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SPM chapter 11 - Managing people in  software environment
Software Project
Md. Mehedi Hasan
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Managing people in
software environment
Organizational behaviour: a background
Taylor attempted to analyse the most productive way of doing manual tasks.
Taylor had three basic objectives:
● to select the best people for the job;
● to instruct them in the best methods;
● to give incentives in the form of higher wages to the best workers
The conditions under which the staff worked also affects productivity.
Organizational Behaviour researchers discovered that the state of the minds of the
people influenced productivity.

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slection and assessment of employee

The document discusses various aspects of employee selection and assessment. It begins by defining key terms like human resources, job analysis, and job requirements. It then outlines common employee selection processes like application blanks, interviews, reference checks and appointment letters. The document also discusses different types of assessments used in selection like psychometric tests, assessment centers, and competency-based assessments. It notes the benefits of assessments for evaluating candidates' suitability for jobs and improving hiring decisions. Overall, the summary provides a high-level overview of the key topics and processes covered in the document relating to employee selection and assessment.

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The document discusses considerations for small businesses when hiring employees. It covers deciding when to hire an employee, defining job roles, writing job descriptions, attracting and evaluating candidates, selecting the right hire, training employees, rewarding and compensating employees, and managing ownership and dividends when there are family business partners involved. The key aspects of setting up an employee program for a small business are planning job roles, writing thorough job descriptions, developing fair hiring and review processes, providing training, and establishing clear compensation and ownership structures.

Create Great Job Descriptions
Create Great Job DescriptionsCreate Great Job Descriptions
Create Great Job Descriptions

The document discusses the evolution of job analysis and design from scientific management in the early 20th century to more modern approaches. It covers Taylor's principles of scientific management that aimed to maximize efficiency by separating planning and execution. The Hawthorne studies found social and psychological factors motivated workers more than physical conditions. Modern approaches focus on roles, competencies, and documenting core processes rather than rigid jobs. Future job descriptions may describe individuals' portfolios and changing contributions rather than fixed positions.

human resource managementjob descriptionsonet
Theory X
Theory X holds that:
● the average human has an innate dislike of work<;
● there is a need therefore for coercion, direction and control;
● people tend to avoid responsibility.
Theory Y
Theory Y holds that:
● work is as natural as rest or Play;
● external control and coercion are not the only ways of bringing about
effort directed towards an organization's ends;
● commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with
their achievement;
● the average human can learn to accept and further seek responsibility;
● the capacity to exercise imagination and other creative qualities is
widely distributed'
Theory X and theory Y
One way of judging whether a manager espoused Theory X or theory Y
is to observe how staff react when the boss is absent:
if there is no discernible change then this is a Theory Y environment ;
if everyone visibly relaxes, it is a Theory X environment,
Selecting the right person for the iob
● one of the biggest differences in software development performance
is between individuals
● Experience (Is an experienced programmer better than a new
graduate with a first-class mathematics degree?)
● Person who can communicate well.
'lf asked, most programmers probably say they prefer to work alone where
they wouldn't be disturbed by other people’
We see many who are attracted to writing software, and are good at it, but
do not make good managers later in their careers.

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This document discusses organizational behavior and managing staff on projects. It covers selecting the right person for a job, motivating staff using theories like Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory. It also discusses stress and stress management, health and safety issues, and some ethical concerns regarding responsibilities to others and financial ethics. The main topics are staff selection, development, motivation, and well-being during a project.

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The document discusses staffing considerations for software projects, including: - The main concerns when managing people on software projects are staff selection, development, motivation, and well-being. - Effective staff selection involves identifying project objectives and characteristics, estimating effort for activities, and allocating resources. - Motivation models like Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory can be applied to understand motivators and hygiene factors. - Teams are important for large software projects, and team dynamics can influence all stages of project planning using the Step Wise framework.

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The document discusses career management, planning, and development. It defines these terms and outlines their importance and processes. Specifically: - Career management is the process through which employees become aware of their interests/strengths, obtain job opportunity information, identify goals, and make action plans. It is important for staffing, motivation, and equity. - Career planning is setting short- and long-term career goals and identifying how to achieve them. It provides direction, develops competencies, increases creativity/retention, and motivates performance. - Career development is a lifelong process of developing one's career through self-assessment, exploration, education, and gaining experience. It is important for attracting talent,

administrationnursing administration
The recruitment process
● Recruitment is often an organizational responsibility.
● Eligible candidates have a curriculum vitae (CV) which shows, for
example, the 'right' number of years in some previous post and the
'right' paper qualifications. Suitable candidates can actually do the job
● Suitable candidates who are not officially eligible can, on the other
hand, be ideal candidates.
● assess actual skills rather than past experience and provide training to
make good minor gaps in expertise.
The recruitment process
A general approach might be the following:
1. Create a job specification formally or informally, the requirements of
the job, including the types of task to be carried out, should be
documented and agreed.
2. Create a job holder profile The job specification is used to construct a
profile of the person needed to carry out the job, The qualities,
qualifications, education and experience required would be listed.
The recruitment process
● Obtain applicants Typically, an advertisement would be placed, either
within the organization or outside in the trade or local press. The job
holder profile would be examined carefully to identify the medium
most likely to reach the largest number of potential applicants at least
cost. For example, if a specialist is needed it would make sense to
advertise in the relevant specialist journal.
● The other principle is to give enough information in the advertisement
to allow an element of self-elimination. By giving the salary, location,
job scope and any essential qualifications, the applicants will be limited
to the more realistic candidates.
The recruitment process
● Examine CVs These should be read carefully and compared to
the job holder profile -nothing is more annoying for all
concerned than when people have CVs which indicate clearly
that they are not eligible for the job and yet are called for
● interviews. Selection techniques include aptitude tests,
personality tests and the examination of samples of previous is better if there is more than one interview session with
an applicant.(follow book)

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Literature Review The role of a Human Resource department is ever changing in today’s volatile business environment. Over the years HR have become a strong strategic partner within an organization by providing functions such as recruitment, training and development and retention. Human Resources in order to be strategic works directly with all levels of management in an effort to help with strategy and the growth of the company to meet their vision. One very important aspect is talent acquisition. Having the right people in key roles within the company is vital to the success and growth. Performing this function includes preparing a job description, recruiting, and then setting compensation. Then a crucial tool used by many HR departments is the process of job evaluations and performance reviews. Method of Job Analysis When a new job is created or a vacancy occurs, it is the role of a HR representative to fill that void. In order to perform this function they need to first understand what role they are trying fill and what skills and responsibilities this new role would require. By conducting a job analysis they are able to further define an important elements of any job and then search for the person or people that are a good fit for the company. As important as it is to perform a job analysis before looking for that new candidate, it is equally as important to select the correct job analysis method. Some popular job analysis methods are Observation, Individual Interview and Structured Questionnaires. Organizations choose methods based on various guidelines that are all link to the job responsibilities, company culture and size of the organization. Each organization must select which methods are the best match for their candidate search. The Observation method includes studying someone while they perform their job in an effort to better understand the tasks and duties necessary to this particular job. The advantages are, the observer can obtain first hand knowledge and information about the job being analyzed. This can provide an accurate picture of the candidate ability to do the job at hand. Other Job Analysis methods such as the interview or questionnaire only allow HR to indirectly obtain this information. With other methods there is a risk of omissions or exaggerations are introduced either by the incumbent being interviewed or by items on the questionnaire. The next method is the Interview method; this method involves conducting interviews of the person leaving this position to gain insights into what duties they perform. Interviews can also be conducted on other employees performing the same job but in most cases start with the HR manager. The advantages are that it allows the incumbent to describe tasks and duties that are not observable. The disadvantage is the candidate can exaggerate or omit tasks and duties. The interviewer must be skilled and ask the proper questions. The Structured Questionnaire method uses a standardized ...


This document discusses staffing and communication processes at the University of Manila College of Engineering. It covers topics like the importance of staffing, the staffing process, human resource planning, determining qualifications, induction, and training. Staffing is described as the process of selecting and assigning employees to achieve organizational goals. The key activities in staffing include human resource planning, recruitment, selection, induction, training, performance evaluation, employment decisions, and separation. Human resource planning involves forecasting needs, identifying required skills, and developing programs. Qualifications are determined through applications, references, tests, and other evaluations. Induction introduces new hires and training increases employees' skills.

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This module discusses the importance of identifying candidates' needs in the hiring process. It suggests recruiters should understand what motivates candidates, their career aspirations, expectations from the job, and reasons for seeking new opportunities. This helps improve candidate quality and experience. Recruiters should have candid conversations to understand what candidates want from their next role and employer. Identifying needs leads to better transparency, communication and employer brand. It allows recruiters to offer positions that specifically meet candidates' motivations like learning, compensation, work culture and growth opportunities.

technical recruiter
Instruction in the best methods
The team leader should be aware of the need to assess continually the training
needs of their team members.
The third of Taylor's concerns was that of motivating people to work.
Taylor's viewpoint is reflected in the use of piece-rates in manufacturing
industries and sales bonuses amongst sales forces.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
The motivation of individuals varies. Money is a strong motivator when you
are broke.
However, as the basic need for cash is satisfied, other motivators are likely
to emerge.
As a lower level of needs is satisfied there gradually a higher level of
needs emerges. lf these are then satisfied then another level will emerge.
Basic needs include food, shelter and personal safety. The highest-level
need, according to Maslow, is the need for 'self-actualization', the feeling
that you are completely fulfilling your potential

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- An employment interview is a meeting where both the employer and candidate exchange information, with the employer seeking the best talent and the candidate seeking the right job match. - The typical interview sequence involves multiple stages - screening interviews to filter candidates, selection interviews to identify top candidates, and sometimes a final interview with senior executives. - Candidates should prepare by researching the company, anticipating common questions, practicing responses, and presenting a professional image during the interview. Thorough preparation helps candidates feel more confident and perform better.

recruitment test
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recruitment test

Recruitment tests aim to provide insights into candidates and how well they may perform in a role. There are typically three main types of tests: personality tests that assess characteristics like motivation and fit with company culture, aptitude tests that evaluate intellectual abilities relevant to the job, and skills tests that measure qualifications like computer proficiency. The document discusses how different companies use various tests targeting things like sales skills, management potential, and leadership qualities to identify the best candidates for specific roles. It emphasizes that test results should always be considered alongside other aspects of the application and hiring process.

Hrm- Training Need Analysis
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Hrm- Training Need Analysis

The document discusses analyzing training needs at an organization. It explains that a training needs analysis (TNA) identifies gaps between employees' current and required knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet organizational objectives. A TNA is conducted through structured questions to diagnose performance issues. If training is identified as a solution, a training needs analysis questionnaire is used with stakeholders to provide the necessary information to develop training. The TNA process ensures training solutions are tailored to address identified needs and improve employee and organizational performance.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs
In practice, people are likely to be motivated by different things at different
stages of their life.
For example, salary increases, while always welcome, probably have less
impact on the more mature employee who is already relatively well paid
than on a lowly paid trainee. Older team members might place more value
on qualities of the job, such as being given autonomy, which show respect
for their judgement and sense of responsibility.
Some staff have 'growth needs'- they are interested in their work and want
to develop their work roles - while others simply see the job as a way of
earning a living.
Herzberg's two-factor theory
Herzberg and his associates found two sets of factors about a job:
● hygiene or maintenance factors, make you dissatisfied if they are not
right, e.g. pay or the working conditions.
● motivators, which make you feel that the job is worthwhile, like a sense
of achievement or the challenge of the work itself.
The expectancy theory of motivation
A model of motivation developed by Vroom and his colleagues. lt identifies
three influences on motivation:
1. expectancy: the belief that working harder will lead to a better
2. instrumentality: the belief that better performance will be rewarded.
3. perceived value: of the resulting reward.
Motivation will be high when all three factors are high. A zero level for any
one of the factors can remove motivation. ( e.g. book)
The Oldham-Hackman job characteristics model
Oldham and Hackman suggest that the satisfaction that a job gives is
based on five factors, The first three factors make the job'meaníngful'to the
person who is doing it:
● skill variety: the number of different skills that the job holder has the
opportunity to exercise;
● task identity: the degree to which your work and its results are
identifiable as belonging to you.
● task significance: the degree to which your job has an influence on

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The document discusses various aspects of human resource planning and management. It covers topics like human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction, job design, job analysis, job description, job classification, job evaluation, and outsourcing. The recruitment process involves receiving job requisitions, identifying prospective candidates, attracting candidates, and evaluating effectiveness. Selection involves screening applicants through application forms, interviews, tests, and reference/background checks. Placement matches selected candidates to specific jobs based on qualifications. Induction welcomes and trains new employees. Job design aims to match job requirements with employee attributes.

human resource management
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Vexelle Manufacturing opened a new plant and needed to hire 15 maintenance workers. The HR manager, production manager, and maintenance manager all had different criteria for what qualified candidates should possess, resulting in very few job offers being made despite many applications. The chapter discusses how traditional job descriptions focusing on specific tasks are no longer effective, and introduces the idea of competency-based job descriptions that define the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes needed for a role. A competency-based approach provides more flexibility and a broader definition of the work.

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Human resource management (HRM) involves ensuring an organization has the right employees by managing activities like recruitment, selection, training, and retention. It is critical to an organization's success. The HRM process includes assessing current employees, determining future needs, recruiting to fill vacancies, selecting the best candidates, and providing training and development. Key parts of the process are job analysis to understand positions, developing job descriptions to guide recruiting and selection, using valid and reliable selection procedures to minimize hiring errors, and referring current high-performing employees.

The Oldham-Hackman job characteristics model
The other two factors are:
● autonomy: the discretion you have about the way that you do the job;
● feedback; the information you get back about the results of your work.
Oldham and Hackman also noted that both the job holders' personal
growth needs and their working environment influenced their perception of
the job
Evaluation plan
Having drawn up a list of requirements, we now need a plan of how the
proposals are to be evaluated.
Method could include
● Reading proposals
● Interviews
● Demonstrations
● Site visits
● Practical tests
Evaluation plan
● Need to estimate if the increase in quality is worth the additional price.
● Example
○ Feeder file saves data input
○ 4 hours a month saved
○ Cost of inputter $20 an hour
○ System to be used for 4 years
○ $20 an hour X 4 hours a month X 48 months = $3840, would be
○ lf system A has this feature and costs only $1,000 more than
system B which does not, this would give system A an advantage

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SPM chapter 11 - Managing people in software environment

  • 2. Software Project Management Md. Mehedi Hasan Lecturer, Dept. of CSE Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
  • 4. Organizational behaviour: a background Taylor attempted to analyse the most productive way of doing manual tasks. Taylor had three basic objectives: ● to select the best people for the job; ● to instruct them in the best methods; ● to give incentives in the form of higher wages to the best workers The conditions under which the staff worked also affects productivity. Organizational Behaviour researchers discovered that the state of the minds of the people influenced productivity.
  • 5. Theory X Theory X holds that: ● the average human has an innate dislike of work<; ● there is a need therefore for coercion, direction and control; ● people tend to avoid responsibility.
  • 6. Theory Y Theory Y holds that: ● work is as natural as rest or Play; ● external control and coercion are not the only ways of bringing about effort directed towards an organization's ends; ● commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement; ● the average human can learn to accept and further seek responsibility; ● the capacity to exercise imagination and other creative qualities is widely distributed'
  • 7. Theory X and theory Y One way of judging whether a manager espoused Theory X or theory Y is to observe how staff react when the boss is absent: if there is no discernible change then this is a Theory Y environment ; if everyone visibly relaxes, it is a Theory X environment,
  • 8. Selecting the right person for the iob ● one of the biggest differences in software development performance is between individuals ● Experience (Is an experienced programmer better than a new graduate with a first-class mathematics degree?) ● Person who can communicate well. 'lf asked, most programmers probably say they prefer to work alone where they wouldn't be disturbed by other people’ We see many who are attracted to writing software, and are good at it, but do not make good managers later in their careers.
  • 9. The recruitment process ● Recruitment is often an organizational responsibility. ● Eligible candidates have a curriculum vitae (CV) which shows, for example, the 'right' number of years in some previous post and the 'right' paper qualifications. Suitable candidates can actually do the job well. ● Suitable candidates who are not officially eligible can, on the other hand, be ideal candidates. ● assess actual skills rather than past experience and provide training to make good minor gaps in expertise.
  • 10. The recruitment process A general approach might be the following: 1. Create a job specification formally or informally, the requirements of the job, including the types of task to be carried out, should be documented and agreed. 2. Create a job holder profile The job specification is used to construct a profile of the person needed to carry out the job, The qualities, qualifications, education and experience required would be listed.
  • 11. The recruitment process ● Obtain applicants Typically, an advertisement would be placed, either within the organization or outside in the trade or local press. The job holder profile would be examined carefully to identify the medium most likely to reach the largest number of potential applicants at least cost. For example, if a specialist is needed it would make sense to advertise in the relevant specialist journal. ● The other principle is to give enough information in the advertisement to allow an element of self-elimination. By giving the salary, location, job scope and any essential qualifications, the applicants will be limited to the more realistic candidates.
  • 12. The recruitment process ● Examine CVs These should be read carefully and compared to the job holder profile -nothing is more annoying for all concerned than when people have CVs which indicate clearly that they are not eligible for the job and yet are called for interview. ● interviews. Selection techniques include aptitude tests, personality tests and the examination of samples of previous is better if there is more than one interview session with an applicant.(follow book)
  • 13. Instruction in the best methods The team leader should be aware of the need to assess continually the training needs of their team members.
  • 14. Motivation The third of Taylor's concerns was that of motivating people to work. Taylor's viewpoint is reflected in the use of piece-rates in manufacturing industries and sales bonuses amongst sales forces.
  • 16. Maslow's hierarchy of needs The motivation of individuals varies. Money is a strong motivator when you are broke. However, as the basic need for cash is satisfied, other motivators are likely to emerge. As a lower level of needs is satisfied there gradually a higher level of needs emerges. lf these are then satisfied then another level will emerge. Basic needs include food, shelter and personal safety. The highest-level need, according to Maslow, is the need for 'self-actualization', the feeling that you are completely fulfilling your potential
  • 17. Maslow's hierarchy of needs In practice, people are likely to be motivated by different things at different stages of their life. For example, salary increases, while always welcome, probably have less impact on the more mature employee who is already relatively well paid than on a lowly paid trainee. Older team members might place more value on qualities of the job, such as being given autonomy, which show respect for their judgement and sense of responsibility. Some staff have 'growth needs'- they are interested in their work and want to develop their work roles - while others simply see the job as a way of earning a living.
  • 18. Herzberg's two-factor theory Herzberg and his associates found two sets of factors about a job: ● hygiene or maintenance factors, make you dissatisfied if they are not right, e.g. pay or the working conditions. ● motivators, which make you feel that the job is worthwhile, like a sense of achievement or the challenge of the work itself.
  • 19. The expectancy theory of motivation A model of motivation developed by Vroom and his colleagues. lt identifies three influences on motivation: 1. expectancy: the belief that working harder will lead to a better performance 2. instrumentality: the belief that better performance will be rewarded. 3. perceived value: of the resulting reward. Motivation will be high when all three factors are high. A zero level for any one of the factors can remove motivation. ( e.g. book)
  • 20. The Oldham-Hackman job characteristics model Oldham and Hackman suggest that the satisfaction that a job gives is based on five factors, The first three factors make the job'meaníngful'to the person who is doing it: ● skill variety: the number of different skills that the job holder has the opportunity to exercise; ● task identity: the degree to which your work and its results are identifiable as belonging to you. ● task significance: the degree to which your job has an influence on others.
  • 21. The Oldham-Hackman job characteristics model The other two factors are: ● autonomy: the discretion you have about the way that you do the job; ● feedback; the information you get back about the results of your work. Oldham and Hackman also noted that both the job holders' personal growth needs and their working environment influenced their perception of the job
  • 22. Evaluation plan Having drawn up a list of requirements, we now need a plan of how the proposals are to be evaluated. Method could include ● Reading proposals ● Interviews ● Demonstrations ● Site visits ● Practical tests
  • 23. Evaluation plan ● Need to estimate if the increase in quality is worth the additional price. ● Example ○ Feeder file saves data input ○ 4 hours a month saved ○ Cost of inputter $20 an hour ○ System to be used for 4 years ○ $20 an hour X 4 hours a month X 48 months = $3840, would be saved ○ lf system A has this feature and costs only $1,000 more than system B which does not, this would give system A an advantage