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The future of media buying
with Generative AI
Rhys Cater
Chief Solutions O���cer, Data & Tech
Managed media spend
Rhys Cater, Precis, The future of media buying with Generative AI.pdf
AI is going to change
What we see when we open LinkedIn

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The document discusses several important considerations for companies looking to implement artificial intelligence, including developing an AI transformation playbook, assessing an organization's AI maturity, anticipating costs and timing, deciding whether to build or buy AI solutions, and addressing important legal and ethical issues around explainability, privacy, fairness, and safety. The document provides guidance on how companies can effectively lead their organization into the AI era by establishing the right strategies, processes, and safeguards.

aiblackbeltaiartificial intelligence
AI is just more technology
How we think about AI
It’s not the tech, it’s what you
do with it that counts
How we find value
Find the low hanging fruit of
workflows that can be faster and
more efficient with GenAI ➔
More time on strategy, less
time on content generation 📝
Generative AI • Use Cases • Table Stakes
Generative AI is excellent at producing
content quickly. One Precis SEO case
showed a 50% increase in efficiency by
adopting new techniques. Keep in mind:
➔ More content is not always better
➔ Be strategic with content generation —
keep it connected to business goals
➔ Human oversight is key

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The document discusses Creative Chaos, a company that helps large enterprises innovate through an agile development process. It provides (1) an innovation delivery framework to validate, build, and scale ideas using agile teams within 2-4 weeks, (2) diverse technology expertise, and (3) helps transfer institutional knowledge of products to enterprises. The target customers are VP/CXOs seeking to address opportunities but who face challenges such as organizational inertia and limited IT capabilities. Creative Chaos helps accelerate development and overcome these challenges through its startup-style approach and expertise in both startups and large enterprises.

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Data Driven Marketing. May 18th 2018 - Data Driven Innovation 2018. Engineering Department, University of Roma Tre

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Rhys Cater, Precis, The future of media buying with Generative AI.pdf
Generic use of AI will yield
generic results. A strategic
approach tied to business
outcomes is key ➔
Strategic integration of AI 💡
Generative AI • Use Cases • Creative
By integrating AI into our workflows with
Folq, Precis was able to:
➔ Spend time on strategic thinking and
the connection between the brand and
➔ Experiment with Folq’s creative profile
➔ Enable more ad formats and
variations that benefit the algorithms
➔ Move fast at a low production cost
Scaling strategy, fast 🏎
Generative AI • Use Cases • Creative

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AI & DEI: With Great Opportunities Comes Great HR Responsibility The promise of AI for today’s organizations is real, yet in a frenzied state of experimentation, many stumble to get to a full-scale enterprise. As companies race to discover what generative AI can do, HR must lead conversations about how to balance cutting-edge innovations with integrity, trust, and diversity. Globally, organizations are at a critical intersection of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and AI acceleration. We will explore how AI is rapidly transforming workplace dynamics and decision-making processes. The safety and protection of the workforce have never been more important and need to be co-led by HR to prevent biases and ensure fair and equitable representation in systems, hiring, and the workforce evolution. We'll cover: • The opportunities that AI presents and the responsibility of HR • How to enhance diverse perspectives in use cases • Increasing collaboration between AI Developers, HR, Legal and IT

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Organizations are facing unprecedented change and challenges stemming from a confluence of natural and artificial conditions. These forces are driving many to rethink the tools and technologies they use, and the places they need to be, to grow, and to innovate.

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With new upgrades made in the field, AI adoptions are slowly becoming mainstream as more and more companies are experimenting with new AI projects. While this spirit is high, there are several things that can go downhill in an AI project. Follow the steps mentioned to avoid making project mistakes.

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Make it easy to activate AI on
your own (clean, privacy-safe,
well-structured) data ➔
Integrating Generative AI into
Marketing Technology 🤖
At Precis, we integrate GenAI into our tech
platform (Alvie):
➔ Interactive data exploration — talk to
your data
➔ Get help and best practices quickly
and contextually
➔ Get recommendations as if working
with an expert
Generative AI • Use Cases • Marketing Technology
Rhys Cater, Precis, The future of media buying with Generative AI.pdf
Motivate your organisation
around AI and foster a culture of
experimentation and innovation

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Date: 16th November 2017 Location: Keynote Theatre Time: 15:50 - 16:20 Speaker: Robert Golladay Organisation: Cognitive Scale

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Jobs requiring artificial intelligence skills in the US has grown 450% in the last five years. Corporations are seeking relentlessly for product leaders who can utilize AI technologies on their products and services to improve the company’s bottom line or top line. It's called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it is happening right here, right now. However, as a Product Manager, how do you gain the necessary knowledge to analyze, understand, plan, and design products based on artificial intelligence technologies? Since you cannot get a college degree in AI Product Management, how do you adapt to this rapid change? In this talk, Adnan helped to answer these questions.

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Suggested audience: CIO, Enterprise Architects, Data Managers, Analytics Managers, Data Scientists IT is broken. Bad data assumptions, legacy technology, poor business decisions, and weak IT management have changed IT from a superstar to a second-rate department that struggles to maintain its seat at the CEO's table. With AI, personal data, & business ethics all in ascendence, the need for ethical IT policies has never been greater. Otherwise, companies risk building services and products that fall short of the ethics and trust that they have been given by employees. In this webinar, Amalgam Insights explores how current data, BI, analytics, and machine learning technologies threaten ethical IT and provides guidance based on other rules-based frameworks that derive business outcomes, such as the law and corporate legislation.

data managementbig datainformation technology
Generative AI is going to take
my job 😓
Generative AI • Organisation • Job security
A common concern across all industries is
that Generative AI will replace jobs. The
fears aren’t unfounded, as many companies
conduct layoffs and automate more tasks.
1 Skills transformation
GenAI is an incredible opportunity to unlock new
skills within your organisation. Tasks like writing
simple scripts are suddenly accessible to many.
2 Highest value tasks
Demonstrate how automating simpler,
process-driven tasks can enable people to learn
and grow within their careers by unlocking more
time for learning and development.
ChatGPT hallucinates and
creates bad quality outputs 🫠
Generative AI • Organisation • Quality
Concerns are rising about inaccuracies and
hallucinations in Generative AI outputs.
Should this stop you from jumping in and
adopting new technology in your processes
and strategies?
1 Humans + AI
GenAI isn’t ready to be used in an uncontrolled
way — human supervision is always required.
Build a culture of AI-enabled work.
2 Quality process
Incorrect or bad quality outputs due to
unsupervised AI can have a negative effect on
trust. Implement solid QA processes for all AI
powered outputs.
What about copyright laws on
generated content? 󰥟
Generative AI • Organisation • Legal worries
Legal uncertainties can hold organisations
back from adopting AI tools. This could be
due to concerns about sharing confidential
data with platforms like AI, or copyright
issues with generated content where the
original sources are unclear.
1 Grey areas
Technology has always moved faster than
legislation, so expect many grey areas as
Generative AI develops. Creating your own code of
ethics can be helpful to find a way forwards.
2 Organisational alignment
Align your legal, finance, sales/marketing, and
product teams towards a common understanding
of what your organisation views as acceptable.
I hate change 🐌
Generative AI • Organisation • Change
That old chestnut. Some people just hate
change, and most people are at least a little
resistance to it and take time to adapt.
Creating excitement about AI as an
opportunity, rather than a threat, is key.
1 Create a vision
Show people what kind of organisation you want
to build, and the role of new technology such as
AI. Be transparent and make it motivating!
2 Involve everyone
Talk to your organisation, engage everybody in the
process, take feedback and act upon it. Ideas and
creativity are key to a successful AI strategy, and
many people will have contributions to bring to
the table.

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1) AI is currently experiencing a "big AI Spring" due to improvements in data availability, processing power, and interfaces that have increased data for training models. 2) However, there is also significant hype around AI capabilities that often misrepresent the current state of the technology. AI systems require specific, high-quality data and focused problems to solve in order to deliver real value. 3) The speaker advocates focusing on using AI to empower employees and improve customer experiences, rather than replacing humans, in order to realize transformational benefits while managing expectations.

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Redefine and elevate your SaaS experience. In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms are no longer just about providing tools; they're about enhancing user experiences, driving efficiency, and ensuring that businesses stay ahead of the curve. Enter the transformative trio: AI, Analytics, and Recommendations. This session delves deep into the synergistic relationship between these three pillars, illustrating how they can be harnessed to elevate your SaaS experience to unprecedented heights. Join Richard Harbridge, Microsoft MVP and leading industry expert as he shares best practices and real-world examples from Microsoft 365, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Viva that advance your SaaS experience. Together attendees will gain insights into: Analytics - Understand your user behavior, workflow efficiencies, and areas of improvement. Dive into how Microsoft 365's robust analytics can offer actionable insights to optimize your business processes. AI - Beyond just data, discover how AI can be a game-changer in action management. Learn how Microsoft's AI capabilities not only predict but proactively address challenges, ensuring a seamless and enhanced user experience. Recommendations - Personalization is key in today's SaaS world. Explore how Microsoft 365 tailors recommendations based on user behavior, ensuring that each interaction is relevant, timely, and actionable. By the end of this session, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to leverage the power of AI, analytics, and recommendations, transforming their SaaS platforms from mere tools to dynamic, adaptive, and optimized experiences. Join us for this first session of this series and embark on a journey to redefine and elevate your SaaS experience.

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Marketing is one of the areas where artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being widely adopted. As the technology advances, you may be concerned that the entire function will eventually be automated. But worry not, because AI presents an opportunity to enhance your role, not kick you out of it. Marketing automation has already been embraced across industries, saving time, honing targeting capabilities and optimising customer experience. Artificial intelligence allows you to take those capabilities even further. Here we explore the top applications for artificial intelligence in marketing. You can be using these today to drive results across all stages of your marketing funnel.

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What next?
Generative AI • What next?
Connect AI to strategy Set the foundations
Create a culture of
The technology is nothing without
solid data foundations, processes,
and organisational structures. Use the
opportunity to audit your 1P data.
Technology is advancing every day. A
static strategy is sure to fail. Set a
vision, and ensure that you adapt as
technology develops.
Think about why you want to deploy AI
within your organisation and how it
connects to your objectives. Think
opportunities, not just efficiencies.

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Rhys Cater, Precis, The future of media buying with Generative AI.pdf

  • 1. The future of media buying with Generative AI Rhys Cater Chief Solutions Officer, Data & Tech Precis
  • 2. MEDIA DATA & ANALYTICS CREATIVE People +500 Managed media spend €650m Offices SOLUTIONS FACTS CLIENTS
  • 4. AI is going to change everything What we see when we open LinkedIn
  • 5. AI is just more technology How we think about AI
  • 6. It’s not the tech, it’s what you do with it that counts How we find value
  • 7. Find the low hanging fruit of workflows that can be faster and more efficient with GenAI ➔ TABLE STAKES
  • 8. More time on strategy, less time on content generation 📝 Generative AI • Use Cases • Table Stakes Generative AI is excellent at producing content quickly. One Precis SEO case showed a 50% increase in efficiency by adopting new techniques. Keep in mind: ➔ More content is not always better content ➔ Be strategic with content generation — keep it connected to business goals ➔ Human oversight is key
  • 10. Generic use of AI will yield generic results. A strategic approach tied to business outcomes is key ➔ CONNECT
  • 11. Strategic integration of AI 💡 Generative AI • Use Cases • Creative By integrating AI into our workflows with Folq, Precis was able to: ➔ Spend time on strategic thinking and the connection between the brand and audience ➔ Experiment with Folq’s creative profile ➔ Enable more ad formats and variations that benefit the algorithms ➔ Move fast at a low production cost
  • 12. Scaling strategy, fast 🏎 Generative AI • Use Cases • Creative
  • 13. Make it easy to activate AI on your own (clean, privacy-safe, well-structured) data ➔ ACTIVATE
  • 14. Integrating Generative AI into Marketing Technology 🤖 At Precis, we integrate GenAI into our tech platform (Alvie): ➔ Interactive data exploration — talk to your data ➔ Get help and best practices quickly and contextually ➔ Get recommendations as if working with an expert Generative AI • Use Cases • Marketing Technology
  • 16. Motivate your organisation around AI and foster a culture of experimentation and innovation ➔ ORGANISATION
  • 17. Generative AI is going to take my job 😓 Generative AI • Organisation • Job security A common concern across all industries is that Generative AI will replace jobs. The fears aren’t unfounded, as many companies conduct layoffs and automate more tasks. 1 Skills transformation GenAI is an incredible opportunity to unlock new skills within your organisation. Tasks like writing simple scripts are suddenly accessible to many. 2 Highest value tasks Demonstrate how automating simpler, process-driven tasks can enable people to learn and grow within their careers by unlocking more time for learning and development.
  • 18. ChatGPT hallucinates and creates bad quality outputs 🫠 Generative AI • Organisation • Quality Concerns are rising about inaccuracies and hallucinations in Generative AI outputs. Should this stop you from jumping in and adopting new technology in your processes and strategies? 1 Humans + AI GenAI isn’t ready to be used in an uncontrolled way — human supervision is always required. Build a culture of AI-enabled work. 2 Quality process Incorrect or bad quality outputs due to unsupervised AI can have a negative effect on trust. Implement solid QA processes for all AI powered outputs.
  • 19. What about copyright laws on generated content? 󰥟 Generative AI • Organisation • Legal worries Legal uncertainties can hold organisations back from adopting AI tools. This could be due to concerns about sharing confidential data with platforms like AI, or copyright issues with generated content where the original sources are unclear. 1 Grey areas Technology has always moved faster than legislation, so expect many grey areas as Generative AI develops. Creating your own code of ethics can be helpful to find a way forwards. 2 Organisational alignment Align your legal, finance, sales/marketing, and product teams towards a common understanding of what your organisation views as acceptable.
  • 20. I hate change 🐌 Generative AI • Organisation • Change That old chestnut. Some people just hate change, and most people are at least a little resistance to it and take time to adapt. Creating excitement about AI as an opportunity, rather than a threat, is key. 1 Create a vision Show people what kind of organisation you want to build, and the role of new technology such as AI. Be transparent and make it motivating! 2 Involve everyone Talk to your organisation, engage everybody in the process, take feedback and act upon it. Ideas and creativity are key to a successful AI strategy, and many people will have contributions to bring to the table.
  • 21. What next? Generative AI • What next? Connect AI to strategy Set the foundations Create a culture of experimentation The technology is nothing without solid data foundations, processes, and organisational structures. Use the opportunity to audit your 1P data. Technology is advancing every day. A static strategy is sure to fail. Set a vision, and ensure that you adapt as technology develops. Think about why you want to deploy AI within your organisation and how it connects to your objectives. Think opportunities, not just efficiencies.