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"The Waiting Pool", painting by Amy Crehore copyright 2010, 12"x 24", oil on linen
An ARCH is an elongated lowland between ranges of
mountains, hills or other uplands, often having a river
or stream running along the bottom.
An ARCHIPELAGO is a chain of islands.
An ATOLL is basically an island that is constructed of
coral and encircles a lagoon. It is considered one of
the most beautiful of formations to be found in warm
waters; most often in tropical sections of the Pacific
and Indian oceans.

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Tropical rainforest
Tropical rainforestTropical rainforest
Tropical rainforest

This document summarizes key aspects of tropical rainforests, including their location, climate characteristics, soil type, vegetation layers, threats, and causes of deforestation. Tropical rainforests are located between 5-10 degrees north and south of the equator in countries like Brazil, Indonesia, and the Amazon Basin. They have high temperatures, rainfall, and humidity that support the growth of deep, nutrient-poor soils and several vegetation layers ranging from emergent trees to an understory. Common threats include slash-and-burn agriculture, fires, logging, cattle ranching, and agriculture which have significantly reduced tropical rainforest coverage due to unsustainable practices.

Water bodies
Water bodies Water bodies
Water bodies

This document summarizes the major water bodies of Earth. It explains that 3/4 of the Earth's surface is covered by water in various forms called water bodies. The largest water bodies are the five oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic oceans. It also describes seas as large water bodies smaller than oceans, which can be marginal seas partly enclosed by land or inland seas covering central land areas. Minor water bodies include bays, lakes, gulfs, lagoons, straits, and rivers.


The Great Plains are a flat, expansive area of North America that lies between the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains. The Plains have deep, fertile soils deposited by water, ice, and wind that make them well-suited for agriculture. Vast grasslands cover much of the Plains, supporting immense populations of wildlife and livestock. At the heart of the Plains ecosystem is grass, which is able to survive a wide range of harsh climates through being almost indestructible. The climate of the Great Plains is characterized by very cold winters and hot summers, with high winds and occasional dust storms.

great plainsgrassplains
A BASIN is a large, bowl shaped depression in the
surface of the land, often drained by a single river.
A BAY is part of a body of salt water that reaches into
the land; usually smaller than a gulf.
A BEACH is a coastal landform consisting of deposits
of sediments that run parallel to the shore.
A BLOWHOLE is formed as sea caves grow landwards
and upwards into vertical shafts and expose
themselves towards the surface, which can result in
blasts of water from the top of the blowhole.

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Powerpoint ..biomes
Powerpoint ..biomesPowerpoint ..biomes
Powerpoint ..biomes

The document summarizes the major terrestrial biomes of the world. It describes the six biomes as: 1) Desert biome, which is characterized by hot and dry climates with less than 10 inches of rain per year. Common plants include cacti and animals have adaptations for heat and lack of water. 2) Tundra biome, which is located north of the Arctic circle and is the coldest biome with less than 25 inches of rain per year. Plants are low growing and animals have thick fur. 3) Taiga biome or boreal forest, located in northern parts of North America, Asia, and Europe. It has long, cold winters and coniferous trees are abundant. 4) Rainforest biome

Bodies of Water
Bodies of WaterBodies of Water
Bodies of Water

The document describes four major bodies of water: oceans, gulfs, rivers, and lakes. Oceans are the largest body of water and have salty water. Gulfs are bodies of ocean water surrounded by land on three sides. Rivers are streams of water that flow across land. Lakes are bodies of fresh water surrounded by land.

2nd gradewatergeography
Oceans: A Brief Introduction
Oceans: A Brief IntroductionOceans: A Brief Introduction
Oceans: A Brief Introduction

The document provides an overview of key facts about oceans: - Oceans cover 70.8% of the Earth's surface and have an average depth of 4,000 meters. The deepest point is in the Marianas Trench at 11,000 meters. - The Pacific Ocean is the largest, covering 30.5% of the Earth's surface. Other major oceans are the Atlantic, Indian, and Southern oceans. - Water has unique properties like existing in solid, liquid, and gas forms and having high heat capacity, which influence Earth's climate and ability to support life. - Ocean depths are divided into zones like the continental shelf, pelagic zone, and abyssal zone that have different environmental conditions

A BREAKWATER is a structure built to break the force
of the waves or stop the erosion of a beach.
A BUTTE is a hill that rises abruptly from the
surrounding area and has sloping sides and a flat top.
A CANAL is a man-made waterway connecting two
bodies of water and is designed to shorten travel time
or irrigate.
A CANYON is a narrow valley with steep sides; usually
created by erosion.

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Landforms (1)
Landforms (1)Landforms (1)
Landforms (1)

A landform is a natural feature of the solid surface of the Earth or other planetary body. Landforms together make up a given terrain, and their arrangement in the landscape is known as topography. Typical landforms include hills, mountains, plateaus, canyons, valleys, as well as shoreline features such as bays, peninsulas, and seas, including submerged features such as mid-ocean ridges, volcanoes, and the great ocean basins.

Bodies of water
Bodies of waterBodies of water
Bodies of water

The document discusses the five main oceans of the world - the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic oceans. It provides data on the size and depths of each ocean, with the Pacific being the largest and the Mariana Trench in the Pacific being the deepest location at over 36,000 feet deep. Rivers are described as large bodies of fresh water that flow across land into seas or oceans, while lakes are bodies of fresh water surrounded by land.

Seas, Lakes and Rivers (Project in Science)
Seas, Lakes and Rivers (Project in Science)Seas, Lakes and Rivers (Project in Science)
Seas, Lakes and Rivers (Project in Science)

This powerpoint presentation is for the study of some waterforms that are found in our beautiful and blessed planet, Earth. Please enjoy and comment what kind of powerpoint do you want next :).

A CAPE is a curved or hooked piece of land extending
into a body of water.
A CATARACT is a large or high waterfall.
A CAVE is a large hole in the ground or in the side of a
hill or mountain.
A CIRQUE is bowl-shaped depression formed by snow
and ice; found on mountains in glaciated areas.

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Temperate grasslands
Temperate grasslandsTemperate grasslands
Temperate grasslands

This document provides an overview of temperate grasslands, including their location, climate, soil characteristics, and major types. The major temperate grasslands discussed are steppes, prairies, pampas, and veldt. Key details about the climate, dominant plants, and characteristic animal species of each grassland type are described. The document also discusses threats to temperate grasslands from overgrazing, invasive species, and urbanization, as well as conservation strategies.

The hot desert region
 The hot desert region The hot desert region
The hot desert region

Location, Climate, Plants life, Human life, Animals life, Occupation of people and Challenges faces by the people.

Lesson 12: Landforms of the Earth
Lesson 12: Landforms of the EarthLesson 12: Landforms of the Earth
Lesson 12: Landforms of the Earth

This document discusses endogenous and exogenous geological processes that shape the Earth's surface and form different types of landforms. Endogenous processes such as faulting, folding, and volcanic activity occur beneath the surface. Exogenous processes including weathering, erosion, and deposition happen at the surface and interact with landforms formed by endogenous events. Landforms are categorized by size, relief, and whether they were formed through erosional or depositional forces, and include plains, mountains, plateaus, hills, canyons, river valleys, moraines, deltas, sand bars, and sand dunes.

endogenous processesweatheringfaulting
CLIFFS are steep faces of rock and soil.
A COAST is land along the sea or ocean.
A CONTINENT is a very large land mass.
The seven continents of planet Earth are:
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North
America, South America.
Some scientists believe we only have six because Europe and Asia are
connected but separated by mountains. The six are Africa, Antarctica,
Australia, Eurasia, North America, and South America.
Eurasia is Europe and Asia combined.
Others believe we have five as North America and South America are
referred to as ‘Americas’.
The five are: Africa, Americas, Antarctica, Eurasia, Australia.
CORAL REEFS help prevent erosion of beaches,
provide breeding and feeding grounds for marine life
and control carbon dioxide in the water.

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Basic geography terms
Basic geography termsBasic geography terms
Basic geography terms

The document defines various geographical terms through examples. It provides definitions for terms like archipelago, bay, coast, canyon, cape, cove, channel, cliff, delta, desert, forest, geyser, glacier, grassland, fjord, hill, iceberg, island, isthmus, jungle, lake, marsh, mountain, ocean, peninsula, plain, plateau, river, sea, strait, stream, tundra, volcano, and waterfall. Examples are given for many of the terms to illustrate what land and water features they describe.

geography vocabularygeography terms
Bodies of water
Bodies of waterBodies of water
Bodies of water

The document discusses different types of bodies of water on Earth. It states that about 3/4 of Earth's surface is covered by water, but only 1/2 cup out of a gallon jug represents the amount of fresh water. The largest oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. Lakes are bodies of water surrounded by land, and the Great Lakes are located in Michigan. Rivers contain fresh water and flow into larger bodies of water. Ponds and streams are smaller than lakes and rivers.


This chapter discusses glacial systems and the landforms they create. It describes the two major types of glaciers - alpine and continental - and how they flow via internal deformation and basal sliding. Glaciers erode primarily through plucking and abrasion, transporting material and leaving behind distinctive depositional features like moraines, drumlins, and eskers. Continental ice sheets during the Pleistocene epoch shaped much of North America and Europe through erosion of cirques, arêtes, and fjords, and deposition of till plains, outwash plains, and erratic boulders.

A COVE is small, horseshoe-shaped body of water
along the coast; the water is surrounded by land
formed of soft rock.
A DAM is a wall built across a stream or river to hold
back water.
A DELTA is a place at the river’s mouth, where the
river spits into many different sections, forming a
marshy triangle.
A DESERT is an area with very little rainfall or

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Desert, types of desert, land forms, dunes and types of dunes
Desert, types of desert, land forms, dunes and types of dunesDesert, types of desert, land forms, dunes and types of dunes
Desert, types of desert, land forms, dunes and types of dunes

A desert is defined as a region that receives less than 250-500 mm of precipitation per year. Deserts form due to global circulation patterns that result in subsiding air over subtropical regions, limiting rainfall. Key factors that influence desert formation include high surface temperatures, topography such as rain shadows, and proximity to cold ocean currents. Deserts are characterized by sparse vegetation and unique landforms shaped by wind and water erosion like sand dunes, playas, and yardangs. Common desert types include hot subtropical deserts near the horse latitudes, mid-latitude deserts, and coastal deserts near cold ocean currents.

zahra majidmano khan
13.4 Stages of a River.ppt
13.4 Stages of a River.ppt13.4 Stages of a River.ppt
13.4 Stages of a River.ppt

Floodplains develop alongside rivers and are subject to periodic flooding. As rivers mature from steep mountain streams to slow, meandering plains rivers, they develop floodplains marked by features like natural levees, backswamps, and oxbow lakes formed from river meanders. Flooding deposits sediment across the floodplain but slows closer to the river, building up levees. Meanders may eventually be cut off, forming oxbow lakes. While flooding is natural, it can be hazardous to human development, so structures like dams, levees, flood walls, and bypasses are used to control floodwaters.

HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Jfokus 2012
HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Jfokus 2012HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Jfokus 2012
HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Jfokus 2012

HTML5 Development with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade Presentation from Jfokus 2012. Discusses these technologies, as well as my story of using them to develop an HTML5 Fitness Tracking application. Read more about this presentation at:

A DESERT is an area with very little rainfall or
An ESCARPMENT is an extended ridge of high land
often with a steep slope on one side and a gently
slope on the other.
A FJORD or FIORD is a long, narrow inlet of the sea,
bordered by steep cliffs, and carved by glacial action.
A FOREST is a large tract of land covered with trees
and underbrush; extensive wooded area.

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Communication (Introduction)
Communication (Introduction)Communication (Introduction)
Communication (Introduction)

Communication is the process of sharing messages to generate meaning and occurs in a specific context or situation. It involves a source, message, channel, receiver, feedback, codes, encoding, decoding, and can be impacted by noise. Key components of communication are the source who initiates the message, the message itself which can be verbal or nonverbal, and the receiver who is the intended target. There are various contexts of communication including intrapersonal, interpersonal, public, and mass communication. Effective communication considers factors such as the relationship between individuals, quantity does not determine quality, and communication is irreversible.

Lecture 6 7 Rm Shear Walls
Lecture 6 7 Rm Shear WallsLecture 6 7 Rm Shear Walls
Lecture 6 7 Rm Shear Walls

This document discusses the working stress design of reinforced masonry flexural members. It outlines the assumptions of the design method, which include plane sections remaining plane after bending and a linear stress-strain relationship for both masonry and steel. Equations are provided to calculate the balanced reinforcement ratio, as well as the procedure for sizing the cross section and reinforcement given design moment values. An example problem demonstrates how to design a reinforced masonry beam section to resist a given bending moment.

Modes of speech delivery
Modes of speech delivery Modes of speech delivery
Modes of speech delivery

This document discusses different aspects of effective speech delivery, including vocal, bodily, and content elements. It outlines four common methods of speech delivery: reading verbatim from a manuscript; reciting from memory; speaking impromptu with minimal preparation using notes; and speaking extemporaneously with preparation using brief notes. The document provides tips for each method and common mistakes to avoid such as poor gestures, body language, and enumerates speaking mistakes seen in a sample video. Overall, it emphasizes that an effective speech delivery conveys the speaker's ideas clearly without being distracting through a combination of formality, directness, spontaneity, and facial expressions.

A GEYSER is a natural hot spring that occasionally
sprays water and steam above the ground.
A GLACIER is a huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a
land mass.
A GULF is a large area of a sea or ocean partially
enclosed by land.
A HARBOUR is a sheltered part of a body of water
deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.

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Based on your responses, here are a few things you can focus on to better nail the interview: - Practice answering common questions like "Tell me about yourself" so you have clear, concise responses prepared. Have specific examples from your background to draw from. - Research the company and position thoroughly so you understand what skills and experience they are looking for. Connect your background to their needs. - Anticipate questions that may be asked and have well-thought out, positive responses prepared. Practice your delivery. - Ask insightful questions yourself to demonstrate your interest and qualifications for the role. Follow up after the interview as well. Preparing thoroughly, anticipating questions, connecting your background to their needs

Six Sigma
Six SigmaSix Sigma
Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a set of process improvement techniques and tools used to reduce variability and increase profits through statistical quality control. It aims to enhance customer satisfaction and product quality. Key methodologies for implementing Six Sigma include DMAIC, which follows the plan-do-check-act cycle to define problems, measure metrics, analyze root causes, improve processes, and control results. DMADV is used for developing new processes and products. Both draw on techniques like FMEA, DOE, control plans and more. Six Sigma benefits organizations through lower costs, fewer defects, and stronger business performance.

six sigmaquality
Assembly language 8086
Assembly language 8086Assembly language 8086
Assembly language 8086

This document provides an introduction to 8086 assembly language programming. It discusses machine code and assembly language, compilers and assemblers, general purpose registers, simple commands, number formats, jumps, labels, logical and shift instructions, and instructions that affect memory. The key points are that assembly language provides a lower-level programming interface than high-level languages, manages memory and registers directly, and uses mnemonics that are assembled into machine code.

assembly language8086machine code
A HEADLAND is a point of land or promontory that
juts out into the sea.
A HILL is a raised part of the earth’s surface with
sloping sides; an old mountain which because of
erosion has become rounder and shorter.
An ICEBERG is a large floating piece of ice that has
broken away from an ice shelf or a glacier.
An INLET is a small part of a body of water (lake, sea)
that reaches into a coast.

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Distortion in welding
Distortion in weldingDistortion in welding
Distortion in welding

This document discusses distortion that can occur during welding processes. It defines distortion as any unwanted physical change to a fabricated structure due to welding. The main causes of distortion are non-uniform expansion/contraction from the welding thermal cycle and internal stresses formed in the base metal. The extent of distortion depends on material properties like thermal expansion and welding factors like process, amount of weld metal, and edge preparation. Different types of distortions like longitudinal, transverse, angular, bending, twisting and buckling are described. Methods to measure and control distortion include welding sequence, fixtures, preheating, and post weld heat treatment. Various materials have a welding suitability index calculated to indicate their distortion sensitivity during welding.

Casting and splinting principles and common pitfalls
Casting and splinting   principles and common pitfallsCasting and splinting   principles and common pitfalls
Casting and splinting principles and common pitfalls

This document discusses principles of casting and splinting and common pitfalls. It begins by noting how casting skills have declined with newer fixation methods, though casting remains important. It then covers materials like plaster and fiberglass, their properties, advantages, and disadvantages. Key principles discussed include properly padding and molding casts to avoid pressure sores, not overtightening, and positioning joints in positions that maintain mobility. The document cautions against errors like blocking finger motion with upper extremity casts. It provides guidance on casting different areas like the hand, elbow, and lower limb in functional positions. Methods of cast wedging to regain reduction are also reviewed.

residual stress in welding
residual stress in weldingresidual stress in welding
residual stress in welding

Residual stresses are stresses that exist in a material after external loads have been removed. They are caused by non-uniform temperatures during welding which lead to uneven strain. Residual stresses form from mismatches in thermal expansion and contraction between the weld metal and base metal. Higher heat input welds and greater restraint during welding generally result in higher residual stresses, with tensile stresses in the weld metal and compressive stresses farther away. Residual stresses can decrease strength and increase susceptibility to cracking if not properly addressed.

residual streewelding
An ISLAND is a piece of land completely surrounded
by water.
An ISTHMUS is a narrow strip of land, like a bridge,
connecting two larger strips of land.
A LAGOON is a shallow body of water that is located
alongside a coast.
A LAKE is a large inland body of fresh water or salt

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Nathalie Nahai - The secret psychology of persuasive copy (Conversion Confere...

In this keynote presentation for Conversion Conference (Las Vegas, 2015), I explain the psychology behind some of the world’s most persuasive copy, and how you can use these techniques in your own content. In the talk we’ll cover: 1. Psychological keyword optimisation 2. Trigger words and how to use them 3. The hidden drivers of human behaviour 4. Powerful heuristics and how to leverage them 5. How to use your values to create trust I also explain the scientific basis behind each principle, and illustrate how to apply them with numerous case studies from a variety of industries. Want more? Download the slides here: And checkout more resources at my website:

web psychologycopyseo
Photography 101, Or How to Take Better Photos
Photography 101, Or How to Take Better PhotosPhotography 101, Or How to Take Better Photos
Photography 101, Or How to Take Better Photos

A presentation made for Visual Art students on photography techniques and terms to improve their skills.

art educationvisual artphotography
Visual Journal examples
Visual Journal examplesVisual Journal examples
Visual Journal examples

A visual journal provides examples to help with creating journals. The examples are meant to inspire different visual styles and layouts for recording personal thoughts, experiences, and ideas through images and words. The resources in the journal are intended to be used for educational purposes.

sketchbookart educationvisual art
A MARSH is an area of soft, wet, low lying land, with
grassy vegetation, often forming a transition zone
between water and land.
A MESA is a broad, flat topped elevation with one or
more cliff-like sides.
A MORAINE is an accumulation of boulders, stones, or
other debris carried and deposited by a glacier.
A MOUNTAIN is a high, rocky land, usually with steep
sides and a pointed or rounded top, higher than a hill.

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Research Data in the Arts and Humanities: A Few Tricky Questions
Research Data in the Arts and Humanities: A Few Tricky QuestionsResearch Data in the Arts and Humanities: A Few Tricky Questions
Research Data in the Arts and Humanities: A Few Tricky Questions

The document discusses research data in the arts and humanities. It notes that research data is defined differently across disciplines, with definitions in the arts focusing more on evidence used to generate new knowledge and interpretations, which can include subjective experiences. In the arts, the research process itself is sometimes considered the work, rather than a definite outcome. The document also discusses how data reuse has long been integral to the arts and humanities culture through things like Shakespeare borrowing plots and theorists examining connections between texts.

arts and humanitiesopen sciencedata management
Parent teacher conference
Parent teacher conferenceParent teacher conference
Parent teacher conference

A parent-teacher conference is a meeting between a teacher and one or both parents/guardians of a student to discuss the student's academic progress and behavior. The conference allows the teacher to share assessment data and class observations with parents, and learn from parents about the student's strengths, needs, learning style and home life to better support the student's learning. Effective conferences are positive, solution-focused, and encourage two-way participation between the teacher and parents.

Govt 2306 ch_3
Govt 2306 ch_3Govt 2306 ch_3
Govt 2306 ch_3

This document summarizes key aspects of local governments in Texas. It discusses how local governments are limited by the state's antiquated constitution, which was designed for a rural environment. It also describes the different types of municipalities in Texas, including general-law cities and home-rule cities, and the various forms of municipal government like strong mayor-council, weak mayor-council, and council-manager. The document concludes by covering municipal politics, services, and revenue sources like taxes, fees, and bonds.

An OASIS is a fertile place in the desert where there is
water and some vegetation.
An OCEAN is the largest body of salt water; these
cover ¾ (three quarters) of the earth’s surface.
A PENINSULA is a piece of land that extends into a
body of water and is surrounded on three sides by
PLAINS are broad, flat or gently rolling areas; usually
low in elevation.

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Grade 3 Arts Teachers Guide
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Grade 3 Arts Teachers Guide

This document provides details for a series of 3 art lessons on drawing for elementary students. Lesson 1 focuses on different types of lines and their characteristics. Students will create a design using contrasting lines. Lesson 2 teaches about showing distance through object size. Students will draw people of different sizes. Lesson 3 introduces the concept of illusion of space and students will create a drawing demonstrating this. The lessons incorporate art history, production, criticism and appreciation.

Grade 3 Social Studies Unit Plan
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Grade 3 Social Studies Unit Plan

This unit plan focuses on communities around the world. Students will investigate life in communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine, and Peru. They will learn how geographic, social, cultural, and linguistic factors affect quality of life in different communities. Students will complete projects to demonstrate their understanding, such as creating an item from one of the communities and writing a story from the perspective of someone who lives there. The goal is for students to gain appreciation for global citizenship and diversity around the world.

Guided math power_point_by_the_author_of_guided_math
Guided math power_point_by_the_author_of_guided_mathGuided math power_point_by_the_author_of_guided_math
Guided math power_point_by_the_author_of_guided_math

The document describes the Guided Math instructional framework developed by Laney Sammons. It is a flexible approach that uses whole class instruction, small group work, and independent work to meet students' unique needs. Key aspects include establishing a numerate classroom environment, ongoing assessment to form flexible groups, and using whole class, small group, and independent work components daily. The goal is to promote deep understanding and address gaps through differentiated instruction.

A PLATEAU is a flat highland area with one steep face;
an elevated plain.
A PRAIRIE is an extensive area of flat or rolling, mostly
treeless grassland.
RAPIDS are a part of a river, generally shallow, where
the currents move swiftly over rocks.
A RESERVOIR is a man-made lake that is primarily
used for storing water. Based on its use, there are
three types:
• a valley dammed reservoir;
• a bank-side reservoir (formed when water is taken
from an existing stream or river) and
• a service reservoir (mainly constructed to store water
for later use i.e. towers, elevated structures).

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Blending Math Instruction for Elementary Grades
Blending Math Instruction for Elementary GradesBlending Math Instruction for Elementary Grades
Blending Math Instruction for Elementary Grades

The idea of blended learning—combining digital curricula and tools with face-to-face instruction—for elementary grades is becoming more popular, and educators are finding it works particularly well in mathematics. Our guests will provide successful approaches for implementing this technique, including resources, strategies, and examples of instruction, as well as tips for modeling blended learning in elementary grade math.


Landforms are natural features on the Earth's surface. There are many different types of landforms including mountains, hills, volcanoes, basins, valleys, canyons, plains, plateaus, lakes, coasts, peninsulas, and deltas. Major landforms also include mountains ranges, continental shelves, isthmuses, and cliffs. Bodies of water that help define landforms include oceans, seas, rivers, waterfalls, branches, mouths, canals, gulfs, bays, islands, archipelagos, fjords, and straits.

Landforms Relief
Landforms ReliefLandforms Relief
Landforms Relief

This document defines and provides examples of different types of landforms. It explains that landforms are natural shapes or features on Earth's surface, and there are many types including mountains, hills, volcanoes, basins, valleys, canyons, plains, plateaus, lakes, coasts, and more. Each landform is then defined in 1-2 sentences, such as mountains being areas much higher than surrounding land, valleys being lowlands between higher lands, and plains being flat areas on the surface.

A RIVER is a large natural stream of water emptying
into an ocean, lake or other body of water.
The SEA is a large body of water, usually salt water,
partly or completely surrounded by land.
A SEA STACK is a block of erosion-resistant rock
isolated from the land by sea. A SEA STACK begin as
part of a headland or sea cliff. Relentless pounding by
waves erodes the softer, weaker part of a rock first,
leaving harder, more resistant rock behind.
A STEPPE is a vast grass covered plain.

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This document defines and describes various landforms and bodies of water. It explains that bays are areas of water bordered by land on three sides, gulfs are larger than bays and partly surrounded by land, and peninsulas are pieces of land surrounded by water on three sides. Rivers are large flowing bodies of water that usually empty into seas or oceans, and waterfalls occur where rivers fall steeply.

Landforms diva jamaria
Landforms diva jamariaLandforms diva jamaria
Landforms diva jamaria

Canyons are deep, narrow valleys that sometimes contain streams, while caves are dark, cool, and wet places that require specialized adaptations for the creatures living there. Mountains have snow at their peaks and rise sharply from the land, as volcanoes explode lava and eruptions form hard rock. Gulfs are portions of sea almost surrounded by land with a narrow opening, whereas islands are smaller than continents and completely encircled by water. Bays connect to oceans or lakes, and harbors shelter ships from storms in connected bodies of water. Cliffs are tall, steep slopes of rock or soil, and hills form from erosion and are part of raised areas of earth's crust. Glaciers contain ice and have pointed

Landforms and Regions PowerPoint
Landforms and Regions PowerPointLandforms and Regions PowerPoint
Landforms and Regions PowerPoint

This document defines and describes various types of landforms and regions. It discusses mountains such as fault mountains and fold mountains that are formed by tectonic plate movement. It also covers plains, grasslands, deserts, forests, wetlands and bodies of water including rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Regions described include prairies, savannas, tundra, and different forest biomes.

A STRAIT is a narrow channel of water joining two
larger bodies of water.
A SWAMP is an area of land that is always soaked
with water; low, wet land that supports grass and
A TOMBOLO is a natural bridge that is formed when
sand is deposited between the shoreline and an
A VALLEY is an elongated lowland between ranges of
mountains, hills or other uplands, often having a river
or stream running along the bottom.

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This document defines and describes various landforms and bodies of water. It defines bays, gulfs, peninsulas, deltas, isthmuses, straits, lakes, mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, rivers, waterfalls, fjords, valleys, glaciers, archipelagos, seas, and oceans. Key details are provided about the features and characteristics of each landform.


This document defines 52 geographic and landform terms. It provides definitions for terms like archipelago, basin, bay, canyon, cave, channel, cliff, coast, continental shelf, delta, desert, divide, fault, fjord, forest, glacier, gulf, harbor, highlands, hill, iceberg, inlet, island, isthmus, mesa, mountain, mouth (of a river), pass, peak, peninsula, plateau, plain, prairie, pond, rapids, reef, reservoir, river, savanna, scrubland, sea, sound, strait, swamp, tidewater, tributary, tundra, valley, volcano, waterfall, and wetlands. The document

Geographic landform definitions
Geographic landform definitionsGeographic landform definitions
Geographic landform definitions

This document defines and describes various geographic landforms and bodies of water, including oceans, coastlines, lakes, gulfs, rivers, tributaries, bays, dams, peninsulas, deltas, islands, reservoirs, valleys, glaciers, mountains, plateaus, volcanoes, canyons, deserts, plains, capes, archipelagos, atolls, canals, fjords, and isthmuses.

A VOLCANO is a mountainous vent in the Earth's
crust. When a volcano erupts, it spews out lava,
ashes, and hot gases from deep inside the Earth.
A WATERFALL is when a river falls off steeply; a place
where running water makes a sheer drop, usually over
a cliff.
"The Angel at Gossamer Creek",
painting by Amy Crehore copyright 2010,
16"x16", oil on linen

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Landforms 60 - PowerPoint - Version 2

  • 1. "The Waiting Pool", painting by Amy Crehore copyright 2010, 12"x 24", oil on linen
  • 2. An ARCH is an elongated lowland between ranges of mountains, hills or other uplands, often having a river or stream running along the bottom.
  • 3. An ARCHIPELAGO is a chain of islands.
  • 4. An ATOLL is basically an island that is constructed of coral and encircles a lagoon. It is considered one of the most beautiful of formations to be found in warm waters; most often in tropical sections of the Pacific and Indian oceans.
  • 5. A BASIN is a large, bowl shaped depression in the surface of the land, often drained by a single river.
  • 6. A BAY is part of a body of salt water that reaches into the land; usually smaller than a gulf.
  • 7. A BEACH is a coastal landform consisting of deposits of sediments that run parallel to the shore.
  • 8. A BLOWHOLE is formed as sea caves grow landwards and upwards into vertical shafts and expose themselves towards the surface, which can result in blasts of water from the top of the blowhole.
  • 9. A BREAKWATER is a structure built to break the force of the waves or stop the erosion of a beach.
  • 10. A BUTTE is a hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding area and has sloping sides and a flat top.
  • 11. A CANAL is a man-made waterway connecting two bodies of water and is designed to shorten travel time or irrigate.
  • 12. A CANYON is a narrow valley with steep sides; usually created by erosion.
  • 13. A CAPE is a curved or hooked piece of land extending into a body of water.
  • 14. A CATARACT is a large or high waterfall.
  • 15. A CAVE is a large hole in the ground or in the side of a hill or mountain.
  • 16. A CIRQUE is bowl-shaped depression formed by snow and ice; found on mountains in glaciated areas.
  • 17. CLIFFS are steep faces of rock and soil.
  • 18. A COAST is land along the sea or ocean.
  • 19. A CONTINENT is a very large land mass. The seven continents of planet Earth are: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America. Note: Some scientists believe we only have six because Europe and Asia are connected but separated by mountains. The six are Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Eurasia, North America, and South America. Eurasia is Europe and Asia combined. Others believe we have five as North America and South America are referred to as ‘Americas’. The five are: Africa, Americas, Antarctica, Eurasia, Australia.
  • 20. CORAL REEFS help prevent erosion of beaches, provide breeding and feeding grounds for marine life and control carbon dioxide in the water.
  • 21. A COVE is small, horseshoe-shaped body of water along the coast; the water is surrounded by land formed of soft rock.
  • 22. A DAM is a wall built across a stream or river to hold back water.
  • 23. Delta A DELTA is a place at the river’s mouth, where the river spits into many different sections, forming a marshy triangle.
  • 24. A DESERT is an area with very little rainfall or vegetation.
  • 25. A DESERT is an area with very little rainfall or vegetation.
  • 26. An ESCARPMENT is an extended ridge of high land often with a steep slope on one side and a gently slope on the other.
  • 27. A FJORD or FIORD is a long, narrow inlet of the sea, bordered by steep cliffs, and carved by glacial action.
  • 28. A FOREST is a large tract of land covered with trees and underbrush; extensive wooded area.
  • 29. A GEYSER is a natural hot spring that occasionally sprays water and steam above the ground.
  • 30. A GLACIER is a huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass.
  • 31. A GULF is a large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land.
  • 32. A HARBOUR is a sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.
  • 33. A HEADLAND is a point of land or promontory that juts out into the sea.
  • 34. A HILL is a raised part of the earth’s surface with sloping sides; an old mountain which because of erosion has become rounder and shorter.
  • 35. An ICEBERG is a large floating piece of ice that has broken away from an ice shelf or a glacier.
  • 36. An INLET is a small part of a body of water (lake, sea) that reaches into a coast.
  • 37. An ISLAND is a piece of land completely surrounded by water.
  • 38. An ISTHMUS is a narrow strip of land, like a bridge, connecting two larger strips of land.
  • 39. A LAGOON is a shallow body of water that is located alongside a coast.
  • 40. A LAKE is a large inland body of fresh water or salt water.
  • 41. A MARSH is an area of soft, wet, low lying land, with grassy vegetation, often forming a transition zone between water and land.
  • 42. A MESA is a broad, flat topped elevation with one or more cliff-like sides.
  • 43. A MORAINE is an accumulation of boulders, stones, or other debris carried and deposited by a glacier.
  • 44. A MOUNTAIN is a high, rocky land, usually with steep sides and a pointed or rounded top, higher than a hill.
  • 45. An OASIS is a fertile place in the desert where there is water and some vegetation.
  • 46. An OCEAN is the largest body of salt water; these cover ¾ (three quarters) of the earth’s surface.
  • 47. A PENINSULA is a piece of land that extends into a body of water and is surrounded on three sides by water.
  • 48. PLAINS are broad, flat or gently rolling areas; usually low in elevation.
  • 49. A PLATEAU is a flat highland area with one steep face; an elevated plain.
  • 50. A PRAIRIE is an extensive area of flat or rolling, mostly treeless grassland.
  • 51. RAPIDS are a part of a river, generally shallow, where the currents move swiftly over rocks.
  • 52. A RESERVOIR is a man-made lake that is primarily used for storing water. Based on its use, there are three types: • a valley dammed reservoir; • a bank-side reservoir (formed when water is taken from an existing stream or river) and • a service reservoir (mainly constructed to store water for later use i.e. towers, elevated structures).
  • 53. A RIVER is a large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake or other body of water.
  • 54. The SEA is a large body of water, usually salt water, partly or completely surrounded by land.
  • 55. A SEA STACK is a block of erosion-resistant rock isolated from the land by sea. A SEA STACK begin as part of a headland or sea cliff. Relentless pounding by waves erodes the softer, weaker part of a rock first, leaving harder, more resistant rock behind.
  • 56. A STEPPE is a vast grass covered plain.
  • 57. A STRAIT is a narrow channel of water joining two larger bodies of water.
  • 58. A SWAMP is an area of land that is always soaked with water; low, wet land that supports grass and trees.
  • 59. A TOMBOLO is a natural bridge that is formed when sand is deposited between the shoreline and an island.
  • 60. A VALLEY is an elongated lowland between ranges of mountains, hills or other uplands, often having a river or stream running along the bottom.
  • 61. A VOLCANO is a mountainous vent in the Earth's crust. When a volcano erupts, it spews out lava, ashes, and hot gases from deep inside the Earth.
  • 62. A WATERFALL is when a river falls off steeply; a place where running water makes a sheer drop, usually over a cliff.
  • 63. "The Angel at Gossamer Creek", painting by Amy Crehore copyright 2010, 16"x16", oil on linen