SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Big Bird.
(scaling twitter)
Rails Scales.
(but not out of the box)
First, Some Facts
• 600 requests per second. Growing fast.
• 180 Rails Instances (Mongrel). Growing fast.
• 1 Database Server (MySQL) + 1 Slave.
• 30-odd Processes for Misc. Jobs
• 8 Sun X4100s
• Many users, many updates.
Scaling Twitter
Scaling Twitter
Scaling Twitter
Joy          Pain

Oct   Nov   Dec    Jan   Feb     March   Apr

It’s Easy, Really.
1. Realize Your Site is Slow
2. Optimize the Database
3. Cache the Hell out of Everything
4. Scale Messaging
5. Deal With Abuse
It’s Easy, Really.
1. Realize Your Site is Slow
2. Optimize the Database
3. Cache the Hell out of Everything
4. Scale Messaging
5. Deal With Abuse
6. Profit

{ Part the First }
We Failed at This.
Don’t Be Like Us

• Munin
• Nagios
• AWStats & Google Analytics
• Exception Notifier / Exception Logger
• Immediately add reporting to track problems.
Test Everything

•   Start Before You Start

•   No Need To Be Fancy

•   Tests Will Save Your Life

•   Agile Becomes
    Important When Your
    Site Is Down


                       let your users do it.
The Database
  { Part the Second }
“The Next Application I Build is Going
to Be Easily Partitionable” - S. Butterfield
“The Next Application I Build is Going
to Be Easily Partitionable” - S. Butterfield
“The Next Application I Build is Going
to Be Easily Partitionable” - S. Butterfield
Too Late.
Index Everything
class AddIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration
     def self.up
       add_index :users, :email

     def self.down
       remove_index :users, :email

Repeat for any column that appears in a WHERE clause

             Rails won’t do this for you.
Denormalize A Lot
class DenormalizeFriendsIds < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    add_column "users", "friends_ids", :text

  def self.down
    remove_column "users", "friends_ids"
class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :friend

 after_create :add_to_denormalized_friends
 after_destroy :remove_from_denormalized_friends

  def add_to_denormalized_friends
    user.friends_ids <<

  def remove_from_denormalized_friends
Don’t be Stupid
“email like ‘%#{search}%’”
That’s where we are.
  If your Rails application is doing anything more
complex than that, you’re doing something wrong*.

        * or you observed the First Rule of Butterfield.
Partitioning Comes Later.
   (we’ll let you know how it goes)
The Cache
 { Part the Third }
class Status < ActiveRecord::Base
  class << self
    def count_with_memcache(*args)
      return count_without_memcache unless args.empty?
      count = CACHE.get(“status_count”)
      if count.nil?
        count = count_without_memcache
        CACHE.set(“status_count”, count)
    alias_method_chain :count, :memcache
  after_create :increment_memcache_count
  after_destroy :decrement_memcache_count
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  def friends_statuses
    ids = CACHE.get(“friends_statuses:#{id}”)
    Status.find(:all, :conditions => [“id IN (?)”, ids])

class Status < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_create :update_caches
  def update_caches
    user.friends_ids.each do |friend_id|
      ids = CACHE.get(“friends_statuses:#{friend_id}”)
      CACHE.set(“friends_statuses:#{friend_id}”, ids)
The Future

            ve d
          ti r
90% API Requests
     Cache Them!
“There are only two hard things in CS:
 cache invalidation and naming things.”

             – Phil Karlton, via Tim Bray
{ Part the Fourth }
You Already Knew All
That Other Stuff, Right?
Producer             Consumer
Producer             Consumer
Producer             Consumer
• The Good:
 • Stupid Easy
 • Reasonably Fast
• The Bad:
 • Kinda Flaky
 • Zero Redundancy
 • Tightly Coupled

            Jabber Client

           Incoming         Outgoing
           Messages         Messages

     DRb.start_service ‘druby://localhost:10000’, myobject

myobject = DRbObject.new_with_uri(‘druby://localhost:10000’)

• Shared Queue (TupleSpace)
• Built with DRb
• RingyDingy makes it stupid easy
• See Eric Hodel’s documentation
• O(N) for take(). Sigh.
Timestamp: 12/22/06 01:53:14 (4 months ago)
      Author: lattice
      Message: Fugly. Seriously. Fugly.

        SELECT * FROM messages WHERE
substring(truncate(id,0),-2,1) = #{@fugly_dist_idx}
It Scales.
(except it stopped on Tuesday)

• ActiveMQ (Java)
• RabbitMQ (erlang)
• MySQL + Lightweight Locking
• Something Else?

What are you doing?
 Stabbing my eyes out with a fork.

• Ruby, will be ported to something faster
• 4000 transactional msgs/s
• First pass written in 4 hours
• Speaks MemCache (set, get)
Use Messages to
Invalidate Cache
   (it’s really not that hard)
{ Part the Fifth }
The Italians
9000 friends in 24 hours
        (doesn’t scale)

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Scaling Twitter

  • 2. Rails Scales. (but not out of the box)
  • 3. First, Some Facts • 600 requests per second. Growing fast. • 180 Rails Instances (Mongrel). Growing fast. • 1 Database Server (MySQL) + 1 Slave. • 30-odd Processes for Misc. Jobs • 8 Sun X4100s • Many users, many updates.
  • 7. Joy Pain Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Apr
  • 9. It’s Easy, Really. 1. Realize Your Site is Slow 2. Optimize the Database 3. Cache the Hell out of Everything 4. Scale Messaging 5. Deal With Abuse
  • 10. It’s Easy, Really. 1. Realize Your Site is Slow 2. Optimize the Database 3. Cache the Hell out of Everything 4. Scale Messaging 5. Deal With Abuse 6. Profit
  • 11. the more you know { Part the First }
  • 12. We Failed at This.
  • 13. Don’t Be Like Us • Munin • Nagios • AWStats & Google Analytics • Exception Notifier / Exception Logger • Immediately add reporting to track problems.
  • 14. Test Everything • Start Before You Start • No Need To Be Fancy • Tests Will Save Your Life • Agile Becomes Important When Your Site Is Down
  • 15. <!-- served to you through a copper wire by sampaati at 22 Apr 15:02 in 343 ms (d 102 / r 217). thank you, come again. --> <!-- served to you through a copper wire by at 22 Apr 15:02 in 235 ms (d 87 / r 130). thank you, come again. --> <!-- served to you through a copper wire by at 22 Apr 15:01 in 450 ms (d 96 / r 337). thank you, come again. --> Benchmarks? let your users do it. <!-- served to you through a copper wire by at 22 Apr 15:00 in 409 ms (d 88 / r 307). thank you, come again. --> <!-- served to you through a copper wire by firebird at 22 Apr 15:03 in 2094 ms (d 643 / r 1445). thank you, come again. --> <!-- served to you through a copper wire by quetzal at 22 Apr 15:01 in 384 ms (d 70 / r 297). thank you, come again. -->
  • 16. The Database { Part the Second }
  • 17. “The Next Application I Build is Going to Be Easily Partitionable” - S. Butterfield
  • 18. “The Next Application I Build is Going to Be Easily Partitionable” - S. Butterfield
  • 19. “The Next Application I Build is Going to Be Easily Partitionable” - S. Butterfield
  • 22. class AddIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_index :users, :email end def self.down remove_index :users, :email end end Repeat for any column that appears in a WHERE clause Rails won’t do this for you.
  • 24. class DenormalizeFriendsIds < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column "users", "friends_ids", :text end def self.down remove_column "users", "friends_ids" end end
  • 25. class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :friend after_create :add_to_denormalized_friends after_destroy :remove_from_denormalized_friends def add_to_denormalized_friends user.friends_ids << user.friends_ids.uniq! user.save_without_validation end def remove_from_denormalized_friends user.friends_ids.delete( user.save_without_validation end end
  • 27. Status.count() “email like ‘%#{search}%’”
  • 28. That’s where we are. Seriously. If your Rails application is doing anything more complex than that, you’re doing something wrong*. * or you observed the First Rule of Butterfield.
  • 29. Partitioning Comes Later. (we’ll let you know how it goes)
  • 30. The Cache { Part the Third }
  • 34. !
  • 35. class Status < ActiveRecord::Base class << self def count_with_memcache(*args) return count_without_memcache unless args.empty? count = CACHE.get(“status_count”) if count.nil? count = count_without_memcache CACHE.set(“status_count”, count) end count end alias_method_chain :count, :memcache end after_create :increment_memcache_count after_destroy :decrement_memcache_count ... end
  • 36. class User < ActiveRecord::Base def friends_statuses ids = CACHE.get(“friends_statuses:#{id}”) Status.find(:all, :conditions => [“id IN (?)”, ids]) end end class Status < ActiveRecord::Base after_create :update_caches def update_caches user.friends_ids.each do |friend_id| ids = CACHE.get(“friends_statuses:#{friend_id}”) ids.pop ids.unshift(id) CACHE.set(“friends_statuses:#{friend_id}”, ids) end end end
  • 37. The Future ve d ti r co Ac e R
  • 38. 90% API Requests Cache Them!
  • 39. “There are only two hard things in CS: cache invalidation and naming things.” – Phil Karlton, via Tim Bray
  • 41. You Already Knew All That Other Stuff, Right?
  • 42. Producer Consumer Message Producer Consumer Queue Producer Consumer
  • 43. DRb • The Good: • Stupid Easy • Reasonably Fast • The Bad: • Kinda Flaky • Zero Redundancy • Tightly Coupled
  • 44. ejabberd Jabber Client (drb) Incoming Outgoing Presence Messages Messages MySQL
  • 45. Server DRb.start_service ‘druby://localhost:10000’, myobject Client myobject = DRbObject.new_with_uri(‘druby://localhost:10000’)
  • 46. Rinda • Shared Queue (TupleSpace) • Built with DRb • RingyDingy makes it stupid easy • See Eric Hodel’s documentation • O(N) for take(). Sigh.
  • 47. Timestamp: 12/22/06 01:53:14 (4 months ago) Author: lattice Message: Fugly. Seriously. Fugly. SELECT * FROM messages WHERE substring(truncate(id,0),-2,1) = #{@fugly_dist_idx}
  • 48. It Scales. (except it stopped on Tuesday)
  • 49. Options • ActiveMQ (Java) • RabbitMQ (erlang) • MySQL + Lightweight Locking • Something Else?
  • 50. erlang? What are you doing? Stabbing my eyes out with a fork.
  • 51. Starling • Ruby, will be ported to something faster • 4000 transactional msgs/s • First pass written in 4 hours • Speaks MemCache (set, get)
  • 52. Use Messages to Invalidate Cache (it’s really not that hard)
  • 55. 9000 friends in 24 hours (doesn’t scale)