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 Software testing is a process of verifying and validating
that a software application or program
 1. Meets the business and technical requirements that
guided its design and development, and
 2. Works as expected.
 Main purposes
 Verification
 Validation
 Defect finding
 The verificationprocess confirms that the software meets
its technical specifications.
 A “specification” is a description of a function in terms
of a measurable output value given a specific input value
under specific preconditions.
 A simple specification may be along the line of “a SQL
query retrieving data for a single account against the
multi-month account-summary table must return these
eight fields <list> ordered by month within 3 seconds of
 The validation process confirms that the software meets
the business requirements.
 A simple example of a business requirement is “After
choosing a branch office name, information about the
branch’s customer account managers will appear in a
new window.
 The window will present manager identification and
 summary information about each manager’s customer
base: <list of data elements>.”
 Other requirements provide details on how the data will
be summarized, formatted and displayed.

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Testing tools
Testing toolsTesting tools
Testing tools

The document discusses various stages in the software development life cycle (SDLC) including reviews, testing, and maintenance. It describes reviews that take place during analysis and design to verify requirements and design documents. Unit testing involves testing individual programs using techniques like basic path coverage. Integration testing combines programs to test interfaces. System testing is conducted by a separate team and includes usability, functional, and non-functional testing. User acceptance testing collects customer feedback. Maintenance involves addressing change requests and improving testing processes. The "V" model is presented as an extension of the traditional waterfall SDLC model.

Tools for Software Verification and Validation
Tools for Software Verification and ValidationTools for Software Verification and Validation
Tools for Software Verification and Validation

The document discusses two tools for software verification and validation (V&V): NUnit and Mercury Quality Center (MQC). NUnit is an open source unit testing framework for .NET applications. It allows developers to write unit tests to verify code meets design conditions. NUnit supports IDE integration, assertions, attributes, configurations and multiple assembly testing. It is used during implementation to facilitate code verification. MQC is a web-based test management tool for organizing testing projects. It allows requirements management, test planning, case authoring, execution, and defect tracking. Various roles can access modules for requirements, tests, execution, and defects. Reports can be generated on results. It integrates with other tools and facilitates

Software quality and testing (func. &amp; non func.)
Software quality and testing (func. &amp; non   func.)Software quality and testing (func. &amp; non   func.)
Software quality and testing (func. &amp; non func.)

Functional testing types include: - Testing functionality according to requirements - Testing web services interfaces and compliance with standards - Conducting testing for software version changes and data migration Non-functional testing types include: - Performance testing to ensure systems meet specified performance levels - Load testing to identify bottlenecks and determine behavior under heavy loads - Stress testing to detect errors under excessive operational capacity - Compatibility testing to ensure applications work in different environments - Security testing to adopt security procedures and probe for vulnerabilities - Usability testing to evaluate from an end-user perspective

software testing
Defect finding
 A defect is a variance between the expected and actual
result. The defect’s ultimate source may be traced
 to a fault introduced in the specification, design, or
development (coding) phases.
It is the process used to identify the correctness,
completeness and quality of developed computer
It is the process of executing a program/application
under positive and negative conditions by manual or
automated means. It checks for the :-
 Specification
 Functionality
 Performance
Uncover as many as errors (or bugs) as possible in a given
Demonstrate a given software product matching its requirement
Validate the quality of a software testing using the minimum cost
and efforts.
Generate high quality test cases, perform effective tests, and issue
correct and helpful problem reports.
Error, Bug, Fault & Failure
Error : It is a human action that produces the incorrect
result that produces a fault.
Bug : The presence of error at the time of execution of the
Fault : State of software caused by an error.
Failure : Deviation of the software from its expected result. It is
an event.

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Types of testing
Types of testingTypes of testing
Types of testing

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words software testing is a verification and validation process. TYPES OF TESTING There are many types of testing like Unit Testing Integration Testing Functional Testing System Testing Stress Testing Performance Testing Usability Testing Acceptance Testing Regression Testing Beta Testing

softwaresoftware testingtypes of testing
software testing methodologies
software testing methodologiessoftware testing methodologies
software testing methodologies

Software testers are also well trained to take care of bugs that arise during the functioning of any software program. With the right quality assurance training, you will be armed with all the essentials to be qualified as a software tester. It is also essential that you enroll for a duly approved and certified training in quality assurance. Once you acquire the necessary qa training, you will also learn the two most important skills required in software testing- advanced technical knowledge and communication. As a proficient software tester, you should ideally possess strong written and verbal communication skills. Good communication is important to ensure you are able to put our concepts and ideas across so that other team members understand your vision as well as understanding of the situation at hand. Even a small miscommunication can lead to serious errors in the completion of the software project. The role of a QA professional is quite an integral one since it eases off the burden of other personnel like stakeholders, software developers as well as software managers. These people do not have to constantly worry about the quality, performance as well the errors faced in developing as well as using any new software developed. Register For A Free DEMO: website: phone: +1-609-308-7395(USA) Email:

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Testing methodology
Testing methodologyTesting methodology
Testing methodology

This document provides an overview of software testing and the testing process. It discusses: - The purpose of testing is to find errors and ensure software meets requirements. - The testing process includes test planning, analysis and design, execution, evaluation and reporting. - Key methodologies like unit, integration, system and acceptance testing are explained. - Regression testing is described as important for ensuring changes don't break existing functionality. - The roles of different teams in the testing process and the goals at each testing level are outlined.

 Standard model used word wide to develop a software.
 A framework that describes the activities performed at
each stage of a software development project.
 Necessary to ensure the quality of the software.
 Logical steps taken to develop a software product.
SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle)
Project Initiation
System Study
Summary Reports
Regression Test
Report Defects
Execute Test Cases
( manual /automated )
Design Test Cases
Test Plan
Testing Life Cycle
Test Plan
It is a systematic approach to test a system i.e.
software. The plan typically contains a detailed
understanding of what the eventual testing
workflow will be.
Test Case
It is a specific procedure of testing a particular
It will include:
Identification of specific requirement tested
Test case success/failure criteria
Specific steps to execute test
Test data

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Types of software testing
Types of software testingTypes of software testing
Types of software testing

The document describes different types of software testing, including usability testing, functional testing, and non-functional testing. Usability testing includes user interface and manual support testing. Functional testing involves functionality, sanity, and smoke testing. Non-functional testing covers areas such as internationalization, recovery, compatibility, configuration, intersystem, installation, localization, performance, load, stress, data volume, parallel, and security testing. The document provides brief definitions and explanations of each type of testing.

types of software testingsoftware testing
Non-Functional testing
Non-Functional testingNon-Functional testing
Non-Functional testing

Non-functional testing is the testing of a software application or system for its non-functional requirements: the way a system operates, rather than specific behaviours of that system.

Software Testing Tutorials - MindScripts Technologies, Pune
Software Testing Tutorials - MindScripts Technologies, PuneSoftware Testing Tutorials - MindScripts Technologies, Pune
Software Testing Tutorials - MindScripts Technologies, Pune

MindScripts Technologies is the authorized Softwrae Testing Training institutes in Pune, providing a complete softwrae testing certification course with ISTQB certification. It provides a IBM Certified courses.

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• Verification: The software should confirm to its
specification (Are we building the product right?)
• Validation: The software should do what the user really
requires (Are we building the right product?)
Verification vs Validation
Testing Methodologies
Black box testing
White box testing
Black box testing
 No knowledge of internal program design or code
 Tests are based on requirements and functionality.
White box testing
 Knowledge of the internal program design and
code required.
 Tests are based on coverage of code
statements, branches, paths, conditions.
Black box testing

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The document discusses various aspects of software testing such as the definitions of testing, different testing methodologies like black box and white box testing, testing levels from unit to acceptance testing, and performance testing types including stress, recovery, and compatibility testing. It also covers testing tools, test plans, test cases, and the software development life cycle.

Differences asked in Software Testing Interview.
Differences asked in Software Testing Interview. Differences asked in Software Testing Interview.
Differences asked in Software Testing Interview.

Software Testing is method, technique or activity to find bugs.Where we check that software's actual result meets the expected result. Testing can be manually as well as using automation tools. Below are terms used in Software. Mainly differences that asked in Manual Software Testing Interview. Functional vs Non Functional , Re Testing vs Regression Testing , Front End Testing vs Backend Testing, Smoke Testing vs Sanity Testing , Static Testing vs Dynamic Testing, Verification vs Validation.

#softwaretestingmanual testingregression testing
Software testing introduction
Software testing introductionSoftware testing introduction
Software testing introduction

This document provides information on software testing concepts. It defines software as a set of instructions used to operate computers, and software testing as a process to ensure the actual results match expected results by identifying defects. Testing is important for reasons such as cost effectiveness, security, product quality, and customer satisfaction. The document also describes the software development life cycle (SDLC) and software testing life cycle (STLC) processes, and covers different types of testing including functional, non-functional, manual, and automated testing.

White box testing
Test data
V-Model: test levels
Integration Testing
in the Small
Integration Testing
in the Large
V-Model: late test design
Integration Testing
in the Small
Integration Testing
in the Large
“We don’t have
time to design
tests early”
V-Model: early test design
Integration Testing
in the Small
Integration Testing
in the Large

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Testing Concepts and Manual Testing
Testing Concepts and Manual TestingTesting Concepts and Manual Testing
Testing Concepts and Manual Testing

In this session you will learn: Overview of Testing Life Cycle Testing Methodologies Black Box Testing White Box Testing Gray Box Testing Integration Testing System Testing Regression Testing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) For more information:

qa trainingquality assurance trainingonline qa training
functional testing
functional testing functional testing
functional testing

Functional testing is a type of software testing that validates software functions or features based on requirements specifications. It involves testing correct and incorrect inputs to check expected behaviors and outputs. There are different types of functional testing including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Testers write test cases based on requirements and specifications to test the functionality of software under different conditions.

functional testingmanual testing
Validation testing
Validation testingValidation testing
Validation testing

Validation testing involves black box testing to check if the software meets customer expectations by satisfying requirements, achieving behavioral characteristics, attaining performance standards, and ensuring documentation is correct. Configuration review checks if all software elements were properly developed. Alpha testing is done by customers at developer sites in a controlled environment, while beta testing involves end users testing software in uncontrolled environments at customer sites.

Early test design
 test design finds faults
 faults found early are cheaper to fix
 most significant faults found first
 faults prevented, not built in
 no additional effort, re-schedule test
 changing requirements caused by test
designEarly test design helps to build quality,
stops fault multiplication
Experience report: Phase 1
Phase 1: Plan
2 mo 2 mo
dev test
150 faults
1st mo.
50 faults
fraught, lots of dev overtime
"has to go in"
but didn't work
Experience report: Phase 2
Phase 2: Plan
2 mo 6 wks
dev test
50 faults
1st mo.
0 faults
smooth, not much for dev to do
acc test: full
week (vs half day)
on time
Phase 1: Plan
2 mo 2 mo
dev test
150 faults
1st mo.
50 faults
fraught, lots of dev overtime
"has to go in"
but didn't work
Phase 2: Plan
2 mo 6 wks
dev test
50 faults
1st mo.
0 faults
smooth, not much for dev to do
acc test: full
week (vs half day)
on time
Testing Levels
• Unit testing
• Integration testing
• System testing

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Verification & Validation
Verification & ValidationVerification & Validation
Verification & Validation

Verification and Validation (V&V) are used to ensure software quality. Verification confirms that the software meets its design specifications, while Validation confirms it meets the user's requirements. There are different types of reviews conducted at various stages of development to detect defects early. Reviews include informal peer reviews, semiformal walkthroughs, and formal inspections. Standards help improve quality by providing consistent processes and frameworks for software testing.

Software Testing - SDLC Model
Software Testing - SDLC ModelSoftware Testing - SDLC Model
Software Testing - SDLC Model

Software Testing Different Types of Software Testing Verification Validation Unit Testing Beta Testing Alpha Testing Black Box Testing White Box testing Error Bug

software testingdifferent types of software testingverification
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softwaretestingppt-120810095500-phpapp02 (1).pdfsoftwaretestingppt-120810095500-phpapp02 (1).pdf
softwaretestingppt-120810095500-phpapp02 (1).pdf

Testing is the process of identifying errors, completeness and quality of software. It involves executing programs under different conditions to check if they meet specifications and functionality. The objectives of testing are to uncover errors, demonstrate a software product matches requirements, and validate quality with minimum cost. Testing follows a life cycle including test planning, case design, execution, and reporting defects. Different methodologies include black box which tests external functionality without code knowledge, and white box which tests internal code coverage. Testing levels are unit, integration and system.

Tests each module individually.
Follows a white box testing (Logic of the program).
Done by developers.
Once all the modules have been unit tested, integration
testing is performed.
It is systematic testing.
Produce tests to identify errors associated with interfacing.
Big Bang Integration testing
Top Down Integration testing
Bottom Up Integration testing
Mixed Integration testing
 The system as a whole is tested to uncover
requirement errors.
 Verifies that all system elements work properly
and that overall system function and performance
has been achieved.
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Acceptance Testing
Performance Testing
Alpha Testing
It is carried out by the test team within the developing
organization .
Beta Testing
It is performed by a selected group of friendly customers.
Acceptance Testing
It is performed by the customer to determine whether to
accept or reject the delivery of the system.
Performance Testing
It is carried out to check whether the system meets the
nonfunctional requirements identified in the SRS

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Mca se chapter_07_software_validation

This document discusses various topics related to software testing and verification and validation (V&V). It begins with an overview of test plan creation and different types of testing such as unit, integration, system, and object-oriented testing. It then defines the key differences between verification and validation. The rest of the document provides more details on V&V techniques like static and dynamic verification, software inspections, and testing. It also covers testing fundamentals, principles, testability factors, and different testing techniques like black-box and white-box testing.

software validation
Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

Software Testing : It is the process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. It is the process of executing a program/application under positive and negative conditions by manual or automated means. It checks for the :- Specification Functionality Performance

Software testing ppt
Software testing pptSoftware testing ppt
Software testing ppt

Testing is the process of identifying bugs and ensuring software meets requirements. It involves executing programs under different conditions to check specification, functionality, and performance. The objectives of testing are to uncover errors, demonstrate requirements are met, and validate quality with minimal cost. Testing follows a life cycle including planning, design, execution, and reporting. Different methodologies like black box and white box testing are used at various levels from unit to system. The overall goal is to perform effective testing to deliver high quality software.

Types of Performance Testing:
Stress Testing
Volume Testing
Configuration Testing
Compatibility Testing
Regression Testing
Recovery Testing
Maintenance Testing
Documentation Testing
Usability Testing
 In order to be cost effective, the testing must be
concentrated on areas where it will be most effective.
 The testing should be planned such that when testing is
stopped for whatever reason, the most effective testing in
the time allotted has already been done.
 The absence of an organizational testing policy may
result in too much effort and money will be spent on
testing, attempting to achieve a level of quality that is
impossible or unnecessary.
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Software Testing
Software Testing Software Testing
Software Testing

This document presents an overview of software testing. It defines software testing as evaluating a program or application under various conditions to check that it meets specifications, functions as intended, and is of high quality. The document outlines objectives of testing like uncovering errors, validating requirements, and generating high-quality test cases. It also defines key terms, describes testing methodologies like black box and white box testing, different testing levels from unit to system, and various types of tests.

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Software Testing PPT | Software All TestingSoftware Testing PPT | Software All Testing
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Software Testing PPT


The document provides an overview of software testing, including definitions of key terms, objectives and goals of testing, different testing methodologies and levels, and the typical phases of the software testing lifecycle. It describes error, bug, fault, and failure. It also outlines different types of testing like white box and black box testing and discusses unit, integration, and system testing. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of planning testing to be most effective and cost-efficient.

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software testing technique

  • 1. Group No.7 Roll No Qasim Ali 1425 Assad Ali 1407 Akber Ali 1406 Touseef Khadim 1427
  • 2. SOFTWARE TESTING  Software testing is a process of verifying and validating that a software application or program  1. Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development, and  2. Works as expected.  Main purposes  Verification  Validation  Defect finding
  • 3. Verification  The verificationprocess confirms that the software meets its technical specifications.  A “specification” is a description of a function in terms of a measurable output value given a specific input value under specific preconditions.  A simple specification may be along the line of “a SQL query retrieving data for a single account against the multi-month account-summary table must return these eight fields <list> ordered by month within 3 seconds of submission.”
  • 4. Validation  The validation process confirms that the software meets the business requirements.  A simple example of a business requirement is “After choosing a branch office name, information about the branch’s customer account managers will appear in a new window.  The window will present manager identification and  summary information about each manager’s customer base: <list of data elements>.”  Other requirements provide details on how the data will be summarized, formatted and displayed.
  • 5. Defect finding  A defect is a variance between the expected and actual result. The defect’s ultimate source may be traced  to a fault introduced in the specification, design, or development (coding) phases.
  • 6. It is the process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. It is the process of executing a program/application under positive and negative conditions by manual or automated means. It checks for the :-  Specification  Functionality  Performance INTRODUCTION
  • 7. OBJECTIVES Uncover as many as errors (or bugs) as possible in a given product. Demonstrate a given software product matching its requirement specifications. Validate the quality of a software testing using the minimum cost and efforts. Generate high quality test cases, perform effective tests, and issue correct and helpful problem reports.
  • 8. Error, Bug, Fault & Failure Error : It is a human action that produces the incorrect result that produces a fault. Bug : The presence of error at the time of execution of the software. Fault : State of software caused by an error. Failure : Deviation of the software from its expected result. It is an event.
  • 9.  Standard model used word wide to develop a software.  A framework that describes the activities performed at each stage of a software development project.  Necessary to ensure the quality of the software.  Logical steps taken to develop a software product. SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle)
  • 10. Project Initiation System Study Summary Reports Analysis Regression Test Report Defects Execute Test Cases ( manual /automated ) Design Test Cases Test Plan Testing Life Cycle
  • 11. Test Plan It is a systematic approach to test a system i.e. software. The plan typically contains a detailed understanding of what the eventual testing workflow will be.
  • 12. Test Case It is a specific procedure of testing a particular requirement. It will include: Identification of specific requirement tested Test case success/failure criteria Specific steps to execute test Test data
  • 13. • Verification: The software should confirm to its specification (Are we building the product right?) • Validation: The software should do what the user really requires (Are we building the right product?) Verification vs Validation
  • 14. Testing Methodologies Black box testing White box testing
  • 15. Black box testing  No knowledge of internal program design or code required.  Tests are based on requirements and functionality. White box testing  Knowledge of the internal program design and code required.  Tests are based on coverage of code statements, branches, paths, conditions.
  • 18. V-Model: test levels Integration Testing in the Small Integration Testing in the Large System Testing Component Testing Acceptance Testing Code Design Specification System Specification Project Specification Business Requirements
  • 19. Tests Business Requirements Tests Project Specification Tests System Specification Tests Design Specification Tests Code V-Model: late test design Integration Testing in the Small Integration Testing in the Large System Testing Component Testing Acceptance Testing Design Tests? “We don’t have time to design tests early”
  • 20. TestsTests Business Requirements TestsTests Project Specification TestsTests System Specification TestsTests Design Specification TestsTests Code V-Model: early test design Integration Testing in the Small Integration Testing in the Large System Testing Component Testing Acceptance Testing Run Tests Design Tests
  • 21. Early test design  test design finds faults  faults found early are cheaper to fix  most significant faults found first  faults prevented, not built in  no additional effort, re-schedule test design  changing requirements caused by test designEarly test design helps to build quality, stops fault multiplication
  • 22. Experience report: Phase 1 Phase 1: Plan 2 mo 2 mo dev test test 150 faults 1st mo. 50 faults users not happy Quality fraught, lots of dev overtime Actual "has to go in" but didn't work
  • 23. Experience report: Phase 2 Phase 2: Plan 2 mo 6 wks dev test test 50 faults 1st mo. 0 faults happy users! Quality smooth, not much for dev to do Actual acc test: full week (vs half day) on time Phase 1: Plan 2 mo 2 mo dev test test 150 faults 1st mo. 50 faults users not happy Quality fraught, lots of dev overtime Actual "has to go in" but didn't work Phase 2: Plan 2 mo 6 wks dev test test 50 faults 1st mo. 0 faults happy users! Quality smooth, not much for dev to do Actual acc test: full week (vs half day) on time
  • 24. Testing Levels • Unit testing • Integration testing • System testing
  • 25. UNIT TESTING Tests each module individually. Follows a white box testing (Logic of the program). Done by developers.
  • 26. INTEGRATION TESTING Once all the modules have been unit tested, integration testing is performed. It is systematic testing. Produce tests to identify errors associated with interfacing. Types: Big Bang Integration testing Top Down Integration testing Bottom Up Integration testing Mixed Integration testing
  • 27. SYSTEM TESTING  The system as a whole is tested to uncover requirement errors.  Verifies that all system elements work properly and that overall system function and performance has been achieved. Types: Alpha Testing Beta Testing Acceptance Testing Performance Testing
  • 28. Alpha Testing It is carried out by the test team within the developing organization . Beta Testing It is performed by a selected group of friendly customers. Acceptance Testing It is performed by the customer to determine whether to accept or reject the delivery of the system. Performance Testing It is carried out to check whether the system meets the nonfunctional requirements identified in the SRS document.
  • 29. Types of Performance Testing: Stress Testing Volume Testing Configuration Testing Compatibility Testing Regression Testing Recovery Testing Maintenance Testing Documentation Testing Usability Testing
  • 30.  In order to be cost effective, the testing must be concentrated on areas where it will be most effective. DISCUSSION  The testing should be planned such that when testing is stopped for whatever reason, the most effective testing in the time allotted has already been done.  The absence of an organizational testing policy may result in too much effort and money will be spent on testing, attempting to achieve a level of quality that is impossible or unnecessary.
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