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PyGotham 2014
Introduction to
Perrin Harkins
“We should forget about small efficiencies, say
about 97% of the time: premature optimization is
the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our
opportunities in that critical 3%. A good
programmer will not be lulled into complacency
by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully
at the critical code; but only after that code has
been identified.”
–Donald Knuth
“Bottlenecks occur in surprising places, so don't
try to second guess and put in a speed hack until
you have proven that's where the bottleneck is.”
–Rob Pike
What will a profiler tell us?
❖ Function execution time!
❖ Memory usage, etc. are possible, but for another day!
❖ More about line profiling later!
❖ Real (wall clock) time!
❖ Inclusive vs exclusive time!
❖ Number of calls, primitive and recursive

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June 25, 2014. Hooman Beheshti, VP Technology at Fastly, discusses how using a real-time, modern CDN that provides instant cache invalidation and real-time analytics allows for instantaneous control over dynamic content caching. In this session, he looks at the challenges CDNs face with dynamic content and how you can use programmatic means to fully integrate your applications with your CDN.

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The document discusses event-driven architecture and how it has evolved from processes to threads to events. It provides examples to illustrate synchronous vs asynchronous processing and event-driven vs process-driven approaches. It describes how Node.js uses a single thread and event loop architecture to handle asynchronous I/O calls via callbacks. Various real-time applications that can benefit from Node.js' event-driven approach are listed.

opentsdb in a real enviroment
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This document discusses the architecture of OpenTSDB and provides instructions for setting up and using OpenTSDB to collect CPU metrics from a host. It describes: 1) The main components of OpenTSDB including the TSD, HBase, and Hadoop. 2) How to start and stop OpenTSDB by starting/stopping TSD, HBase, and Hadoop. 3) A sample scenario of collecting CPU load average metrics from a host and inserting them into OpenTSDB using a script to post metrics to the TSD socket.

hbasemetrics collectionopentsdb
❖ Generates profile data that can be read in shell or GUI
❖ 30% or more speed penalty
From command line:!
$ python -m cProfile -o
Or, in your program:!
import cProfile'slow_function', '')
Or, even more flexible:!
pr = cProfile.Profile()	
… thing you want to profile …!

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Google's Go is a relatively new systems programming language that has recently gained a lot of traction with developers. It brings together the ease and efficiency of development in modern interpreted languages like Python, Perl, and Ruby with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language like C/C++ and Java. On top of that, Go is a language built for modern hardware and problems. With built-in support for concurrency, programmers can easily build software to scale up to today's many-core beasts. Programming in Go is really nice, and in this tutorial, you will learn why. We will cover an introduction to the Go programming language, and together we will build a multi-user network service demonstrating all of the major principles of programming in Go.

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In this presentation, I show the audience how to implement HTTP caching best practices in a non-intrusive way in PHP Symfony 4 code base. This presentation focuses on topics like: - Caching using cache-control headers - Cache variations using the Vary header - Conditional requests using headers like ETag & If-None-Match - ESI discovery & parsing using headers like Surrogate-Capability & Surrogate-Control - Caching stateful content using JSON Web Token Validation in Varnish More information about this presentation is available at

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This document discusses key metrics to monitor for Node.js applications, including event loop latency, garbage collection cycles and time, process memory usage, HTTP request and error rates, and correlating metrics across worker processes. It provides examples of metric thresholds and issues that could be detected, such as high garbage collection times indicating a problem or an event loop blocking issue leading to high latency.

import pstats	
profile = pstats.Stats('')	
12192418 function calls (11990470 primitive calls) in 84.268 seconds	
Ordered by: cumulative time	
List reduced from 1211 to 20 due to restriction <20>	
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)	
1 0.000 0.000 84.402 84.402 <string>:1(<module>)	
1 0.021 0.021 84.402 84.402	
500 0.096 0.000 84.381 0.169	
500 0.007 0.000 35.874 0.072	
500 0.066 0.000 33.431 0.067	
500 0.160 0.000 22.684 0.045	
10501 0.175 0.000 21.963 0.002	
14001 0.286 0.000 21.472 0.002	
6501 0.047 0.000 14.200 0.002
profile.print_callees('full_clean', 10)	
List reduced from 1211 to 2 due to restriction <'full_clean'>	
Function called...	
ncalls tottime cumtime -> 500 0.177 2.855
500 0.003 0.030	
500 0.031 2.784
393(_post_clean) -> 500 0.001 0.001	
500 0.096 2.399
List reduced from 1211 to 2 due to restriction <'full_clean'>	
Function was called by...	
ncalls tottime cumtime <- 500 0.009 5.678 <- 500 0.005 2.405

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Explore how Gatling can help with performance & stability testing in TDD fashion.

❖ GUI for viewing profile data!
❖ Run your profile output through pyprof2calltree!
❖ On a Mac, qcachegrind is easier to install
PyGotham 2014 Introduction to Profiling
PyGotham 2014 Introduction to Profiling
❖ Squaremap of call tree!
❖ Maybe useful for spotting large exclusive time functions

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A talk I gave at the Boston Web Performance Meetup in August 2014. Performance is one of the most challenging issues in modern web app design, in large part because modeling, testing, and validating performance before deploying to production is so challenging. While many ops teams have nailed down the problem of re-creating pre-production environments that closely mimic production, those environments frequently rely on known-good components beyond the application code itself: AWS ELB, F5 load balancers, CDNs, Varnish, and more. Testing plug-in components like that can be challenging, because their performance characteristics don't directly align with application metrics. - How many simultaneous users can my load balancer support? - What sort of network load will I put on my CDN (i.e., how much will it cost?) - How do different user behavior patterns affect performance? In this meetup, we'll introduce a novel tool in this toolbox: tcpreplay, an open-source tool for replaying packet capture files back at an application. By replaying user traffic to a staging environment, you can test the effects of - Network saturation to the load balancer - High numbers of users / IPs - Lots of traffic to your other monitoring tools!

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PyGotham 2014 Introduction to Profiling
PyGotham 2014 Introduction to Profiling
Using your results
❖ Bottom up approach!
❖ Start with a large exclusive time sub!
❖ Climb up call graph to find something you can affect!
❖ "We're spending a lot of time in deepcopy(). What's
calling that so much?"!
❖ Might miss higher-level fixes
Using your results
❖ Top down approach!
❖ Start with a large inclusive time sub!
❖ Walk down call graph to find something you can
❖ "We're spending a lot of time in this validate() method.
What's it doing that takes so long?"!
❖ Look for structural changes

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This document discusses optimizing JavaScript performance in Node.js. It covers benchmarking Node applications, tips for writing efficient JavaScript that avoids hidden classes and dictionary mode in the V8 engine, profiling Node to find hot spots, and how the V8 optimizing compiler works. The presenter emphasizes the importance of speed and provides resources for further optimizing Node applications.

Line profiling
❖ line_profiler does exist!
❖ Results are not very actionable!
❖ If you get this far, you probably should stop (or refactor
your methods!)
Good profiling technique
❖ Create a repeatable benchmark test!
❖ Allows you to measure progress!
❖ Iterations/second!
❖ Time for n iterations
What usually helps
❖ Removing unnecessary work!
❖ “We load that config data every time, even when we don’t
use it.”!
❖ Using a more efficient algorithm
What usually helps
❖ Batching I/O (disk or net) operations!
❖ Database stuff!
❖ SQL tuning!
❖ Indexes!
❖ Transactions

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On Centralizing Logs with Syslog, LogStash, Elasticsearch, Kibana. Presentation from Radu Gheorghe from Sematext at Monitorama EU 2013.

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(Presented by New Relic) Too often, developers think of a mobile app as simply code running on the device. A mobile app is much more than that. Every web API used by an app becomes as much a part of the app as the code running on the device. But while mobile developers have control over their code, they don't always have control over the APIs they use. Web APIs and their infrastructure impact app performance and ultimately the user experience. This presentation covers some of the essential aspects of app performance management when web APIs are present, including: -HTTP headers are your friend--stop ignoring all they have to tell you -Control your network connections on the device—don't just leave things to the OS -Configure all your caches and use them -Whatever you do, measure early and often The session includes a customer story from the CTO of Mirego, and demos of New Relic mobile app performance monitoring, where you see how to drill down into specific requests to see performance by response time, throughput, and data transfer size.

Building source code level profiler for C++.pdf
Building source code level profiler for C++.pdfBuilding source code level profiler for C++.pdf
Building source code level profiler for C++.pdf

1. The document describes building a source code level profiler for C++ applications. It outlines 4 milestones: logging execution time, reducing macros, tracking function hit counts, and call path profiling using a radix tree. 2. Key aspects discussed include using timers to log function durations, storing profiling data in a timed entry class, and maintaining a call tree using a radix tree with nodes representing functions and profiling data. 3. The goal is to develop a customizable profiler to identify performance bottlenecks by profiling execution times and call paths at the source code level.

What usually helps
❖ Caching!
❖ Easy to add, hard to live with!
❖ Code complexity!
❖ Invalidation calls!
❖ Dependency tracking!
❖ Business customers care about data freshness
Thank you!

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PyGotham 2014 Introduction to Profiling

  • 2. “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been identified.” –Donald Knuth
  • 3. “Bottlenecks occur in surprising places, so don't try to second guess and put in a speed hack until you have proven that's where the bottleneck is.” –Rob Pike
  • 4. What will a profiler tell us? ❖ Function execution time! ❖ Memory usage, etc. are possible, but for another day! ❖ More about line profiling later! ❖ Real (wall clock) time! ❖ Inclusive vs exclusive time! ❖ Number of calls, primitive and recursive
  • 5. cProfile ❖ Generates profile data that can be read in shell or GUI tools! ❖ 30% or more speed penalty
  • 6. cProfile From command line:! $ python -m cProfile -o
  • 7. cProfile Or, in your program:! import cProfile'slow_function', '')
  • 8. cProfile Or, even more flexible:! pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() … thing you want to profile …! pr.disable()
  • 9. pstats import pstats profile = pstats.Stats('') profile.add('myscript.prof2') profile.strip_dirs() profile.sort_stats('cumulative') profile.print_stats(20)
  • 10. 12192418 function calls (11990470 primitive calls) in 84.268 seconds ! Ordered by: cumulative time List reduced from 1211 to 20 due to restriction <20> ! ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 1 0.000 0.000 84.402 84.402 <string>:1(<module>) 1 0.021 0.021 84.402 84.402 500 0.096 0.000 84.381 0.169 500 0.007 0.000 35.874 0.072 500 0.066 0.000 33.431 0.067 500 0.160 0.000 22.684 0.045 10501 0.175 0.000 21.963 0.002 14001 0.286 0.000 21.472 0.002 6501 0.047 0.000 14.200 0.002
  • 11. profile.print_callees('full_clean', 10) ! List reduced from 1211 to 2 due to restriction <'full_clean'> ! Function called... ncalls tottime cumtime -> 500 0.177 2.855 277(_clean_fields) 500 0.003 0.030 500 0.031 2.784 393(_post_clean) -> 500 0.001 0.001 500 0.096 2.399
  • 12. profile.print_callers('full_clean') ! List reduced from 1211 to 2 due to restriction <'full_clean'> ! Function was called by... ncalls tottime cumtime <- 500 0.009 5.678 <- 500 0.005 2.405 393(_post_clean)
  • 13. KCacheGrind ! ❖ GUI for viewing profile data! ❖ Run your profile output through pyprof2calltree! ❖ On a Mac, qcachegrind is easier to install
  • 16. RunSnakeRun ❖ Squaremap of call tree! ❖ Maybe useful for spotting large exclusive time functions
  • 19. Using your results ❖ Bottom up approach! ❖ Start with a large exclusive time sub! ❖ Climb up call graph to find something you can affect! ❖ "We're spending a lot of time in deepcopy(). What's calling that so much?"! ❖ Might miss higher-level fixes
  • 20. Using your results ❖ Top down approach! ❖ Start with a large inclusive time sub! ❖ Walk down call graph to find something you can affect! ❖ "We're spending a lot of time in this validate() method. What's it doing that takes so long?"! ❖ Look for structural changes
  • 21. Line profiling ❖ line_profiler does exist! ❖ Results are not very actionable! ❖ If you get this far, you probably should stop (or refactor your methods!)
  • 22. Good profiling technique ❖ Create a repeatable benchmark test! ❖ Allows you to measure progress! ❖ Iterations/second! ❖ Time for n iterations
  • 23. What usually helps ❖ Removing unnecessary work! ❖ “We load that config data every time, even when we don’t use it.”! ❖ Using a more efficient algorithm
  • 24. What usually helps ❖ Batching I/O (disk or net) operations! ❖ Database stuff! ❖ SQL tuning! ❖ Indexes! ❖ Transactions
  • 25. What usually helps ❖ Caching! ❖ Easy to add, hard to live with! ❖ Code complexity! ❖ Invalidation calls! ❖ Dependency tracking! ❖ Business customers care about data freshness