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MySQL Cluster Training
                                 presented by

 Contact:                                                      Severalnines AB
 Jean-Jérôme Schmidt                                        c/o SICS, Box 1263
 Email:                            Isafjordsgatan 22
                                                               SE-164-29 Kista

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                              Control your database infrastructure   1

       • At Severalnines, we believe in sharing information
         and knowledge; we all come from an open source
       • We know a lot of things about MySQL Cluster and
         think that MySQL Cluster is a great technology
       • These free MySQL Cluster Training slides are a
         contribution of ours to the knowledge and information
         sharing that’s common practice in the open source
       • If you have any questions on these slides or would
         like to book an actual training class, please contact
         us at:

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                   Control your database infrastructure   2
Training Slides - Concept

       • Over the coming weeks we will be chronologically
         releasing slides for the different sections of our
         MySQL Cluster Training program on our website.
       • The full agenda of the training with all of its modules
         is outlined in the next slides so that you can see what
         topics will be covered over the coming weeks.
       • Particularly specialised topics such as Cluster/J or
         NDB API are not fully covered in the slides. We
         recommend our instructor-led training classes for
         such topics.
       • Please contact us for more details:

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                    Control your database infrastructure   3
Full Training Agenda (1/4)
       •    MySQL Cluster Introduction
              –   MySQL eco system
              –   Scale up, scale out, and sharding
              –   MySQL Cluster Architecture
              –   Use cases
              –   Features
              –   Node types and Roles
       •    Detailed Concepts
              –   Data Distribution
              –   Verifying data distribution
              –   Access Methods
              –   Partitioning
              –   Node failures and failure detection
              –   Network Partitioning
              –   Transactions and Locking
              –   Consistency Model
              –   Redo logging and Checkpointing
       •    Internals
              –   NDB Design Internals

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                          Control your database infrastructure   4
Agenda (2/4)

       •    Installing MySQL Cluster
              –   Setting up MySQL Cluster
              –   Starting/stopping nodes
              –   Recovery and restarts
              –   Upgrading configuration
              –   Upgrading Cluster
       •    Performance Tuning (instructor-led only; contact us at
              –   Differences compared to Innodb/MyISAM
              –   Designing efficient and fast applications
              –   Identifying bottlenecks
              –   Tweaking configuration (OS and MySQL Cluster)
              –   Query Tuning
              –   Schema Design
              –   Index Tuning

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                        Control your database infrastructure   5
Agenda (3/4)

       •    Management and Administration
              –   Backup and Restore
              –   Geographical Replication
              –   Online and offline operations
              –   Ndbinfo tables
              –   Reporting
              –   Single user mode
              –   Scaling Cluster
       •    Disk Data
              –   Use cases
              –   Limitations
              –   Best practice configuration
       •    Designing a Cluster
              –   Capacity Planning and Dimensioning
              –   Hardware recommendations
              –   Best practice Configuration
              –   Storage calculations

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                          Control your database infrastructure   6
Agenda (4/4)

       •    Resolving Issues
              –   Common problems
              –   Error logs and Tracefiles
              –   Recovery and Escalation procedures
       •    Connectivity Overview
              –   NDBAPI
              –   Cluster/J
              –   LDAP
       •    Severalnines Tools
              –   Monitoring and Management
              –   Benchmarking
              –   Sandboxes
              –   Configuration and capacity planning
       •    Conclusion

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                          Control your database infrastructure   7
Agenda: Lab Exercises
            (only applicable to instructor-led training classes)

       •    Lab Exercises
              –   Installing and Loading data into MySQL Cluster
              –   Starting/stopping nodes, recovery
              –   Query tuning
              –   Backup and Restore
              –   Configuration Upgrade

       •    Would you like to try something particular?
              –   This is possible too, speak with your instructor

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                       Control your database infrastructure   8
       •    Readers / Participants have understanding of SQL and basic database concepts.

       •    Laptops/PCs for hands-on exercises
       •    Linux: 1GB RAM
       •    Windows: 2GB RAM
       •    Approx. 20GB disk space and Virtualbox installed.
       •    Virtualbox can be downloaded for free at

       •    MySQL Cluster version 7.1 or later

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                                  Control your database infrastructure   9
6th Installment
              Severalnines Cluster Self-Training

                 Part 4: Installing MySQL Cluster

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB             Control your database infrastructure   10
Topics covered in Installment 6

     • Configuration
     • Installation

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB             Control your database infrastructure   11
Part 4: Installing MySQL Cluster

                    Configuration and Installation

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB               Control your database infrastructure   12

       •    MySQL Cluster configuration (config.ini)
       •    MySQL Server configuration (my.cnf)
       •    Important parameters
       •    Installation
       •    Upgrading

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                         Control your database infrastructure   13
MySQL Cluster configuration (config.ini)

       • There are no parameter in config.ini that affects
       • Each node and node type must be configured, and each
         node type has a group.
              – [ndb_mgmd] X <nodes> -- typically 1 or 2
              – [ndbd] X <nodes> -- between 2 and 48
              – [mysqld] / [api] X <nodes> -- from 2 and up
       • Remember, you can have 255 nodes in total in MySQL
       • There are also default groups that applies to a group.
              –   [TCP DEFAULT]
              –   [NDB_MGMD DEFAULT]
              –   [NDBD DEFAULT]
              –   [MYSQLD DEFAULT]
                     • An item in [NDBD DEFAULT] applies to all [NDBD]

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                     Control your database infrastructure   14
MySQL Cluster configuration (config.ini)
       [ndb_mgmd default]



       [ndbd default]




Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB      Control your database infrastructure   15
MySQL Server (my.cnf)


       ## the usual MySQL Server settings


Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                      Control your database infrastructure   16

       • Download MySQL Cluster from
       • On every machine
              – Copy it to every machine
                     • Using e.g scp
              –   cd /usr/local
              –   tar xvfz mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.6-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz
              –   ln –s mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.6-linux-x86_64-glibc23 mysql
              –   create data directories
                     • mkdir –p /data/mysql && mkdir –p /data/mysqlcluster
              – Create config directories
                     • mkdir –p /etc/mysql/

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                    Control your database infrastructure   17

       • On all Management nodes
              – Put config.ini in /etc/mysql/
       • On all MySQL servers
              – Put my.cnf in /etc/mysql/
              – Create the mysql user and group
                     • useradd mysql
                     • groupadd mysql
              – Install the system tables
                     • cd /usr/local/mysql
                     • scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf
                     • chown mysql:mysql –R /data/mysql

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                       Control your database infrastructure   18
Minimal [ndbd default]
       [ndbd default]



Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                        Control your database infrastructure   19
MySQL Server parameters

       • The following parameters affects performance
              – Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8
                     • Each connection requires one free [mysqld] slot in config.ini
                     • With Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=1 the mysql server can
                       scale up to 4-5 simultaneous connections.
              – Ndb_auto_increment_prefetch_size=1024
                     • Each MYSQL server will cache ranges of 1024 numbers, and
                       then request a new range from the data node.
                     • Ndb_auto_increment_prefetch_size=1 means an extra
                       roundtrip for every insert on an auto_inc , really bad for
       • This is most most important config parameter tuning.

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                                        Control your database infrastructure   20
Installing Cluster

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                        Control your database infrastructure   21

       •    Setting up MySQL Cluster
       •    Starting/stopping nodes
       •    Recovery and restarts
       •    Upgrading configuration
       •    Upgrading Cluster

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB            Control your database infrastructure   22
Using the Configurator

       • We do recommend to use the Severalnines Cluster
              – Rapid deployment
              – ./ - automatically installs MySQL Cluster (or
                Galera or Replication) complete with monitoring and
                management (ClusterControl).
       • The Configurator generates configurations that has
         been proven in for a long time in Production

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                              Control your database infrastructure   23

       • Assists and automates mundane tasks:
              –   Configuration Management
              –   Upgrades
              –   Backup and Backup schedules
              –   Query Monitoring and Histograms
              –   Performance Management
              –   Scaling (add remove MySQL servers on demand)

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                           Control your database infrastructure   24

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                    Control your database infrastructure   25

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                    Control your database infrastructure   26

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                    Control your database infrastructure   27
Starting MySQL Cluster

       • Management nodes must be started first
              – Otherwise no other node can join the Cluster
              – ndb_mgmd -f /etc/mysql/config.ini --configdir=/etc/mysql --
       • Start the data nodes
              – ndbmtd or ndbd
              – ndbmtd –c “management_node1, management_node2”
       • Start the mysql servers
              – mysqld –defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf &

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                               Control your database infrastructure   28
Simple management

       • The Management Client (ndb_mgm) can be used to
         to perform simple management:
              – ndb_mgm> ALL STATUS
              – ndb_mgm> SHOW
       • It is also possible to stop nodes (data nodes), but not
         starting them:
              – ndb_mgm> X STOP
       • Backups can also be started:
              – ndb_mgm> START BACKUP

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                       Control your database infrastructure   29
Rolling Restarts

       • Rolling restarts are used to perform changes on a
         running MySQL Cluster
              – Configuration Upgrade
              – Version Upgrade
              – Hardware Upgrade

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                      Control your database infrastructure   30
Rolling Restarts

       • Stop the management servers
              – kill -15 `pidof ndb_mgmd`
       • Start the management servers
              – Make sure you start them with --reload
       • For each data node, one by one:
              – Stop the Data nodes one by one
                     • kill -15 `pidof ndbmtd`
              – Start the Data node
       • For each mysqld node, one by one:
              – Stop the mysqld nodes one by one
                     • kill -15 `pidof mysqld`
              – Start the mysqld node

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                           Control your database infrastructure   31
Rolling Restarts

       • Rolling restarts are also implemented in
              – Launch from the GUI
              – Launch from script:
                     • ./

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                        Control your database infrastructure   32
Lab exercises
                        Contact us for more details

       • Setting up MySQL Cluster
       • Recovery & Restarts
       • Configurations Updates

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                 Control your database infrastructure   33
Upgrading Cluster Version

       • Install new binaries on all hosts
       • Perform a rolling restart

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                  Control your database infrastructure   34
Coming next in Installment 7:

                    Management & Administration

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB               Control your database infrastructure   35
We hope these training slides are
                        useful to you!

            Please visit our website to view the
               next section of this training.

       For any questions, comments, feedback or to
        book a training class, please contact us at:


                                 Thank you!

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                Control your database infrastructure   36

 © Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB. All rights reserved.

 Severalnines & the Severalnines logo(s) are trademarks of Severalnines AB.

 MySQL is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

 Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB                           Control your database infrastructure   37

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Severalnines Self-Training: MySQL® Cluster - Part VI

  • 1. MySQL Cluster Training presented by Address: Contact: Severalnines AB Jean-Jérôme Schmidt c/o SICS, Box 1263 Email: Isafjordsgatan 22 SE-164-29 Kista Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 1
  • 2. Introduction • At Severalnines, we believe in sharing information and knowledge; we all come from an open source background • We know a lot of things about MySQL Cluster and think that MySQL Cluster is a great technology • These free MySQL Cluster Training slides are a contribution of ours to the knowledge and information sharing that’s common practice in the open source community • If you have any questions on these slides or would like to book an actual training class, please contact us at: Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 2
  • 3. Training Slides - Concept • Over the coming weeks we will be chronologically releasing slides for the different sections of our MySQL Cluster Training program on our website. • The full agenda of the training with all of its modules is outlined in the next slides so that you can see what topics will be covered over the coming weeks. • Particularly specialised topics such as Cluster/J or NDB API are not fully covered in the slides. We recommend our instructor-led training classes for such topics. • Please contact us for more details: Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 3
  • 4. Full Training Agenda (1/4) • MySQL Cluster Introduction – MySQL eco system – Scale up, scale out, and sharding – MySQL Cluster Architecture – Use cases – Features – Node types and Roles • Detailed Concepts – Data Distribution – Verifying data distribution – Access Methods – Partitioning – Node failures and failure detection – Network Partitioning – Transactions and Locking – Consistency Model – Redo logging and Checkpointing • Internals – NDB Design Internals Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 4
  • 5. Agenda (2/4) • Installing MySQL Cluster – Setting up MySQL Cluster – Starting/stopping nodes – Recovery and restarts – Upgrading configuration – Upgrading Cluster • Performance Tuning (instructor-led only; contact us at – Differences compared to Innodb/MyISAM – Designing efficient and fast applications – Identifying bottlenecks – Tweaking configuration (OS and MySQL Cluster) – Query Tuning – Schema Design – Index Tuning Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 5
  • 6. Agenda (3/4) • Management and Administration – Backup and Restore – Geographical Replication – Online and offline operations – Ndbinfo tables – Reporting – Single user mode – Scaling Cluster • Disk Data – Use cases – Limitations – Best practice configuration • Designing a Cluster – Capacity Planning and Dimensioning – Hardware recommendations – Best practice Configuration – Storage calculations Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 6
  • 7. Agenda (4/4) • Resolving Issues – Common problems – Error logs and Tracefiles – Recovery and Escalation procedures • Connectivity Overview – NDBAPI – Cluster/J – LDAP • Severalnines Tools – Monitoring and Management – Benchmarking – Sandboxes – Configuration and capacity planning • Conclusion Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 7
  • 8. Agenda: Lab Exercises (only applicable to instructor-led training classes) • Lab Exercises – Installing and Loading data into MySQL Cluster – Starting/stopping nodes, recovery – Query tuning – Backup and Restore – Configuration Upgrade • Would you like to try something particular? – This is possible too, speak with your instructor Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 8
  • 9. Prerequisites • Readers / Participants have understanding of SQL and basic database concepts. • Laptops/PCs for hands-on exercises • Linux: 1GB RAM • Windows: 2GB RAM • Approx. 20GB disk space and Virtualbox installed. • Virtualbox can be downloaded for free at • MySQL Cluster version 7.1 or later Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 9
  • 10. 6th Installment Severalnines Cluster Self-Training Part 4: Installing MySQL Cluster Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 10
  • 11. Topics covered in Installment 6 • Configuration • Installation Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 11
  • 12. Part 4: Installing MySQL Cluster Configuration and Installation Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 12
  • 13. Topics • MySQL Cluster configuration (config.ini) • MySQL Server configuration (my.cnf) • Important parameters • Installation • Upgrading Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 13
  • 14. MySQL Cluster configuration (config.ini) • There are no parameter in config.ini that affects performance. • Each node and node type must be configured, and each node type has a group. – [ndb_mgmd] X <nodes> -- typically 1 or 2 – [ndbd] X <nodes> -- between 2 and 48 – [mysqld] / [api] X <nodes> -- from 2 and up • Remember, you can have 255 nodes in total in MySQL Cluster. • There are also default groups that applies to a group. – [TCP DEFAULT] – [NDB_MGMD DEFAULT] – [NDBD DEFAULT] – [MYSQLD DEFAULT] • An item in [NDBD DEFAULT] applies to all [NDBD] Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 14
  • 15. MySQL Cluster configuration (config.ini) [ndb_mgmd default] Datadir=/data/mysqlcluster Portnumber=1186 [ndb_mgmd] Hostname=app01 [ndb_mgmd] Hostname=app02 [ndbd default] NoOfReplicas=2 Datadir=/data/mysqlcluster [ndbd] Hostname=storage01 [ndbd] Hostname=storage01 [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 15
  • 16. MySQL Server (my.cnf) [mysqld] basedir=/usr/local/mysql/ datadir=/data/mysql socket=/tmp/mysql.sock port=3306 ndbcluster ndb-connectstring=app01:1186,app02:1186 ## the usual MySQL Server settings [mysql] Socket=/tmp/mysql.sock Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 16
  • 17. Preparations • Download MySQL Cluster from • On every machine – Copy it to every machine • Using e.g scp – cd /usr/local – tar xvfz mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.6-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz – ln –s mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.6-linux-x86_64-glibc23 mysql – create data directories • mkdir –p /data/mysql && mkdir –p /data/mysqlcluster – Create config directories • mkdir –p /etc/mysql/ Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 17
  • 18. Preparations • On all Management nodes – Put config.ini in /etc/mysql/ • On all MySQL servers – Put my.cnf in /etc/mysql/ – Create the mysql user and group • useradd mysql • groupadd mysql – Install the system tables • cd /usr/local/mysql • scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf • chown mysql:mysql –R /data/mysql Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 18
  • 19. Minimal [ndbd default] [ndbd default] Datadir=/data/mysqlcluster/ NoOfReplicas=2 DataMemory=80M IndexMemory=16M FragmentLogFileSize=16M NoOfFragmentLogfiles=3 MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations=32786 MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions=1024 RedoBuffer=8M TransactionInactiveTimeout=0 TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout=1200 DiskCheckpointSpeed=5M #MaxNoOfTables #MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes #MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes #SharedGlobalMemory #DiskPageBufferMemory Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 19
  • 20. MySQL Server parameters • The following parameters affects performance – Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8 • Each connection requires one free [mysqld] slot in config.ini • With Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=1 the mysql server can scale up to 4-5 simultaneous connections. – Ndb_auto_increment_prefetch_size=1024 • Each MYSQL server will cache ranges of 1024 numbers, and then request a new range from the data node. • Ndb_auto_increment_prefetch_size=1 means an extra roundtrip for every insert on an auto_inc , really bad for performance • This is most most important config parameter tuning. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 20
  • 21. Installing Cluster Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 21
  • 22. Topics • Setting up MySQL Cluster • Starting/stopping nodes • Recovery and restarts • Upgrading configuration • Upgrading Cluster Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 22
  • 23. Using the Configurator • We do recommend to use the Severalnines Cluster Configurator – – Rapid deployment – ./ - automatically installs MySQL Cluster (or Galera or Replication) complete with monitoring and management (ClusterControl). • The Configurator generates configurations that has been proven in for a long time in Production environments. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 23
  • 24. ClusterControl • Assists and automates mundane tasks: – Configuration Management – Upgrades – Backup and Backup schedules – Query Monitoring and Histograms – Performance Management – Scaling (add remove MySQL servers on demand) Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 24
  • 25. ClusterControl Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 25
  • 26. ClusterControl Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 26
  • 27. ClusterControl Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 27
  • 28. Starting MySQL Cluster • Management nodes must be started first – Otherwise no other node can join the Cluster – ndb_mgmd -f /etc/mysql/config.ini --configdir=/etc/mysql -- reload • Start the data nodes – ndbmtd or ndbd – ndbmtd –c “management_node1, management_node2” • Start the mysql servers – mysqld –defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf & Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 28
  • 29. Simple management • The Management Client (ndb_mgm) can be used to to perform simple management: – ndb_mgm> ALL STATUS – ndb_mgm> SHOW • It is also possible to stop nodes (data nodes), but not starting them: – ndb_mgm> X STOP • Backups can also be started: – ndb_mgm> START BACKUP Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 29
  • 30. Rolling Restarts • Rolling restarts are used to perform changes on a running MySQL Cluster – Configuration Upgrade – Version Upgrade – Hardware Upgrade Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 30
  • 31. Rolling Restarts • Stop the management servers – kill -15 `pidof ndb_mgmd` • Start the management servers – Make sure you start them with --reload • For each data node, one by one: – Stop the Data nodes one by one • kill -15 `pidof ndbmtd` – Start the Data node • For each mysqld node, one by one: – Stop the mysqld nodes one by one • kill -15 `pidof mysqld` – Start the mysqld node Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 31
  • 32. Rolling Restarts • Rolling restarts are also implemented in ClusterControl. – Launch from the GUI – Launch from script: • ./ Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 32
  • 33. Lab exercises Contact us for more details • Setting up MySQL Cluster • Recovery & Restarts • Configurations Updates Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 33
  • 34. Upgrading Cluster Version • Install new binaries on all hosts • Perform a rolling restart Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 34
  • 35. Coming next in Installment 7: Management & Administration Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 35
  • 36. We hope these training slides are useful to you! Please visit our website to view the next section of this training. For any questions, comments, feedback or to book a training class, please contact us at: Thank you! Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 36
  • 37. Disclaimer © Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB. All rights reserved. Severalnines & the Severalnines logo(s) are trademarks of Severalnines AB. MySQL is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Control your database infrastructure 37

Editor's Notes

  1. Dear Jury, Just as the electric grid revolutionized access to electricity 100 years ago, we at Severalnines believe that Cloud Computing will revolutionize IT where organizations will be able to plug into extremely powerful computing resources over the network. We have already seen the beginnings of this new wave, where the current infrastructure stack is being challenged and disrupted by a whole set of new technologies. For instance, in the database market, over 40 startups have received funding over the past 18 months. Severalnines is not building yet another database product, we believe there are already a lot of good technologies available. To manage a database costs 4 times the purchase price, and yet, very few companies are addressing this problem. Severalnines focuses on solutions to address this underserved segment. The founders of the company have a solid background in databases, having been at MySQL since 2003. The company develops a management platform which is database and cloud agnostic.We are database independent since we do not know who, if anybody, will be the next MySQL of the cloud.We are cloud independent, since we do not want to depend on any cloud vendor (e.g. Amazon or Rackspace) to avoid vendor lock-in. After the Amazon EC2 downtime during the Easter break, hundreds of affected companies have realized the importance of this. There is also a commercial aspect for avoiding vendor lock-in. Severalnines enhances productivity of organizations by attacking the biggest cost associated with database systems. We are a Swedish startup, hosted by SICS in Kista. There is also a small but very efficient development capacity in Singapore. Just as MySQL became a major brand and placed Sweden on the global software infrastructure map, we believe Severalnines can become a serious global player in the emerging Cloud space. We are very thankful that an organization like Eurocloud exists, and would like to thank the jury for considering our application. Kind regards,Vinay Joosery Severalnines AB
  2. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  3. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  4. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  5. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  6. Dear Jury, Just as the electric grid revolutionized access to electricity 100 years ago, we at Severalnines believe that Cloud Computing will revolutionize IT where organizations will be able to plug into extremely powerful computing resources over the network. We have already seen the beginnings of this new wave, where the current infrastructure stack is being challenged and disrupted by a whole set of new technologies. For instance, in the database market, over 40 startups have received funding over the past 18 months. Severalnines is not building yet another database product, we believe there are already a lot of good technologies available. To manage a database costs 4 times the purchase price, and yet, very few companies are addressing this problem. Severalnines focuses on solutions to address this underserved segment. The founders of the company have a solid background in databases, having been at MySQL since 2003. The company develops a management platform which is database and cloud agnostic.We are database independent since we do not know who, if anybody, will be the next MySQL of the cloud.We are cloud independent, since we do not want to depend on any cloud vendor (e.g. Amazon or Rackspace) to avoid vendor lock-in. After the Amazon EC2 downtime during the Easter break, hundreds of affected companies have realized the importance of this. There is also a commercial aspect for avoiding vendor lock-in. Severalnines enhances productivity of organizations by attacking the biggest cost associated with database systems. We are a Swedish startup, hosted by SICS in Kista. There is also a small but very efficient development capacity in Singapore. Just as MySQL became a major brand and placed Sweden on the global software infrastructure map, we believe Severalnines can become a serious global player in the emerging Cloud space. We are very thankful that an organization like Eurocloud exists, and would like to thank the jury for considering our application. Kind regards,Vinay Joosery Severalnines AB
  7. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  8. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  9. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  10. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  11. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  12. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  13. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  14. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  15. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  16. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  17. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  18. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  19. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at
  20. Severalnines has been offering its products free of charge since 2007, while the founders were employed at MySQL. These products are the de-facto standard tools to assist MySQL customers and users in deploying their MySQL clusters. More information about Severalnines at