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RUBRICS for IPCRF of Teachers per Objective in every KRA
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T Outstanding
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 1, Objective No. 1
Prepared detailed lesson
plans/ daily lesson logs of
activities including
appropriate, adequate
and updated instructional
(Rater will use
tool and look
into the
Structure and
Relevance of
IMs and DI’s
must be
relevant and
aligned w/
All dailylesson plans had
the following (5 parts):
 Objective/s
 Subject Matter
 Procedures
 Evaluation;and
 Assignment
Had 4 of the five parts
of the lesson
Had 3 of the five parts
of the lesson
Had 2 of the five parts of
the lesson plan/DLP/DLL
Had 1 of the five parts of
the lesson plan/DLP/DLL
Objective was Specific,
Measurable, Attainable,
Result-oriented and
Objective was stated
with 1 behavioral
indicator missing
Objective was stated
with 2 behavioral
indicators missing
Objective was stated with
3 - 4 behavioral
indicators missing
Objective was stated
without behavioral
MOVs: Mastery
Learning per
subject by
grade level
(reflected inthe
class record)
Attained 100% of the
Attained85-99% of the
Attained70-84% of the
Attained55-69% of the
Attained54% and below
of the desiredlearning
No. of Lesson
divided by the
Total No. of
Lesson to be
Delivered per
quarter (year) x
CGs and TGs
100% and above based
on the Budget of Work
85-99% basedon the
Budget of Work (BOW)
70-84% basedon the
Budget of Work (BOW)
55-69% basedon the
Budget of Work (BOW)
54% and belowbasedon
the Budget of Work
ACTUAL RESULTS Rating Average Score
Sample Computation for KRA 1,
Objective 1
Quality *Had 4 of the five parts of the lessonplan/DLP/DLL
*Objective was stated with2 behavioral indicators
4 Points
3 Points
Q= 4+3
= 7
Final Q= 7/2
Q = 3.5 Points
Average Point for
Objective 1 is… 3.17
Q+E+T / 3
3.5 +3+3 = 9.5 /3
Ave.= 3.17
Efficiency Attained 70-84% of the desiredlearning
E = 3 Points
Timeliness 70-84% basedon the Budget of Work(BOW) T = 3 Points
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 1, Objective No. 2
Facilitated learning in the
elementary/ secondary
schools through
functional lesson
plans/daily lesson logs
and innovative teaching
(Rater will use
tool and look
into the
Objectives and
The teacher established
measurable goal/s for
student learning that is
aligned withthe DepEd
standards (Kto 12 BEC)
The teacher developed
a measurable goal for
student learning that is
aligned withthe DepEd
standards (Kto 12 BEC)
The teacher clearly
communicateda focus
for student learning
that is alignedwiththe
DepEd standards (Kto
12 BEC) competencies
The teacher didnot have
a clear focus for student
The teacher didnot have
a clear focus for student
learning or the objective
is too general to guide
lesson planning or the
objective is
inappropriate for
(Rater will use
tool and look
into the
interaction and
aligned with
IMs, Dis, ICT
Teaching methods and
strategies elicited100%
and above interaction
from a class or classes
Teaching methods and
strategies elicited85-
99% interactionfroma
class or classes
Teaching methods and
strategies elicited70-
84% interactionfroma
class or classes
Teaching methods and
strategies elicited55-69%
interactionfrom a class
or classes
Teaching methods and
strategies elicited54%
and below interaction
from a class or classes
Result of student
observation/ appraisal
are 100% and above used
as basisfor follow-up
Result of student
observation/ appraisal
are 85-99% usedas
basisfor follow-up
Result of student
observation/ appraisal
are 70-84% usedas
basisfor follow-up
Result of student
observation/ appraisal
are 55-69% usedas basis
for follow-up
Result of student
observation/ appraisal
are not usedas basis for
ICT integrationis 100%
and above evident
ICT integrationis 85-
99% evident
ICT integrationis 70-
84% evident
ICT integrationis 55-69%
ICT integrationis not
(Rater will use
tool and look
into the
Has providedand
applicable and
appropriate activities for
the classes handled
within the rating period
Has providedand
activitiesfor the classes
handled withinthe
rating period
Has provided readily
available activities for
the classes handled
within the rating period
Has providedfew
activitiesfor the classes
handled withinthe rating
Has providedirrelevant
and inappropriate
activitiesfor the classes
handled withinthe
rating period
of learning
Objectives, IMs,
ACTUAL RESULTS Rating Average Score
Sample Computation for KRA 1,
Objective 2
Quality The teacher developeda measurable goal for
student learning that is alignedwith the DepEd
standards (Kto 12 BEC) competencies
4 Points
Q = 4 Points
Average Point for
Objective 2 is… 3.56
Q+E+T / 3
4+3.67+3 = 10.67 / 3
Ave.= 3.56
Efficiency *Teaching methods and strategies elicited70-84%
interactionfrom a class or classes
* Result of student observation/ appraisal are 85-
99% used as basis for follow-up
* ICT integration is 85-99% evident
3 Points
4 Points
4 Points
3+4+4 = 11/3
E = 3.67 Points
Timeliness Has provided readilyavailable activities for the
classes handledwithin the rating period
T = 3 Points
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 1, Objective No. 3
Initiated discipline of
pupils/ students including
classroom rules,
guidelines and individual
group tasks
QUALITY Students were 100% and
above guided in the
observationof classroom
rules andguidelines.
Students were 85-99%
classroomrules and
Students were 70-84%
classroomrules and
Students were 55-69%
guidedinthe observation
of classroomrules and
Students were not
classroomrules and
EFFICIENCY 100% and above of the
guidelinesand tasks are
reflectedin the
descriptive rating in the
report card or journal
85-99% of the observed
rules, guidelines and
tasks are reflectedin
the descriptive rating in
the report cardor
70-84% of the observed
rules, guidelines and
tasks are reflectedin
the descriptive rating in
the report cardor
55-69% of the observed
rules, guidelines and
tasks are reflectedin the
descriptive rating in the
report card or journal
There was noobserved
rules, guidelines and
tasks as manifested in
the descriptive rating in
the report cardor
TIMELINESS 100 % and above of the
guidelinesand tasks are
maintained withinthe
rating period.
85-99 % of the
guidelinesand tasks are
maintained withinthe
rating period.
70-84 % of the
guidelinesand tasks are
maintained withinthe
rating period.
55-69 % of the classroom
rules, guidelines and
tasks are maintained
within the rating period.
54 % and belowof the
guidelinesand tasks are
maintained withinthe
rating period.
ACTUAL RESULTS Rating Average Score
Sample Computation for KRA 1,
Objective 3
Quality Students were 100% andabove guided in the
observationof classroom rules and guidelines.
5 Points
Q = 5 Points
Efficiency 85-99% of the observedrules, guidelines andtasks
are reflected inthe descriptive rating in the report
card or journal
E = 4 Points
Average Point for
Objective 3 is…4.33
Q+E+T / 3
5 +4+4 = 13 /3
Ave.= 4.33
Timeliness 785-99 % of the classroomrules, guidelines and
tasks are maintainedwithinthe ratingperiod.
T = 4 Points
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 1, Objective No.4
Monitored attendance,
diversity appreciation,
safe, positive and
motivating environment,
overall physical
atmosphere, cleanliness
and orderliness of
classrooms including
proper waste disposal
QUALITY Attendance checking was
100% and above
systematicallycarried out
Attendance checking
was 85 - 99%
Attendance checking
was 70 - 84%
Attendance checking was
55 - 69% systematically
Attendance checking
was 54 % andbelow
Safety, orderlinessand
cleanliness of floors,
toilets and proper waste
disposal were 100% and
above maintained
Safety, orderlinessand
cleanliness of floors,
toilets and proper
waste disposalwere
85-99% maintained
Safety, orderlinessand
cleanliness of floors,
toilets and proper
waste disposalwere
70-84% maintained
Safety, orderlinessand
cleanliness of floors,
toilets and proper waste
disposal were 55-69%
Safety, orderlinessand
cleanliness of floors,
toilets and proper waste
disposal were 54%
100% and above diversity
appreciation wasevident
in both academic
instruction andgroup
85-99% diversity
appreciation was
evident in both
academic instruction
and grouptasks
70-84% diversity
appreciation was
evident in both
academic instruction
and grouptasks
55-69% diversity
appreciation wasevident
in both academic
instruction andgroup
54% and belowdiversity
appreciation was
evident in both
academic instruction
and grouptasks
EFFICIENCY Provisionof attendance
monitoringwas 100%
and above evident
Provisionof attendance
monitoringwas 85 -
99% evident
Provisionof attendance
monitoringwas 70-84%
Provisionof attendance
monitoringwas 55-69%
Provisionof attendance
monitoringwas 54% and
below evident
Provisionof cleanliness,
safetyand orderliness
were 100% andabove
Provisionof cleanliness,
safetyand orderliness
were 85 – 99%
Provisionof cleanliness,
safetyand orderliness
were 70 – 84%
Provisionof cleanliness,
safetyand orderliness
were 55 – 69%
Provisionof cleanliness,
safetyand orderliness
were 54 % and below
Student-learners are
100% and above engaged
in various activities and
tasks withpositive results
Student-learners are
85-95% engagedin
various activitiesand
tasks withpositive
Student-learners are
70-84 % engaged in
various activitiesand
tasks bearingsignificant
results but with1 or 2
concerns for
improvement /
Student-learners are 55-
69 % engaged in various
bearing some good
results but with3 or 4
concerns for
improvement /
Student-learners are
54% and belowengaged
in various activities and
tasks bearing
insignificant results and
with more concerns for
improvement /
TIMELINESS Preparation and
submissionof attendance
record/report was
Preparation and
record/report was
submittedwith1 or 2
Preparation and
record/report was
submittedwith3 – 4
Preparation and
submissionof attendance
record/report was
submittedwith5 or more
issues inline with time-
Preparation and
record/report was

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This document is a mid-year review form for evaluating the performance of teacher Amor P. Gonzales at Tambo Elementary School in Camarines Sur. It outlines their key result areas, objectives, performance targets, means of verification, and ratings. The form is used to assess the teacher's content knowledge, learning environment, curriculum planning, assessment/reporting skills, and professional development. Objectives are evaluated on quality, efficiency, and timeliness. The teacher and principal provide ratings and remarks on progress toward objectives at the mid-year point.


The document provides guidance for facilitating Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions for teachers participating in the ELLN Digital professional development course on early language, literacy, and numeracy instruction. Each LAC session includes getting started, sharing assignments in small groups, a big group discussion, and looking ahead to the next session. The guide outlines 16 total LAC sessions to correspond with the course modules and lessons over 18 weeks. LAC facilitators are provided detailed plans and norms for leading collaborative discussions to support teachers' learning and application of the course concepts.

School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment- Activity Completion Report
School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment- Activity Completion ReportSchool Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment- Activity Completion Report
School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment- Activity Completion Report

The Quality Assurance and Accountability Division of DepEd-Regional Office VII held a two-day training program on the School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment System from June 13-14, 2013 in Cebu City. The training targeted 76 participants from schools divisions, with 86 participants attending. The objectives were to demonstrate understanding of school monitoring and evaluation, describe the school evaluation process, validate data gathering tools, commit to implementing the evaluation system, and develop implementation plans. Participants evaluated the training positively for its planning, content delivery, and attainment of objectives.

issues inline with time-
issues inline with time-
issues inline with time-
Monitoring andensuring
cleanliness, safetyand
orderliness were done
Monitoring and
safetyand orderliness
were done most ofthe
time with 1 or 2 issues
affecting positive
Monitoring and
safetyand orderliness
were done at times
with 3 or 4 issues
affecting positive
Monitoring andensuring
cleanliness, safetyand
orderliness were not
done some of the time
with 5 or more issues
affecting positive results
Monitoring andensuring
cleanliness, safetyand
orderliness were not
done most of the time
with more issuesthat
needs applicable
Leaners’ diversity
appreciation are evident
everytime when
incorporated inthe
learning process/group
Leaners’ diversity
appreciation are
evident most of the
time when
incorporated inthe
learning process/group
Leaners’ diversity
appreciation are
evident some of the
times when
incorporated inthe
learning process/group
Leaners’ diversity
appreciation are not
evident andnot
incorporated inthe
learning process/group
tasks most of the time
Leaners’ diversity
appreciation are not
evident andnot
incorporated inthe
learning process/group
tasks at all times
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 2, Objective No. 1
Monitored and evaluated
and maintained
pupils’/students’ progress
QUALITY Evidencesshowedthat
the teacher purposely
plans assessments and
varies assessment
choices to match the
different student needs,
abilities andlearning
The teacher explained
the various uses and
limitations ofthe
different kinds of
assessments or tests.
students needs and
avenuesfor growth
were clearlyidentified
There is evidence of
more thanone
measure of student
performance bit there
is difficultyin analysing
data to inform
and delivery
The teacher planned
instructions without
learning data
No evidence ofstudent
monitoringor evaluation
of student progress
EFFICIENCY Class recordreflected the
basesof 100% and above
of students’ ratinginall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected
the basesof 85-99% of
students’ rating inall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected
the basesof 70-84% of
students’ rating inall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected the
basesof 55-69% of
students’ rating inall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected
the basesof 54% and
below students’ ratingin
all classes/subject areas
Students’ portfolio
contained100% and
above oftheir
Students’ portfolio
contained85-99% of
their accomplishment
Students’ portfolio
contained70-84% of
their accomplishment
Students’ portfolio
contained55-69% of
their accomplishment
Students’ portfolio
contained54% and
below of their
Test questions were
100% and above logically
sequencedwithTable of
specifications showing
congruence between
content andskills tested.
Test questions were 85-
99% logically
of specifications
showing congruence
betweencontent and
skills tested.
Test questions were 70-
84% logically
of specifications
showing some
congruence between
content andskills
Test questions were 55-
69% logicallysequenced
but the Table of
specifications does not
show congruence
betweencontent and
skills tested.
Test questions were not
there is notable of
specifications to show
congruence between
content andskills tested.
Pre-test andpost-test
were 100% andabove
administered inall
Pre-test andpost-test
were 85-99%
administered inall
Pre-test andpost-test
were 70-84%
administered inall
Pre-test andpost-test
were 55-69%
administered inall
Pre-test andpost-test
were never
classes / subject area
classes / subject area
classes / subject area
classes / subject area
TIMELINESS Monitoring, evaluation
and maintaining
students’ progress were
done everytime within
the rating period
(quarterly, semestral)
Monitoring, evaluation
and maintaining
students’ progress
were done most ofthe
time within the rating
periodwith1 or 2
issues that needs
Monitoring, evaluation
and maintaining
students’ progress
were done most ofthe
time within the rating
periodwith3 or 4
issues that needs
Monitoring, evaluation
and maintaining
students’ progress were
done some of the times
within the rating period
with 5 or more issues
that needs attention
Monitoring, evaluation
and maintaining
students’ progress were
not done within the
rating period
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 2, Objective No. 2
programs to improve
performance indicators
enrichment programis
offeredto 100% and
above ofthe students
who needit
enrichment programis
offeredto 85-99% of
the students whoneed
enrichment programis
offeredto 70-84% of
the students whoneed
it and it manifested
some improvement in
the performance
enrichment programis
offeredto 55-69% of the
students whoneed it and
it manifested minimal
improvement inthe
performance indicators
enrichment programis
offeredto 54% and
below of the students
who needit andit
improvement inthe
performance indicators
EFFICIENCY Remediation/
enrichment planwas
preparedwith100% and
above results showing
improvement inthe
performance indicators
enrichment planwas
results showing
improvement inthe
performance indicators
enrichment planwas
results showing
improvement inthe
performance indicators
enrichment planwas
results showing
improvement inthe
performance indicators
enrichment planwas
preparedwith54% and
below results showing
improvement inthe
performance indicators
TIMELINESS Remediation/
enrichment activities
were deliveredevery
time as reflectedinthe
DLL / needs assessment
enrichment activities
were deliveredmost of
the time as reflectedin
the DLL / needs
enrichment activities
were deliveredsome of
the times as reflected
in the DLL / needs
enrichment activities
were not deliveredmost
of the time as reflectedin
the DLL / needs
enrichment activities
were not deliveredat all
times andwas not
reflectedin the DLL /
needs assessment
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 2, Objective No. 3
pupils/students’ school
QUALITY Teacher maintainedand
updated100% and above
of the students’ school
Teacher maintained
and updated85-99 % of
the students’ school
Teacher maintained
and updated70-84 % of
the students’ school
Teacher maintainedand
updated55-69 % of the
students’ school records
Teacher maintainedand
updated54 % and
below of the students’
school records
EFFICIENCY Students’ school records
contains 100% andabove
of the students’ progress,
data andrelevant
Students’ school
records contains 85-
99% of the students’
progress, data and
relevant information
showing positive
Students’ school
records contains 70-
84% of the students’
progress, data and
relevant information
showing positive
Students’ school records
contains 55-69% of the
students’ progress, data
and relevant information
showing positive results,
Students’ school records
contains 54% and below
of the students’
progress, data and
relevant information
showing positive results,
positive results, follow-up
and intervention
results, follow-upand
results, follow-upand
follow-up and
follow-up and
TIMELINESS Students’ school records
are maintainedand
updatedat requiredtime
within the rating period
Students’ school
records are maintained
and updatedat most of
the requiredtime
within the rating period
Students’ school
records are maintained
and updatedat some of
the requiredtime
within the rating period
Students’ school records
are not maintained and
updatedat some ofthe
requiredtime withinthe
rating period
Students’ school records
are not maintained and
updatedat alltimes
within the rating period
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 2, Objective No. 4
Attained the required
GSA for grade level and
learning areas
QUALITY Attained100% and
above MPS or GSA inall
classes or subject areas
Attained85-99% MPS
or GSA in all classesor
subject areashandled
Attained70-84% MPS
or GSA in all classesor
subject areashandled
Attained55-69% MPS or
GSA in all classes or
subject areashandled
Attained54% and below
MPS or GSA in all classes
or subject areas handled
EFFICIENCY Class recordreflected the
basesof 100% and above
of students’ ratinginall
classes/subject areas
Class record reflected
the basesof 85-99% of
students’ rating inall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected
the basesof 70-84% of
students’ rating inall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected the
basesof 55-69% of
students’ rating inall
classes/subject areas
Class recordreflected
the basesof 54% and
below students’ ratingin
all classes/subject areas
TIMELINESS Computationof the
requiredMPS or GSA was
done everyquarter /
semester showing
positive results
Computationof the
requiredMPS or GSA
was done everyquarter
/ semester showing 1
or 2 issues but
produced positive
Computationof the
requiredMPS or GSA
was done everyquarter
/ semester showing 3
or 4 issues but
produced positive
Computationof the
requiredMPS or GSA was
done everyquarter /
semester showing5 or
more issues andclearly
affectedpositive results
Computationof the MPS
or GSA was done every
quarter / semester
showing critical issues
and it failed to produce
positive results
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 3, Objective No. 1
Conducted regular
/periodic Homeroom PTA
QUALITY 100% and above of the
planned meetings were
85-99% of the planned
meetings conducted
70-84% of the planned
meetings conducted
55-69% of the planned
meetings conducted
54% and belowof the
planned meetings
EFFICIENCY Provisionof reports and
agreements contained
accomplishment withset
agreements met
Provisionof reports
and agreements
containedonlyset of
agreements andpartial
Provisionof reports
and agreements
produced onlyset of
Provisionof reports and
agreements produced
minimal results
Provisionof reports and
agreements produced
no results
TIMELINESS Conductedat least twice
everysemester or once
everyquarter or as
within the rating period
rating periodbut not
aligned withthe school
calendar for 1 instance
/ case
rating periodbut not
aligned withthe school
calendar for 2 to 3
rating periodbut not
aligned withthe school
calendar for 4 to 5
rating periodbut not
aligned withthe school
calendar for 6 or more
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 3, Objective No. 2 QUALITY Academic monitoring/
follow-up wasinitiatedto
Academic monitoring/
follow-up wasinitiated
Academic monitoring/
follow-up wasinitiated
Academic monitoring/
follow-up wasinitiatedto
Academic monitoring/
follow-up wasinitiated
Visited parents of
pupils/students needing
100 % and above of the
students whoneed it
to 85-99% of the
students whoneed it
to 70-84% of the
students whoneed it
55-69% of the students
who needit
to 54% and below ofthe
students whoneed it
EFFICIENCY 100% and above
accomplishment ofset
visits with successful
accomplishment of
visits with partial
success in
accomplishment of
visits with suggested
planned interventions
55-69% accomplishment
of visits withplanned
54% and below
accomplishment withno
TIMELINESS Activityconductedat
least twice every
semester or once every
least once every
semester or once in
every2 quarters
when the needarises
but withinthe rating
when there is a great
need to addressrelevant
issues andconcerns
within the rating period
Activitywas never
conducted withinthe
rating period
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 3, Objective No. 3
with external
QUALITY Supported100% and
above ofthe projects,
events, activitieswith
external fundingor
Supported85-99% of
the projects, events,
activitieswith external
fundingor sponsorship
Supported70-84% of
the projects, events,
activitieswith external
fundingor sponsorship
Supported55-69% of the
projects, events,
activitieswith external
fundingor sponsorship
Supported54% and
below of the projects,
events, activitieswith
external fundingor
EFFICIENCY 100% and above project
accomplishment withfull
85-99% project
accomplishment with
partial completion
70-84% project
initiative withno
55-69% project initiative
with no completion
No project, event or
activityinitiated and
TIMELINESS Done withinthe rating
Done withinthe rating
periodbut with 1 issue
or concern that needs
Done withinthe rating
periodbut with 2 or 3
issues or concerns that
need intervention
Done withinthe rating
periodbut with 4 or
more issues that need
Not done withinthe
rating period
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 4, Objective No. 1
Conducted action
QUALITY Conducted100% and
above ofthe required
number of researchto
address classroom /
learning problems
Conducted85-99% of
the requirednumber of
researchto address
classroom/ learning
Conducted70-84% of
the requirednumber of
researchto address
classroom/ learning
or learning problem with
a research proposal
classroomor learning
EFFICIENCY 100% and above full
85-99% documentation
on completion of
70-84% documentation
on completion of
55-69% documentation
on completion of
No documentationon
completionor inthe
conduct of research / no
TIMELINESS Conductedevery
semester withinthe
rating period
semester within the
rating periodbut with1
or 2 issues affecting its
full implementation
semester within the
rating periodbut with3
or 4 issues affecting its
full implementation
semester within the
rating periodbut with5
or more issues affecting
its full implementation
Not conducted within
the rating period
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T Outstanding Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor

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This performance monitoring and coaching form tracks an educator's progress and development over time. It documents critical incidents, their impact on teaching and student learning, and action plans for improvement. Dates are included alongside descriptions of lessons, student performance on summative tests, time management challenges, interventions for struggling students, effective teaching strategies, integrating technology, and incorporating higher-order thinking skills. Signatures from the rater and ratee are included to acknowledge progress.

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Supervisory plan-and-report-2022Supervisory plan-and-report-2022
Supervisory plan-and-report-2022

This document outlines the supervisory plan and report for the MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) Department of the SDO Pangasinan II for the calendar year 2022. It details the focus of supervision for each week in March which includes lesson planning, classroom observations, checking school forms, conducting monitoring and evaluations, and mid-year instructional supervision and evaluation. The plan is intended to facilitate the professional growth of teachers through feedback to help make teaching and learning more effective. Supervisory reports are submitted monthly and used as the basis for providing technical assistance and for evaluating individual performance.

(5) (3) (2) (1)
KRA 4, Objective No. 2
Participated in activities
such as teachers
association and other
QUALITY Initiated/ participatedin
100% and above required
or agreedco-curricular or
school activities
Initiated/ participated
in 85-99% of the
requiredor agreed co-
curricular or school
Initiated/ participated
in 70-84% of the
requiredor agreed co-
curricular or school
Initiated/ participatedin
55-69% of the required
or agreedco-curricular or
school activities
Initiated/ participatedin
54% and belowof the
requiredor agreed co-
curricular or school
EFFICIENCY Extent of participation
and involvement
completion and results
Initiatedor participated
in co-curricular or
school activitieswith
partial documentation
on completion and
Initiatedor participated
in co-curricular or
school activitieswith
minimal partial
Initiatedor participated
in co-curricular or school
activitieswith no
involvement is not
TIMELINESS Withinthe ratingperiod Withinthe rating
periodbut with 1 or 2
issues andconcerns for
improvement on
Withinthe rating
periodbut with 3 or 4
issues andconcerns for
improvement on
Withinthe ratingperiod
but with 5 or more issues
and concerns for
improvement on
Not within the rating
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory
KRA 4, Objective No. 3
Attended In-Service-
Trainings and other
relevant trainings/
seminars/ workshops
for teachers.
QUALITY Attended100% and
above ofthe INSET or
trainings/ seminars/
workshops/ LACsessions
Attended85-99% of the
INSET or required
relevant trainings/
seminars/ workshops/
LAC sessions
Attended70-84% of the
INSET or required
relevant trainings/
seminars/ workshops/
LAC sessions
Attended55-69% of the
INSET or required
relevant trainings/
seminars/ workshops/
LAC sessions
Attended54% and
below of the INSETor
trainings/ seminars/
workshops/ LACsessions
EFFICIENCY 100% and above of the
attendance and
appearances complied
85-99% of the
attendance and
appearances complied
70-84% of the
attendance and
appearances complied
55-69% of the
attendance and
appearances complied
54% and belowof the
attendance and
appearances complied
TIMELINESS Withinthe ratingperiod Withinthe rating
periodbut with 1 or 2
issues andconcerns for
improvement on
Withinthe rating
periodbut with 3 or 4
issues andconcerns for
improvement on
Withinthe ratingperiod
but with 5 or more issues
and concerns for
improvement on
Not within the rating
Performance Indicators
Q, E, T
Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory

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Rubrics for IPCRF of Teachers per Objective of their KRAs

  • 1. PANGPANG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL RUBRICS for IPCRF of Teachers per Objective in every KRA Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 1, Objective No. 1 Prepared detailed lesson plans/ daily lesson logs of activities including appropriate, adequate and updated instructional materials QUALITY (Rater will use Observation tool and look into the Content, Structure and Relevance of DLP/DLL) IMs and DI’s must be relevant and aligned w/ content All dailylesson plans had the following (5 parts):  Objective/s  Subject Matter  Procedures  Evaluation;and  Assignment Had 4 of the five parts of the lesson plan/DLP/DLL Had 3 of the five parts of the lesson plan/DLP/DLL Had 2 of the five parts of the lesson plan/DLP/DLL Had 1 of the five parts of the lesson plan/DLP/DLL Objective was Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented and Time-bound(SMART) Objective was stated with 1 behavioral indicator missing Objective was stated with 2 behavioral indicators missing Objective was stated with 3 - 4 behavioral indicators missing Objective was stated without behavioral indicators EFFICIENCY MOVs: Mastery Learning per subject by grade level (reflected inthe class record) Attained 100% of the desiredlearning competencies. Attained85-99% of the desiredlearning competencies. Attained70-84% of the desiredlearning competencies. Attained55-69% of the desiredlearning competencies. Attained54% and below of the desiredlearning competencies. TIMELINESS Computation: No. of Lesson Delivered divided by the Total No. of Lesson to be Functionally Delivered per quarter (year) x 100 MOVs: BOW, CGs and TGs 100% and above based on the Budget of Work (BOW) 85-99% basedon the Budget of Work (BOW) 70-84% basedon the Budget of Work (BOW) 55-69% basedon the Budget of Work (BOW) 54% and belowbasedon the Budget of Work (BOW) ACTUAL RESULTS Rating Average Score Sample Computation for KRA 1, Objective 1 Quality *Had 4 of the five parts of the lessonplan/DLP/DLL *Objective was stated with2 behavioral indicators missing 4 Points 3 Points Q= 4+3 = 7
  • 2. Final Q= 7/2 Q = 3.5 Points Average Point for Objective 1 is… 3.17 Q+E+T / 3 3.5 +3+3 = 9.5 /3 Ave.= 3.17 Efficiency Attained 70-84% of the desiredlearning competencies. E = 3 Points Timeliness 70-84% basedon the Budget of Work(BOW) T = 3 Points Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 1, Objective No. 2 Facilitated learning in the elementary/ secondary schools through functional lesson plans/daily lesson logs and innovative teaching strategies QUALITY (Rater will use Observation tool and look into the Content, Objectives and competencies) MOVs:DLP/DLL, CG, BOW The teacher established challengingand measurable goal/s for student learning that is aligned withthe DepEd standards (Kto 12 BEC) competencies The teacher developed a measurable goal for student learning that is aligned withthe DepEd standards (Kto 12 BEC) competencies The teacher clearly communicateda focus for student learning that is alignedwiththe DepEd standards (Kto 12 BEC) competencies The teacher didnot have a clear focus for student learning. The teacher didnot have a clear focus for student learning or the objective is too general to guide lesson planning or the objective is inappropriate for students. EFFICIENCY (Rater will use Observation tool and look into the Method, strategies, learners’ interaction and participation aligned with competencies) MOVs:DLL/DLP, IMs, Dis, ICT IntegrationPlan Teaching methods and strategies elicited100% and above interaction from a class or classes Teaching methods and strategies elicited85- 99% interactionfroma class or classes Teaching methods and strategies elicited70- 84% interactionfroma class or classes Teaching methods and strategies elicited55-69% interactionfrom a class or classes Teaching methods and strategies elicited54% and below interaction from a class or classes Result of student observation/ appraisal are 100% and above used as basisfor follow-up Result of student observation/ appraisal are 85-99% usedas basisfor follow-up Result of student observation/ appraisal are 70-84% usedas basisfor follow-up Result of student observation/ appraisal are 55-69% usedas basis for follow-up Result of student observation/ appraisal are not usedas basis for follow-up ICT integrationis 100% and above evident ICT integrationis 85- 99% evident ICT integrationis 70- 84% evident ICT integrationis 55-69% evident ICT integrationis not evident TIMELINESS (Rater will use Observation tool and look into the relevance, applicationand appropriateness Has providedand developedrelevant, applicable and appropriate activities for the classes handled within the rating period (quarter/yearly) Has providedand developedapplicable activitiesfor the classes handled withinthe rating period (quarter/yearly) Has provided readily available activities for the classes handled within the rating period (quarter/yearly) Has providedfew activitiesfor the classes handled withinthe rating period(quarter/yearly) Has providedirrelevant and inappropriate activitiesfor the classes handled withinthe rating period (quarter/yearly)
  • 3. of learning activities) MOVs:DLL/DLP, Objectives, IMs, DIs ACTUAL RESULTS Rating Average Score Sample Computation for KRA 1, Objective 2 Quality The teacher developeda measurable goal for student learning that is alignedwith the DepEd standards (Kto 12 BEC) competencies 4 Points Q = 4 Points Average Point for Objective 2 is… 3.56 Q+E+T / 3 4+3.67+3 = 10.67 / 3 Ave.= 3.56 Efficiency *Teaching methods and strategies elicited70-84% interactionfrom a class or classes * Result of student observation/ appraisal are 85- 99% used as basis for follow-up * ICT integration is 85-99% evident 3 Points 4 Points 4 Points 3+4+4 = 11/3 E = 3.67 Points Timeliness Has provided readilyavailable activities for the classes handledwithin the rating period (quarter/yearly) T = 3 Points Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 1, Objective No. 3 Initiated discipline of pupils/ students including classroom rules, guidelines and individual group tasks QUALITY Students were 100% and above guided in the observationof classroom rules andguidelines. Students were 85-99% guidedinthe observationof classroomrules and guidelines. Students were 70-84% guidedinthe observationof classroomrules and guidelines. Students were 55-69% guidedinthe observation of classroomrules and guidelines. Students were not guidedinthe observationof classroomrules and guidelines. EFFICIENCY 100% and above of the observedrules, guidelinesand tasks are reflectedin the descriptive rating in the report card or journal 85-99% of the observed rules, guidelines and tasks are reflectedin the descriptive rating in the report cardor journal 70-84% of the observed rules, guidelines and tasks are reflectedin the descriptive rating in the report cardor journal 55-69% of the observed rules, guidelines and tasks are reflectedin the descriptive rating in the report card or journal There was noobserved rules, guidelines and tasks as manifested in the descriptive rating in the report cardor journal TIMELINESS 100 % and above of the classroomrules, guidelinesand tasks are maintained withinthe rating period. 85-99 % of the classroomrules, guidelinesand tasks are maintained withinthe rating period. 70-84 % of the classroomrules, guidelinesand tasks are maintained withinthe rating period. 55-69 % of the classroom rules, guidelines and tasks are maintained within the rating period. 54 % and belowof the classroomrules, guidelinesand tasks are maintained withinthe rating period. ACTUAL RESULTS Rating Average Score Sample Computation for KRA 1, Objective 3 Quality Students were 100% andabove guided in the observationof classroom rules and guidelines. 5 Points Q = 5 Points
  • 4. Efficiency 85-99% of the observedrules, guidelines andtasks are reflected inthe descriptive rating in the report card or journal E = 4 Points Average Point for Objective 3 is…4.33 Q+E+T / 3 5 +4+4 = 13 /3 Ave.= 4.33 Timeliness 785-99 % of the classroomrules, guidelines and tasks are maintainedwithinthe ratingperiod. T = 4 Points Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 1, Objective No.4 Monitored attendance, diversity appreciation, safe, positive and motivating environment, overall physical atmosphere, cleanliness and orderliness of classrooms including proper waste disposal QUALITY Attendance checking was 100% and above systematicallycarried out Attendance checking was 85 - 99% systematicallycarried out Attendance checking was 70 - 84% systematicallycarried out Attendance checking was 55 - 69% systematically carriedout Attendance checking was 54 % andbelow carriedout Safety, orderlinessand cleanliness of floors, toilets and proper waste disposal were 100% and above maintained Safety, orderlinessand cleanliness of floors, toilets and proper waste disposalwere 85-99% maintained Safety, orderlinessand cleanliness of floors, toilets and proper waste disposalwere 70-84% maintained Safety, orderlinessand cleanliness of floors, toilets and proper waste disposal were 55-69% maintained Safety, orderlinessand cleanliness of floors, toilets and proper waste disposal were 54% maintained 100% and above diversity appreciation wasevident in both academic instruction andgroup tasks 85-99% diversity appreciation was evident in both academic instruction and grouptasks 70-84% diversity appreciation was evident in both academic instruction and grouptasks 55-69% diversity appreciation wasevident in both academic instruction andgroup tasks 54% and belowdiversity appreciation was evident in both academic instruction and grouptasks EFFICIENCY Provisionof attendance monitoringwas 100% and above evident Provisionof attendance monitoringwas 85 - 99% evident Provisionof attendance monitoringwas 70-84% evident Provisionof attendance monitoringwas 55-69% evident Provisionof attendance monitoringwas 54% and below evident Provisionof cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were 100% andabove manifestedinclass rules/grouptasks Provisionof cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were 85 – 99% manifestedinclass rules/grouptasks Provisionof cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were 70 – 84% manifestedinclass rules/grouptasks Provisionof cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were 55 – 69% manifestedinclass rules/grouptasks Provisionof cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were 54 % and below manifestedinclass rules/grouptasks Student-learners are 100% and above engaged in various activities and tasks withpositive results Student-learners are 85-95% engagedin various activitiesand tasks withpositive results Student-learners are 70-84 % engaged in various activitiesand tasks bearingsignificant results but with1 or 2 concerns for improvement / betterment Student-learners are 55- 69 % engaged in various activitiesandtasks bearing some good results but with3 or 4 concerns for improvement / betterment Student-learners are 54% and belowengaged in various activities and tasks bearing insignificant results and with more concerns for improvement / betterment TIMELINESS Preparation and submissionof attendance record/report was submittedwithinthe requiredtime Preparation and submissionof attendance record/report was submittedwith1 or 2 Preparation and submissionof attendance record/report was submittedwith3 – 4 Preparation and submissionof attendance record/report was submittedwith5 or more issues inline with time- on-taskprinciples. Preparation and submissionof attendance record/report was submittedwithmore
  • 5. issues inline with time- on-taskprinciples. issues inline with time- on-taskprinciples. issues inline with time- on-taskprinciples. Monitoring andensuring cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were done regularlywithpositive results Monitoring and ensuringcleanliness, safetyand orderliness were done most ofthe time with 1 or 2 issues affecting positive results Monitoring and ensuringcleanliness, safetyand orderliness were done at times with 3 or 4 issues affecting positive results Monitoring andensuring cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were not done some of the time with 5 or more issues affecting positive results Monitoring andensuring cleanliness, safetyand orderliness were not done most of the time with more issuesthat needs applicable interventions Leaners’ diversity appreciation are evident everytime when incorporated inthe learning process/group tasks Leaners’ diversity appreciation are evident most of the time when incorporated inthe learning process/group tasks Leaners’ diversity appreciation are evident some of the times when incorporated inthe learning process/group tasks Leaners’ diversity appreciation are not evident andnot incorporated inthe learning process/group tasks most of the time Leaners’ diversity appreciation are not evident andnot incorporated inthe learning process/group tasks at all times Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 2, Objective No. 1 Monitored and evaluated and maintained pupils’/students’ progress QUALITY Evidencesshowedthat the teacher purposely plans assessments and varies assessment choices to match the different student needs, abilities andlearning styles The teacher explained the various uses and limitations ofthe different kinds of assessments or tests. Evidencesshowedthat students needs and avenuesfor growth were clearlyidentified There is evidence of more thanone measure of student performance bit there is difficultyin analysing data to inform instructionalplanning and delivery The teacher planned instructions without analysingstudent learning data No evidence ofstudent monitoringor evaluation of student progress EFFICIENCY Class recordreflected the basesof 100% and above of students’ ratinginall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 85-99% of students’ rating inall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 70-84% of students’ rating inall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 55-69% of students’ rating inall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 54% and below students’ ratingin all classes/subject areas handled Students’ portfolio contained100% and above oftheir accomplishment Students’ portfolio contained85-99% of their accomplishment Students’ portfolio contained70-84% of their accomplishment Students’ portfolio contained55-69% of their accomplishment Students’ portfolio contained54% and below of their accomplishment Test questions were 100% and above logically sequencedwithTable of specifications showing congruence between content andskills tested. Test questions were 85- 99% logically sequencedwithTable of specifications showing congruence betweencontent and skills tested. Test questions were 70- 84% logically sequencedwithTable of specifications showing some congruence between content andskills tested. Test questions were 55- 69% logicallysequenced but the Table of specifications does not show congruence betweencontent and skills tested. Test questions were not logicallysequencedand there is notable of specifications to show congruence between content andskills tested. Pre-test andpost-test were 100% andabove administered inall Pre-test andpost-test were 85-99% administered inall Pre-test andpost-test were 70-84% administered inall Pre-test andpost-test were 55-69% administered inall Pre-test andpost-test were never administered
  • 6. classes / subject area supportedbyanalysis report classes / subject area supportedbyanalysis report classes / subject area supportedbyanalysis report classes / subject area supportedbyanalysis report TIMELINESS Monitoring, evaluation and maintaining students’ progress were done everytime within the rating period (quarterly, semestral) Monitoring, evaluation and maintaining students’ progress were done most ofthe time within the rating periodwith1 or 2 issues that needs attention Monitoring, evaluation and maintaining students’ progress were done most ofthe time within the rating periodwith3 or 4 issues that needs attention Monitoring, evaluation and maintaining students’ progress were done some of the times within the rating period with 5 or more issues that needs attention Monitoring, evaluation and maintaining students’ progress were not done within the rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 2, Objective No. 2 Conducted remediation/enrichment programs to improve performance indicators QUALITY Remediation/ enrichment programis offeredto 100% and above ofthe students who needit Remediation/ enrichment programis offeredto 85-99% of the students whoneed it Remediation/ enrichment programis offeredto 70-84% of the students whoneed it and it manifested some improvement in the performance indicators Remediation/ enrichment programis offeredto 55-69% of the students whoneed it and it manifested minimal improvement inthe performance indicators Remediation/ enrichment programis offeredto 54% and below of the students who needit andit manifestedno improvement inthe performance indicators EFFICIENCY Remediation/ enrichment planwas preparedwith100% and above results showing manifestationof improvement inthe performance indicators Remediation/ enrichment planwas preparedwith85-99% results showing manifestationof improvement inthe performance indicators Remediation/ enrichment planwas preparedwith85-99% results showing manifestationof improvement inthe performance indicators Remediation/ enrichment planwas preparedwith55-69% results showing manifestationof improvement inthe performance indicators Remediation/ enrichment planwas preparedwith54% and below results showing manifestationof improvement inthe performance indicators TIMELINESS Remediation/ enrichment activities were deliveredevery time as reflectedinthe DLL / needs assessment Remediation/ enrichment activities were deliveredmost of the time as reflectedin the DLL / needs assessment Remediation/ enrichment activities were deliveredsome of the times as reflected in the DLL / needs assessment Remediation/ enrichment activities were not deliveredmost of the time as reflectedin the DLL / needs assessment Remediation/ enrichment activities were not deliveredat all times andwas not reflectedin the DLL / needs assessment Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 2, Objective No. 3 Maintained/updated pupils/students’ school records QUALITY Teacher maintainedand updated100% and above of the students’ school records Teacher maintained and updated85-99 % of the students’ school records Teacher maintained and updated70-84 % of the students’ school records Teacher maintainedand updated55-69 % of the students’ school records Teacher maintainedand updated54 % and below of the students’ school records EFFICIENCY Students’ school records contains 100% andabove of the students’ progress, data andrelevant informationshowing Students’ school records contains 85- 99% of the students’ progress, data and relevant information showing positive Students’ school records contains 70- 84% of the students’ progress, data and relevant information showing positive Students’ school records contains 55-69% of the students’ progress, data and relevant information showing positive results, Students’ school records contains 54% and below of the students’ progress, data and relevant information showing positive results,
  • 7. positive results, follow-up and intervention results, follow-upand intervention results, follow-upand intervention follow-up and intervention follow-up and intervention TIMELINESS Students’ school records are maintainedand updatedat requiredtime within the rating period Students’ school records are maintained and updatedat most of the requiredtime within the rating period Students’ school records are maintained and updatedat some of the requiredtime within the rating period Students’ school records are not maintained and updatedat some ofthe requiredtime withinthe rating period Students’ school records are not maintained and updatedat alltimes within the rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 2, Objective No. 4 Attained the required GSA for grade level and learning areas QUALITY Attained100% and above MPS or GSA inall classes or subject areas handled Attained85-99% MPS or GSA in all classesor subject areashandled Attained70-84% MPS or GSA in all classesor subject areashandled Attained55-69% MPS or GSA in all classes or subject areashandled Attained54% and below MPS or GSA in all classes or subject areas handled EFFICIENCY Class recordreflected the basesof 100% and above of students’ ratinginall classes/subject areas handled Class record reflected the basesof 85-99% of students’ rating inall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 70-84% of students’ rating inall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 55-69% of students’ rating inall classes/subject areas handled Class recordreflected the basesof 54% and below students’ ratingin all classes/subject areas handled TIMELINESS Computationof the requiredMPS or GSA was done everyquarter / semester showing positive results Computationof the requiredMPS or GSA was done everyquarter / semester showing 1 or 2 issues but produced positive results Computationof the requiredMPS or GSA was done everyquarter / semester showing 3 or 4 issues but produced positive results Computationof the requiredMPS or GSA was done everyquarter / semester showing5 or more issues andclearly affectedpositive results Computationof the MPS or GSA was done every quarter / semester showing critical issues and it failed to produce positive results Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 3, Objective No. 1 Conducted regular /periodic Homeroom PTA meetings/conferences QUALITY 100% and above of the planned meetings were conducted 85-99% of the planned meetings conducted 70-84% of the planned meetings conducted 55-69% of the planned meetings conducted 54% and belowof the planned meetings conducted EFFICIENCY Provisionof reports and agreements contained remarkable accomplishment withset agreements met Provisionof reports and agreements containedonlyset of agreements andpartial accomplishment Provisionof reports and agreements produced onlyset of agreements Provisionof reports and agreements produced minimal results Provisionof reports and agreements produced no results TIMELINESS Conductedat least twice everysemester or once everyquarter or as requiredeverytime within the rating period Conductedwithinthe rating periodbut not aligned withthe school calendar for 1 instance / case Conductedwithinthe rating periodbut not aligned withthe school calendar for 2 to 3 instances Conductedwithinthe rating periodbut not aligned withthe school calendar for 4 to 5 instances Conductedwithinthe rating periodbut not aligned withthe school calendar for 6 or more instances Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 3, Objective No. 2 QUALITY Academic monitoring/ follow-up wasinitiatedto Academic monitoring/ follow-up wasinitiated Academic monitoring/ follow-up wasinitiated Academic monitoring/ follow-up wasinitiatedto Academic monitoring/ follow-up wasinitiated
  • 8. Visited parents of pupils/students needing academic monitoring/follow-up 100 % and above of the students whoneed it to 85-99% of the students whoneed it to 70-84% of the students whoneed it 55-69% of the students who needit to 54% and below ofthe students whoneed it EFFICIENCY 100% and above accomplishment ofset visits with successful interventions 85-99% accomplishment of visits with partial success in implementationof interventions 70-84% accomplishment of visits with suggested planned interventions 55-69% accomplishment of visits withplanned interventions 54% and below accomplishment withno interventions TIMELINESS Activityconductedat least twice every semester or once every quarter Activityconductedat least once every semester or once in every2 quarters Activityconductedonly when the needarises but withinthe rating period Activityconductedonly when there is a great need to addressrelevant issues andconcerns within the rating period Activitywas never conducted withinthe rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 3, Objective No. 3 Supported projects/events/activities with external funding/sponsorship QUALITY Supported100% and above ofthe projects, events, activitieswith external fundingor sponsorship Supported85-99% of the projects, events, activitieswith external fundingor sponsorship Supported70-84% of the projects, events, activitieswith external fundingor sponsorship Supported55-69% of the projects, events, activitieswith external fundingor sponsorship Supported54% and below of the projects, events, activitieswith external fundingor sponsorship EFFICIENCY 100% and above project accomplishment withfull completionand documentationreport 85-99% project accomplishment with partial completion 70-84% project initiative withno completionreport 55-69% project initiative with no completion report No project, event or activityinitiated and supported TIMELINESS Done withinthe rating period Done withinthe rating periodbut with 1 issue or concern that needs intervention Done withinthe rating periodbut with 2 or 3 issues or concerns that need intervention Done withinthe rating periodbut with 4 or more issues that need intervention Not done withinthe rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 4, Objective No. 1 Conducted action research QUALITY Conducted100% and above ofthe required number of researchto address classroom / learning problems Conducted85-99% of the requirednumber of researchto address classroom/ learning problems Conducted70-84% of the requirednumber of researchto address classroom/ learning problems Identifiedonlyclassroom or learning problem with a research proposal Identifiedonly classroomor learning problemwithno researchproposal EFFICIENCY 100% and above full documentationon completionof intervention 85-99% documentation on completion of intervention 70-84% documentation on completion of intervention 55-69% documentation on completion of intervention No documentationon completionor inthe conduct of research / no interventiondone TIMELINESS Conductedevery semester withinthe rating period Conductedevery semester within the rating periodbut with1 or 2 issues affecting its full implementation Conductedevery semester within the rating periodbut with3 or 4 issues affecting its full implementation Conductedevery semester within the rating periodbut with5 or more issues affecting its full implementation Not conducted within the rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
  • 9. (5) (3) (2) (1) KRA 4, Objective No. 2 Participated in activities such as teachers association and other related organizations/trainings QUALITY Initiated/ participatedin 100% and above required or agreedco-curricular or school activities Initiated/ participated in 85-99% of the requiredor agreed co- curricular or school activities Initiated/ participated in 70-84% of the requiredor agreed co- curricular or school activities Initiated/ participatedin 55-69% of the required or agreedco-curricular or school activities Initiated/ participatedin 54% and belowof the requiredor agreed co- curricular or school activities EFFICIENCY Extent of participation and involvement manifestedfull documentationon completion and results Initiatedor participated in co-curricular or school activitieswith partial documentation on completion and results Initiatedor participated in co-curricular or school activitieswith minimal partial documentationonly Initiatedor participated in co-curricular or school activitieswith no documentation Participationand involvement is not evident TIMELINESS Withinthe ratingperiod Withinthe rating periodbut with 1 or 2 issues andconcerns for improvement on participationand involvement Withinthe rating periodbut with 3 or 4 issues andconcerns for improvement on participationand involvement Withinthe ratingperiod but with 5 or more issues and concerns for improvement on participationand involvement Not within the rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) KRA 4, Objective No. 3 Attended In-Service- Trainings and other relevant trainings/ seminars/ workshops for teachers. QUALITY Attended100% and above ofthe INSET or requiredrelevant trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ LACsessions Attended85-99% of the INSET or required relevant trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ LAC sessions Attended70-84% of the INSET or required relevant trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ LAC sessions Attended55-69% of the INSET or required relevant trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ LAC sessions Attended54% and below of the INSETor requiredrelevant trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ LACsessions EFFICIENCY 100% and above of the attendance and appearances complied 85-99% of the attendance and appearances complied 70-84% of the attendance and appearances complied 55-69% of the attendance and appearances complied 54% and belowof the attendance and appearances complied TIMELINESS Withinthe ratingperiod Withinthe rating periodbut with 1 or 2 issues andconcerns for improvement on participationand involvement Withinthe rating periodbut with 3 or 4 issues andconcerns for improvement on participationand involvement Withinthe ratingperiod but with 5 or more issues and concerns for improvement on participationand involvement Not within the rating period Objectives Performance Indicators Q, E, T Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)