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              ORM ! "#$%&#"#!'() $(*%)

!"#$ %&'()*                         e-Legion Ltd., 2011

Query q = entityManager.createQuery(
   "SELECT AVG(g.scoreInPercentage) FROM Grades g where g.subjectId = :subjectId"

q.setParameter(1, mathId);

Number avg = (Number) q.getSingleResult();



Query q = entityManager.createQuery(
   "SELECT AVG(g.scoreInPercentage) FROM Grades g where g.subjectId = :subjectId"

q.setParameter(1, mathId);

Number avg = (Number) q.getSingleResult();



EntityManager em = ...
CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();

CriteriaQuery<Person> c = qb.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> p = c.from(Person.class);
Predicate condition =, 20);
TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(c);
List<Person> olderThan20s = q.getResultList();


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The document discusses a talk titled "Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps" given by Rebecca Murphey at BVJS 2012. It provides code snippets for handling click events on objects and submitting a Twitter search form to retrieve results and display them on the page. The document advocates for moving beyond just manipulating the DOM and having a sane structure for JavaScript applications.

DOM Scripting Toolkit - jQuery
DOM Scripting Toolkit - jQueryDOM Scripting Toolkit - jQuery
DOM Scripting Toolkit - jQuery

The document discusses jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes DOM scripting and Ajax requests easier. It provides functions to select elements, handle events, animate elements and load JSON data. Some key features include CSS selector syntax, DOM manipulation methods, event handling and Ajax functions. The document also covers plugins, effects, and utilities included in jQuery.

Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps
Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS AppsBeyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps
Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps

The document is a presentation by Rebecca Murphey titled "Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps" given at FrontTrends 2012. It discusses using a structured approach to building JavaScript applications, with separate models, views, and controllers. It provides examples of how searches could be handled with a search form view, search controller, server, search data collection, and searches collection to manage application state. Tests are also shown to validate the search functionality. The presentation concludes with discussing topics like memory management, building for production, and multi-page applications.

backboneclient-side appsjavascript


SQL-+%,%-./0 DSL ,$1 23+4%!%&

564%731 6(+(23*(1

8#.9:# '%,3, -%$9:# ,#$3


EntityManager em = ...
CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();

CriteriaQuery<Person> c = qb.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> p = c.from(Person.class);
Predicate condition =, 20);
TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(c);
List<Person> olderThan20s = q.getResultList();


val olderThan20s = people.where(_.age gt 20)


val olderThan20s =

 from (people) ( p =>
   select (p)
   where (p.age gt 20)


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Javascript & jQuery: A pragmatic introduction
Javascript & jQuery: A pragmatic introductionJavascript & jQuery: A pragmatic introduction
Javascript & jQuery: A pragmatic introduction

This document provides an introduction to Javascript and jQuery. It covers Javascript data types including numbers, strings, Booleans, null/undefined, and arrays. It then covers jQuery topics like jQuery objects, selectors, CSS manipulation, events including ready and load, and AJAX/JSON requests using both asynchronous and synchronous modes. It includes examples for working with numbers, strings, selectors, events, AJAX calls and shortcuts. The document aims to provide a pragmatic introduction to Javascript and jQuery concepts and functionality.

Swift - 혼자 공부하면 분명히 안할테니까 같이 공부하기
Swift - 혼자 공부하면 분명히 안할테니까 같이 공부하기Swift - 혼자 공부하면 분명히 안할테니까 같이 공부하기
Swift - 혼자 공부하면 분명히 안할테니까 같이 공부하기

The document contains code snippets demonstrating various Swift programming concepts including variables, constants, types, optionals, functions, classes, structs, enums, and more. Key concepts demonstrated include variable and constant declaration with types, optional binding, functions with parameters and return values, classes and structs with properties and methods, tuples, and enums with associated values and raw values.

Drupal csu-open atriumname
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atrium_username is a Drupal feature for managing user name display: * a lightweight alternative to realname module; * "works" before theme layer * uses the node title of the user profile





 import org.squeryl.SessionFactory
 import java.sql.DriverManager._


 SessionFactory.concreteFactory = Some { ()=>
      new H2Adapter

“>3(&.31” ?3-4('3

;!+%$92@06# ConnectionPool (DBCP, BoneCP)


transaction { ... }

 &!#7,3 .3"(.3#6 .%&@A 643.23'*(A ( '%))(6(6
 & '%.*#

inTransaction { ... }

 .("#7% .# ,#$3#6, #!$( (!+%$92@#6!1 &.@64(
 ,4@7%0 643.23'*((


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DataMapper @ RubyEnRails2009
DataMapper @ RubyEnRails2009DataMapper @ RubyEnRails2009
DataMapper @ RubyEnRails2009

This document provides an overview of the DataMapper ORM library for Ruby. It discusses DataMapper 0.10 being released after 11 months of work. It demonstrates basic usage like defining models with properties and relationships. It also covers more advanced features like querying, custom types, embedded documents, validation, timestamps, constraints and plugins. Contact information is provided at the end for the DataMapper project on GitHub, mailing list and IRC channel to ask any questions.

The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 43 of 181
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This document discusses Ring code for implementing CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionality using an MVC (model-view-controller) pattern. It includes code for classes that represent a Salary model, controller, and view. It also includes code for classes that handle user registration and login functionality, including models, views, controllers, and language files. The document provides code examples for connecting to a database, implementing base model and controller classes, and performing common database operations like searching, counting, inserting, updating, and finding records.

ringring programmingring programming language
Rediscovering JavaScript: The Language Behind The Libraries
Rediscovering JavaScript: The Language Behind The LibrariesRediscovering JavaScript: The Language Behind The Libraries
Rediscovering JavaScript: The Language Behind The Libraries

This document provides a summary of the evolution of JavaScript libraries from 2004 to 2005. It discusses how in 2004, JavaScript was not taken seriously by most developers. A few libraries like Prototype.js emerged in 2005, helping popularize JavaScript for dynamic effects like drag and drop. This led to a flurry of library development in 2005, including early versions of jQuery, MochiKit and YUI. These libraries had different philosophies but helped unlock JavaScript's potential and make it a first-class language for web development.


              case class User(
                id:     Long = 0,
                @Column(length = 256)
                email: String,
                name:   String,
                rating: Int = 0,
              ) extends KeyedEntity[Long]

Plain Old Scala Object ()%B.% case)
563.,346./# 6(+/ ,$1 +%$#0
C%$1 )%7@6 -/69 var ($( val
8%B.% @'32369 432)#4, ()1 !6%$-*3 & -32#
>3!$#,%&369 KeyedEntity .# %-1236#$9.%


5$%B./# '$3!!/ ,$1 +%$#0
8%7@6 &'$A"369 & !#-1 &3$(,3*(A, etc


          object MySchema extends Schema {
            val users = table[User]

              on(users) { u => declare(
            is (autoIncremented),
         is (unique)

          transaction { MySchema.create }



import MySchema._

val vasya =
  users.insert(new User("", "Vasya"))

users.insert(List(user1, user2))


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Functionality Focused Code Organization
Functionality Focused Code OrganizationFunctionality Focused Code Organization
Functionality Focused Code Organization

The magic of jQuery's CSS-based selection makes it easy to think about our code in terms of the DOM, and sometimes that approach is exactly right. Other times, though, what we're trying to accomplish is only tangentially related to our nodes, and opting for an approach where we think in terms of functionality -- not how that functionality is manifested on our page -- can pay big dividends in terms of flexibility. In this talk, we'll look at a small sample application where the DOM takes a back seat to functionality-focused modules, and see how the approach can change the way we write and organize our code.


JQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document manipulation, event handling, animations, and Ajax interactions. It works across browsers and makes tasks like DOM traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler. JQuery's versatility, extensibility, and cross-browser compatibility have made it popular, with millions of developers using it to write JavaScript.

introduction to jqueryjqueryjquery presentation
Miniproject on Employee Management using Perl/Database.
Miniproject on Employee Management using Perl/Database.Miniproject on Employee Management using Perl/Database.
Miniproject on Employee Management using Perl/Database.

The project is about employee management system. The language used in this project is Perl and MySql database for storing data with phpMyadmin as database handler.

from(users) ( u =>
  where( like “%Vasya%”)

from(users) ( u =>
  orderBy( asc)

users.where( _.rating.~ >= 0)



//используем copy
//поскольку все поля immutable

val updatedVasya =
  vasya.copy(rating = vasya.rating + 1)



     val updated =
       update(users) ( u =>
         set(u.rating := u.rating.~ + 1)
         where( like "%Vasya%")

     println("%s Vasyas rated" format updated)

~. "6%-/ .# +@6369 Int.+ ( SQL ‘+’

&)#!6% ~. )%B.% (!+%$92%&369 u.rating      plus 1



val deleted =
  users.deleteWhere( u =>
    u.rating.~ < 0

println("%s users deleted" format deleted)


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Elm: give it a try
Elm: give it a tryElm: give it a try
Elm: give it a try

Let's try to look at Elm, is it something like TypeScript or Haskell? Should we use it on a daily basis?


The document shows code for processing images using the Imager module in Perl. It demonstrates scaling, cropping, mapping color values, combining images using rubthrough, adding text with QR codes, detecting differences between images, and detecting faces in an image using a cascade classifier. It also includes code to search for adult video actresses from a porn module.

Dig Deeper into WordPress - WD Meetup Cairo
Dig Deeper into WordPress - WD Meetup CairoDig Deeper into WordPress - WD Meetup Cairo
Dig Deeper into WordPress - WD Meetup Cairo

Dig deeper into WordPress is a presentation made for Web Designers Meetup in Cairo taken place on 17th Dec 2012. Signup at to get notified when awesome new WordPress related content is published.

wordpressphpweb design and development
2$&3(01"+ 2()450

2$&3(01"+ 2()450

5%!63&./# 23+4%!/
Group By ( 374#73*(1


   val rated =
     users.where( _.rating.~ >= 0)

   val vasyasRated =
     from(rated) ( u =>
       where( like “%Vasya%”)


 val rated =
   users.where( _.rating.~ >= 0)

 val vasyasRated =
   from(rated) ( u =>
     where( in
       (r => select(


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linieaire regressie
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linieaire regressie

This document describes a regression class that calculates a linear regression model (y=ax+b) based on data points. The class collects x and y data points from a database, calculates the number of data points, ensures the x and y arrays are the same length, calculates the sum of x and y values, and uses those sums to calculate the regression coefficients a and b by minimizing the sum of squared residuals from the line. It can then calculate a predicted y value for a new given x data point.

The Dom Scripting Toolkit J Query
The Dom Scripting Toolkit J QueryThe Dom Scripting Toolkit J Query
The Dom Scripting Toolkit J Query

This document provides an overview of jQuery, a JavaScript library for DOM scripting. It discusses why libraries like jQuery are useful for making DOM scripting easy and handling cross-browser compatibility issues. The core features of jQuery are then summarized, including selectors, DOM manipulation, events, effects, Ajax functionality, and utilities. Examples are provided throughout to illustrate how various jQuery methods work.


The document discusses ScalaQuery, a type-safe database API for Scala. It describes how ScalaQuery can be used to connect to a database, perform queries and updates, and map database tables to case classes through the use of tables. Tables allow defining columns and relations to other tables. Queries can be built declaratively through for-comprehensions and include filtering, joins, and parameters. The results of queries can be lists, single values or options. The document suggests moving to Slick for a more native Scala API.


C%!643.(".31 &/-%4'3
  from(users) ( u => ... ).page(offset, pageLength)

  from(users) ( u => ... ).distinct

  from(users) ( u => ... ).forUpdate


val ratingDistribution =
  from(users) ( u =>

ratingDistribution foreach { r=>
  println(“%s: %s” format (r.key, r.measures))


from(users, posts) ( (u,p) =>
  select(, p)
  where( === p.userId)

from(users, avatars.leftOuter) ( (u,a) =>
  select(u, a.url)
  on( ===


object MySchema extends Schema {
  val users = table[User]
  val posts = table[Post]
  val userPosts =
   oneToManyRelation(users, posts) via ( (u,p) => === p.userId


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1. Scalaz is a Scala library that provides functional data structures and type classes to complement the standard library. It defines foundational type classes like Functor, Monad, and provides instances for many data types. 2. The document discusses several Scalaz type classes - Equal, Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad, and Validation. It provides examples of how to use these type classes to define instances for types like Int, List, Option, etc. 3. Using Scalaz allows functional programming with types like Validation that encapsulate errors in a pure way, avoiding side effects from exceptions. It also provides syntactic sugar like |+| and <*> to make

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The document discusses how Docker can be used to streamline development processes. Docker allows developers to build, ship, and run distributed applications consistently across environments by introducing software containers. Containers provide a lightweight Linux environment that is portable and isolates applications from one another. The document provides examples of building Docker containers and linking them together, as well as developing and deploying applications using Docker. It also briefly discusses how Kubernetes can be used to deploy and manage containers at scale in the cloud.

Persistens i scala
Persistens i scalaPersistens i scala
Persistens i scala

The document discusses various topics related to persistence in Scala, including: - Setting focus on the persistence layer and introducing some of the many alternatives. - Thinking carefully about the choices made regarding persistence. - How Scala extends and improves upon concepts from Java, such as null safety with Option types, extension methods, and powerful collections.


case class User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {
  //OneToMany[Post] < Query
  lazy val posts = MySchema.userPosts.left(this)

case class User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {
  //ManyToOne[User] < Query
  lazy val user = MySchema.userPosts.right(this)

val user =
  users.lookup(1).getOrElse(error(“user not found”))

for (p <- user.posts)


case class User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {

    //StatefulOneToMany[Post] < Iterable[Post]
    lazy val posts = MySchema.userPosts.leftStateful(this)


case User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {

    lazy val user = MySchema.userPosts.rightStateful(this)




Compile-time Voodoo

5$(:'%) @)./0 DSL
  where ( === stringOpt.? ) //работает

  where ( u.flag === boolOpt.? ) //не работает

  not(not(u.flag)).inhibitWhen(boolOpt != Some(true))
  not(u.flag).inhibitWhen(boolOpt != Some(false))


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The Near Future of CSS
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This document summarizes upcoming CSS features like Box Alignment Level 3, CSS Grid Layout, CSS Shapes, CSS Feature Queries, and CSS Custom Properties. It explains what each feature does at a high level and provides example code snippets. The document also encourages developers to get involved by filing issues on browser bug trackers, requesting new features, and creating blog posts/demos to help drive adoption of these new CSS specifications.

cssweb platformweb design
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twitter: @digal


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Юрий Буянов «Squeryl — ORM с человеческим лицом»

  • 1. SQUERYL ORM ! "#$%&#"#!'() $(*%) !"#$ %&'()* e-Legion Ltd., 2011 1
  • 2. ORM Query q = entityManager.createQuery( "SELECT AVG(g.scoreInPercentage) FROM Grades g where g.subjectId = :subjectId" ); q.setParameter(1, mathId); Number avg = (Number) q.getSingleResult(); avg.floatValue(); 2
  • 3. ORM Query q = entityManager.createQuery( "SELECT AVG(g.scoreInPercentage) FROM Grades g where g.subjectId = :subjectId" ); q.setParameter(1, mathId); Number avg = (Number) q.getSingleResult(); avg.floatValue(); 3
  • 4. TYPE SAFE ORM (JPA 2) EntityManager em = ... CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Person> c = qb.createQuery(Person.class); Root<Person> p = c.from(Person.class); Predicate condition =, 20); c.where(condition); TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(c); List<Person> olderThan20s = q.getResultList(); 4
  • 5. SQUERYL ORM SQL-+%,%-./0 DSL ,$1 23+4%!%& 564%731 6(+(23*(1 8#.9:# '%,3, -%$9:# ,#$3 5
  • 6. TYPE SAFE ORM (JPA 2) EntityManager em = ... CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Person> c = qb.createQuery(Person.class); Root<Person> p = c.from(Person.class); Predicate condition =, 20); c.where(condition); TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(c); List<Person> olderThan20s = q.getResultList(); 6
  • 7. SQUERYL val olderThan20s = people.where(_.age gt 20) 7
  • 8. SQUERYL val olderThan20s = from (people) ( p => select (p) where (p.age gt 20) ) 8
  • 9. !"#!$% 9
  • 11. &#&'&()&*('&+ import org.squeryl.SessionFactory import java.sql.DriverManager._ Class.forName("org.h2.Driver") SessionFactory.concreteFactory = Some { ()=> Session.create( getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:"), new H2Adapter ) } “>3(&.31” ?3-4('3 ;!+%$92@06# ConnectionPool (DBCP, BoneCP) 11
  • 12. ,-(#*(.'&& transaction { ... } &!#7,3 .3"(.3#6 .%&@A 643.23'*(A ( '%))(6(6 & '%.*# inTransaction { ... } .("#7% .# ,#$3#6, #!$( (!+%$92@#6!1 &.@64( ,4@7%0 643.23'*(( 12
  • 13. "/01( (PrimitiveTypeMode) case class User( id: Long = 0, @Column(length = 256) email: String, name: String, rating: Int = 0, ) extends KeyedEntity[Long] Plain Old Scala Object ()%B.% case) 563.,346./# 6(+/ ,$1 +%$#0 C%$1 )%7@6 -/69 var ($( val 8%B.% @'32369 432)#4, ()1 !6%$-*3 & -32# >3!$#,%&369 KeyedEntity .# %-1236#$9.% 13
  • 14. "/01( (CustomTypeMode) 5$%B./# '$3!!/ ,$1 +%$#0 8%7@6 &'$A"369 & !#-1 &3$(,3*(A, etc 14
  • 15. "/01( object MySchema extends Schema { val users = table[User] on(users) { u => declare( is (autoIncremented), is (unique) ) } } transaction { MySchema.create } <3-$(*/ D743.("#.(1 5&12( 15
  • 16. INSERT import MySchema._ val vasya = users.insert(new User("", "Vasya")) users.insert(List(user1, user2)) 16
  • 17. SELECT from(users) ( u => select(u) where( like “%Vasya%”) ) from(users) ( u => select(, orderBy( asc) ) users.where( _.rating.~ >= 0) //Option[User] users.lookup(1) 17
  • 18. FULL UPDATE //используем copy //поскольку все поля immutable val updatedVasya = vasya.copy(rating = vasya.rating + 1) users.update(updatedVasya) 18
  • 19. PARTIAL UPDATE val updated = update(users) ( u => set(u.rating := u.rating.~ + 1) where( like "%Vasya%") ) println("%s Vasyas rated" format updated) ~. "6%-/ .# +@6369 Int.+ ( SQL ‘+’ &)#!6% ~. )%B.% (!+%$92%&369 u.rating plus 1 19
  • 20. DELETE users.delete(1) val deleted = users.deleteWhere( u => u.rating.~ < 0 ) println("%s users deleted" format deleted) 20
  • 22. 2$&3(01"+ 2()450 5%!63&./# 23+4%!/ Group By ( 374#73*(1 Joins Relations 22
  • 23. COMPOSITE SELECT val rated = users.where( _.rating.~ >= 0) val vasyasRated = from(rated) ( u => select(u) where( like “%Vasya%”) ) 23
  • 24. NESTED SELECT val rated = users.where( _.rating.~ >= 0) val vasyasRated = from(rated) ( u => select(u) where( in from(rated) (r => select( ) ) 24
  • 25. 067 SELECT C%!643.(".31 &/-%4'3 from(users) ( u => ... ).page(offset, pageLength) Distinct from(users) ( u => ... ).distinct ForUpdate from(users) ( u => ... ).forUpdate 25
  • 26. (3-03('&+ val ratingDistribution = from(users) ( u => groupBy(u.rating) compute(count( ) ratingDistribution foreach { r=> println(“%s: %s” format (r.key, r.measures)) } 26
  • 27. JOIN from(users, posts) ( (u,p) => select(, p) where( === p.userId) ) from(users, avatars.leftOuter) ( (u,a) => select(u, a.url) on( === ) 27
  • 28. RELATIONS object MySchema extends Schema { val users = table[User] val posts = table[Post] val userPosts = oneToManyRelation(users, posts) via ( (u,p) => === p.userId ) } 28
  • 29. (STATELESS) RELATIONS case class User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] { //OneToMany[Post] < Query lazy val posts = MySchema.userPosts.left(this) } case class User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] { //ManyToOne[User] < Query lazy val user = MySchema.userPosts.right(this) } val user = users.lookup(1).getOrElse(error(“user not found”)) for (p <- user.posts) println(p.title) 29
  • 30. STATEFUL RELATIONS case class User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] { //StatefulOneToMany[Post] < Iterable[Post] lazy val posts = MySchema.userPosts.leftStateful(this) } case User (....) extends KeyedEntity[Long] { //StetefulManyToOne[User] lazy val user = MySchema.userPosts.rightStateful(this) } 30
  • 32. #02!",(,.& Compile-time Voodoo createEqualityExpressionWithLastAccessedFieldReferenceAndConstant >#6 UNION 5$(:'%) @)./0 DSL where ( === stringOpt.? ) //работает where ( u.flag === boolOpt.? ) //не работает not(not(u.flag)).inhibitWhen(boolOpt != Some(true)) and not(u.flag).inhibitWhen(boolOpt != Some(false)) 32
  • 33. $!8-!"%? 33