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MySQL Cluster and NoSQL

December 2012

Johan Andersson

Severalnines AB

Cell +46 73 073 60 99
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB



  API Overview

  Memcached Installation

  Configuration

  Performance Tuning

  Troubleshooting

  Use Cases

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


RDBMS                                 NoSQL
  Structure and relations are          Structure and relations not as
   important                             important
     Relational schema                    Focus on storing/retrieving

  Complex Queries                      Simple access
     JOINs                                E.g. Key Value: get(), set()

  ACID                                 Eventual Consistency

  Scalability usually not built-in     Scalability built-in

  Durability of data on one            Durability of data guaranteed by
   node                                  having data on multiple nodes

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


RDBMS                                 NoSQL
  Structure and relations are          Structure and relations not as
   important                             important
     Relational schema                    Focus on storing/retrieving

  Complex Queries                      Simple access
     JOINs                                E.g. Key Value: get(), set()

  ACID                                 Eventual Consistency

  Scalability usually not built-in     Scalability built-in

  Durability of data on one            Durability of data guaranteed by
   node                                  having data on multiple nodes

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


RDBMS                                 NoSQL
  Structure and relations are        �� Structure and relations not as
   important                             important
     Relational schema                    Focus on storing/retrieving

  Complex Queries                      Simple access
     JOINs                                E.g. Key Value: get(), set()

  ACID                                 Eventual Consistency

  Scalability usually not built-in     Scalability built-in

  Durability of data on one            Durability of data guaranteed by
   node                                  having data on multiple nodes

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


RDBMS                                 NoSQL
  Structure and relations are          Structure and relations not as
   important                             important
     Relational schema                    Focus on storing/retrieving

  Complex Queries                      Simple access
     JOINs                                E.g. Key Value: get(), set()

  ACID                                 Eventual Consistency

  Scalability usually not built-in     Scalability built-in

  Durability of data on one            Durability of data guaranteed by
   node                                  having data on multiple nodes

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


RDBMS                                 NoSQL
  Structure and relations are          Structure and relations not as
   important                             important
     Relational schema                    Focus on storing/retrieving

  Complex Queries                      Simple access
     JOINs                                E.g. Key Value: get(), set()

  ACID                                 Eventual Consistency

  Scalability usually not built-in     Scalability built-in

  Durability of data on one            Durability of data guaranteed by
   node                                  having data on multiple nodes

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


RDBMS                                 NoSQL
  Structure and relations are          Structure and relations not as
   important                             important
     Relational schema                    Focus on storing/retrieving

  Complex Queries                      Simple access
     JOINs                                E.g. Key Value: get(), set()

  ACID                                 Eventual Consistency

  Scalability usually not built-in     Scalability built-in

  Durability of data on one            Durability of data guaranteed by
   node                                  having data on multiple nodes

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

Introducing MySQL Cluster
  Shared Nothing database
       Up to 255 nodes in a cluster
       Automatic sharding

  In-memory or hybrid disk data storage

  Multiple APIs

  Availability
       Strong consistency with synchronous replication
       Automatic fail-over within a cluster
       Eventual consistency between clusters

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB


Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

 #1 – Horizontal scalability
   Data Nodes
        Stores the data
        Memory or disk tables
        Can be added online

Shard 1                Shard 2    Shard 3

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL


Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#2 – API
 Not Only SQL

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

 #3 – Schema
   SQL/Relational
          Add column
          Add/remove index

   Memcached
                                                   prefix   key     value
          Key-value
                                                 <city:     ldn       1>

Prefix       Table         Key-col   Val-col   policy         city    …     code   …     …
city:    AreaCode            city    code      cluster        ldn     …      1     …     …

           Configuration/Mapping                                     Table: ‘AreaCode’

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#4 – Data Consistency
  Strong consistency within a cluster

  Eventual consistency across clusters

                                    EU Cluster
              US Cluster

Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

#5 – Data Storage
  Memory Tables
       No disk checkpoints

  Memory Tables
       With disk checkpoints

  Disk Data tables
       Index in memory

  Writes not IO bound
       Transaction durability = data written in at least 2 nodes

SQL Access

  Parsing/Optimizing/Executing Query Takes time

  Query plan converted to NDBAPI calls

  Introduces an extra network hop often:

     APP      MYSQLD        NDB
NoSQL : Memcached
(new in 7.2)

  Native Key-Value access (converts memcached proto to
   ndbapi calls)

  Bypasses SQL

  Schema and schemaless data storage
                    APP                       NDB
  By default                     server

    -    Every KV written to the same table
    -    Each KV in a single row
  Or configure to use existing tables

  Bypasses SQL

  Native HTTP/REST access

  Loads in an Apache module (mod_ndb)

                  Apache      NDB
NoSQL : Cluster/J

  Bypasses SQL

  Native Java and JPA access

NoSQL: NDBAPI (sync)


  Bypasses SQL
  Ultra low latency                         NDB

  Hand-optimize execution path

  Lots of freedom (also to make mistakes)
NoSQL : NDBAPI (sync)


   CREATE OPERATION ( on table)
     -    DEFINE OPERATION (insert/update/read/delete) – PK operation
     -    <repeat these for batching or read from many tables>


NoSQL : NDBAPI (async)
  Bypasses SQL

  Similar to node.js with callbacks registered and executed
   on completion

  Ultra fast performance for GET/SET on PK

  Hand-optimize execution path                            NDB

  Lots of freedom (also to make mistakes)

  Scales with number of threads and number of Apps
NoSQL : NDBAPI (async)
    -    CREATE OPERATION ( on table)
    -    DEFINE OPERATION (insert/update/read/delete) – PK operation
    -    <repeat these for batching or read from many tables>

  <repeat and PREPARE up to 1024 TXs>

  SEND to NDB
    -    Executes callbacks, and PREPARE a new TX if you want.
NoSQL : NDBAPI (async)

  Using the Async NDBAPI Oracle managed to get 1.05 Billion
   Queries Per Minute
    -    flexAsync -a 25 -p 128 -t <cores> -l <iterations>
    -    8 data nodes (48GB of RAM)
    -    10 api nodes
    -    Intel X5670 (2 CPU x 6 cores)
    -    Infiniband (IPoIB)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Memcached access to NDB is included in MySQL Cluster

  Provides a Memcached Interface to NDB data
       Using get/set to read and write data
       Avoid SQL altogether (except for creating tables)

  There several “run-time” models that can be configured
       Affects mainly placement of data

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Memcached uses the NDBAPI (C++ direct API) to access
   data in NDB.

  There are two flavors of the NDBAPI
       Synchronous NDBAPI
       Asynchronous NDBAPI

  Memcached uses the Asynchronous NDBAPI

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


                                     “S” SCHEDULER

                                     Worker threads

                                     ndb        ndb


Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


                  Synchronous                   Asynchronous
                    Start transaction            Start transaction
                                                     Associate callback

                    Create op                    Create op
logic                  Set op type                  Set op type
                                                     Bind keys/values
                         Bind keys/values
                                                  Prepare transaction
ndb                 Execute
                                                  Send
                         Send request to NDB        Send request to NDB
                         Check result
                                                  Poll
                                                     Check callbacks

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Asynchronous invocation gives
       Higher degree of parallelism, up to 1024 transactions in flight
        from each NDB object
       Less threads needed to drive load
       Both threads and transaction parallelism in one shot!
       Harder programming model

  Synchronous invocation gives
       Easy programming model
       One thread does one transaction at a time, less parallelism
       Many threads needed to drive high load

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Memcached supported operations
       GET / MULTI GET
       SET
       ADD
       REPLACE
       CAS
       INCR
       DECR

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  The memcached server is included in the MySQL Cluster
       <basedir>/bin/memcached

  Memcached also requires a plugin that is also included in
   the distribution
       <basedir>/lib/ or /usr/lib64/

  It requires a connect string to be able to join the NDB Cluster

  + “normal” memcached options
       port, bind-address etc

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Starting Memcached can be done as follows:
   memcached -p11211                                          
              -E <basedir>/lib/                  
              -u nobody                                       
             -e connectstring=

  Options:
   -l   --               bind-address
   -u   --               user
   -d   --               daemon
   -e   --               connectstring and more NDB options
   -E   --               specifies a memcached plugin

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

  Before we can start
   memcached we must sanity
   check NDB Cluster
       memcached will by default
        make two connections to the
        Data Nodes.
       This is same as
          --ndb-cluster-connection-
                                         P0        P1
                                         S1        S0

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Use ndb_mgm to check for free slots
          ndb_mgm> show
          Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
          Cluster Configuration
          [ndbd(NDB)]    2 node(s)
          id=3 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0,
          id=4 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0)

          [ndb_mgmd(MGM)]     2 node(s)
          id=1 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
          id=2 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)

          [mysqld(API)] 27 node(s)
          id=5 @ (mysql-5.5.27   ndb-7.2.8)
          id=6 @ (mysql-5.5.27   ndb-7.2.8)
          id=7 @ (mysql-5.5.27   ndb-7.2.8)
          id=8 @ (mysql-5.5.27   ndb-7.2.8)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  In the previous example you must add atleast two “slots”
       Change config.ini and add
       Perform a rolling restart
          Stop and start the management servers one at a time
            Stop and start one data node at a time
            Stop and start the mysql servers one at a time
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Now we can connect!
          ndb_mgm> show
          Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
          Cluster Configuration
          [ndbd(NDB)]    2 node(s)
          id=3 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0,
          id=4 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0)

          [ndb_mgmd(MGM)]     2 node(s)
          id=1 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
          id=2 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)

          [mysqld(API)] 27 node(s)
          id=5 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
          id=6 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
          id=7 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
          id=8 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
          id=9 (not connected, accepting connect from any host)
          id=10 (not connected, accepting connect from any host)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  But wait! We need to install the ndb_memcached
       Only needed the first time
       Table are stored in NDB

  Defined in the file:
       <basedir>/share/memcache-api/

  mysql –uroot –p < <basedir>/share/memcache-api/
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Exercise 1

  Install the schema
       /usr/local/mysql/share/memcache-api/

  Start memcached
         The management server is listening on
         Use port 11211
         Use bind address
         Don’t use the daemon option
         Basedir = /usr/local/mysql/

  Verify using the management client:
       ndb_mgm –e “show”
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Common errors :
       bind(): Cannot assign requested address
          Wrong bind address
       Hanging on “Contacting primary management server (..) ...”
            Wrong ndb-connectstring

  Success:
       done [0.759 sec
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  One of the key benefits with Memcached is that it can
   be used in multiple ways:
       Store data in NDB only
       Store data in NDB and cache in Memcached
       Cache only on Memcached

  An existing data model can also be presented to
       This requires a bit of setup to create mappings for the tables
        being exposed to Memcached
       Let’s do it now!
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


   Consider the following table. Goals:
        Expose it to memcached
        Read/write to it
        Make two configuration – NDB Only and NDB + Caching

create table users(
   uid integer auto_increment primary key,
   name varchar(255),
   email varchar(255),
   view_cnt bigint unsigned default 0,
   created bigint unsigned default 0,
   json_data varbinary(12000)
 ) engine = ndb;
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Memcached uses two important concepts
       CONTAINERS (table ndbmemcache.containers)
       KEY_PREFIXES (table ndbmemcache.key_prefixes)

       Specifies what tables, columns in the tables, keys etc

       Specifies key bindings, and roles (if data should be in ndb
        only e.g).

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Containers Table

  DESC containers;
       name                     - container name (PK)
       db_schema                - database where db_table is stored
       db_table                 - name of the database table
       key_columns              - the columns mapping to the memcached key
       value_columns            - the columns that map to the
       flags                    - not implemented
       increment_column         - for INCR / DECR - BIGINT UNSIGNED
       cas_column               - CAS , must be BIGINT UNSIGNED
       expire_time_column       - not implemented
       large_values_table

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

      Cointainer for Users

      name                = users_container     create table users(
                                                      uid integer auto_increment primary key,
      db_schema           = test                     name varchar(255),
      db_table            = users                    email varchar(255),
                                                      view_cnt bigint unsigned default 0,
      key_columns = uid                              created bigint unsigned default 0
                                                  ) engine = ndb;
      value_columns =
       name,email,created,view_cnt, json_data
      flags                 =0
      increment_column = NULL
      cas_column           = NULL
      expire_time_column = NULL
      large_values_table = NULL
INSERT INTO containers(name,db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns, flags,
increment_column,cas_column,expire_time_column,large_values_table) values
('users_container','test','users', 'uid','name,email,created,view_cnt,json_data', 0 ,

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Key_prefixes Table

  DESC key_prefixes;
       server_role_id           - id referencing memcache_server_roles table
       key_prefix               - memcache search key prefix (e.g ‘myid:’)
       cluster_id               - id referencing ndb_clusters table
       policy                   - referencing cache_policies table
       container                - name referencing

     We will now explore the referenced tables and see what they contain.

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Key_prefixes for Users

  server_role_id = 1 /*db-only*/ /*Must match how memcached is

  key_prefix = ‘user:’

  cluster_id = 0

  policy = ‘ndb-only’

  container = ‘users_container’

insert into key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id,
policy, container) values (1, 'user:' , 0 , 'ndb-only' ,
'users_container' );

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Exercise 2

    Create the ’Users’ table in database ’test’

    Create the Container (use ndbmemcache)

    Create the Key_prefix

    Stop memcached , some options:
         killlall -15 memcached
         ctrl-c
         killall -9 memcached

    Start memcached
         -E /usr/local//mysql/lib// -unobody 
         -e “connectstring='';role=db-only “

What happens?
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Common errors :
       Specified a column that does not exist:
          ‘Invalid column "test.users.view_cnt” ‘  seg fault
       The same column has been specified twice in the Container:
          createRecord() failure: Duplicate column specification in
       Mismatch between and key_prefixes.container:
          "users_containerxx" NOT FOUND in database.

  Fixing the problem:
       DELETE FROM key_prefixes …;
       DELETE FROM containers … ;
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Exercise 3

  Insert a record into the users table:

  mysql –uroot –ppassword
    insert into users(name,email, view_cnt,created, json_data) values
     ('johan', '', 0, unix_timestamp(now()),
     "{messages: ['msg1', 'msg2']}");

  telnet localhost 11211
       GET user:1
       INCR user:1 1
       GET user:1

  Do you get what you expect?
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Container:                                          Key_prefixes:
    name              = users_view_cnt_container       server_role_id =
    db_schema         = test                           key_prefix = ‘user:’
    db_table          = users                          cluster_id = 0
    key_columns = uid
                                                        policy = ‘ndb-only’
    value_columns = NULL
                                                        container = ‘users_view_cnt_container’
    flags               =0
    increment_column = view_cnt
    cas_column       = NULL
    expire_time_column = NULL
    large_values_table = NULL

INSERT INTO containers(name,db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns, flags,
increment_column,cas_column,expire_time_column,large_values_table) VALUES
('users_view_cnt_container','test','users', 'uid',NULL, 0 , 'view_cnt' , NULL, NULL,

INSERT INTO key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id, policy, container) VALUES
(1, 'user_view_cnt:' , 0 , 'ndb-only' , 'users_view_cnt_container');

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


INSERT INTO containers(name,db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns,
flags, increment_column,cas_column,expire_time_column,large_values_table)
VALUES('users_view_cnt_container','test','users', 'uid',NULL, 0 ,
'view_cnt' , NULL, NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id, policy,
container) VALUES(1, 'user_view_cnt:' , 0 , 'ndb-only' ,

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Exercise 4

  Create the Container and Key_prefix for the view_cnt.

  telnet localhost 11211
       GET user:1
       INCR user_view_cnt:1 1
       INCR user_view_cnt:1 1000
       DECR user_view_cnt:1 100
       GET user:1

  Do you get what you expect?
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  One Container must be setup for each operation you
   want to do:
       Write/Read whole record
       INCR/DECR
       CAS
       Etc.

  One Key_prefix must be setup for each Container.
                                 1   1
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Accessing the Data

  There are many client interfaces to memcached:
       libmemcached (c/c++)
       PECL/memcached (php)
       PHP/libmemcached (php)
       Spymemcached (java)
       Python-memcached (python)
       Cache::Memcached::Fast (perl)
       Telnet

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       Telnet can be used to access data stored in memcached:
       telnet localhost 11211
     get user 1

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Caching Policies

  Read-only/read-mostly data can be cached in the
   Memcached server


                                       P0            P1
                                       S1            S0

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Caching Policies –

  A new Key_prefix must be created:
       server_role_id = 3 /*caching*/ /*Must match how
        memcached is started*/
       key_prefix = ‘user_cache:’
       cluster_id = 0
       policy = ‘caching’
       container = ‘users_container’

insert into key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix,
cluster_id, policy, container) values (3,
'user_cache:' , 0 , 'caching' , 'users_container' );
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Caching Policies

  GET
       Read data from Cache if exists in Cache
       Read data from NDB if not exists in Cache  populate

       Write data to Cache AND to NDB
       Overwrites existing data in cache
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Performance Tuning

  Tunables are few
       NDB Cluster connections can be set 0-4 (0 means it will “figure it
       Send timeout , 1-10 (ms), default 1 (ms)
       Force send On or Off (1 or 0), default Off

  Set with scheduler options:
       memcached -e “…;S:c1,t1,f1”
       This would set:
          Ndb_cluster_connections=1
          Send timeout=1 (ms)
          Force send = ON (1)

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

Shoot out

  Host A and B: data node (ndbmtd)

  Host C: MySQL Server or Memcached

  Host C: Application

  Users table with 10000 records

  Get User based on UID. Queries:
       SELECT name,email,created,view_cnt,json_data FROM
        users WHERE uid=<random int 1-10000>
       GET user:<random int 1-10000>

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

    Shoot out

Access Method                        4 threads   8 thread/   16 threads
                                     4NDB        8NDB        8NDB
SQL (python)**                       1616        1376 ??     -
SQL ( C )                            3808        5712        9312
MEMCACHE (python)                    3076        5516*       6944*
MEMCACHE (C++)                       3300        7096*       14632*
NDBAPI (C++, sync)                   5500        10425       15500

  *) Max 4 ndb_cluster_connections is possible from MEMCACHED
  **) Connector/Python was used
  Averages measured over three runs.
  For all C/C++ tests bencher was used to drive load.
  Threading in Python doesn’t seem to be great.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


  Tuning the Memcached scheduler options make a difference:
       Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c4,f0,g1,t1
          10500 reads/sec
       Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c4,f1,g1,t1
          14632 reads/sec
       Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c2,f1,g1,t1
          11000 reads/sec

  Set:
       Scheduler option: f1 (force send = on)
       Scheduler option: c4 (4 ndb cluster connections
       Memcached option: -t <no workers> set depending on the number of
        clients you need.
       If you have many workers, >= 128 try force send = off.

Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB


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Conference tutorial: MySQL Cluster as NoSQL

  • 1. MySQL Cluster and NoSQL December 2012 Johan Andersson Severalnines AB Cell +46 73 073 60 99
  • 2. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Topics   RDBMS/NoSQL   API Overview   Memcached Installation   Configuration   Performance Tuning   Troubleshooting   Use Cases 2
  • 3. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB RDBMS vs NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL   Structure and relations are   Structure and relations not as important important   Relational schema   Focus on storing/retrieving   Complex Queries   Simple access   JOINs   E.g. Key Value: get(), set()   ACID   Eventual Consistency   Scalability usually not built-in   Scalability built-in   Durability of data on one   Durability of data guaranteed by node having data on multiple nodes 3
  • 4. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB RDBMS vs NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL   Structure and relations are   Structure and relations not as important important   Relational schema   Focus on storing/retrieving   Complex Queries   Simple access   JOINs   E.g. Key Value: get(), set()   ACID   Eventual Consistency   Scalability usually not built-in   Scalability built-in   Durability of data on one   Durability of data guaranteed by node having data on multiple nodes 4
  • 5. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB RDBMS vs NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL   Structure and relations are   Structure and relations not as important important   Relational schema   Focus on storing/retrieving   Complex Queries   Simple access   JOINs   E.g. Key Value: get(), set()   ACID   Eventual Consistency   Scalability usually not built-in   Scalability built-in   Durability of data on one   Durability of data guaranteed by node having data on multiple nodes 5
  • 6. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB RDBMS vs NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL   Structure and relations are   Structure and relations not as important important   Relational schema   Focus on storing/retrieving   Complex Queries   Simple access   JOINs   E.g. Key Value: get(), set()   ACID   Eventual Consistency   Scalability usually not built-in   Scalability built-in   Durability of data on one   Durability of data guaranteed by node having data on multiple nodes 6
  • 7. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB RDBMS vs NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL   Structure and relations are   Structure and relations not as important important   Relational schema   Focus on storing/retrieving   Complex Queries   Simple access   JOINs   E.g. Key Value: get(), set()   ACID   Eventual Consistency   Scalability usually not built-in   Scalability built-in   Durability of data on one   Durability of data guaranteed by node having data on multiple nodes 7
  • 8. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB RDBMS vs NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL   Structure and relations are   Structure and relations not as important important   Relational schema   Focus on storing/retrieving   Complex Queries   Simple access   JOINs   E.g. Key Value: get(), set()   ACID   Eventual Consistency   Scalability usually not built-in   Scalability built-in   Durability of data on one   Durability of data guaranteed by node having data on multiple nodes 8
  • 9. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Introducing MySQL Cluster   Shared Nothing database   Up to 255 nodes in a cluster   Automatic sharding   In-memory or hybrid disk data storage   Multiple APIs   Availability   Strong consistency with synchronous replication   Automatic fail-over within a cluster   Eventual consistency between clusters 9
  • 10. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Architecture 10
  • 11. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #1 – Horizontal scalability   Data Nodes   Stores the data   Memory or disk tables   Can be added online Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 11
  • 12. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL Data 12
  • 13. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL 13
  • 14. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL 14
  • 15. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL 15
  • 16. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL 16
  • 17. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL 17
  • 18. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #2 – API  Not Only SQL 18
  • 19. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #3 – Schema   SQL/Relational   Add column   Add/remove index   Memcached prefix key value   Key-value <city: ldn 1> Prefix Table Key-col Val-col policy city … code … … city: AreaCode city code cluster ldn … 1 … … Configuration/Mapping Table: ‘AreaCode’ 19
  • 20. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #4 – Data Consistency   Strong consistency within a cluster   Eventual consistency across clusters EU Cluster US Cluster 20
  • 21. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB #5 – Data Storage   Memory Tables   No disk checkpoints   Memory Tables   With disk checkpoints   Disk Data tables   Index in memory   Writes not IO bound   Transaction durability = data written in at least 2 nodes 21
  • 22. SQL Access   Parsing/Optimizing/Executing Query Takes time   Query plan converted to NDBAPI calls   Introduces an extra network hop often: APP MYSQLD NDB
  • 23. NoSQL : Memcached (new in 7.2)   Native Key-Value access (converts memcached proto to ndbapi calls)   Bypasses SQL   Schema and schemaless data storage MEMCACHED APP NDB   By default server -  Every KV written to the same table -  Each KV in a single row   Or configure to use existing tables
  • 24. NoSQL : REST   Bypasses SQL   Native HTTP/REST access   Loads in an Apache module (mod_ndb) Apache NDB
  • 25. NoSQL : Cluster/J   Bypasses SQL   Native Java and JPA access AppServer NDB EJB
  • 26. NoSQL: NDBAPI (sync)   C++ API supporting GET/SET/RANGE_SCAN/SCAN   Bypasses SQL NDBAPI   Ultra low latency NDB client   Hand-optimize execution path   Lots of freedom (also to make mistakes)
  • 27. NoSQL : NDBAPI (sync)   DEFINE AND STORAGE BUFFERS (NDB RECORD)   START TRANSACTION   CREATE OPERATION ( on table) -  DEFINE OPERATION (insert/update/read/delete) – PK operation -  GET/SET PK AND VALUES -  <repeat these for batching or read from many tables>   EXECUTE ( COMMIT / NO COMMIT)   CHECK STORAGE BUFFERS
  • 28. NoSQL : NDBAPI (async)   Bypasses SQL   Similar to node.js with callbacks registered and executed on completion   Ultra fast performance for GET/SET on PK NDBAPI   Hand-optimize execution path NDB client   Lots of freedom (also to make mistakes)   Scales with number of threads and number of Apps
  • 29. NoSQL : NDBAPI (async)   DEFINE AND STORAGE BUFFERS (NDB RECORD) PREPARE TRANSACTION -  ASSIGN A CALLBACK -  CREATE OPERATION ( on table) -  DEFINE OPERATION (insert/update/read/delete) – PK operation -  GET/SET PK AND VALUES -  <repeat these for batching or read from many tables>   <repeat and PREPARE up to 1024 TXs>   SEND to NDB   POLL for CALLBACKs -  Executes callbacks, and PREPARE a new TX if you want. -  CHECK STORAGE BUFFERS
  • 30. NoSQL : NDBAPI (async)   Using the Async NDBAPI Oracle managed to get 1.05 Billion Queries Per Minute -  flexAsync -a 25 -p 128 -t <cores> -l <iterations> -  8 data nodes (48GB of RAM) -  10 api nodes -  Intel X5670 (2 CPU x 6 cores) -  Infiniband (IPoIB)
  • 31. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Introduction   Memcached access to NDB is included in MySQL Cluster 7.2   Provides a Memcached Interface to NDB data   Using get/set to read and write data   Avoid SQL altogether (except for creating tables)   There several “run-time” models that can be configured   Affects mainly placement of data 31
  • 32. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Introduction   Memcached uses the NDBAPI (C++ direct API) to access data in NDB.   There are two flavors of the NDBAPI   Synchronous NDBAPI   Asynchronous NDBAPI   Memcached uses the Asynchronous NDBAPI 32
  • 33. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Introduction “S” SCHEDULER Worker threads ndb ndb Ndb_cluster_connection 33
  • 34. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Introduction Synchronous Asynchronous   Start transaction   Start transaction   Associate callback   Create op   Create op logic   Set op type   Set op type   Bind keys/values   Bind keys/values   Prepare transaction ndb   Execute   Send   Send request to NDB   Send request to NDB   Check result   Poll   Check callbacks 34
  • 35. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Introduction   Asynchronous invocation gives   Higher degree of parallelism, up to 1024 transactions in flight from each NDB object   Less threads needed to drive load   Both threads and transaction parallelism in one shot!   Harder programming model   Synchronous invocation gives   Easy programming model   One thread does one transaction at a time, less parallelism   Many threads needed to drive high load 35
  • 36. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Introduction   Memcached supported operations   GET / MULTI GET   SET   ADD   REPLACE   CAS   INCR   DECR 36
  • 37. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation   The memcached server is included in the MySQL Cluster distributions   <basedir>/bin/memcached   Memcached also requires a plugin that is also included in the distribution   <basedir>/lib/ or /usr/lib64/   It requires a connect string to be able to join the NDB Cluster   + “normal” memcached options   port, bind-address etc 37
  • 38. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation   Starting Memcached can be done as follows: memcached -p11211 -E <basedir>/lib/ -u nobody -d -l -e connectstring=   Options: -l -- bind-address -u -- user -d -- daemon -e -- connectstring and more NDB options -E -- specifies a memcached plugin 38
  • 39. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation memcached server   Before we can start memcached we must sanity check NDB Cluster   memcached will by default make two connections to the Data Nodes.   This is same as   --ndb-cluster-connection- pool=2 P0 P1 S1 S0 39
  • 40. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation   Use ndb_mgm to check for free slots ndb_mgm> show Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186 Cluster Configuration --------------------- [ndbd(NDB)] 2 node(s) id=3 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0, Master) id=4 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0) [ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 2 node(s) id=1 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=2 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) [mysqld(API)] 27 node(s) id=5 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=6 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=7 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=8 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8)
  • 41. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation   In the previous example you must add atleast two “slots”   Change config.ini and add [mysqld] [mysqld]   Perform a rolling restart   Stop and start the management servers one at a time   Stop and start one data node at a time   Stop and start the mysql servers one at a time
  • 42. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation   Now we can connect! ndb_mgm> show Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186 Cluster Configuration --------------------- [ndbd(NDB)] 2 node(s) id=3 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0, Master) id=4 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8, Nodegroup: 0) [ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 2 node(s) id=1 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=2 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) [mysqld(API)] 27 node(s) id=5 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=6 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=7 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=8 @ (mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8) id=9 (not connected, accepting connect from any host) id=10 (not connected, accepting connect from any host)
  • 43. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Installation   But wait! We need to install the ndb_memcached schema!   Only needed the first time   Table are stored in NDB   Defined in the file:   <basedir>/share/memcache-api/ ndb_memcache_metadata.sql   mysql –uroot –p < <basedir>/share/memcache-api/ ndb_memcache_metadata.sql
  • 44. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Exercise 1   Install the schema   /usr/local/mysql/share/memcache-api/ ndb_memcache_metadata.sql   Start memcached   The management server is listening on   Use port 11211   Use bind address   Don’t use the daemon option   Basedir = /usr/local/mysql/   Verify using the management client:   ndb_mgm –e “show”
  • 45. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Troubleshooting   Common errors :   bind(): Cannot assign requested address   Wrong bind address   Hanging on “Contacting primary management server (..) ...”   Wrong ndb-connectstring   Success:   done [0.759 sec
  • 46. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Configuration   One of the key benefits with Memcached is that it can be used in multiple ways:   Store data in NDB only   Store data in NDB and cache in Memcached   Cache only on Memcached   An existing data model can also be presented to Memcached   This requires a bit of setup to create mappings for the tables being exposed to Memcached   Let’s do it now!
  • 47. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Configuration   Consider the following table. Goals:   Expose it to memcached   Read/write to it   Make two configuration – NDB Only and NDB + Caching create table users( uid integer auto_increment primary key, name varchar(255), email varchar(255), view_cnt bigint unsigned default 0, created bigint unsigned default 0, json_data varbinary(12000) ) engine = ndb;
  • 48. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Concepts   Memcached uses two important concepts   CONTAINERS (table ndbmemcache.containers)   KEY_PREFIXES (table ndbmemcache.key_prefixes)   CONTAINERS   Specifies what tables, columns in the tables, keys etc   KEY_PREFIXES   Specifies key bindings, and roles (if data should be in ndb only e.g). 48
  • 49. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Containers Table   DESC containers;   name - container name (PK)   db_schema - database where db_table is stored   db_table - name of the database table   key_columns - the columns mapping to the memcached key   value_columns - the columns that map to the   flags - not implemented   increment_column - for INCR / DECR - BIGINT UNSIGNED   cas_column - CAS , must be BIGINT UNSIGNED   expire_time_column - not implemented   large_values_table 49
  • 50. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Cointainer for Users   name = users_container create table users( uid integer auto_increment primary key,   db_schema = test name varchar(255),   db_table = users email varchar(255), view_cnt bigint unsigned default 0,   key_columns = uid created bigint unsigned default 0 ) engine = ndb;   value_columns = name,email,created,view_cnt, json_data   flags =0   increment_column = NULL   cas_column = NULL   expire_time_column = NULL   large_values_table = NULL INSERT INTO containers(name,db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns, flags, increment_column,cas_column,expire_time_column,large_values_table) values ('users_container','test','users', 'uid','name,email,created,view_cnt,json_data', 0 , NULL , NULL, NULL, NULL); 50
  • 51. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Key_prefixes Table   DESC key_prefixes;   server_role_id - id referencing memcache_server_roles table   key_prefix - memcache search key prefix (e.g ‘myid:’)   cluster_id - id referencing ndb_clusters table   policy - referencing cache_policies table   container - name referencing We will now explore the referenced tables and see what they contain. 51
  • 52. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Key_prefixes for Users   server_role_id = 1 /*db-only*/ /*Must match how memcached is started*/   key_prefix = ‘user:’   cluster_id = 0   policy = ‘ndb-only’   container = ‘users_container’ insert into key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id, policy, container) values (1, 'user:' , 0 , 'ndb-only' , 'users_container' ); 52
  • 53. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Exercise 2   Create the ’Users’ table in database ’test’   Create the Container (use ndbmemcache)   Create the Key_prefix   Stop memcached , some options:   killlall -15 memcached   ctrl-c   killall -9 memcached   Start memcached /usr/local//mysql/bin//memcached -p11211 -E /usr/local//mysql/lib// -unobody -e “connectstring='';role=db-only “ What happens?
  • 54. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Troubleshooting   Common errors :   Specified a column that does not exist:   ‘Invalid column "test.users.view_cnt” ‘  seg fault   The same column has been specified twice in the Container:   createRecord() failure: Duplicate column specification in NdbDictionary::RecordSpecification   Mismatch between and key_prefixes.container:   "users_containerxx" NOT FOUND in database.   Fixing the problem:   DELETE FROM key_prefixes …;   DELETE FROM containers … ;
  • 55. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Exercise 3   Insert a record into the users table:   mysql –uroot –ppassword   insert into users(name,email, view_cnt,created, json_data) values ('johan', '', 0, unix_timestamp(now()), "{messages: ['msg1', 'msg2']}");   telnet localhost 11211   GET user:1   INCR user:1 1   GET user:1   Do you get what you expect?
  • 56. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB view_cnt Container: Key_prefixes:   name = users_view_cnt_container   server_role_id =   db_schema = test   key_prefix = ‘user:’   db_table = users   cluster_id = 0   key_columns = uid   policy = ‘ndb-only’   value_columns = NULL   container = ‘users_view_cnt_container’   flags =0   increment_column = view_cnt   cas_column = NULL   expire_time_column = NULL   large_values_table = NULL INSERT INTO containers(name,db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns, flags, increment_column,cas_column,expire_time_column,large_values_table) VALUES ('users_view_cnt_container','test','users', 'uid',NULL, 0 , 'view_cnt' , NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id, policy, container) VALUES (1, 'user_view_cnt:' , 0 , 'ndb-only' , 'users_view_cnt_container'); 56
  • 57. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB view_cnt INSERT INTO containers(name,db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns, flags, increment_column,cas_column,expire_time_column,large_values_table) VALUES('users_view_cnt_container','test','users', 'uid',NULL, 0 , 'view_cnt' , NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id, policy, container) VALUES(1, 'user_view_cnt:' , 0 , 'ndb-only' , 'users_view_cnt_container'); 57
  • 58. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Exercise 4   Create the Container and Key_prefix for the view_cnt.   telnet localhost 11211   GET user:1   INCR user_view_cnt:1 1   INCR user_view_cnt:1 1000   DECR user_view_cnt:1 100   GET user:1   Do you get what you expect?
  • 59. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Recap   One Container must be setup for each operation you want to do:   Write/Read whole record   INCR/DECR   CAS   Etc.   One Key_prefix must be setup for each Container. 1 1
  • 60. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Accessing the Data   There are many client interfaces to memcached:   libmemcached (c/c++)   PECL/memcached (php)   PHP/libmemcached (php)   Spymemcached (java)   Python-memcached (python)   Cache::Memcached::Fast (perl)   Telnet 60
  • 61. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB TELNET   Telnet can be used to access data stored in memcached:   telnet localhost 11211 get user 1 61
  • 62. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Caching Policies   Read-only/read-mostly data can be cached in the Memcached server CLIENT P0 P1 S1 S0 62
  • 63. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Caching Policies – Setup   A new Key_prefix must be created:   server_role_id = 3 /*caching*/ /*Must match how memcached is started*/   key_prefix = ‘user_cache:’   cluster_id = 0   policy = ‘caching’   container = ‘users_container’ insert into key_prefixes(server_role_id, key_prefix, cluster_id, policy, container) values (3, 'user_cache:' , 0 , 'caching' , 'users_container' );
  • 64. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Caching Policies   GET   Read data from Cache if exists in Cache   Read data from NDB if not exists in Cache  populate cache   STORE   Write data to Cache AND to NDB   Overwrites existing data in cache
  • 65. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Performance Tuning   Tunables are few   NDB Cluster connections can be set 0-4 (0 means it will “figure it out”)   Send timeout , 1-10 (ms), default 1 (ms)   Force send On or Off (1 or 0), default Off   Set with scheduler options:   memcached -e “…;S:c1,t1,f1”   This would set:   Ndb_cluster_connections=1   Send timeout=1 (ms)   Force send = ON (1) 65
  • 66. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Shoot out   Host A and B: data node (ndbmtd)   Host C: MySQL Server or Memcached   Host C: Application   Users table with 10000 records   Get User based on UID. Queries:   SELECT name,email,created,view_cnt,json_data FROM users WHERE uid=<random int 1-10000>   GET user:<random int 1-10000> 66
  • 67. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Shoot out Access Method 4 threads 8 thread/ 16 threads 4NDB 8NDB 8NDB SQL (python)** 1616 1376 ?? - SQL ( C ) 3808 5712 9312 MEMCACHE (python) 3076 5516* 6944* MEMCACHE (C++) 3300 7096* 14632* NDBAPI (C++, sync) 5500 10425 15500 *) Max 4 ndb_cluster_connections is possible from MEMCACHED **) Connector/Python was used Averages measured over three runs. For all C/C++ tests bencher was used to drive load. Threading in Python doesn’t seem to be great. 67
  • 68. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Recommendation   Tuning the Memcached scheduler options make a difference:   Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c4,f0,g1,t1   10500 reads/sec   Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c4,f1,g1,t1   14632 reads/sec   Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c2,f1,g1,t1   11000 reads/sec   Set:   Scheduler option: f1 (force send = on)   Scheduler option: c4 (4 ndb cluster connections   Memcached option: -t <no workers> set depending on the number of clients you need.   If you have many workers, >= 128 try force send = off. 68
  • 69. Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB THANK YOU!   Twitter : @severalnines   Facebook:   Slideshare :   Linked-in:   Web site:   Mail: 69