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Startup notes:
1. Slides URL:
2. You can turn on your mobile data on for some
progressive web apps sites that we will visit during the
Note: Please unblock the notifications temporarily.
Progressive Web Apps
If you’re going to use Facebook, Gmail or Google maps in your smartphone, which
step will you use?
1. Go to chrome, then type in
the URL bar
(Mobile Web)
2. Tap in the Icon in your
Mobile Web Vs. Native Apps

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Why Would A Programmer Fall In Love With SPA?

This document discusses the benefits of single page applications (SPAs) and how to create one using Ember.js and Rails. It explains that SPAs allow redrawing parts of a website without additional server requests by using AJAX. Some pros of SPAs are better user experience, support for mobile, and complete control over loading. Potential cons include needing JavaScript and URLs without paths. Frameworks like Ember.js, Angular, and Meteor can help build SPAs. Ember is a good choice as it is fast and uses MVC patterns. The document provides steps for integrating Ember into a Rails app using the ember-cli-rails gem.

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This document provides an overview of WordPress plugin creation for programmers. It discusses what plugins are, the WordPress execution lifecycle, hooks, and code samples. Plugins extend WordPress functionality using hooks to add or change functions during the lifecycle. The document demonstrates a sample "nt_post_notice" plugin that displays a custom message above posts on the admin and public sides using hooks, sanitization, permissions and other features.

Vaadin codemotion 2014
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Progressive Web Apps by Millicent Convento
What is Progressive Web Apps?
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a new life-cycle model that
combines most of the features of web apps with the benefits
of mobile apps.
Its main features are instant loading, offline mode, cache
control and push notifications.
Who’s using this?
● Users time on site with Flipkart
lite vs. previous mobile
experience: 3.5 minutes vs 70
● 40% higher re-engagement rate
● 70% greater conversion rate
among those arriving via Add to
● 3x lower data usage
India’s largest e-commerce site
Who’s using this?
Almost all of the top visited sites are using it for their Push

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Understanding meteor

Meteor, or MeteorJS is an open-source real-time JavaScript web application framework written on top of Node.js. While production-ready and used by a number of high-profile startups, Meteor allows for very rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform (web, Android, iOS) code. It integrates tightly with MongoDB and uses the Distributed Data Protocol and a publish–subscribe pattern to automatically propagate data changes to clients in real-time without requiring the developer to write any synchronization code. On the client, Meteor depends on jQuery and can be used with any JavaScript UI widget library.

Progressive web apps
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Progressive web apps

This slide is from the talk that i have given in DevFest at GDG Jalandhar & DSC Contains all the basic features,code and tools required to build a Progressive web apps.

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Building Mobile Apps With Ionic & Loopback
Building Mobile Apps With Ionic & LoopbackBuilding Mobile Apps With Ionic & Loopback
Building Mobile Apps With Ionic & Loopback

The aim of this presentation is to show how Ionic and Loopback can be used to build a hybrid mobile app.

Skills needed
Javascript is the basic skill that you need
for making Progressive Web Apps. Here
are the libraries/concepts that helps us
make PWAs.
● Javascript Promises (doesn’t have to
be an expert)
● Gulp.js (for SW-precache and
● SW-precache
● SW-toolbox
Service worker
- A javascript file that is stored on the user’s browser and runs in the
background. It intercepts with the network request made by the web app.
Url sample: chrome://serviceworker-internals
- A json file that stores information that will be used by the service worker.
Url sample:
- Progressive Web apps requires HTTPS for security.
- http://localhost is allowed for development purposes
● Network First
● Cache First
● Fastest
● Cache Only
● Network Only

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This document summarizes a new content management platform called KeyPublisher. KeyPublisher aims to improve the user experience of publishing workflows. It features an intuitive dashboard, improved media handling capabilities, instant messaging tools, and is designed to work on both desktop and mobile devices. Those interested can sign up now for the beta version, with the full release planned for June 2012.

Progressive Web Apps - Up & Running
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This Slide contains the basics of PWA its advantage and why to build a PWA. It also contains some technical features and case studies of PWA.

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This document discusses securing APIs with Azure Active Directory (AD) authentication from SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solutions. It introduces the AadHttpClient SDK that can be used to call APIs secured with Azure AD without dealing with OAuth flows directly. The SDK handles retrieving access tokens automatically based on the permissions configured for the calling web part in the Azure AD tenant. The document provides an overview of how AadHttpClient works and links to additional resources on setting up API permissions and enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for APIs.

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Cache First
Credits to:
Cache First
Credits to:
Ideal For
- Newspaper articles
- Social media Timelines
- Anything you want that updates frequently
Cache First Pseudo Code without SW-Toolbox
Credits to:
Cache First Pseudo Code with SW-Precache

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The deck I presented on a technical sharing session at codeMeetUp() weekly meet-up, organized by ProCodeCG, Bandung. The attendees are all coders, senior ones among them. DyCode Education represented by me is very excited and such an honor to be able to deliver the sharing on this meet-up. Soure code I used for live coding:

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Web App Security
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Web App Security

This document summarizes common web application security issues and solutions. It discusses SQL injection, where malicious SQL code can be inserted into username/password fields, and demonstrates how to inject SQL. It also covers cross-site scripting (XSS), where script code can be submitted and run on a site. Potential data exposure issues are overviewed. The document recommends using framework features and error codes without unnecessary information. It promotes attending trainings from Microsoft leaders to enhance knowledge of cutting edge technologies.

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This document discusses serverless architecture as an alternative to traditional 3-tier architecture. It shows how serverless applications use managed AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB, S3 and API Gateway instead of application servers. Key services are coordinated by Lambda functions to provide authentication, file uploads, database access and APIs. The document provides code examples for building serverless applications using services like Cognito, IAM and Amplify.

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Network First
Credits to:
Network First Pseudo Code With Sw-precache
Credits to:
Fastest Pseudo Code without SW-precache
Credits to:

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1. The document discusses how the author implemented a Progressive Web App (PWA) for their company's product BOXture using React and Django. 2. Key aspects of the PWA implementation included using a service worker to cache assets and provide a fast loading experience, as well as adding web push notifications and a web app manifest. 3. The author details strategies used like cache-first routing and precaching with sw-precache to improve performance and user experience.

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Migration des solutions SharePoint vers le modèle Apps

Retrouvez les supports de notre session du club SharePoint UGSF de décembre 2013 "Migration des solutions SharePoint vers le modèle Apps" Au sommaire : - Les solutions SandBox - Les Apps et leur intégration - Différences de conception

Fastest Pseudo Code with SW-precache
Cache only
Network Only

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Progressive Web Apps

Slides of presentation I gave recently on Progressive Web Apps. In this I describe how to build a PWA and how to debug. I explain how to use Google's LightHouse and Microsoft's PWA Builder to create an app.

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Building Faster With Your Team's UI Kit

Tired of rebuilding your brand's UI in every new app your team works on? Whatever happened to DRY? This is exactly the reason why you should use a robust UI kit, like the AtlasKit, or build your own from scratch. In this talk, Árni Freyr Snorrason, Developer and Team Lead at Tempo, will share Tempo's journey into the world of custom UI kits. He'll share how Tempo's growing visual identity for its products across multiple ecosystems, (most notably Jira Cloud and Jira Server) led to the decision to design, implement and maintain their very own Tempo UI kit, and also how the kit proved to be a crucial tool for developers to move faster and become more autonomous when developing front end features for cloud and server at the same time.

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Presented during DevCon Summit 2016 #DevFutureForward on November 5-6, 2016 at SMX Convention Center Manila, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City.

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This is what a Push Notification looks like
(In Desktop) (In Mobile)
Requirements to make a dynamic push notification?
1. Get your server and sender key
- Go to firebase
- Create a project
- Go to project settings (Gear icon on the upper left beside project name)
- Choose Cloud Messaging
- Under the Project Credentials, get the server and sender key
2. Add the sender id to your manifest.json
Requirements to make a dynamic push notification?
3. Add the server-key to your curl script as Authorization:.
Requirements to make a dynamic push notification?
4. Add a push listener to you service-worker.js

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Requirements to make a dynamic push notification?
5. Do your installation script for service-worker in your js that is accessible in your DOM
Making it work
What’s happening in the background?
When you click yes, it registers the sw.js
(service-worker.js) in the browser and sends
an ajax call to save the subscription_id in the
subscriptions table.
Making it work
What’s happening in the background?
When you click send, the title, body, url and the
hidden subscription_id will be passed to the
server and and save it to the notifications table.
After that, the curl request will be executed. This
will trigger the push listener in the sw.js.
“fetch('php_actions/notification_get_me..” will
get the title, body, url and subscription_id that
you saved earlier by getting the last data it gets
when it matches the subscription_id.

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The document discusses payment acceptance and card tokenization in JavaScript using the PayMaya Payment Gateway. It describes how the Payment Gateway provides an abstraction layer to enable merchants to accept card payments without needing to understand complex card network standards. It also explains how card tokenization allows collecting card data in apps and websites while reducing PCI compliance requirements by replacing sensitive card details with tokens. Finally, it outlines the PayMaya Payment Gateway APIs and SDKs that make integration easy for developers.

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Making it work
What’s happening in the background?
Clicking this will open a new tab, triggered by the
notificationclick listener.
Problems Encountered
1. Easy to have errors on multiple tabs.
2. Stackoverflow is limited for PWA.
3. Service worker is supported in most browsers but doesn’t have full support on all
4. Service worker listener to push notifications has a much shorter lifetime compared
to native apps.
Thanks for Listening
Millicent Convento
Github Username: mjmconvento

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Progressive Web Apps by Millicent Convento

  • 1. Startup notes: 1. Slides URL: 2. You can turn on your mobile data on for some progressive web apps sites that we will visit during the presentation. Note: Please unblock the notifications temporarily.
  • 3. Survey If you’re going to use Facebook, Gmail or Google maps in your smartphone, which step will you use? 1. Go to chrome, then type in the URL bar or (Mobile Web) 2. Tap in the Icon in your homescreen (Native)
  • 4. Mobile Web Vs. Native Apps
  • 6. What is Progressive Web Apps? Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a new life-cycle model that combines most of the features of web apps with the benefits of mobile apps. Its main features are instant loading, offline mode, cache control and push notifications.
  • 7. Who’s using this? Results: ● Users time on site with Flipkart lite vs. previous mobile experience: 3.5 minutes vs 70 seconds. ● 40% higher re-engagement rate ● 70% greater conversion rate among those arriving via Add to Homescreen ● 3x lower data usage India’s largest e-commerce site
  • 8. Who’s using this? Almost all of the top visited sites are using it for their Push Notification.
  • 9. Skills needed Javascript is the basic skill that you need for making Progressive Web Apps. Here are the libraries/concepts that helps us make PWAs. ● JSON ● Javascript Promises (doesn’t have to be an expert) ● Gulp.js (for SW-precache and SW-toolbox) ● SW-precache ● SW-toolbox
  • 10. Resources Service worker - A javascript file that is stored on the user’s browser and runs in the background. It intercepts with the network request made by the web app. Url sample: chrome://serviceworker-internals Installation:
  • 11. Resources Manifest.json - A json file that stores information that will be used by the service worker. Url sample: HTTPS - Progressive Web apps requires HTTPS for security. - http://localhost is allowed for development purposes
  • 12. Caching Strategies ● Network First ● Cache First ● Fastest ● Cache Only ● Network Only
  • 13. Cache First Credits to:
  • 14. Cache First Credits to: Ideal For - Newspaper articles - Social media Timelines - Anything you want that updates frequently
  • 15. Cache First Pseudo Code without SW-Toolbox Credits to:
  • 16. Cache First Pseudo Code with SW-Precache
  • 17. Network First Credits to:
  • 18. Network First Pseudo Code With Sw-precache
  • 20. Fastest Pseudo Code without SW-precache Credits to:
  • 21. Fastest Pseudo Code with SW-precache
  • 25. This is what a Push Notification looks like (In Desktop) (In Mobile)
  • 26. Requirements to make a dynamic push notification? 1. Get your server and sender key - Go to firebase - Create a project - Go to project settings (Gear icon on the upper left beside project name) - Choose Cloud Messaging - Under the Project Credentials, get the server and sender key 2. Add the sender id to your manifest.json
  • 27. Requirements to make a dynamic push notification? 3. Add the server-key to your curl script as Authorization:.
  • 28. Requirements to make a dynamic push notification? 4. Add a push listener to you service-worker.js
  • 29. Requirements to make a dynamic push notification? 5. Do your installation script for service-worker in your js that is accessible in your DOM
  • 31. Making it work What’s happening in the background? When you click yes, it registers the sw.js (service-worker.js) in the browser and sends an ajax call to save the subscription_id in the subscriptions table.
  • 32. Making it work What’s happening in the background? When you click send, the title, body, url and the hidden subscription_id will be passed to the server and and save it to the notifications table. After that, the curl request will be executed. This will trigger the push listener in the sw.js. “fetch('php_actions/notification_get_me..” will get the title, body, url and subscription_id that you saved earlier by getting the last data it gets when it matches the subscription_id.
  • 33. Making it work What’s happening in the background? Clicking this will open a new tab, triggered by the notificationclick listener.
  • 34. Problems Encountered 1. Easy to have errors on multiple tabs. 2. Stackoverflow is limited for PWA. 3. Service worker is supported in most browsers but doesn’t have full support on all functionalities. 4. Service worker listener to push notifications has a much shorter lifetime compared to native apps.
  • 35. Thanks for Listening Millicent Convento Email: Github Username: mjmconvento