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Tuesday, 30 July 13
Volker Pacher
senior developer @shutl
Tuesday, 30 July 13
Tuesday, 30 July 13
Tuesday, 30 July 13

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Webinar: RDBMS to Graphs
Webinar: RDBMS to GraphsWebinar: RDBMS to Graphs
Webinar: RDBMS to Graphs

Relational databases were conceived to digitize paper forms and automate well-structured business processes, and still have their uses. But RDBMS cannot model or store data and its relationships without complexity, which means performance degrades with the increasing number and levels of data relationships and data size. Additionally, new types of data and data relationships require schema redesign that increases time to market. A native graph database like Neo4j naturally stores, manages, analyzes, and uses data within the context of connections meaning Neo4j provides faster query performance and vastly improved flexibility in handling complex hierarchies than SQL. This webinar explains why companies are shifting away from RDBMS towards graphs to unlock the business value in their data relationships.

IT in Healthcare
IT in HealthcareIT in Healthcare
IT in Healthcare

Whether it's directly improving patient care or helping lower costs to provide more access to healthcare, organizations are continuing to use IT to move the needle for an industry that is at a pivotal point in innovation. Learn how our innovative storage solutions can help your organization meet its healthcare Big Data challenges:

data storagedatabig data
Dear NSA, let me take care of your slides.
Dear NSA, let me take care of your slides.Dear NSA, let me take care of your slides.
Dear NSA, let me take care of your slides.

Dear NSA, you can do whatever with my data. But not with my eyes. Those slides are hideous. So here's a quick revamp of your PRISM slides.

presentation designnsapresentation skills
Tuesday, 30 July 13
Tuesday, 30 July 13
• exponential growth of joins in mysql with added features
• code base too complex and unmaintanable
• api response time growing too large the more data was added
• our fastest delivery was quicker then our slowest query!
problems with our previous attempt (v1):
Tuesday, 30 July 13
The case for graph databases:
• relationships are explicit stored (RDBS lack relationships)
• domain modelling is simplified because adding new ‘subgraphs‘
doesn’t affect the existing structure and queries (additive model)
• white board friendly
• schema-less
• db performance remains relatively constant because queries are
localized to its portion of the graph. O(1) for same query
• traversals of relationships are easy and very fast
Tuesday, 30 July 13

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What we carry with us in our everyday lives and interactions is just as important for our success as our technical skills and achievements. This is what I carry with me. What do YOU carry? Slides designed and produced with Haiku Deck for iPad. Set your story free with Haiku Deck at You can learn more about Jonathon Colman at

Visualization of Publication Impact
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Visualization of Publication Impact

This document describes the design and implementation of a visualization tool to provide more information about the impact of academic publications than citation counts alone. It represents references, citations, and self-citations over time and allows viewing individual papers or collections in different contexts. The tool uses shape grammars to classify papers by impact level into glyphs for compact overviews. It has been implemented in D3 and deployed on the INSPIRE platform for high energy physics publications. Future work may include a Chrome extension and exploring better impact metrics.

visualizationpublication impacteurovis
GraphDay Stockholm - Levaraging Graph-Technology to fight Financial Fraud
GraphDay Stockholm - Levaraging Graph-Technology to fight Financial FraudGraphDay Stockholm - Levaraging Graph-Technology to fight Financial Fraud
GraphDay Stockholm - Levaraging Graph-Technology to fight Financial Fraud

1) Graph technology can be leveraged to fight financial fraud by detecting fraud rings and relationships between entities like individuals and locations that may indicate fraudulent activity. 2) A graph database like Neo4j is well suited for fraud detection because it can easily model and traverse complex relationships in connected data, identify patterns more quickly than SQL, and enable near real-time response. 3) A fraud detection demo using Neo4j showed how operational data from various sources could be integrated and analyzed to generate alerts when potential fraud cases are detected.

graph databasefinancefraud
What is a graph anyway?
Node 1 Node 2
Node 4
Node 3
a collection of vertices (nodes)
connected by edges (relationships)
Tuesday, 30 July 13
a short history: the seven bridges of Königsberg (1735)
Leonard Euler
Tuesday, 30 July 13
directed graph
Node 1 Node 2
Node 4
Node 3
each relationship has a direction or
one start node and one end node
Tuesday, 30 July 13
property graph:
• nodes contain properties (key, value)
• relationships have a type and are always directed
• relationships can contain properties too
name: Sam
name: Megan
since: 2005
name: Paul
Tuesday, 30 July 13

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GraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in Action
GraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in ActionGraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in Action
GraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in Action

This document provides an agenda for the Neo4j GraphDay Stockholm event on February 21, 2017. The agenda includes speakers from Neo4j and partner companies, and sessions on use cases, hands-on demos, partner presentations, training, and Q&A clinics. The event will take place in Stockholm and cover topics like graphs in action, recommendations in retail, and the manufacturing value chain.

graphdayneo4jgraph database
GraphDay Stockholm - iKnow Solutions - The Value Add of Graphs to Analytics a...
GraphDay Stockholm - iKnow Solutions - The Value Add of Graphs to Analytics a...GraphDay Stockholm - iKnow Solutions - The Value Add of Graphs to Analytics a...
GraphDay Stockholm - iKnow Solutions - The Value Add of Graphs to Analytics a...

This document discusses how graph databases like Neo4j can help with analytics and information management. It provides examples of how graph queries in Neo4j are simpler than equivalent SQL queries for finding connections between nodes. Graph databases allow for impact analysis and easily reflecting new relationships. They also help with recommendations by incorporating events from the current user session.

graphdayneo4jgraph database
GraphDay Stockholm - Telia Zone
GraphDay Stockholm - Telia Zone GraphDay Stockholm - Telia Zone
GraphDay Stockholm - Telia Zone

The document discusses how Telia scaled its Neo4j graph database to support millions of homes using Kubernetes. It describes the zone API architecture built on Kubernetes, including microservices for the zone API, TheZone agent, API management, and databases like Neo4j, Redis, and Cloud SQL. It also discusses how Kubernetes features like namespaces, auto-scaling, node selectors, and stateful sets were used to scale the Neo4j graph database using causal clustering to support millions of users and billions of requests per day.

graph databasegraphdayneo4j
Tuesday, 30 July 13
a graph is its own index (constant query performance)
Tuesday, 30 July 13
Tuesday, 30 July 13
Querying the graph: Cypher
• declarative query language specific to neo4j
• easy to learn and intuitive
• enables the user to specify specific patterns to query for (something that looks like ‘this’)
• inspired partly by SQL (WHERE and ORDER BY) and SPARQL (pattern matching)
• focuses on what to query for and not how to query for it
• switch from a mySQl world is made easier by the use of cypher instead of having to learn
a traversal framework straight away
Tuesday, 30 July 13

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Webinar: Intro to Cypher
Webinar: Intro to CypherWebinar: Intro to Cypher
Webinar: Intro to Cypher

In this webinar we'll explore a data set using Neo4j and Cypher and compare the approach we might take with a relational database and SQL. We'll cover the following topics: Modeling the data set Importing the data Querying the data Evolving the model and queries as the data changes.

graphsgraph databasecypher
Neo4j GraphTalks - Einführung in Graphdatenbanken
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Neo4j GraphTalks - Einführung in Graphdatenbanken

The document announces a GraphTalks event in Cologne in February 2017 hosted by Neo Technology. The agenda includes an introduction to graph databases and Neo4j, a presentation on semantic data management, and an open networking session. Complex topics like the internet of things, domain modeling, and traditional vs graph approaches to data modeling will also be discussed.

neo4jgraph database
GraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in the Real World: Top Use Cases for Graph Databases
GraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in the Real World: Top Use Cases for Graph DatabasesGraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in the Real World: Top Use Cases for Graph Databases
GraphDay Stockholm - Graphs in the Real World: Top Use Cases for Graph Databases

The document discusses how graph databases like Neo4j can help drive digital transformation, especially in retail. It provides examples of large retailers like Adidas, eBay, and Walmart using Neo4j to power personalized customer experiences, optimize delivery routes, and make relevant product recommendations. The document also discusses how graphs are well-suited for modeling interconnected fraud patterns and can help detect fraud in real-time. It highlights the benefits of Neo4j for augmented connected analysis over legacy technologies.

graph databasegraphdayneo4j
• START: Starting points in the graph, obtained via index lookups or by element IDs.
• MATCH: The graph pattern to match, bound to the starting points in START.
• WHERE: Filtering criteria.
• RETURN: What to return.
• CREATE: Creates nodes and relationships.
• DELETE: Removes nodes, relationships and properties.
• SET: Set values to properties.
• FOREACH: Performs updating actions once per element in a list.
• WITH: Divides a query into multiple, distinct parts
cypher clauses
Tuesday, 30 July 13
an example graph
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 5
me - [:knows] -> Steve -
[:knows] -> David
me - [:knows] -> Sam -
[:knows] -> Megan
Megan - [:knows] -> David
Tuesday, 30 July 13
START me=node(1)
MATCH me-[:knows]->()-[:knows]->fof
the query
Tuesday, 30 July 13
START me=node(1)
MATCH me-[:knows*2..]->fof
WHERE =~ 'Da.*'
Tuesday, 30 July 13

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Designing and Building a Graph Database Application – Architectural Choices, ...
Designing and Building a Graph Database Application – Architectural Choices, ...Designing and Building a Graph Database Application – Architectural Choices, ...
Designing and Building a Graph Database Application – Architectural Choices, ...

Ian closely looks at design and implementation strategies you can employ when building a Neo4j-based graph database solution, including architectural choices, data modelling, and testing.g

graph databaseneo4jgraphconnect
Identity and Access Management
Identity and Access ManagementIdentity and Access Management
Identity and Access Management

The document discusses how graph databases can be used to improve identity and access management (IAM) systems. Traditional IAM systems are based on rigid hierarchies and siloed data, but organizations are becoming more complex with interconnected relationships. Graph databases allow IAM data to be modeled as a graph, enabling querying of complex relationships in real-time. The document provides an example of how a telecom company improved their IAM system performance by moving it to a graph database. It also outlines how graph databases can be incorporated into existing IAM architectures and systems.

A seminar on neo4 j
A seminar on neo4 jA seminar on neo4 j
A seminar on neo4 j

This document summarizes a seminar presentation on the graph database Neo4j. It introduces trends in big data like increasing data size and connectedness. It also discusses NoSQL databases and describes different types including column, document, key-value, and graph databases. The document focuses on graph databases, provides examples of graph-structured data, and gives an overview of the graph database Neo4j, its data model, query language Cypher, and pros and cons.

neo4jcypherdata modelling
root (0)
Year: 2013
Month: 05 Month 01
Year: 2014
Month: 06
Day: 24 Day: 25
Day: 26
Event 1 Event 2 Event 3
happens happens happens happens
representing dates/times
Tuesday, 30 July 13
find all events on a specific day
START root=node(0)
MATCH root-[:‘2013’]-()-[:’05’]-()-[:’24’]-()-
RETURN event
Tuesday, 30 July 13
Volker Pacher
Tuesday, 30 July 13

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  • 1. Shutl  delivers  with  Neo4j Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 2. Volker Pacher senior developer @shutl @vpacher Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 7. • exponential growth of joins in mysql with added features • code base too complex and unmaintanable • api response time growing too large the more data was added • our fastest delivery was quicker then our slowest query! problems with our previous attempt (v1): Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 8. The case for graph databases: • relationships are explicit stored (RDBS lack relationships) • domain modelling is simplified because adding new ‘subgraphs‘ doesn’t affect the existing structure and queries (additive model) • white board friendly • schema-less • db performance remains relatively constant because queries are localized to its portion of the graph. O(1) for same query • traversals of relationships are easy and very fast Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 9. What is a graph anyway? Node 1 Node 2 Node 4 Node 3 a collection of vertices (nodes) connected by edges (relationships) Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 10. a short history: the seven bridges of Königsberg (1735) Leonard Euler Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 11. directed graph Node 1 Node 2 Node 4 Node 3 each relationship has a direction or one start node and one end node Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 12. property graph: name:Volker • nodes contain properties (key, value) • relationships have a type and are always directed • relationships can contain properties too name: Sam :friends name: Megan :knows since: 2005 name: Paul :friends :works_for :knows Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 14. a graph is its own index (constant query performance) Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 16. Querying the graph: Cypher • declarative query language specific to neo4j • easy to learn and intuitive • enables the user to specify specific patterns to query for (something that looks like ‘this’) • inspired partly by SQL (WHERE and ORDER BY) and SPARQL (pattern matching) • focuses on what to query for and not how to query for it • switch from a mySQl world is made easier by the use of cypher instead of having to learn a traversal framework straight away Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 17. • START: Starting points in the graph, obtained via index lookups or by element IDs. • MATCH: The graph pattern to match, bound to the starting points in START. • WHERE: Filtering criteria. • RETURN: What to return. • CREATE: Creates nodes and relationships. • DELETE: Removes nodes, relationships and properties. • SET: Set values to properties. • FOREACH: Performs updating actions once per element in a list. • WITH: Divides a query into multiple, distinct parts cypher clauses Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 18. an example graph Node 1 me Node 2 Steve Node 3 Sam Node 4 David Node 5 Megan me - [:knows] -> Steve - [:knows] -> David me - [:knows] -> Sam - [:knows] -> Megan Megan - [:knows] -> David knows knowsknows knows knows Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 20. START me=node(1) MATCH me-[:knows*2..]->fof WHERE =~ 'Da.*' RETURN fof Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 21. root (0) Year: 2013 Month: 05 Month 01 2014 01 05 2013 Year: 2014 Month: 06 06 Day: 24 Day: 25 24 25 Day: 26 26 Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 happens happens happens happens representing dates/times Tuesday, 30 July 13
  • 22. find all events on a specific day START root=node(0) MATCH root-[:‘2013’]-()-[:’05’]-()-[:’24’]-()- [:happens]-event RETURN event Tuesday, 30 July 13