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Clients Everywhere
Terri Trespicio
Connect, Convert &
Command More Money
Here’s what we’re not talking about: 

• Hashtags
• Converting Twitter into cash
• Tricking people into paying for stuff
But we WILL talk about how to:

• Create a brand that means something
• Communicate with power & precision
• Compel someone to give a crap
A little about me
Magazine editor.
Radio show host.
Media contributor.
I make what you care about
compelling to other people.
Brand & content strategist.
Business owner.
Media contributor.
Crack the media code.
Craft your pitch.
Crush it on air.
1. There is always enough $$ for 

the right solution.

2. There are clients everywhere.
Show of hands.
We all want from each
other what we have the
least to offer:

We have to make
what we have
other people’s time
How do I
stand out?
You aren’t talking to the right people
You’re trying to be all things to all people
You haven’t specified the who
Language is vague, unclear
No one gets what you do / why you’re different
Ex: Melody
Use their words
Be specific & straightforward
Be granular, not general
…call out the key issue & own it
Basket v. picker
Your brand.
It’s what you / your business
MEANS to other people.
It’s not just how they see you,
but how YOU see you.
Try it: Explain it
to a fifth grader
Google forms
1:1 conversations
3 star Amazon reviews
Social media polling
Networking events
(the right people).
Then, listen.
you’re leading with features / benefits
You’re job- and task-oriented.
You’re leading with what you do, 

not who you are.
You are thinking inside your machine.
Revolve 2016 Clients Everywhere
Revolve 2016 Clients Everywhere
…think bigger
Understand their larger problem
Lead with the what/why
Think like them, not like you
Be bigger than your business
Ex: The data scientist
fear of focus
You’re mistaking broad for big
You’re mistaking niche for “limited”
You’re missing an opportunity
…Pitch your niche
Plant your flag
Raise the stakes
Think like a rocket, not a sprinkler system
Ex: Adrienne,
former catch-all marketing pro
turned FB ad specialist
Started ~ 10K/month as a marketer.
She now earns 65K/mo for 10 clients.
You are thinking transaction, not transformation
You end up with little jobs that don’t add up
You can’t charge much, because there’s no
added value
You are being reactive instead of proactive
Do a deep dive first - lay out the big picture
See what you do as a premium service
Just because you can do a job, doesn’t mean
you should
Also: Don’t get business blinders
…think like a chef, not a short-order cook
you’re offering info, not insight
You’re afraid to take a stance
You’re afraid of alienating / offending
You’re not changing my life / perspective
Ex: Hillary
…take a stronger stance
Think like a thought leader
Have an opinion about your industry
Raise the stakes
Hit a nerve
Let’s take, for example, the
course I just launched. 

From zip.
Started with a list size of “0”
Grew to 900+ in 2 months
2% conversion rate (13 enrolled)
$20,000+ launch
6-week online course for experts, authors,
entrepreneurs who want media attention.
• Gave away a free pdf
• Gave away a free video course
• Enlisted a few affiliates
• Podcast interviews
• FB ads
• Email marketing campaign
• Content marketing
• Events
• Webinars (even FB Live!)
What we used
• “But I’m not an expert!”
• “I don’t have time to do this.”
• “Why should anyone listen to me?”
• “I don’t know who or what to pitch.”
Competitor positioning
• Be your own publicist
• A PR firm charges you $$$ and doesn’t
promise you a thing!
• You need media training
Our Positioning
• Being in the media is a game changer
• You don’t need any special certifications
• You need to know how to position your own brand
• Don’t be a one-hit wonder
• We have experience on both sides of the gate
(plus we draw on other parts of our brands)
• We are not a replacement for PR
OK. But why do I need this?
Marnelli Martin
founder of Luxe30
Business: Subscription jewelry
Big idea: Women &
Vision: To inspire women to feel
strong, beautiful, in control
Influenced by: Trends like Rent
the Runway, StitchFix
So we played with a
few ideas:
Your beauty is not on loan.
Don’t loan it. Own it.
Don’t just rent your life. Own it.
Finder’s keepers.
We find. You keep.
3 pieces of jewelry every 30 days.
1 surprise gift.
Unlimited compliments.
We find. You keep.
Grow your existing brand
Find your niche
Communicate your expertise and value
Paula Rizzo Terri Trespicio
Some reading
Linchpin by Seth Godin
Purple Cow by Seth Godin
Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
Stand Out by Dorie Clark
How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead
Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone
Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff
Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk
thank you!

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Revolve 2016 Clients Everywhere

  • 1. Clients Everywhere Terri Trespicio REVOLVE 2016 Connect, Convert & Command More Money
  • 2. Here’s what we’re not talking about: 
 • SEO • CRM • RFP • Hashtags • Converting Twitter into cash • Tricking people into paying for stuff
  • 3. But we WILL talk about how to:
 • Create a brand that means something • Communicate with power & precision • Compel someone to give a crap
  • 4. A little about me Magazine editor. Radio show host. Media contributor.
  • 5. I make what you care about compelling to other people. Brand & content strategist. Business owner. Media contributor.
  • 6. Crack the media code. Craft your pitch. Crush it on air.
  • 7. 1. There is always enough $$ for 
 the right solution.
 2. There are clients everywhere. Twoassumptions
  • 9. We all want from each other what we have the least to offer:
  • 10. We have to make what we have worth other people’s time
  • 12. Problem#1 You aren’t talking to the right people You’re trying to be all things to all people You haven’t specified the who Language is vague, unclear No one gets what you do / why you’re different
  • 14. Use their words Be specific & straightforward Be granular, not general Instead …call out the key issue & own it
  • 16. Your brand. It’s what you / your business MEANS to other people.
  • 17. It’s not just how they see you, but how YOU see you.
  • 19. Try it: Explain it to a fifth grader
  • 20. Surveymonkey Google forms 1:1 conversations 3 star Amazon reviews Social media polling Networking events Ask (the right people). Then, listen.
  • 21. Problem#2 you’re leading with features / benefits You’re job- and task-oriented. You’re leading with what you do, 
 not who you are. You are thinking inside your machine.
  • 24. Instead …think bigger Understand their larger problem Lead with the what/why Think like them, not like you Be bigger than your business
  • 25. Ex: The data scientist
  • 26. Problem#3 fear of focus You’re mistaking broad for big You’re mistaking niche for “limited” You’re missing an opportunity
  • 27. Instead …Pitch your niche Plant your flag Raise the stakes Think like a rocket, not a sprinkler system
  • 28. Ex: Adrienne, former catch-all marketing pro turned FB ad specialist
  • 29. Started ~ 10K/month as a marketer. She now earns 65K/mo for 10 clients.
  • 30. Problem#4 You are thinking transaction, not transformation You end up with little jobs that don’t add up You can’t charge much, because there’s no added value You are being reactive instead of proactive
  • 31. Do a deep dive first - lay out the big picture See what you do as a premium service Just because you can do a job, doesn’t mean you should Also: Don’t get business blinders Instead …think like a chef, not a short-order cook
  • 32. Problem#5 you’re offering info, not insight You’re afraid to take a stance You’re afraid of alienating / offending You’re not changing my life / perspective
  • 34. Instead …take a stronger stance Think like a thought leader Have an opinion about your industry Raise the stakes Hit a nerve
  • 35. Let’s take, for example, the course I just launched. 
 From zip.
  • 36. Started with a list size of “0” Grew to 900+ in 2 months 2% conversion rate (13 enrolled) $20,000+ launch 6-week online course for experts, authors, entrepreneurs who want media attention.
  • 37. • Gave away a free pdf • Gave away a free video course • Enlisted a few affiliates • Podcast interviews • FB ads • Email marketing campaign • Content marketing • Events • Webinars (even FB Live!) What we used
  • 38. • “But I’m not an expert!” • “I don’t have time to do this.” • “Why should anyone listen to me?” • “I don’t know who or what to pitch.” Objections
  • 39. Competitor positioning • Be your own publicist • A PR firm charges you $$$ and doesn’t promise you a thing! • You need media training
  • 40. Our Positioning • Being in the media is a game changer • You don’t need any special certifications • You need to know how to position your own brand • Don’t be a one-hit wonder • We have experience on both sides of the gate (plus we draw on other parts of our brands) • We are not a replacement for PR
  • 41. OK. But why do I need this?
  • 42. Marnelli Martin founder of Luxe30 Business: Subscription jewelry service Big idea: Women & entrepreneurship Vision: To inspire women to feel strong, beautiful, in control Influenced by: Trends like Rent the Runway, StitchFix
  • 43. So we played with a few ideas: Your beauty is not on loan. Don’t loan it. Own it. Don’t just rent your life. Own it. Finder’s keepers. We find. You keep.
  • 44. 3 pieces of jewelry every 30 days. 1 surprise gift. Unlimited compliments. $39/mo LUXE 30 We find. You keep.
  • 45. Grow your existing brand Find your niche Communicate your expertise and value JANUARY 2017!
  • 46. Paula Rizzo Terri Trespicio
  • 47. Some reading Linchpin by Seth Godin Purple Cow by Seth Godin Essentialism by Greg McKeown Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Stand Out by Dorie Clark How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk