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Fred Jabbari
Cell: 314-250-1669
Hands On Solution and Enterprise Architect
With specialty in Cloud Based Micro Service Utilizing
Docker, and related technologies
US CITIZEN with Active Security Clearance
FFJ Consulting LLC
Business Solutions
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 1
Qualification Summary for FredJabbari314-250-1669@
Senior Consultant /Software Engineer / Architect focused on providing technical leadership to development teams,
aligning business priorities to technical projects, and managing business application development and rollout. Strong track
record as Software Engineer, Team Lead, and Applications Architect on full lifecycle, enterprise-wide software
development projects utilizing Micro Services, Docker,Spring Cloud, and Spring Boot. Excellent communication skills
and experience working with executive management to analyze complex business needs, design effective technical
solutions, and ensure timely implementation to meet client expectations. 25+ years of industry experience specializing in
both the Java 2 and Microsoft .NET Platforms, Open-Source Java and .NET frameworks, and Object-Oriented analysis
and design. I have spent the last seven years on Design and Developing SOA/Micro Services/Single Page APPS running
on Any platform. These applications run on multiple DEVICES including MOBILE. I am a subject matter expert in
GWT/MVP/Activities and Places,Editor, AutoBean, RequestFactory,RPC,JSON, JSNI,Validation Framework, writing
Web APPS with both Browser History integration and Back Button Support. I develop Stateless, Scalable, Clustered
APPS with the STATE being in Javascript on the Client side, which considerably decreases the need for Server Side
STATE which simplifies the Replication through the cluster. Experienced in all phases of SDLC (Business Requirement,
Functional Requirement, Use Cases,Candidate Architecture,Logical Design, Physical Design, Functional Requirement,
Non Functional Requirement, Deployment Architecture and the Service API Documentation, including Agile and
Waterfall. Increased productivity by 15% by using Agile, high-collaborative approaches in majority of my projects,
unless specified by client. Extensive experience in an Agile environment, participating both in planning, execution, and
testing. Utilizing Agile project trackers and other tools like: JIRA, GreenHopper, STASH, GIT, Jenkins, Maven, Bonfire,
Bamboo, Crucible, FishEye, Crowd, Confluence, and many more.
My claim to fame is creating stateless,scalable, clustered, load balanced, highly available, fail safe,multi site, SAN
architected, large volume transactions Micro Services with sub second SLA’s. Micro Services Architcture running on
Saas,IaaS, and Paas,utilizing Docker, Vagrant,Chef, Pupet, is what I have been doing lately. I have worked for very
high volume transaction companies like Credit Card volume with 35 million transactions per day, Banks with very high
volume transactions and agreed upon SLAs, and Brokerage Firms with high volume distributed transactions interfacing
with all relevant market data, including Standard and Poor’s for quotes collection, distribution and processing.
I am very familiar with Map-Reduce Design Pattern,Hadoop, Cassandra,MongoDB, and Queue-Storage-Services,and
queue based messaging solutions for large volume transaction processing.
Expert Level in both providing Web Services, and Consuming Web Services. I have worked extensively on both WSDL
first (Contract first) web services,and Java First web services utilizing Annotation, Schema/XSD for SOAP.SOAP and
REST specializing in Behavior-driven ( BDD and BDT ) utilizing Bamboo, and JBehave with Stories, and Scenarios.
Subject matter Expert in All phases of SOA with experience in all SOA platforms like, Mule, Fuse ESB, Camel (Routes,
and processors),Karaf,Fabric, OSGI, Zookeeper, WSO2, and WAS. Subject matter expert in Identity Server,and
Governance Registry, working with Authorization, Authentication, and Acess Control List (AAA). Can setup an Camel
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 2
Route using DSL or annotation in few minutes. Able to consume web services in many different ways in the Camel ESB
engine within minutes.
Subject matte expert in setting up Active-MQ to work with PUB SUB with very complex flows, working on both REST
and SOAP endpoints, and many integration patterns including Content Based Router, Aggregator, Splitter, Load Balancer,
Subject matter expert in Micro Service Strategies, and how to collaborate with operation to create hardware out of
software,to allow seamless deployment and execution of Micro Services. Strategy to convert a monolithic App with
minimal amount of code to a Micro Service, through Distributed Application Transaction Management (ATM).
Utilizing WSO2 ( CAR FILES), and Mule for versioning WSDL and supporting multiple versions of the WSDL, and
adding security to the WSDL. Developing a framework with Façade and MVP pattern for Web Services to have the
same interface for both REST AND SOAP,thus UI layer delegates the SOAP or REST call to the proxy. This way
technology of REST or SOAP is encapsulated in the PROXY and UI layer makes the same call regardless of the
underlying service being SOAP or REST. Develop a framework to speed up the web services through caching
datasources and concept of REMOTE or LOCAL endpoints.
Automated the process of Creating Web Services (SOAP and REST) through maven and Jenkins The automation lifecycle
include: These Steps: 1. Put annotation on service methods. 2. Put cache or actual data source in JBOSS
where endpoint is assigned. 3. Add Comment to WSDL methods. 4. Use Apache CXF Web Services stack to generate
service prototype, and assign endpoint. 5. Use apache cxf to generate the WSDL with comments at top, bottom,
prototype and endpoints. 6. Run SOAPUI to invoke the test of web service by entering data into WSDL 7. Run JBehave
to run the stories and scenarios. 7. Point to JBOSS WSDL to automatically add security to the WSDL and test the web
services utilizing with JBehave in both junit testing and integration testing. 8. Create Transformation for WSO2 to
support versioning of the WSDL for multiple version of our service. 9. Generate Car File that handles multiple versions
of the WSDL. 10. Run Integration test utilizing WSO2 endpoints for different versions of the WSDL. 11. Maven tasks
to generate Proxies for abstracting out the SOAP or REST services utilizing one interface regardless of consuming SOAP
or REST service. Use REST API with JAX-RS and JSON to call Jenkins Rest API to automatically test our web services.
Utilizing DRY principle, Open Close Principle to develop, Dependency Injection, inheritance and Polymorphism to
develop SOA APPS. Working with ESB engine, Governance Registry, Identity Server,CAR files, Proxies, Web Services
Transformation, Groovy, javascripts, WSO2, GitHub, linux, osx/mac, Vagrant, Chef, puppet, CentOs,virtual machines,
and Docker.
Subject matter expert in all search technologies such as SOLAR,LUCENE, ELASTIC-SEARCH,JBOSS Infinispan
Datagrid with JGROUP sitting on top of LUCENE,Oracle Coherence Datagrid with support for Hibernate. Subject
matter expert in Distributed Search VS Replicated search and advocating Distributed search over Replicated Search due to
less memory and less network traffic for synchronization of Datagrid. In Memory Distributed Datagrid scales, and sitting
on top of search engine like LUCENE,SOLAR, or ElasticSearch will give better performance and better scalability than
Conventional Relational Databases with order of magnitude in performance.
Worked on developing Android APPS using various environments like: Visual Box, Redhat LINUX, Android Studio,
Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA.
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 3
Expert Level in consuming and Developing Web Services of SOAP and REST in SOA environment with SOA
governance: SOA governance can provide optimal servicequality,consistency,predictability and performance. It may also ensure
that personnel followprescribed policies and correctsystemproblems or policy infractions asthey occur.
Worked on WSO2 Governance Registry utilizing UDDI specs via UDDI Server enforcing JAXB, JAXWS and JPA
standards. Utilized UDDI to describe , discover , and integrate business services. Embedded UDDI server is
synchronized with the Registry and allows users to add services from Registry and manage them through UDDI APIs.
Providing a common interface for UDDI calls.
Designed and coded application components in an Agile environmentutilizing a test driven developmentapproach. Agile process
included the following steps: 1. Products:Pivotal Tracker, and JIRA. 2. Iterative development. 3. Agile Scrum practice. 4.
Participation in multiple Teams,Global and Local Teams. 5. Participated in Sprint Planning sessions every two weeks,with lesson
learned from previous sprints,and storydevelopment. Participating in Global Teams concurrently. 6. Assigning stories in pivotal
tracker, and having the team votes on points to stories. 7. Measuring velocity 8. Having Team meetings,assigning points to stories
through Pivotal Tracker. 9. Having standup each morning with STIKYs, moving stories between these categories (NotStarted,In
Development,ReadyFor Acceptance, Moved to DEV, Accepted).
Developing APPS in Virtual Box, utilizing RedhatLinux, windows and MAC OS. Using GIT/STASH for version control.
Automated utilizing GIT commands like (CHECKOUT,COMMIT, STASH, Branch,Merge, pull,fetch, push) through scripts to simplify
distributed version control.
Utilizing meld for source compare in redhatlinux, and Beyond Compare in Windows.
Expert Level in both Front End UI, and Back End services. Feel comfortable with large or small teams,Agile or waterfall;Whatever the
Wrote Services for Lucene search engine,interfacing with SOAP Services to serve attachment,and documents needed bythe
Wrote Services for LDAP directory interfacing it with Lucene search engine and other Web Services. Have over the years worke d with
OpenLdap,ADS, LdapJS ( Node.js) directory services. Wrote LDAP Replication between Local and Remote LDAPs (Vendor LDAP,
Corporate LDAP, Federation LDAP) using Canonical Model to communicate between Databases to keep them in sync with CRUD
opertions. Wrote the Front End in Angular JS, Node.JS and related technologies.
Subject matter expert in Master Data Management (MDM) /HER, to create a source of truth for patient search and
maintenance, where multiple vendors using the same source (IE: NextGate PersonEJB) for keeping healthcare records.
This system is encapsulated within the ESB Camel Route and Processors,converting patient data between many different
formats like HL7, FHIM, Canonical Model and other proprietary formats. The Camel Transformations are done either
through XSLT, JAXB, and GROOVY. Vendors subscribe to an outbound QUEUE,make patient search request,the
MDM finds that patient, returns it as HL7, and the result is converted to a canonical model which is broadcasted to
subscribing vendors so they can update their system.
Domain Expert in Single Page APP (AnguarJS,Responsive APP) Architect using Web Services, MicroServices and
CLOUD SERVICES using JBOSS OpenStack and Spring-CLOUD API with Maven. Broke down the Monolithic APPS
to MicroServices Architecture, utilizing Docker,Vagrant, Puppet, Chef, Packer,… Used DataGrid and Lucene for faster
search utilizing
Enterprise Architect integrating internal insurance company Systems, including the Legacy systems with Guidewire
software products. Consumed Guidewire Services to integrate legacy systems (J2EE COBOL/Mainframe,and
MVS/ZOS/Assembler) with number of internal Insurance APPS. Utilizing GOSU, POGO Based Service, utilizing GOSU.
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 4
Provided A JMS PUB/SUB messages to publish TOPIC for other legacy systems to consume using SELECTORS,and to
to a Reply queue asynchronously to mark the transaction complete.
Worked on API Gateway using Layer 7, and WSO2 to manage endpoints through External DMZ, Internal DMZ,
Governance Registry, Identity Server, and Siteminder. Using Basic Auth and SMSessions for Authentication
Authorization, and ACL. The payloads were signed, and had Certificate as well. Services were both REST and SOAP
with Groovy and XSLT for transformation. Used API Gateway to use the Composite pattern to break down a payload to
two concurrent transactions, and combine them back on the way out.
Supported Versioning for web Services within the ESB engine. Used Governance Registry and Identity Server to enforce
security, and to validate Roles. Utilized Lucene and ElasticSearch utilizing Map-Reduce pattern for fast in memory
Worked with Mesos Kernel: running on every machine and providing applications like Elastic Search with API’s
for resource management and scheduling across entire datacenter and cloud environments.
Worked on Hadoop project for creating Analytics of historical financial Data for compliance project.
Setup Hadoop Cluster through Vagrant.
Setup Vagrant to use AWS CLI.
DevOps Engineer with DevOps Certificate.
Cloud Computing Services:
Amazon EC2 (virtual servers), Amazon Linux, Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon
CloudFront (CDN), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SimpleDB, AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM), Amazon CloudWatch (monitoring), AWS Elastic Beanstalk (app
deployments), AWS CloudFormation (infrastructure templates), Amazon
CloudSearch,Amazon SQS (message queue), Amazon SNS (notifications), Amazon Route
53 (DNS management), Amazon VPC (private cloud), Amazon S3 (storage), Amazon
EBS (persistent disk storage)
Amazon SES (bulk email), Amazon RDS (MySQL server), Amazon
ElastiCache (Memcache),Amazon Glacier (archiving), Amazon Import/Export, Eucalyptus
Community Cloud (private cloud), Google Storage (storage) Google App Engine, Vitural
machines using Vagrant, Cheff, Puppet, Packer, and Docker to wrap up a software in a
complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: Code, runtime, system tools,

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Nasim Ahmad
Nasim AhmadNasim Ahmad
Nasim Ahmad

MD Nasim Ahmad has over 4 years of experience in information technology with expertise in Java, J2EE, Spring, REST, and SQL. He has worked on several projects developing IVR systems, web services, and applications for clients in the telecom industry. His experience includes requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and release management. He has a B.Tech in computer science and engineering.


The document provides a summary of Fred Bofahredin's experience as a Senior Enterprise/Solution Architect with over 20 years of experience managing full-cycle projects. He has expertise in areas such as analysis, design, development, integration, deployment and support using technologies including Java, Ruby, Agile methodologies and cloud computing. Currently he works as a Senior Enterprise Architect at Comcast where he leads projects involving integration of various systems and redesigning architectures.


Subhajit Das is a senior software developer with over 7 years of experience in technologies like Java, J2EE, Spring, Liferay portal, and more. He is seeking a new role with an expected salary of RM 90,000. His experience includes projects for government entities and large companies developing web applications, portals, and more. He has a bachelor's degree in computer science and is proficient in technologies like Java, MySQL, Linux, and version control systems.

Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 5
system libraries, including total components you need to install on a server. This ensures that
this software will always run the same, regardess of environment it runs it.
It is beautiful. It means you can guarantee to setup a total environment to run your software
the way it was designed to run, regardless of the environment it is running in.
Building multi node network with all required software using Vagrant, Cheff, Puppet, Packer,
and Docker. Build privage Cloud with Domain, and Elasgtic IP, accessable from any internet
MostrecentProject – Micro ServicesStrategy for the enterprise – A Summary:
I have a national DevOps Certificate, which includes extensive experience in Micro Services, SOA, Web Services,
Amazon Web Services, Angular JS, Spring BOOT, Spring Cloud, ESBs(FUSE, MULE, WSO2, WAS,..), GWT, All
spring Framework components, Hibernate, Distributed Transaction Management, and number of extensive
projects converting Web Services and SOA infrastructures services to a more Micro Services architecture where
you can deploy your software anywhere and execute it anywhere. Say goodbye to Monolithic Applications
because they answer some questions, however, overall they fail to perform effectively in the CLOUD based,
newly Micro Services platforms and architectures. Interoperability, Highly Available, Fault Tolerant, extremely
independent Services, Loan Balanced, Clustered Services are extremely important these days. Continuing to buy
more hardware for a monolithic which one or two of its services are running frequently, and the rest of this
large application is just sitting there and costing infrastructure and cycles is absolutely wasteful. The solution is
moving more and more towards Micro Services and improving the agility, efficiency and flexibility of highly
used services through Micro Services. Anybody whom make a suggestion to you to rewrite everything in any
one language is not giving you good advice. Anybody who makes a suggestion to run your enterprise
Applications locally in a very Blooded JBOSS or WAS containers, and not helping you to be ready for
tomorrow’s technological challenges. I assure you that, I am extremely interested and have been involved in
every facet of Application Development in this field for many years (more than I like to remember), and I am
more than happy to share my knowledge with your organization any time. I am looking forward to make your
organization a successful organization with the ability to quickly and effectively, develop, deploy and execute
your transaction in any platform with emphases on merging the Operation and Development environment with
minimal cost, and open cooperation and collaboration between Development and Operation areas. Thank you
in advance for giving me the opportunity to share my passion with you. Application Development, Platform as a
Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Software as a Service, and recent virtualization technologies have brought us
to a point that we can do some beautiful work in our field, and I am honored and happy to be part of it, and
to make your organization successful in the coming technological challenges of tomorrow with a smart strategy
and minimal cost. Anybody can suggest to destroy everything and building it all over again. That approach will
neither solve our problem, nor is a realistic approach. Not any given approach will solve all of our problems, as
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 6
one fix will eliminate one BUG and introduces another BUG. The problems will always be with us. The solution is
how can we quickly and effectively get back to a normal state with a minimal cost, and exposure. Having a
Micro Service within a huge organization that says I can run independently in an enterprise regardless of how
badly damaged the environment around me are, is where we want to be for our extremely sensitive services.
The Micro of the Micro Service is to run certain small business logic extremely well. The Micro in the Micro
Service does not mean to break up everything in 1000 pieces for no good reason!
Cell: 314-250-1669
Skills Summary
Industry Experience: Insurance,Banking, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare,Hi-Tech, Retail, Telecommunication
Competencies: Project Management, Business Analysis, Financial Analysis, Marketing Analytics,
Enterprise Architecture, Data Model Architecture, SPRING-CLOUD integration, ESB,
MicroServices, Single Page Applications, Multi Device Architecture, DevOps Engineer
with DevOps certificate.
Languages: Java,JavaScript, JSP,Java Servlets, HTML, XML, Spring MVC, GWT/MVP, C, C#,
Apache CXF Web Services, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAXB, JSON, AngularJS, Node.JS,
Functional programming languages.
Software/Tools: IBM WebSphere, Eclipse, JBuilder, MS Visual Studio, IBM VisualAge for Java,
SPRING Template, Maven, Jenkins, JBehave,Virtual Box, STASH, GIT, VAGRANT,
Mac/OSX, BAMBOO,INFINISPAN Search,Elasctic Search, LUCENE Search,
Hibernate, JPA, SONAR Search,GITHUB,LINUX, IntelliJ, CentOS, GITHUB,
Polymer, Mean Stack, MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node, Groovy, Eclipse, IntelliJ,
Android Studio, NPM, BOWER, NPM. OPenStack,Spring-CLOUD, SPRING-BOOT.
Databases: Oracle,MS SQL Server, MYSQL, DB2, MongoDb, Cassandra,NOSQL
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, LINUX
FFJ Consulting LLC, St. Louis, MO May 2000 – Present
Senior Architect / Developer
Enterprise Architect, collaborating with stakeholders to develop system architecture that aligns company objectives, strategy,
and processes with client core objectives.
 Insurance Application (Madison, WI, March 2015 - Current) – Enterprise Solution Architect/Developer, involved
in design and development of Insurance Applications, : Developing and consuming SOAP and REST Web Services to
provide value added healthcare and insurance services to comply with new healthcare and insurance laws. Worked on
both Front End and Back End Services. Front End Tools like Angular JS, JavaScript, MEAN Stack,, Mongo DB,
Node, Express and Polymer. Worked on back End Services like JAVA, Elastic Search, SOLAR, INFINISPAN,
BOWER, and NPM, AngularJS, LDAP replication. Worked on proof of concept, proof of technology, architecture and
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 7
development projects. Architecture tools used was enterprise Architect for architecture and design, and Eclipse, and
WebStorm 8.0, and related plugins for Development. Worked with P8/DFS/FileNet for Document Storage and
watermarking. Enterprise Architect integrating Guidewire with other internal and external Legacy systems. Utilized
Hadoop for historical analytics. Setup Hadoop Cluster through Vagrant. Used AWS CLI through vagrant. DevOps
Engineer with DevOps Certificate.
 Healthcare Application (Grands Rapids, MI, March 2013 - 2015) – Architecting Healthcare Applications
interfacing with Cerner and EPIC healthcare Applications. Frist three months on Cerner APPS in Kansas City, KS, and
the rest on various Healthcare APPS in Grand Rapids MI: Developing and consuming SOAP and REST Web Services
to provide value added healthcare services to comply with new healthcare laws. Worked on both Provider side
(Insurance) and Delivery side (Hospital). Worked on both Front End and Back End Services. Front End Tools like
Angular JS, JavaScript, MEAN Stack,, Mongo DB, Node, Express and Polymer. Worked on back End Services like
JAVA, Elastic Search, SOLAR, INFINISPAN, BOWER, and NPM. DevOps Engineer with DevOps certificate.
 Telecommunication Application (Charlotte, NC, March 2013 – Sept 2013 ACN) – Developed an Architecture to
modernize current system.
o Design and development of GWT MVP (Model, View, Presenter, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver,
AutoBean, RequestFactory), Spring MVC/MVP, GIN and GUICE, WEB SERVICES, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-
WS, SPRING-WS, Mule ESB, SPRING RESTTEMPLATE, and Hibernate. Design and development of new
framework to rewrite current Sales and Order Entry APP in days and not in months!!! Back-End Services:
Mule ESB, JAXB, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, SPRING-WS, Creating WEB SERVICES, and consuming other WEB
SERVICES. WRITING JENJKINS Scheduling Service to Schedule Job, and allow it to be consumed by other
REST Services. Utilizing SPRING RESTTEMPLATES to develop other Web Service APIs.
o Architected a framework running on Google APP Engine (GAE) that Stands up a very complex, AJAX, Web
2.0 APP, in minutes utilizing the new WB 2.0 GWT MVP Activities, Places, Editor, AutoBean, Request
Factory, GIN and GUICE, completely integrated with Browser’s History and Back Button. This design is
based on interface, and completely eliminates all boiler plate codes , integrated with MAVEN, Jenkins, and
test first. The reason for writing it fast is that there is ZERO PERCENT boiler plate code to write, and uses
JSON/STRING for all data types!!!.
o Leading Architect for developing GWT WEB APP capable of running on ANY DEVICE, using GWT MVP
with Dependency Injection, separating the code into View and Presenter, with a Dumb View that handles
multiple DEVICES (including Mobile) effortlessly. You write your logic for multiple devices once, and have
it renders each devices view. This proves you do not need to write multiple presenters for each DEVICE. So,
through interface, and polymorphism, we have eliminated DEVICE DEPENDENT LOGIC codebase!!!
o I create multiple DUMB views (one for each device) with one presenter based on common VIEW Interface. A
presenter that can render many devices including Desktop, Mobile, Tablets, and so on. I will demonstrate to
you why Web APP can be written so fast, because there is nothing to write!!! That is the MAGIC!!!
Validation is done by XQUERY and Annotation. The framework provides a method of writing Web APP by
configuration and not by writing boiler plate code that could otherwise be completely eliminated.
o If you look at a Web APP that does not have the code to move data from services to Domain Object, From
Domain Object to DTO, from DTO to UI Layer, From UI back to DTO, from DTO back to Domain Object,
From Domain Object back to Services, and no validation code to be written, then what code are you going to
write in the UI layer?
o Architecting a Web Framework that simplifies Web Services and integrates it with UI layer based on
JSON/STRING. Simplifying Services to have UI layer transforming UI data into the input of the Web Service
and visa versa utilizing XQuery and JSON transformation. Completely eliminating boiler plate code for Web
Services utilizing Canonical Model with transformation from JSON to XML and visa versa, with transformers
written in XQURY, and Velocity, and JSON . If you build your services based on STRING/JSON, and with
proper transformations, you have essentially created a GLUE between your UI and Service Layer which
simplifies the Marshalling and UnMarshalling of Web Services TYPES. If you automate the GLUE Code and
Data TYPE transformation for web services, then what code are you going to write besides invoking the
business logic?
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 8
o Conducted Architecture Mapping, using Architecture Design Language (ADL) for Architecture Mapping of
Enterprise Integration Components. Used AcmeStudio and Eclipse to define configuration of Architecture
Components and Connectors for specific Endpoints, and Channels. Created Components, Connectors and
corresponding classes and ports. Created mapping from components, connectors and ports to classes.
o Worked on distributed end of the Architecture as well, involving, Systems which have many entry points: UI
is GWT, but it is a Dashboard to the Distributed transactions coming in from all over the world. Large volume
of transaction from partners going thourhg Web Services (REST and SOAP) that provide many services. It
takes transactions through Service Endpoints and serves them. It is connected through the distributed networks
of other processes and OS ( IE: Mainframe, Lagacy APPS) that the distributed transactions communicate with.
Two Phase Commit where a Transactions goes through Disparate systems to create a cross OS Multi Phase
Transactions. Utilizing SPRING, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, REST, XSD, Marshalling Unmarshalling.
Utilizing RPC style, and Literal Encoding, SPRING MVC, JSON, SCHEMA Based Operations, and REST
Based Operations. Interacting with Distributed Scheduling System to serve other REST Services utilizing
o Very proficient in MAVEN, Jenkins, Continuous Integration TOOLS. Have written REST API for all Jenkins
Command API, and have contributed it to public for use.
o Large Volume SOAP and REST Services with caching, and acceptable SLAs.
Used: JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2,
Oracle, Mule, Web Services, ArchMapper, AcmeStudio-plugin, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-WS, XSD, Schema, JSON, WSDL, SOAP, REST, CXF,
JBehave. Distributed Transactions, Global Transactions, Transactions going over distributed, Disparate Systems.
 Healthcare Application (ST LOUIS, MO, March 2012 - March 2013 – USBank) – Developed an Architecture to
support Banking regulations. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and bank Auditors.
o Developed GWT/MVP web applications interfacing with third party services, and data warehousing to display
metadata that represented System of Records summary information and flows.
o Developed Spring MVC web applications interfacing with legacy systems, and communicating with third party
systems through web services.
o Back End transaction volume was very large where we utilized Data Warehousing and working with multiple
Web Service Endpoints to provide a large scale Web Services that was consumed by other companies, and
also, we consumed other web services as well. The distributed transactions went over multiple operating
systems, and utilized JAXB annotations for Marshalling and unmarshalling data throughout the system. It was
both SOAP and REST services both on consumer, and provider side.
o Very proficient in MAVEN, Jenkins, Continuous Integration TOOLS. Have written REST API for all Jenkins
Command API, and have contributed it to public for use. Have done PL/SQL, Big Data and other Distributed
database TOOLS.
o Large volume REST AND SOAP Services, both providing services and consuming other services, with
Stateless Transactions.
Used: JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2,
Oracle, Mule, Web Services, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-WS, XSD, Schema, JSON, WSDL, SOAP, REST, JBehave, GIT, GIT, CXF, Android APP,
WSO2, CAR File, SOA Governance, Mule,Caching DataSources in JBOSS, Endpoint Sw apping to support versioning, JQuery, Google App
Engine ( GAE) ,Distributed Transactions, Global Transactions. Distributed transactions and integration w ith distributed, Disparate Systems.
 Telecommunication Client (Morrisville, NC, March 2011 - March 2012 - AT&T) – Developed an Architecture to
support Financial services. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and external customers
represented by other financial institutions.
o Developed GWT/MVP web applications interfacing with third party services, externalfinancial institutions.
o Developed Spring MVC web applications interfacing with Oracle database utilizing YUI.
o Large Volume transactions with optimized Queries.
Used: JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2,
Oracle, Mule, Web Services, Google App Engine, Big Data, JQuery, JBehave, GIT, CXF, Android APP, SOA Governance, Mule,Caching
DataSources in WAS, Endpoint Sw apping to support versioning,
 Healthcare Application (Seattle, WA, Sept 2009 - March 2011 - GE) – Developed an Architecture to support
Healthcare services. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and external customers represented by
other healthcare entities.

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The document provides a summary of Mahesh Dimble's professional experience as a lead developer with over 8 years of experience in web application development using technologies like ASP.Net, C#, SQL Server, AngularJS, and jQuery. He has worked on projects in domains like ecommerce, insurance, healthcare, and life sciences. Currently, he works as a Module Lead at Persistent Systems where he is responsible for .Net development, UI development, and has expertise in web technologies.

Md Zahir Uddin
Md Zahir UddinMd Zahir Uddin
Md Zahir Uddin

An extremely motivated and proficient individual with overall 4 years of experience in Build/ Release with DevOps & Development, AWS CSA, MCSE(Azure) and JIRA Administrator in IT industry.

Vijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_Resume
Vijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_ResumeVijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_Resume
Vijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_Resume

Vijaykumar Krishnan has over 8 years of experience as an SAP NetWeaver Portal Consultant, specializing in portal configuration, administration, and developing Web Dynpro and Java applications. He has extensive experience leading upgrades from SAP Enterprise Portal 7.0 to 7.4 and developing custom applications for clients like Flextronics International. He is proficient in technologies like Java, J2EE, Web Dynpro, UI5, and various SAP portal products.

Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 9
o Developed SPRING MVC, GWT, MVP, web applications interfacing with third party services, external
healthcare institutions to manage hospital services, and Doctor Offices.
o Developed Spring MVC and GWT MVP web applications interfacing with Oracle database, utilizing
JavaScript, and Mule ESB.
o Large volume transactions with Stateless, load balanced, clustered transactions with security (Basic Auth)
Used: JAVA JEE, Spring MVC, TANDOM Databases, Tomcat, and JBOSS, JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver,
AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2, Oracle, Mule, Web Services, Google App Engine, REST API, SOAP,
 Manufacturing Application (second engagement) (St. Louis, MO, Oct 2007 - Sept 2009 - Boeing) – Developed an
Architecture to support Manufacturing and Warehousing services. Addressing requirements stated by Business
Stakeholders, and external customers represented by other Manufacturing companies.
o Developed SPRING MVC, GWT, web applications interfacing with third party services, and external vendors.
o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with Oracle and DB2 databases, utilizing JavaScript, and
velocity template.
o Large Volume Transaction Services with Security.
Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Spring, Oracle, DB2, WebSphere, and Tomcat, GWT/MVP, RPC, Validator, JSON, JQuery, GIT.
 Insurance Application (Madison, WI, Jan 2006 - Oct 2007 – American Family) – Setting up infrastructure for
development of Life Application, interfacing with legacy systems through web services, Filenet, and legacy mainframe
o Developed STRUTS, GWT, web applications interfacing with third party services, and external vendors.
o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with Oracle and DB2 databases, utilizing JavaScript,
velocity, Ehcache, and Spring Framework.
o Large Volume Transactions with Spring Security.
Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Spring, Velocity, Filenet, Ehcache, Oracle, DB2, JBOSS, and Tomcat, GWT, GIN, GUICE
 Financial Application (St. Louis, MO, Oct 2005 - Jan 2006 – Gilster-Mary-Lee) – Setting up infrastructure for a
brand new JAVA shop to develop Financial applications, interfacing with variety of financial institutions.
o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with third party services, and external financial institutions.
o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with Oracle and DB2 databases, utilizing JavaScript,
velocity, Ehcache, LDAP, and Spring Framework.
o Large volume transactions with Caching.
Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Spring, Velocity, Filenet, Ehcache, Oracle, DB2, JBOSS, and Tomcat.
 Pharmaceutical Application (Two engagements) (St. Louis, MO, May 2004 - Oct 2005 – Express-Scripts) –
Account Receivable application converting from legacy system to JEE. Interfacing with other in house systems.
o Developed Java Applications interfacing with JMS, CORBA, and legacy systems to process and report
financial transactions.
o Developed Java Applications interfacing with Oracle Stored Procedures, and other asynchronous clients to
process financial transactions.
o Large Volume Transactions with highly Clustered, Stateless, Fail Safe Design.
 Engineering Application (first engagement) (St. Louis, MO, Apr 2003 - May 2004 – Express-Scripts) –
Engineering application providing peer to peer collaboration between departments working on common projects.
o Developed Java Peer to Peer Applications interfacing with pre-written engineering tools in variety of
o Developed Java Applications interfacing with SWING Applications utilizing custom made Peer to Peer ORMs
implemented through MYSQL, and other relational databases.
o Large Volume Transactions with peer to peer design patterns.
Used: JAVA JEE, MYSQL, Oracle, and RMI.
 Telecommunication Application (St. Louis, MO, May 2002 - Apr 2003 – AT&T) – Developed a Database ORM
framework to interface with order entry system, communicating with over 900 pages.
Fred Jabbari
2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 10
o Developed Java application using STRUTS, interfacing with EJBs to encapsulate business rules for the order
entry application.
o Developed Java Applications interfacing with stored procedures, and third party services to implement
common business functionalities.
o Large Volume Purchase Order Transactions, for 3rd
party clients.
Used: JAVA JEE, EJB, Oracle, RMI, and JavaScript.
 Pharmaceutical Application (St. Louis, MO, May 2000 - May 2001 - Monsanto) – Scientific application
development working on a database framework that interfaces with CORBA, and running multi-threaded jobs to create
parallel processes to speed up scientific findings.
o Developed multi-threaded applications utilizing a customized database framework to do parallel processing on
scientific applications.
o Developed Java Applications to interface with Stored Procedures and other multi-threaded applications to
record and synchronize JOB outputs.
o Parallel processing for Large Volume DNA sub systems, and computations.
Used: JAVA JEE,, Oracle, HTML, SWING, and CORBA.
Recognitionsand Certifications
 Artificial Intelligence Program Recognition of Developing Forward and Backward Chaining parsers to feed Expert
 Parser Design for Compiler Pre Parsers recognition.
 Networking Compression Solutions recognition.
Washington University, St. Louis, MO (1987)
Master in Computer Science / Information Technology

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@@@Resume2016 11 11_v001

  • 1. Fred Jabbari Cell: 314-250-1669 Hands On Solution and Enterprise Architect With specialty in Cloud Based Micro Service Utilizing Docker, and related technologies US CITIZEN with Active Security Clearance Email: FFJ Consulting LLC Business Solutions 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 1 Qualification Summary for FredJabbari314-250-1669@ Senior Consultant /Software Engineer / Architect focused on providing technical leadership to development teams, aligning business priorities to technical projects, and managing business application development and rollout. Strong track record as Software Engineer, Team Lead, and Applications Architect on full lifecycle, enterprise-wide software development projects utilizing Micro Services, Docker,Spring Cloud, and Spring Boot. Excellent communication skills and experience working with executive management to analyze complex business needs, design effective technical solutions, and ensure timely implementation to meet client expectations. 25+ years of industry experience specializing in both the Java 2 and Microsoft .NET Platforms, Open-Source Java and .NET frameworks, and Object-Oriented analysis and design. I have spent the last seven years on Design and Developing SOA/Micro Services/Single Page APPS running on Any platform. These applications run on multiple DEVICES including MOBILE. I am a subject matter expert in GWT/MVP/Activities and Places,Editor, AutoBean, RequestFactory,RPC,JSON, JSNI,Validation Framework, writing Web APPS with both Browser History integration and Back Button Support. I develop Stateless, Scalable, Clustered APPS with the STATE being in Javascript on the Client side, which considerably decreases the need for Server Side STATE which simplifies the Replication through the cluster. Experienced in all phases of SDLC (Business Requirement, Functional Requirement, Use Cases,Candidate Architecture,Logical Design, Physical Design, Functional Requirement, Non Functional Requirement, Deployment Architecture and the Service API Documentation, including Agile and Waterfall. Increased productivity by 15% by using Agile, high-collaborative approaches in majority of my projects, unless specified by client. Extensive experience in an Agile environment, participating both in planning, execution, and testing. Utilizing Agile project trackers and other tools like: JIRA, GreenHopper, STASH, GIT, Jenkins, Maven, Bonfire, Bamboo, Crucible, FishEye, Crowd, Confluence, and many more. My claim to fame is creating stateless,scalable, clustered, load balanced, highly available, fail safe,multi site, SAN architected, large volume transactions Micro Services with sub second SLA’s. Micro Services Architcture running on Saas,IaaS, and Paas,utilizing Docker, Vagrant,Chef, Pupet, is what I have been doing lately. I have worked for very high volume transaction companies like Credit Card volume with 35 million transactions per day, Banks with very high volume transactions and agreed upon SLAs, and Brokerage Firms with high volume distributed transactions interfacing with all relevant market data, including Standard and Poor’s for quotes collection, distribution and processing. I am very familiar with Map-Reduce Design Pattern,Hadoop, Cassandra,MongoDB, and Queue-Storage-Services,and queue based messaging solutions for large volume transaction processing. Expert Level in both providing Web Services, and Consuming Web Services. I have worked extensively on both WSDL first (Contract first) web services,and Java First web services utilizing Annotation, Schema/XSD for SOAP.SOAP and REST specializing in Behavior-driven ( BDD and BDT ) utilizing Bamboo, and JBehave with Stories, and Scenarios. Subject matter Expert in All phases of SOA with experience in all SOA platforms like, Mule, Fuse ESB, Camel (Routes, and processors),Karaf,Fabric, OSGI, Zookeeper, WSO2, and WAS. Subject matter expert in Identity Server,and Governance Registry, working with Authorization, Authentication, and Acess Control List (AAA). Can setup an Camel
  • 2. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 2 Route using DSL or annotation in few minutes. Able to consume web services in many different ways in the Camel ESB engine within minutes. Subject matte expert in setting up Active-MQ to work with PUB SUB with very complex flows, working on both REST and SOAP endpoints, and many integration patterns including Content Based Router, Aggregator, Splitter, Load Balancer, Multicast. Subject matter expert in Micro Service Strategies, and how to collaborate with operation to create hardware out of software,to allow seamless deployment and execution of Micro Services. Strategy to convert a monolithic App with minimal amount of code to a Micro Service, through Distributed Application Transaction Management (ATM). Utilizing WSO2 ( CAR FILES), and Mule for versioning WSDL and supporting multiple versions of the WSDL, and adding security to the WSDL. Developing a framework with Façade and MVP pattern for Web Services to have the same interface for both REST AND SOAP,thus UI layer delegates the SOAP or REST call to the proxy. This way technology of REST or SOAP is encapsulated in the PROXY and UI layer makes the same call regardless of the underlying service being SOAP or REST. Develop a framework to speed up the web services through caching datasources and concept of REMOTE or LOCAL endpoints. Automated the process of Creating Web Services (SOAP and REST) through maven and Jenkins The automation lifecycle include: These Steps: 1. Put annotation on service methods. 2. Put cache or actual data source in JBOSS where endpoint is assigned. 3. Add Comment to WSDL methods. 4. Use Apache CXF Web Services stack to generate service prototype, and assign endpoint. 5. Use apache cxf to generate the WSDL with comments at top, bottom, prototype and endpoints. 6. Run SOAPUI to invoke the test of web service by entering data into WSDL 7. Run JBehave to run the stories and scenarios. 7. Point to JBOSS WSDL to automatically add security to the WSDL and test the web services utilizing with JBehave in both junit testing and integration testing. 8. Create Transformation for WSO2 to support versioning of the WSDL for multiple version of our service. 9. Generate Car File that handles multiple versions of the WSDL. 10. Run Integration test utilizing WSO2 endpoints for different versions of the WSDL. 11. Maven tasks to generate Proxies for abstracting out the SOAP or REST services utilizing one interface regardless of consuming SOAP or REST service. Use REST API with JAX-RS and JSON to call Jenkins Rest API to automatically test our web services. Utilizing DRY principle, Open Close Principle to develop, Dependency Injection, inheritance and Polymorphism to develop SOA APPS. Working with ESB engine, Governance Registry, Identity Server,CAR files, Proxies, Web Services Transformation, Groovy, javascripts, WSO2, GitHub, linux, osx/mac, Vagrant, Chef, puppet, CentOs,virtual machines, and Docker. Subject matter expert in all search technologies such as SOLAR,LUCENE, ELASTIC-SEARCH,JBOSS Infinispan Datagrid with JGROUP sitting on top of LUCENE,Oracle Coherence Datagrid with support for Hibernate. Subject matter expert in Distributed Search VS Replicated search and advocating Distributed search over Replicated Search due to less memory and less network traffic for synchronization of Datagrid. In Memory Distributed Datagrid scales, and sitting on top of search engine like LUCENE,SOLAR, or ElasticSearch will give better performance and better scalability than Conventional Relational Databases with order of magnitude in performance. Worked on developing Android APPS using various environments like: Visual Box, Redhat LINUX, Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA.
  • 3. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 3 Expert Level in consuming and Developing Web Services of SOAP and REST in SOA environment with SOA governance: SOA governance can provide optimal servicequality,consistency,predictability and performance. It may also ensure that personnel followprescribed policies and correctsystemproblems or policy infractions asthey occur. Worked on WSO2 Governance Registry utilizing UDDI specs via UDDI Server enforcing JAXB, JAXWS and JPA standards. Utilized UDDI to describe , discover , and integrate business services. Embedded UDDI server is synchronized with the Registry and allows users to add services from Registry and manage them through UDDI APIs. Providing a common interface for UDDI calls. Designed and coded application components in an Agile environmentutilizing a test driven developmentapproach. Agile process included the following steps: 1. Products:Pivotal Tracker, and JIRA. 2. Iterative development. 3. Agile Scrum practice. 4. Participation in multiple Teams,Global and Local Teams. 5. Participated in Sprint Planning sessions every two weeks,with lesson learned from previous sprints,and storydevelopment. Participating in Global Teams concurrently. 6. Assigning stories in pivotal tracker, and having the team votes on points to stories. 7. Measuring velocity 8. Having Team meetings,assigning points to stories through Pivotal Tracker. 9. Having standup each morning with STIKYs, moving stories between these categories (NotStarted,In Development,ReadyFor Acceptance, Moved to DEV, Accepted). Developing APPS in Virtual Box, utilizing RedhatLinux, windows and MAC OS. Using GIT/STASH for version control. Automated utilizing GIT commands like (CHECKOUT,COMMIT, STASH, Branch,Merge, pull,fetch, push) through scripts to simplify distributed version control. Utilizing meld for source compare in redhatlinux, and Beyond Compare in Windows. Expert Level in both Front End UI, and Back End services. Feel comfortable with large or small teams,Agile or waterfall;Whatever the clientdesires. Wrote Services for Lucene search engine,interfacing with SOAP Services to serve attachment,and documents needed bythe consumer. Wrote Services for LDAP directory interfacing it with Lucene search engine and other Web Services. Have over the years worke d with OpenLdap,ADS, LdapJS ( Node.js) directory services. Wrote LDAP Replication between Local and Remote LDAPs (Vendor LDAP, Corporate LDAP, Federation LDAP) using Canonical Model to communicate between Databases to keep them in sync with CRUD opertions. Wrote the Front End in Angular JS, Node.JS and related technologies. Subject matter expert in Master Data Management (MDM) /HER, to create a source of truth for patient search and maintenance, where multiple vendors using the same source (IE: NextGate PersonEJB) for keeping healthcare records. This system is encapsulated within the ESB Camel Route and Processors,converting patient data between many different formats like HL7, FHIM, Canonical Model and other proprietary formats. The Camel Transformations are done either through XSLT, JAXB, and GROOVY. Vendors subscribe to an outbound QUEUE,make patient search request,the MDM finds that patient, returns it as HL7, and the result is converted to a canonical model which is broadcasted to subscribing vendors so they can update their system. Domain Expert in Single Page APP (AnguarJS,Responsive APP) Architect using Web Services, MicroServices and CLOUD SERVICES using JBOSS OpenStack and Spring-CLOUD API with Maven. Broke down the Monolithic APPS to MicroServices Architecture, utilizing Docker,Vagrant, Puppet, Chef, Packer,… Used DataGrid and Lucene for faster search utilizing Enterprise Architect integrating internal insurance company Systems, including the Legacy systems with Guidewire software products. Consumed Guidewire Services to integrate legacy systems (J2EE COBOL/Mainframe,and MVS/ZOS/Assembler) with number of internal Insurance APPS. Utilizing GOSU, POGO Based Service, utilizing GOSU.
  • 4. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 4 Provided A JMS PUB/SUB messages to publish TOPIC for other legacy systems to consume using SELECTORS,and to to a Reply queue asynchronously to mark the transaction complete. Worked on API Gateway using Layer 7, and WSO2 to manage endpoints through External DMZ, Internal DMZ, Governance Registry, Identity Server, and Siteminder. Using Basic Auth and SMSessions for Authentication Authorization, and ACL. The payloads were signed, and had Certificate as well. Services were both REST and SOAP with Groovy and XSLT for transformation. Used API Gateway to use the Composite pattern to break down a payload to two concurrent transactions, and combine them back on the way out. Supported Versioning for web Services within the ESB engine. Used Governance Registry and Identity Server to enforce security, and to validate Roles. Utilized Lucene and ElasticSearch utilizing Map-Reduce pattern for fast in memory search. Worked with Mesos Kernel: running on every machine and providing applications like Elastic Search with API’s for resource management and scheduling across entire datacenter and cloud environments. Worked on Hadoop project for creating Analytics of historical financial Data for compliance project. Setup Hadoop Cluster through Vagrant. Setup Vagrant to use AWS CLI. DevOps Engineer with DevOps Certificate. Cloud Computing Services: Amazon EC2 (virtual servers), Amazon Linux, Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon CloudFront (CDN), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SimpleDB, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Amazon CloudWatch (monitoring), AWS Elastic Beanstalk (app deployments), AWS CloudFormation (infrastructure templates), Amazon CloudSearch,Amazon SQS (message queue), Amazon SNS (notifications), Amazon Route 53 (DNS management), Amazon VPC (private cloud), Amazon S3 (storage), Amazon EBS (persistent disk storage) Amazon SES (bulk email), Amazon RDS (MySQL server), Amazon ElastiCache (Memcache),Amazon Glacier (archiving), Amazon Import/Export, Eucalyptus Community Cloud (private cloud), Google Storage (storage) Google App Engine, Vitural machines using Vagrant, Cheff, Puppet, Packer, and Docker to wrap up a software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: Code, runtime, system tools,
  • 5. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 5 system libraries, including total components you need to install on a server. This ensures that this software will always run the same, regardess of environment it runs it. It is beautiful. It means you can guarantee to setup a total environment to run your software the way it was designed to run, regardless of the environment it is running in. Building multi node network with all required software using Vagrant, Cheff, Puppet, Packer, and Docker. Build privage Cloud with Domain, and Elasgtic IP, accessable from any internet conntection. MostrecentProject – Micro ServicesStrategy for the enterprise – A Summary: I have a national DevOps Certificate, which includes extensive experience in Micro Services, SOA, Web Services, Amazon Web Services, Angular JS, Spring BOOT, Spring Cloud, ESBs(FUSE, MULE, WSO2, WAS,..), GWT, All spring Framework components, Hibernate, Distributed Transaction Management, and number of extensive projects converting Web Services and SOA infrastructures services to a more Micro Services architecture where you can deploy your software anywhere and execute it anywhere. Say goodbye to Monolithic Applications because they answer some questions, however, overall they fail to perform effectively in the CLOUD based, newly Micro Services platforms and architectures. Interoperability, Highly Available, Fault Tolerant, extremely independent Services, Loan Balanced, Clustered Services are extremely important these days. Continuing to buy more hardware for a monolithic which one or two of its services are running frequently, and the rest of this large application is just sitting there and costing infrastructure and cycles is absolutely wasteful. The solution is moving more and more towards Micro Services and improving the agility, efficiency and flexibility of highly used services through Micro Services. Anybody whom make a suggestion to you to rewrite everything in any one language is not giving you good advice. Anybody who makes a suggestion to run your enterprise Applications locally in a very Blooded JBOSS or WAS containers, and not helping you to be ready for tomorrow’s technological challenges. I assure you that, I am extremely interested and have been involved in every facet of Application Development in this field for many years (more than I like to remember), and I am more than happy to share my knowledge with your organization any time. I am looking forward to make your organization a successful organization with the ability to quickly and effectively, develop, deploy and execute your transaction in any platform with emphases on merging the Operation and Development environment with minimal cost, and open cooperation and collaboration between Development and Operation areas. Thank you in advance for giving me the opportunity to share my passion with you. Application Development, Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Software as a Service, and recent virtualization technologies have brought us to a point that we can do some beautiful work in our field, and I am honored and happy to be part of it, and to make your organization successful in the coming technological challenges of tomorrow with a smart strategy and minimal cost. Anybody can suggest to destroy everything and building it all over again. That approach will neither solve our problem, nor is a realistic approach. Not any given approach will solve all of our problems, as
  • 6. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 6 one fix will eliminate one BUG and introduces another BUG. The problems will always be with us. The solution is how can we quickly and effectively get back to a normal state with a minimal cost, and exposure. Having a Micro Service within a huge organization that says I can run independently in an enterprise regardless of how badly damaged the environment around me are, is where we want to be for our extremely sensitive services. The Micro of the Micro Service is to run certain small business logic extremely well. The Micro in the Micro Service does not mean to break up everything in 1000 pieces for no good reason! Cell: 314-250-1669 Email: Skills Summary Industry Experience: Insurance,Banking, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare,Hi-Tech, Retail, Telecommunication Competencies: Project Management, Business Analysis, Financial Analysis, Marketing Analytics, Enterprise Architecture, Data Model Architecture, SPRING-CLOUD integration, ESB, MicroServices, Single Page Applications, Multi Device Architecture, DevOps Engineer with DevOps certificate. Languages: Java,JavaScript, JSP,Java Servlets, HTML, XML, Spring MVC, GWT/MVP, C, C#, SQL, Web Services, REST, SOAP,SPRINGMVC,JAXB, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, SPRING-WS,Mule ESB, SPRINGRESTTEMPLATE,JQuery. JBehave,WSDL, Apache CXF Web Services, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAXB, JSON, AngularJS, Node.JS, Functional programming languages. Software/Tools: IBM WebSphere, Eclipse, JBuilder, MS Visual Studio, IBM VisualAge for Java, TOAD, SQURREL,RAD,Agile, JQuery, PL/SQL,SPRINGMVC (Ecommerce), SPRING Template, Maven, Jenkins, JBehave,Virtual Box, STASH, GIT, VAGRANT, Mac/OSX, BAMBOO,INFINISPAN Search,Elasctic Search, LUCENE Search, Hibernate, JPA, SONAR Search,GITHUB,LINUX, IntelliJ, CentOS, GITHUB, Polymer, Mean Stack, MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node, Groovy, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio, NPM, BOWER, NPM. OPenStack,Spring-CLOUD, SPRING-BOOT. Databases: Oracle,MS SQL Server, MYSQL, DB2, MongoDb, Cassandra,NOSQL Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, LINUX Experience FFJ Consulting LLC, St. Louis, MO May 2000 – Present Senior Architect / Developer Enterprise Architect, collaborating with stakeholders to develop system architecture that aligns company objectives, strategy, and processes with client core objectives.  Insurance Application (Madison, WI, March 2015 - Current) – Enterprise Solution Architect/Developer, involved in design and development of Insurance Applications, : Developing and consuming SOAP and REST Web Services to provide value added healthcare and insurance services to comply with new healthcare and insurance laws. Worked on both Front End and Back End Services. Front End Tools like Angular JS, JavaScript, MEAN Stack,, Mongo DB, Node, Express and Polymer. Worked on back End Services like JAVA, Elastic Search, SOLAR, INFINISPAN, BOWER, and NPM, AngularJS, LDAP replication. Worked on proof of concept, proof of technology, architecture and
  • 7. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 7 development projects. Architecture tools used was enterprise Architect for architecture and design, and Eclipse, and WebStorm 8.0, and related plugins for Development. Worked with P8/DFS/FileNet for Document Storage and watermarking. Enterprise Architect integrating Guidewire with other internal and external Legacy systems. Utilized Hadoop for historical analytics. Setup Hadoop Cluster through Vagrant. Used AWS CLI through vagrant. DevOps Engineer with DevOps Certificate.  Healthcare Application (Grands Rapids, MI, March 2013 - 2015) – Architecting Healthcare Applications interfacing with Cerner and EPIC healthcare Applications. Frist three months on Cerner APPS in Kansas City, KS, and the rest on various Healthcare APPS in Grand Rapids MI: Developing and consuming SOAP and REST Web Services to provide value added healthcare services to comply with new healthcare laws. Worked on both Provider side (Insurance) and Delivery side (Hospital). Worked on both Front End and Back End Services. Front End Tools like Angular JS, JavaScript, MEAN Stack,, Mongo DB, Node, Express and Polymer. Worked on back End Services like JAVA, Elastic Search, SOLAR, INFINISPAN, BOWER, and NPM. DevOps Engineer with DevOps certificate.  Telecommunication Application (Charlotte, NC, March 2013 – Sept 2013 ACN) – Developed an Architecture to modernize current system. o Design and development of GWT MVP (Model, View, Presenter, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory), Spring MVC/MVP, GIN and GUICE, WEB SERVICES, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX- WS, SPRING-WS, Mule ESB, SPRING RESTTEMPLATE, and Hibernate. Design and development of new framework to rewrite current Sales and Order Entry APP in days and not in months!!! Back-End Services: Mule ESB, JAXB, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, SPRING-WS, Creating WEB SERVICES, and consuming other WEB SERVICES. WRITING JENJKINS Scheduling Service to Schedule Job, and allow it to be consumed by other REST Services. Utilizing SPRING RESTTEMPLATES to develop other Web Service APIs. o Architected a framework running on Google APP Engine (GAE) that Stands up a very complex, AJAX, Web 2.0 APP, in minutes utilizing the new WB 2.0 GWT MVP Activities, Places, Editor, AutoBean, Request Factory, GIN and GUICE, completely integrated with Browser’s History and Back Button. This design is based on interface, and completely eliminates all boiler plate codes , integrated with MAVEN, Jenkins, and test first. The reason for writing it fast is that there is ZERO PERCENT boiler plate code to write, and uses JSON/STRING for all data types!!!. o Leading Architect for developing GWT WEB APP capable of running on ANY DEVICE, using GWT MVP with Dependency Injection, separating the code into View and Presenter, with a Dumb View that handles multiple DEVICES (including Mobile) effortlessly. You write your logic for multiple devices once, and have it renders each devices view. This proves you do not need to write multiple presenters for each DEVICE. So, through interface, and polymorphism, we have eliminated DEVICE DEPENDENT LOGIC codebase!!! o I create multiple DUMB views (one for each device) with one presenter based on common VIEW Interface. A presenter that can render many devices including Desktop, Mobile, Tablets, and so on. I will demonstrate to you why Web APP can be written so fast, because there is nothing to write!!! That is the MAGIC!!! Validation is done by XQUERY and Annotation. The framework provides a method of writing Web APP by configuration and not by writing boiler plate code that could otherwise be completely eliminated. o If you look at a Web APP that does not have the code to move data from services to Domain Object, From Domain Object to DTO, from DTO to UI Layer, From UI back to DTO, from DTO back to Domain Object, From Domain Object back to Services, and no validation code to be written, then what code are you going to write in the UI layer? o Architecting a Web Framework that simplifies Web Services and integrates it with UI layer based on JSON/STRING. Simplifying Services to have UI layer transforming UI data into the input of the Web Service and visa versa utilizing XQuery and JSON transformation. Completely eliminating boiler plate code for Web Services utilizing Canonical Model with transformation from JSON to XML and visa versa, with transformers written in XQURY, and Velocity, and JSON . If you build your services based on STRING/JSON, and with proper transformations, you have essentially created a GLUE between your UI and Service Layer which simplifies the Marshalling and UnMarshalling of Web Services TYPES. If you automate the GLUE Code and Data TYPE transformation for web services, then what code are you going to write besides invoking the business logic?
  • 8. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 8 o Conducted Architecture Mapping, using Architecture Design Language (ADL) for Architecture Mapping of Enterprise Integration Components. Used AcmeStudio and Eclipse to define configuration of Architecture Components and Connectors for specific Endpoints, and Channels. Created Components, Connectors and corresponding classes and ports. Created mapping from components, connectors and ports to classes. o Worked on distributed end of the Architecture as well, involving, Systems which have many entry points: UI is GWT, but it is a Dashboard to the Distributed transactions coming in from all over the world. Large volume of transaction from partners going thourhg Web Services (REST and SOAP) that provide many services. It takes transactions through Service Endpoints and serves them. It is connected through the distributed networks of other processes and OS ( IE: Mainframe, Lagacy APPS) that the distributed transactions communicate with. Two Phase Commit where a Transactions goes through Disparate systems to create a cross OS Multi Phase Transactions. Utilizing SPRING, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, REST, XSD, Marshalling Unmarshalling. Utilizing RPC style, and Literal Encoding, SPRING MVC, JSON, SCHEMA Based Operations, and REST Based Operations. Interacting with Distributed Scheduling System to serve other REST Services utilizing Security. o Very proficient in MAVEN, Jenkins, Continuous Integration TOOLS. Have written REST API for all Jenkins Command API, and have contributed it to public for use. o Large Volume SOAP and REST Services with caching, and acceptable SLAs. Used: JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2, Oracle, Mule, Web Services, ArchMapper, AcmeStudio-plugin, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-WS, XSD, Schema, JSON, WSDL, SOAP, REST, CXF, JBehave. Distributed Transactions, Global Transactions, Transactions going over distributed, Disparate Systems.  Healthcare Application (ST LOUIS, MO, March 2012 - March 2013 – USBank) – Developed an Architecture to support Banking regulations. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and bank Auditors. o Developed GWT/MVP web applications interfacing with third party services, and data warehousing to display metadata that represented System of Records summary information and flows. o Developed Spring MVC web applications interfacing with legacy systems, and communicating with third party systems through web services. o Back End transaction volume was very large where we utilized Data Warehousing and working with multiple Web Service Endpoints to provide a large scale Web Services that was consumed by other companies, and also, we consumed other web services as well. The distributed transactions went over multiple operating systems, and utilized JAXB annotations for Marshalling and unmarshalling data throughout the system. It was both SOAP and REST services both on consumer, and provider side. o Very proficient in MAVEN, Jenkins, Continuous Integration TOOLS. Have written REST API for all Jenkins Command API, and have contributed it to public for use. Have done PL/SQL, Big Data and other Distributed database TOOLS. o Large volume REST AND SOAP Services, both providing services and consuming other services, with Stateless Transactions. Used: JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2, Oracle, Mule, Web Services, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-WS, XSD, Schema, JSON, WSDL, SOAP, REST, JBehave, GIT, GIT, CXF, Android APP, WSO2, CAR File, SOA Governance, Mule,Caching DataSources in JBOSS, Endpoint Sw apping to support versioning, JQuery, Google App Engine ( GAE) ,Distributed Transactions, Global Transactions. Distributed transactions and integration w ith distributed, Disparate Systems.  Telecommunication Client (Morrisville, NC, March 2011 - March 2012 - AT&T) – Developed an Architecture to support Financial services. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and external customers represented by other financial institutions. o Developed GWT/MVP web applications interfacing with third party services, externalfinancial institutions. o Developed Spring MVC web applications interfacing with Oracle database utilizing YUI. o Large Volume transactions with optimized Queries. Used: JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2, Oracle, Mule, Web Services, Google App Engine, Big Data, JQuery, JBehave, GIT, CXF, Android APP, SOA Governance, Mule,Caching DataSources in WAS, Endpoint Sw apping to support versioning,  Healthcare Application (Seattle, WA, Sept 2009 - March 2011 - GE) – Developed an Architecture to support Healthcare services. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and external customers represented by other healthcare entities.
  • 9. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 9 o Developed SPRING MVC, GWT, MVP, web applications interfacing with third party services, external healthcare institutions to manage hospital services, and Doctor Offices. o Developed Spring MVC and GWT MVP web applications interfacing with Oracle database, utilizing JavaScript, and Mule ESB. o Large volume transactions with Stateless, load balanced, clustered transactions with security (Basic Auth) Used: JAVA JEE, Spring MVC, TANDOM Databases, Tomcat, and JBOSS, JAVA JEE, GWT/MVP, Activities and Places, Editor, Driver, AutoBean, RequestFactory, RPC, Validator, JSON, Spring MVC, DB2, Oracle, Mule, Web Services, Google App Engine, REST API, SOAP, GIT.  Manufacturing Application (second engagement) (St. Louis, MO, Oct 2007 - Sept 2009 - Boeing) – Developed an Architecture to support Manufacturing and Warehousing services. Addressing requirements stated by Business Stakeholders, and external customers represented by other Manufacturing companies. o Developed SPRING MVC, GWT, web applications interfacing with third party services, and external vendors. o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with Oracle and DB2 databases, utilizing JavaScript, and velocity template. o Large Volume Transaction Services with Security. Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Spring, Oracle, DB2, WebSphere, and Tomcat, GWT/MVP, RPC, Validator, JSON, JQuery, GIT.  Insurance Application (Madison, WI, Jan 2006 - Oct 2007 – American Family) – Setting up infrastructure for development of Life Application, interfacing with legacy systems through web services, Filenet, and legacy mainframe transactions. o Developed STRUTS, GWT, web applications interfacing with third party services, and external vendors. o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with Oracle and DB2 databases, utilizing JavaScript, velocity, Ehcache, and Spring Framework. o Large Volume Transactions with Spring Security. Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Spring, Velocity, Filenet, Ehcache, Oracle, DB2, JBOSS, and Tomcat, GWT, GIN, GUICE  Financial Application (St. Louis, MO, Oct 2005 - Jan 2006 – Gilster-Mary-Lee) – Setting up infrastructure for a brand new JAVA shop to develop Financial applications, interfacing with variety of financial institutions. o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with third party services, and external financial institutions. o Developed STRUTS web applications interfacing with Oracle and DB2 databases, utilizing JavaScript, velocity, Ehcache, LDAP, and Spring Framework. o Large volume transactions with Caching. Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Spring, Velocity, Filenet, Ehcache, Oracle, DB2, JBOSS, and Tomcat.  Pharmaceutical Application (Two engagements) (St. Louis, MO, May 2004 - Oct 2005 – Express-Scripts) – Account Receivable application converting from legacy system to JEE. Interfacing with other in house systems. o Developed Java Applications interfacing with JMS, CORBA, and legacy systems to process and report financial transactions. o Developed Java Applications interfacing with Oracle Stored Procedures, and other asynchronous clients to process financial transactions. o Large Volume Transactions with highly Clustered, Stateless, Fail Safe Design. Used: JAVA JEE, STRUTS, Oracle, JBOSS, and CORBA.  Engineering Application (first engagement) (St. Louis, MO, Apr 2003 - May 2004 – Express-Scripts) – Engineering application providing peer to peer collaboration between departments working on common projects. o Developed Java Peer to Peer Applications interfacing with pre-written engineering tools in variety of languages. o Developed Java Applications interfacing with SWING Applications utilizing custom made Peer to Peer ORMs implemented through MYSQL, and other relational databases. o Large Volume Transactions with peer to peer design patterns. Used: JAVA JEE, MYSQL, Oracle, and RMI.  Telecommunication Application (St. Louis, MO, May 2002 - Apr 2003 – AT&T) – Developed a Database ORM framework to interface with order entry system, communicating with over 900 pages.
  • 10. Fred Jabbari 2-Sep-13 FFJ Consulting LLC 10 o Developed Java application using STRUTS, interfacing with EJBs to encapsulate business rules for the order entry application. o Developed Java Applications interfacing with stored procedures, and third party services to implement common business functionalities. o Large Volume Purchase Order Transactions, for 3rd party clients. Used: JAVA JEE, EJB, Oracle, RMI, and JavaScript.  Pharmaceutical Application (St. Louis, MO, May 2000 - May 2001 - Monsanto) – Scientific application development working on a database framework that interfaces with CORBA, and running multi-threaded jobs to create parallel processes to speed up scientific findings. o Developed multi-threaded applications utilizing a customized database framework to do parallel processing on scientific applications. o Developed Java Applications to interface with Stored Procedures and other multi-threaded applications to record and synchronize JOB outputs. o Parallel processing for Large Volume DNA sub systems, and computations. Used: JAVA JEE,, Oracle, HTML, SWING, and CORBA. Recognitionsand Certifications  Artificial Intelligence Program Recognition of Developing Forward and Backward Chaining parsers to feed Expert Systems.  Parser Design for Compiler Pre Parsers recognition.  Networking Compression Solutions recognition. Education Washington University, St. Louis, MO (1987) Master in Computer Science / Information Technology