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By Student Smith
Dr. Horner
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Topic: Insert topic here. Introduction
Capture your audience’s attention with a quote, anecdote, or
personal experience
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Point: Working with outline numbered text in Microsoft Word
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numbering levelClick a list numberClick Increase Indent. To
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Help plan speech and “categorize the main points” (Benefits of
Outline, 1) Second Main Point: Creating a Microsoft
Creating a PowerPoint presentation from a Word outline
PowerPoint uses the heading styles in the Word
documentHeading styles are applied when you use numbered
outlinesEach paragraph formatted with the Heading 1 style
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ProceduresOpen the document and use it to create a PowerPoint
presentation On the File menu, point to Send To, and then click
Microsoft PowerPoint
Create a PowerPoint presentation based on prepared notes Main
Point 3: Building on previous work
Use heading styles to create longer documents, view a
document's organization in Outline view, and prepare
PowerPoint that will enhance speech (Effective Use of
Powerpoint, 2)
To learn more about Outline view, review Microsoft Word Help
Restate your main pointsFirst Main PointSecond Main
PointThird Main Point
Summarize the presented ideas
Restate introduction or conclude with a compelling remark
1.Benefits of an Outline. (2015). Importance of an Outline.
Retrieved from
2. Effective Use of PowerPoint. (2018). Retrieved from

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The document outlines steps for implementing a knowledge management system using SharePoint 2010. It discusses organizing knowledge across multiple repositories instead of a single central repository. It emphasizes publishing knowledge in different formats optimized for different audiences. Metadata tagging is discussed, including using both taxonomy and folksonomy approaches. Searching is addressed through search scopes and knowledge portals. Social features like profiles, ratings and notes are covered for connecting experts. Maintaining the system through feedback, monitoring adoption and information lifecycle management is also summarized.

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Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life
Strategies for Creating Success in College and in . Life
Eighth Edition
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math learningmath interventionadaptive learning
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To Carol, my compass
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xxv
Travel with Me xxv11
1 Getting On Course to Your Success 1
College Smart-Start Guide 2
Money Matters 5
Managing Money: The Big Picture 6
Increase Money Flowing In 7
Decrease Money Flowing Out 11
Understanding the Culture of Higher Education 14
The Surface Culture of Higher Education 16
One Dozen College Customs 16
Write a Great Life 20
Understanding the Expectations of College and University
Educators 22
Eight Key Expectations 23
Understanding Yourself 29
What Does Success Mean to You? 29
Ingredients of Success 30
Assess Your Soft Skills for College Success 31
Forks in the Road 36
A Few Words of Encouragement 36
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jalayna Onaga 38

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• Soft Skills AT WORK 39
2 Accepting Personal Responsibility 41
Adopting a Creator Mindset 43
Victim and Creator Mindsets 44
Responsibility and Culture 45
Responsibility and Choice 46
viii Contents
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Taryn Rossmiller 49
Mastering Creator Language 50
Self-Talk 50
The Language of Responsibility 53
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Alexsandr Kanevskiy 56
Making Wise Decisions 57
The Wise Choice Process 58
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Freddie Davila 62
• Personal Responsibility AT WORK 62
Believing In Yourself Change Your Inner Conversation 65
The Curse of Stinkin' Thinkin' 65
Disputing Irrational Beliefs 67
Stereotype Threat 68
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Dominic Grasseth 70
3 Discovering Self-Motivation 71
Creating Inner Motivation 74
A Formula for Motivation
Value of College Outcomes
Value of College Experiences
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Chee Meng Vang 80
Designing a Compelling Life Plan 81
Roles and Goals 81
How to Set a Goal 82
Discover Your Dreams 84
Your Life Plan 84
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Brandon Beavers 87
Committing to Your Goals and Dreams 88
Commitment Creates Method 88
Visualize Your Ideal Future 89
How to Visualize 90

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Contents ix
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY James Terrell 92
• Self-Motivation AT WORK 93
Believing In Yourself Write a Personal Affirmation 96
Claiming Your Desired Personal Qualities 97
Living Your Affirmation 98
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Tina Steen 100
4 Mastering Self-Management 101
Acting on Purpose 103
Harness the Power of Quadrant II 103
What to Do in Quadrants I and II 105
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jason Pozsgay 107
Creating a Leak-Proof Self-Management System 108
Time and Culture 108
Weekly Calendar: For Tracking Recurring Scheduled Events
Monthly Calendar: For Tracking One-Time Scheduled Events
Next Actions List: For Tracking One-Time Unscheduled Events
Tracking Form: For Tracking Actions That Need to Be Repeated
Numerous Times 111
Waiting-For List: For Tracking Commitments That Others Have
Made to You 112
Project Folder: For Tracking and Managing Progress Toward a
Large Goal 112
The Rewards of Effective Self-Management 113
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Allysa LePage 119
Developing Self-Discipline 119
Staying Focused 120
Being Persistent 121
Avoiding Procrastination 122
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Holt Boggs 127
• Self-Management AT WORK 127
Believing In Yourself Develop Self-Confidence 130
Create a Success Identity 130
Celebrate Your Successes and Talents 131
Visualize Purposeful Actions 131
x Contents
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Ashley Freeman 134
5 Employing Interdependence 135
Trial 136
Creating a Support System 137

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A Sign of Maturity 137
Seek Help from Your Instructors 139
Get Help from College Resources 139
Create a Project Team 140
Start a Study Group 141
The Difference Between Heaven and Hell 142
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Mitch M ull 144
Strengthening Relationships with Active Listening 145
How to Listen Actively 146
Use Active Listening in Your College Classes 146
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Teroa Paselio 148
Respecting Cultural Differences 149
Showing Respect 150
• Interdependence AT WORK 155
Believing In Yourself Be Assertive 157
Leveling 158
Making Requests 159
Saying #No" 160
6 Gaining Self-Awareness 163
Recognizing When You Are Off Course 165
The Mystery of Self-Sabotage 165
Unconscious Forces 166
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Sarah Richmond 168
Contents xi
Identifying Your Scripts 168
Anatomy of a Script 169
How We Wrote Our Scripts 170
Self-Defeating Habit Patterns 172
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY James Florio/Ii 174
Rewriting Your Outdated Scripts 174
The Impact of Outdated Beliefs 175
Doing the Rewrite 176
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Annette Vafle 180
• Self-Awareness AT WORK 181
Believing In Yourself Write Your Own Rules 183
Three Success Rules 184
Changing Your Habits 185
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Brandee Huigens 186
7 Adopting Lifelong Leaming 188

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According to Willis Towers Watson, 90 percent of maturing companies expect digital disruption, but only 44 percent are adequately preparing for it. In this webinar hosted by Manjit Sekhon, Director of Learning Experience Design at Intrepid by VitalSource, you will learn how to help your organization prepare for the challenges of digital disruption through next-generation digital learning. The webinar will cover the topics you need to think through before making a digital move and will include a downloadable blueprint template to get you started on your own digital learning transformation journey. Takeaways: How to shift your mindset when it comes to effective digital learning strategies Methods for thinking about utilizing your current resources differently Receive a template PowerPoint ready for you to build out and immediately use for your own organization’s specific objectives and opportunities

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ScanScan 1Scan 2Scan 3Scan 4Scan 5Scan 6Scan 7Scan 8Scan 9Scan 10Scan 11Scan 12Scan 13 Chapter 13 Global Health Challenges MANY INDIVIDUALS AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (NGOS) HELP FIGHT GLOBAL DISEASE. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plays a key role in the war against malaria, AIDS, and other diseases. Melinda and Bill Gates met with doctors and patients at the Manhica Research Center and Hospital in an area of Mozambique heavily affected by malaria. Learning Objectives 1. 13.1Recall the causes and effects of noncommunicable diseases 2. 13.2Evaluate the role of global travel and trade in facilitating the globalization of infectious diseases 3. 13.3Outline the three developments that gave rise to the concept of human security 4. 13.4Describe the three epidemiologic transitions to better understand contemporary concerns about infectious diseases 5. 13.5Report the cause, spread, effects, and control measures of influenza and avian flu 6. 13.6Report the cause, spread, effects, and control measures of malaria 7. 13.7Recognize the causes and preventive measures of HIV 8. 13.8Report the origin, spread, effects, and control measures of SARS 9. 13.9Report the origin, spread, effects, and control measures of Ebola 10. 13.10Outline role of the WHO in preventing the spread of infectious diseases Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and mental illness in general and Alzheimer’s disease in particular are the leading causes of death and disability globally. Long associated with affluent Western standards of living, NCDs are now a global problem. While rich countries are better equipped to deal with chronic diseases, they are far more deadly in poor countries. Growing numbers of old people and the spread of middle-class lifestyles make NCDs more prevalent than infectious diseases. Globalization also contributes to the growth of NCDs by helping expand the global middle class and by promoting fast foods, sugary drinks, alcohol, smoking, processed foods, and sedentary lifestyles. A major global health threat that undermines efforts to cure diseases is the emergence of germs that are resistant to antibiotics. This is due mainly to the excessive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture. Infectious diseases are intertwined with numerous global issues and are inseparable from political, economic, and cultural components of globalization. Ethnic conflicts make populations vulnerable to infectious diseases. Fighting contributes to the collapse of public services, which means that many people die from what would ordinarily be treatable diseases, such as diarrhea and respiratory infections. Conflicts also create refugees, overcrowding, and unsanitary conditions, thereby creating environments conducive to the spread of infectious diseases. Environmental degradation and deforestation expose humans to a variety of infectious diseases. They also contribute to global warming and flooding,.

Developing a Leaming Orientation to Life 190
Growth Mindsets and Fixed Mindsets 191
How to Develop a Growth Mindset 193
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jessie Maggard 196
Discovering Your Preferred Ways of Leaming 196
Self-Assessment: How I Prefer to Learn 197
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Melissa Thompson 204
Employing CriticalThinking 204
Constructing Logical Arguments 205
Asking Probing Questions 206
Applying Critical Thinking 207
• Lifelong Learning AT WORK 209
xii Contents
Believing In Yourself Develop Self-Respect 213
Live with Integrity (i.e., No Cheating or Plagiarizing) 213
Keep Commitments 215
8 Developing Emotional Intelligence 218
Understanding Emotional Intelligence 220
Four Components of Emotional Intelligence 221
Knowing Your Own Emotions 222
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Lindsey Beck 223
Reducing Stress 224
What Is Stress? 224
What Happens When Stress Persists? 225
Unhealthy Stress Reduction 225
Healthy Stress Reduction 226
Choose Your Attitude 232
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jaime Sanmiguel 233
Increasing Happiness 234
Limits on Happiness 234
Savoring Pleasures 235
Gratitude 237
Engagement 237
Contribution 238
Strawberry Moments 238
• Emotional Intelligence AT WORK 240
Believing In Yourself Develop Self-Acceptance 242
Self-Esteem and Core Beliefs 243
Know and Accept Yourself 244

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Scapegoating is a theory of prejudice and discrimination. Society looks at the weakest group, and places blame on that group for all ills. That group then becomes the bottom level of society. We've seen this over the past 18 months. Illegal immigrants have been blamed for many issues, in particular crime and unemployment rates. Yet, I know few in my own area who will do the jobs these folks do every day. As for crime, please see the link below for a journal article that addresses this issue. Most crimes committed by immigrants without papers are misdemeanors.  What are your  thoughts? .

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Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner INSTRUCTIONS  Write a brief case study (ALZHIEMER DISEASE) of a real or hypothetical issue or problem that needs investigation (approx. 200-250 words max).  Discussion 3.2: Hypothesis Test Tag Team Corporate Responsibility 8; The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits Milton Friedman When I hear businessmen speak eloquently about the “social responsibilities of business in a free-enterprise system,” I am reminded of the wonderful line about the Frenchman who discovered at the age of 70 that he had been speaking prose all his life. The busi­ nessmen believe that they are defending free enterprise when they declaim that business is not concerned “merely” with profit but also with promoting desirable “social” ends; that business has a “social conscience” and takes seriously its responsibilities for provid ing employment, eliminating discrimina­ tion, avoiding pollution and whatever else may be the catchwords of the contemporary crop of reformers. In fact they are—or would be if they or anyone else took them seriously—preaching pure and unadulter­ ated socialism. Businessmen who talk this way are unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades. The discussions of the “social responsibil­ ities of business” are notable for their analyt­ ical looseness and lack of rigor. What does it mean to say that “business” has responsibili­ ties? Only people can have responsibilities. A corporation is an artificial person and in this sense may have artificial responsibili­ ties, but “business” as a whole cannot be said to have responsibilities, even in this vague sense. The first step toward clarity in ex­ amining the doctrine of the social responsi­ bility of business is to ask precisely what it implies for whom. Presumably, the individuals who are to be responsible are businessmen, which means individual proprietors or corporate execu­ tives. Most of the discussion of social respon­ sibility is directed at corporations, so in what follows I shall mostly neglect the individual proprietors and speak of corporate execu­ tives. In a free-enterprise, private-property sys­ tem, a corporate executive is an employee of the owners of the business. He has direct re­ sponsibility to his employers. That responsi­ bility is to conduct the business in accord­ ance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those em­ bodied in ethical custom. Of course, in some cases his employers may have a different ob­ jective. A group of persons might establish a corporation for an eleemosynary purpose— for example, a hospital or a school. The manager of such a corporation will not have money profit as his objectives but the ren­ dering of certain services. In either case,.

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Sara Mohammed 1991 Washington St. Indiana, PA 15701 (571) 550-3232 [email protected] EDUCATION Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) Expected December 2020 Bachelor of Science in Business Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), Woodbridge, VA May 2016 English As a Second Language Volunteerism Saudi club association at Gannon University Fall 2018 SKILLS · Speak three languages (Arabic, English, and Turkish) · Knowledge with technology · Experience with Microsoft, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint · Looking for helping others always · Familiar with taking care of kids .

• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Wynda Allison Paulette 245
Contents xiii
9 Staying On Course to Your Success 247
Planning Your Next Steps 248
Assess Yourself, Again 248
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Stephan J. Montgomery 254
s A Toolbox for Active Learners 257
Becoming an Active Learner 257
Assess Your Study Skills for College Success 257
How the Human Brain Learns 261
Three Principles of Deep and Lasting Learning 262
The CORE Learning System 264
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Kase Cormier 267
Reading 268
Reading: The Big Picture 268
Strategies to Improve Reading 269
Before Reading 269
While Reading 271
After Reading
Taking Notes
Taking Notes: The Big Picture 274
Strategies to Improve Taking Notes 275
Before Taking Notes 275
While Taking Notes 276
After Taking Notes 281
Organizing Study Materials 282
Organizing Study Materials: The Big Picture 282
Strategies to Improve Organizing Study Materials 282
Before Organizing Study Materials 282
While Organizing Study Materials 283
After Organizing Study Materials 288
Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 290
Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials: The Big Picture
Strategies to Improve Rehearsing and Memorizing Study
Materials 291
Before Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 291
While Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 291
After Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 295
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Michael Chapasko 295
xiv Contents
Taking Tests 297
Taking Tests: The Big Picture 297
Strategies to Improve Taking Tests 297
Before Taking Tests 298
While Taking Tests 298
After Taking Tests 304
• ONE STUDENT'S STORY Ashley E. Bennet 306
Writing 307
Writing: The Big Picture 308

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Scanned with CamScanner Application Assignment 2: Part 2 - Developing an Advocacy Campaign The following application, Part 2, will be due in Week 7. To prepare: · Review Chapter 3 of Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide. · In the first assignment, you reflected on whether the policy you would like to promote could best be achieved through the development of new legislation, or a change in an existing law or regulation. Refine as necessary using any feedback from your first paper. · Contemplate how existing laws or regulations may affect how you proceed in advocating for your proposed policy. · Consider how you could influence legislators or other policymakers to enact the policy you propose. · Think about the obstacles of the legislative process that may prevent your proposed policy from being implemented as intended. · To complete: Part Two will have approximately 3–4 pages of content plus a title page and references. Part Two will address the following: · Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation. · Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources. · Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts. · Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles. Milstead: 3 Legs of Lobbying “According to Milstead (2013), Leg One of the Three-Legged Stool consists of lobbying which is the act of influencing – the art of persuading-a government entity. “Legislators often rely on lobbyists’ expertise to help them understand what they are voting for or against.” (Milstead, 2013, p. 53). Local State Representatives should be targeted as a champion for the bill and that’s likely where an average voter can begin for their voice to be heard at the local and state levels.Leg Two of the Three-Legged Stool also includes the grassroots lobbyists. The AmericanNurses Association often spear-heads lobbying efforts in the best interest of the public on healthcare related issues and has a strong history of working with Congress on these important issues. “Grassroots lobbyists are constituents who have the power to elect officials through their vote and have expertise and knowledge about a particular issue (such as nurses in healthcare reform debates)” (Milstead, 2013, p. 54). Nurses can become a member of the American Nurses Association or other associations to ensure nurses have a voice on these important issues” Reflection Associate Professor Michael Segon Director MBA 1 Reflection Reflection is used as a learning tool to make sense of what we have experienced and how we can optimise our learning from that experience. .

Scanned with CamScannerGlobal editionGloba.docx
Scanned with CamScannerGlobal editionGloba.docxScanned with CamScannerGlobal editionGloba.docx
Scanned with CamScannerGlobal editionGloba.docx

Scanned with CamScanner Global editionGlo b a l ed it io n this is a special edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. Pearson published this exclusive edition for the benefit of students outside the United States and Canada. if you purchased this book within the United States or Canada you should be aware that it has been imported without the approval of the Publisher or author. Pearson Global Edition Global edition For these Global editions, the editorial team at Pearson has collaborated with educators across the world to address a wide range of subjects and requirements, equipping students with the best possible learning tools. this Global edition preserves the cutting-edge approach and pedagogy of the original, but also features alterations, customization, and adaptation from the north american version. it Strategy: Issues and Practices M cK een Sm ith it Strategy Issues and Practices tHiRd edition James D. McKeen • Heather A. Smith t H iR d e d it io n McKeen_1292080264_mech.indd 1 28/11/14 12:56 PM IT STraTegy: ISSueS and PracTIceS A01_MCKE0260_03_GE_FM.indd 1 26/11/14 9:32 PM A01_MCKE0260_03_GE_FM.indd 2 26/11/14 9:32 PM IT STraTegy: ISSueS and PracTIceS T h i r d E d i t i o n G l o b a l E d i t i o n James D. McKeen Queen’s University Heather A. Smith Queen’s University Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Hoboken Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo A01_MCKE0260_03_GE_FM.indd 3 26/11/14 9:32 PM Editor in Chief: Stephanie Wall Head of Learning Asset Acquisition, Global Edition: Laura Dent Acquisitions Editor: Nicole Sam Program Manager Team Lead: Ashley Santora Program Manager: Denise Vaughn Editorial Assistant: Kaylee Rotella Assistant Acquisitions Editor, Global Edition: Debapriya Mukherjee Associate Project Editor, Global Edition: Binita Roy Executive Marketing Manager: Anne K. Fahlgren Project Manager Team Lead: Judy Leale Project Manager: Thomas Benfatti Procurement Specialist: Diane Peirano Senior Manufacturing Controller, Production, Global Edition: Trudy Kimber Cover Image: © Toria/Shutterstock Cover Designer: Lumina Datamantics Full Service Project Management: Abinaya Rajendran at Integra Software Services, Pvt. Ltd. Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: © Pearson Education Limited 2015 The rights of James D. McKeen and Heather A. Smith to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 19.

Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScannerChapte.docx
Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScannerChapte.docxScanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScannerChapte.docx
Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScannerChapte.docx

Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Chapter 13:The Bureaucracy ADA Text Version Learning Objectives 1. Describe the formal organization of the federal bureaucracy. 2. Classify the vital functions performed by the bureaucracy. 3. Explain the present Civil Service system and contrast it with the 19th century spoils system. 4. Identify the various factors contributing to bureaucracy's growth over time. 5. Compare the means by which Congress and the president attempt to maintain control over the bureaucracy. 6. Analyze and evaluate the problems that bureaucratic organization poses for American democracy. Introduction The very word "bureaucracy" often carries negative connotations. To refer to an institution as a "bureaucracy" or characterize it as "bureaucratic" is usually intended as an insult. But the national bureaucracy, sometimes called the "fourth branch of government", is responsible for practically all of the day-to-day work of governing the country. While bureaucracy in the United States, consistent with our tradition of more limited government, is smaller than its counterparts in other longstanding democracies, its influence extends to almost every corner of American society. From delivery of the mail to regulation of the stock market to national defense, federal employees plan, regulate, adjudicate, enforce, and implement federal law. Despite recurrent calls to "shrink" the size of government, the federal bureaucracy remains the largest single employer in the United States. This lesson examines the bureaucracy's formal organization, its critical role in the American economy and society, and its perceived weaknesses. Study Questions 1. How did sociologist Max Weber define bureaucracy? 2. Identify the various functions federal bureaucracies perform giving at least one example each: a. Implementation b. Regulation c. Adjudication d. Enforcement e. Policy-making 3. How many people does the federal government employ? For what percentage of GDP does federal spending account? How does this compare to other economically advanced democracies? 4. Classify and distinguish the major types of bureaucracy in the federal government: a. Cabinet Departments b. Independent Agencies c. Independent Regulatory Commissions d. Government Corporations 5. How does the federal bureaucracy select and recruit personnel? Contrast the present civil service system with the spoils system. What advantages does the present system provide? 6. What factors explain the growth of bureaucracy over time despite recurrent calls for limiting the size of government? 7. Identify those factors in the budget process making it difficult to cut bureaucratic funding. 8. Describe the way Congress authorizes funding for the federal bureaucracy. 9. How does Congress attempt to control the federal bureaucracy? 10. How does the president attempt to control the federal bureaucracy? 11. What special problems does bureaucratic independence present in a democracy? Discuss with re.

Strategies to Improve Writing 308
Before Writing 308
While Writing 311
After Writing 313
Assess Your Study Skills for College Success-Again 316
Conversation with the Author 321
Bibliography 325
Index 327
On Course is intended for college students of any age who want
to create success
in college and in life. Whether students are taking a student
success or fust-year
seminar course, a writing course, or an "inward-looking" course
in psychol-
ogy, self-exploration, or personal growth, On Course is an
instruction manual
for dramatically improving the quality of their outcomes and
experiences. In
each chapter, students learn essential study skills; however,
that's just the begin-
ning. Through self-assessments, articles, guided journals, case
studies in critical
thinking, and inspiring stories from fellow students, On Course
empowers stu-
dents with time-proven strategies for creating a great life-
academic, personal,
and professional. Students learn the techniques that have helped
many thou-
sands of students create extraordinary success!
I am grateful that in the years since its first publication in 1996,
On Course
has becon1e a market leader in the crowded field of student
success texts.
Increasingly, educators are finding (as I have) that empowering
students to
become active, responsible learners produces significant
increases in both stu-
dent academic success and retention. In addition, the process
empowers the1n
to create great things in their personal and professional lives.
My goal is to make
this new edition of On Course even more helpful to the success
of students and
educators alike.
What's New in This Edition
of On Course: Highlights
• College Smart-Start Guide. Too many students get off course
in their
very first week of college. Author Skip Downing polled nearly
2,000 college
and university educators, asking them, "What do you
recommend that
your students do in the first week of college to get off to a good
The resulting"Smart-Start Guide" provides students with
essential first-
week actions recommended by the collective wisdom of this
large group
of educators. A new activity in the On Course Facilitator's
Manual engages
students in figuring out which of the actions these instructors
were the 1nost important. When students follow through on
these actions,
they will lay an early foundation for their academic success.
• Understanding the Expectations of College and University
Educators. This essay and related journal entry help students
understand how to succeed in the culture of higher education. In
section, they learn "Eight Key Expectations" and "A Dozen
[On Course) is the
absolute best approach
for a first-year seminar/
college success class that
there is. The philosophy and
textbook are exactly what
students need.
Catherine Eloranto, Clinton
Community College

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SANS SIFT tool             Final project , related to (digital forensics tools and technique)   Description : A 500-700 word, double spaced paper, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography and ppt presentation too Presentation materials .

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Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner TABLE 2.2 Connecting Knowledge of Development and Learning to Teaching Practices Principles of Child Development and Learning Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices Children develop holistically • Teachers plan daily activities and routines to address aesthetic, emotional, cognitive, language, physical, and social development. • Teachers integrate learning across the curriculum (e.g., mixing language, physical, and social; combining math, science, and reading). Child development follows an orderly sequence • Teachers use their knowledge of developmental sequences to gauge whether children are developing as expected, to determine reasonable expectations, and to plan next steps in the learning process. Children develop at varying rates • Teachers give children opportunities to pursue activities at their own pace. • Teachers repeat activities more than once so children can participate according to changing needs and abilities. • Teachers plan activities with multiple learning objectives to address the needs of more and less advanced learners. Children learn best when they feel safe and secure • Teachers develop nurturing relationships with children and remain with children long enough so children can easily identify a specific adult from whom to seek help, comfort, attention, and guidance. • Daily routines are predictable. Changes in routine are explained in advance so children can anticipate what will happen. • There is two-way communication between teachers and families, and families are welcome in the program. • Children have access to images, objects, and activities that reflect their home experiences. • The early childhood environment complies with all safety requirements. • Adults use positive discipline to enhance children’s self-esteem, self-control, and problem-solving abilities. • Teachers address aggression and bullying calmly, firmly, and proactively. Children are active learners • Activities, transitions, and routines respect children’s attention span, need for activity and need for social interaction. Inactive segments of the day are short. • Children participate in gross motor activities every day. Children learn through a combination of physical experience, social experience, and reflection • Adults encourage children to explore and investigate. They pose questions, offer information, and challenge children’s thinking. • Children have many chances to document and reflect on their ideas. Children learn through mastery and challenge • Practitioners simplify, maintain, or extend activities in response to children’s functioning and comprehension. Children’s learning profiles vary • Teachers present the same information in more than one modality (seeing, hearing, touching) and through different types of activities. • Children have opportunities to play on their own and with others; indoors and outdoors; with natural and manufactured materials. Chil.

Sandro Reyes .docx
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Sandro Reyes 1 5 Human Impact on the Environment Every day, I see the harmful impacts of humans on the environment. Just 13 percent of the globe’s oceans remain unsoiled by humanity’s damaging impacts (Carrington, 2018). In the remotest poles and Pacific areas, most of the ocean has no natural marine wildlife. Pollution, huge fishing fleets, and global shipping along with climate change are all degrading the oceans. The vehicles we drive every day, industrial wastes, overpopulation, and fossil fuels, all have negative effects on the environment. Human activities are negatively affecting the environment by degrading it and sooner or later, the earth will not be able to sustain humans. Overpopulation is now an epidemic with decreased mortality rates, improved medicine, and food sustainability. We are living longer, which is increasing population. The impact of overpopulation includes environmental degradation due to cutting down of trees to create space. With less trees to filter the air, an increase in carbon dioxide levels is damaging every single organism (Interesting Engineering, 2019). Another effect of overpopulation is overdependence on fossil fuels such as coal and oil, which emit plentiful carbon oxide into the air. With increased population, humans need more space, which damage ecosystems and augment carbon dioxide emissions. Pollution is another impact of human activities on the environment. From trash, industrial wastes to carbon dioxide emissions into the air, pollutions is inevitable. Over 2.4 billion individuals have no access to sources of clean water. Human activities continue to deplete indispensable resources such as soil, water, and air. United States, for example, produces 147 million metric tons of air pollution annually (Interesting Engineering, 2019). Air quality in developing nations continues to plummet as well. This means that we are engaging in activities that are hurting the environment. Global warming is one of the greatest causes of environmental degradation contributed by human activities. Some people do not believe that global warming is real. However, that is not true, and its major contributors include carbon dioxide emissions from respiration, deforestation, and burning fossil fuels. Each year, we continue to contribute to levels of carbon dioxide globally. Current levels exceed 400 PPM, and the rise in carbon dioxide emissions are attributed to an increase in global temperatures (Interesting Engineering, 2019). The result is the melting of arctic glaciers and land ice, which will increase sea levels, and have negative effects on oceanic life. Climate change is another impact on the environment that is being caused by us. It is linked .

W e wanted a curriculum
that went beyond study
skills to address the
foundational needs of first-
year college students. On
Course causes students to
examine and reflect on the
causes of their successes
and setbacks. It challenges
students to go beyond the
obvious and really delves
into their motivations and
mindsets. Oh, yeah, and it
does a great job addressing
study skills too.
Ann Heiny, Armstrong
State University
xvi Preface
There's nothing better than
On Course, as far as I'm
Lisa Marks, Ozarks
Technical Community
On Course has made
a huge difference in the
students I work with. Most
of them see themselves
throughout the book, and
they are willing to make
changes to improve their
lives because of the content
of On Course.
Tanya Stanley,
San Jacinto College
The study skills sections
are clear, logically organized
and more adaptable as a
"how-to" guide than any
other texts of similar intent.
Judith Willner, Coppin
State University
between High School and College Culture:' This information
helps stu-
dents quickly understand which behaviors they can continue
doing and
which they will need to modify, change, or abandon.
• Tech Tips. Many websites and apps are available to help
students achieve
greater success. Most chapters now feature a Tech Tips section
that pro-
vides suggestions for free websites and apps that can help
students employ
the soft skills of personal responsibility, self-motivation, self-
interdependence, self-awareness, lifelong learning, emotional
and believing in oneself, as well as hard skills related to
effective studying.
• Discussion about Avoiding Procrastination. Procrastination is
bane of many students' success. This discussion helps students
why procrastination is so tempting and offers specific methods
for not
putting off until tomorrow what they would benefit from doing
Included in the discussion is research from Dr. Dan Ariely,
Professor of
Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University.
• A Sign of Maturity. This discussion offers an explanation
about the
various kinds of relationships in whicl1 people engage:
co-dependent, independent, and interdependent. Advantages and
vantages of each are explained, and students are urged to use
college to
develop independence but also to recognize that there are many
when choosing interdependence is a true sign of maturity (not to
improving one's chances of achieving a goal or dream).

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Scanned with CamScanner Research Summary (paper) For this assignment you summarize one of the experimental research studies from your research collection. (I did not make one, feel free to choose any research that has to do with psychology.) Check out Audris Oh's research summary I put in the files -- it's a great model. Write your summary in 5 pages or so, basically summarizing each of the major sections - literature review, methods section, results section and discussion. Let the abstract at the beginning of the paper guide you (It's just one paragraph but is a great guide). Why was the study done and how does it fit in with other work in the field (the intro or lit review)? What was the actual experiment (the methods section)? What were the results (the results section)? Why is it important (the discussion section)? Conclude your paper with a personal reaction -- does this fit with what you’ve seen? How might you use any insight the study provides? Include the pdf of the article (or link to it) and the reference to the article in APA style. Here's an example of a reference: Stein, S., Isaacs, G., & Andrews, T. (2004). Incorporating authentic learning experiences within a university course. Studies in Higher Education, 29(2), 239-258. Example of how the essay should look like: Mendel, 150 years on T.H. Noel Ellis1, Julie M.I. Hofer1, Gail M. Timmerman-Vaughan2, Clarice J. Coyne3 and Roger P. Hellens4 1 Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Gogerddan Campus, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3EB, UK 2 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand 3 USDA-ARS Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA 4 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand Review Mendel’s paper ‘Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden’ is the best known in a series of studies published in the late 18th and 19th centuries that built our understanding of the mechanism of inheritance. Mendel investigated the seg- regation of seven gene characters of pea (Pisum sativum), of which four have been identified. Here, we review what is known about the molecular nature of these genes, which encode enzymes (R and Le), a biochemical regula- tor (I) and a transcription factor (A). The mutations are: a transposon insertion (r), an amino acid insertion (i), a splice variant (a) and a missense mutation (le-1). The nature of the three remaining uncharacterized characters (green versus yellow pods, inflated versus constricted pods, and axial versus terminal flowers) is discussed. Mendel’s studies: species, traits and genes Mendel’s paper ‘Versuche ü ber Pflanzen-Hybriden’ [1] is the best known in a series of studies published in the late 18th and 19th centuries [2–4] that built our understanding of the mechanism of inheritance [5]. The title of M.

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Scanned with CamScanner HACCP Recipe Terms Check temperature of food at least every four hours and record Check temperature of storage area at beginning of shift. Cook eggs, poultry, fish, and meat in a microwave oven to a minimum temperature of 165 degrees F. Cook fish to a minimum of 145 degrees F for 15 seconds. Cook ground meats to a minimum of 155 degrees F for 15 seconds. Cook poultry to a minimum of 165 degrees F for 15 seconds. Cook vegetables to a temperature of 135 degrees F or higher. Cooked food should be cooled from 135 degrees F to 70 degrees F within 2 hours and from 70 degrees F to 41 degrees F or lower in an additional 4 hours. Cool foods to at least 70 degrees F before refrigerating or freezing. Crack egg in separate bowl before combining to larger bowl. Discard food held in the temperature danger zone for longer than four hours. Hold cold foods at an internal temperature of 41 degrees F or lower. Hold frozen foods at a temperature of 0 degrees F or lower. Thaw food in a microwave oven if it will be cooked immediately after. Hold hot foods at a minimum internal temperature of 135 degrees F or higher. Hold hot foods at a minimum internal temperature of 135 degrees F or higher. Inspect can before opening for swollen ends, rust, or dents. Label food for storage with ingredient list and date of preparation. Prepare raw foods separately from ready to eat foods. Reduce the size or quantity of food to be cooled. Reheat food to 165 degrees F for 15 seconds. Remove from the refrigerator only as much product as can be prepared at one time. Remove jewelry Rotate products to ensure that the oldest inventory is used first. Sanitize work surface, equipment, and utensils. Store chemicals away from food products. Store cut melons at 41 degrees F or lower. Store fresh-cut produce between 33 to 41 degrees F to maintain quality. Store raw meat, poultry, and fish in the bottom of the refrigerator. Thaw food by submerging under running potable water at a temperature of 70 degrees F or lower. Thaw food in a microwave oven if it will be cooked immediately after. Thaw food in the refrigerator at 41 degrees F or lower. Use a clean, sanitized, and calibrated thermometer to measure the internal temperature of foods. Wash all fresh fruit prior to serving Wash your hands Wear gloves Wear hairnet Standardized Recipe Form Recipe Name_____________________________________ Category_______________________________ Recipe #__________________________ (i.e., entrée, breads) HACCP Process: _____ 1 – No Cook _____ 2 – Cook & Same Day Serve _____ 3 – Cook, Cool, Reheat, Serve Ingredients For ___________Servings Directions: Include step by step instructions, the critical control points (CCP-specific points at which a hazard can be reduced, eliminated or prevented) and critical limit (time and/or temperature that must be achieved to control a hazard). Weight Measure Serving Size___________________ Pan Size_______________.

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Scan by Easy Scanner © 2 01 1 N a tu re A m e ri c a , I n c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e rv e d . © 2 01 1 N a tu re A m e ri c a , I n c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e rv e d . Nature GeNetics  VOLUME 43 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2011 1 0 3 5 l e t t e r s Brassica nigra (B genome) and B. oleracea (C genome) having formed the amphidiploid species B. juncea (A and B genomes), B. napus (A and C genomes) and B. carinata (B and C genomes) by hybridiza- tion. Comparative physical mapping studies have confirmed genome triplication in a common ancestor of B. oleracea11 and B. rapa12 since its divergence from the A. thaliana lineage at least 13–17 MYA6,7,13. Using 72× coverage of paired short read sequences generated by Illumina GA II technology and stringent assembly parameters, we assembled the genome of the B. rapa ssp. pekinensis line Chiifu-401-42 and analyzed the assembly (Online Methods and Supplementary Note). The final assembly statistics are summarized in Table 1. The assembled sequence of 283.8 Mb was estimated to cover >98% of the gene space (Supplementary Table 1) and is greater than the previous estimated size of the euchromatic space, 220 Mb14. The assembly showed excellent agreement with the previously reported chromosome A03 (ref. 15) and with 647 bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs)14 (Online Methods) sequenced by Sanger technology. Integration with 199,452 BAC-end sequences produced 159 super scaffolds representing 90% of the assem- bled sequences, with an N50 scaffold (N50 scaffold is a weighted median statistic indicating that 50% of the entire assembly is contained in scaf- folds equal to or larger than this value) size of 1.97 Mb. Genetic mapping of 1,427 markers in B. rapa allowed us to produce ten pseudo chromo- somes that included 90% of the assembly (Supplementary Table 2). We found the difference in the physical sizes of the A. thaliana and B. rapa genomes to be largely because of transposable elements (Supplementary Table 3). Although widely dispersed throughout the genome, as shown in Figure 1, the transposon-related sequences were most abundant in the vicinity of the centromeres. We estimated that transposon-related sequences occupy 39.5% of the genome, with the proportions of retrotransposons (with long terminal repeats), DNA transposons and long interspersed elements being 27.1%, 3.2% and 2.8%, respectively (Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). We modeled and analyzed protein coding genes (described in the Online Methods and the Supplementary Note). We identified 41,174 protein coding genes, distributed as shown in Figure 1. The gene models have an average transcript length of 2,015 bp, a coding length of 1,172 bp and a mean of 5.03 exons per gene, both similar to that observed in A. thaliana16. A total of 95.8% of gene models have a match in at least one of the public protein databases and 99.3% are represented among the public EST collections o.

• Increasing Happiness. This new article and accompanying
entry explore the emotional intelligence skill of maximizing
Drawn from the scientific research of positive psychologists,
learn a number of choices they can make to increase their
happiness. This
topic has recently gained much interest on college campuses.
For example,
when a course in Positive Psychology was first offered at
University, it immediately became the university's most popular
• Toolbox for Active Learners. Many On Course instructors
asked that
study skills be presented in one section (rather than distributed
out the book). This edition honors that request. Unlike texts that
present a
long menu of study options, On Course organizes study skills
based on the
logical learning steps as identified by research on the brain and
methods for learning. This section begins with a presentation of
the CORE
Learning Process, the four principles that-consciously or
all good learners employ to create deep and lasting learning.
discover how to use these four principles to learn any subject or
Each section of the Toolbox presents effective techniques for
one of the
study skills covered (reading, taking notes, organizing study
rehearsing and memorizing study materials, taking tests, and
college-level assignments) and ends with an exercise to
reinforce the study
strategies presented therein.
• Study Skills Self-Assessment. In addition to placing all of the
skills in one section, this edition also offers a new Study Skills
Assessment. Students can take this self-assessment before
learning about
study skills and discover areas in which they are weak. At the
end of the
course, they can retake the assessment to see where they have
grown as
learners and where they may still need to improve. Students
have the
option of completing the assessment in either the text or
• "One Student's Stories.n A popular feature in earlier
editions, these short essays -now numbering 29 in all- are
by students who used what they learned from On Course to
improve the
quality of their outcomes and experiences in college and in life.
of many of the student-authors reading their essays may be
viewed in
Mind Tap.
• Convers ation with the Author. Since the first edition of On
was published more than two decades ago, many students have
the author with thoughtful questions. This section includes some
of those
questions and Skip Downing's answers.
What's New in This Edition
of On Course: Chapter by Chapter
Chapter 1
• New "College Smart-Start Guide" provides students with 13
actions that
are important to getting off to a good start in college;
are the result of a poll of 2,000 college educators.
• At the request of a number of On Course instructors, "Money
Matters" has
been moved to Chapter l, thus helping students early in the
semester to
reduce struggles caused by financial difficulties.
• New Journal Entry #2.
• New cartoon in "Understanding the Culture of Higher

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Scanlon Technologies, Inc. Anne Scanlon founded Scanlon Technol.docxScanlon Technologies, Inc. Anne Scanlon founded Scanlon Technol.docx
Scanlon Technologies, Inc. Anne Scanlon founded Scanlon Technol.docx

Scanlon Technologies, Inc. * Anne Scanlon founded Scanlon Technologies, Inc., in 1993. The company designed and manufactured high-tech products that were used in various industries ranging from semiconductor to aviation. Over the years, Scanlon Technologies reported a compound annual growth rate in revenues of over 20% due to high demand for the company’s products and Anne’s superior management skills. By the end of 1996, it was clear that any further growth would have to come from international expansion. However, establishing manufacturing operations and opening up sales and marketing offices abroad required a significant amount of capital. Anne considered investing more of her own money into the business; however, given that she already had most of her wealth tied up in the company, she decided against the idea. Moreover, she believed that the amount of funds Scanlon Technologies needed to raise for expansion was in the tens of millions. In her mind, there was only one clear solution—go public. In September 1996, Anne hired J.P. Suisse, a top tier investment bank, to take Scanlon Technologies public. On January 1, 1997, the company, which was authorized by the State of Delaware to sell 20 million common stock and 10 million preferred stock, issued one million shares of common stock in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol STI. The stock, which had a par value of $1, was sold for $20 per share and climbed to $26 a share by the end of its first trading day. As expected, the funds raised in the IPO were used to open offices all over the world as well as build a second manufacturing plant in Toronto, Canada. Over the next couple of years, business was good and the company was able to generate enough cash to maintain its level of operations. In October 1999, Anne learned that Kadehjian Solution s Coporation, a competitor, was considering the option of being acquired. Anne believed that such an acquisition would position Scanlon Technologies as the industry leader. One of Kadehjian’s requirements for such an acquisition was that it be an all-cash transaction. Anne knew that this would require Scanlon Technologies to raise approximately $7 million. Ann contracted J.P. Suisse to discuss raising these funds through the capital markets. The managing directors at J.P. Suisse recommended that Scanlon Technologies employ a combination of debt and equity securities. Anne agreed and on January 1, 2000, the company issued an additional one hundred thousand shares of its $1 par value common stock at $40 per share. On the same day, the company issued $2 million in bonds at 95.8, due in 5 years with 5% interest payable annually (at year end). The market interest rate at the time was 6% per year. Also on January 1, 2000, Scanlon Technologies issued $1.3 million in zero-coupon (i.e. no interest) convertible bonds, also due in 5 years. Each $1,000 bond converted into 20 shares of its commo.

scan the following 2 poems by Robert Herrick. analyze each poems rhy.docx
scan the following 2 poems by Robert Herrick. analyze each poems rhy.docxscan the following 2 poems by Robert Herrick. analyze each poems rhy.docx
scan the following 2 poems by Robert Herrick. analyze each poems rhy.docx

scan the following 2 poems by Robert Herrick. analyze each poems rhyme and verse and its meter and number of feet. then in a short paragraph, tell me what you think. Upon Julia's Breasts Display thy breasts, my Julia, there let me Behold that circummortal purity; Between whose glories, there my lips I'll lay, Ravished in that fair Via Lactea. Upon a Child That Died Here she lies, a pretty bud, Lately made of flesh and blood, Who as soon fell fast asleep As her little eyes did peep. Give her strewings, but not stir The earth that lightly covers her. .

• New "Tech Tips: Money:'
• New article, "Understanding the Expectations of College and
Educators:' including a discussion of Eight Key Expectations
and A Dozen
Differences between High School and College Culture.
• New article, "Understanding Yourself,' including a section on
of Success.
• Revised #7 of the Self-Assessment: "Whether I'm happy or not
mostly on me:'
• Moved article "Develop Self-Acceptance" and Journal 4 to
Chapter 8.
Preface xvii
I think these a re very
powerful stories .. .. It's
good for students to hear
that other students have
faced the same struggles
that they are going through
and they have achieved
Kathryn Burk,
Jackson College
On Course is life-changing
for my students. I have seen
students evolve in ways they
never imagined in a matter
of a semester thanks to On
Course. I cannot imagine
using another book. No
other book encompasses
the reflective, introspective,
and success attributes that
On Course does. On Course
walks students through their
journey of self-discovery
and allows them to grow
into the student they have
always wanted to become.
Joselyn Gonzalez,
El Centro College
xviii Preface
Arr.tone who can
teach students personal
responsibility is high on my list
Debbie Unsold,
Washington State
Community College
O n several occasions, I
have had various members
of the same family in
different semesters of my
[On Course) class because
they value the learning so
much that they recommend
it to sisters/brothers/
Sandra Lancaster, Grand
Rapids Community College
I 1ove On Course, and I use
it in my personal life as well
as preaching it in all of my
classes ... I have even used
it with the classes that I
teach in a women's shelter.
The concept of moving from
Victim to Creator puts the
individual in charge of their
life and I love that mindset
Pat Grissom,
San Jacinto College
Chapter 2
• New One Student's Story by Taryn Rossmiller, Boise State
University, ID.
• New cartoon in "Making Wise Decisions" section.

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SBUX ISIncome Statement - As Reported 10K in millionsIncome Statem.docxSBUX ISIncome Statement - As Reported 10K in millionsIncome Statem.docx
SBUX ISIncome Statement - As Reported 10K in millionsIncome Statem.docx

SBUX ISIncome Statement - As Reported 10K in millionsIncome Statement - As Reported 10Q in millions9/30/139/30/149/30/159/30/169/30/179/30/18TTM12/30/173/30/186/30/189/30/1812/29/18TTM Company-operated stores$11,793.2$12,977.9$15,197.3$16,844.1$17,650.719,690.320,318.8 Company-operated stores4,741.84,828.05,060.45,060.1$5,370.3020,318.8 Total specialty$3,073.6$3,469.9$3,965.4$4,471.8$4,736.15,029.24,959.6 Total specialty1,331.91,203.81,249.91,243.5$1,262.404,959.6 Licensed stores$1,360.5$1,588.6$1,861.9$2,154.2$2,355.02,652.22,706.9 Licensed stores682.4625.6660.6683.6$737.102,706.9 CPG, foodservice and other$1,713.1$1,881.3$2,103.5$2,317.6$2,381.12,377.02,252.7 CPG, foodservice and other649.5578.2589.3559.9$525.302,252.7Total net revenues$14,866.8$16,447.8$19,162.7$21,315.9$22,386.8$24,719.525,278.4Total net revenues6,073.76,031.86,310.36,303.6$6,632.7025,278.4 Cost of sales including occupancy costs-$6,382.3-$6,858.8-$7,787.5-$8,511.1-$9,038.2-10,174.5-10,434.2 Cost of sales including occupancy costs-2,502.9-2,516.0-2,554.9-2,604.6($2,758.70)-10,434.2 Store operating expenses-$4,286.1-$4,638.2-$5,411.1-$6,064.3-$6,493.3-7,193.2-7,449.2 Store operating expenses-1,737.0-1,789.6-1,825.0-1,841.6($1,993.00)-7,449.2 Other operating expenses-$431.8-$457.3-$522.4-$545.4-$553.8-539.3-532.2 Other operating expenses-141.6-134.3-148.0-156.7($93.20)-532.2 Depreciation and amortization expenses-$621.4-$709.6-$893.9-$980.8-$1,011.4-1,247.0-1,321.6 Depreciation and amortization expenses-258.8-331.6-330.0-326.6($333.40)-1,321.6 General and administrative expenses-$937.9-$991.3-$1,196.7-$1,360.6-$1,393.3-1,759.0-1,797.8 General and administrative expenses-379.1-405.8-468.7-460.0($463.30)-1,797.8 Restructuring and impairments$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0-$153.5-224.4-240.0 Restructuring and impairments-27.6-134.7-16.9-45.2($43.20)-240.0 Litigation credit / charge-$2,784.1$20.2$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0Income from equity investees89.452.771.487.7$67.80279.6Income from equity investees$251.4$268.3$249.9$318.2$391.4301.2279.6Operating income / loss1,116.1772.51,038.2956.6$1,015.703,783.0Operating income / loss-$325.4$3,081.1$3,601.0$4,171.9$4,134.7$3,883.33,783.0Gain resulting from acquisition of joint venture1,326.3Net interest and other income62.3483-$24.8074.9 Gain resulting from acquisition of joint venture$0.0$0.0$390.6$0.0$0.01,376.4$0.0 Interest income and other, net88.2313239$24.80126.0Loss on divestiture of certain operations$0.0$0.0-$61.1$0.0$0.0499.2 Interest expense-25.9-503($75.00)-77.0 Interest income and other, net$123.6$142.7$43.0$108.0$275.3191.4$126.0Earnings / loss before income taxes3,005.9363236$965.501,068.7 Interest expense-$28.1-$64.1-$70.5-$81.3-$92.5-170.3-$77.0Income tax expense / benefit-755.8-35-45-64($205.10)-349.4Earnings / loss before income taxes-$229.9$3,159.7$3,903.0$4,198.6$4,317.5$5,780.0$1,068.7Net earnings / loss including noncontrolling interests2,250.18161,027932$760.403,534.721.83%Net earnings / loss attributab.

Scan the articles in the attached course text.  Write a discussi.docx
Scan the articles in the attached course text.  Write a discussi.docxScan the articles in the attached course text.  Write a discussi.docx
Scan the articles in the attached course text.  Write a discussi.docx

Scan the articles in the attached course text.  Write a discussion initial post on one of the articles.  Choose the one that interests you most.  1.Provide a very brief overview of what you think are the key points (a literature review).  2.What about the policy area interests you?  3.What about the information systems involved in the article interested you?  4.How might this article’s research approach help you in your dissertation research project? (NOTE: Please cut and paste the above-numbered list into your reply to help with organization.) .

Scale Ratio Variable Histograms are useful for presenting qu.docx
Scale Ratio Variable Histograms are useful for presenting qu.docxScale Ratio Variable Histograms are useful for presenting qu.docx
Scale Ratio Variable Histograms are useful for presenting qu.docx

Scale Ratio Variable  Histograms are useful for presenting quantitative data such as the example variable ADULT_CT which describes the number of individuals per household. The variable measurement is scale ratio and as it depicts a number, a histogram is able to reflect the number of individuals belonging to each variable value or interval of values (Mishra, Pandey, Singh & Gupta, 2018).). Histograms divide the variable into equal intervals as shown below in individuals reported per home. The graph indicates nearly 3,000 reporting and displays the individual numbers per interval. The bar levels of the graph make it is easy to discern the average number reporting as 2 per household. Nominal Variable  As nominal variables depict qualitative data such as in the variable Q87 which describes the level of trust individuals felt towards others, a pie graph would be beneficial to use as it easily displays each group or individual share in the total being examined (Mishra, Pandey, Singh & Gupta, 2018). For example, the pie graph here which shows what percentage of trust was and wasn’t felt toward others. Graphs like these are appropriate for showing a variable that cannot be ordered or numerical in value such as feelings of trust (Frankfort-Nachmias, Leon-Guerrero & Davis, 2020). References Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Mishra, P., Pandey, C. M., Singh, U., & Gupta, A. (2018). Scales of measurement and presentation of statistical data. Annals of cardiac anesthesia , 21 (4), 419. Wagner, III, W.E. (2020).  Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics  (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.   Be sure to support your Main Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style. .

• New "Tech Tips: Personal Responsibility:'
Chapter 3
• New One Student's Story by Brandon Beavers, Highland
CoUege, KS.
• New"Tech Tips: Self-Motivation:'
• New One Student's Story by Tina Steen, Chaffey College, CA.
Chapter 4
• Added Weekly Calendar to "Creating a Leak-Proof Self-
• Repositioned "Time and Culture" section, discussing how
cultures differ
in their beliefs and attitudes about time and what college
culture's expec-
tations are about time.
• New information on avoiding procrastination in the
Self-Discipline" article.
• New"Tech Tips: Self-Management:'
Chapter 5
• Added information to "Creating a Support System" on the
of choosing wisely among various kinds of relationships:
co-dependent, independent, and interdependent.
• Added parable, "The Difference between Heaven and HeU;' in
the "Creat-
ing a Support System" article.
• New One Student's Story by Mitch MulJ, Asheville-Buncombe
and Community College, NC.
• New One Student's Story by Teroa Paselio, Windward
College, HI.
• New "Tech Tips: Interdependence:'
Chapter 6
• New"Tech Tips: Self-Awareness:'
Chapter 7
• New "Tech Tips: Lifelong Learning."
Chapter 8
• New article, "Increasing Happiness," presents research from
studies within the new field of positive psychology, including
both the
limits on increasing happiness as well as ways to become more
• New Journal Entry 30 regarding "Increasing Happiness."
• New "Tech Tips: Emotional Awareness~
• Moved article, "Develop Self-Acceptance; and Journal Entry 4
Journal Entry 31) here from Chapter 1.
Chapter 9
• Revised #7 of the Self-Assessment: "Whether I'm happy or not
ti .. 1nos yon me.
Study Skills: A Toolbox for Active Learners
• Repositioned study skills materials into one comprehensive
section, offer-
ing many strategies for Becoming an Active Learner, Reading,
Notes, Organizing Study Materials, Rehearsing and Memorizing
Materials, Taking Tests, and Writing.
• New Self-Assessment of Study Skills, which students can take
both before
and after they explore the many strategies presented in the
Toolbox for

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Scan 12Scan 13Scan 14Scan 15Scan 16Scan 17Scan 18Scan 19 HIST 308 Sofia Clark Spring 2020 Research Paper Sample Outline: 1) Introduction 2) Story of capture 3) Background on British antislavery 4) Background on Royal Navy 5) Background on this specific Royal Navy vessel 6) Story of what treaty was used to condemn the slave ship 7) Background on treaty 8) Background on British relations with treaty country 9) Background on slave trade in this particular region 10) Story of what happens to the captives removed from this particular slave ship 11) Background on the general treatment of liberated Africans 12) Explanation of how the story of your ship exemplifies the broader history of slavery and anti-slavery Bibliography 1) The slave trade in general (i.e., either the Transatlantic slave trade or Indian Ocean slave trade depending on your ship) Article (JSTOR): Alkalimat, Abdul. "Slave Trade." In The African American Experience in Cyberspace: A Resource Guide to the Best Web Sites on Black Culture and History, 34-42. LONDON; STERLING, VIRGINIA: Pluto Press, 2004. Accessed May 30, 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctt183q64x.8. Article (JSTOR): JUNKER, CARSTEN. "Containing Bodies—Enscandalizing Enslavement: Stasis and Movement at the Juncture of Slave-Ship Images and Texts." In Migrating the Black Body: The African Diaspora and Visual Culture, edited by RAIFORD LEIGH and RAPHAEL-HERNANDEZ HEIKE, 13-29. Seattle; London: University of Washington Press, 2017. Accessed May 30, 2020. 2) The slave trade in the specific area of Africa in which your ship embarked enslaved African captives (e.g., Bight of Benin, Senegambia, Angola). Book (JSTOR): Strickrodt, Silke. "The Atlantic Connection: Little Popo & the Rise of Afro-European Trade on the Western Slave Coast, C. 1600 to 1702." In Afro-European Trade in the Atlantic World: The Western Slave Coast, C. 1550- C. 1885, 65-101. Woodbridge, Suffolk; Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2015. Accessed May 30, 2020. doi:10.7722/j.ctt7zst5n.9. Article (JSTOR): Graham, James D. "The Slave Trade, Depopulation and Human Sacrifice in Benin History: The General Approach." Cahiers D'Études Africaines 5, no. 18 (1965): 317-34. Accessed May 30, 2020. 3) Slavery in the region to which your ship was heading (e.g., Cuba, Bahia, Pernambuco). Book (One Search): Schneider, Elena Andrea. The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World. North Carolina Scholarship Online. Williamsburg, Virginia : Chapel Hill: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture ; University of North Carolina Press, 2018. Article (Project Muse): Garrigus, John. "Cuba, Haiti, and the Age of Atlantic Revolution." Reviews in American History 44, no. 1 (2016): 52-57. doi:10.1353/rah.2016.0012. 4) British antislavery policy toward the country your ship was from (e.g., Portugal, Spain, USA) Book- page 14(Academic Search Premiere- also works for #.

Ardra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and Remedies
Ardra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and RemediesArdra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and Remedies
Ardra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and Remedies

Ardra Nakshatra, the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spans from 6°40' to 20° in the Gemini zodiac sign. Governed by Rahu, the north lunar node, Ardra translates to "the moist one" or "the star of sorrow." Symbolized by a teardrop, it represents the transformational power of storms, bringing both destruction and renewal. About Astro Pathshala Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute offering comprehensive astrology courses and personalized astrological consultations for over 20 years. Founded by Gurudev Sunil Vashist ji, Astro Pathshala has been a beacon of knowledge and guidance in the field of Vedic astrology. With a team of experienced astrologers, the institute provides in-depth courses that cover various aspects of astrology, including Nakshatras, planetary influences, and remedies. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn astrology or someone looking for expert astrological advice, Astro Pathshala is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential through the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. For more information about their courses and consultations, visit Astro Pathshala.

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Principles of Roods Approach!!!!!!!.pptx
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Active Learners. When the self-assessment is taken as a pre-
test, students
learn their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning.
the self-assessment is taken as a post-test, students learn which
areas they
have strengthened and which areas still need improvement.
• New One Student's Story by Michael Chapasko, Blinn College,
• New One Student's Story by Ashley E. Bennet, Heartland
College, IL.
Proven Features of On Course
The Eighth Edition includes all of the best features of On
Course, updated and
revised fro1n the previous edition.
• Self-Assessment. On Course begins and ends with a self-
questionnaire of important non-cognitive skills ("soft skills").
Scores are
provided for self-responsibility, self-motivation, self-
management, inter-
dependence, self-awareness, lifelong learning, emotional
intelligence, and
belief in oneself. Imagine working with students '"'ho develop
in all of these inner qualities! Imagine how these qualities will
affect the
choices the students make and the outcomes and experiences
they cre-
ate. By completing the initial questionnaire, students
immediately see
areas of weakness that need attention. By completing the
Preface xix
[On Course) is directed
at students who live
complicated lives; the One
Student's Story feature
is always relevant to
somebody in the class. The
case studies are a great
way to start conversations
that focus on the most
urgent needs of students
who are often the first in
their family to navigate
Michelle Cochran,
Rochester Community and
Technical College
The [On Course) curriculum
is written in a way so as to
assess study skills and soft
skills without intimidation
and provides infonnation
and exercises to develop
them. Most importantly, [it)
places emphasis on mastery
through reflection and
practice and offers a post
self-assessment in order for
the student and faculty to
measure accomplishment
and celebrate success!
Jill Beauchamp,
Washtenaw Community
xx Preface
The On Course book and
class have changed my
students' lives; it gives them
strategies to make wise
choices and decisions that
affect their college success,
as well as life success.
Students who had little hope
begin to have hope for their
lives and their futures.
Dorothy Collins, Eastern
Gateway Community

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we may assume that God created the cosmos to be his great temple, in which he rested after his creative work. Nevertheless, his special revelatory presence did not fill the entire earth yet, since it was his intention that his human vice-regent, whom he installed in the garden sanctuary, would extend worldwide the boundaries of that sanctuary and of God’s presence. Adam, of course, disobeyed this mandate, so that humanity no longer enjoyed God’s presence in the little localized garden. Consequently, the entire earth became infected with sin and idolatry in a way it had not been previously before the fall, while yet in its still imperfect newly created state. Therefore, the various expressions about God being unable to inhabit earthly structures are best understood, at least in part, by realizing that the old order and sanctuary have been tainted with sin and must be cleansed and recreated before God’s Shekinah presence, formerly limited to heaven and the holy of holies, can dwell universally throughout creation

shekinah sanctuary sabbath
J ournaling is the heart
and soul of On Course. It
helps me check the pulse
of my students on a regular
basis. I have countless
testimonies from students
who describe the journaling
process as "life-changing."
The most reluctant students
who ultimately "give in" to
journaling often become
the most avid supporters
of On Course.
Gail Janecka,
Victoria College
I absolutely love these
[Case Studies for Critical
Thinking] and spend a lot of
time with each of them. My
favorite is •A Fish Story,"
and [I] start my semester
with this one. I get students
thinking about professors'
expectations, their own
expectations, motivation,
taking the initiative. being
prepared for class, and
being organized.
Cindy Thorp, SUNY Alfred,
College ofTechnology
questionnaire, students see their semester's growth. Students
have the
option of completing the self-assessment either in the text or
in MindTap•.
• Articles on Proven Success Strategies. Thirty-two short
explain powerful strategies for creating success in college and
in life. Each
article presents a success strategy from influential figures in
ogy, philosophy, business, sports, politics, and personal and
growth. In these articles, students learn the "secrets" of
successful individuals.
• Guided Journal Entries. A guided journal entr y immediately
each article about a success strategy, giving students an
to apply the strategy they have just learned to enhance their
in college and in life. Many instructors of the course say the
journal writings are extremely powerful in helping students
make new
and more effective choices, thus improving their academic
and persistence.
• CORE Leaming System. All good learners e1nploy four
principles that
lead to deep and lasting learning. Students learn how to use
these four
principles to create their own system for learning any subject or
• Case Studies in Critical Thinking. Case studies help students
the strategies they are learning to real-life situations. As such,
they help
prepare students to make wise choices in the kinds of
challenging situa-
tions they will likely face in college. Because case studies don't
have "right"
answers, they promote critical and creative thinking.
• Focus on Diversity. The challenges and opportunities of
with new cultures is introduced in the first chapter
("Understanding the
Culture of Higher Education"), is explored within many articles
Responsibility and Culture), and is more extensively examined
in the
article "Respecting Cultural Differences."
• On Course Principles at Work. These sections in each chapter
how important the On Course success strategies (soft skills) are
for choos-
ing the right career, getting hired, and succeeding in the work

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With Odoo, we can select from a wide selection of attractive themes. Many excellent ones are free to use, while some require payment. Putting an Odoo theme in the Odoo module directory on our server, downloading the theme, and then installing it is a simple process.

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Support Materials for Students
and Instructors
For additional information or for help with accessing support
related to On Course, contact your Cengage Learning
Consultant. lf you need
help finding your learning consultant, visit,
select "College
Faculty" from the "Information For ... " menu, and then dick
Consultant" at the top right of the page.
• MindTap® College Success for On Course. MindTap® College
Success for On Course, Eighth Edition, is the digital learning
that helps instructors engage and transform today's students into
cal thinkers. Through dynamic assignments and applications
that you
can personalize, real-time course analytics and an accessible
MindTap• helps you turn cookie-cutter into cutting-edge, apathy
engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers.
Features include
digital versions of the self-assessments and journal entries,
videos, and
chapter quizzes and homework. MindTap® College Success for
Course, Eighth Edition, includes access to the College Success
Index (CSFI) 2.0, an online resource that assesses students'
patterns of
behavior and attitudes in ten areas that have been proven to
affect student
outcomes for success in college. It allows you to identify at-risk
with early-alert reporting, validate your college success
progran1 with a
post-course assessment of students' progress, and ilnprove your
tion's retention rates. Textbook-specific remediation helps your
strengthen the areas where the survey indicates they need
in order to achieve greater success in college. Ask your
Cengage Learning
Consultant for more details.
• College Success Planner. Instructors can package the On
Course text-
book with this 12-month, week-at-a-glance academic planner.
College Success Planner assists students in making the best use
of their
tilne both on and off campus and includes additional reading
about key
learning strategies and life skills for success in college.
• Annotated Instructor's Edition. To help guide mstructors to the
mstructional resources found within the Facilitator's Manual,
the Anno-
tated Instructor's Edition (ISBN: 9781305647664) provides m
the margins
specific cross-references directly to ideas and activities
available in the
Facilitator's Manual. The cross-references are provided by Amy
Director of Instructional Design, United States Air Force
Acade1ny, CO.
• Revised Facilitator's Manual. The Facilitator's Manual, now
both in a printed version (ISBN: 9781305647671) and online at
Instructor Companion Site (see below for more information),
offers educa-
tors specific classroom activities and suggestions from author
Skip Down-
ing for using On Course in various kinds of courses, and it
endeavors to
answer questions that educators might have about usmg the
Additionally, the Facilitator's Manual includes "best practices"
provided by
On Course instructors; additional study skills activities written
by Melanie
Marine of the University of Wisconsm-Oshkosh; diversity
activities pro-
vided by LuAnn Wood and Christina Davis, both of Century
Preface xxi

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How to Create Sequence Numbers in Odoo 17

Sequence numbers are mainly used to identify or differentiate each record in a module. Sequences are customizable and can be configured in a specific pattern such as suffix, prefix or a particular numbering scheme. This slide will show how to create sequence numbers in odoo 17.

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National Learning Camp( Reading Intervention for grade1)
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Reading Presentation

T he information about
diversity and culture that
is integrated throughout
the text is a much more
authentic way to discuss
diversity and ethnicity
rather than with a one-
chapter focus.
Linda McMeen,
North Hennepin
Community College
T he At Work sections give
students a specific venue
to see how the soft skills
they acquire will transfer to
career success. Semester
after semester students
will share how their work
situation improved as a
result of what they learned
and tried from the At Work
sections. These sections
are a natural fit in the On
Course chapters, and they
are packed with pertinent
Gail Janecka,
Victoria College
xx i i Preface
I use On Course .. . because
the concepts are all so
valuable in the grand scheme
of life. In addition, they are
presented in a very user-
friendly way and the students
are encouraged to apply
them in college and in life, so
results are observable by the
end of the semester!
Jill Beauchamp,
Washtenaw Community
It is no exaggeration
to say this On Course
Workshop experience
was transformative-
both professionally and
personally. This workshop
will long remain a high
point of my life. I am feeling
energized and eager to
start teaching my class next
week. I can't wait to use all
of my new teaching tools. I
will absolutely recommend
this workshop to other
Lee Ann Adams, First-
Year Seminar Coordinator,
Indiana University East
suggestions for teaching in an online environment written by
Sampat-Mar of Pima Medical Institute and for using MindTap®
in an On
Course program written by Angela C. Thering of Buffalo State
College; and
a guide for how to successfully integrate the College Success
Factors Index
(CSFI) with On Course written by Gary Williams of Crafton
Hills College.
One of the most popular elements of the On Course Facilitator's
is the numerous in-class exercises that encourage students'
active explora-
tion of the success strategies presented in the text. These
exercises include role-playing, learning games, dialogues,
metaphors, mind-mappings, brainstorms, questionnaires,
drawings, skits,
scavenger hunts, and many other activities.
• Updated Instructor Companion Site. This free protected
provides educators with many resources to offer a course that

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AI Risk Management: ISO/IEC 42001, the EU AI Act, and ISO/IEC 23894
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AI Risk Management: ISO/IEC 42001, the EU AI Act, and ISO/IEC 23894

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, understanding the complexities and regulations regarding AI risk management is more crucial than ever. Amongst others, the webinar covers: • ISO/IEC 42001 standard, which provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving AI management systems within organizations • insights into the European Union's landmark legislative proposal aimed at regulating AI • framework and methodologies prescribed by ISO/IEC 23894 for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with AI systems Presenters: Miriama Podskubova - Attorney at Law Miriama is a seasoned lawyer with over a decade of experience. She specializes in commercial law, focusing on transactions, venture capital investments, IT, digital law, and cybersecurity, areas she was drawn to through her legal practice. Alongside preparing contract and project documentation, she ensures the correct interpretation and application of European legal regulations in these fields. Beyond client projects, she frequently speaks at conferences on cybersecurity, online privacy protection, and the increasingly pertinent topic of AI regulation. As a registered advocate of Slovak bar, certified data privacy professional in the European Union (CIPP/e) and a member of the international association ELA, she helps both tech-focused startups and entrepreneurs, as well as international chains, to properly set up their business operations. Callum Wright - Founder and Lead Consultant Founder and Lead Consultant Callum Wright is a seasoned cybersecurity, privacy and AI governance expert. With over a decade of experience, he has dedicated his career to protecting digital assets, ensuring data privacy, and establishing ethical AI governance frameworks. His diverse background includes significant roles in security architecture, AI governance, risk consulting, and privacy management across various industries, thorough testing, and successful implementation, he has consistently delivered exceptional results. Throughout his career, he has taken on multifaceted roles, from leading technical project management teams to owning solutions that drive operational excellence. His conscientious and proactive approach is unwavering, whether he is working independently or collaboratively within a team. His ability to connect with colleagues on a personal level underscores his commitment to fostering a harmonious and productive workplace environment. Date: June 26, 2024 Tags: ISO/IEC 42001, Artificial Intelligence, EU AI Act, ISO/IEC 23894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find out more about ISO training and certification services Training: ISO/IEC 42001 Artificial Intelligence Management System - EN | PECB Webinars: Article: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ers students to become active, responsible, and successful
learners. Read
the Facilitator's Manual (which is also offered in a printed
version, as
explained above), download Power Point slides, view content
from the
DVD On Course: A Comprehensive Program for Promoting
Academic Success and Retention, and find a useful transition
guide for
educators who used previous editions of On Course. To access
the site,
follow these steps:
1. Visit
2. If you have not previously created a faculty account, choose
"Create a
New Faculty Account" and follow the prompts.
3. If you have created a faculty account previously, log in with
your email
address or user name and password.
4 . Search for On Course to add the available additional digital
to your bookshelf.
You will always need to return to log and enter
your email
address and password to sign in to access these resources. Use
this space to
write down your email address or user name and password
Email Address: _______________________ _
• On Course Workshops and National Conference. Skip
author of On Course, offers faculty development workshops for
all educators
who want to learn innovative strategies for empowering students
to become
active, responsible, and successful learners. These highly
regarded profes-
sional development workshops are offered at conference centers
North America, or you can host a one- to four-day event on your
campus. Online graduate courses (3 credits) are available as a
follow-up to
two of the workshops. Additionally, you are invited to attend
the annual On
Course National Conference, where hundreds of learner-
centered educators
gather to share their best practices. For information about these
graduate courses, and the national conference (including
galore), go to Questions? Email
[email protected] or call 650-365-7623.
• On Course Newsletter. All college educators are invited to
subscribe to
the free On Course e-Newsletter. More than 200,000 educators
receive these emails with innovative, learner-centered strategies
for engag-
ing students in deep and lasting learning. To subscribe, simply
go to www and follow the easy, one-click
directions. Or you
can email a request to [email protected]
Preface xxiii
S ince first attending one
of the summer retreats in
1997, I've held nine full On
Course staff development
trainings for our college, and
I plan to offer more. They
are invaluable! I strongly
recommend this workshop
for all faculty, counselors,
advisors, administrators.
and support staff.
Philip Rodriquez,
Director, Student Affairs,
Cerritos College

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(T.L.E.) Agriculture: Essentials of Gardening
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(T.L.E.) Agriculture: Essentials of Gardening

(𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝟏𝟎𝟎) (𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏.𝟎)-𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 Lesson Outcome: -Students will understand the basics of gardening, including the importance of soil, water, and sunlight for plant growth. They will learn to identify and use essential gardening tools, plant seeds, and seedlings properly, and manage common garden pests using eco-friendly methods.

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Odoo allows users to split long shifts into multiple segments directly from the Gantt view.Each segment retains details of the original shift, such as employee assignment, start time, end time, and specific tasks or descriptions.

gantt viewodoo 17gantt view in odoo
This book would not exist without the assistance of an
extraordinary group of
people. I can only hope that I have returned (or will return)
their wonderful
support in kind.
At Cengage Learning, I would like to thank Amy Gibbons,
Marita Sermolins,
Erica Messenger, Aimee Bear, and Courtney Triola for their
wtlJagging atten-
tion to details and encouraging guidance. At Baltimore City
College, my thanks go to my former colleagues, the dedicated
teachers of the
College Success Seminar. At On Course Workshops, thanks to
the extraordinary
support and wisdom of my colleagues and friends Jonathan
Brennan, Robin
Middleton, Deb Poese, Eileen Zamora, Mark McBride, Teresa
Ward, and
LuAnn Wood. Thanks also to the 2000+ On Course
Ambassadors, some of the
greatest educators in the world, who work tirelessly to introduce
their students
and colleagues to On Course. And especially Carol- your
unwavering love and
support keep me on course. You are rny compass.
Numerous wise and caring reviewers have made valuable
to this book, and many contributed exercises to the Facilitator's
Manual, and
I thank them for their contributions:
Susie P. Aceron, College of the Sequoias
Dawn Bartlett, SUNY Jefferson Community College
Jill Beauchamp, Washtenaw Community College
Susan Cain, Southwestern Community College
Rebecca Campbell, Northern Arizona University
Essie Childers, Blinn College - Bryan Campus
Michelle Cochran, Rochester Community and Technical College
Dorothy Collins, Eastern Gateway Community College
Kathleen Conway, College of the Sequoias
Audra Cooke, Rock Valley College
George Daniel, University of Tennessee at Martin
Christina Devlin, Montgomery College
Catherine EJoranto, Clinton Community College
Lalanya Ennis, College of the Mainland
Annette Fields, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Debra Ford, Davidson County Community College
Janeth Franklin, Glendale Community College
Erin Frock, Truckee Meadows Comrnunity College
Joselyn Gonzalez, El Centro College
Maria E. Gonzalez, Broward College
Pat Grissom, San Jacinto College
Tuesday Hambric, Eastfield College
xxvi Acknowledgments
Dan Hayes, Chemeketa Community College
Gerald Headd, Cuyahoga Community College
Ann Heiny, Armstrong State University
Mark Hendrix, Palm Beach State College
David Hoffman, Southern State Community College
Gail Janecka, Victoria College
Dana Kermanian, Grayson County Junior College
Stephanie Kroon, State University of New York - Ulster
Sandra Lancaster, Grand Rapids Community College
Charlene Latimer, Daytona State College
Kristina Leonard, Daytona State College
Joy Lester, Forsyth Technical Community College
Lea Beth Lewis, California State University - Fullerton
Charlie Liebert, Davidson County Com1nunity College
Jacquelyn Loghry, Northwest Missouri State University
Kimberly Manner, West Los Angeles College
Lisa Marks, Ozarks Technical Community College
Kim Martin, Chemeketa Community College
Claire Maxson, Ivy Tech C01rununity College
Rebecca McElroy, Wharton County Junior College
Linda McMeen, North Hennepin Comn1unity College
Amy Munson, United States Air Force Acaden1y, CO
Aletia Norwood, Western Nebraska CC
Eva O'Brian, Midlands Technical College
Jennifer Palcich, University of North Texas
Taunya Paul, York Technical College
Adrienne Peek, Modesto Junior College
June Pomann, Union County College
Carrie Roberson, Butte College
Steve Schommer, San Diego City College
Jo Allison Scott, Northeast Wisconsin Tech College
Peter Shull, Pennsylvania State University

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Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?

Slide 1 Is Email Marketing Really Effective in 2024? Yes, Email Marketing is still a great method for direct marketing. Slide 2 In this article we will cover: - What is Email Marketing? - Pros and cons of Email Marketing. - Tools available for Email Marketing. - Ways to make Email Marketing effective. Slide 3 What Is Email Marketing? Using email to contact customers is called Email Marketing. It's a quiet and effective communication method. Mastering it can significantly boost business. In digital marketing, two long-term assets are your website and your email list. Social media apps may change, but your website and email list remain constant. Slide 4 Types of Email Marketing: 1. Welcome Emails 2. Information Emails 3. Transactional Emails 4. Newsletter Emails 5. Lead Nurturing Emails 6. Sponsorship Emails 7. Sales Letter Emails 8. Re-Engagement Emails 9. Brand Story Emails 10. Review Request Emails Slide 5 Advantages Of Email Marketing 1. Cost-Effective: Cheaper than other methods. 2. Easy: Simple to learn and use. 3. Targeted Audience: Reach your exact audience. 4. Detailed Messages: Convey clear, detailed messages. 5. Non-Disturbing: Less intrusive than social media. 6. Non-Irritating: Customers are less likely to get annoyed. 7. Long Format: Use detailed text, photos, and videos. 8. Easy to Unsubscribe: Customers can easily opt out. 9. Easy Tracking: Track delivery, open rates, and clicks. 10. Professional: Seen as more professional; customers read carefully. Slide 6 Disadvantages Of Email Marketing: 1. Irrelevant Emails: Costs can rise with irrelevant emails. 2. Poor Content: Boring emails can lead to disengagement. 3. Easy Unsubscribe: Customers can easily leave your list. Slide 7 Email Marketing Tools Choosing a good tool involves considering: 1. Deliverability: Email delivery rate. 2. Inbox Placement: Reaching inbox, not spam or promotions. 3. Ease of Use: Simplicity of use. 4. Cost: Affordability. 5. List Maintenance: Keeping the list clean. 6. Features: Regular features like Broadcast and Sequence. 7. Automation: Better with automation. Slide 8 Top 5 Email Marketing Tools: 1. ConvertKit 2. Get Response 3. Mailchimp 4. Active Campaign 5. Aweber Slide 9 Email Marketing Strategy To get good results, consider: 1. Build your own list. 2. Never buy leads. 3. Respect your customers. 4. Always provide value. 5. Don’t email just to sell. 6. Write heartfelt emails. 7. Stick to a schedule. 8. Use photos and videos. 9. Segment your list. 10. Personalize emails. 11. Ensure mobile-friendliness. 12. Optimize timing. 13. Keep designs clean. 14. Remove cold leads. Slide 10 Uses of Email Marketing: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Blogging 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. Newsletter Circulation 5. Transaction Notifications 6. Information Dissemination 7. Gathering Feedback 8. Selling Courses 9. Selling Products/Services Read Full Article:

email marketingemailconvertkit
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Title: Relational Database Management System Concepts(RDBMS) Description: Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in RDBMS, offering a structured approach to understanding databases in the context of modern computing. PDF content is prepared from the text book Learn Oracle 8I by JOSE A RAMALHO. Key Topics Covered: Main Topic : DATA INTEGRITY, CREATING AND MAINTAINING A TABLE AND INDEX Sub-Topic : Data Integrity,Types of Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Primary Key, Foreign key, unique key, self referential integrity, creating and maintain a table, Modifying a table, alter a table, Deleting a table Create an Index, Alter Index, Drop Index, Function based index, obtaining information about index, Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM Target Audience: Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in RDBMS principles for academic and practical applications. About the Author: Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in database management. Disclaimer: This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the author’s understanding in the field of RDBMS as of 2024. Feedback and Contact Information: Your feedback is valuable! For any queries or suggestions, please contact

data integritytypes of integrityintegrity constraints
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Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) via Identity Management | MuleSoft Mysore Me...Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) via Identity Management | MuleSoft Mysore Me...
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Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) via Identity Management | MuleSoft Mysore Meetup #48 Event Link:- Agenda ● Single Sign On (SSO) ● SSO Standards ● OpenID Connect vs SAML 2.0 ● OpenID Connect - Architecture ● Configuring SSO Using OIDC (Demo) ● SAML 2.0 - Architecture ● Configuring SSO Using SAML 2.0 (Demo) ● Mapping IDP Groups with Anypoint Team (Demo) ● Q & A For Upcoming Meetups Join Mysore Meetup Group - Mysore WhatsApp group:- Speaker:- Vijayaraghavan Venkatadri:- Organizers:- Shubham Chaurasia - Giridhar Meka - Priya Shaw -

single sign onoktasso
Thomas Skouras, Community College of Rhode Island
M. Somerville-Reeves, Delaware County Community College
Tanya Stanley, San Jacinto College
Jennifer Swartout, Heartland Commwlity College
Angela C. Thering, Buffalo State College
Debbie Unsold, Washington State Community College
Judy Weaver, Goshen College
Judith Willner, Coppin State University
Katie Woolsey, Cabrillo College/UC Santa Cruz
Finally, my deep gratitude goes out to the students who over the
years have
had the courage to explore and change their thoughts, actions,
feelings, and
beliefs. I hope, as a result, you have all lived richer, more
personally fulfilling
lives. I know I have.
Travel with Me
On Course is the result of my own quest to live a rich,
personally fulfilling life
and my strong desire to pass on what I've learned to my
students. As such, On
Course is a very personal book, for me and for you. I invite you
to explore in
depth what success means to you. I suggest that if you want to
achieve your
greatest potential in college and in life, dig deep inside
yourself, where you
already possess everything you need to make your dreams come
During my first two decades of teaching college courses, I
observed a sad and perplexing puzzle. Each semester I watched
students sort
themselves into two groups. One group achieved varying
degrees of acade1nic
success, from those who excelled to those who just squeaked by.
The other
group struggled mightily; then they withdrew, disappeared, or
failed. But, here's
the puzzling part. The struggling students often displayed as
much acade1nic
potential as their more successful classmates, and in some cases
more. What, l
wondered, causes the vastly different outcomes of these two
groups? And what
could I do to help my struggHng students achieve greater
Smnewhere around my 20th year of teaching, I experienced a
series of crises
in both my personal and professional lives. In a word, I was
struggling. After a
period of feeling sorry for myself, I embarked on a quest to
improve the quaHty
of my life. I read, I took seminars and workshops, I talked with
wise friends and
acquaintances, I kept an in-depth journal, I saw a counselor, I
even returned to
graduate school to add a master's degree in applied psychology
to my doctoral
degree in English. I was seriously motivated to change my life
for the better.
If I were to condense all that I learned into one sentence, it
would be this:
People who are successful (by their own definition) consistently
make wiser
choices than people who struggle. I came to see that the quaHty
of my life was
essentially the result of all of my previous choices. I saw how
the wisdom (or
lack of wisdom) of my choices influenced, and often
determined, the outcomes
and experiences of my life. The same, of course, was true for
my struggling
For two and a half decades, I have continued my quest to
identify the inner
quaHties that empower a person to make consistently wise
choices, the very
choices that lead to success both in college and in life. As a
result of what
I learned (and continue to learn), I created a course at my
college called the Col-
lege Success Seminar. This course was a departure from
traditional student suc-
cess courses because instead of focusing primarily on study
skills and campus
resources, it focused on empowering students from the inside
out. I had come
to believe that most students who struggle in college are
perfectly capable of
earning a degree and that their struggles go far deeper than not

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knowing study
skills or failing to use campus resources. As a result, I
envisioned a course that
xxviii Travel with Me
would empower students to develop their natural inner
strengths, the qualities
that would help them make the wise choices that would create
the very out-
comes and experiences they wanted in college ... and in life.
When I couldn't
find a book that did this, I wrote On Course. A few years later, I
created a series
of professional development workshops to share what I had
learned with other
educators who want to see their students soar. Then, to provide
an opportunity
for workshop graduates to continue to exchange their
experiences and wisdom,
I started a listserv, and this growing group of educators soon
named themselves
the On Course Ambassadors, sharing On Course strategies with
their students
and colleagues alike. Later, I created two online graduate
courses that further
help college educators learn cutting-edge strategies for
empowering their stu-
dents to be more successful in college and in life. To launch the
second decade
of On Course, the On Course Ambassadors hosted the first of
many On Course
National Conferences, bringing together an overflow crowd of
educators hun-
gry for new ways to help their students achieve more of their
potential in col-
lege and in life. Every one of these efforts appeals to a deep
place in me because
they all have the power to change people's lives for the better.
But that's not the
only appeal. These activities also help me stay conscious of the
wise choices
I must consistently make to live a richer, more personally
fulfilling life.
Now that much of my life is back on course, l don't want to
forget how
I got here!
Getting On Course
to Your Success
Successful Students ...
.,.. accept personal responsibility, seeing
themselves as the primary cause of
their outcomes and experiences.
.,.. discover self-motivation, finding
purpose in their lives by pursuing
personally meaningful goals and dreams.
.,.. master self-management, consistently
planning and taking purposeful actions
in pursuit of their goals and dreams.
.,.. employ interdependence, building
mutually supportive relationships that
help them achieve their goals and dreams
(while helping others do the same).
Struggling Students • • •
.,.. see themselves as victims, believing
that what happens to them is
determined primarily by external forces
such as fate, luck, and powerful others .
.,.. have d ifficulty sustaining motivation,
often feeling depressed, frustrated, and/
or resentful about a lack of direction in
their lives .
.,.. seldom identify specific actions needed
t o accomplish a desired out come and,
when they do, tend to procrastinate .
.,.. are sol itary, seldom requesting, even
rejecting, offers of assistance from
those who could help.
2 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success

Recommended for you

College Smart-Start Guide
If you've ever bought a new computer, you'll recall that it came
with a user's
manual. The user's manual- whether in print or online-was many
pages long
and contained all you needed to know to get the most from your
Think of On Course as your user's manual for higher education.
It explains
how to get the most out of college. In these pages, you'll
discover how to learn
effectively, how to get high grades, and how to earn the degree
you want. As a
bonus, many of the strategies you'll learn will help you achieve
success in other
key areas of your life, including your career.
Most computers also come with a brief guide that's only a few
pages long.
This guide describes the essential steps for getting your
computer up and run-
ning quickly and successfully.
This Smart-Start Guide has that same intention for college.
Complete the
following actions before the end of your first week in college,
and you'll be off
to a great start. Some of these actions can be done in a few
minutes. Others take
longer. You can do them in any order you choose.
So, read and do the lucky 13 actions below. Be s1nart-complete
one of them
right now. Do a couple more every day, and you'll have them all
done by the end of
your first week. By then, you'll be on course to great success in
higher education.
1. Leam your campus. Find out where things
are so you begin to feel comfortable. What's
If your campus offers tours, take one. If not,
ask a college employee or an experienced
student to show you around. Or ask another
first-year student to join you on a self-guided
tour. As a last resort, explore on your own.
in the various buildings? Where will you find
the many services designed to help you suc-
ceed? To orient yourself, get a campus map.
There's probably one on your college's website.
See if you can fill in the location and hours for
all of the services listed in Figure 1.1.
Service Location Hours
College Bookstore
Advising Office
Counseling Office
Student Activities Office
Financial Aid Office
Career Center ..._ -
Registrar's Office -,...
Tutoring or Academic Support -
College Smart-Start Guide 3
Service Location Hours
Computer Center or Lab
Dining Facilities
Fitness Center
Athletic Facilities

Recommended for you

Student Center
Copy Center
Public Safety
Health Services
FIGURE 1.1 (Continued)
2. Locate your classrooms. Find and visit
every room in which you have a class. Noth-
ing ruins your first week like missing classes
because you can't find the rooms. You'll
likely find a List of your courses and class-
rooms on the document you received 'vhen
you registered. Use this information to fill in
the first two columns in Figure 1.2.
3. Learn your instructors' names, office
locations, and office hours. Instructors'
names are usually listed on your registration
document next to each course. If an instruc-
tor is listed as "TBA"-or something other
than a name-an instructor has not yet been
assigned to the class. (TBA stands for "To
Be Announced:') In that case, you'll need
to get your instructor's name at the depart-
ment office or the first class meeting. On
Figure l.2, record your instructors' names,
office locations, and office hours. Office
hours are times when instructors are in their
office and available for appointments ... and
you'll want to make an appointment soon.
This additional information will likely be on
the first-day handout for each class. (A first-
day handout is often called a "syllabus.")
4. Study- don't just skim - the first-day
handout (syllabus) for each course. The
syllabus is a contract between you and your
instructor. In it, he or she presents essential
information about the course. Typically, a
syllabus contains ...
a) a course description (often the same
description as in the college catalogue)
b) learning objectives (what you are expect-
ed to learn in the course)
Course Classroom Instructor Office Office Hours
4 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
c) homework assignments (probably every
assignment for the entire course)
d) exam schedule (when you'll be tested)
e) how your final grade will be determined
(how much each assignment is worth)
f) course rules (what to do and not do,
along with consequences)
g) Internet address (if course materials are
posted online)
h) information about the instructor (name,
office location, and office hours)
The syllabus may be the single most important
document your instructors provide, so read
it carefully. Now is the time to ask questions
about the syllabus. Your instructor will assume
that if you stay in the course, you understand
the syllabus and agree to abide by it.
5. Get all of your learning supplies. Every
job has both a purpose and essential tools.
Job # 1 in college is deep learning. So, make a
list of all of the supplies you'll need to learn,
such as textbooks, a computerflaptop/tablet,
calculator, notebooks, three-ring binders,
notepaper, pens, monthly calendars, weekly
calendars, folders, and flash drives. Of these
supplies, arguably the most essential are your
textbooks. Required texts are listed in each

Recommended for you

syllabus (first-day handout). They can be
purchased in your campus bookstore and
perhaps online as well. Ideally, you'll have
your textbooks in hand before your first
class n1eeting. At the latest, get them before
the end of Week 1, because any later can sab-
otage your success. College instructors 1nove
quickly and expect you to come to class pre-
pared. [fit's Week 3 and you're just starting
to read your assignments, your chances of
success plunge.
6. Create a schedule. Adding college assign-
ments and activities to your life can be
overwhelming. A schedule is essential
for getting everything important done on
time. Whether your schedule is on paper,
on your smartphone, online, or you use
some other method, tracking your commit-
ments is essential. Make a weekly schedule
showing recurring events such as classes,
study times, or work. Make a monthly
calendar showing due dates for occasional
events such as a test, term paper, or meet-
ing with an instructor. You'll find weekly
and monthly calendars in the section called
"Creating a Leak-Proof Self-Management
System" in Chapter 4.
7. Get comfortable with campus technology.
The use of technology is com1non on college
campuses. Check each course syllabus to
see what technology your instructors expect
you to use. They may send you course
updates using campus en1ail. Or expect you
to access online resources for their classes.
You may be taking a class that is offered
partly or entirely online via a course man-
agement system (CMS). Some of the more
common course management systems are
Blackboard (BB), Desire to Learn (D2L)
and Moodie. It's possible your instructor
will arrange some technology help for your
class. Nevertheless, be proactive. Go to your
campus computer lab and see if an orienta-
tion is offered. If not, ask someone in the
computer lab to help you learn what you
need to know (as defined in each course syl-
labus). Or find a classmate with good tech-
nology skills and ask for help.
8. Manage your money. Money problems
have sabotaged many students' success in
college. Some have had to drop out of col-
lege to work. Others have tried working
full-time while attending college, but they
became overwhelmed. An important step
toward understanding your financial situa-
tion is creating a budget. That will tell you
(in case you don't already know) if money
is going to be an obstacle to your success in
college. If you're serious about your educa-
tion, there are many options to help you
overcome the money obstacle. You'll find
1nany suggestions about money manage-
1nent in the next section of this chapter,
"Money Matters."
9. Set goals for each course. Make a list of
your courses. Next to each one, write your
target grade for the course. Then write a
goal for the most important thing or things
you want to learn in the course.
10. Attend all classes and arrive on time.
Class attendance is essential to success in
college. Remember, Job # 1 as a student is
deep learning, and learning starts in the
classroom. Many co!Jege instructors do not
take attendance, but don't mistakenly think
that means you don't need to be there.
11. Participate in every class. Active engage-
ment is the key to deep learning. Attend
each class having done all assignments
beforehand. Ask questions about your
homework. Answer questions your instruc-
tor asks. When an instructor facilitates
an activity, she's intending that you learn
Money Matters
Money Matters 5
something important through the experi-
ence. Participate at a high level and look for
the learning.

Recommended for you

12. Complete and hand in all assignments
on time. Make a list of all assignments due
in week one (and beyond). Record them,
along with test dates, on your monthly cal-
endar so you can see them coming. Check
them off as you finish each one. Here's the
double benefit. First, you'll learn more
when you attend classes having completed
all assigned homework. As a bonus, you'll
reduce the stress that many first-year college
students experience when they fall behind.
13. Commit to your success. At the end of
your first week, think back over your expe-
riences with each course. Be honest with
yourself. Will you make the time necessary
to do all of the work? Are you prepared
to give the course your best effort? If not,
discuss your concerns with your advisor
or a counselor. If your concerns continue,
now may be the time to drop the course
(and perhaps pick up another course in
its place). But if your answer is "yes" to
doing all of the course work and giving it
your very best effort, then write out this
solemn commitment and post it where you
will see it every day: I promise myself to
give a 100 percent effort every day to every
course. Nothing will keep me from achieving
If lack of money could be an obstacle to your college success,
get your finances
in order now ... not after it's too late. There's no point heading
off on a journey
knowing you'll run out of fuel before reaching your destination.
The good news is that the efforts (even sacrifices) you make
now will likely
pay off in the future. Check out Figure 1.3 to see how level of
education affects
earnings and unemployment. Clearly, earning a degree increases
the likelihood
of greater abundance. Sadly, however, many students' money
problems keep
6 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
I Level _o_f_E_d_u_c_a_t_io_n ___ "--M_e_d_i_a_n_E_arnings
Unemployment Rate ]
Less tha h h h I d I na ig SC 00 ip oma $ 11 24,544 .0%
High SC hool diploma, no college $33,852 7 .5%
Some co liege, no degree $37,804 7 .0%
Associa te degree $40,404 5 .4%
Bachelo r's degree $57,616 4 .0%
Master's degree $69, 108 3 .4%
Doctora I degree $84,396 2 .2o/o
Professi onal degree $89,128 2 .3%
FIGURE 1.3 Yearly Salaries and Unemployment Rates by
Levels of Education
(25 and older)
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population
Survey, 2013.
them from completing the very degree that would help them
achieve that abun-
dance. They work so many hours that their learning and grades
suffer. Still oth-
ers drop out of college because of lack of money. If money
problems threaten
your college degree, read on.
In this section, you'll learn some of the basics of money
There is, of course, much more to know. But if you effectively
apply these strat-
egies, you can look forward to building the financial resources
that will see you
though to graduation.
When I was a new college instructor, a colleague and I were
complaining one
day about how little money we were making. Both of us had
young families,
and our salaries barely got us from paycheck to paycheck. One

Recommended for you

day we decided
to stop complaining and do smnething about it. Boldly, we
decided to award
ourselves a raise.
To do so, we brainstormed how we could save or earn more
money. Our
first discovery was that we were both paying about $6 a month
for our checking
accounts. We switched to free checking and gave ourselves an
instant raise of
$72 a year. By itself, that was no big thing. But we also thought
of 21 other ways
to make or save money. All told, our new choices amounted to
an increase of
nearly $2,000 a year for each of us. That was the beginning of
our realization
that we had more control over our money than we had thought.
As you examine the following strategies, keep in mind the big
picture of
managing money. Do everything legal to increase the flow of
money into your
personal treasury and d ecrease the flow of money out. The
better you become
at these complementary skills, the more money you will have to
your life and the lives of the people you love. There is great
abundance on our
planet, and there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy your
share of it.
1. Create a budget. A budget helps you define and achieve your
goals. It
helps you 1nake important decisions about the dollars flowing
in and out of
your life. Beginning your budget is as simple as filling out the
My Financial
Plan worksheet on the next page. As a guideline, some financial
suggest that expenditures in a healthy budget should be dose to
the follow-
ing percentages of your net income (i.e., the money remaining
after deduct-
ing federal, state, and local taxes):
31% Housing
20% Transportation
16% Food
8% Miscellaneous
7% Entertainment
7% Savings
6% Clothing
5% Health
Obviously, after subtracting all of your expenses from your
income, your
goal is to have a positive and growing balance. If you have a
negative bal-
ance, with each passing month you'll slide deeper into debt. To
avoid debt,
you need to increase your income, decrease your expenses, or
2. Find a bank or credit union. A bank or credit union helps you
your money with services such as checking accounts, savings
accounts, and
easy access to cash through automated teller machines (ATMs).
Your ideal
financial institution offers a free checking account that requires
no minimum
balance and pays interest. Further, it offers a savings account
with co1npeti-
tive interest rates. And, finally, your ideal financial institution
offers free use
of its ATMs and those belonging to other banks or credit unions
as well.
If you need to pay for any of these services, seek to minimize
the yearly cost.
Credit unions typically offer lower rates on these services than
do banks.
To fmd credit unions near you, use the search feature at
Whether your checking account is with a bank or a credit union,
be sure to
balance your account regularly. This will save you the expense
of bounced
(rejected) checks because of insufficient funds.

Recommended for you

3. Apply for grants and scholarships. These are financial awards
that do
not have to be repaid. For United States residents, a great place
to get an
overview of financial aid sources online is at
.ht1nl. The process of applying for financial aid dollars begins
with the
FAFSA, which stands for Free Application for Federal Student
Aid Using
Money Matters 7
8 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
M y Finan cial Plan
Step A : Monthly Income Amount Balance
Support from parents or others
Earned income
Total Monthly Income (A )
Step B: Necessary Fixed Monthly Expenses
Housing (mortgage or rent)
Transportation (car payment, insurance, bus pass, car pool)
Taxes (federal and state income, Social Security, M edicare)
Insurance (house, health, and life)
Child care
Bank fees
Debt payment
Savings and investments
Necessary Fixed Monthly Expenses (Bl
Step C: Necessary Variable Monthly Expenses
Food and personal care items
Gas and electric
Transportation (car repairs, maintenance, gasoline)
Laundry and dry cleaning
Doctor and medicine
Books and software
Computer/lnternet access
Total Necessary Variable Monthly Expenses (C)
Step D: Optional Fixed and Variable Monthly Expenses
Eating out (including coffee, snacks, lunches)
Entertainment (movies, theater, night life, babysitting)
Charitable contributions
M iscellaneous (music, magazines, newspapers, etc.)
Total Optional Variable Monthly Expenses (D)
Money Remaining or Owed at End of Month (A - B - C - D = 7)

Recommended for you

information you report on this form, the government decides
what you or
your family can afford to pay toward your education and what
you may
need in the way of financial assistance. Get copies of the form
from your
college's financial aid office or online at You'll
find a "fore-
caster" at this site that will help you estimate the amount of
financial aid
you can expect to receive. The deadline for completing the
FAfSA form
is early July. However, some colleges use the information from
form to determine their own financial aid, so be sure to check
your school's
deadline or you could be out ofluck (and money) for that year.
The benefit of qualifying for grants and scholarships is that,
loans, you don't need to pay them back. Federal Pell Grants
provide fman-
cial support to students with family incomes up to $50,000;
however, most
Pell awards go to students with fantlly incomes below $20,000.
With a maxi-
mum award in 2014-15 of$5,730, the amount of each Pell Grant
on four factors: 1) financial need, 2) cost of the college, 3) full-
or part-time
enrollinent, and 4) attendance for a full acade1nic year or less.
July 2012, you can receive a Pell Grant for only 12 semesters,
or approx:i-
n1ately six years. You can get comprehensive information from
the Federal
Student Aid Information Center in Washington at
You can also search without cost for scholarships at Internet
sites such
as,, and Perhaps most important, spend time with a
counselor in your
college's financial aid office and let him or her help you get
your share of
the financial support available for a college education. With all
of these
resources, there's no need to pay a private service to find you
Ron Smith, former head of financial aid at Baltimore City
College, offers this advice: "Students should apply early,
provide accurate
information, and follow up until an award has been received:'
4. Apply for low-cost loans. These are financial awards that do
need to
be repaid. Stafford Loans ( are guaranteed by
the federal
governn1ent, so they generally offer the lowest interest rates.
Depending on
financial need, Stafford Loans may be up to $3,500 per year for
students, $4,500 for sophomores, and $5,500 for juniors and
seniors. As
of this writing, the maximum total loan is $23,000. The U.S.
pays interest costs until repayment begins, which is usually
after gradua-
tion. Unsubsidized Stafford Loans do not depend on financial
need, but the
interest accumulates while you are in college.
Other federally guaranteed student loans include PLUS loans
(1nade to
students' parents) and Perkins Loans (for lower-income
students). You 1nay
be approved for more loan money than you actually need and be
tempted to
borrow it all; just remember that what you take now, you'll need
to repay later.
You don't want to finish your education with the burden of an
large debt. The standard repayment plan for student loans is
equal monthly
payments for 10 years. That's a long time to pay for an earlier
bad choice.
Money Matters 9
10 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
Here's one last caution about loans: A report by the Brown
Center on

Recommended for you

Education Policy at the Brookings Institution found that many
didn't realize that money they received was a loan that needed
to be repaid.
ln fact, 28 percent of students who did have federal loans
reported they did
not have federal loans and 14 percent reported that they had no
loans at all.
Confusion about what they've borrowed, the report concludes, is
certainly leading some students into decisions that they later
come to
regret:' The lesson? Make sure you know how much money you
get for col-
lege is a loan and will need to be paid back.
5. Work. Even with grants, scholarships, and low-cost loans,
many college
students need employment to make ends n1eet. If this is your
use your financial plan to figure out how much money you need
month beyond any financial aid. Then set a goal to earn that
while also getting work experience in your future field of
employment. ln
other words, your purpose for working is both to make money
and to get
valuable employment experience and recommendations. In this
way, you
make it easier to find employment after college and perhaps
even nego-
tiate a higher starting salary. One place that may help you
achieve this
double goal is your campus job center. Additionally, on some
instructors are able to hire student assistants to help them with
lf you try but can't find employment that provides valuable
work expe-
rience (or you're not sure what your future employment plans
are), seek
work that allows you to earn your needed income in the fewest
saving you time to excel in your studies. You may do well by
creating a
high-paying job for yourself by using skills you already possess
(or could
easily learn). For example, one student I know noticed that eacli
the rain gutters of houses near his college became clogged with
leaves. With a leaf blower and ladder in hand, he knocked on
doors and
offered to clean gutters for only $20. Few homeowners could
resist such a
bargain. Averaging two houses per hour, he earned nearly $700
each fall
6. Save and invest. If you haven't done so already, open a
savings account
and begin making regular deposits. You can probably save $20
per n1onth
just by giving up a pizza and a n1ovie. Set a goal to accumulate
a financial
reserve for emergencies equal to three months' living expenses.
After that,
consider making regular deposits in higher-income investments
such as
stocks, bonds, and 1nutual funds. These are topics beyond the
scope of
this book but well worth your effort to research. To gain
practical experi-
ence and guidance, you may want to join (or start) an
investment club on
your campus. By investing money regularly, you'll benefit from
interest (earning interest on interest). In this way, even people
with mod-
est incomes can accumulate significant wealth. A way to make
your sav-
ings grow even faster is to invest in a tax-deferred retirement
The money you deposit isn't taiced until you withdraw it many
years later,
increasing the amount you can potentially save by thousands of
dollars. You
can open such an account through your employer (who may
even make
additional contributions) or by opening an IRA (Individual
Account) on your own.

Recommended for you

7. Lower transportation expenses. Cars are expensive. Beyond
car pay-
ments, there are costs for insurance, registration, regular
gasoline, repairs, tolls, and parking. And if you're under 25,
you'll pay more
for insurance than someone over 25 (especially young men,
whose rates are
double or triple those of older men). So, if money is tight,
consider getting
along without a car for now. If you live on campus, this option
should be
fairly easy. If you commute, you could use public transportation
or offer gas
money to a classmate for rides to school.
8 . Use credit cards wisely. You'll probably be swamped with
to open credit card accounts. You're not alone. "These credit
card issu-
ers circle the campus like sharks circling a fish;' says Elizabeth
senior senator from Massachusetts and former Harvard Law
professor. So, first, consider whether you should even have a
credit card.
Visa, MasterCard, and other credit cards provide you with
loans to purchase anything you want up to your credit limit.
These com-
panies are counting on you to postpone paying off the loan past
the due
date. That's when you start paying interest at their high rates.
The conse-
quences to your finances can be staggering. Suppose you're 20
years old,
owe $3,500 on a credit card that charges 17 percent interest and
you reg-
ularly pay the minimum charge. You won't pay off that debt
until you're
53 years old, and the amount you will ultimately pay is nearly
$11 ,000!
And if you ever miss a payment, you'll incur a triple penalty.
First, you'll
be charged a late fee that can be as much as $35 for being even
one day
overdue. Next, some banks punish late payers by raising their
rates to "penalty rates" of 20 percent or more. Finally, late
payments can
show up on your credit report, making it difficult for you to get
for a car, house or other big-ticket items. How serious is the
of credit card misuse by college students? One widely quoted
attributed to an administrator at the University of Indiana noted,
lose 1nore students to credit card debt than to academic failure:'
So, use
a credit card only if you can discipline yourself to pay off most,
preferably all, of your balance every month. If you can't, a
wiser choice
would be to cut up your credit cards- or not even apply for one
in the
first place.
9. Choose credit cards wisely. If you decide that you do have
the discipline
to use a credit card wisely, realize that all credit cards are not
created equal.
Money Matters 11
12 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
Compare your options and choose the one with the lowest
interest rates, the
longest grace period (time you get to use the money before
paying interest),
and the lowest annual fee (preferably free). Some cards offer a
reward for
using them, such as cash back or frequent flyer miles. To find
the best deals
on credit cards, visit Internet sites such as or
10. Use debit cards wisely. A debit card is similar to a credit
card. The dif-
ference? The money comes not as a loan from the credit card
company but
as a withdrawal from your own checking account. Here's the
danger. You
may forget to record every purchase made on your debit card, as
you more
likely would if you wrote a check. Consequently, you can easily

Recommended for you

your checking account and incur financial penalties for bounced
Use a debit card only if you have the discipline to track every
use and keep
your checking account balance current.
11. Use ATM cards wisely. An ATM card, like a debit card,
draws from your
personal accowlt., but here the withdrawal is in cash. ATM
cards are so
easy to use that some financial experts refer to them as "death
cards'.' Say
you withdraw $100 in cash on Monday, and by Thursday the
money has
dribbled away. So you take out another $100, and that
disappears by the
weekend. After a couple of weeks like this, your money runs out
before the
month does, and you're slipping ever deeper into debt. Use an
ATM card
only if you have the self-discipline to check your remaining
balance after
every withdrawal
12. Pay off high-rate debt. Suppose you pay off a loan (such as
a credit card
balance) that charges 17 percent. That's the same as investing
your money
at a guaranteed 17 percent rate of return. Better yet, the 17
percent return
is tax free, so you're actually earning a much greater return!
Compare that
to the puny interest rate you'd be earning in a savings account.
Don't have
extra money in savings to pay off money you owe? A variation
is to transfer
debt from high-interest-rate loans to lower-interest-rate loans
(but watch
carefully for hidden transfer costs on some accounts).
13. Avoid credit blunders. There are serious consequences for
being finan-
cially irresponsible. Every time you create a debt, national
credit agencies
keep a record. When you later apply for credit, potential lenders
can view
your credit history for at least the past seven years. Thjs data
tells lenders
whether you are a good or bad risk. If you're seen as a bad risk,
your applica-
tion for a car or house loan 1nay be turned down. Or you may
be offered a
loan with extremely lugh interest rates. Your credit report might
even wind
up in the hands of a potential landlord or e1nployer. This
information could
affect your ability to rent an apartment or even get your dream
job. Bottom
line, unwise financial choices in the present will follow you for
years. To view
your present credit report and verify its accuracy, order a copy
from Equifax
at 800-685-1111 (, Experian at 888-397-3742
or Trans Union at 800-888-4213 ( Depending
on where you
live, the report will range in cost from free to about $8. At
.com you can get a free credit report for all three agencies once
a year. If you
make a credit blunder, immediately contact the company you
owe and work
out a payment schedule. The sooner you clean up your credit
report, the
sooner your past mistakes will stop sabotaging your future. If
you need help
with debt, contact the National Foundation for Credit
Counseling (NFCC)
for low- or no-cost credit assistance at 800-388-2227 (
14. Use tax credits. Tax credits are expenses you can subtract
directly from
your federal income tax. If you're paying for college yourself,
you may
be eligible for an American Opportunity Tax Credit of up to
$2,500 in
your first four years. For details on this tax credit (as well as
the Lifetime
Learning Credit), go to
15. Avoid the "Let's Go Out" trap. Someone calls and says,
"Let's go out?'
You 1neet for food or drinks and spend $20 ... or more. Do this
a couple
tiJnes a week and you'll wind up dropping hundreds of dollars a

Recommended for you

into a deep, dark hole. One student reported that even after she
ran out of
money for the month, friends would say, "Oh, c'mon out wit11
us. I'll loan
you the money:• That meant she was already spending next
month's money.
By all means, put entertainment money into your monthly
financial plan,
but, when it's gone, have the self-discipline to stop going out.
Instead, invite
friends over and make it BYO-Bring Your Own. Or you could
make a
great choice by staying home and studying. Studying costs you
nothing now
and makes a great investment in your future income.
16. Track your spending. To plug a leak, you have to know
where it is. So,
carry a notepad with you for at least a week and record every
penny you
spend. (I know, doing this is a pain, but the benefit is worth it!)
ine your recorded expenses and look for financial leaks that
don't show
up in your financial plan. One student was shocked to discover
that he
was spending an average of $24 per week ($1,248 per year!) on
lunches; he started packing his lunch and saved a bundle.
17. Examine each expense line in your financial plan for
reductions. Here are some of the money-saving options my
have come up with: Find a roommate to reduce housing costs.
Car pool to
share commuting costs. Cut up credit cards. Pack lunches
instead of eatiJ1g
out. Change banks to lower or eliminate monthly checking fees.
babysittiJ1g with fellow students to minimize child-care
expenses. Shop at
discount clubs and buy non-perishables (such as toilet paper and
detergent) in bulk. Join family/friends discounts for cell phones.
Read mag-
azines and newspapers at the library, instead of buying them.
Pay creditors
on time to avoid penalty charges. Delay purchases until the item
goes on
sale {such as right after Christmas). Find other money-saving
ideas on the
Internet at
Money Matters 13
14 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
To help increase your flow of money in, make a
list of skills you have that you could possibly turn
into a high-hourly-wage self-employment oppor-
tunity. To help decrease your flow of money out,
make a list of choices you could make that would
each save you $25 or more per year. If you need
help, try an Internet search for "saving money"
Mint is the top money management tool (5 out
of 5 stars) recommended by Personal Comput-
ing magazine. The software connects to all of
your online financial institutions, such as banks
and credit unions, which means you must pro-
vide your login information. The program tracks
your personal finances and helps you budget
your money. (Web, Android, and iOS)
LearnVest, which provides paid financial plan-
ning services, also offers the option to sign up
for free email newsletters filled with extensive
tips for budgeting, saving money and other
financial topics. (Web; iOS) offers an easy-to-use
online budget that (unlike Mint) does not need
to be linked to your financial institutions. It
promises to help you understand where your
money is leaking out and ways to cut off the
or"budget tips:' Compare your two lists with
those of classmates to see if you can find addi-
tional choices you didn't think of. Add up all of
the items on your list (income and outflow) and
see how much you could improve your financial
picture in one year by making these choices.

Recommended for you

You'll find more wise advice about managing
your money at
flow. The free plan offers options for creating a
budget and reports. (Web) is a website offered by
a partnership between Khan Academy and Bank
of America. It offers valuable tips on how to create
and stick to a budget, repay a student loan, finance
a car, boost your credit score, save for buying a
house, and understand your paycheck. (Web)
Spreadsheet programs- such as Google's free
Google Sheets program and Excel, a program
included in the Microsoft Office software suite-
can also be used to create effective budgets.
Student loan calculators may be found
online by doing an Internet search. These pro-
grams figure your student loan repayments so
you can see how easy or challenging it will be
for you to pay back your loan{s).
Note: All of the above are free (except for Excel), but some may
offer upgraded features for a fee.
Understanding the Culture
of Higher Education
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is unique about the culture of higher
education? How does understanding that culture increase your
chances of success in college?
ln some ways, enrolling in college is like moving to a foreign
country. That's
because the culture of higher education is different from other
cultures you
have known, even that of high school.
Understanding the Culture of Higher Education 15
Geert Hofstede, a Dutch psychologist and
anthropologist, has studied cultures all over the world
According to Hofstede, culture is "the collective pro-
gramming of the mind that distinguishes the mem-
bers of one human group from another'.' Every culture
on Earth is programmed to operate by its own unique
software. And this is true of higher education as well
The sooner you understand the culture of higher edu- c
cation, the sooner you will be on course to success. -~
Some aspects of a culture are obvious and visible, ~
whereas others are subtle and invisible. To under- l!
stand the distinction between visible and invisible i
culture, Brooks Peterson, author of Cultural Intelli- j
gence, suggests picturing an iceberg (see Figure 1.4). 8
Above the waterline are the elements of culture we ]
can perceive with our five senses. "Surface" culture
"Bt pupor.d to tnro11n1" fJl//ural nftrenw Iha/ Wt'rejuSI no/
going to grt. •
includes such things as food, fashions, language, gestures,
gaines, art, 1nusic, holi-
days, and some customs. For example, when someone speaks
with a strong accent
(compared to yours), you know immediately he is from a
different culture.
Below the waterline you'll find the more stable and significant
features of
"deep culture'.' Most of these features are invisible to tourists
and recent itnrni-
grants. Deep culture consists of the shared beliefs, attitudes,
norms, rules,
opinions, expectations, and taboos of a group of people. For
natives, these deep-
culture features are usually taken for granted until someone
disobeys them. Here's
a sitnple example. When you arrive at a ticket line, what do you
do? If you're from
mainstream North American culture, you automatically go to the
end of the line.
No sign is needed because everyone knows that's what you're
supposed to do. You
probably don't even think about it unless someone cuts in front
of you. When
someone defies a cultural rule, others get upset. Cultural
programs help a group
or society run smoothly by keeping people in line (literally and

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Art, Games, Music
Norms, Beliefs,
Rules, Attitudes,
Opinions, Taboos,
World views
Cultural Iceberg
Surface culture
Deep culture
T oto, I have a feeling we're
not in Kansas anymore.
Dorothy, in The
Wizard of Oz
16 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
Schools, like ethnic groups,
have their own cultures:
languages, ways of doing
things, values, attitudes
toward time, standards
of appropriate behavior,
and so on. As participants
in schools, students are
expected to adopt, share,
and exhibit these cultural
patterns. If they do not or
cannot. they are likely to be
censured and made to feel
uncomfortable in a variety
of ways.
Jean Moule, Cultural
Culture, then, is the collection of surface- and deep-level
customs and beliefs
that get passed on from generation to generation. Each culture
provides "approved"
choices at significant, and even insignificant, forks in the road.
Culture tells us,
"This choice is normal and that one is strange:· Or, "This choice
is right and that
one is wrong'.' Or, "This choice is good and that choice is bad:'
At each fork in the
road, our inner programs give us a nudge in the culturally
approved direction.
To put it succinctly, "Culture is the way we do things around
Because college is a unique culture, expect some challenges as
you adapt But
fear not ... you will adapt and very soon feel comfortable. Most
in surface culture will be pretty obvious. They include factors
such as class
sizes; appropriate dress; amount of homework assigned;
students' races, ages,
religions; use of drugs and alcohol; holidays observed; courses
offered; and
methods of teaching. Like all cultures, higher education has its
own language, so
you'll probably hear words that sound foreign to you. Suppose
your instructor
announces, "The directions for the assignment are posted in the
course syllabus
on Moodie:' These directions make little sense if you don't
know the lingo. But
it's not really that complicated. Here's what the natives of
college culture know:
• A syllabus is a document that most instructors provide at the
first class
session. It contains essential information about the course such
as learning
objectives, homework assignments, course rules, and how the
course grade
is determined. If you recognized the term "syllabus" from the
Guide, congratulations. You're already learning to speak
• Moodie is a computer software program that allows colleges to
class content on the Internet. (Similar programs are Blackboard

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Desire2Learn.) If your instructor doesn't provide directions for
course information posted on the Internet, contact the folks in
campus computer lab for help.
Keep reminding yourself that entering college is like entering
country. If you hear words and terms you don't understand, be
sure to ask what
they mean. It won't be long before you'll be talking like a
native. Now let's take a
look at a feature of cultures that is less obvious than unfamiliar
Higher education, like all cultures, has custon1s. These are the
things the natives
of higher education expect you to know and do. A dozen of
these customs are
explained below. Heeding them will smooth your path through
college, keep
you out of dead ends, and speed you on to graduation.
1. Read your college catalogue. Catalogues are usually available
in the regis-
trar's or counseling office. Many colleges also post a copy on
their website. A
catalogue contains most of the factual information you'll need
to plot a suc-
cessful journey through higher education. It explains how your
college applies
many of the customs discussed in this section. So, keep a
college catalogue
Understanding the Culture of Higher Education 17
on hand and refer to it often. By the way, if a requirement in the
changes after you enroll at a college, usually you are bound by
only the rules
that existed when you first entered. So hold on to your past
2. Create a long-term educational plan. This plan lists all of the
you'll take from now until graduation. It assures that you do
take all
required courses and don't take any unrequired courses (unless
you want
to). Colleges provide someone to help you create an educational
plan. This
person could be an advisor, a counselor, or even an instructor
(especially if
you have chosen a major-see 5. below). Find out who this
person is and
make an appointment. It's never too early to map out your
straightest route
to graduation. Like most plans, it can always be revised.
3. Complete general education requirements. Look in your
college cata-
logue for a list of general education courses. Almost all colleges
and universi-
ties require students to complete a minimum number of credits
in general
education. Your institution may call them something else, such
as core require-
ments, core curriculum, or general curriculum. Regardless of
their name, the
purpose of general education require1nents is to expose you to a
nwnber of
broad areas of study- for example, natural sciences,
communication, technol-
ogy, math, languages, humanities, and social and behavioral
science. Typically,
you'll need to complete a certain number of credits in each area.
Regardless of
how n1a.ny credits you earn, you can't earn a degree until
you've completed all
general education requirements. That's why your long-term
educational plan
(2. above) will always include the general education courses
you intend to take.
4. Complete prerequisites. A prerequisite is a course that must
be success-
fully completed before taking a more advanced course. For
example, colleges
usually require passing algebra before taking calculus. Before
you register for
courses each semester, check each course description in your
college cata-
logue. Any prerequisites will be included in the course
description. Confinn
you have completed all prerequisites before registering for a

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5. Choose a major. You'll usually choose a major area of study
in your first
or second year. Examples of majors include nursing, English,
engineering, economics and commercial art. You'll take n1any
courses in
your major, supplemented by general education and elective
courses. (An
elective is a course you don't have to take but want to.) Having
a career goal
makes choosing your major easier. If undecided about a career,
visit your
campus career center. There you'll get help identifying careers
that fit your
interests, talents, and personality. All majors and their required
courses are
listed in your college catalogue. Until you've entered a major,
you're wise to
concentrate on completing your general education requirements.
6. Meet with your instructors during their office hours. Most
instructors have regular office hours. These times are usually
in the course syllabus and may also be posted on the instructor's
door. You can make an appointment before or after class, or you
can call
the instructor's office. Be sure to show up on time (or call
beforehand to
W hat we call customs
rest on top and are most
apparent Deepest and least
apparent are the cultural
values that give meaning
and direction to life.
Values influence people's
perceptions of needs and
their choice between
perceived alternative
courses of action.
Benjamin Paul,
18 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
reschedule). Arrive with a goal. Maybe you'd like your
instructor to clarify
a comment she wrote on your English composition. Or you'd
like sugges-
tions for how to better prepare for your next math test. Another
reason to meet with your instructors is to establish a friendly
and make yourself more than just a name on a course roster.
Building such
relationships will go a long way to help if you ever need special
7. Know the importance of your grade point average (GPA).
Your GPA
is the average grade for all of the courses you have taken in
college. At most
colleges, GPAs range from 0.0 ("F'') to 4.0 ("A"). Your GPA
affects your
future in many ways. At most colleges a minimum GPA (often
2.0, a "C") is
required to graduate, regardless of how many credits you have
Students who fall below the minimwn GPA may be placed on
and are usually ineligible for financial aid and cannot play
sports. Students with very low GPAs are in danger of academic
Academic honors (such as the Dean's List) and some
scholarships are based
on your GPA. Finally, potential employers nlay look at GPAs to
determine if
prospective employees have achieved success in college.
8. Know how to compute your grade point average (GPA). At
most col-
leges, GPAs are printed on a student's transcript, which is a list
of courses com-
pleted (with the grades earned). You can get a copy of your
transcript from
the registrar's office. Transcripts are usually free or available
for a nominal
charge. You can compute your own grade point average by
using the formula
in the following box. Or you can do it online at
Formula for Computing Your Grade Point Average (GPA)

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Sample OutlineTopicBy.docx

  • 1. Sample Outline: Topic By Student Smith COM201 Dr. Horner Today’s Date
  • 2. Topic: Insert topic here. Introduction Capture your audience’s attention with a quote, anecdote, or personal experience Build up to the main reason for the speech Summarize the main idea and briefly state the main pointsFirst Main PointSecond Main PointThird Main Point First Main Point: Working with outline numbered text in Microsoft Word Move an outline numbered item to the appropriate numbering levelOn the Formatting toolbarTo demote the item to a lower numbering levelClick a list numberClick Increase Indent. To promote the item to a higher numbering levelClick a list numberClick Decrease Indent Help plan speech and “categorize the main points” (Benefits of Outline, 1) Second Main Point: Creating a Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 3. Creating a PowerPoint presentation from a Word outline PowerPoint uses the heading styles in the Word documentHeading styles are applied when you use numbered outlinesEach paragraph formatted with the Heading 1 style becomes the title of a new slide, each Heading 2 becomes the first level of text, and so on. ProceduresOpen the document and use it to create a PowerPoint presentation On the File menu, point to Send To, and then click Microsoft PowerPoint Create a PowerPoint presentation based on prepared notes Main Point 3: Building on previous work Use heading styles to create longer documents, view a document's organization in Outline view, and prepare PowerPoint that will enhance speech (Effective Use of Powerpoint, 2) To learn more about Outline view, review Microsoft Word Help Conclusion Restate your main pointsFirst Main PointSecond Main PointThird Main Point Summarize the presented ideas Restate introduction or conclude with a compelling remark
  • 4. Sources 1.Benefits of an Outline. (2015). Importance of an Outline. Retrieved from 2. Effective Use of PowerPoint. (2018). Retrieved from
  • 5. en ~ DJ ,... tD C1Q .... tD U> ()' t-t n i11 DJ er. ::s OQ C/l c: n n tD U> U> .... ::s n 0 ..... ..... tD C1Q tD DJ ::s Q.. ..... ::s ~ .....
  • 6. ~ ..... tturse Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life tturse Strategies for Creating Success in College and in . Life Eighth Edition Skip Downing ~- CENGAGE • • Learn ing· Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States This is an electronic version of the print textbook. Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may be suppressed. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content docs not materially affect the overall learning experience. The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this tit le at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. For valuable information on pricing, previous
  • 7. editions, changes to current editions. and alternate formats, please visit to search by ISBN#. author, title, or keyword for materials in your areas of interes t. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the eBook version. CENGAGE Learning· On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in life, Eighth Edition Skip Downing VP, GM Developmental Studies: Liz Covello Product Manager: Neha Taleja Senior Content Developer: Amy Gibbons Content Developer: Jason Ronstadt Associate Content Developer: Courtney Triola Senior Marketing Manager: Erica Messenger Senior Content Project Manager: Aimee C. Bear
  • 8. Senior Designer: Diana Graham Manufacturing Planner: Bev Breslin IP Analyst: Ann Hoffman IP Project Manager: Kathryn Kucharek Design and Production Service: MPS limited Compositor: MPS Limited Cover Designer: Diana Graham Cover Image: C> Makhnach I Printed in the United States of America Print Number: 0 1 Print Year: 2015 © 2017, 2014, 2011 Cengage learning WCN: 02-200-203 All RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying. recording, scanning, digitizing. taping. web distribu· tion. information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems,
  • 9. except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Cu.stomer & Sales Support, 1·800·354 ·9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at Further permissions questions can be emailed to [email protected] libra ry of Congress Control Number: 2015938981 Student Edition: ISBN: 978·1·305-39747·7 loose·leaf Edition: ISBN: 978·1·305-64716·9 Cengage Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 USA Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with employees residing in nearly 40 different countries and sales in more than 125 countries around the world. Find your local representative at
  • 10. Cengage learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, ltd. To learn more about Cengage Learning Solution s, visit www Purchase any of our products at your local college store or at our preferred online store To Carol, my compass Preface xv Acknowledgments xxv
  • 11. Travel with Me xxv11 Contents 1 Getting On Course to Your Success 1 College Smart-Start Guide 2 Money Matters 5 Managing Money: The Big Picture 6 Increase Money Flowing In 7 Decrease Money Flowing Out 11 • TECH TIPS: MONEY 14 Understanding the Culture of Higher Education 14 The Surface Culture of Higher Education 16 One Dozen College Customs 16 Write a Great Life 20
  • 12. JOURNAL ENTRY 1 21 Understanding the Expectations of College and University Educators 22 Eight Key Expectations 23 • JOURNAL ENTRY 2 28 Understanding Yourself 29 What Does Success Mean to You? 29 Ingredients of Success 30 Assess Your Soft Skills for College Success 31 Forks in the Road 36 A Few Words of Encouragement 36 JOURNAL ENTRY 3 38 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jalayna Onaga 38
  • 13. • Soft Skills AT WORK 39 2 Accepting Personal Responsibility 41 • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING The Late Paper 42 Adopting a Creator Mindset 43 Victim and Creator Mindsets 44 Responsibility and Culture 45 Responsibility and Choice 46 vii viii Contents • JOURNAL ENTRY 4 48 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Taryn Rossmiller 49 Mastering Creator Language 50
  • 14. Self-Talk 50 The Language of Responsibility 53 • JOURNAL ENTRY 5 55 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Alexsandr Kanevskiy 56 Making Wise Decisions 57 The Wise Choice Process 58 JOURNAL ENTRY 6 61 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Freddie Davila 62 • Personal Responsibility AT WORK 62 • TECH TIPS: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY 64 Believing In Yourself Change Your Inner Conversation 65 The Curse of Stinkin' Thinkin' 65 Disputing Irrational Beliefs 67
  • 15. Stereotype Threat 68 • JOURNAL ENTRY 7 69 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Dominic Grasseth 70 3 Discovering Self-Motivation 71 • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING Popson's Dilemma 72 Creating Inner Motivation 74 A Formula for Motivation Value of College Outcomes Value of College Experiences JOURNAL ENTRY 8 79 74 76 78
  • 16. • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Chee Meng Vang 80 Designing a Compelling Life Plan 81 Roles and Goals 81 How to Set a Goal 82 Discover Your Dreams 84 Your Life Plan 84 • JOURNAL ENTRY 9 86 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Brandon Beavers 87 Committing to Your Goals and Dreams 88 Commitment Creates Method 88 Visualize Your Ideal Future 89 How to Visualize 90
  • 17. Contents ix • JOURNAL ENTRY 10 91 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY James Terrell 92 • Self-Motivation AT WORK 93 • TECH TIPS: SELF-MOTIVATION 95 Believing In Yourself Write a Personal Affirmation 96 Claiming Your Desired Personal Qualities 97 Living Your Affirmation 98 8 JOURNAL ENTRY 11 99 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Tina Steen 100 4 Mastering Self-Management 101 • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING The Procrastinators 102
  • 18. Acting on Purpose 103 Harness the Power of Quadrant II 103 What to Do in Quadrants I and II 105 • JOURNAL ENTRY 12 106 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jason Pozsgay 107 Creating a Leak-Proof Self-Management System 108 Time and Culture 108 Weekly Calendar: For Tracking Recurring Scheduled Events 109 Monthly Calendar: For Tracking One-Time Scheduled Events 109 Next Actions List: For Tracking One-Time Unscheduled Events 110 Tracking Form: For Tracking Actions That Need to Be Repeated Numerous Times 111
  • 19. Waiting-For List: For Tracking Commitments That Others Have Made to You 112 Project Folder: For Tracking and Managing Progress Toward a Large Goal 112 The Rewards of Effective Self-Management 113 JOURNAL ENTRY 13 114 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Allysa LePage 119 Developing Self-Discipline 119 Staying Focused 120 Being Persistent 121 Avoiding Procrastination 122 JOURNAL ENTRY 14 124 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Holt Boggs 127
  • 20. • Self-Management AT WORK 127 • TECH TIPS: SELF-MANAGEMENT 129 Believing In Yourself Develop Self-Confidence 130 Create a Success Identity 130 Celebrate Your Successes and Talents 131 Visualize Purposeful Actions 131 x Contents • JOURNAL ENTRY 15 133 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Ashley Freeman 134 5 Employing Interdependence 135 • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING Professor Rogers's Trial 136 Creating a Support System 137
  • 21. A Sign of Maturity 137 Seek Help from Your Instructors 139 Get Help from College Resources 139 Create a Project Team 140 Start a Study Group 141 The Difference Between Heaven and Hell 142 • JOURNAL ENTRY 16 143 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Mitch M ull 144 Strengthening Relationships with Active Listening 145 How to Listen Actively 146 Use Active Listening in Your College Classes 146 8 JOURNAL ENTRY 17 147 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Teroa Paselio 148
  • 22. Respecting Cultural Differences 149 Showing Respect 150 a JOURNAL ENTRY 18 154 • Interdependence AT WORK 155 • TECH TIPS: INTERDEPENDENCE 157 Believing In Yourself Be Assertive 157 Leveling 158 Making Requests 159 Saying #No" 160 • JOURNAL ENTRY 19 161 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Amy Acton 162 6 Gaining Self-Awareness 163 • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING Strange Choices 164
  • 23. Recognizing When You Are Off Course 165 The Mystery of Self-Sabotage 165 Unconscious Forces 166 • JOURNAL ENTRY 20 167 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Sarah Richmond 168 Contents xi Identifying Your Scripts 168 Anatomy of a Script 169 How We Wrote Our Scripts 170 Self-Defeating Habit Patterns 172 • JOURNAL ENTRY 21 173 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY James Florio/Ii 174
  • 24. Rewriting Your Outdated Scripts 174 The Impact of Outdated Beliefs 175 Doing the Rewrite 176 • JOURNAL ENTRY 22 176 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Annette Vafle 180 • Self-Awareness AT WORK 181 • TECH TIPS: SELF-AWARENESS 183 Believing In Yourself Write Your Own Rules 183 Three Success Rules 184 Changing Your Habits 185 • JOURNAL ENTRY 23 186 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Brandee Huigens 186 7 Adopting Lifelong Leaming 188
  • 25. • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING A Fish Story 189 Developing a Leaming Orientation to Life 190 Growth Mindsets and Fixed Mindsets 191 How to Develop a Growth Mindset 193 JOURNAL ENTRY 24 195 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jessie Maggard 196 Discovering Your Preferred Ways of Leaming 196 Self-Assessment: How I Prefer to Learn 197 JOURNAL ENTRY 25 200 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Melissa Thompson 204 Employing CriticalThinking 204 Constructing Logical Arguments 205 Asking Probing Questions 206
  • 26. Applying Critical Thinking 207 JOURNAL ENTRY 26 209 • Lifelong Learning AT WORK 209 • TECH TIPS: LIFELONG LEARNING 212 xii Contents Believing In Yourself Develop Self-Respect 213 Live with Integrity (i.e., No Cheating or Plagiarizing) 213 Keep Commitments 215 • JOURNAL ENTRY 27 217 8 Developing Emotional Intelligence 218 • CASE STUDY IN CRITICAL THINKING After Math 219 Understanding Emotional Intelligence 220
  • 27. Four Components of Emotional Intelligence 221 Knowing Your Own Emotions 222 JOURNAL ENTRY 28 223 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Lindsey Beck 223 Reducing Stress 224 What Is Stress? 224 What Happens When Stress Persists? 225 Unhealthy Stress Reduction 225 Healthy Stress Reduction 226 Choose Your Attitude 232 • JOURNAL ENTRY 29 233 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Jaime Sanmiguel 233 Increasing Happiness 234
  • 28. Limits on Happiness 234 Savoring Pleasures 235 Gratitude 237 Engagement 237 Contribution 238 Strawberry Moments 238 • JOURNAL ENTRY 30 239 • Emotional Intelligence AT WORK 240 • TECH TIPS: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE 242 Believing In Yourself Develop Self-Acceptance 242 Self-Esteem and Core Beliefs 243 Know and Accept Yourself 244 • JOURNAL ENTRY 31 245
  • 29. • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Wynda Allison Paulette 245 Contents xiii 9 Staying On Course to Your Success 247 Planning Your Next Steps 248 Assess Yourself, Again 248 JOURNAL ENTRY 32 253 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Stephan J. Montgomery 254 s A Toolbox for Active Learners 257 Becoming an Active Learner 257 Assess Your Study Skills for College Success 257 How the Human Brain Learns 261 Three Principles of Deep and Lasting Learning 262
  • 30. The CORE Learning System 264 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Kase Cormier 267 Reading 268 Reading: The Big Picture 268 Strategies to Improve Reading 269 Before Reading 269 While Reading 271 After Reading Taking Notes 272 274 Taking Notes: The Big Picture 274 Strategies to Improve Taking Notes 275 Before Taking Notes 275
  • 31. While Taking Notes 276 After Taking Notes 281 Organizing Study Materials 282 Organizing Study Materials: The Big Picture 282 Strategies to Improve Organizing Study Materials 282 Before Organizing Study Materials 282 While Organizing Study Materials 283 After Organizing Study Materials 288 Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 290 Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials: The Big Picture 290 Strategies to Improve Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 291 Before Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 291 While Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 291
  • 32. After Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials 295 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Michael Chapasko 295 xiv Contents Taking Tests 297 Taking Tests: The Big Picture 297 Strategies to Improve Taking Tests 297 Before Taking Tests 298 While Taking Tests 298 After Taking Tests 304 • ONE STUDENT'S STORY Ashley E. Bennet 306 Writing 307 Writing: The Big Picture 308
  • 33. Strategies to Improve Writing 308 Before Writing 308 While Writing 311 After Writing 313 • TECH TIPS: ACTIVE LEARNING 315 Assess Your Study Skills for College Success-Again 316 Conversation with the Author 321 Bibliography 325 Index 327 On Course is intended for college students of any age who want to create success in college and in life. Whether students are taking a student success or fust-year seminar course, a writing course, or an "inward-looking" course in psychol- ogy, self-exploration, or personal growth, On Course is an
  • 34. instruction manual for dramatically improving the quality of their outcomes and experiences. In each chapter, students learn essential study skills; however, that's just the begin- ning. Through self-assessments, articles, guided journals, case studies in critical thinking, and inspiring stories from fellow students, On Course empowers stu- dents with time-proven strategies for creating a great life- academic, personal, and professional. Students learn the techniques that have helped many thou- sands of students create extraordinary success! I am grateful that in the years since its first publication in 1996, On Course has becon1e a market leader in the crowded field of student success texts. Increasingly, educators are finding (as I have) that empowering students to become active, responsible learners produces significant increases in both stu- dent academic success and retention. In addition, the process empowers the1n
  • 35. to create great things in their personal and professional lives. My goal is to make this new edition of On Course even more helpful to the success of students and educators alike. What's New in This Edition of On Course: Highlights • College Smart-Start Guide. Too many students get off course in their very first week of college. Author Skip Downing polled nearly 2,000 college and university educators, asking them, "What do you recommend that your students do in the first week of college to get off to a good start?" The resulting"Smart-Start Guide" provides students with essential first- week actions recommended by the collective wisdom of this large group of educators. A new activity in the On Course Facilitator's Manual engages students in figuring out which of the actions these instructors thought
  • 36. were the 1nost important. When students follow through on these actions, they will lay an early foundation for their academic success. • Understanding the Expectations of College and University Educators. This essay and related journal entry help students better understand how to succeed in the culture of higher education. In this section, they learn "Eight Key Expectations" and "A Dozen Differences Preface [On Course) is the absolute best approach for a first-year seminar/ college success class that there is. The philosophy and textbook are exactly what students need. Catherine Eloranto, Clinton Community College
  • 37. W e wanted a curriculum that went beyond study skills to address the foundational needs of first- year college students. On Course causes students to examine and reflect on the causes of their successes and setbacks. It challenges students to go beyond the obvious and really delves into their motivations and mindsets. Oh, yeah, and it does a great job addressing study skills too. Ann Heiny, Armstrong State University xv xvi Preface
  • 38. There's nothing better than On Course, as far as I'm concerned. Lisa Marks, Ozarks Technical Community College On Course has made a huge difference in the students I work with. Most of them see themselves throughout the book, and they are willing to make changes to improve their lives because of the content of On Course. Tanya Stanley, San Jacinto College The study skills sections are clear, logically organized and more adaptable as a
  • 39. "how-to" guide than any other texts of similar intent. Judith Willner, Coppin State University between High School and College Culture:' This information helps stu- dents quickly understand which behaviors they can continue doing and which they will need to modify, change, or abandon. • Tech Tips. Many websites and apps are available to help students achieve greater success. Most chapters now feature a Tech Tips section that pro- vides suggestions for free websites and apps that can help students employ the soft skills of personal responsibility, self-motivation, self- management, interdependence, self-awareness, lifelong learning, emotional intelligence, and believing in oneself, as well as hard skills related to effective studying.
  • 40. • Discussion about Avoiding Procrastination. Procrastination is the bane of many students' success. This discussion helps students understand why procrastination is so tempting and offers specific methods for not putting off until tomorrow what they would benefit from doing today. Included in the discussion is research from Dr. Dan Ariely, Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University. • A Sign of Maturity. This discussion offers an explanation about the various kinds of relationships in whicl1 people engage: dependent, co-dependent, independent, and interdependent. Advantages and disad- vantages of each are explained, and students are urged to use college to develop independence but also to recognize that there are many occasions when choosing interdependence is a true sign of maturity (not to mention improving one's chances of achieving a goal or dream).
  • 41. • Increasing Happiness. This new article and accompanying journal entry explore the emotional intelligence skill of maximizing happiness. Drawn from the scientific research of positive psychologists, students learn a number of choices they can make to increase their happiness. This topic has recently gained much interest on college campuses. For example, when a course in Positive Psychology was first offered at Harvard University, it immediately became the university's most popular course. • Toolbox for Active Learners. Many On Course instructors asked that study skills be presented in one section (rather than distributed through- out the book). This edition honors that request. Unlike texts that present a long menu of study options, On Course organizes study skills based on the logical learning steps as identified by research on the brain and
  • 42. effective methods for learning. This section begins with a presentation of the CORE Learning Process, the four principles that-consciously or unconsciously- all good learners employ to create deep and lasting learning. Students discover how to use these four principles to learn any subject or skill. Each section of the Toolbox presents effective techniques for one of the study skills covered (reading, taking notes, organizing study materials, rehearsing and memorizing study materials, taking tests, and writing college-level assignments) and ends with an exercise to reinforce the study strategies presented therein. • Study Skills Self-Assessment. In addition to placing all of the study skills in one section, this edition also offers a new Study Skills Self-
  • 43. Assessment. Students can take this self-assessment before learning about study skills and discover areas in which they are weak. At the end of the course, they can retake the assessment to see where they have grown as learners and where they may still need to improve. Students have the option of completing the assessment in either the text or MindTap•. • "One Student's Stories.n A popular feature in earlier editions, these short essays -now numbering 29 in all- are authored by students who used what they learned from On Course to improve the quality of their outcomes and experiences in college and in life. Videos of many of the student-authors reading their essays may be viewed in Mind Tap. • Convers ation with the Author. Since the first edition of On Course was published more than two decades ago, many students have
  • 44. contacted the author with thoughtful questions. This section includes some of those questions and Skip Downing's answers. What's New in This Edition of On Course: Chapter by Chapter Chapter 1 • New "College Smart-Start Guide" provides students with 13 actions that are important to getting off to a good start in college; recommendations are the result of a poll of 2,000 college educators. • At the request of a number of On Course instructors, "Money Matters" has been moved to Chapter l, thus helping students early in the semester to reduce struggles caused by financial difficulties. • New Journal Entry #2. • New cartoon in "Understanding the Culture of Higher Education:'
  • 45. • New "Tech Tips: Money:' • New article, "Understanding the Expectations of College and University Educators:' including a discussion of Eight Key Expectations and A Dozen Differences between High School and College Culture. • New article, "Understanding Yourself,' including a section on Ingredients of Success. • Revised #7 of the Self-Assessment: "Whether I'm happy or not depends mostly on me:' • Moved article "Develop Self-Acceptance" and Journal 4 to Chapter 8. Preface xvii I think these a re very powerful stories .. .. It's good for students to hear
  • 46. that other students have faced the same struggles that they are going through and they have achieved success. Kathryn Burk, Jackson College On Course is life-changing for my students. I have seen students evolve in ways they never imagined in a matter of a semester thanks to On Course. I cannot imagine using another book. No other book encompasses the reflective, introspective, and success attributes that On Course does. On Course walks students through their journey of self-discovery and allows them to grow into the student they have always wanted to become.
  • 47. Joselyn Gonzalez, El Centro College xviii Preface Arr.tone who can teach students personal responsibility is high on my list Debbie Unsold, Washington State Community College O n several occasions, I have had various members of the same family in different semesters of my [On Course) class because they value the learning so much that they recommend it to sisters/brothers/
  • 48. children/uncles. Sandra Lancaster, Grand Rapids Community College I 1ove On Course, and I use it in my personal life as well as preaching it in all of my classes ... I have even used it with the classes that I teach in a women's shelter. The concept of moving from Victim to Creator puts the individual in charge of their life and I love that mindset Pat Grissom, San Jacinto College Chapter 2 • New One Student's Story by Taryn Rossmiller, Boise State University, ID. • New cartoon in "Making Wise Decisions" section.
  • 49. • New "Tech Tips: Personal Responsibility:' Chapter 3 • New One Student's Story by Brandon Beavers, Highland Community CoUege, KS. • New"Tech Tips: Self-Motivation:' • New One Student's Story by Tina Steen, Chaffey College, CA. Chapter 4 • Added Weekly Calendar to "Creating a Leak-Proof Self- Management System:' • Repositioned "Time and Culture" section, discussing how cultures differ in their beliefs and attitudes about time and what college culture's expec- tations are about time.
  • 50. • New information on avoiding procrastination in the "Developing Self-Discipline" article. • New"Tech Tips: Self-Management:' Chapter 5 • Added information to "Creating a Support System" on the importance of choosing wisely among various kinds of relationships: dependent, co-dependent, independent, and interdependent. • Added parable, "The Difference between Heaven and HeU;' in the "Creat- ing a Support System" article. • New One Student's Story by Mitch MulJ, Asheville-Buncombe Technical and Community College, NC. • New One Student's Story by Teroa Paselio, Windward Community College, HI.
  • 51. • New "Tech Tips: Interdependence:' Chapter 6 • New"Tech Tips: Self-Awareness:' Chapter 7 • New "Tech Tips: Lifelong Learning." Chapter 8 • New article, "Increasing Happiness," presents research from scientific studies within the new field of positive psychology, including both the limits on increasing happiness as well as ways to become more happy. • New Journal Entry 30 regarding "Increasing Happiness." • New "Tech Tips: Emotional Awareness~
  • 52. • Moved article, "Develop Self-Acceptance; and Journal Entry 4 (now Journal Entry 31) here from Chapter 1. Chapter 9 • Revised #7 of the Self-Assessment: "Whether I'm happy or not depends ti .. 1nos yon me. Study Skills: A Toolbox for Active Learners • Repositioned study skills materials into one comprehensive section, offer- ing many strategies for Becoming an Active Learner, Reading, Taking Notes, Organizing Study Materials, Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials, Taking Tests, and Writing. • New Self-Assessment of Study Skills, which students can take both before and after they explore the many strategies presented in the Toolbox for
  • 53. Active Learners. When the self-assessment is taken as a pre- test, students learn their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning. When the self-assessment is taken as a post-test, students learn which areas they have strengthened and which areas still need improvement. • New One Student's Story by Michael Chapasko, Blinn College, TX. • New One Student's Story by Ashley E. Bennet, Heartland Community College, IL. Proven Features of On Course The Eighth Edition includes all of the best features of On Course, updated and revised fro1n the previous edition. • Self-Assessment. On Course begins and ends with a self- assessment questionnaire of important non-cognitive skills ("soft skills"). Scores are provided for self-responsibility, self-motivation, self-
  • 54. management, inter- dependence, self-awareness, lifelong learning, emotional intelligence, and belief in oneself. Imagine working with students '"'ho develop strengths in all of these inner qualities! Imagine how these qualities will affect the choices the students make and the outcomes and experiences they cre- ate. By completing the initial questionnaire, students immediately see areas of weakness that need attention. By completing the concluding Preface xix [On Course) is directed at students who live complicated lives; the One Student's Story feature is always relevant to somebody in the class. The case studies are a great way to start conversations that focus on the most
  • 55. urgent needs of students who are often the first in their family to navigate college. Michelle Cochran, Rochester Community and Technical College The [On Course) curriculum is written in a way so as to assess study skills and soft skills without intimidation and provides infonnation and exercises to develop them. Most importantly, [it) places emphasis on mastery through reflection and practice and offers a post self-assessment in order for the student and faculty to measure accomplishment and celebrate success!
  • 56. Jill Beauchamp, Washtenaw Community College xx Preface The On Course book and class have changed my students' lives; it gives them strategies to make wise choices and decisions that affect their college success, as well as life success. Students who had little hope begin to have hope for their lives and their futures. Dorothy Collins, Eastern Gateway Community College
  • 57. J ournaling is the heart and soul of On Course. It helps me check the pulse of my students on a regular basis. I have countless testimonies from students who describe the journaling process as "life-changing." The most reluctant students who ultimately "give in" to journaling often become the most avid supporters of On Course. Gail Janecka, Victoria College I absolutely love these [Case Studies for Critical Thinking] and spend a lot of time with each of them. My favorite is •A Fish Story," and [I] start my semester with this one. I get students thinking about professors'
  • 58. expectations, their own expectations, motivation, taking the initiative. being prepared for class, and being organized. Cindy Thorp, SUNY Alfred, College ofTechnology questionnaire, students see their semester's growth. Students have the option of completing the self-assessment either in the text or online in MindTap•. • Articles on Proven Success Strategies. Thirty-two short articles explain powerful strategies for creating success in college and in life. Each article presents a success strategy from influential figures in psychol- ogy, philosophy, business, sports, politics, and personal and professional growth. In these articles, students learn the "secrets" of extraordinarily
  • 59. successful individuals. • Guided Journal Entries. A guided journal entr y immediately follows each article about a success strategy, giving students an opportunity to apply the strategy they have just learned to enhance their results in college and in life. Many instructors of the course say the guided journal writings are extremely powerful in helping students make new and more effective choices, thus improving their academic success and persistence. • CORE Leaming System. All good learners e1nploy four principles that lead to deep and lasting learning. Students learn how to use these four principles to create their own system for learning any subject or skill. • Case Studies in Critical Thinking. Case studies help students apply
  • 60. the strategies they are learning to real-life situations. As such, they help prepare students to make wise choices in the kinds of challenging situa- tions they will likely face in college. Because case studies don't have "right" answers, they promote critical and creative thinking. • Focus on Diversity. The challenges and opportunities of interacting with new cultures is introduced in the first chapter ("Understanding the Culture of Higher Education"), is explored within many articles (e.g., Responsibility and Culture), and is more extensively examined in the article "Respecting Cultural Differences." • On Course Principles at Work. These sections in each chapter show how important the On Course success strategies (soft skills) are for choos- ing the right career, getting hired, and succeeding in the work world.
  • 61. Support Materials for Students and Instructors For additional information or for help with accessing support materials related to On Course, contact your Cengage Learning Consultant. lf you need help finding your learning consultant, visit, select "College Faculty" from the "Information For ... " menu, and then dick "Rep/Learning Consultant" at the top right of the page. SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS • MindTap® College Success for On Course. MindTap® College Success for On Course, Eighth Edition, is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage and transform today's students into criti- cal thinkers. Through dynamic assignments and applications that you can personalize, real-time course analytics and an accessible reader,
  • 62. MindTap• helps you turn cookie-cutter into cutting-edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers. Features include digital versions of the self-assessments and journal entries, videos, and chapter quizzes and homework. MindTap® College Success for On Course, Eighth Edition, includes access to the College Success Factors Index (CSFI) 2.0, an online resource that assesses students' patterns of behavior and attitudes in ten areas that have been proven to affect student outcomes for success in college. It allows you to identify at-risk students with early-alert reporting, validate your college success progran1 with a post-course assessment of students' progress, and ilnprove your institu- tion's retention rates. Textbook-specific remediation helps your students strengthen the areas where the survey indicates they need improve1nent in order to achieve greater success in college. Ask your
  • 63. Cengage Learning Consultant for more details. • College Success Planner. Instructors can package the On Course text- book with this 12-month, week-at-a-glance academic planner. The College Success Planner assists students in making the best use of their tilne both on and off campus and includes additional reading about key learning strategies and life skills for success in college. SUPPORT FOR INSTRUCTORS • Annotated Instructor's Edition. To help guide mstructors to the many mstructional resources found within the Facilitator's Manual, the Anno- tated Instructor's Edition (ISBN: 9781305647664) provides m the margins specific cross-references directly to ideas and activities available in the Facilitator's Manual. The cross-references are provided by Amy Munson,
  • 64. Director of Instructional Design, United States Air Force Acade1ny, CO. • Revised Facilitator's Manual. The Facilitator's Manual, now offered both in a printed version (ISBN: 9781305647671) and online at the Instructor Companion Site (see below for more information), offers educa- tors specific classroom activities and suggestions from author Skip Down- ing for using On Course in various kinds of courses, and it endeavors to answer questions that educators might have about usmg the teJ.1:. Additionally, the Facilitator's Manual includes "best practices" provided by On Course instructors; additional study skills activities written by Melanie Marine of the University of Wisconsm-Oshkosh; diversity activities pro- vided by LuAnn Wood and Christina Davis, both of Century College; Preface xxi
  • 65. T he information about diversity and culture that is integrated throughout the text is a much more authentic way to discuss diversity and ethnicity rather than with a one- chapter focus. Linda McMeen, North Hennepin Community College T he At Work sections give students a specific venue to see how the soft skills they acquire will transfer to career success. Semester after semester students will share how their work situation improved as a result of what they learned and tried from the At Work
  • 66. sections. These sections are a natural fit in the On Course chapters, and they are packed with pertinent information. Gail Janecka, Victoria College xx i i Preface I use On Course .. . because the concepts are all so valuable in the grand scheme of life. In addition, they are presented in a very user- friendly way and the students are encouraged to apply them in college and in life, so results are observable by the end of the semester! Jill Beauchamp,
  • 67. Washtenaw Community College It is no exaggeration to say this On Course Workshop experience was transformative- both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can't wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators! Lee Ann Adams, First- Year Seminar Coordinator, Indiana University East
  • 68. suggestions for teaching in an online environment written by Pratima Sampat-Mar of Pima Medical Institute and for using MindTap® in an On Course program written by Angela C. Thering of Buffalo State College; and a guide for how to successfully integrate the College Success Factors Index (CSFI) with On Course written by Gary Williams of Crafton Hills College. One of the most popular elements of the On Course Facilitator's Manual is the numerous in-class exercises that encourage students' active explora- tion of the success strategies presented in the text. These learner-centered exercises include role-playing, learning games, dialogues, demonstrations, metaphors, mind-mappings, brainstorms, questionnaires, drawings, skits, scavenger hunts, and many other activities. • Updated Instructor Companion Site. This free protected website provides educators with many resources to offer a course that
  • 69. empow- ers students to become active, responsible, and successful learners. Read the Facilitator's Manual (which is also offered in a printed version, as explained above), download Power Point slides, view content from the DVD On Course: A Comprehensive Program for Promoting Student Academic Success and Retention, and find a useful transition guide for educators who used previous editions of On Course. To access the site, follow these steps: 1. Visit 2. If you have not previously created a faculty account, choose "Create a New Faculty Account" and follow the prompts. 3. If you have created a faculty account previously, log in with your email address or user name and password.
  • 70. 4 . Search for On Course to add the available additional digital resources to your bookshelf. You will always need to return to log and enter your email address and password to sign in to access these resources. Use this space to write down your email address or user name and password below: Email Address: _______________________ _ Password:------------------------- • On Course Workshops and National Conference. Skip Downing, author of On Course, offers faculty development workshops for all educators who want to learn innovative strategies for empowering students to become active, responsible, and successful learners. These highly regarded profes- sional development workshops are offered at conference centers across
  • 71. North America, or you can host a one- to four-day event on your own campus. Online graduate courses (3 credits) are available as a follow-up to two of the workshops. Additionally, you are invited to attend the annual On Course National Conference, where hundreds of learner- centered educators gather to share their best practices. For information about these workshops, graduate courses, and the national conference (including testimonials galore), go to Questions? Email [email protected] or call 650-365-7623. • On Course Newsletter. All college educators are invited to subscribe to the free On Course e-Newsletter. More than 200,000 educators worldwide receive these emails with innovative, learner-centered strategies for engag-
  • 72. ing students in deep and lasting learning. To subscribe, simply go to www and follow the easy, one-click directions. Or you can email a request to [email protected] Preface xxiii S ince first attending one of the summer retreats in 1997, I've held nine full On Course staff development trainings for our college, and I plan to offer more. They are invaluable! I strongly recommend this workshop for all faculty, counselors, advisors, administrators. and support staff. Philip Rodriquez, Director, Student Affairs, Cerritos College
  • 73. Acknowledgments This book would not exist without the assistance of an extraordinary group of people. I can only hope that I have returned (or will return) their wonderful support in kind. At Cengage Learning, I would like to thank Amy Gibbons, Marita Sermolins, Erica Messenger, Aimee Bear, and Courtney Triola for their wtlJagging atten- tion to details and encouraging guidance. At Baltimore City Community College, my thanks go to my former colleagues, the dedicated teachers of the College Success Seminar. At On Course Workshops, thanks to the extraordinary support and wisdom of my colleagues and friends Jonathan Brennan, Robin Middleton, Deb Poese, Eileen Zamora, Mark McBride, Teresa Ward, and
  • 74. LuAnn Wood. Thanks also to the 2000+ On Course Ambassadors, some of the greatest educators in the world, who work tirelessly to introduce their students and colleagues to On Course. And especially Carol- your unwavering love and support keep me on course. You are rny compass. Numerous wise and caring reviewers have made valuable contributions to this book, and many contributed exercises to the Facilitator's Manual, and I thank them for their contributions: Susie P. Aceron, College of the Sequoias Dawn Bartlett, SUNY Jefferson Community College Jill Beauchamp, Washtenaw Community College Susan Cain, Southwestern Community College Rebecca Campbell, Northern Arizona University Essie Childers, Blinn College - Bryan Campus Michelle Cochran, Rochester Community and Technical College Dorothy Collins, Eastern Gateway Community College Kathleen Conway, College of the Sequoias Audra Cooke, Rock Valley College George Daniel, University of Tennessee at Martin
  • 75. Christina Devlin, Montgomery College Catherine EJoranto, Clinton Community College Lalanya Ennis, College of the Mainland Annette Fields, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Debra Ford, Davidson County Community College Janeth Franklin, Glendale Community College Erin Frock, Truckee Meadows Comrnunity College Joselyn Gonzalez, El Centro College Maria E. Gonzalez, Broward College Pat Grissom, San Jacinto College Tuesday Hambric, Eastfield College xxv xxvi Acknowledgments Dan Hayes, Chemeketa Community College Gerald Headd, Cuyahoga Community College Ann Heiny, Armstrong State University Mark Hendrix, Palm Beach State College David Hoffman, Southern State Community College Gail Janecka, Victoria College Dana Kermanian, Grayson County Junior College
  • 76. Stephanie Kroon, State University of New York - Ulster Sandra Lancaster, Grand Rapids Community College Charlene Latimer, Daytona State College Kristina Leonard, Daytona State College Joy Lester, Forsyth Technical Community College Lea Beth Lewis, California State University - Fullerton Charlie Liebert, Davidson County Com1nunity College Jacquelyn Loghry, Northwest Missouri State University Kimberly Manner, West Los Angeles College Lisa Marks, Ozarks Technical Community College Kim Martin, Chemeketa Community College Claire Maxson, Ivy Tech C01rununity College Rebecca McElroy, Wharton County Junior College Linda McMeen, North Hennepin Comn1unity College Amy Munson, United States Air Force Acaden1y, CO Aletia Norwood, Western Nebraska CC Eva O'Brian, Midlands Technical College Jennifer Palcich, University of North Texas Taunya Paul, York Technical College Adrienne Peek, Modesto Junior College June Pomann, Union County College Carrie Roberson, Butte College Steve Schommer, San Diego City College Jo Allison Scott, Northeast Wisconsin Tech College Peter Shull, Pennsylvania State University
  • 77. Thomas Skouras, Community College of Rhode Island M. Somerville-Reeves, Delaware County Community College Tanya Stanley, San Jacinto College Jennifer Swartout, Heartland Commwlity College Angela C. Thering, Buffalo State College Debbie Unsold, Washington State Community College Judy Weaver, Goshen College Judith Willner, Coppin State University Katie Woolsey, Cabrillo College/UC Santa Cruz Finally, my deep gratitude goes out to the students who over the years have had the courage to explore and change their thoughts, actions, feelings, and beliefs. I hope, as a result, you have all lived richer, more personally fulfilling lives. I know I have. Travel with Me On Course is the result of my own quest to live a rich, personally fulfilling life and my strong desire to pass on what I've learned to my
  • 78. students. As such, On Course is a very personal book, for me and for you. I invite you to explore in depth what success means to you. I suggest that if you want to achieve your greatest potential in college and in life, dig deep inside yourself, where you already possess everything you need to make your dreams come true. During my first two decades of teaching college courses, I consistently observed a sad and perplexing puzzle. Each semester I watched students sort themselves into two groups. One group achieved varying degrees of acade1nic success, from those who excelled to those who just squeaked by. The other group struggled mightily; then they withdrew, disappeared, or failed. But, here's the puzzling part. The struggling students often displayed as much acade1nic potential as their more successful classmates, and in some cases more. What, l wondered, causes the vastly different outcomes of these two
  • 79. groups? And what could I do to help my struggHng students achieve greater success? Smnewhere around my 20th year of teaching, I experienced a series of crises in both my personal and professional lives. In a word, I was struggling. After a period of feeling sorry for myself, I embarked on a quest to improve the quaHty of my life. I read, I took seminars and workshops, I talked with wise friends and acquaintances, I kept an in-depth journal, I saw a counselor, I even returned to graduate school to add a master's degree in applied psychology to my doctoral degree in English. I was seriously motivated to change my life for the better. If I were to condense all that I learned into one sentence, it would be this: People who are successful (by their own definition) consistently make wiser choices than people who struggle. I came to see that the quaHty of my life was
  • 80. essentially the result of all of my previous choices. I saw how the wisdom (or lack of wisdom) of my choices influenced, and often determined, the outcomes and experiences of my life. The same, of course, was true for my struggling students. For two and a half decades, I have continued my quest to identify the inner quaHties that empower a person to make consistently wise choices, the very choices that lead to success both in college and in life. As a result of what I learned (and continue to learn), I created a course at my college called the Col- lege Success Seminar. This course was a departure from traditional student suc- cess courses because instead of focusing primarily on study skills and campus resources, it focused on empowering students from the inside out. I had come to believe that most students who struggle in college are perfectly capable of earning a degree and that their struggles go far deeper than not
  • 81. knowing study skills or failing to use campus resources. As a result, I envisioned a course that xxvii xxviii Travel with Me would empower students to develop their natural inner strengths, the qualities that would help them make the wise choices that would create the very out- comes and experiences they wanted in college ... and in life. When I couldn't find a book that did this, I wrote On Course. A few years later, I created a series of professional development workshops to share what I had learned with other educators who want to see their students soar. Then, to provide an opportunity for workshop graduates to continue to exchange their experiences and wisdom, I started a listserv, and this growing group of educators soon
  • 82. named themselves the On Course Ambassadors, sharing On Course strategies with their students and colleagues alike. Later, I created two online graduate courses that further help college educators learn cutting-edge strategies for empowering their stu- dents to be more successful in college and in life. To launch the second decade of On Course, the On Course Ambassadors hosted the first of many On Course National Conferences, bringing together an overflow crowd of educators hun- gry for new ways to help their students achieve more of their potential in col- lege and in life. Every one of these efforts appeals to a deep place in me because they all have the power to change people's lives for the better. But that's not the only appeal. These activities also help me stay conscious of the wise choices I must consistently make to live a richer, more personally fulfilling life. Now that much of my life is back on course, l don't want to
  • 83. forget how I got here! Getting On Course to Your Success Successful Students ... .,.. accept personal responsibility, seeing themselves as the primary cause of their outcomes and experiences. .,.. discover self-motivation, finding purpose in their lives by pursuing personally meaningful goals and dreams. .,.. master self-management, consistently planning and taking purposeful actions in pursuit of their goals and dreams. .,.. employ interdependence, building mutually supportive relationships that help them achieve their goals and dreams
  • 84. (while helping others do the same). Struggling Students • • • .,.. see themselves as victims, believing that what happens to them is determined primarily by external forces such as fate, luck, and powerful others . .,.. have d ifficulty sustaining motivation, often feeling depressed, frustrated, and/ or resentful about a lack of direction in their lives . .,.. seldom identify specific actions needed t o accomplish a desired out come and, when they do, tend to procrastinate . .,.. are sol itary, seldom requesting, even rejecting, offers of assistance from those who could help. 2 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
  • 85. College Smart-Start Guide If you've ever bought a new computer, you'll recall that it came with a user's manual. The user's manual- whether in print or online-was many pages long and contained all you needed to know to get the most from your computer. Think of On Course as your user's manual for higher education. It explains how to get the most out of college. In these pages, you'll discover how to learn effectively, how to get high grades, and how to earn the degree you want. As a bonus, many of the strategies you'll learn will help you achieve success in other key areas of your life, including your career. Most computers also come with a brief guide that's only a few pages long. This guide describes the essential steps for getting your computer up and run- ning quickly and successfully.
  • 86. This Smart-Start Guide has that same intention for college. Complete the following actions before the end of your first week in college, and you'll be off to a great start. Some of these actions can be done in a few minutes. Others take longer. You can do them in any order you choose. So, read and do the lucky 13 actions below. Be s1nart-complete one of them right now. Do a couple more every day, and you'll have them all done by the end of your first week. By then, you'll be on course to great success in higher education. WHAT TO DO DURING YOUR FIRST WEEK IN COLLEGE 1. Leam your campus. Find out where things are so you begin to feel comfortable. What's If your campus offers tours, take one. If not, ask a college employee or an experienced student to show you around. Or ask another first-year student to join you on a self-guided tour. As a last resort, explore on your own.
  • 87. in the various buildings? Where will you find the many services designed to help you suc- ceed? To orient yourself, get a campus map. There's probably one on your college's website. See if you can fill in the location and hours for all of the services listed in Figure 1.1. Service Location Hours College Bookstore - Advising Office Counseling Office Student Activities Office Financial Aid Office Career Center ..._ - Registrar's Office -,... Library
  • 88. - .I!' ! j Tutoring or Academic Support - FIGURE 1.1 College Smart-Start Guide 3 Service Location Hours Computer Center or Lab Dining Facilities Fitness Center r-- Athletic Facilities
  • 89. Student Center Copy Center Public Safety Health Services Other? Other? FIGURE 1.1 (Continued) 2. Locate your classrooms. Find and visit every room in which you have a class. Noth- ing ruins your first week like missing classes because you can't find the rooms. You'll likely find a List of your courses and class- rooms on the document you received 'vhen you registered. Use this information to fill in the first two columns in Figure 1.2. 3. Learn your instructors' names, office locations, and office hours. Instructors'
  • 90. names are usually listed on your registration document next to each course. If an instruc- tor is listed as "TBA"-or something other than a name-an instructor has not yet been assigned to the class. (TBA stands for "To Be Announced:') In that case, you'll need to get your instructor's name at the depart- ment office or the first class meeting. On Figure l.2, record your instructors' names, office locations, and office hours. Office hours are times when instructors are in their office and available for appointments ... and you'll want to make an appointment soon. This additional information will likely be on the first-day handout for each class. (A first- day handout is often called a "syllabus.") 4. Study- don't just skim - the first-day handout (syllabus) for each course. The syllabus is a contract between you and your instructor. In it, he or she presents essential information about the course. Typically, a syllabus contains ...
  • 91. a) a course description (often the same description as in the college catalogue) b) learning objectives (what you are expect- ed to learn in the course) Course Classroom Instructor Office Office Hours - FIGURE 1.2 4 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success c) homework assignments (probably every assignment for the entire course) d) exam schedule (when you'll be tested) e) how your final grade will be determined (how much each assignment is worth) f) course rules (what to do and not do,
  • 92. along with consequences) g) Internet address (if course materials are posted online) h) information about the instructor (name, office location, and office hours) The syllabus may be the single most important document your instructors provide, so read it carefully. Now is the time to ask questions about the syllabus. Your instructor will assume that if you stay in the course, you understand the syllabus and agree to abide by it. 5. Get all of your learning supplies. Every job has both a purpose and essential tools. Job # 1 in college is deep learning. So, make a list of all of the supplies you'll need to learn, such as textbooks, a computerflaptop/tablet, calculator, notebooks, three-ring binders, notepaper, pens, monthly calendars, weekly calendars, folders, and flash drives. Of these supplies, arguably the most essential are your textbooks. Required texts are listed in each
  • 93. syllabus (first-day handout). They can be purchased in your campus bookstore and perhaps online as well. Ideally, you'll have your textbooks in hand before your first class n1eeting. At the latest, get them before the end of Week 1, because any later can sab- otage your success. College instructors 1nove quickly and expect you to come to class pre- pared. [fit's Week 3 and you're just starting to read your assignments, your chances of success plunge. 6. Create a schedule. Adding college assign- ments and activities to your life can be overwhelming. A schedule is essential for getting everything important done on time. Whether your schedule is on paper, on your smartphone, online, or you use some other method, tracking your commit- ments is essential. Make a weekly schedule showing recurring events such as classes, study times, or work. Make a monthly calendar showing due dates for occasional events such as a test, term paper, or meet- ing with an instructor. You'll find weekly
  • 94. and monthly calendars in the section called "Creating a Leak-Proof Self-Management System" in Chapter 4. 7. Get comfortable with campus technology. The use of technology is com1non on college campuses. Check each course syllabus to see what technology your instructors expect you to use. They may send you course updates using campus en1ail. Or expect you to access online resources for their classes. You may be taking a class that is offered partly or entirely online via a course man- agement system (CMS). Some of the more common course management systems are Blackboard (BB), Desire to Learn (D2L) and Moodie. It's possible your instructor will arrange some technology help for your class. Nevertheless, be proactive. Go to your campus computer lab and see if an orienta- tion is offered. If not, ask someone in the computer lab to help you learn what you need to know (as defined in each course syl- labus). Or find a classmate with good tech- nology skills and ask for help.
  • 95. 8. Manage your money. Money problems have sabotaged many students' success in college. Some have had to drop out of col- lege to work. Others have tried working full-time while attending college, but they became overwhelmed. An important step toward understanding your financial situa- tion is creating a budget. That will tell you (in case you don't already know) if money is going to be an obstacle to your success in college. If you're serious about your educa- tion, there are many options to help you overcome the money obstacle. You'll find 1nany suggestions about money manage- 1nent in the next section of this chapter, "Money Matters." 9. Set goals for each course. Make a list of your courses. Next to each one, write your target grade for the course. Then write a goal for the most important thing or things
  • 96. you want to learn in the course. 10. Attend all classes and arrive on time. Class attendance is essential to success in college. Remember, Job # 1 as a student is deep learning, and learning starts in the classroom. Many co!Jege instructors do not take attendance, but don't mistakenly think that means you don't need to be there. 11. Participate in every class. Active engage- ment is the key to deep learning. Attend each class having done all assignments beforehand. Ask questions about your homework. Answer questions your instruc- tor asks. When an instructor facilitates an activity, she's intending that you learn Money Matters Money Matters 5 something important through the experi- ence. Participate at a high level and look for the learning.
  • 97. 12. Complete and hand in all assignments on time. Make a list of all assignments due in week one (and beyond). Record them, along with test dates, on your monthly cal- endar so you can see them coming. Check them off as you finish each one. Here's the double benefit. First, you'll learn more when you attend classes having completed all assigned homework. As a bonus, you'll reduce the stress that many first-year college students experience when they fall behind. 13. Commit to your success. At the end of your first week, think back over your expe- riences with each course. Be honest with yourself. Will you make the time necessary to do all of the work? Are you prepared to give the course your best effort? If not, discuss your concerns with your advisor or a counselor. If your concerns continue, now may be the time to drop the course (and perhaps pick up another course in its place). But if your answer is "yes" to doing all of the course work and giving it
  • 98. your very best effort, then write out this solemn commitment and post it where you will see it every day: I promise myself to give a 100 percent effort every day to every course. Nothing will keep me from achieving success! If lack of money could be an obstacle to your college success, get your finances in order now ... not after it's too late. There's no point heading off on a journey knowing you'll run out of fuel before reaching your destination. The good news is that the efforts (even sacrifices) you make now will likely pay off in the future. Check out Figure 1.3 to see how level of education affects earnings and unemployment. Clearly, earning a degree increases the likelihood of greater abundance. Sadly, however, many students' money problems keep 6 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
  • 99. I Level _o_f_E_d_u_c_a_t_io_n ___ "--M_e_d_i_a_n_E_arnings Unemployment Rate ] Less tha h h h I d I na ig SC 00 ip oma $ 11 24,544 .0% - High SC hool diploma, no college $33,852 7 .5% Some co liege, no degree $37,804 7 .0% Associa te degree $40,404 5 .4% Bachelo r's degree $57,616 4 .0% Master's degree $69, 108 3 .4% Doctora I degree $84,396 2 .2o/o Professi onal degree $89,128 2 .3% - FIGURE 1.3 Yearly Salaries and Unemployment Rates by Levels of Education (25 and older)
  • 100. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, 2013. them from completing the very degree that would help them achieve that abun- dance. They work so many hours that their learning and grades suffer. Still oth- ers drop out of college because of lack of money. If money problems threaten your college degree, read on. In this section, you'll learn some of the basics of money management. There is, of course, much more to know. But if you effectively apply these strat- egies, you can look forward to building the financial resources that will see you though to graduation. MANAGING MONEY:THE BIG PICTURE When I was a new college instructor, a colleague and I were complaining one day about how little money we were making. Both of us had young families, and our salaries barely got us from paycheck to paycheck. One
  • 101. day we decided to stop complaining and do smnething about it. Boldly, we decided to award ourselves a raise. To do so, we brainstormed how we could save or earn more money. Our first discovery was that we were both paying about $6 a month for our checking accounts. We switched to free checking and gave ourselves an instant raise of $72 a year. By itself, that was no big thing. But we also thought of 21 other ways to make or save money. All told, our new choices amounted to an increase of nearly $2,000 a year for each of us. That was the beginning of our realization that we had more control over our money than we had thought. As you examine the following strategies, keep in mind the big picture of managing money. Do everything legal to increase the flow of money into your
  • 102. personal treasury and d ecrease the flow of money out. The better you become at these complementary skills, the more money you will have to enhance your life and the lives of the people you love. There is great abundance on our planet, and there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy your share of it. INCREASE MONEY FLOWING IN 1. Create a budget. A budget helps you define and achieve your goals. It helps you 1nake important decisions about the dollars flowing in and out of your life. Beginning your budget is as simple as filling out the My Financial Plan worksheet on the next page. As a guideline, some financial experts suggest that expenditures in a healthy budget should be dose to the follow- ing percentages of your net income (i.e., the money remaining after deduct- ing federal, state, and local taxes):
  • 103. 31% Housing 20% Transportation 16% Food 8% Miscellaneous 7% Entertainment 7% Savings 6% Clothing 5% Health Obviously, after subtracting all of your expenses from your income, your goal is to have a positive and growing balance. If you have a negative bal- ance, with each passing month you'll slide deeper into debt. To avoid debt, you need to increase your income, decrease your expenses, or both.
  • 104. 2. Find a bank or credit union. A bank or credit union helps you manage your money with services such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and easy access to cash through automated teller machines (ATMs). Your ideal financial institution offers a free checking account that requires no minimum balance and pays interest. Further, it offers a savings account with co1npeti- tive interest rates. And, finally, your ideal financial institution offers free use of its ATMs and those belonging to other banks or credit unions as well. If you need to pay for any of these services, seek to minimize the yearly cost. Credit unions typically offer lower rates on these services than do banks. To fmd credit unions near you, use the search feature at Whether your checking account is with a bank or a credit union, be sure to balance your account regularly. This will save you the expense of bounced (rejected) checks because of insufficient funds.
  • 105. 3. Apply for grants and scholarships. These are financial awards that do not have to be repaid. For United States residents, a great place to get an overview of financial aid sources online is at .ht1nl. The process of applying for financial aid dollars begins with the FAFSA, which stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid Using Money Matters 7 8 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success M y Finan cial Plan Step A : Monthly Income Amount Balance Support from parents or others Scholarships
  • 106. Loans Investments Earned income Total Monthly Income (A ) Step B: Necessary Fixed Monthly Expenses Housing (mortgage or rent) Transportation (car payment, insurance, bus pass, car pool) Taxes (federal and state income, Social Security, M edicare) Insurance (house, health, and life) Child care Tuition Bank fees
  • 107. Debt payment Savings and investments Necessary Fixed Monthly Expenses (Bl Step C: Necessary Variable Monthly Expenses Food and personal care items Clothing Telephone Gas and electric Water Transportation (car repairs, maintenance, gasoline) Laundry and dry cleaning Doctor and medicine Books and software
  • 108. Computer/lnternet access Total Necessary Variable Monthly Expenses (C) Step D: Optional Fixed and Variable Monthly Expenses Eating out (including coffee, snacks, lunches) Entertainment (movies, theater, night life, babysitting) Travel Hobbies Gifts Charitable contributions M iscellaneous (music, magazines, newspapers, etc.) Total Optional Variable Monthly Expenses (D) Money Remaining or Owed at End of Month (A - B - C - D = 7)
  • 109. information you report on this form, the government decides what you or your family can afford to pay toward your education and what you may need in the way of financial assistance. Get copies of the form from your college's financial aid office or online at You'll find a "fore- caster" at this site that will help you estimate the amount of financial aid you can expect to receive. The deadline for completing the FAfSA form is early July. However, some colleges use the information from the FAFSA form to determine their own financial aid, so be sure to check your school's deadline or you could be out ofluck (and money) for that year. The benefit of qualifying for grants and scholarships is that, unlike loans, you don't need to pay them back. Federal Pell Grants provide fman- cial support to students with family incomes up to $50,000;
  • 110. however, most Pell awards go to students with fantlly incomes below $20,000. With a maxi- mum award in 2014-15 of$5,730, the amount of each Pell Grant depends on four factors: 1) financial need, 2) cost of the college, 3) full- or part-time enrollinent, and 4) attendance for a full acade1nic year or less. Effective July 2012, you can receive a Pell Grant for only 12 semesters, or approx:i- n1ately six years. You can get comprehensive information from the Federal Student Aid Information Center in Washington at You can also search without cost for scholarships at Internet sites such as,, and Perhaps most important, spend time with a counselor in your college's financial aid office and let him or her help you get your share of the financial support available for a college education. With all
  • 111. of these resources, there's no need to pay a private service to find you scholarships. Ron Smith, former head of financial aid at Baltimore City Community College, offers this advice: "Students should apply early, provide accurate information, and follow up until an award has been received:' 4. Apply for low-cost loans. These are financial awards that do need to be repaid. Stafford Loans ( are guaranteed by the federal governn1ent, so they generally offer the lowest interest rates. Depending on financial need, Stafford Loans may be up to $3,500 per year for first-year students, $4,500 for sophomores, and $5,500 for juniors and seniors. As of this writing, the maximum total loan is $23,000. The U.S. government pays interest costs until repayment begins, which is usually after gradua- tion. Unsubsidized Stafford Loans do not depend on financial need, but the
  • 112. interest accumulates while you are in college. Other federally guaranteed student loans include PLUS loans (1nade to students' parents) and Perkins Loans (for lower-income students). You 1nay be approved for more loan money than you actually need and be tempted to borrow it all; just remember that what you take now, you'll need to repay later. You don't want to finish your education with the burden of an unnecessarily large debt. The standard repayment plan for student loans is equal monthly payments for 10 years. That's a long time to pay for an earlier bad choice. Money Matters 9 10 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success Here's one last caution about loans: A report by the Brown Center on
  • 113. Education Policy at the Brookings Institution found that many students didn't realize that money they received was a loan that needed to be repaid. ln fact, 28 percent of students who did have federal loans reported they did not have federal loans and 14 percent reported that they had no loans at all. Confusion about what they've borrowed, the report concludes, is "almost certainly leading some students into decisions that they later come to regret:' The lesson? Make sure you know how much money you get for col- lege is a loan and will need to be paid back. 5. Work. Even with grants, scholarships, and low-cost loans, many college students need employment to make ends n1eet. If this is your situation, use your financial plan to figure out how much money you need each month beyond any financial aid. Then set a goal to earn that amount while also getting work experience in your future field of
  • 114. employment. ln other words, your purpose for working is both to make money and to get valuable employment experience and recommendations. In this way, you make it easier to find employment after college and perhaps even nego- tiate a higher starting salary. One place that may help you achieve this double goal is your campus job center. Additionally, on some campuses, instructors are able to hire student assistants to help them with their research. lf you try but can't find employment that provides valuable work expe- rience (or you're not sure what your future employment plans are), seek work that allows you to earn your needed income in the fewest hours- saving you time to excel in your studies. You may do well by creating a high-paying job for yourself by using skills you already possess (or could
  • 115. easily learn). For example, one student I know noticed that eacli autumn the rain gutters of houses near his college became clogged with falling leaves. With a leaf blower and ladder in hand, he knocked on doors and offered to clean gutters for only $20. Few homeowners could resist such a bargain. Averaging two houses per hour, he earned nearly $700 each fall weekend. 6. Save and invest. If you haven't done so already, open a savings account and begin making regular deposits. You can probably save $20 per n1onth just by giving up a pizza and a n1ovie. Set a goal to accumulate a financial reserve for emergencies equal to three months' living expenses. After that, consider making regular deposits in higher-income investments such as stocks, bonds, and 1nutual funds. These are topics beyond the scope of this book but well worth your effort to research. To gain
  • 116. practical experi- ence and guidance, you may want to join (or start) an investment club on your campus. By investing money regularly, you'll benefit from compound interest (earning interest on interest). In this way, even people with mod- est incomes can accumulate significant wealth. A way to make your sav- ings grow even faster is to invest in a tax-deferred retirement account. The money you deposit isn't taiced until you withdraw it many years later, increasing the amount you can potentially save by thousands of dollars. You can open such an account through your employer (who may even make additional contributions) or by opening an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) on your own. DECREASE MONEY FLOWING OUT
  • 117. 7. Lower transportation expenses. Cars are expensive. Beyond car pay- ments, there are costs for insurance, registration, regular maintenance, gasoline, repairs, tolls, and parking. And if you're under 25, you'll pay more for insurance than someone over 25 (especially young men, whose rates are double or triple those of older men). So, if money is tight, consider getting along without a car for now. If you live on campus, this option should be fairly easy. If you commute, you could use public transportation or offer gas money to a classmate for rides to school. 8 . Use credit cards wisely. You'll probably be swamped with invitations to open credit card accounts. You're not alone. "These credit card issu- ers circle the campus like sharks circling a fish;' says Elizabeth Warren, senior senator from Massachusetts and former Harvard Law School
  • 118. professor. So, first, consider whether you should even have a credit card. Visa, MasterCard, and other credit cards provide you with short-term loans to purchase anything you want up to your credit limit. These com- panies are counting on you to postpone paying off the loan past the due date. That's when you start paying interest at their high rates. The conse- quences to your finances can be staggering. Suppose you're 20 years old, owe $3,500 on a credit card that charges 17 percent interest and you reg- ularly pay the minimum charge. You won't pay off that debt until you're 53 years old, and the amount you will ultimately pay is nearly $11 ,000! And if you ever miss a payment, you'll incur a triple penalty. First, you'll be charged a late fee that can be as much as $35 for being even one day overdue. Next, some banks punish late payers by raising their interest rates to "penalty rates" of 20 percent or more. Finally, late
  • 119. payments can show up on your credit report, making it difficult for you to get loans for a car, house or other big-ticket items. How serious is the problem of credit card misuse by college students? One widely quoted statement attributed to an administrator at the University of Indiana noted, "We lose 1nore students to credit card debt than to academic failure:' So, use a credit card only if you can discipline yourself to pay off most, and preferably all, of your balance every month. If you can't, a wiser choice would be to cut up your credit cards- or not even apply for one in the first place. 9. Choose credit cards wisely. If you decide that you do have the discipline to use a credit card wisely, realize that all credit cards are not created equal. Money Matters 11
  • 120. 12 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success Compare your options and choose the one with the lowest interest rates, the longest grace period (time you get to use the money before paying interest), and the lowest annual fee (preferably free). Some cards offer a reward for using them, such as cash back or frequent flyer miles. To find the best deals on credit cards, visit Internet sites such as or 10. Use debit cards wisely. A debit card is similar to a credit card. The dif- ference? The money comes not as a loan from the credit card company but as a withdrawal from your own checking account. Here's the danger. You may forget to record every purchase made on your debit card, as you more likely would if you wrote a check. Consequently, you can easily
  • 121. overdraw your checking account and incur financial penalties for bounced checks. Use a debit card only if you have the discipline to track every use and keep your checking account balance current. 11. Use ATM cards wisely. An ATM card, like a debit card, draws from your personal accowlt., but here the withdrawal is in cash. ATM cards are so easy to use that some financial experts refer to them as "death cards'.' Say you withdraw $100 in cash on Monday, and by Thursday the money has dribbled away. So you take out another $100, and that disappears by the weekend. After a couple of weeks like this, your money runs out before the month does, and you're slipping ever deeper into debt. Use an ATM card only if you have the self-discipline to check your remaining balance after every withdrawal
  • 122. 12. Pay off high-rate debt. Suppose you pay off a loan (such as a credit card balance) that charges 17 percent. That's the same as investing your money at a guaranteed 17 percent rate of return. Better yet, the 17 percent return is tax free, so you're actually earning a much greater return! Compare that to the puny interest rate you'd be earning in a savings account. Don't have extra money in savings to pay off money you owe? A variation is to transfer debt from high-interest-rate loans to lower-interest-rate loans (but watch carefully for hidden transfer costs on some accounts). 13. Avoid credit blunders. There are serious consequences for being finan- cially irresponsible. Every time you create a debt, national credit agencies keep a record. When you later apply for credit, potential lenders can view your credit history for at least the past seven years. Thjs data tells lenders whether you are a good or bad risk. If you're seen as a bad risk,
  • 123. your applica- tion for a car or house loan 1nay be turned down. Or you may be offered a loan with extremely lugh interest rates. Your credit report might even wind up in the hands of a potential landlord or e1nployer. This information could affect your ability to rent an apartment or even get your dream job. Bottom line, unwise financial choices in the present will follow you for years. To view your present credit report and verify its accuracy, order a copy from Equifax at 800-685-1111 (, Experian at 888-397-3742 (, or Trans Union at 800-888-4213 ( Depending on where you live, the report will range in cost from free to about $8. At annualcreditreport .com you can get a free credit report for all three agencies once a year. If you make a credit blunder, immediately contact the company you
  • 124. owe and work out a payment schedule. The sooner you clean up your credit report, the sooner your past mistakes will stop sabotaging your future. If you need help with debt, contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) for low- or no-cost credit assistance at 800-388-2227 ( 14. Use tax credits. Tax credits are expenses you can subtract directly from your federal income tax. If you're paying for college yourself, you may be eligible for an American Opportunity Tax Credit of up to $2,500 in your first four years. For details on this tax credit (as well as the Lifetime Learning Credit), go to -Information-Center 15. Avoid the "Let's Go Out" trap. Someone calls and says, "Let's go out?' You 1neet for food or drinks and spend $20 ... or more. Do this a couple tiJnes a week and you'll wind up dropping hundreds of dollars a
  • 125. 1nonth into a deep, dark hole. One student reported that even after she ran out of money for the month, friends would say, "Oh, c'mon out wit11 us. I'll loan you the money:• That meant she was already spending next month's money. By all means, put entertainment money into your monthly financial plan, but, when it's gone, have the self-discipline to stop going out. Instead, invite friends over and make it BYO-Bring Your Own. Or you could make a great choice by staying home and studying. Studying costs you nothing now and makes a great investment in your future income. 16. Track your spending. To plug a leak, you have to know where it is. So, carry a notepad with you for at least a week and record every penny you spend. (I know, doing this is a pain, but the benefit is worth it!) Exam- ine your recorded expenses and look for financial leaks that don't show
  • 126. up in your financial plan. One student was shocked to discover that he was spending an average of $24 per week ($1,248 per year!) on fast-food lunches; he started packing his lunch and saved a bundle. 17. Examine each expense line in your financial plan for possible reductions. Here are some of the money-saving options my students have come up with: Find a roommate to reduce housing costs. Car pool to share commuting costs. Cut up credit cards. Pack lunches instead of eatiJ1g out. Change banks to lower or eliminate monthly checking fees. Exchange babysittiJ1g with fellow students to minimize child-care expenses. Shop at discount clubs and buy non-perishables (such as toilet paper and laundry detergent) in bulk. Join family/friends discounts for cell phones. Read mag- azines and newspapers at the library, instead of buying them. Pay creditors on time to avoid penalty charges. Delay purchases until the item
  • 127. goes on sale {such as right after Christmas). Find other money-saving ideas on the Internet at Money Matters 13 14 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success MONEY MANAGEMENT EXERCISE To help increase your flow of money in, make a list of skills you have that you could possibly turn into a high-hourly-wage self-employment oppor- tunity. To help decrease your flow of money out, make a list of choices you could make that would each save you $25 or more per year. If you need help, try an Internet search for "saving money" TECH TIPS: Money Mint is the top money management tool (5 out of 5 stars) recommended by Personal Comput-
  • 128. ing magazine. The software connects to all of your online financial institutions, such as banks and credit unions, which means you must pro- vide your login information. The program tracks your personal finances and helps you budget your money. (Web, Android, and iOS) LearnVest, which provides paid financial plan- ning services, also offers the option to sign up for free email newsletters filled with extensive tips for budgeting, saving money and other financial topics. (Web; iOS) offers an easy-to-use online budget that (unlike Mint) does not need to be linked to your financial institutions. It promises to help you understand where your money is leaking out and ways to cut off the or"budget tips:' Compare your two lists with those of classmates to see if you can find addi- tional choices you didn't think of. Add up all of the items on your list (income and outflow) and see how much you could improve your financial picture in one year by making these choices.
  • 129. You'll find more wise advice about managing your money at flow. The free plan offers options for creating a budget and reports. (Web) is a website offered by a partnership between Khan Academy and Bank of America. It offers valuable tips on how to create and stick to a budget, repay a student loan, finance a car, boost your credit score, save for buying a house, and understand your paycheck. (Web) Spreadsheet programs- such as Google's free Google Sheets program and Excel, a program included in the Microsoft Office software suite- can also be used to create effective budgets. Student loan calculators may be found online by doing an Internet search. These pro- grams figure your student loan repayments so you can see how easy or challenging it will be for you to pay back your loan{s). Note: All of the above are free (except for Excel), but some may
  • 130. offer upgraded features for a fee. Understanding the Culture of Higher Education FOCUS QUESTIONS What is unique about the culture of higher education? How does understanding that culture increase your chances of success in college? ln some ways, enrolling in college is like moving to a foreign country. That's because the culture of higher education is different from other cultures you have known, even that of high school. Understanding the Culture of Higher Education 15 Geert Hofstede, a Dutch psychologist and anthropologist, has studied cultures all over the world According to Hofstede, culture is "the collective pro- gramming of the mind that distinguishes the mem- bers of one human group from another'.' Every culture
  • 131. on Earth is programmed to operate by its own unique software. And this is true of higher education as well The sooner you understand the culture of higher edu- c cation, the sooner you will be on course to success. -~ Some aspects of a culture are obvious and visible, ~ whereas others are subtle and invisible. To under- l! stand the distinction between visible and invisible i culture, Brooks Peterson, author of Cultural Intelli- j gence, suggests picturing an iceberg (see Figure 1.4). 8 Above the waterline are the elements of culture we ] can perceive with our five senses. "Surface" culture "Bt pupor.d to tnro11n1" fJl//ural nftrenw Iha/ Wt'rejuSI no/ going to grt. • includes such things as food, fashions, language, gestures, gaines, art, 1nusic, holi- days, and some customs. For example, when someone speaks with a strong accent (compared to yours), you know immediately he is from a different culture. Below the waterline you'll find the more stable and significant features of
  • 132. "deep culture'.' Most of these features are invisible to tourists and recent itnrni- grants. Deep culture consists of the shared beliefs, attitudes, norms, rules, opinions, expectations, and taboos of a group of people. For natives, these deep- culture features are usually taken for granted until someone disobeys them. Here's a sitnple example. When you arrive at a ticket line, what do you do? If you're from mainstream North American culture, you automatically go to the end of the line. No sign is needed because everyone knows that's what you're supposed to do. You probably don't even think about it unless someone cuts in front of you. When someone defies a cultural rule, others get upset. Cultural programs help a group or society run smoothly by keeping people in line (literally and figuratively). FIGURE 1.4 Food, Fashion,
  • 133. Language, Gestures, Art, Games, Music Norms, Beliefs, Rules, Attitudes, Opinions, Taboos, Expectations, World views Cultural Iceberg Surface culture Deep culture T oto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz
  • 134. 16 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success Schools, like ethnic groups, have their own cultures: languages, ways of doing things, values, attitudes toward time, standards of appropriate behavior, and so on. As participants in schools, students are expected to adopt, share, and exhibit these cultural patterns. If they do not or cannot. they are likely to be censured and made to feel uncomfortable in a variety of ways. Jean Moule, Cultural Competence Culture, then, is the collection of surface- and deep-level customs and beliefs
  • 135. that get passed on from generation to generation. Each culture provides "approved" choices at significant, and even insignificant, forks in the road. Culture tells us, "This choice is normal and that one is strange:· Or, "This choice is right and that one is wrong'.' Or, "This choice is good and that choice is bad:' At each fork in the road, our inner programs give us a nudge in the culturally approved direction. To put it succinctly, "Culture is the way we do things around here:· THE SURFACE CULTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Because college is a unique culture, expect some challenges as you adapt But fear not ... you will adapt and very soon feel comfortable. Most differences in surface culture will be pretty obvious. They include factors such as class sizes; appropriate dress; amount of homework assigned; students' races, ages, religions; use of drugs and alcohol; holidays observed; courses offered; and
  • 136. methods of teaching. Like all cultures, higher education has its own language, so you'll probably hear words that sound foreign to you. Suppose your instructor announces, "The directions for the assignment are posted in the course syllabus on Moodie:' These directions make little sense if you don't know the lingo. But it's not really that complicated. Here's what the natives of college culture know: • A syllabus is a document that most instructors provide at the first class session. It contains essential information about the course such as learning objectives, homework assignments, course rules, and how the course grade is determined. If you recognized the term "syllabus" from the Smart-Start Guide, congratulations. You're already learning to speak "college:' • Moodie is a computer software program that allows colleges to offer class content on the Internet. (Similar programs are Blackboard
  • 137. and Desire2Learn.) If your instructor doesn't provide directions for accessing course information posted on the Internet, contact the folks in your campus computer lab for help. Keep reminding yourself that entering college is like entering another country. If you hear words and terms you don't understand, be sure to ask what they mean. It won't be long before you'll be talking like a native. Now let's take a look at a feature of cultures that is less obvious than unfamiliar words. ONE DOZEN COLLEGE CUSTOMS Higher education, like all cultures, has custon1s. These are the things the natives of higher education expect you to know and do. A dozen of these customs are explained below. Heeding them will smooth your path through college, keep you out of dead ends, and speed you on to graduation.
  • 138. 1. Read your college catalogue. Catalogues are usually available in the regis- trar's or counseling office. Many colleges also post a copy on their website. A catalogue contains most of the factual information you'll need to plot a suc- cessful journey through higher education. It explains how your college applies many of the customs discussed in this section. So, keep a college catalogue Understanding the Culture of Higher Education 17 on hand and refer to it often. By the way, if a requirement in the catalogue changes after you enroll at a college, usually you are bound by only the rules that existed when you first entered. So hold on to your past catalogues. 2. Create a long-term educational plan. This plan lists all of the courses you'll take from now until graduation. It assures that you do
  • 139. take all required courses and don't take any unrequired courses (unless you want to). Colleges provide someone to help you create an educational plan. This person could be an advisor, a counselor, or even an instructor (especially if you have chosen a major-see 5. below). Find out who this person is and make an appointment. It's never too early to map out your straightest route to graduation. Like most plans, it can always be revised. 3. Complete general education requirements. Look in your college cata- logue for a list of general education courses. Almost all colleges and universi- ties require students to complete a minimum number of credits in general education. Your institution may call them something else, such as core require- ments, core curriculum, or general curriculum. Regardless of their name, the purpose of general education require1nents is to expose you to a nwnber of
  • 140. broad areas of study- for example, natural sciences, communication, technol- ogy, math, languages, humanities, and social and behavioral science. Typically, you'll need to complete a certain number of credits in each area. Regardless of how n1a.ny credits you earn, you can't earn a degree until you've completed all general education requirements. That's why your long-term educational plan (2. above) will always include the general education courses you intend to take. 4. Complete prerequisites. A prerequisite is a course that must be success- fully completed before taking a more advanced course. For example, colleges usually require passing algebra before taking calculus. Before you register for courses each semester, check each course description in your college cata- logue. Any prerequisites will be included in the course description. Confinn you have completed all prerequisites before registering for a course.
  • 141. 5. Choose a major. You'll usually choose a major area of study in your first or second year. Examples of majors include nursing, English, mechanical engineering, economics and commercial art. You'll take n1any courses in your major, supplemented by general education and elective courses. (An elective is a course you don't have to take but want to.) Having a career goal makes choosing your major easier. If undecided about a career, visit your campus career center. There you'll get help identifying careers that fit your interests, talents, and personality. All majors and their required courses are listed in your college catalogue. Until you've entered a major, you're wise to concentrate on completing your general education requirements. 6. Meet with your instructors during their office hours. Most college instructors have regular office hours. These times are usually included
  • 142. in the course syllabus and may also be posted on the instructor's office door. You can make an appointment before or after class, or you can call the instructor's office. Be sure to show up on time (or call beforehand to W hat we call customs rest on top and are most apparent Deepest and least apparent are the cultural values that give meaning and direction to life. Values influence people's perceptions of needs and their choice between perceived alternative courses of action. Benjamin Paul, anthropologist 18 Chapter 1 Getting On Course to Your Success
  • 143. reschedule). Arrive with a goal. Maybe you'd like your instructor to clarify a comment she wrote on your English composition. Or you'd like sugges- tions for how to better prepare for your next math test. Another important reason to meet with your instructors is to establish a friendly relationship and make yourself more than just a name on a course roster. Building such relationships will go a long way to help if you ever need special assistance. 7. Know the importance of your grade point average (GPA). Your GPA is the average grade for all of the courses you have taken in college. At most colleges, GPAs range from 0.0 ("F'') to 4.0 ("A"). Your GPA affects your future in many ways. At most colleges a minimum GPA (often 2.0, a "C") is required to graduate, regardless of how many credits you have accumulated. Students who fall below the minimwn GPA may be placed on
  • 144. probation and are usually ineligible for financial aid and cannot play intercollegiate sports. Students with very low GPAs are in danger of academic dismissal. Academic honors (such as the Dean's List) and some scholarships are based on your GPA. Finally, potential employers nlay look at GPAs to determine if prospective employees have achieved success in college. 8. Know how to compute your grade point average (GPA). At most col- leges, GPAs are printed on a student's transcript, which is a list of courses com- pleted (with the grades earned). You can get a copy of your transcript from the registrar's office. Transcripts are usually free or available for a nominal charge. You can compute your own grade point average by using the formula in the following box. Or you can do it online at Formula for Computing Your Grade Point Average (GPA)