics such as responsive design, user experience (UX) optimization, color theory, typography essentials, and the latest trends shaping the digital landscape. Gain practical knowledge and actionable tips to create visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly websites that stand out in today's competitive online environment. Perfect for designers, developers, and anyone passionate about crafting compelling web experiences, this guide equips you with the tools needed to elevate your web design proficiency to new heights.

web designweb developmentresponsive design
๏ Purpose: establish code standards for teams to write more
cohesive, efficient, and maintainable code
๏ Audience: front-end developers, back-end developers, 3rd
party developers, summer interns, developers developers
๏ Can include: development principles, HTML structure
guidelines, CSS architecture, syntax, best practices, JS style
and best practices, backend language syntax and best
Style Guide Best Practices

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A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability
A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainabilityA Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability
A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability

A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability in its development, operation, and maintenance.

Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENGPortfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG

The Ukrainian and German journalist Rostyslav Kasyanenko has dedicated himself to genealogical research and heraldry. Originally Ukrainian, now living in Munich (Bavaria) he working in Ukrainian Free University (Est. 1921) as archivist. Curator of Heraldic Teams, Member of Ukrainian Heraldry Society (UHS) R.Kasyanenko is Deviser of the Family and Municipal Coat of Arms and Author of the exhibition concept project: “Maritime flags and arms of the Black Sea countries vs. Mediterranean: what has changed in 175 years?” Author of scientific articles (2023-24): Parallels between the meaning of Symbol and Myth according to Hryhorii Skovoroda and heraldic systems Heraldry as a marker of evolution of national identity in Ukraine and Slovakia: from the Princely era to the "Spring of Nations" (XI-XIX centuries) Historical parallels in the formation of national awareness in Ukraine and Slovakia in modern times (1848-1992) Proto-heraldry of Kievan Rus': dynastic symbols of the Princely era, and how does the Palatine Lion relate to this? Symbols of the House of Romanovyches: the Bavarian influence in Ukrainian heraldry Participant of Scientific Conferences (2023-24): - XXХІІІ Heraldic Conference of the Ukrainian Heraldry Society, October 13, 2023, Lviv - International Conference “Slovak-Ukrainian Relations in the Field of Language, Literature, and Culture in Slovakia and the Central European Space”, University of Prešov, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty of Arts, 18-20.10.2023 - International Conference „The Past, Present, and Future of Heraldry: Universality and Interdisciplinarity“, Vilnius, 12-13.06.24 - International Conference "Coats of Arms as Weapons – Heraldic Symbols in Political, Dynastic, Military, and Legal Conflicts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period”, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. According to the heraldist, he has worked with many heraldic artists over the years. However, he developed the ideas for all the coats of arms himself, except for his own. The case of the Kasyanenko (from the Shovkoplias clan) family coat of arms — featuring an audacious Cossack riding a rhinoceros — deserves special attention. "After all, one could talk about one's own crest, just like one's ancestors, for an eternity," he says.

coat of armsheraldrywappen
Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools
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Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools

Civil 3D Surface

civil 3d surface
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
๏ Purpose: establish and maintain an effective interface
design system to create consistent UIs, speed up
production, and create a watering hole for the team
๏ Audience: anyone touching the project: designers,
developers, project managers, product owners, etc
๏ Can include: global elements, typography, image types, lists,
navigation, blocks, media, animations, literally anything you
include in a UI
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion

Recommended for you

Consistency is one of the most powerful
usability principles: when things always
behave the same, users don't have to worry
about what will happen. Instead, they know
what will happen based on earlier experience.
-Jakob Nielson
๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion
๏ Faster production
We just copied and pasted a pattern, changed a few
things, and in twenty minutes we had built a
system that was responsive; it looked great on
mobile and it was nice to look at. [The status page]
was one of those pages that not a lot of people will
see. We call them the dark corners.
-Federico Holgado
By having a pattern you could actually use
that's already 95% of the way there, it brings up
the quality of everything so those dark corners
actually aren't so dark any more.
-Federico Holgado

Recommended for you

๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion
๏ Faster production
๏ Better workflow
Mostly designers will come up with rough
representations of where things might live without
going into too much detail because there's no
longer a need to do that work up front and we can
just tweak it in the browser afterwards.
-Ian Feather
๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion
๏ Faster production
๏ Better workflow
๏ Creates a shared vocabulary
It is the common ground that designers and
developers are all seeking…and I find that a
style guide is really effective at providing
that common ground.
-Lincoln Mongillo

Recommended for you

๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion
๏ Faster production
๏ Better workflow
๏ Creates a shared vocabulary
๏ Easier to test
It makes what you change in production a lot
more easy to manage over the long term; you're
able to debug things more effectively. You're
able to have a view into how your code base is
looking across a site versus having various
artifacts show up across hundreds of pages.
-Lincoln Mongillo
๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion
๏ Faster production
๏ Better workflow
๏ Creates a shared vocabulary
๏ Easier to test
๏ Useful reference
๏ Promotes UI consistency and cohesion
๏ Faster production
๏ Better workflow
๏ Creates a shared vocabulary
๏ Easier to test
๏ Useful reference
๏ Future-friendly foundation

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

๏ Global
๏ Image types
๏ Icons
๏ Navigation
๏ Forms
๏ Buttons
๏ Interactive Components
๏ Media
๏ Headings
๏ Blocks
๏ Lists
๏ 3rd party stuff
๏ Advertising
๏ Messaging
๏ Animation
๏ Colors
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you
๏ Documents your interface design patterns
๏ Points out inconsistencies
๏ Helps get buy-in from organization
๏ Establishes scope of work
๏ Is the genesis of a shared vocabulary
๏ Lays the groundwork for a future pattern library

Recommended for you

You just sneak it in. It's what I'm going to do to
make the quality of the work better. And I don't
have to say it. It starts in the sales process. You
just build enough budget so that you can do it. You
don't have a conversation about it, it's just par for
the course. You don't have to ask permission.
-Dan Mall
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
DAVE OLSEN@dmolsen

Recommended for you

๏ A design system builder
๏ Your comprehensive interface design system
๏ A style guide starter kit
๏ A design toolkit (viewport resizer and other tools)
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
code block
<div class="block block-post">
<a href="{{ url }}">
<div class="b-img">
{{> atoms-thumb }}
<h3 class="b-title">{{ headline }}</h3>
<p class="b-excerpt">{{ excerpt }}</p>

Recommended for you

code block
{{> molecules-block-post }}
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
code block
<header role="banner">
{{> atoms-logo }}
{{> molecules-primary-nav }}
{{> molecules-search }}

Recommended for you

code block
{{> organisms-header }}
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

code block{{> organisms-header }}
<main role="main">
{{# hero }}
{{> molecules-hero-video }}
{{/ hero }}
{{# experience }}
{{> organisms-story-feature }}
{{/ experience }}
{{# factoid-advertising }}
{{> organisms-factoid }}
{{/ factoid-advertising }}
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
code block{
"title" : "Time Inc.",
"bodyClass": "home",
"hero" : {
"headline": "Moving People"
"img": {
"src": "/images/hero_beyonce.jpg",
"alt": "Beyonce"

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Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Putting a style guide off to the end or
treating it as a separate thing is just asking
for it to just sort of die on the vine or become
outdated and obsolete.
-Jina Bolton

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you
When you start to place these kinds of
assets behind constraints, many teams
either take an outrageously long time to get
access, or they never get access.
-Nathan Curtis

Recommended for you
Style Guide Best Practices
Companies are using their style guide as a
testament to what their belief system is
and also an indicator of the quality of
their organization; they're essentially
using it as a recruiting tool.
-Nathan Curtis

Recommended for you

When I saw Salesforce’s style guide I
thought it was beautiful and it's why I
wanted to join this team.
-Jina Bolton
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

Recommended for you

Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices
Style Guide Best Practices

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A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENGPortfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools
Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different toolsSurface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools
Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools

Style Guide Best Practices