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St Louis Day of .NET

Angela Dugan
ALM Practice Manager
Polaris Solutions
Of course this has NEVER happened to you... Right?
It is plan-driven, and plans are good right?
Pert charts, Gaant charts, Critical paths, OH MY!

Rules with an Iron Fist (A.K.A Microsoft Project)
Pre-defined Start Dates & End Dates
Teams operate in silos (Centers of Excellence)
It is not the devil, but it CAN be evil if its
prescribed techniques are abused
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

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The 3 Pillars Approach to Agile Testing Strategy with Bob Galen & Mary Thorn
The 3 Pillars Approach to Agile Testing Strategy with Bob Galen & Mary ThornThe 3 Pillars Approach to Agile Testing Strategy with Bob Galen & Mary Thorn
The 3 Pillars Approach to Agile Testing Strategy with Bob Galen & Mary Thorn

Far too often agile adoptions focus just on the development teams, agile frameworks, or technical practices as a part of their adoption strategies. And then there’s the near perpetual focus on tooling or developing test automation without striking a balanced approach. Often the testing activity and the testing teams are “left behind” in agile strategy development or worse yet, they’re simply “along for the ride”. That is not an effective transformation strategy. Join experienced agile coaches Bob Galen and Mary Thorn as they share the Three Pillars framework for establishing a balanced strategic plan for effective quality and testing. The Three Pillars focus on development and test automation, testing practices, and collaboration activities that will ensure you have a balanced approach to agile testing. Specifically, risk-based testing, exploratory testing, paired collaboration around agile requirements, agile test design, and TDD-BDD-Functional testing automation will be explored as tactic within a balanced Three Pillars framework. You will leave with the tools to immediately initiate or re-tool a much more effective and balanced agile testing strategy. ortion pills to be shipped to house

Closing the Requirements and Testing Loop Webinar
Closing the Requirements and Testing Loop WebinarClosing the Requirements and Testing Loop Webinar
Closing the Requirements and Testing Loop Webinar

QASYMPHONY & BLUEPRINT PARTNER UP Learn about the new partnership between QASymphony and Blueprint. Connecting software requirements with proper test coverage still remains an age old problem for software development teams. This new partnership will provide alignment between requirements and testing teams of all types to get the visibility and traceability needed to understand their requirements coverage. In this webinar, Kevin Dunne, QASymphony's VP of Strategy and Business Development and Ruth Zive, VP of Marketing at Blueprint will answer the following questions: What is QASymphonys qTest Platform? How is this platform enhanced by Blueprint? How does the integration between qTest and Blueprint work? Why does your team need this offering?

qasymphonyblueprinttest coverage
Make good use of explortary testing
Make good use of explortary testingMake good use of explortary testing
Make good use of explortary testing

This document discusses exploratory testing (E.T.) and how to effectively implement it. It begins by defining E.T. as simultaneous learning, test design, and execution. It then contrasts E.T. with scripted testing, noting that E.T.'s goal is to find bugs while scripted testing aims to measure coverage. The document provides tips for doing good E.T., such as keeping notes and using different testing styles. It also discusses managing E.T., including using sessions and balancing E.T. with other testing. Lessons learned emphasize the benefits of pair testing and that E.T. requires skilled testers and planning to be successful.

software testing
Embraces uncertainty, software IS
Empirical (based on experience and
Continuous improvement
“Forecast” rather than “commitment”
Self-organization and estimation by
the “do-ers”
It is not the devil, but it CAN be evil
if its prescribed techniques are
Daily standup INCLUDES people from multiple disciplines
Agile estimation leverages INSTINCT and EXPERIENCE to provide realistic
expectations and more confident forecasts

Backlog grooming focuses team’s efforts on customer’s current PRIORITIES
An iterative process fueled by customer FEEDBACK ensures the team delivers
the right functionality

A constant FOCUS ON QUALITY ensures that quality is built-in, not tested in
Retrospectives foster CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT by inspecting outcomes,
sharing of best practices and honing the process


Requirements documents

Just-in-time, informal requirements

Occasional “customer” involvement

Frequent “customer” involvement

Start-to-finish Project Plan

Plan for Sprint.
Details are sketchy beyond that.
Priorities shift based on new data.

Tasks are assigned

Assigned tasks are a bottleneck

Potentially large team size

Teams of 3 – 9 people

Multiple phases, eventual delivery

Working software each Sprint / Iteration

Resistant to change

Change is expected

Contract says what we build, deliver

Contract is a lot closer to T&E


Test cases created from


Acceptance criteria

Test cases are created


Automate stubs from acceptance criteria

Test cases are created

Up front

Started up front, continually refined

Time commitment


Still a lot, but a huge improvement

Text execution is

Well defined steps
Some automation
Near end of project

Some defined steps
Executed early, often, continuously

Tests executed by

QA Team



Documentation overhead
Regression often squeezed
Sensitive to change

Coordination can be challenging
Requires skilled automation resources

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Mithun R has over 3 years of experience as a QA analyst and automation tester. He has worked on projects in the banking domain for clients like Citi Bank. Some of his responsibilities include designing and executing test plans, writing test cases, defect tracking, and ensuring compliance. He is proficient with tools like HP Quality Center, HP ALM, and QTP. He has experience in testing techniques like system integration testing, mobile application testing, and regression testing.

Manual Testing
Manual TestingManual Testing
Manual Testing

The document provides answers to frequently asked questions about manual software testing. It discusses introducing new QA processes, the role of documentation, qualities of a good test engineer, definitions of a test plan, test case, and other key testing terms. It also offers advice on issues like handling bugs, testing with changing requirements, and knowing when to stop testing. The overall focus is on best practices for planning, executing and improving manual testing processes.

Mindful Metrics (QAotHW 2018)
Mindful Metrics (QAotHW 2018)Mindful Metrics (QAotHW 2018)
Mindful Metrics (QAotHW 2018)

How to identify and leverage useful metrics vs harmful metrics. Rules of good metrics; values to apply and principles to follow when measuring the well-being of a company's people, process, and product.

metricsagilesoftware testing
More collaboration
Better overall visibility of status, progress, quality
Less bureaucracy to get in your way
Less impact from requirement churn
Testing is EVERYBODY’S concern, ALL the time!
Reduces resource bottlenecks
Less focus on output, more focus on quality
Everyone feels IS invested in the deliverable
More meetings (kind of)
Less (perceived) accountability
Less (unnecessary) documentation

More requirement churn
Shorter runway for writing tests
May require a new “toolbox”
Change is hard, and this could be a BIG one
FAR greater levels of discipline required by
EVERYONE on an agile team (yes, really)

Far more responsibility on Stakeholders and endusers
Management support can be difficult to achieve &
maintain, and it is CRITICAL for success!
Agile shines a light on existing dysfunction
Agile for day-to-day dev/test activities
Detect problems and continuously improve with Sprints
Focus on Definition Of Done & delivering working
software (a.k.a. value to customers)
Waterfall-ish style for multi-team coordination
Waterfall for environment release planning/management

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Agile testing
Agile  testingAgile  testing
Agile testing

This document discusses agile testing methodology. It begins with general concepts of agile testing such as testing from the customer perspective as early as possible. It then discusses agile testing methodology, challenges, test levels from first to third view perspectives involving extreme testing, exploratory testing, and collaboration between development and testing. The document also covers benefits of being an agile tester such as working as one team towards a common goal. In conclusion, it states that agile testing is useful, less time consuming and effective from the customer's point of view when automated testing is performed and developers, testers and customers work together as a team.

agile testingtesting
DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...
DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...
DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...

Presenter: Anne Hungate President, Daring Systems You’ve heard about Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery but what’s common as code makes its way through those processes? Testing. With DevOps Testing (also known as Continuous Testing), testing tasks are engineered to be continuously completed end-to-end across the entire development to deployment pipeline. Developers, QA analysts, security professionals, IT Operations analysts…everyone is a tester in a DevOps environment. Join us to learn more about DevOps Testing and the emerging role of DevOps Test Engineer.

Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!
Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!
Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!

The document provides guidance for managing a team of junior testers. It discusses challenges such as lack of skills and experience in junior testers. It recommends setting clear expectations, providing frequent communication and feedback, ensuring knowledge sharing, and protecting the team to help them succeed. Patience and structure are important, as is repeating key messages, to help junior testers learn and improve. The goal is for the team to work cooperatively toward a common objective.

sqa days 20
Agile testing starts with requirements (ATDD)
Continues throughout development (TDD, Unit Test Automation, CI)
QA validates delivered functionality every day (Scenario/Exploratory Testing)

Culminated with customers (UAT)

Testing is not a practice, it is an attitude!
Teams may struggle to adapt to changes because significant effort has already
gone into the initial requirements development and testing a.k.a “Throwing good
money after bad.”
Engineers may not be used to being “responsible for quality”. QA should never
be testing code that has not already passed unit testing in the development
QA is still logically the last task in marking a user story done. Delays in
development tasks still impact QA timelines.
QA may not be used to inspecting requirements and asking questions up front.
Addition of new user stories into the current iteration impacts EVERYONE.
Include QA to ensure appropriate commitments and estimations are built in
Collaborate: daily stand-ups should include

Adopt a process (if it’s all ad-hoc today)
Adopt an integrated ALM tool (if you don’t have

Shorten delivery cycles
Question anything that “smells”
Continuously improve, even if it is just the little
Get your developers involved (TDD, unit testing)
Automate regression tests
Scenario based testing when appropriate
Generate test case documentation whenever possible (from exploratory
tests or acceptance criteria)
Involve stakeholders in testing (UAT)

Adopt a good toolset to assist with collaboration and automation

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Evolve or Die: Healthcare IT Testing | QASymphony Webinar
Evolve or Die: Healthcare IT Testing | QASymphony WebinarEvolve or Die: Healthcare IT Testing | QASymphony Webinar
Evolve or Die: Healthcare IT Testing | QASymphony Webinar

Modern software testing for Healthcare Organizations. Learn about best practices for software testing in the healthcare industry featuring Mike Cooper, Chief Quality Officer of Healthcare IT Leaders and Kevin Dunne, VP of Business Development at QASymphony

software testinghealthcare testing
A paradigm shift for testing - how to increase productivity 10x!
A paradigm shift for testing - how to increase productivity 10x!A paradigm shift for testing - how to increase productivity 10x!
A paradigm shift for testing - how to increase productivity 10x!

European IT industry need to deal with a huge salary gap with developing countries. How can we increase our productivity and quality to compensate for the salary differences? This is a systems-thinking / Lean based approach to that problem

businesssystems thinkingtesting
10 signs your testing is not enough
10 signs your testing is not enough10 signs your testing is not enough
10 signs your testing is not enough

The document discusses 10 signs that an organization's software testing may not be enough. These include having excessive production bugs, bugs found during user acceptance testing, growing bug counts over test cycles, not investing in testing compared to competitors, lacking clear criteria for what constitutes "enough" testing, testers advising against releasing software, weak prevention efforts like code reviews, lack of developer unit testing, frequently reduced testing periods causing deadline problems, and high tester turnover. The document advocates treating testing as risk management, increasing test reuse and automation, and addresses common challenges and questions around software testing.

sqa days 20
Gartner’s “Magic Quadrant” 2012

Ovum Decision Matrix for ALM 2013
Read what Forrester and Gartner have to say, then sh*t-can the reports and make your
own decision
Focus on tools that foster collaboration
Many tools can fit the bill, use what feels good
Best fit is not always “Best of Breed”
Tools can foster efficiency and collaboration
Tools cannot fix your people or process issues, they just automate them :-

Expensive tools and fancy practices are useless if they aren't supportive of the
approach you are willing to adopt.
No more Magna Carta Requirements documents
Tests automated in VS and run via CI builds in TFS
Tests created and managed in MTM
Lab Management – ‘nuf said!
Rich bugs, OMG
Web tools
Drive: The Surprising Truth About
What Motivates Us
Daniel Pink
Under $10 on Amazon

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Test automation Anecdotes
Test automation AnecdotesTest automation Anecdotes
Test automation Anecdotes

This document contains three short anecdotes from Randy Rice about his experiences with test automation projects. The first story describes a project where daily technical reviews of test automation code were required to ensure all consultants were following the defined approach. This helped address issues but some consultants resisted and did not last on the project. The second story explains that a company's original test automation was not maintained during two major projects, leading the automation to become outdated and necessitating a restart. The third story relates a project where automating a system's daily regression tests through a vendor's proof-of-concept led to quick success and benefits for a manual tester by freeing up their time.

Streamlining Automation Scripts and Test Data Management
Streamlining Automation Scripts and Test Data ManagementStreamlining Automation Scripts and Test Data Management
Streamlining Automation Scripts and Test Data Management

Last week we hosted a webinar, “Streamlining Automation Scripts and Test Data Management”, to compliment the release of qTest 8.1. This webinar covers Test Data Management, QASymphony’s new Automated Script Generator, and new UI for the qTest eXplorer Session Manager

test data managementqtesttest data
Business Representative as a Successful Agile Product Owner by Kemal Bajramović
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Business Representative as a Successful Agile Product Owner by Kemal Bajramović

With a short introduction to the role of Product Owner in a Scrum team, this lecture aims at demonstrating the unique leadership role that the business representative could and should assume in agile projects. Business representative as a Product Owner provides more direct availability of functional knowledge and stakeholder expectations to the project. Decisions can be taken on the spot. Mutual understanding of the business and development perspective is much higher, so any functional, budgetary, legal or other issue is less demanding. But great power of Product Owner comes with huge responsibility – as this person’s professional life becomes dedicated to the well-being of the project and the product being developed. Lecturer will provide a hands-on experience with thinking and collaboration tools and practices in moving and shaping a product vision to a product that the end-users will love.

Succeeding with Agile
Mike Cohn

$35 on Amazon
Agile Testing
Lisa Crispin
Janet Gregory

$40 on Amazon
Visual Studio Team Foundation
Server 2012: Adopting Agile
Software Practices: From Backlog
to Continuous Feedback
Sam Guckenheimer
Neno Loje
$30 on Amazon
Agile Software Testing in a Large Scale Project:
Great Testing Blog:
Another Great Testing Blog:

Forrester ALM Blogs:

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Test Cases are dead, long live Checklists!
Test Cases are dead, long live Checklists!Test Cases are dead, long live Checklists!
Test Cases are dead, long live Checklists!

This document discusses why checklists are better than test cases for documentation in quality assurance. It argues that test cases become overcrowded and focus too much on documentation rather than core functions. Checklists are more time-saving and easy to update. An example compares a test case to a checklist for login/registration flows. The author's company Hipo uses a test pad and robot framework integrated with checklists to share with clients and team members.

sqa days 20
Agile Injection, Varberg
Agile Injection, VarbergAgile Injection, Varberg
Agile Injection, Varberg

The document discusses several agile concepts including the Agile Manifesto, Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and coding dojos. It outlines the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto which emphasize individuals, interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. It then provides brief descriptions of Scrum roles, ceremonies, and artifacts as well as XP practices like pair programming, writing unit tests first, and integrating often.

pep talkagile software development
Agile Testing - presentation for Agile User Group
Agile Testing - presentation for Agile User GroupAgile Testing - presentation for Agile User Group
Agile Testing - presentation for Agile User Group

The document discusses agile testing principles and processes. It compares agile testing to waterfall testing and outlines some key differences. It also addresses topics like continuous integration, test automation, managing test cases and issues, and transitioning from waterfall to agile. Pseudo-agile projects are described as those that claim to use agile but lack key elements like automation, continuous integration, or involvement of testers throughout the process.

Free ALM Images with HOL:
ALM Summit Video: Testing and Agile: The Team Approach
ALM Summit Video: Agile Testing:
ALM Summit Video: Exploratory Testing:
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors
STLDODN - Agile Testing in a Waterfall World

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Differences between Testing in Waterfall and Agile
Differences between Testing in Waterfall and AgileDifferences between Testing in Waterfall and Agile
Differences between Testing in Waterfall and Agile

Webinar "Differences between Testing in Waterfall and Agile" presentation by Maria Teryokhina

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The document describes a software testing professional's experience transitioning from the waterfall development model to agile. It discusses the challenges of adapting to agile practices like limited documentation, continuously changing requirements, and estimating work. The professional initially struggled but eventually saw benefits like increased productivity, transparency, and ability to adapt to changing customer needs. Tools like Rally also helped replace ALM by providing a single source for requirements, defects, testing, and reporting. Overall, agile allowed for faster learning and delivery with high customer satisfaction.

ACT - W: Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter Syndrome
ACT - W:  Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter SyndromeACT - W:  Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter Syndrome
ACT - W: Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter Syndrome

1 hour version of my talk delivered to ACT - W: Overview of what Imposter synrdrome looks like and feels like, and some techniques for harnessing the good parts of Imposter Syndrome , in yourself and others

imposter syndrome

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STLDODN - Agile Testing in a Waterfall World

  • 1. St Louis Day of .NET Angela Dugan ALM Practice Manager Polaris Solutions
  • 2. Of course this has NEVER happened to you... Right?
  • 3. It is plan-driven, and plans are good right? Pert charts, Gaant charts, Critical paths, OH MY! Rules with an Iron Fist (A.K.A Microsoft Project) Pre-defined Start Dates & End Dates Teams operate in silos (Centers of Excellence) It is not the devil, but it CAN be evil if its prescribed techniques are abused
  • 4. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
  • 5. Embraces uncertainty, software IS uncertain Empirical (based on experience and observation) Continuous improvement “Forecast” rather than “commitment” Self-organization and estimation by the “do-ers” It is not the devil, but it CAN be evil if its prescribed techniques are abused
  • 6. Daily standup INCLUDES people from multiple disciplines Agile estimation leverages INSTINCT and EXPERIENCE to provide realistic expectations and more confident forecasts Backlog grooming focuses team’s efforts on customer’s current PRIORITIES An iterative process fueled by customer FEEDBACK ensures the team delivers the right functionality A constant FOCUS ON QUALITY ensures that quality is built-in, not tested in Retrospectives foster CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT by inspecting outcomes, sharing of best practices and honing the process
  • 7. Waterfall Agile Requirements documents Just-in-time, informal requirements Occasional “customer” involvement Frequent “customer” involvement Start-to-finish Project Plan Plan for Sprint. Details are sketchy beyond that. Priorities shift based on new data. Tasks are assigned Assigned tasks are a bottleneck Potentially large team size Teams of 3 – 9 people Multiple phases, eventual delivery Working software each Sprint / Iteration Resistant to change Change is expected Contract says what we build, deliver Contract is a lot closer to T&E
  • 8. Waterfall Agile Test cases created from Specifications Acceptance criteria Test cases are created Manually Manual Automate stubs from acceptance criteria Test cases are created Up front Started up front, continually refined Time commitment Large Still a lot, but a huge improvement Text execution is Well defined steps Some automation Near end of project Some defined steps Scenario-based/Exploratory Automation Executed early, often, continuously Tests executed by QA Team Everyone Weaknesses Documentation overhead Regression often squeezed Sensitive to change Coordination can be challenging Requires skilled automation resources
  • 9. More collaboration Better overall visibility of status, progress, quality Less bureaucracy to get in your way Less impact from requirement churn Testing is EVERYBODY’S concern, ALL the time! Reduces resource bottlenecks Less focus on output, more focus on quality Everyone feels IS invested in the deliverable
  • 10. More meetings (kind of) Less (perceived) accountability Less (unnecessary) documentation More requirement churn Shorter runway for writing tests May require a new “toolbox”
  • 11. Change is hard, and this could be a BIG one FAR greater levels of discipline required by EVERYONE on an agile team (yes, really) Far more responsibility on Stakeholders and endusers Management support can be difficult to achieve & maintain, and it is CRITICAL for success! Agile shines a light on existing dysfunction
  • 12. Agile for day-to-day dev/test activities Detect problems and continuously improve with Sprints Focus on Definition Of Done & delivering working software (a.k.a. value to customers) Waterfall-ish style for multi-team coordination Waterfall for environment release planning/management
  • 13. Agile testing starts with requirements (ATDD) Continues throughout development (TDD, Unit Test Automation, CI) QA validates delivered functionality every day (Scenario/Exploratory Testing) Culminated with customers (UAT) Testing is not a practice, it is an attitude!
  • 14. Teams may struggle to adapt to changes because significant effort has already gone into the initial requirements development and testing a.k.a “Throwing good money after bad.” Engineers may not be used to being “responsible for quality”. QA should never be testing code that has not already passed unit testing in the development phase. QA is still logically the last task in marking a user story done. Delays in development tasks still impact QA timelines. QA may not be used to inspecting requirements and asking questions up front. Addition of new user stories into the current iteration impacts EVERYONE. Include QA to ensure appropriate commitments and estimations are built in
  • 15. Collaborate: daily stand-ups should include testers Adopt a process (if it’s all ad-hoc today) Adopt an integrated ALM tool (if you don’t have one) Shorten delivery cycles Question anything that “smells” Continuously improve, even if it is just the little things
  • 16. Get your developers involved (TDD, unit testing) Automate regression tests Scenario based testing when appropriate Generate test case documentation whenever possible (from exploratory tests or acceptance criteria) Involve stakeholders in testing (UAT) Adopt a good toolset to assist with collaboration and automation
  • 17. Gartner’s “Magic Quadrant” 2012 Ovum Decision Matrix for ALM 2013
  • 18. Read what Forrester and Gartner have to say, then sh*t-can the reports and make your own decision Focus on tools that foster collaboration Many tools can fit the bill, use what feels good Best fit is not always “Best of Breed” Tools can foster efficiency and collaboration Tools cannot fix your people or process issues, they just automate them :- Expensive tools and fancy practices are useless if they aren't supportive of the approach you are willing to adopt.
  • 19. No more Magna Carta Requirements documents Tests automated in VS and run via CI builds in TFS Tests created and managed in MTM Lab Management – ‘nuf said! Rich bugs, OMG Web tools
  • 20. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Daniel Pink Under $10 on Amazon
  • 21. Succeeding with Agile Mike Cohn $35 on Amazon
  • 22. Agile Testing Lisa Crispin Janet Gregory $40 on Amazon
  • 23. Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012: Adopting Agile Software Practices: From Backlog to Continuous Feedback Sam Guckenheimer Neno Loje $30 on Amazon
  • 24. Agile Software Testing in a Large Scale Project: Great Testing Blog: Another Great Testing Blog: Forrester ALM Blogs:
  • 25. Free ALM Images with HOL: ALM Summit Video: Testing and Agile: The Team Approach ALM Summit Video: Agile Testing: ALM Summit Video: Exploratory Testing: